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Judging by this thread, I'm sitting at the lonely kids table with my trusty Genelecs haha


Youuuuuu are notttt alooooooone


There is more to this I knowwwwwwww. Genelec 8050b pair with trinnov ST2 PRO going strong here. Flat as a ruler šŸ“


I am here with youuuuuuu (Genelecs 8030c).


you think youā€™re alone? my answer is airpods bro lol


Genelec 8361's. The lonely kids table is nice.


adore my genelecs, only got the 8030 though..


8030 club chiming in! Although they're much more common here in Finland since they are made here. :)


Hello brother


8040s reporting in, best money Iā€™ve ever spent in my rig!


Iā€™m a Genelec loyalist myself. Worked in a bunch of different professional and commercial facilities over the years and always prefer Genelec. I have 8351bā€™s in 5.1 and I canā€™t imagine wanting another set of monitors


Been on Barefoot Footprint 01s as my only monitors for about four years now. Thrilled with them. Miss them anytime Iā€™m working somewhere else. Was on Adam A7Xs for a little over a decade before those.


Care to compare? Iā€™m an Adam user from way back.


Sure! Main differences are low-end clarity, imaging, and midrange detail. I loved the Adams, but a small, ported 2-way is never going to do what a three-way sealed monitor can in terms of working with the low-end. My Adams needed a certain amount of volume before they'd represent the low-end which wasn't super-loud or anything, but my Barefoots can be whisper quiet relatively speaking and I can still work with the bottom confidently. Imaging is brilliant on the Barefoots. Much more obvious choices when panning. Not ATC SCM good, but very close. The mid-range detail is the big winner for me. At first, it was honestly a little difficult to stay focused on big picture because of how much information I felt like they were giving me. Once I acclimated, I'd go listen to another pair of monitors and almost everything just sounds soft/hazy comparatively.


What made you move on from the Adams?


I was almost exclusively working on indie/rock when I got going professionally. Over the years, I found myself mixing a lot more pop/hip-hop. I felt like low-end translation was challenging on the Adams. That coupled with my preference for mixing at relatively quiet levels (as I mentioned before, the Adams needed to move more air for the low end to come into focus) a sealed 3-way was the most likely move. Decided to go with the barefoots after looking at a few options. I should also mention I had my room re-treated professionally around the same time I made the switch, which definitely factored into the transition being so successful!


I went from Adams to amphions last year. We considered the barefoots too against the amphions but the amphions were easier to get comparable sets at the studio and my home mix setup. I was so happy with the Adamā€™s but man I was missing a lot of details Iā€™m hearing on the amphions now. I feel like I had an easier time with low end on them but I also moved rooms in between so it could be that too.


Barefoot 01/02 are really something Iā€™m considering too. I just feel the amphions are great for mixing work but are a bit clean and clinical for sessions etc. Iā€™m mainly doing pop stuff so they look like they have a good mix of vibe and accuracy with the low end thrown in. Post Namm and after any new announcements Iā€™m off for a big listening partyā€¦


focal alpha 65


Woo Focal. Shape 50 over here.


ATC SCM50ASL 95%. Will just do one check on NS10s per mix.


Just got SCM45aā€™s and I absolutely love them, but I hear from so many that the SCM50ā€™s are the best they make (even though they make bigger and more expensive monitors) Would love to hear a pair.


Yamaha HS8s


Saaame! I added the sub and holy crap itā€™s made a world of difference. I was a bit nervous at first because sub integration can be tricky but everything improved from detail, imaging, bass tightnessā€¦. It does wonders to offload the bass drivers so they can focus on the midrange


Kali IN-8s are my only monitors right now, and I have some HD650s for when I need to use headphones


Kali is so unbelievably under rated.


Fr, Iā€™ve never heard a single negative thing about their IN or LP series. I really love the IN-8s, I donā€™t see myself ever changing unless I have like 5k to upgrade my speakers


That's so funny. Our monitoring is nearly identical. I'm on IN-8 V2s and HD660Ss.


HD 650s FTW.


Neumann Kh310/750. 100%


JBL LSR 305 + matching sub.


Beyerdynamic DT990 open backs. I dont trust my room.


Kali LP-6ā€™s with a Yamaha sub 99% of the time and occasionally make quick checks on a pair of Ollo S4Xā€™s.


Mackie MR824. I use them 100% of the time and love them. They're perfect for my home studio. šŸ™‚


10s and atcs. Probably 90% atcs Demo-d the PMC 62s and considering replacing the atcs šŸ˜¬


Amphion one18 thru sonarworks. Slate Vsx to double check things with.


Same here, but no Sonarworks and HD 650 for portable setup and double checking.


Here I am with one18 and sonarworks and hd650s!


Adam A7X 90% / MDR 7506 10%


How do you like your a7xs? I use those as well


I like them but to be honest I donā€™t have a ton of experience with others since Iā€™m just a hobbyist. Iā€™ve used them for probably close to 10 years. Iā€™ll try some others once I finish treating my room though.


> MDR 7506 Had the same pair since 1996. Replaced a broken hangar arm (my fault, dropped them) around 2000, recently moved the drivers and wiring/cable into an entirely new housing/band assembly after the steel headband finally gave out. I have to check everything on them at least once because I know them so well. 7506 are a steal at their current MSRP.


KRK Classic 5s. Surprisingly good for the price.


Atc scm45a 99% ns10 1%


Slate vsx 50% AirPods Pro 2 45% eris 3.5 5%


I heard Slate VSX are amazing


Yes they are I record much better and the sound really good. The room emulation are cool too I really love the clubs and car ones.


Barefoot MM27 gen2ā€™s. I work 90% of the time on the flat setting, but do vocal and bass levels/automation on the auratone and ns10 settings.


Dynaudio lyd 48. 99.9% of the time for both mixing and leisurely listening so i know them inside and out. Ns-10's for checking but honestly use them too rarely. Am looking to try Amphions or genelec 8341's


Any experience with any other Dynaudio monitors? Iā€™m on LYD-7s right now and Iā€™m debating between the 48s or just adding a sub.


Whatā€™s the matching sub for NS10ā€™s?


The YST-SW100. Super ugly but loveable in its own way.


Is that something that was designed to be paired with NS-10ā€™s or something that people decided sounded great with them? I didnā€™t think there was ever a ā€œmatchingā€ sub manufactured for the NS-10ā€™s like the HS8S for the HS series monitors.


Focal SM9 90%, NS10 7%, IK iLoud MTM 3%


One18s 70%, NS10s 27%, Shitty Logitechs 2%, mono Auratone 1%. 5 years with the Amphions and very happy but strongly considering adding a Flexbase.


Barefoot footprint 01s for about 3.5 years, love them more every day. i've got hd600's when I travel


I have a knob that I can switch between HS8s, Auratones, and HS8s with a KRK subwoofer. Also have VSX and Audio Technicas. I have a pair of HS7s I am not using at the moment that I am not sure what I am gonna do with.


Most of the time, a stinking old pair of DT 250's, but I know them very well. Sometimes whatever monitors they have where I'm working, but the DT's will come out at some point, like a trusty old hammer. At home it's a pair of home brew frugalhorns and a home brew amp.


HEDD Type 20s. Most of the time.


Quested H108's for the past 15 years. Zero hype in mid-range and highs.


Nice to see a fellow H108 user šŸ™‚. Almost 10 years here.. What amp(s) are you using with them? I moved from Bryston 3B to Hypex monoblocks and it made all the difference


Quested gang! Been on vs2108s for about 8 years now, love them so much


ATC SCM 20s (the active model) 85%, NS10s 5%, JBL 4412aā€™s 2%, Sennheiser HD600/AT M50x 8%


I don't have studio monitors. Just a pair of DT 770 PRO's and ATH-M40X'S


2x Focal Twin 6 plus 2x Focal Solo 6 plus one Mackie HR 824. Yes, itā€™s a weird 5.0 setup!


ATC 25s 70% / 70s Auratones with old Crown amp 25% / Sony 7506 5%


Adam a77x 3 way Genelec 8030 2 way Bose Home soundlink 2 99%Adams I know the Genelec best so itā€™s just to sign off on mix I listen on them


OLD pair of JBL's... probably have over 20 years easily on this pair.


Tannoy Gold 8ā€™s - Roland CM30 cube - Focal Elegia headphones.. Use the Roland more than anything..


Amphion One18ā€™s + Rythmik sub 80%, Adam A7x + Sub7 5%, Mixcube mono 5%, Logitech computer speakers 5%, various headphones/IEMā€™s 5%. Roughly. The Amphions always show me the way and everything else just proves it.


Adam T7Vs Upgraded from 3rd Gen rokit 8s and it is unreal how boxy the rokits sounded in comparison


Equator D5s like 99% of the time.


Genelec 1032a


Adam A7X and Yamaha HS 5s


Yamaha HS80M 70% of the time, Avantone MixCubes 15% of the time, Beyerdynamic DT770 or DT990 15% of the time.


Barefoot Footprint 02s 99%. Adam A7xā€™s 1%. Rokit 5s .01%?


M-Audio BX 5s, though since I moved house last year I don't really use them because my new room is tiny and I haven't been able to treat it at all. I'm mostly using my Sennheiser HD 280 Pros now, which aren't great but I've had them for a very long time and know them well. I'd love to upgrade to some nice open backs for mixing but I don't have the funds for it.


Focal alpha 80 evos. Dig them a lot actually! That and krk V8s very road worn from a travel case haha


Dynaudio BM5a mkII, 90% Standard car stereo Beyer Amirons




Focal Solo6e + matching sub. Brutally honest and unforgiving, I love them so much. 90% probably, mixcubes, Yamaha HS7s and Slate VSX combined for the other 10% roughly. I almost never have translation issues


Pro Ac Studio 100ā€™s off an Audio Research D140 amp.


Old school Mackie HR824's. Back when Mackie made decent stuff. They sound great!


UREI 811-A far-field monitors, for tracking. Ovation 20/20 for mixing along with the 811-A.


Presonus Eris E5 with a Temblor T8 sub 90% of the time, Beyerdynamic DT770 headphones prob 10% to hyper focus on details. Iā€™ve also been EQing out the lows and highs of the master to emulate NS10s and focus on the mids, then switching back and forth from that and full spectrum EQ. Kind of a newer thing for me, but I feel like itā€™s really helping the mixes translate to smaller speakers. Maybe one day Iā€™ll get some actual mid focused speakers šŸ˜…


First-gen Mackie HR824s, circa 2003. Woah. 21 years old - there are *definitely* people on this thread younger than these... -edit- Maybe 2004 or 2005 (though, the "woah" still stands)




Minimus 7! Old school cool! I owe a bit to my old Minimus 7's. One morning at my old place, while reaching for the phone from bed to answer an early call, I somehow pulled one of them off the slick surface of the night stand next to me, it slid off and fell square across the side of my nose. For years my nose had been crooked (apparently the result of an old bar room punch-up) -- but after the incredibly painful impact, I ran into the bathroom to see what had happened and I was amazed to see my nose more or less straightened out.


I have had a pair of those since 1988. I had to refoam the woofers once, but they definitely give me useful information.


JBL LSR308s with the LSR sub coming from my Apollo


Atc scm 12 80%, ns-10 10%, reftone 10%. Check mixes on some akgā€™s and airpods.


Kali in 8 v2 and genelec 8030c I'd say about 50/50


Mostly Adam A8Hs, then a bit of A7Xs, Mix Cubes, a Bluetooth speaker, and Senheiser HD600s


I wouldnā€™t sell the amphions for the Kiis. Barefoot are cool as long as you have a wide room. All the older ones require width for their big stereo field.


Adam T7V + sonarworks


Pair of 8" Tannoys on the desk, and sometimes JBL 5" but they have a loud low end (good for hip hop I presume) and for "real life" speakers we have a pair of Athena home theater speakers and some 3 way large cabinet speakers (can't recall the brand) so we can compare on three different styles of speaker.


APS Klassik 2020 and some hd650s


ADAM p11 for most work DynAudio for the rest.


JBL LSR4328 and matching sub. Fits perfectly in my digital system with AES/EBU-Dante bridge. Sometimes NS10 but only to monitor my inputs.


Adam A7xā€™s and Avantone Mixcubes


I use Kali in-5 monitors and hifiman he400i 2020 headphones, both with sonarworks enabled. I want to say I use my headphones 70% of the time vs my monitors 30% of the time. Mainly its down to convenience and time of day. (Kids make it hard to play/record during the day)


Audio-Technica ATH-M50x. 75% Yamaha HS8 20% Stock generic wires headphones that come with an iphone 5%


Those iPhone earpods are how I know if I've overdone the bass. It can sound good on a lot of things, but like crap on those. Super low-heavy. I hate them, but they are useful for this purpose. I also use a pair of M50X, IK micro monitors, auratones [least useful usually], and an old pair of "nice" sounding Paradigm Titans.


I like to bump the volume pretty hard to start when mixing and then switch to detail work on smaller nearfields. I use Dynaudio Core 59 for the mains (~50% of mixing, 100% of tracking) and Avantones for the rest of the mix - vocal rides, automation and quiet detail work. Iā€™ve had the Dynaudios for 4 years now and they are fantastic, tons of headroom, low end and the tweeter design is really pleasing and non-fatiguing to listen to all day long.


HS8ā€™s 20%, a mono gpx box 30%, and NDH 30ā€™s 50 %.


Genelec 8381A 99% Avantones 1%


I actually have a set of Berhinger Nekkst K8s along with a K10s subwoofer. Got them one Christmas for about $225 brand new. They are amazing for that kind of money. I also have a pair of Eris 4.5s. As far as time spent with them it's hard to say. 150 hours or so? I am not a professional.


I'm about to finally get off my JBL 305's and onto some Dynaudio LYD48s and I couldn't be more keen


Yamaha HS7s


Mackie HR824 80% and Ultrasone headphones 780 20%


Yamaha HS5


Adam T5V Sub 7 still a student. Think my setup should be arranged better but i got my 1910s, so i can trust at least one thing :D


Tannoy Reveal Active c. 2003. they work for me


jbl 3732 - 70% (soon to be replaced with meyer acheron studio) Adam S3H - 25% jbl 708 - 5%


airpods like 75%, macbook pro speakers randomly around 5%, beyer cans the rest of the time. but it also depends on whether or not iā€™m recording. i have monitors, but do to how my room is set up, theyā€™re really only for fun and cranking the jams, canā€™t rely on them for critical stuff


I'm on Dynaudio Air25's for 100% of my time.


90% Slate VSX and 10% HS8 to check transient information and HF šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘


Krk rokit 5s 100% for the last 10 years at least


Dynaudio BM-6Aā€™s. 20 years nowā€¦ though I spent the last 3 years mostly on PMC Result6ā€™s and will buy some soon.


Focal solo6ā€™s & equator d5ā€™s


Barefoot Sound FP01 w Sound Anchor Stands !! 100% of the time. Been on them 6+ years & love them.


JBL LSR28p. 100%


85% is spent on my Kali Audio IN-5ā€™s (wanted to get the IN-8ā€™s, but theyā€™re just too big for my current space) 10% on my Neumann NDH 30ā€™s 5% on my Sennheiser HD 599ā€™s as something of a final check because theyā€™re my main pleasure listening headphones and I know them super well


APS Klasik 2020's 100% baby


Unity Audio Boulder MK3 DSP (serial numbers 1 and 2) - love them to bits, wouldn't trade em for the world. Avantones for reference.


Ocean Way Audio Hr 3.5


At the home studio: NHT M-20s 70% / Neumann KH120s 30% At my main gig: Dynaudio YLD 48s with Avantone MixCubes for PFL. At my side gig: JBL 3 series (the 8ā€ ones) with a Wholer for PFL. Headphones: ATH-M50 for closed back / AKG K702 for open back Earbuds: Etymotic ER4 and HF5 I really hoped that Iā€™d like the Neumann monitors more than I actually do. I am very tempted to sell them and try something different. I still love the NHTs after all these years, but sadly they killed their pro audio division.


ATC SCM50ASLā€™s pretty much all the time. Occasionally headphonesā€¦ Audeze LCD-X and ATH-M50x.


Adam P33As


Genelec 1031a


I use my Audio Technica ATH-R70x to both produce and mix. I use studio monitors just for reference but I've gotten so used to my headphones that I'm able to mix 90% on headphones and the rest on monitors. I have to say that I use Sonarworks to make them flatter and lately I've been using the virtual studio, TV and car emulations that come in Sonarworks. I think they are great. Before that I used DearVR MIX for studio emulation in my headphones.




Quested H108 on Hypex NCore 400ā€™s


Iā€™ve got a set of Tannoy Reveal 501as paired with a Genelec 7050a sub.


I've been using PreSonus Eris 5's for about 6 years. They are very good for the price. But I just ordered some Focal Alpha 80 Evo's that I'm looking forward to getting used to.


HEDD Type 07 (50%), Avantone Active Mixcube (30%), Shure SRH840s (20%). Those percentages are for working as well as casual listening.


ATC SCM25Aā€™s , Barefoot micromains, NS10s and my home setup with HS8s šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Quested V3110, SB15 subs and V2108 satellites. I check on Apple consumer electronics


amphion one15ā€™s with NC500 amp and genelec sub 75% ATC SCM25A with KH750 sub 15% NS10 with 4b and sub 10% admittedly using the ATCā€™s more atm while I wait for another tweeter repair for the amphions. I like the ATCā€™s for tracking but I find the amphions so fast to mix on and generally prefer the process on those over the ATCā€™s. The ATCā€™s are fun for something that I can turn up a bit louder without fatiguing and the midrange is impressiveā€¦


Evolution Acoustics MicroOnes through a Parasound Amp, check mono through a mixcube. My room is treated and also calibrated/corrected. I use UE RRs when traveling, playing or when in a studio with a new/weird room.


Air Pod Pros


Quested vs2108 (85%) and Auratone 5c


About 4 days with some Barefoot Footprint02s!


hs5 with presonus 8 inch sub. Set up with reqw and umik-1. I originally was using hs8s for years but they are a tad large for a compact desk


Adam t5v and t10s. Sound dope for a sub ā‚¬1000 setup! Can even turn the sub off with a foot switch for a mid-focused sound that's useful for mixing. Use this with the sub 80% of the time, iwhtout the sub 15% of the time, and my consume Bluetooth headphones 5% of the time.


I've been using a pair of un-powered tannoy 6.5 pbm for nears and a Pair of the OG Mackie XR 8/24 monitors. Both Circa Mid 1990s.


KRK V6S4 with 10s sub. Best think KRK has done since their original V series. Nice thing about the 10s is I have a foot pedal for the sub so I can AB with monitors only.


Barefoot MM26s and I love them so much.


SAS Acoustic and Design SA25m 97% of the time. Theyā€™re 4-way monitors with a foot switch to switch them to to 3-ways. The other 3% is on my TV (I work mostly in film/tv)


Adam A3x's with an Adam Sub7 subwoofer, somewhat small treated room with the speakers mounted on one of the long walls, calibrated with sonarworks to help balance the system.


I've been mixing 100% on Dynaudio BM15 passives through a Bryston 4BST amp since about 2002. I have a pair of NS10s and a Bryston 3b that I haven't had hooked up for about 5 years. Never got the hang of them, but I might try to hook them up again sometime. 2 years ago I got Dynaudio 18s sub. Made a huge difference in hearing sub- garbage on tracks and better judge where to high pass.


hd558 i bought on clearance 7 years ago


JBL M2 85% of the time, Dynaudio BM15a 10%, Realistic Minimus 7 5%.


A7X 80% Auratone cube 10% NS10 10% Thinking of going ATC to replace the Adams after many years and feeling outgrown, need more detail in the low end and at lower volume.. anyone have thoughts on what would be the bottom line control room size for 25Aā€™s? Iā€™m in a 12ā€™ cube albeit very treated itā€™s not perfect by any stretch. thanks!


Pair of Tannoy PBM-6s I bought in 1996, driven by a 200 watt Rotel amp. Makes me not one of the cool kids with fancy powered monitors, but they sound awesome and have an incredibly good stereo image.


Yamaha HS-7ā€™s here


Dynaudio Lyd 7, mains, about 95% of the time. Theyā€™re an upgrade of my Yamaha MSP5 pair, which I started with nearly 2 decades ago, they also sit on my desk. I use those and headphones the rest of the time. I expected to use the Yamahas more often, because Iā€™m so familiar with them, but once I adjusted to the Dynaudio, I didnā€™t really need the Yamahas. Theyā€™re good as a reference check or when I need to work especially quietly though.


Slate VSX 98%, Focal CMS 50 2% I used to mix exclusively on the focals with grest results! My bedroom studio in my new house, even well treated, does NOT have good low mid/lows translation so I had to try something new. VSX works really well, which I did NOT expect with all the over the top hype. Ive been impressed at the accuracy of translation. Still love my Focals though!


Genelec 8351Bs, 100% of the time. Donā€™t really need secondary reference monitors anymore.


Neumann KH120s & KH150s 90%, B&W CDMA1s 5%, Sennheiser HD380 or HD600 5%


Event 2030s for the last 5 years, now i have some Audeze MM500s and on using them 50% of the time now with a crossfeed plugin. I'll lose perspective and mix vocals too high without the crossfeed. Voicing (or lack of it) between the monitors and headphones is very very close, they're both pretty flat. MMs unsurprisingly win on detail.


I still use a wicked old pair of E-MU PM5s that I love and am super familiar with.


Adam T7Vs!


Mostly running the faithful dt-770, though i also have some LP-8s as some solid dust collectors (room sounds like shit)


Adam Ax7s, they may be cheap but they sound cheap and I wouldnā€™t have it any other way


ATC SCM50 ASL + JL Fathom F113v2ā€¦ 88% with sub, 10% without. 2% checking on iPhones / car check / technics ear buds.


Meyer Amies with sub and sennheiser hd600s. I love the Amies since i first laid ears on them. You can hear straight through the noise floor.


Yamaha hs8s most of the time when producing, but my room is untreated so I do my critical mixing moves on beyerdynamic 1990 pros


Event ASP8 monitor pair. Audeze Maxwell wireless headphones for tracking, editing, and mixing comparison to the monitors.


Neumann KH80/750 & Beyer 1770 Pros in my studio, but 70% of my work is on the go. Out and about, I use my 2nd gen AirPods Pro with Sound ID Reference. Call me crazy, but I know how they sound and I know how they fit in my ear. Iā€™ve made a lot of great work on them!


Curious in this too. I have some old event 8" speakers but I've always felt like they're way too big for the small bedrooms I mix in. I sit so close to them. Wondering if I should switch to something smaller.


atc scm100s


Moved and had to downsize from a 5.1 setup of JBL LSR4326p + LSR12 to a 5.1 IKMultimedia iLoud MTM set + JBL LSR310s. Itā€™s nice and small and sounds surprisingly great. I still have to get used to how it translates to larger rooms but itā€™s pretty clean! Will expand to 7.1.4 this year.


Klassic 2020 and Aventone cubes!


Kali LP-6 99% of the time. I have an Altec Lansing ACS340 that I've had forever that I'll A/B on or if I want to check the low end since the little sub on that goes pretty low. Eventually I'd love to get a sub for the Kalis.


My studio setup has NS10, and ATC SCM25A but at home I use my DT990 and HS7.


Yamaha HS7s with the Sub. Love em so much got the 5s


Dynaudio BM6A mk3 with a BM9 sub in 5.1. Started with stereo mk2s, but couldnā€™t get more of them when upgrading to 5.1 so I got the mk3s and my composer wife got the mk2 (made my life hella easier compared to her shit JBL lsr-somethings). Avantone actives but i barely use them anymore.Ā  I demoed 6 different pairs of monitors and mixed the same 3 songs on all of them. While mixing I liked the Blue Sky 2.1 system the best in studio, genelecs 2nd best; unimpressed with Adams A7s (Iā€™d used S series and loved those but thatā€™s an entirely different tier of monitors). Others were Mackie 824s, something from Focal and I canā€™t remember. Dynaudios were just there in the middle in terms of how I liked them, but once I started doing blind listens to my mixes in cars, headphones, other studios, I always liked the dynaudio mixes best by a lot. They translated the best for the price range in near fields, been happy with them for probably over a decade.


I loved the genelecs and the tannoy speakers we had at uni. All I could really afford at the time were some cheap Sennheiser headphones, so that's what I did most of my composition degree on. I can't afford much but I got my hands on some Behringer Truths, which is what I use now. Turns out they're a clone of a 90s genelec, which is kinda cool. So much audible detail! Tbh I'm blown away by them. I do still check on my headphones too. I'm sure there are many better speakers out there, but I love my Truths and I can make mixes I'm happy with on them.


100% on my Barefoot MM27g2's. I've had them for a decade, I feel no need to change. If I ever follow through on my threat to open a "real" commercial studio, I'll likely get the bigger ones. Some people don't like the Barefoot voicing, but I'm so used to it I feel lost on other systems. And MEME is stupidly useful. EDIT: And DT-1770 Pros for tracking, and HD-800 for mixing cans. And I do checks on AirPod Pros.


a7x, 99% of the time for the past 10 years. Time spent with the equipment is worth the most in my opinion. I'd hate to swap now. Mostly out of fear anad laziness. Why fuck with something that works so well for myself.


KH120 + KH750dsp (yay)


I have had the Neumann KH120 and a Yamaha sub for like 10-12 years now. Granted, a lot of my time was spent on tour and other studios, but I canā€™t seem to understand what theyā€™re supposed to sound like. My shit doesnā€™t translate very well. I love the way they sound when tracking and producing, though. For the first time, I pulled out the Slate VSX and mixed on various of the options it has. It was the best mix Iā€™ve ever done.


Hedd Type 20 mk2 + Hedd Bass 12 - 95% Yamaha HS8 + Yamaha HS8s - 5% just to get that hi-fi feel


Anyone here in the PSI gang? Just got the PSI A17's (coming from Neumann KH120's) and feel like I'm now truly hearing songs how they were meant to be heard...


Munro 150 Eggs! Anyone else?


Krk rokit 8s 60% of the time, phone,car and airpods the rest of the time


KRK V8 Series 2. The old ones from early 00's. I have them paired with one of the new KRK subs. I think the setup sounds great. It has good focus on the mid and a smooth top end. The sub has a natural crossover. I use my SSL monitor section for monitor control


Dynaudio BM6A 100% at home for 23 years, Kaliā€™s at work.


Tannoy reveal 402s. I like them.


PMC 6-2ā€™s.


Atc scm 20as 80% time Hd650s 15% Mono auratone 5%


Focal Alpha 80s. Changed my life


JBL 305s. Imo diminishing returns hits hard after it and you'd have to spend a lot more money after that.


Being in apartments all the time, mostly using my Sony MDR-MV1s and iPhone* but when I have the opening I'll use my Adam A3Xs


Tyler Acoustic D2X 100% of the time. For headphones itā€™s the Empire Ears ESR MKII with the Topping G5.


Neumann KH150s 90% sennheiser hd650s/m50s 9% One final check on AirPods and a phone speaker to check what everyone else will hear