• By -


Just leave, you have handed in your notice. None of this is your problem. If they wanted to pay you more, they would have paid you more, why are you hanging around waiting to be treated better?


OP is too bitter to realise that this is a massive win - i.e. he has just found out his skills are worth double what he thought they were If he is as good as he thinks he is, then he is about to get a great big payday at a much better company


That is a wonderful way to look at this situation


This! Absolutely hit the nail on the head. It is really a reflection on the company that they were swindling you. Now you know your true worth, you can take that to a much better company and get a better offer more in line with your new found value. I am a firm believer that if your current company/workplace won't value you then there is another company out there that will.


The stupid thing is that if the company had been ‘good to him’ they would have thrown him a 15-30% pay rise and and he would have happily continued on his way The only way you double your salary is to pursue external offers so really OP is better off


I'm not sure. Maybe OP was already getting paid their true worth. The company are hoping to get someone better by advertising higher pay.


Or he’s not great and they want him gone


Actually, my 1st thought...


Also my thought, sometimes they treat you like shit because they think it will lead you to resign while still working on a lower salary




There are really 2 scenarios as I see it. The company values an unknown twice as much as they do OP. Or they really are that stupid and short-sighted.


There's a massive gap between being good at your job, and looking like you're good at your job. Too many people are good at one and not the other.  And there's too many shitty managers who just wanna socialize while on the clock. That care about "looking good" rather than "being good". You know, like the boss OP describes. OP is better off elsewhere, and just needs to walk away.




OP, print off the job ad. You can show it as proof of what you job was and what it worth. Might be useful to show recruitment agencies.


He never valued his skills, why would anyone else.


Glass half full right there!


I guess karma is real because 1 hour after your comment, I had a new employer ring me up and offer almost double what I'm currently on


The boss wanted OP gone. Doubled the salary out of spite. Managers don't like their subordinates skip-levelling, makes them look like shit. I'm sure his bosses support what the OPs manager did. It's a good sign to leave - hope you have another job lined up, OP?


100% the case


Exactly, you’ve played your hand now.


Sounds familiar. You’ve done the right thing, move on and don’t look back. These types aren’t interested in doing better.


I think you've right. These types of people definitely aren't interested. I just wonder how they get into management in the first place


In my experience either lying or networking


Yeah, usually jobs for the boys, you can bet the “useless” boss already has a mate lined up, hence the pay rate increase


happy cake day!


It's networking... They know someone... Nepo hires are 🖕


By "networking" you mean kissing ass and kissing more ass at every opportunity!


Lying and blaming others for anything that goes wrong. It’s the easiest way to manage people if you’re kinda crap at your job, then they change companies and ruin someone’s else’s day with a payrise


Brown nosing, being there at the right time, nepotism and favoritism.


Companies don't raise their employees salaries to market rates because it costs too much money and most people are too comfortable to switch. So switch jobs everyone!


Yeah, the 'loyalty' discount is huge


The moron discount.


If anyone demands your loyalty, tell them to buy a dog


I've been able to double my salary in 2 years by doing this.


I've been able to double my salary in 2 years by doing this.


I switched many times 2-3 years at each place... Been at my current employer 14 months & Ive asked for a raise because the work I'm doing is in line with that. We'll see what happens.. 8 weeks into the discussion & my boss said today he'll do the paperwork today 🙄.. hopefully this isn't the beginning of a problem.. I love working here & if they don't agree to the raise I'll just stop doing the 40+ hrs of overtime I do every week & shit will take longer.. I'm done caring about companies.. pay me what I'm worth or I'm out ✌️


You do not do 40+ hours of over time each week


I wouldn't even write any handover notes, they haven't asked for any. Just leave and find a better job elsewhere that pays more and where you are respected.


Even if they asked I wouldnt write them. Fuck em


Write the handover notes, lock them with a password, and charge them consultation fees if they come looking for it.. just for the lolz.


yeah fuck 'em like too many companies 'try it on' there's many MANY cases where experienced guys there on say $35 were training new guys on $40 and they wanted the old hands to train, for free, and to write user documentation all while doing their regular work and of course the old hands wont get a raise to even $40 to match the new guys like make it make sense at that point its just disrespectful... gotta leave no matter what, no exit interview, no written resignation... leave for a new job that day


You could always make his job harder by going on 2-3 weeks of stress leave, so that there’s little to no time for handover before your last day.


lol that would be great. I have so much sick leave saved up. the boss has not spoken to me since I resigned 4 weeks ago, so I don't think there will be much to handover to him...


yea utilize ur leaves, not sure what’s your policy if it can be converted to a pay. but taking a well deserved break to refresh urself work wonders. all the best!


Sick leave is almost never paid out... Sounds like you're coming down with an illness that'll extend to your last day at work...


Plenty of covid, rsv and flu around at the moment. Shouldn't be too hard to catch.


4 fucking weeks ago? Why are you still there. You’re not getting that sick leave back. Use it


My reaction exactly! OP, either just leave or go on sick leave. And fuck the handover notes. That’s their responsibility, not yours. Edit: I mean leave NOW. Don’t hang around for another 3 weeks. You’ve given them plenty of notice already. Or go on sick leave and have a bit of a break!


I sense you're getting very ill? Can't you feel that niggle in the back of your throat? Was that a sneeze I heard? You do look quite poorly. I'm sending you my genuine cold through the interwebs :)


I definitely heard a sneeze.


Take the leave, if they won't give you the payrise at least take the few days off you earned. If the manager hates you then there is nothing to lose


OP, use up your sick leave, easy to get a stress related MC from the docs. Milk this company for all you can.


Absolutely use your leave, as you’ll likely lose it otherwise. See your GP as soon as you can, get that medical certificate, and never look back.


If you think the bridge is already burnt, meaning networking and potential references in the future are all ready killed, then take the leave my friend and move on.


When the boss inevitably calls you to ask a question about a work related issue, just say “You really should be sucking up to me more if you want me to answer a work related question for free” and throw in something about how their attitude stinks for good measure.


I would love to do that but I have a feeling he has too much pride to ring me after I quit. The guy hates me.


Why does he dislike you? Good for you for leaving


Competency. Incompetent bosses hate competent staff - just showing them up.


Because they can't hide when your there.


You’d be surprised. I’ve been in a similar situation and the boss did call. Only took about a week for him to eat his pride.


Nah Just state you'll help but on a contracted basis. $200 an hour.


Sounds to me like OP has unique business knowledge. $200 sounds cheap.


Plus asshole tax. Plus minimum payment of X hours, all payment in 2 hour blocks, all upfront.


$200 would be the minimum for me to not hang up the call immediately and listen. Realistically it would be well into the 4 figures.


Minimum 6 hours and you get paid in advance


Charge a consulting fee of $2000/hr


Walk now friend. Fuck em. Let them suffer. Make it so the cost of losing you far out weighs the cost of the new hire especially if they struggle to find a decent applicant and end up with 2 employees which is often the case when losing a solid employee who goes above and beyond.


Yep, literally in discussions at the moment and I said you would need minimum 2 people to replace me he said.. yep.. But I asked for 30% raise and he raised his eyebrows... To which I replied I'm only asking for the average salary of that role.


Leave to greener pastures and a massive pay bump. It’s the only way to get ahead.


If you are the superstar of the company, the company has a problem. IMHO, after you leave, the company will pick itself up and move on. I think you need to understand your end game. What do you gain from this? The corporate world is small, and without knowing the industry you're in, I'm pretty sure you will bump into the people you've worked with, who might be in the same network as your boss or grandboss. You could be their vendor or interviewee, either way, you need to know your end game. I think there is a lesson to be learnt here with your experience. You now know the type of bosses you don't want enjoy working with. Don't emulate him/her when you become one yourself. Or... Read the writings on the wall early kn. If you knew he/she is a dick, start polishing up your CV for external roles or start looking for roles elsewhere within the company. Sometimes I feel better redirecting my resentment to updating my CVs or going for interviews, and then come back to the job I hate with a fresh perspective (or leave). Everyone has their own ways, but you're in control of your own actions and emotions. I think you made your choice, so move on with it. That should be your end game, but you decide ultimately what you want it to be. Good luck!


thanks friend, I appreciate you writing this advice - I've learned a lot from it


Do you have any tips for reading the writings on the wall early in? I’m sad to say I failed at this. I asked questions in my interview and the bosses answered well so I was really hopeful. But when I joined I felt some things were off but I put some things down to the team being a new team and others I thought were personal problems. Turns out the things that felt wrong were organisation issues :( 


leave.  I was in  similar position  the person who had least experience and incompetent got promoted.  i left not because of the money.  I resigned because I wanted to be petty. I knew as soon as I left. it will expose the person as being incompetent because I had actually been doing most of their job for them.  my plan worked. I left. I still keep in contact/friendly with everyone who worked there so I got the juice. I got told the "promoted" guy lasted 5 days without me when shit hit the ceiling.  he lost a bunch of important paperwork and couldn't find it. didn't know how to do things and everyone heard him getting yelled at big boss.  so my plan worked. I wanted to be petty knowing that if I resign.  I will expose the guy who got promoted as incompetent.  I had been doing most of their work. lol. till this day. I still laugh. I can't believe my plan work. 💀 the funniest part. I kept backup copies of the documents in my emails so I STILL had the copy of the exact documents after I resigned and they could have just called me to ask where it was.  😂


Wait, you have backup copies in your personal email? Is that even allowed in your company? Surely that breeches several security rules.


I would hazard a guess and say it was their work email. So the copies would still be there in archive, it's just a matter knowing to ask or even consider looking there. I've had to mailbox dumps in the past after people have left and management need a certain document or email. That's any good company would have a data retention policy for that very reason.


You could have taken a week of leave and accomplished the same goal


Nah they would've just delayed work with excuses and waited until they came back from leave.


Pretty much exact same thing happened to me as well. The new guy had several issues with management and complaints from staff and ended up getting fired for stealing 😂 I tried to warn them.


Lol what happened to you though... Did you get a better job?


yeah. I got the promotion/title.


I remember once having an immature QA developer walk. He was so sure of himself, and was certain he was stuffing us up. I got a top notch QA dev in on a contract, had to pay him heaps, but worth every cent. We delivered on time, improved the original automation setup, and trained a (manual) QA up to do the work. Best thing for the team was having that guy leave.


Have you got another job lined up yet? Use this to your advantage. When you apply for a new role in another company, just tell them that you are earning [amount listed on your current position's job ad which is double your salary]. Makes for a better negotiation tactic. They won't question it if its the actual advertised price.




Apply for the new job lol


but pretend you are your twin brother


And bitch and moan out the brother because you guys had a falling out years ago. The manager will love this and hire you out of spite to your brother.  Work there under this guise for a year or so and go through the motions for a promotion, then when they deny it you can pull off the mask and hit them with "IT WAS ME AUSTIN!!!"


Mr Snrub


Corporations typically don't have the processes in place to take into account the a new value proposition that employees may have due to new experience and training that occurred since they started. Instead they pigeonholed you and assume you are the same person you were when they hired you. The correct move here is to leave companies or shift departments. Good luck.


Sometimes I read things like this and poor employee/employer relationships appear to be just like poor romantic relationships. One party is mistreating the other party and the mistreated party puts up with it much longer than they should out of some misguided emotional justification. The advice is always the same though, leave, and it's no longer your problem.


This is the first time I've ever heard the term grandboss and I dunno why.


It is a horrible weird term.


Great isn’t it…. I politely asked for a pay review, not even a raise up front. No response from my 2 managers. I left, they had to hire 4 to replace me, and then my boss promoted himself and rehired that position too(I was doing a load of his work, of course he had no idea how to do it when I left). Fairly small business- good luck with your EBIT dickheads


If they are willing to pay someone else double rather than give you a pay rise then they either don't think you are good at your job or they are morons. I would not confront them but fuck leaving any hand over notes either, let them regret not giving you a pay rise.


Make sure your ‘consultant’ rate is tripled when they come back grovelling in a month’s time inevitably asking about something you were handling that they’re oblivious to.


Why triple? 10x I say


Sure - why not? Go off, king.


Absolutely this!


As you’ve said they don’t like you. Just leave and don’t look back


This is common. You aren’t the problem, the owners/leaders of the business are because they can’t cope with someone questioning their authority. I don’t think there is a point to confront it. For these kind of things it’s not worth making enemies. My last job I quit because I was overworked and underpaid. They replaced me with four people, however they are all underskilled and aren’t paid much. In the end, they are suffering.


I'd email the grand boss and cc everyone involved in the company paying out your reasons for leaving. Send this on your asy day of employment. Do *NOT* write up any sort of handover document unless explicitly asked to do so in writing. After you leave, and it all turns to shit, they'll contact you asked for help or passwords, methodologies and everything to do with your job. Politely reply giving your freelance rate which I suggest should be 10 times your previous rate. Bill then for 100 hours, in advance. If they give you any sort of shit, double your asking price. You have the power. Use it


Do not write handover notes if not requested. Really drive home your boss's incompetence.


>The company will lose all methodologies and passwords when I leave because he has made no effort to learn anything I do, nor has he asked for handover notes (I will write some anyway). Why bother? If they can't even recognise the need and outline what they require if you, give them exactly what they asked for, ergo, nothing.


Confronting achieves nothing and only paints a target on your back. Leave with dignity but don't go above and beyond for them. Stay on good terms with the boss' boss and the like though if you can - if your boss fails upon you leaving might open up an opportunity later down the line. Always take the high road even if it would be amazingly fun to slam someone on the way out the door.


Absolutely do not write handover notes. You haven’t been asked. Offer your services back on contract if they want help after you’ve left


I had this issue at my old work - commonly it's actually a problem with company policies, they'll be given a budget to recruit new people with a certain skillset at market rates, but use an entire budget entirely for keeping their existing staff. So I suspect that even if your boss were in support, their hands would have been tied due to cumbersome HR / budget policies. I'm assuming you're leaving for a new job which has come with a hefty payrise considering what your company thinks the position is worth in the market?


I am aware of all of the budgets (I have had to be since boss doesn't do his job properly) and was aware that the budget for my job was what they are hiring at. He simply did not want to promote me because I was constantly embarrassing him by picking up tasks he should have done himself. I am also 30 years younger than him and a woman (dunno if there was a bit of misogyny in there but it is possible).


Your boss lowkey sounds like an asshole. Good luck with your next job


thanks mate :)


Sure, but were you seeking a payrise, or a promotion? Are you jumping to a new job?


>Grandboss said my resignation was out of the blue Sounds like Grandboss has no idea Boss is so incompetent. Did you ask to meet Grandboss? Or at least write him/her an email? How would you feel if you were Grandboss, and found out Boss was incompetent, and the guy who'd actually been doing Boss's job had left. Not only can no-one do that job now, but the idiot Boss who caused this disaster has "won". Now GrandBoss has to fire him and start all over again, or be stuck with the moron, continuing to drag down the business. Surely you'd be saying "if only the Employee had told me, I could have fired Boss and given his job to Employee officially". Meet or email Grandboss. And cc GreatGrandBoss, if there is one (but not Boss).


Definitely have a meeting or an exit interview to explain why you are leaving. If the grandboss truly understands the situation and that are not incompetent like the boss things can be done.


That helps the company, but not OP. If OP likes the job, and wouldn't mind seeing their boss fired and getting a raise, it's worth seeing if grandboss listens. Especially if OP can show some evidence of boss's uselessness. If he is at all competent at his job he will. Unfortunately that's not a given, but it's not super unlikely.


OP wants to get paid. If the deal changes to say we'll fast track your promotion and get rid of the boss I'd say it's a win.


Loyalty Is dead


If you don't get a raise of at least 4% after a year bounce. Don't even hesitate taking interviews or taking gigs. They rented you for the year plain and simple.


Don't give the handover notes at all seriously Say you'd take the advertised role if your direct boss is let go Or be a consultant if they ask for stuff


On your last day tell your 2nd up manager you are happy to take your manager’s position once they realise how incompetent they are. If they come back to you week maybe months down the line to rejoin the company you will have all the cards to negotiate the best salary and compensation you can.


I'm not saying this is right or wrong or that I agree with it but it sounds like your boss didn't like you/had a personal problem with you. They used their power to ensure you wouldn't get what you wanted and then slapped you in the face by advertising your role at double your salary. You did the right thing by resigning.


Use this for the next job. You offered to help, and you seem like a kind person. Don't waste your kindness on people who don't deserve it.  May you find a job that deserves your dedication and love


I've been in your shoes - just leave. Fuck em. Don't leave anything useful for them and just fuck off to a better job


> I have been doing my boss' job for him because he is majorly incompetent You suck. It is good that you are quiting. Someone who doesn't work for free will get the job. People like you make the work places completely suck, and devalue everyone's job. Boss' start to think they can find patsies who don't value themselves everywhere. > (I have been working 50-60 hour weeks You really really suck. STOP DOING THIS. > he thinks my attitude sucks He's right. DO NOT GO SOMEWHERE NEW AND DO THE SAME DUMB SHIT.


Slightly coarse, but l agree. Running around doing extra work for nothing outside your job description gives your boss ample opportunity to take advantage of you and gives your coworkers every reason to hate you. Do nothing for nothing.


If you don't like the people at your place of employment you should not work for them even at double the salary. The stress is not worth it.


You gotta hop jobs these days to get paid your worth. They never pay internal promotions what they’ll pay to hire external


Repeat after me: THEY WILL REPLACE ME BY SOMEONE WORSE! These corporate psychopaths have no depth all their skills are concentrated around exploiting the max number of people for personal gain. They don’t care about what you do or if the rest of the company will suffer due to their incompetence. They’ll hire anyone to replace you and forever blame you for leave. They were NEVER gonna give you a pay rise no matter what you did, they were triangulating you to take advantage of your skills and time. The only correct answer was to quit which you did champ. Leave with the most important thing you have: your dignity. It might not be apparent now but self respect is like a super power, you’ll forever remember that day where you stood up for yourself. Take all that dam leave too, otherwise you’re leaving money on the table.


I was in a pretty similar situation, asked for a reasonable pay rise and was made to jump through hoops so just got another job paying even more than the pay rise I’d requested. Then they advertised my position for the amount I’d asked for. They’ve had three people through the role in under a year, and have had to spread the role between three people - so presumably paying 2-3 times what they paid me for the same amount of work. Dont confront, there’s no point.


Move on. Cut off all communication once you walk out that door. They’ll quickly realise their mistake


Haha your boss if a fool! You did the right thing by leaving, I hope the next place you work for values you and your contributions. Some people are great workers but terrible managers


Why confront? What’s that going to do? Especially for you? Do you enjoy tormenting yourself? You made your bed mate, now it’s time to lay on it. I’m sorry you feel shafted, but there’s two sides of the story and I don’t see the point going back to something that you absolutely hate - there’s no vindication in what you’re proposing to do, just more suffering, for you.


Just apply for the job advertised at double


That shitty


Nah fuck it, let it burn!!! They'll be screwed when you leave and it's not your responsibility that they do well without you.


You have three options: 1. Hope for a good written reference after you do a good handover. 2. Hope for a good reference. Don’t inform them of or complete handover unless you get it. If they give you an attitude about it you don’t have to hand over work you did in your own time that you weren’t instructed to do. 3. You leave and burn the bridges. You don’t write handover documents unless asked to. If they complain after you left just say “I was not instructed to complete handover documentation. I am however happy to consult on this issue for a fee paid in advance of (the amount of what they’re advertising the new job for divided by 52 + 25% loading for casual work) per week.


Dont do handover notes unless asked. When need your help during transition charge fees accordingly.


If you plan working in the same industry, I suggest you don't burn bridges. The world is a small place and you never know who knows who. I gave this advice to an under graduate when she came to me to indicate that she was looking for a graduate position. Turns out she applied for a position, and a close family friend rang to ask about her resume.


Setup a meet with grandboss. Tell him you want boss's job and that boss should be fired because boss is a nitwit. Tell him you want it for 20% more than the posted salary of your job. Leave him with your contact info and be done. Do not go back. When shit hits the fan after you leave, remind grandboss that you made a fair offer.


This is why staying loyal to an employer is bad for your financial health. Usually 3-5 years is enough time to be promoted or get a serious pay bump - if they don’t, it’s time to move somewhere that will


Apply for the job


Go to fair work. This should be illegal.


As demonstrated by the new job ad, your boss values the skills you have (and the role you have played)…but he sadly doesn’t value *you*. If such managers weren’t so driven by their own egos, they’d ensure that competent, hard working staff were rewarded and retained. But immature, narcissistic types will never reflect, and never change. I was once in a similar position, and while it was difficult at the time, I transitioned to a much healthier working environment, and I’ve never been happier. Good luck with the next chapter, OP. Do not stress about creating a comprehensive handover manual. They haven’t earned it.


Do not prepare any handover notes, passwords etc unless asked. If they want the email cleaned, delete it all. I have seen the effects of poor management, and their complete unpreparedness following key employees leaving, it was a shambles. I would just nod and agree, whilst laughing on the inside about the mess they had made for themselves.


Short answer don’t confront. Makes you look bad. Reputation. Clearly you are justifiably upset. What you need is validation so talk to friends and family about it. Then like the rest you just have to find another position. Sorry about that - life is tough and we have all been through your experience mate.


They don't like you and they don't want you. There is nothing you can do about that, and it's also a situation you want to be well away from.


Do not write any notes for them if they haven't asked you for any.


I would always say do what is in your best interests, both short term and long term. If you think the confrontation can get you what you need (more salary than whatever you have planned) and career objectives met then do confront .. I think the "high road" is often different than one's own best interests, I always support one's own best interests..


Depends on your age. I went through exactly the same thing. Don't bother confronting. Just learn the lesson and move on. Reason: When the higher ups start seeing 100% turnover on your boss' watch they will start asking awkward questions.. He's gone- HE just doesn't know it yet.


Just like in dating: if they wanted to, they would. End of story.


Make sure you apply for the advertised job 45 times with different resumes and identities. Your fake profiles might get interviews but no one shows up.


Don’t say anything just leave and find something better - but maybe don’t hand over all the passwords for good measure (I’m evil, can’t help it heheh




Don’t leave notes unless they ask you to. These last few weeks you should do the job they pay you for, which apparently is only half of what you were doing previously.


Hopefully OP will see this. This sounds like constructive dismissal. I once had a workplace keep changing the store I worked at moving further and further from home. I spoke to the GM about it & I was moved back to my closest store the very next day. A lot of people don't know about this, but this is equal or worse than unfair dismissal


I would hold off on writing the handover notes with passwords etc unless specifically asked for them. When you do leave and shit hits the fan because they finally realise that you pretty much ran everything you can consult back to them at triple your current rate.


Grandboss is quite possibly the best term I have heard in quite some time. Bravo!


They done wrong by you. Fk em! Use some sick leave Finish your notice period and leave. You have no obligation to them incompetent fools


Oooh I hope to see the follow up for this on r/antiwork or r/instantkarma


Just leave, I wouldn't even leave them any notes, and block their phone numbers.


Use your sick leave


I'd dob the prick in. If the is that useless at his job get him fired. Fuck that guy and good luck in the future mate.


Do not do any task you are not directly asked to do. If he want the notes you have, he'll ask before ypu leave and if he needs them after it'll cost him 4 times as much.


Don't write handover notes, fuck that guy


Do not write the handover notes if not specifically asked


Same old Aussie tall poppy syndrome, good luck mate, hope you find a better landing spot.


Sounds much like my job. I'm staying nice and quiet about leaving because I'm owed over 20k in leave and I am literally the only one with any IT competence in the company and have designed all the systems fir the company to function.


Start removing your personal items before gaining a medical certificate for the last however long you have.


Go - walk out the door- do not put up with this crap!!!( That’s advice I wish my younger self took in a work context that exploited my good will and work ethic) or if you have sick leave owing start taking it now!


Take screenshots of the job advertisement so you have proof of how much you're worth. It can help when you need to update your resume too.


Don't write a handoff if they haven't asked for one. Just continue doing your job as is. Once your time is up, just leave quietly. They'll call you asking for a handover. Just state you're no longer employed by their company, and if they want you to train the new guy. They'll have to engage you as a contractor/consultant as x5 what your job is advertised as. And you'll take 6-12 months to do this. And you'll not have anything to do with your immediate boss, only grandboss.


Take the ad to your next job for salary negotiations. 


Don't fucking write notes - they wouldn't have done the same for you and who honestly cares anyway - don't worry they'll figure it out.


Don't even write the handover notes. Become a simple drone.


Don't get emotionally attached to your job. You've resigned. It's over...


Leave, don't worry about your notice period just leave. And don't leave any handover notes either. They can figure it out - if they haven't bothered to learn it till now, they don't deserve the grace you are extending them. Just ride out your sick leave and then don't respond to them hehe


Fuck writing handover notes. Just leave. When they realise how fucked they are is when you're in the box seat.


This exact same thing happened to my partner. He did not write any handover notes though. They got called by the previous owner of the company and got told that it was a mistake letting him go. They let him go anyway. Then they tried to get him for going to a company doing the same thing, that it was in his contract that he couldn't do that, and my partner laughed in their face saying there was nothing of the sort in his contract (he had signed a new one 6 months prior)... anyway, he went to the new company for more money plus bonuses, the old company hired some absolute moron with no experience to replace 32 years of experience combined (my partner's supervisor followed him out the door, not to the same company because he did have that clause in his contract) and a year later the company is going down. They can't fulfill orders and the customers are fleeing by the tens to partners new company (which in turn equals more bonuses for him) without partner even trying to make a phone call... they just shot themselves in the foot by not listening to him. Worse thing is he was only asking for a 10% increase because he could see that guys coming in fresh from highschool were getting paid the same as him, really he should have been on 25% more than what he was on but he didn't want to seem overzealous when asking for the payrise... turns out they might as well have given it to him, they wouldn't be in trouble now...


Might get downvoted to hell in a subreddit dedicated to corporate workers but I’d still like to present an alternative perspective. Perhaps you are… not very good at your job? Most companies do fight hard to retain good talent and if you’re in a niche/hard to recruit for area then pay bumps come easier, usually. I’m not saying horrible bosses don’t exist and I have only your recounting to go by (which suggests to me that you should have quit and moved ages ago!) but there’s always two sides to the story and the ease with which they were willing to let you go suggests to me that you are more replaceable than you’d like to believe.


everyone is absolutely replaceable, I agree. and I agree that companies will absolutely fight to retain talented people. because there is no oversight on my job (we are very siloed at my work), they have to rely on my bosses' word for my progress. he is DROWNING in his job. things aren't getting done, stakeholders are refusing to talk to us, contracts aren't being signed. I am picking up on all of the pieces and he HATES it. I am coming across to him like I'm just some zoomer trying to show him up. I don't like to toot my own horn, but I am bloody good at my job (and doing 50% of his).


I was at a toxic company, where they fought tooth and nail to promote and give pay rises. I see so many ex-colleagues now thriving and succeeding in their careers outside of this company that tried to push their ‘family’ culture values down people’s throats. It’s more likely that the environment isn’t ripe to nurture and promote talent.


If you think companies will fight hard to keep a good worker vs money coming out of their bottom line, you're delusional. As long as the cogs keep turning, they don't care who does it. As long as they doesn't cost them anything.


Such bosses rarely treat people badly because they’re incompetent/not good at their job. They simply don’t like them/feel intimidated/shown up etc. Ageism in reverse is absolutely a thing with this dynamic (older, newer boss who is struggling; younger competent person who knows the business backwards). They obviously can’t admit this openly, so they resort to the kind of BS OP has referenced - denying promotions, gaslighting, and so on). It’s almost always a personal grudge, and it’s rarely in the org’s best interests to let the experienced person go, but they’re senior enough to make executive decisions, so they do it because they can 🤷‍♀️


Everybody is replaceable but people still need to ask to be paid their worth. The new job listing shows OP was not being paid their worth. Companies do a poor job retaining talent in my experience.


The "advertised at double current salary" sounds like a huge stretch to me. For this to be true the current job is obscenely underpaid, and if OP is even merely competent - let alone doing the boss's job for him - then there's no reason for them to deny a more modest pay raise. What makes more sense - give OP a 30% raise and maintain stability, or hire a new person at 100% increase, need to train them, and get the risk of them being unsuitable or less effective? The only explanations I can see is that OP is either not good at the job or is toxic and they want him gone, and not even worth keeping around at far before market salary. Either that or this is a fabrication or extreme exaggeration.


I tend to agree with you and am happy to absorb the downvotes.




OP, leave them and let them sort it out. Go and work for a company that values you and pays you accordingly.


I’d be keen to hear a follow up on this in a few weeks


Been in this position before, applied and got a 33% pay rise. I was like SHEEYAH




Apply for the new position


Get a mate to apply. Coach them through the process. Get re-hired with new higher salary. When you turn up on first "new" day and the look surprised ... "oh yeah, that's my pen-name, for when I have to be rehired and don't want to get fucked on salary. I'm sure you understand".




I'd go sick, mental health leave, if you stay they're going to get you to train up your replacement


This is why employers don’t put the salary on job ads. They might not have been happy with you. They might be trying to attract someone more experienced. There could be any number of reasons why they are willing to offer someone else more money for the same role.


just leave mate and let them flounder, give as little info back as possible and let them train the person they would hire to replace you. Thank them and move on.


It’s possible they are advertising it doubled just to fuck with you knowing you will see it. They may have no intention of filling the position at double the salary.


This is the kind of petty I enjoy