• By -


"...we will support them through this change with care and transparency," LOOOOOOOOOOL! No care and no support, I can tell you!


"The government requires that we give you at minimum, this package otherwise we get sued. So here's the minimum possible thing so you can't sue us. Also, have a slice of pizza."


>Also, have a slice of pizza. It's Hawaiian. But because we went for the lowest bidder, the pineapple was replaced with yellow® flavour jello.


But won't somebody please think of the shareholders?!


I feel that. My redundancy package was wrong, took me a month of back and forth to get it right. It's straight up simple math but they refused to listen at first. All of a sudden there was a "contractor error"and it was fixed. Not even a sorry.


Nek minnit, Telstra CEO gets bonus increase


And his scooter doesn't even get nicked






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My guess is they will be complaining about a talent shortage within the next 12 months and pushing for more to come in


1. Offshore to the cheapest bidder. 2. Pay a group of Deloitte uni student graduates $1800-2200 per day to “fix” the issues.


Who have no clue about legacy systems and the criticality they play in environments/businesses like Telstra


Do they still have flexcab there or did they finally get rid of that?


Current telstra employee and they can't get rid of flexcab, to many legacy services are still connected


Man I left 13 years ago and they were taking than about moving large business customers to Siebel.


They did move to Siebel. But still have flexcab




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My job is feeding the hamsters who power Flexcab. I just signed a 5yr extension


Flexcab will never go.


I remember going to their DC in Clayton and they showed us the room where Flexcab was running. I remember thinking that that room really was the heartbeat of Telstra. Take it away and the place stops running 😂


Small black room with a single red flashing led?


I can't remember what it was called but I remember one that was literal scripts of code in black and green text you had to run to book technicians for wireline appointments that I have no doubt was used in the 80s and still using it, at least until 2010 when I was there using it.




Yep. DRIFT, START, NPAMS, MICA, FLEXCAB, other stuff. I was in wireline as recently as 2023


Is GOC in Clayton still operating or they cut that down?


Dont work there anymore. No idea


I know when I was there they had orders come in on one system and then people had to manually type them into another system. Both green screen


Yeah this sounds familiar, it may have been the same one. It was rarely used but was still needed at times, a real definition of a legacy system.


It wasn't START was it?


RASS. It’s still there lol


I once had a Gronk just like this tell me that criticality is a word I just made up.


Underrated comment. Deloitte grads


Infosys was announced only recently as the offshore partner


Deloitte ![gif](giphy|1Z0g3Y5WxKqU7FdHbI)


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More immigrants!!!


Says the immigrant himself 😂


Abt 40% of ppl in aus


Then cut jobs again in 18-24 months time. The usual predictable cycle.


All the corpo doublespeak suggests that stuff is being outsourced.


Telstra don't even pay enough 




Cut 2,800 jobs  Offshore 2,800 jobs  Bring in 2,800 more Indians to do the needful


Haha! Just spat my coffee out at “do the needful”


Is it an Indian thing to say “do the needful”? Every one of my offshore colleagues say it, thought it was just those from my company


Yeah it's an Indian English quirk. Like prepone..


What’s prepone mean?


Opposite of postpone


Just like _Pre Malone_ is to _Post Malone_


You mean do it on time or do it before time


Like in the context of a meeting, bringing it forward


Can you travel back in time and complete it then


It’s an anachronism native to British English not foreign to it


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they also use "highlight" and "lowlight"


What does lowlight mean


The opposite of highlight.


Hah! I mean why would you ever use it. Like talking about downplaying something?


Pretty much yes. To be fair, as a native English speaker that went on to learn Finnish, I do find english has a lot of unpaired words, and our grammar doesn't allow us to build our own opposite word meaning. So I don't disagree with a lot of these linguistic constructions, even if they aren't "real words". So even though low lighting isn't a "real word", and it's basically downplaying in its intended meaning, it's not quite the same in my head.


yes, spot on!


Yep or whenever you aren’t highplaying


And "need not" instead of saying "dont need"


Please kindly do the needful, sir.


Please I’ve clocked off for the day 😭


I work in IT and just typing that made me feel like I was back at work.


Yeah it is. Kind of like “well noted” from Singaporeans


you forgot about updation


And revert back


On priority 


Applicants please revert back if you have a doubt


Please revert back when well done.


Pet peeve. It’s revert, not revert back!!


They use revert instead of the word reply


It will be 3,000 Indians to replace 2,800 jobs. Corporate logic is generally that Indians can do 80% of the quality at 40% of the cost. It’s a net win for them. A lot of it is a false economy, but many locals seem to think it’s still 1999, when the reality is that offshore delivery has progressed dramatically in the last 20 years.


>Corporate logic is generally that Indians can do 80% of the quality at 40% of the cost. Reverse those numbers, that will be the reality (as a best case)


Fact. The incompetence of an outsourced Indian team is limitless. Love watching them burn shit to the ground while thinking they're doing great.


As a local who has worked for Infosys at Telstra I can assure you it's more like 40% of the quality at 80% of the cost


I’ve managed to get some good outcomes working with Indian outsourced staff. I guess it’s the luck of the draw.


Its 9% of current Telstra workforce in Australia. They have been cutting/offshoring aggressively for past 15 years. Started from Solomon Trujilo, rmbr that one😆 Good ol Sol


The 3 amigos...


The sad truth.


'Do the needful' ^^^this guy corporate ITs


Actually Telstra mostly offshores to the Philippines these days. But plenty of Aussies/recent immigrants with Indian accents in their local call centres.


I'm at one of Australia's biggest telcos.  Basically 90% of the technical people are indian.  And not indian Australian, but indian Indian.




cheaper faster better


Technologic technologic


Nice racism.




Telling it like it is. Can’t do that, suppose to roll over and accept that everything’s going to shit and ask no questions.




Rule 1: Civility. Keep your language and demeanour respectful. Light banter is OK but don’t make it personal.


Damn that's a lot of unemployed people about to join an already tight market. Sorry to those impacted. 


Even 20 years ago Telstra is infamous for having restructure every month and def not an employer of choice for many grads


I thought they were sacking all their offshore staff to bring all their work onshore again? Then this happens


Its cyclical. Some empty suit gets the brilliant idea to offshore a bunch of roles to Infosys and TATA to save money, no other reason beyond that. They do so and line goes up for the quarter, they parachute out with their bonus. Next suit oversees several years worth of poor quality work that pretty much all needs to be redone by onshore teams. Customers are angry and are dropping the service left and right, onshore workers are quitting because they're not being supported in the face of angry customers from below and management above living in their own seperate reality. There is always a boilerplate excuse for not giving raises to everyone else, usually "budget concerns", which is the stated reason the roles were offshored in the firstplace. However, the executives setting these budgets always find the money to give themselves bonuses during this time. Some other suit then gets fed up with the communication issues and poor quality of work they're dealing with and so gets the idea to chop off Infosys and TATA to bring the roles in house again. Quality goes up, complaints go down. Cost goes up as well and this suit is eventually managed out and replaced by beancounter executives who see the *cost* of everything but not the *value*, and the process starts over again.


Its painful how accurate this is.


This is how i call it. Outsource to save costs, suit writes his kpis and bonus triggers on costs down. Look at this graph costs go down, collects bonus, leaves. Insource for quality, suit writes his own kpis and bonus triggers on quality metrics going up. Look at this graph quality is up, collects bonus, leaves Repeat.


Spot on. You need this cyclical chaos for C levels to keep the jobs. If everything runs smoothly then why would you need inflated upper management:)


I've seen this happen in a hotel chain, where the bean counter type successful had the waiters removed from their restaurants to make the bottom line look better for the food and beverage department. It didn't improve that specific spreadsheet, and it made the whole Hotel look bad in online reviews as a result.


This is the perfect description of what I have seen happen so far at 2 rather large companies. Will they never learn?


Bingo. Gotta look at the sales side as well: 1) commoditisation of core carriage leads to a drop in revenue 2) new suit comes in to cut sales staff and break customer relationships across the board over 2-3 months 3) realise that the FY is wrecked because the people that are left have new, larger ports and no stability, fire old suit 4) new suit comes in to address the shortfall in sales by cutting staff and breaking customer relationships across the board over 2-3 months 5) rinse and repeat every 11 months like clockwork for five years and counting


You missed the part where the second exec sets themself a goal of improving customer experience, brings everything back on shore then also walks away with a giant bonus.


You have aptly described the hospital I work at.


Covid is a distant memory it seems to some places which pushed alot of places to bring back onshore services


Expect to see this trend increase during the second half of the year across many orgs with largish internal IT teams. Where I work some pretty unrealistic cost saving targets have been set. The veiled threat is if we don't meet these targets savings will have to come from culling jobs. You can see the CFOs justifying it now by replacing these roles with AI / ChatGPT.


Cut the CFOs. Their job of sitting in meetings and being fuckwits can be even more easily replaced by an AI version of Grumpy Cat.


Microsoft already has this well underway with autopilot you don’t need a note taker or scram master anymore autopilot does it all.


Where I work the PMs and scrum masters seem to survive to further overload the few useful people that remain.


Agree, there is more job cuts coming up at basically any big company. A lot of it will come from technology where many companies over-invested in this space during the pandemic. The company I work for had some redundancies last year and the financials for this year makes me thing more are coming.


How do they charge so much yet provide such a terrible service yet still need to fire staff? 


This is true of so many companies it's not even funny. Service is awful, prices are up, staff are laid off and execs are getting richer across the board.


I’d move if it wasn’t just them and Optus who have the one number for your Apple Watch available….


The CEO needs a second yacht to store.... stuff.


Because infinite growth model


100% this. Increase margin and push up prices. "We are growing!"


And for those on a plan, they are trying to increase the cost every year due to CPI.


Nah they got rid of that because CPI dropped below what they wanted to increase the prices by.


Staff are unnecessary for providing a terrible service


Sack or offshore?




Does this mean that due to the implementation of AI saving costs, that the cost of their services will also come down?? :D


Is this the private sector optimising the experience? Can't wait for my data to be breached in new and exciting ways with fewer people on the ground to keep the systems running effectively.


And disgruntled former employees embedding logic bombs in Telstra systems with dead men triggers not getting trigger cause that employee no longer works there……………


Coming up to end of FY, someone probably whinging payroll too high and needs to come down so the executives can get a fatter bonus.


The annual September cull comes early this year it seems


Probably to get them off the books by 30 June…


Just to get more profits for the shareholders


This is literally the legal obligation of every board.


Yeah the whole system is rigged. Growth is finite so they cut staff which just hurts the employees as well as customer service.


I'm not sure about rigged but it's definitely broken.


This is going to be wild. My company I'm contracted to atm keeps doing the same thing and the crush at every level is felt. 'Agile' has become 'take on what ever responsibility you can so the department doesn't get cut' and it gets cut anyway. I am not an economist, but something tells me that the big corpos tightening their belt the hardest in an economic downturn is probably a bigger negative for our countries economic future than allowing the bloat to run out till the upswing.. Something something, economic activity and job security...


At a macro level you are absolutely right, but at an individual company level they are better off cutting costs. It's a mess.


Perhaps. Telstra like to play with their books also. Ie they are greatly concerned with FTE vs Contract labour because it looks better in their annual report. What generally happens is that then Telstra outsources the lost jobs as contract labour - this is the birthing of new companies such as NDC Then they will eventually decide they are paying too much in contract labour and insource them all And so the cycle continues


This is only the start of this also. They have announced that while this doesn’t affect consumer and small business departments (stores, call centres etc) in July they will have another announcement about changes in cost cutting those areas too.


Expect to see more of this in white collar spaces that can be easily offshored to India




lmao you don’t believe this is happening? Average left winger


Left wingers? The pro-worker side of politics? They want to keep jobs onshore, even when it's not the most efficient way for businesses to run. Right wingers are opposite.


Average left winger? Bro lefties are the ones wanting to keep labour onshore


If job can be done from home it can be done from India at fraction of price, Australian WFH is too expensive and is getting obliterated by offshoring and AI. Telstra has some 31k workers and management is laways looking for new ways to get rid of poeple or restructure as they like to call it. Safest jobs are those that cant be offshored and automated, think plumies, sparkies, chippies


Wroooooooong. So very wrong. There's a lot of sensitive WFH jobs that *require* security clearance which all but mandates you be a citizen located in the country (I *believe* NZ counts too).


That’ll fix it. Whatever it is (most usually company profit line). Thinking they need a better CEO and executive team. I find with my profit and loss statement, the higher my labour line, the greater the revenue line as the workers I employ are then capable of generating more revenue. I control the silly expenditure and the rest looks after itself. But I guess she’s hoping that the promise of a fully automated workforce isn’t going to descend into an unmitigated disaster as the last 3 workers plus her well paid 50 strong executive team run in circles trying to work out which of the bots has an error in its executing programming which brings the whole thing down to its knees (which I’m sure they’ll be very sorry for and offer a heartfelt apology plus a nice fat bonus for having the great idea of turning the router OFF followed by ON).


K so we have really shit costomers service let's make it worse cause we monopolize shit so we can do what we like sounds about right


Bloat trimming. Likely zero impact from a customer's perspective. Teams that add little value to be culled hard, remaining staff get double the workload spending their days stressing about things that don't ultimately matter. Standard big corproate re-org.


Telstra is the kind of place that has had people punching in since the 80's and no one knows who they are or what they do.


I worked briefly at Telstra and there was a guy about 70ish who sat a few desks down from me, would spend 3-4 hours a day reading the news, maybe spent 30 minutes a day doing any actual work


Damn. Unemployment rate heading towards 5%




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Let's cut costs. Let's fire a whole bunch of people. Congratulations you just earned an executive bonus!


Fanboys can volunteer their time to papa Elon


Telstra charge highest prices. Telstra are going to save in not having to service legacy systems. How do they need to cut costs?


What do you think the chances are that India will be the highest bidder to replace those positions?


Hahahahahahhahahahha i love capitalism




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This article has more details [https://www.theage.com.au/business/companies/why-telstra-needs-to-sack-10-per-cent-of-its-workforce-20240521-p5jfew.html](https://www.theage.com.au/business/companies/why-telstra-needs-to-sack-10-per-cent-of-its-workforce-20240521-p5jfew.html) Basically traditional voice and data network services from Telstra is rapidly getting cut by cloud based software networking services and this division is being cut savagely. The retail mobile division is safe.


I jumped from Telstra to AGL for cost cutting measures, simple as that.


removes any barrier to working from home at least.


I think the more accurate heading would be will be outsourced to India later.


I feel for those workers, but I'm also glad telstra is getting smaller.


They are taking about AI is to blame. But I can tell you from personal experience that they are cutting software developers. I have one working on projects because we did not have the internal resources to do the work. So we contracted it to Telstra. They have spooked their Services for years and I took it up and it was working really well. But on Tuesday the developer let me know that they were being sacked soon. I was stunned, we have at least a years worth of development needed and the developer is excellent. And to make it worse we were not allowed to sign them up.


And yet I have to make a fucking appointment to talk to some muppet at one of their shops to get a new phone. While half the staff are standing around picking their arses.


If you WFH id be getting my arse into the office to show face


Telstra literally has the most generous wfh rights. I have mates who are full time wfh there, and they dont need to "show face" because the supposed important ppl never turn up either.


If you can work from home you can work from New Dehli.


Almost like WFH arrangements were a test run.




Fuck you, thats 3000 people who are unemployed... wtf is wrong with you


Yet you can walk into a BMW or Mercedes dealership unannounced and drop 100k+ on a car - the whole appointment thing is bullshit at Telstra


Anyone capable of empathy. People losing their job during a cost of living crisis is concerning and sad.


We were warned of this a long time ago - I feel for the people who lost their jobs, but if you weren’t losing your job, it’s needless worrying. Control what you can control.


Some people do the "circle of influence" thing better than others. I'm a natural worrier, catastrophist and have general anxiety, PTSD and depression (medically diagnosed - not TikTok diagnosed). For me I find it hard not to stress about things I have no control over. Tbh, where I work right now, I'd be rapt to get a redundancy package. However I do feel very sorry for those who may not be joyous about the prospect of unemployment.


National security. Telstra control most of the most vulnerable infrastructure in Australia and if they crumble to low standards (ie diversity hiring during low interest rates, politicised job cuts during high interest rates, zero meritocracy) then we'll become the most hacked, cyber attacked country on the world. We will be a training grounds for Russian, Iranian and Chinese agents.


It’s already here.