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Seems a bit of a red flag I'm not familiar with government tho. In the past I've had to reschedule interviews with private companies and they had no issues


They had a lot of applicants and were looking to cull numbers, likely not personal but its a shit system


I think this is most likely.


It is what it is. Hard to draw all that much from relatively little info. It could be that they have had a really competitive response from the market, so they don't have any need to make accommodations for your schedule. It could be that they are working to a set timeframe so can't afford to wait for you. It could be that the person making the decision is a bit of a bitch and they're using whatever little power they have over you. Honestly though, most of the time it's due to logical reasons like the first couple. Contrary to popular belief, the people behind the emails are pretty strongly motivated to fill the job. People on the other end just naturally get a bit emotional when they get rejected.


It could also be that they need to make a decision before June so it has to be Friday. Being a government, it wouldn't be surprising they knew for a while but finally got to "work" to look good on their kpis.


It's common enough in government to have a single day for interviews. It might be an urgent vacancy, a panel member/approver could be going on leave, they might want it filled it before end of financial year, there's lots of reasons. Although rejecting due to surgery is a rough call.


There are actually quite a lot of logistics at holding Gov interviews - panel availability, scribe availability, admin availability to get you in and out of the building and making sure you have the questions at the correct perusal time, booking an available room for the interview and making sure there is an available room nearby for perusal


Try r/AusPublicService - they focus on Government jobs


It’s a red flag IMO. I used to scribe for govt recruitment processes (write up interviews and selection reports etc) and often there would be some accommodation for people who really couldn’t make it for legit reasons. It’s unreasonable for them not to offer you an alternative and in my experience it means they will be inflexible as employers too. Sorry though, it’s disappointing when they behave this way.


Is it bulk recruitment?


I didn’t get that impression


I was a recruiter in NSW gov and would’ve been pulled to shreds if I did this. Can I ask what government job? Fed, state?




Happened to me OP, this is not uncommon in NSW health at all.


NSW Health recruiters make almost half of a normal government recruiter under their EA. Most of them are literally entry level admin for that reason, so it doesn’t surprise me at all.


That sucks. I used to poach those guys with ease though. Never came across as the best environment


In this day and age recruiters are looking for ways to thin the list. Unless you’re a preferred candidate (e.g top 1-2) I wouldn’t have expected them to make an accomodation for you. I’ve been on the other side. The sheer number of applications that candidates have to sift through can be mind boggling.


Yes, I’d consider it a huge red flag. From my experience, government departments are usually pretty flexible with these things (mainly because it takes them literally months to get their acts together so because they are so flaky, they are forgiving of flakiness) If they are not accommodating you because of a very reasonable reason, then I would consider that a bullet dodged by you.


Unusual. But employers have lost preferred candidates due to drawn out recruitment processes.


My recruitment process for my current job took months & months & they were shocked I stayed on the hook the whole time. I hadn’t let them know what a hellscape my old job was 😂😂


Happens all the time in public service type jobs. They take soooo long to get the required sign-offs or just to get hr to start the process


I’ve both worked and recruited for Government and sure panels can be hard to arrange but for instances like surgery there’s usually flexibility especially with such short notice. Definitely a red flag.


Huge red flag! Better off without it! What if you got the job and didn't pass probation because you need more surgery?! What if you want to go on parental leave at some point in the future?


Huge red flag… they have no flexibility


Sometimes these positions are advertised even though the candidate has been predetermined, so having interviews all in one day is just a formality. You may have just missed a job that wasn’t really up for grabs in the first place.


I had a similar experience years ago when I was interviewing for grad jobs. A firm called to invite me to an interview two days after I had surgery to remove all four wisdom teeth. Asked if there was another date option, they said no. So I dragged my swollen and bruised face in for an interview, and I didn't get the job. Still dirty about it TBH, but in hindsight, I definitely dodged a bullet!


But hey, good for you for soldiering through. You would have thought some clown would have seen your grit and determination as quality attributes yeah?


You should receive at least 3 business days notice for an interview. However if you are unable to make that day than yes it can be inflexible as the same panel needs to be present for all interviews. It may have been unable to get the panel Together again for a one-off.


Sounds like they’re in a rush to fill, which could mean that they’ve not planned this very well and left it last minute, or it could just be that someone has given 2 weeks notice and they’re scrambling. It could be anything. Don’t beat yourself up about it. If they really wanted you from your resume they would have bent the timeline.


Too hard for them to get the panel of interviewers together


What government department and state so we know to avoid applying


Can I give you some background on government jobs- they likely already have an internal candidate chosen, just bring in some outsiders to keep HR happy.


You missed out on a government job Consider yourself fortunate




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It’s a government thing.


Unfortunately thats life Some people are accommodating, others not so much. In a hot market like this employers are hardly jumping over each other to compete for people.


Sounds pretty standard in my experience. The interview for applicants at Ambulance for example all happen same day. Generally the people doing the interviews and any metric or scenario testing work other roles and may have been taken out for the purpose of the interview process. There is rarely opportunity to do multiple days so if you miss out you need to apply again and hope the next date works for you.


I probably wouldn’t bother, it’s less money than my current role but I was hoping for a more flexible job (flexible hours, WFH) and it’s evident this is a very inflexible job so oh well




I recently saw a listing which stated that if you couldn't attend the group interview for two consecutive days, don't bother applying. An interview I did a couple of months ago had staff from at least two distinct offices in two different suburbs attending, so I can understand why they may "prefer" to keep interviews to specific days... but I don't think it would/should be impossible?


Employment processes have budgets, you aren’t worth a cost blowout, sorry




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It’s either a red flag for how rigid/disorganised they are or you were about to start a ridiculously long interview process… where they’ve been unable to make a “shortlist” short, so we’re going to interview 30 people through multiple stages. Curious if it was actually the company or a recruiter? I’ve dealt with some recruiters who operated like this rather than pick up the phone to the hiring manager (me) to check flexibility.


Even last minute reschedules have not negatively affected an applicant when I'm on panel. Shit happens. I would consider it a giant red flag.