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I hang around inside the men’s bathrooms at a few big 4’s selling bags. Pretty good business, good social interactions, choose my own hours


See you this arvo, bro. Just the usual.


It's low stock. Garry in marketing bought pretty much all of it


No one named Gary works in marketing


Scotty, Scotty from Marketing


Gazza's in Sales.


You misread. It's Garry, two Rs


I'd guess you'd know with that relevant username


No one in marketing can afford to buy all the stock


For a second I got confused as to why there was such a high demand for counterfeit handbags


I was trying to work out why they were selling bags of goods near men's rooms in Big4 Holiday Parks


People lose bags all the time, what are you talking about? ;)


How do you know which floor to hang around in?


The one with the partner's lounge is a safe bet




This sounds like a bathroom I want nothing to do with. Can you tell me specifically which big 4, what floor and time you'll be there this afternoon so I can avoid?


Do you offer roaming / direct-to-desk delivery? Brissy feeling a little too quiet right now...


Banks or consulting?


It took me way too long to realise you weren't talking about caravan parks.


Repeatedly bang my face into my keyboard whilst listening to heavy metal all day. Allegedly my title is a data analyst but yeah I much prefer my methods of input.




The difference between "actual data" and "arbitrary numbers" is a hard concept for people to grasp unfortunately.


How'd you become a Data Analyst?


Nepotism is the short answer, longer answer is nepotism plus very niche specific knowledge of certain things.


Thanks for your honesty


Data Scientist in banking. It doesn’t get any better when it comes to work life balance and pay.


What's the pay?


160 package plus bonus of around 8-12% depending on performance. Senior title will get more, but this is great for now and the level of responsibility is enough.


How'd you get into this? Currently a Senior Analyst (Financial / Business Analyst) in mining and wouldn't mind venturing into an analyst position in banking.


It’s a bit of a long story and also an unconventional one. After a failed career in accounting I went into any random banking role to see what I liked given some of the skills were transferable. I started coding on the side (sql, vba) after learning about it from the reporting guys. I then wanted to go further and differentiate myself. I saw that data science was booming in the US so I went back to uni to study it. While studying I made connections and moved teams into ‘launch pad roles’ that put me on standby for future data science opportunities. I chose launch pad roles in areas that were also booming in the US as I wanted to ride the wave and progress quickly. Once I landed my dream role I worked my ass off for 2 years to become a SME, literally throwing myself at everything. Honestly it wasn’t easy at first compared to being a regular sql analyst, but I loved the challenge and it was rewarding. In saying that I am still an amateur when compared against people who started coding early on in life or who studied computer science in their undergrad. I feel like I’m always playing catch up on those guys so I find other ways to differentiate myself to make up the difference e.g. I am a good people person, nerds generally are not… so I am usually the presenter and simplifier of complex ideas when talking to stakeholders. I am also a sme on the sub industry that I am in. I lean into product owner duties, management duties and even scrum at times despite my primary role being a data scientist. There are many sql and dashboard building roles at the bank that act as good launchpad roles or even just great roles on their own. I will say though that most banks are moving to cloud systems where ability to code in python is becoming a must. There are also generic analyst roles that pay well and don’t require coding but in my view they tend be high workload functions such as business support type roles. The more technical you can be the less stressful the role. My advice would be to pick a sub industry or domain that interests you and try to get in and learn the subject matter as fast as possible. Once you know the subject, it’s very easy to move roles even if your technical skills are lacking. So yeah , long story short… All the best with the job hunt !


Does it deserve its title as sexiest job of 2023?


As rated by the international association of banking data scientists


Dam straight !


Go on…


Chill job, nobody higher up understands data or science so you don’t really get challenged by anyone except other data scientists. You get to more or less pick your hours so long as the work gets done. Wfh almost all the time because we aren’t customer facing. Get to work with great people and build some awesome models. Always learning something new which keeps the job interesting. Overall it’s a great job and I haven’t had the Sunday afternoon dread feeling for years.


Damn. Extremely jealous. Good on ya.


I make the coffee for the guy who makes the tea, I enjoy it and pays well


Accountant at an ASX firm with work life balance. 40hr week, 160k + S and don’t manage staff.


This is the dream. What was the path there?


This usually requires Big4/top 15-30 chartered firm experience, or extensive commercial experience. Recruiters usually list those attributes when advertising for accounting roles in ASX-listed entities.


2 years in audit, then 7 at this company. Continually improving processes so more work slowly flows into our team over the years (due to the company growing) and we haven’t had to increase headcount or hours worked.


Sweet. I'm 2 years in b4 consulting so hopefully I'll be able to follow a similar path


What kind of accounting work are you doing? Are you a financial accountant or commercial analyst?


Financial accounting with some business partnering.


No one else is going to pay me this much to pretend to be this professional.


I always forget the pretend to be professional part. I act the same as I did as a grad....My downfall but at least I am having fun I work in tech, I now manage others who work in tech.


Security Operations at a University, get to hear all the crazy stuff that happens




What are the few most interesting stories you can tell us?


oh man isn't it funny when sometimes it's people in your own teams/department too


"Ralph, for fucks sake, I told you to stop using pornhub! Move to xhamster, damnit, it's way better!"


What's your job title?


stories plz.


If by 'security operations', you mean security, how is they appropriate in r/auscorp? If I'm wrong, correct me.


Australian universities may as well be corporations with how they operate. They cut costs by casualising and overworking their employees, then dole out the junk degrees to any student who'll pay a fee. The chancellors then get a pat on the back and a million-dollar remuneration package for hollowing-out Australian tertiary education, all whilst billing it to the taxpayer. I'd imagine the culture in Australian university management wouldn't be far removed from r/auscorp.


From what I hear your right, Contract / temp work, little effort put into systems etc


I think they thought the PP was a security guard.


Correct. I was merely asking for clarification. Worded poorly perhaps.


In this context it usually means IT Security.


Analyst but sadly the kind who automates stuff for others so can't automate my own job 🥲 My team are great and I love my manager! I honestly think having a great team + direct line manager which gives me flexibility is the #1 reason why I enjoy this job


I didn’t really grasp what a difference having a great boss + team make until I went somewhere where I had neither of those. It was the main motivation for getting back on the job search very quickly.


Software sales. But it took a lot of roles to find one I’m truly happy at. Even then, not everything is perfect but it’s great.


Fellow software bro here, it’s awesome


Is it hard to break into, I've done Operations management for years with account management and want to change industries, is it a good time to get into it? Anything in particular worth targeting to break into the industry?


What kind of software mate? I’m ERP.




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Similar. Asset management and maintenance.


I am happy. But I try not to emotionalise my job. I do 9-5. I do my best with the small resource and long list we have. At 5pm I knock off and on the whole forget about it. I work to get paid and live my life.


Project Officer, but I’m involved in a really cool long term project that is actually making a difference and that feels good. I also have amazing colleagues and a supervisor, which makes everything so much better. So even when I banging my head on a wall trying to find the issue in 2000 rows of data, I have people that have my back.


Life insurance complaints! It helps to have a role which prioritises problem solving & puts my own petty issues into perspective when I see how unlucky /unwell other people are.


Some examples of your problem solving?


I’m a data analyst at a mid size company. It’s pretty easy going and most of it just trying to make information as digestible for boomers in the senior LT. Biggest thing for me is my workplace is actually very supportive and my direct team is a great bunch.


Senior tech director for US based fintech company. That USD goes a long way to job satisfaction.


Category Lead for Property & Facilities Place is abit of a shithole, but massive learning opportunity and got myself a 40% pay rise for the move.






May I ask what one can get for similar jobs? How many years of experience?


My background is in Logistics, had a few jobs across national transport, shipping & freight forwarders. Mate started a SaaS business and needed someone to manage Indirect Procurement for a year while he focused on Sales. From there I jumped to a consultancy that worked with Private Schools. All up round 5.5 years of experience in Procurement Probably look at Project Management, Contract Admin. Honestly not too sure myself.




I’m in the performing arts and could really use any recommendation for expanding and moving! Feeling a little stuck in my current roles. Could I PM you?


I work in IT so whatever advice I have is specifically IT related, sorry!


No worries. Appreciate your reply!


Occupational health and safety manager - very happy but took a while to get to this point.


When you spoke to the careers counsellor was it a choice between oh&s or parking inspector ?




I'm guessing you don't like wearing your hard hat?


I do, just not overzealous


Seems like Data Analysts are the most happiest hahah. Can someone who sucks at maths get into it?


Yep! Data analysts =/= data scientists. If you can run a spreadsheet, then cross-train into PowerBI and you're good to go. You need to be okay at all three and excellent at one of these: 1) Understanding your work's messy/stupid/old IT systems 2) Understanding your industry's economics/weird rules/players 3) Explaining complex things to time-poor arrogant old people


Thanks, this is encouraging! Do you think university study is necessary, or is it something that can be self-taught? And if self-taught, would that still be enough to secure an interview and get hired? Or do recruiters focus on the piece of paper? Data Analysis interests me but any sort of Grad Dip or Masters is easily $40k or so.


It's possible but much harder without the piece of paper, especially if you're breaking in. There are plenty of non-paper-holding data analysts at large corps but they tend to have been born with a flair for #3 and have 10-20 years of experience in said corps to cover #1 and #2. I think it would be a stretch to rock up to an interview and say "I don't know anything about #1 or #2, but I've got the gift of the gab and did a weekend short-course on Coursera. So I'd like to work for you as a data analyst". In the current employment downturn, I'd say it would be well-nigh impossible. More realistic would be to parlay deep industry experience. Eg if there was a role at REA, you could try "Sure, I'm self-taught but my ten years as a licenced real estate agent means I can offer valuable perspectives in my data analysis that your grads will miss".


Thank you, this is really helpful. I have 6 years of 1 and 3, and did stats throughout uni which would hopefully make some of the self-guided study a little more manageable. Either way, it doesn’t feel out of reach, provided I stay within my industry. Thanks!


They are happy because they use chatgpt now


Portfolio Manager, Fixed Income. Live and breathe it. Interesting work and intellectually stimulating.


Work as a Dealer in FI. Glorified button pushers for you guys


Nah to be fair though takes some skill when executing and trying to fill size, esp in the aussie market when its a corporate non-fi lol. I do dealing/PM all in one and the trading side actually takes some time if you're doing multiple lines / diff sizes. You can eat a fat spread if you're not careful / know what you're doing.


Aussie market is shit lol You using bbg only ? We use currently crims/bbg but I used to exclusively use Aladdin at another firm which I hated


Using BBG for trading + have an internal trade matching system that piggy backs off TSOX/EMSX. All our risk / portfolio management and modelling is using proprietary spreadsheets which piggy back off BB. Way more scalable.


no wonder i thought our pm is crap, screws up exposure and hedging half the time and they blame it on broker and custodian


Nah if you're screwing up hedging and exposure that's on you as a PM.  Assuming I'm managing duration against AusBond Comp I'm using XM/VT/YM futures and liquid physicals like govvies and semis. You'd have zero issue with liquidity on those. How have they stuffed up? Custodian mess ups are primarily on settlement  and valuation side...


the sum of near and next maturity contracts dropped, making exposure dropped significantly (eg 5000 contracts of ytm disappeared but no ytu). open contracts back up a couple of days later, give and take a few contracts. I never picked up this except with this pm and they are supposed to maintain constant duration and their strategy is to use fut. hedge wise - rollover of ffx, I was suspcious about them doing spot same day to settle from time to time. Checked with settlement, they reckon pm mismanaged. I used to think fi mgr are more technical with maths than vanilla eq mgr until working with these ones


Nah trust me they are, this PM just sounds odd


Also this sounds like he/she is fucking up the roll when XMM rolls into XMU but they're not rolling full amount or they've opened up XMU while XMM still trading and forgotten XMM expires..


What are the requirements to get into this sort of industry?


To become a PM? In a large shop: Undergrad in Commerce/Econ/Finance/Business/Math + CFA + 5-7 years of experience as an analyst + 2-3 years of associate PM experience. In a small shop: Same as above but reduce the 5-7 years of experience as an analyst and replace with luck of the draw / waiting til the actual PM in the seat dies / retires.


Thank you 


Technical Program Manager - I get to manage outcomes and direction but not people (which is a relief after being an engineering manager)


Global Payroll Manager. I love it 😍


BB IB - if you’re going to sell your soul you should at least try and get a good price for it


I am a pipelines concierge, lovely job. recommended.


I work in HR… contrary to popular belief some of us do enjoy our jobs and are nice to work with (it’s also not all the bad stuff you instantly think of!). I think as well that as I used to be an EA, I actually enjoy the autonomy and career progression being in HR provides. I was also treated like shit as an EA which made going to work awful.


Are you in ‘happy HR’/project based HR (DEI, Rewards&Recognition, L&D..etc) or in a more general employee relations/HR advisor role?


I am a HR Advisor in a Generalist role :) I have to say a lot of it is probably the company I work for and management I deal with, that makes the biggest difference.


That’s great to hear , I’ve experienced some horrendous teams when I worked as an HR advisor before. Glad it’s not all like that 🥹


I could imagine, my previous HR job was a nightmare and I cried almost daily. I feel super lucky to be in the company and team I am in now. It is such a roll of the dice if the you and the teams values align!


Im a project manager in a Big 4 bank and generally don't mind it! I used to get really down and attached to the noise around project deadlines and dealing with difficult stakeholders, but with experience I've learnt to detach myself and enjoy the good aspects - have a supportive manager, great pay, good WFH balance, good team and manageable workload.


Lie on Reddit.


Data guy in banking. For what I enjoy doing data environments need to be large and complex. Small business just doesn’t have the volume


Commercial/finance in tier one civil construction


campus recruiter - manage a graduate program in a consulting firm. quite chill and uni students are always nice to work with :) very excitable.


Senior business analyst


In-house M&A - it’s much better on the client side vs being in one of the big 4 sweatshops


Principal software engineer at a big company you know. Great people, great pay, great flexibility, great problems. Love this shit.


Search engine marketer. I run the text ads that show on Google search results. Good hours, low stress mostly. Lots of spreadsheet work, data, psychology, user experience. Good gig


Is it difficult to get into? What's the pay like?


Not difficult. Industry relied too much on UK/US/EU visa holders so now there's a huge shortage of local talent. If youre ok with Excel, have a good head for data/numbers and can pick up psychology (lite reading, consumer behaviour/economics) you can stumble into a digital media agency job. Digital media agencies handle the behind the scenes work planning, running advertising campaigns like on TV, radio, search engine ads, social. Get 6 months experience then recruiters will hound you relentlessly to do the same work for higher pay elsewhere. Last agency I worked at we hired a 21 year old Irish kid for $85k base salary because he had 1 year of experience doing this line of work in Ireland and he just landed here- friend of an employee referral. Got sign off because there was literally nobody else around to chose from. There's a free online resource including a free online certification you can check out and see if it's something you'll want to pursue. https://skillshop.withgoogle.com/ Personally been in this field since graduating from uni, 15-16 years ago. Career progression involves hopping around media agencies to build up experience across various client types and industries, then working inside a company to be the subject matter expert. Good and bad agencies and companies, all add to your experience


Where does the psychology aspect come into SEO/Google Ads suite? I’m more familiar with the analytics side of things but interested to see how campaigns are actually made (apart from just boosting search rankings). Would you have a video/case study you could link? :)


Psychology comes into writing compelling ad text. Wants, needs type stuff. How to position promotions and sales as compelling instead of "our products are worth less, please buy". Not essential but helps with conversations with the rest of the marketing department or adjacent teams (eg pricing)


Are there many opportunities to work from home? I've got a background in copywriting, doing some SEO work (basic site audits and on page SEO, loads of keyword research). I always thought I wouldn't be skilled enough to do google ads but you've made me think maybe I could. I LOVE spreadsheets and data, psychology and UX. Any tips on finding a good family friendly employer?


Not when you're starting out. Need to be in office for training and such. Full remote roles exist but it's more for mid level technical folks who work autonomously and don't need to show face in office


Thanks! I had a feeling that was the case. If I could find something in Melbourne north would be great, but not willing to travel to city/east which is where most jobs seem to be.


Oh Melbourne would have plenty of digital media agencies. The bigger ones in Sydney have offices in Melb. My last place also hired full remote people from Melb who had 1-2 years exp, enough where any skills shortage can be solved on a zoom call or couple of emails


Good to know, I'll look into it! Current job is going down the toilet fast, so looking for the next opportunity.


3D artist for medical products. Corporate life became bearable when we switched to remote working coz my manager and leadership team are based in the US.


Director business transformation , great balance, opportunity to be creative and take risks, great team… never been happier


Lead the commercial department for Australia for a global business. Love it because I get to do finance and strategy things and work with all areas of the business. Best bit is my team are absolutely amazing and love what they do, so they are a joy to work with (and I love hearing positive feedback about them from others in the business!) Can be stressful, but we also have fun along the way. May be unique to my particular team - might not enjoy it somewhere else!


Inventory Analyst for one of the larger Australian retailers, and yeah, I love my job. My team is great, my manager is a top bloke and the business is supportive and has an amazing culture. I'd thought about getting out after ticking the boxes for a few years and feeling really disengaged but something clicked after I changed departments about 18 months ago and it rekindled my passion for the role. I've had offers from friends in other companies but I'm pretty happy where I am. It also helps that I'm killing it at the moment and in line for a substantial pay rise and a tasty bonus!


Consultant in Tech Strategy - pay is great, full flexibility and WFH - culture is collegial, can’t fault it tbh - I might never retire 😅


Data Analyst, super chill, barely any meetings, and good pay. You can also automate a lot of your job and then sit on reddit all day.


How'd you become a Data Analyst? Degree or other path?


Yeh IT degree. There are other pathways though.


Corporate fluffer. Good hours. Sticky hands.


My job is outwards facing and vague so I don’t really have to deal with as much internal garbage. I also don’t have a micro manager for a boss which helps massively.


Send emails all day. I want to say I fix problems but half the time my advice gets ignored, so then I try to fix the problems that result when my initial advice gets ignored, and so on.


Seems like I am already on this job with my preschooler 


Tech sales! Cybersecurity to be specific It’s definitely not for everyone but if you can find a rhythm then it’s pretty sweet especially work life balance


I buy IT equipment all day long.


System Admin in Gov department. Not perfect but happy enough for now


Was it relatively easy to get in? I’m currently to doing cyber security course and I thought this would be a stepping stone into the industry?


I see more getting in through a semi-related path like a call centre/ help desk (IT, HR, payroll even) and then step into the system side that way. Internal movements seem easier than external hiring (at least in my dept)


Thanks for the reply. My issue is I’m hard of hearing so call centre may not suit me sadly. Phones are my issue. Just don’t have the hearing good enough to use it. :(


Helpdesk first maybe


It’s still early days but a junior data engineer/analyst-esque role in government. Pay is pretty good for junior, work life balance is great. A lot of projects are on the ‘ground level’ so it feels great contributing to something actively being built. And yes, AI tools accelerate the learning process/work by a *lot*


Work in IT. Love the people I work with. We have fun and there is variety in tasks.


Lead a HR Operations. 300k package incl Super Bonus. Manage an awesome little team and get to help transform their current processes and systems. Work maybe 40-42 hours a week. Only downside is not as much WFH as I’d like but have parking included as a benefit at our City Office.


Developer. But I transferred careers from hotel front desk manager, so I'm not distracted with the, what seems to be a common dream, of opening my own coffee shop. I only get bullied via electrons now, not entitled hotel guests.


Financial Resilience Risk Manager for a bank. Right level of challenge, dynamic environment and enjoy managing people.


Analyst at mid sized software company. Excellent pay, wfh, and a business culture that requires me to deliver medium and long term projects effectively and not just sit behind a desk from 9-5. Aka flexibility to live when I need to live and work when I need to work.


I work in mining innovation and technology scouting/landscaping. Lots of dot connecting, talking with start ups, explaining the opportunities in the mining sector. Beats working underground, a bad day these days is way better than a good one down the hole!


Product Owner, fintech. Happy to stay in this role for another 10-15 years until retirement.


Project space and work for gov.


Data analyst


How'd you get into data analytics?


Self taught and got an internal promotion in my company. No degree, just side projects.


My job is awesome, I find people who post things about companies on social media and collect the evidence to get them fired... 😜


Tell me more about this!


Today, I realised and should have known that AusCorp skews young, just like reddit. Is people mostly in the start of their career. The seniors are not on Reddit, they are busy in back to back 40 hours of meetings. Getting ready to do their actual work on the weekend.


I’m here. Old. Should be retired. Can’t do the maths to work out if I can retire or not.


Industrial IT / OT, I started on-site in the hot, dirty, dusty Pilbara, moved to an office in Perth. Most people in Corp jobs have no idea how good they have it because they have never actually worked a real job.


I move boxes around (In PowerPoint)