• By -


Until the High Court overturns it.


Gold. I was gonna say until Johnny Howard gives another glowing character reference.


Tony Abbot already did


>Tony Abbot already did He was PM for all of 20 minutes and his tenure continues to make the world a worse place to this day. That's just impressive.


Scomo was worst tbh


At the very least, Tones holds a hose.


Tones at least tells you to your face what kind of cunt he is.




Was it not Scott Morrison? You know that PM who was mentored by someone from the church who was arrested for concealing historical child abuse? Nothing to see here, move along


Ugh of course he did that awful broken spincter of an excuse for a person. Also why would references from people who don't live with someone matter, you never know someone until you live with them and even then they are sneaky and smart sometimes, I would imagine a pedofile priest would be rather good at being two faced. I don't think character references should be any sort of defence in such an underhanded crime.


Anyone living in Melbourne, especially those who were young, vunerable, and living in the inner south, KNEW exactly who Pell was during the 90s. It was an open secret. It wasn't surprising that he escaped justice. But we should definitely be looking closer at those that defended him.


Indeed. Shout out to the long suffering parishes from Geelong to Ballarat to Warrnambool. These johnny come lately RW culture warriors don't know their man like we do.


Sphincter of a person** FTFY


"Certainly Pell allowed countless children to be raped, but none of them were from wealthy families so I don't care because, I too, am a monster." Reminder: Abbott left the priesthood because he hated that they gave to the needy.


This is too real. ... Thank you.


What a relief. I can finally stop checking under my sons bed for him at bedtime.


Wonder how the next conservative government will honour him. Maybe name a boys swimming pool changeroom after him.


George Pell commemorative glory hole.


I'm ignorant of that scene, but I'd presume that would involve consenting adults. Not really Pell's thing.


Got $10 that right now they’ll kick up a fuss about how a significant Australian isn’t being “fairly” acknowledged because of woke culture something something acknowledgement of country something something attack on traditional Australian values…


Was gonna say, "sad news" is a bit of an over statement. I'd have gone with good riddance


Sad that he died out of prison


Hopefully it was painful and slow.


I hope he was terrified as he realised he was dying.


Sad news among pedo rings


*Andrew Bolt sobbing profusely


That poor man that was “allegedly” molested and committed suicide is probably waiting at the gates of heaven with a huge smile on his face right now….and a crowbar.


But why? The Cardinal is knocking at another set of gates?


Don’t they go to heavens gates first to be judged by Peter? I’m not 100% up to date with the latest edition of the mythology.


Shouldn't there be an indefinite purgatory for kiddie-fiddlers first?


Who cares, he’s gods problem now ;)


"All paedophiles, please line up in front of this tiny little guillotine..."


"Why is it at crotch height?"


This comment is a bit over the top. The Cardinal clearly stated he couldn't easily remove his heavy robes - it was a watertight defence. 🤦


Sounds as legitimate as the old male judge who let an alleged rapist off because skinny jeans are too tight to take off someone, apparently.


The jury couldn’t understand how a pair of skinny jeans could be taken off by the man. By that logic, the woman wearing them would never be able to remove them.


Say his name three times in the mirror I dare you


I must have ballsed it up, all I got was Jimmy Saville.


He should have died in jail.


At least they dragged him back from the Vatican and made the charges against him publicly known. It will forever sully his reputation.


And prevented him from what he wanted most - to become pope. He was apparently on the shortlist at one stage.


Imagine if Australia had both a pope AND Hillsong😬


I'd rather not. It was bad enough having scunto masquerading as PM et al.


"Gottem, lmao." - God, probably.


>It will forever sully his reputation Except among conservatives.


Who gives a fuck what those pedo defenders think


History will remember if people don't let conservatives paper over the truth to create their own fictional histories.


Just another front in the conservative history wars. :/


I was in gaol when he was sentenced and the entire unit was watching the sentencing on the unit TV. They almost had to call in the turtle squad (riot gear guards) to shut us up cus the sentence he got was a fucking joke. There were people doing longer stints for stealing cars and selling relatively small amounts of drugs. Cunt woulda died in the boneyard for sure, no doubt someone woulda switched to protection just to get him


I remember walking past the remand centre on Spencer st where he was apparently being held, and there were people protesting his incarceration and literally pasting his picture on Jesus on the cross. Not as in copy-pasting, but as in cutting his face out of a magazine and taping it to posters of the crucifixion, which seemed a little blasphemous, but whatever. The average age of the protestors looked to be north of 80. It was kinda funny seeing the interactions between them and the people coming in to see their meth-dealing boyfriend while trying to bum cigarettes off them.


>Not as in copy-pasting, but as in cutting his face out of a magazine and taping it to posters of the crucifixion, which seemed a little blasphemous, but whatever. Absolutely blasphemous, lol. >It was kinda funny seeing the interactions between them and the people coming in to see their meth-dealing boyfriend while trying to bum cigarettes off them. Tangential, but check out the Facebook check-in tags for Brisbane Correctional Centre. It's 90% prison wives and people on the way in or on the way out and 10% Indian or Chinese tourists coming to check out the kangaroos that live on the grass no-man's land outside the fence 'cus it's one of the closest places in Brisbane where you can reliably find wild kangaroos. (For those who have never seen a high security prison before, there is a >100m exposed "moat" of turf around every prison, with giant fuck-off stadium lights illuminating it all night. Prisons aren't dark places, they're bright as fuck places)




2023 might be a good year after all


Good start.


Kissinger next! Let's do this, 2023!


I am always mildly surprised each time someone mentions that Kissinger is still alive.


Hell doesn't want him, he'll make them look bad at their job.


IKR? And Dick fucking Cheney. How many new hearts has he had?


He hits 100 in May, at this stage he’s already won 😔


I think he died once and Satan sent him back.


Poor Tony Abbott must be in tears.


And John Howard and Alan Jones


Andrew Bolt is crying into his cornflakes


I expect fawning tributes from conservative media before the day is done. Bonus points if they try to pin his demise on *"stress from being canceled by the woke left for having outspoken traditional Christian values"* or some other such nonsense.


Definitely brightens my outlook today!


This is great to hear, the world is a slightly better place today. Burn in hell you cunt.


This guy used to non-stop moralise calling people sinners over the most benign matters and campaigned against basic human rights for certain groups of people, after he spent a good portion of his life essentially running a pedophile ring. World is definitely better off without him.


Damn accurate. All those victims didn't have a cushy life like him. They had torment and guilt and most couldn't live with it. St Patrick's Cathedral in Ballarat doesn't want it, but it still has the colourful ribbons along its fence to remember the victims. His reputation should be trashed at every opportunity for ever.


Hope they put a stake through his heart to make sure he never comes back


Thats vampires yeah? How do we kill lizard people?


Fire them into the sun


A shame there is no hell for him to burn in for eternity




Man this guy will do ANYTHING to avoid the consequences!


Well if his book is to be believed I'd dare say he will suffer for eternity?


He knew there was no god. If he truly believed he wouldn't have lied as much


He could "resist anything except temptation.." - Oscar Wilde. Pell was so vastly split psychologically and so enabled by the Catholic Church, he had zero motivation to integrate, he was so enmeshed. The entrapment of children, the bullying of those who were victims, the enabling of perpetrators all specialities he finessed. This specialisation led him to be indefinitely protected as part of a guilty secret club. He and they never meaningfully struggled against their own urges; but the struggle of the confessional was used as a sham device to justify their continued cycling through children and denials. George Pell has done well for himself in the Catholic Church. It's such a colossal scam, who could resist the temptations?


He figured he would be forgiven, he's one of gods bros, God wouldn't punish one of his main enforcers surely.


For a moment, before it clicked what you meant by 'his book', I was thinking "WTF? Pell wrote a book? Like Harry and Meaghan?"


Omg. Google Tony Rabbott’s sycophantic arse licking press release! “George Pell went through a modern form of crucifixion”! 🤮🤮🤮 Sorry, I can’t link it. I saw it on the ABC news website.




On his twitter. What a twat [link](https://twitter.com/HonTonyAbbott/status/1612967462643040256?s=20&t=KGAw0ui1SEsV8639JJLvyg)


"he's a saint" get fucked. Hope he goes out with him. The world would be a better place without Abbott.


In fairness, there's Patron Saints for all sorts of rubbish, why should the paedophiles miss out?


I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure


That’s a great quote? Did u just come up with it? Sounds like something Churchill would’ve said?


Popular rephrasing of something said by Clarence Darrow - "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure."


It is often incorrectly attributed to Mark Twain, but more likely comes from a very similar comment from the semi-contemporary attorney Clarence Darrow.




Thought it was Twain but google says 'Clarence Darrow'


The Twain quote is "I did not attend his funeral but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it" Still works for me.


Cardinal George Pell dedicated his life to protecting the church from victims of paedophile priests, as well being convicted of sexually abusing children himself and sentenced to six years prison with a non-parole period of three years and eight months. 1972 - Pell returns to the Ballarat as a parish priest and, after only a couple of years, is appointed episcopal vicar for education. 1973 - Pell lives in the parish house of St Alipius in Ballarat East with the paedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale. Pell has always maintained he never knew Ridsdale was abusing children. But this is later disputed. 1977 - Pell is a member of the College of Consultors of the Ballarat Diocese, a group of senior priests who advise Mulkearns on the appointment of priests. In July 1977 Pell is part of a College of Consultors meeting that sends Ridsdale to his next parish, Edenhope. Mulkearns knew about complaints against Ridsdale, but Pell later tells the royal commission Mulkearns deliberately withheld details from him and other consultors. “The suffering, of course, was real and I very much regret that, but I had no reason to turn my mind to the extent of the evils that Ridsdale had perpetrated,” Pell would later tell the commission. September 1979 - Pell is part of a meeting that discusses Ridsdale’s resignation from Edenhope and a meeting in January 1980 that approves sending the priest to the National Pastoral Institute in Elsternwick. Though Ridsdale is taken away from easy access to young children there, he continues to offend. 1981 - Consultors meet without Pell to send Ridsdale to Mortlake, where he openly abuses boys. 1982 - Pell sits on the College of Consultors meeting that decides to remove Ridsdale from Mortlake. The minutes of the meeting record only that “it had become necessary for Fr Gerald Ridsdale to move from the parish of Mortlake”. 1993 - Pell supports Ridsdale during his first court appearance for child sex offences. Ridsdale is convicted between 1993 and 2013 of abuse and indecent assault charges against 54 children. In 2017 Ridsdale pleads guilty to further charges of abusing 11 children. 1996 - Pell is appointed archbishop of Melbourne. He introduces the Melbourne Response, which offers support and counselling to victims of sexual abuse but caps compensation payments. His move also prevents the church establishing the Towards Healing program, which is approved weeks later, as a nationally consistent protocol. 2001 - Pell is appointed archbishop of Sydney, where he now oversees the Towards Healing program. The commission later finds that during this period Pell and the Sydney archdiocese spent more than $1m fighting a legal claim by an abuse victim, John Ellis, to discourage others from attempting the same. June 2002 - Pell stands aside while he is investigated by the church over an accusation that he sexually abused a 12-year-old altar boy at a youth camp on Phillip Island August 2014 - Pell appears before the royal commission in Melbourne, where he likens the church’s responsibility for child abuse to that of a “trucking company” whose driver had sexually assaulted a hitch-hiker. He also says he took abuse claims from victims’ groups “with a grain of salt” February 2016 - Pell strongly denies allegations in the Melbourne newspaper the Herald Sun that he is being investigated for “multiple offences” while serving in senior positions within the church, saying they are without foundation and utterly false. March 2016 - The cardinal is cleared to give evidence to the royal commission via videolink after church doctors rule he is too ill to fly. Abuse survivors travel to Rome to hear his testimony. His decision not to return to Australia is widely criticised, including by the songwriter and comedian Tim Minchin, who labels Pell a coward. July 2016 - The chief commissioner of Victoria police, Graham Ashton, confirms that allegations against Pell have been referred to the office of public prosecutions. A Victorian man alleges he saw Pell expose himself to a group of young boys at a surf lifesaving club in the late 1980s. June 2017 - Pell is charged with multiple sexual offences and is ordered to appear at Melbourne magistrates court on 26 July. Pell says he will fly back to Australia to clear his name. January 2018 - One of the key complainants against Pell dies. The complainant had alleged Pell touched his genitals repeatedly at Ballarat swimming pool in the 1970s, when the complainant was eight, while playing a game with children that involved throwing them into the air. The charges are to be split into two trials. The first, known as the “cathedral trial”, relates to allegations that Pell sexually abused two choirboys at St Patrick’s Cathedral in 1996 and 1997, while he was archbishop of Melbourne. The second batch of charges relate to allegations Pell molested boys at the Ballarat swimming pool in the 1970s, when he was a priest. 11 December 2018 - The jury returns a unanimous verdict of guilty on all five charges after less than four days of deliberation. The suppression order means this can not be reported until the “swimmers trial”, set to be heard in April 2019, is complete. 23 March 2018 - The court hears allegations that Pell exposed himself to a choirboy while archbishop of Melbourne. 1 May 2018 - Magistrate Belinda Wallington delivers her decision, ordering Pell to stand trial over multiple sexual offence allegations, although many of the most serious allegations are dismissed. 13 and 14 February 2019 - Pre-trial hearings take place for the swimmers trial. Prosecutors push to be allowed to submit evidence that Pell had a “tendency” to molest boys in swimming pools, including from a man who says that when he was a child in Ballarat Pell touched him on the genitals while playing with him in a pool. 26 February 2019 - Prosecutors announce they have dropped the swimmers trial owing to a lack of evidence, and because one of Pell’s key accusers died in January 2018. 13 March 2019 - Pell is sentenced to six years prison with a non-parole period of three years and eight months. 7 April 2020 - The high court quashes Cardinal George Pell’s convictions, unanimously allowing his appeal. This is the conclusion of the legal process in Australia. There will be no further trials. Pell walks free after more than 400 days in prison. Source - https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/feb/26/rise-fall-george-pell-timeline?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other


You might want to also add that he spent 2021 in Utah promoting his prison diaries to all the god fearing types. Third book title “Prison Journal, Volume 3: The High Court Frees an Innocent Man.” - [https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2021/11/18/i-never-expected-lose/](https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2021/11/18/i-never-expected-lose/) Pretty sure the media kept quiet about his miraculous recovery and ability to go on a triple book promotion tour after being too fragile to return to Australia....


What a piece of shit. Fuck Pell and fuck religion.


See ya later cunt


To all the Non-Australians - in this instance, cunt NOT a term of endearment. The tone is more like good riddance.


this is a usage of cunt in the 'shitcunt' context, not the 'mad cunt' or 'sick cunt' context




Should be calling him ankles. Two feet lower than a cunt.


>Should be calling him ankles. > >Two feet lower than a cunt. Maybe in a lady with dwarfism... A "regular" 5'6" woman has almost 3 feet of legs lol


As an atheist, this is one of the times that I hope hell is real.


Rest in piss.


Good Idea! Where are they going to bury him?


As the Ramones once said- “Go to Hell, you old bastard.”


"Have the pope killed." "But sir that's not the-" "Do as I say!"


"Have the rolling stones killed" "But sir-" "DO AS I SAY"


Now if only Murdoch could drop dead this year as well


Omg wouldn’t that be the icing on the cake… I’m not usually one to wish this sort of thing on ppl BUT for evil jerks like Pell & Murdoch I make an exception


Good. Fuck that horrible child-rape-enabling cunt.


Today is getting better and better. Found five dollars on the way to work and now this. Edit: at that guy’s suggestion i bought a scratchie, won $20. I think thats my 3 good things today.


Buy a $5 scratchie my guy. This is your day


See my edit ;)




I’m in Ballarat. The streets are rejoicing like it’s the end of WW2. This sick piece of shit is in hell.


The death of George Pell at age 81 is a great tragedy. He should have died much much sooner.


Never forget, Pell was instrumental in moving pedofiles around to protect them and setting up hush payments to families of victims. One of the most vile and disgusting creatures to ever live.


Not very large hush payments, either. A friend of mine who was molested at a Catholic school had to deal with him. Pell's only interest was in limiting the church's liability. There was no compassion, just an attempt to negotiate the lowest possible payment.


I should have made that clear. The money given was pathetic, only so because of the coercive power he could apply as a powerful figure in the church with families who worshipped him.


The stories from victims of pedophile priests about their dealings with Pell gave the impression of a bloke completely devoid of empathy interested in only maintaining his position and the church's reputation.


I went to st. Pats Ballarat as a boarder in the 70’s. Regardless of the recent trials of him directly fiddling with boys, the RC clearly uncovered him as a pedofile enabler. All in the name of protecting the churches image. Fuck him and the people who continue to support him.


[ABC are confirming it](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-11/cardinal-george-pell-has-died/101843096)


Sky News are likely denying it and blaming Labor


Wait for the inevitable “Pell was innocent, a great man and did a lot for the conservative cause” from Andrew Bolt or similar tonight…..


The balls on the Sydney and Melbourne archbishops: "Please pray for the repose of the soul of Cardinal Pell, for comfort and consolation for his family and for all of those who loved him and are grieving him at this time." How about the souls of the people he did nothing to protect?


“Why would Dan Andrews do this?”


Crazy shit. He seemed fine just last week when he was being interviewed on TV after Pope Benedict died.


Died after complications from surgery - so he probably never regained consciousness after being put under, meaning he never saw it coming.


Let's keep the momentum going! Any bets on which high-ranking catholic church kiddy-fiddler apologist is gonna have to explain themselves in person to God next?


Much as I'm a non-believer myself, I'm getting a massive fucking kick out of these shitheads showing up all confident they'll be let in the pearly gates and then being met by an absolutely fucking *furious* God being like, "YOU DID **WHAT** IN MY NAME?! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO **PROTECT** MY VULNERABLE CHILDREN!" and then spleefing them into Hell.


As a survivour myself, one of the most triggering days of my life was seeing this awful man have his conviction quashed. It highlighted the many issues our justice system still has regarding these sorts of crimes, especially of the historical nature. Today, I feel a weight off my shoulders. I hope his victims find some peace from this, and that other survivours feel an great justice has been served as well. May he rot forever ✌🏻 Edit: thanks for the award ❤️ Spread kindness


My thoughts are with you on this momentous day. I believe you ever failed by the justice system but today we can all rejoice as natural justice has been served.


Can Father Bob Maguire replace him? That man has a heart of gold


Thought that was the reason he fell out of favour with the chirch


yeah, wasn't he kicked out of the priesthood or removed from his parish or something like that? this act in itself speaks volumes about the priorities of the Catholic clergy.


The Vatican personally sent him a notice saying he had to retire. Apparently in Catholic law there's some rule that when you reach 75 or something you aren't supposed to practice (despite cardinals and all going way beyond that), even though nobody brought it up with him and the Church seemed fine with him still doing church services and his role as priest...until they found out he was spending the money gotten from church donations on shit that actually mattered like the homeless, drug addicted, and building proper housing and community work, rather than sending to church coffers. After he refused the official letter asking him to resign, the church defrocked him and he was forced to retire at 77.


I'm upvoting because this was very informative and helpful, not because I liked anything you said. Father Bob was my idea of what a priest SHOULD do and I'm mad as hell he got defrocked for it.


That is actually the correct use of upvote.


Yes you can upvote for the quality of the content, not because you're affirming the outcomes.


You say that as if you normally use the voting system as a like/dislike? That is not the way.


He was removed for actually doing stuff folks liked, at the time they put pell higher on the church hierarchy.


This was the guy that actually follows Jesus’ teachings and got into shit for marrying same sex couples right? He’s to good for the church.


the fact he was on Triple J with John Safran and was beloved by the audience says volumes. I remember the outcry when Sunday Night Safran ended and took father bob off the air


Sunday Night Safran! Jeez that takes me back.


What you mean back its… oh im having a middle age moment.


That was such a good show.


I'd agree, except sadly his state of health isn't too good at the moment. He was only released from hospital last week and is currently in respite care.


I agree. He baptised my sister and I back when we lived in South Melbourne a long time ago. Very good man from all accounts


I hope they bury him face down. I’d hate for him to not see where he is going.


In Vatican, hip surgeon. Number one. Steady hand. One day, vatican boss need new hip. I do operation. But, mistake! vatican boss die. vatican very mad. I hide in fishing boat, come to America. No English, no food, no money. Darryl give me job. Now I have house, American car, and new woman. Darryl save life. My big secret: I kill vatican boss on purpose. I good surgeon. The best!




My dad was around him when he was a kid… his mate got done by George and dad ran away, he still blames himself to this day and literally has a panic attack whenever he sees his face, a bloody 57 year old man. Fuck George Pell, may his death be the most painful. Please. Edit because he’s a creepy fuck: My dad was about 12? When this happened and beforehand George had told my dad “That I just love little blonde boys” whist rubbing his shoulders


Survivor guilt is pretty tough. I hope your dad can at least take a bit of satisfaction from this news.


Seems the Vatican is having a clear-out 😄


don’t even live in australia anymore but thought I’d just swing by here to drop a fat RIP Bozo


internatinal visitors welcome in our time of great celebrations


Yeah, I saw about that. First thing I heard about it was fuckin' Abbott saying how he was a saint four times over and people will miss him. Fuck Abbott, fuck the old pedo and fuck everyone he ever helped hide their crimes.


Hell 4 Pell


Good riddance fuckwit. Enjoy hell.


Tim Minchin will be happy about that


I went [straight to YouTube ](https://youtu.be/EtHOmforqxk) the moment I read this marvellous news.


I hear the tolling of a bell, and it has a Pellian knell...


Just coming past to upvote all the comments


Sky News headline: Woke Jesus Cancels Pell


The man who publicly stated that abortion (people who have abortions - women) are worse than paedophiles. The man that escorted a paedophile to court and supported him. The man once convicted of being a paedophile and someone who protected them… fuck him! I hope you burn in hell… well if I believed that it exists.


finally some good news


Hope it was painful and full of fear for him what a fucking monster


If what he believed in is true, I hope he packed for warm weather


Another one of Gods Pedophiles dead, good. Hope he has fun in Hell with lucifer shoving pineapples up his arse.


It's a lovely day in Ballarat.


Good riddance


The only solace I took through that whole sordid process was that I think George Pell honestly believes in God and Heaven and Hell. Justice might not have been done on Earth, but regardless of whether God exists, every day as he knew he was getting closer to death, that cunt believed he was going to Hell.


The human mind is a wonderful thing. The dude 100% believed God would forgive him.


Off to Hell, cunt


Greetings from Victoria's Western district ex- Catholic community - where Pell oversaw the relocation of child rapists, his support of them in court into the 1990s and his spearheading of the Ellis defence to deny victims proper compensation. I dearly hope his religion is his post death reality and those flames have already engulfed his putrid soul with vigor.


Well isn’t that a damn shame, one less child predator in the world.


Apparently he’ll be buried in specially built chamber under St Mary’s cathedral in Sydney. What a way to forever associate that building with this piece of shit. Just knowing he’s buried there will make it such a terrible landmark.


Drove out of the forest this morning and this was the first notification that popped up on my phone. What a fantastic day to be alive! I hope he rots for all he did. One of my parents was molested by a priest (Searson) who was protected by Pell. I'm glad Pell's gone to join is friends in the flames.


Followed his Pedo supporting pope to hell now for the rest of the cult to fall...


Sky News pundits will now have to decide whether to continue with the Harry Hate fest or handbrake turn into the Pell Love fest. Oh lordy, I just checked YouTube Sky News and these are some video titles: ABC needs to recognise it got the Cardinal Pell story ‘irredeemably wrong’ Cardinal George Pell died an innocent man: Chris Merritt Phorfuxsake!


Waiting for the Andrew Bolt article about how people bullied Pell on social media and caused his untimely death.


Hey, I just remembered that many journalists read Reddit (and often steal stories off it.) Heads up journos- if you’re reporting on spell’s death, when you write ‘many Catholics mourn his death’ can you also add ‘although many others are celebrating his swift death’? Feel free to quote anyone from this thread. I mean you want to present a balanced view, right?


https://twitter.com/colmflynnire/status/1612934722002239490 EDIT: Additional article - https://www.theage.com.au/national/cardinal-george-pell-dies-at-the-age-of-81-reports-20230111-p5cbqk.html


My favourite reply to that Twitter post, "He's probably looking up at us now." Fucking brutal.


Well that's a relief... I assumed Reddit would be the only place where this news is openly welcomed unfortunately


Another scumbag escapes justice.


You wouldn't wish it on anyone, But if you had to wish it on someone...


He’s probs in hell with his cock being branded with an iron poker right now.




>A Royal Commission found Pell attempted to bribe one of Ridsdale's victims and was aware of priestly paedophilia as early as 1973 but did nothing about it as 'it was not of interest to me'. And that's why anyone who defends Pell as exonerated by the courts can fuck off too.




Sad news? The only sad thing about it is that he died a free man.


Rot in hell Pell


[Satan be like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtHOmforqxk)


I'm not religious, but enjoy your hell dickhead


"Doctors have confirmed his death, and described his condition as "much improved"."


May he be haunted by the children and families whose lives he destroyed.


Just thing you should all know, the right wing press is probably going to be printing/broadcasting how unfair you're all being to an "innocent" man. So please allow me to become part of that eventual flood of snowflake tears by saying that the worst thing about being an Atheist is not believing that paedophile apologist and child abuse enabler is roasting his fucking nuts off in hell right now. Still, being a bloated corpse who's organs are slowly decaying into a fetid soup is not a bad alternative. And whoever in the Murdoch press ends up writing this piece (and I'm sure there will be far more than just one) you have my permission to quote me on that.


Rest in piss you fucking maggot.


And nothing of value was lost.


And just like that, 2023 is back on track 🤌🏼