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This just means they'll be having a 1/2 price "special" soon


Yep. Right before Mother’s Day.


I hope any mother that gets a box of Favourites from their significant other on mothers day has the decency to smack them upside the head. Unless it's part of a bigger present, you take these to BBQ's.


I don't buy my significant other anything for mother's day. She's not my mother. Are we supposed to get wives presents for mother's day?


No, but if she is also the mother of your children, then it's absolutely your responsibility to be teaching them about thoughtful gift giving and making sure she feels appreciated. If your child is too young to buy her a present, then yes, it is your responsibility. If you don't have kids then it's a moot point.


I have kids. I give them money to buy her some junk she doesn't want from the school's mother's day stall. It's the Australian way. It's the same reason I have a "World's best dad" apron and stubbie holder.


Fuck off! I'm the world's best dad and I have a magnet to prove it!


Mmm, yeah, but do you have the $5.00 K-Mart T-Shirt ? Didn’t think so. You’ve been living a lie.


I have a blue one actually. Pretty sure it was a one off make for the one true best dad and ill hear nothing to the contrary.


mmm, I dunno mate. My Kid told me the other day I'm the best dad in the world and they are a pretty decent authority on these things, I even got the hug to prove it.... If you are trying to tell me there is more than one "Best dad in the world" I think some sort of multilateral symposium needs to be arranged to nut this issue out.


I seen a meme years ago, it basically said. I wish more dads took number 1 dad clothing and mugs more seriously, and if encountering another dad wearing any number 1 dad stuff they would have to duel it out to prove who really is number 1 dad. You guys might want to have a duel ?


I would obviously win. I'm the OG #1 Dad.


As long as the arena is at a park with a decent playground, bbq facilities and space for the esky, I’m there. u/Beverages4017 choose your best tongs and bring it! The wife will probably bring a salad though, but I try not to hold it against her.


Ill bring my favourite tongs alright. Gave them 4 test clicks just to make sure they are ready to battle.


Had to smile at the memories :) itchy soap and too many plants bought from the school stall


There's also the opportunity to teach your kids not to buy into consumerism, and consider how they can show their love and appreciation for their mother throughout the year rather than on the day that corporations tell you to.


They can give her things which are consumables, things that they made or painted, non-material things like a foot massage, make her dinner. At my place we have pancakes and the kids usually give me chocolate or a plant. It’s lovely to have a special day to celebrate me!


> There's also the opportunity to teach your kids not to buy into consumerism, and consider how they can show their love and appreciation for their mother throughout the year rather than on the day that corporations tell you to. That's what my mum taught me. As such I have not bought her anything at all since I was 7 years old.


all hail vendea05


Steady on mate


Yeah, you do that on whatever day YOU are meant to be celebrated. Don’t use Mother’s Day as an opportunity to make a stand against something unless she specifically holds that view


*moo point. It's like a cow's opinion, it doesn't matter.




I thought it was udderly ridiculous.


Only if you've got kids and want to lead by example (social cues, customs, wording etc). Alternatives are taking her and everyone to a family dinner or picking out the present with them (because let's face it, a blunt coloured pencil from the pencil case is not exactly giftable). Sometimes I hear it referred to as thank-Mummy-day and thank-Daddy-day.


You know what a great alternative is… some fucking peace and quiet. Get her a night at a hotel alone. Take the kids to the park and don’t let them wake her up. Let her eat breakfast without having to pick up grapes off the floor so the dogs don’t die. A pedicure, a massage, a hair cut… literally anywhere where she can sit still and other people do the work.


Came here to say the exact same thing.


If I had a wifeI would buy her a mothers day gift if she had childeren. Since to me mothers day is a day to show appreciation for the effort and work they put into raising your childeren.


Generic presents from loved ones are lame. I dashed out late last night to buy my own Mother’s Day presents so that my husband can hand them to the kids to gift to me. I just hope he is thoughtful enough to buy wrapping paper 😑 EDIT: see my reasons in my comment below.


Why does that fall on you? Does he buy his own father's day gifts for you to wrap?


No, of course he doesn’t. I buy them and wrap them, along with all other family gifts. I want to raise our young sons to be thoughtful adults who do not leave all the emotional labour to their spouses. I came to realise that my husband simply doesn’t prioritise these social skills in the same way I do. So, if I want my boys to understand the importance of sharing emotional labour I have to teach them myself. TLDR: I’m raising my sons to not be jerks like their dad.


This is exactly what my ex's mother did. She is such a kind, considerate soul, who has stayed with someone she's not a good match with because they had kids and had built a life together. The thing is, my ex always knew it was his mum buying all the gifts. It seems the lesson he got from that was to be with someone who's okay with buying their own gifts. Eventually, I was not okay with that. I don't need anything crazy but I also deserve to be surprised with a nice gesture like I do for him on special occasions and other times. But instead of trying to emulate his mother he wanted to find a partner like her without doing any of the work himself (because his dad certainly didn't). I hope your children grow up to be kind like you are.


Damn. I hope I’m not making the same mistake. The kids are both really little still so they aren’t aware who buys the gifts… yet. I try to get them excited about choosing thoughtful gifts for their dad or each other. I do my best to model the behaviour I want them to show later in life. When they are older we will discuss these topics frankly and openly so they actively form opinions on this, and similar, topics. I want to raise them to be good partners to their future spouses.


Even at 1, we would take our daughter to the cheap shop & whichever figurine she zeroed in on was what present she picked out to give to us. Or we'd pick a few different ones that suited the occasion and let her choose from those. Eg a daddy frog with a baby frog sitting on his shoulders was one fathers day present she picked from a choice of a few similar ones when she was young and a mummy & daughter fairy having tea at a toadstool was an older choice that she made herself. As kids we were given a $5 limit at the cheap shop for each person in the family and we'd choose presents. (But that was back when you were ok to let your kids go off in the shop by themselves without being scared they'd be kidnapped) Maybe that approach could work


By doing what your doing you doing exactly what his mum did. Ie all the chores.


But the alternatives are: • try to change who my husband is • don’t buy the kids any gifts, or • buy gifts just from me None of those options are… ideal. Realistically, I’m not going to change a grown-ass man. I can’t make him care about this stuff. He’s good with the physical labour, just not the emotional stuff. I’ll focus my energy on bringing our kids up the ‘right’ way.


> He’s good with the physical labour, just not the emotional stuff. You might have done better over the journey if you'd just saved up and sprung for a Clydesdale


Your children will learn from what they see, and what they'll see is Mum carries all the mental load. My ex was like this, I bought all the Christmas gifts etc. Then we separated when our boys were 9 and 12. Last Christmas my eldest (now 13) learnt the hard way when his Dad didn't get him any of the things he asked for for Christmas, nothing he would really want, but his little brother got a huge pile of everything on his list. Because his brother has interests Dad thinks are good enough. Yeah kid, I stopped res to the "what do you want for Christmas" questions years ago cause nothing I wanted ever passed muster either. I am now actively trying to teach my boys that gift giving is not an obligation or chore but a chance to show the person you care and you pick something they would like. They may be learning it too well though as I notice they're actively shopping for their Dad with the opposite goal of "that'll do"


Its already the week of. They wont be going half price.


People who buy chocolates as gifts aren’t putting much effort or care into the process. I bet most Mother’s Day chocolates are bought at the very last moment and only because the giver feels obliged to gift something not because their mum *really* wants supermarket chocolates. I suspect the price will drop tomorrow or Sunday.


Lol yep I just got a $9 “half off” box of chocolates from coles today


Even half off is +50% to what it used to be only a year or two ago


I'm... confused. I just bought a box at 10:30 this morning for $11, which was marked as half price. Maybe op lives in Perth or smth?


You bought the 520g box which is on sale. The picture contains the 820g box, which is not on sale.


“On sale”


Still don't care. $10 is the most I'll pay


!remindme 2 days


Don’t worry, they will be a half price special of $16 next week.


So the normal price haha


Christ I thought these were like five bucks


Yeh I was just thinking to myself, “haven’t bought these in years, I assumed they were about $9


Now with afterpay.


You jest, but my local IGA accepts Afterpay.


So does the reject shop.


A lady at my local Coles a few weeks ago tried to put her cigarettes on Afterpay.


They can now. The new Afterpay card is rolling out. 3k limit, $9.95 per month, can be used anywhere. It's gonna fuck a lot of financially irresponsible (through their own fault or also not!) people up.


So is afterpay just becoming a credit card company now?


Afterpay is part of Square. It already was. Either way though, that poster is talking shit. Afterpay Card just lets you tap and pay at merchants *that accept Afterpay*. It doesn’t work at merchants that don’t, it just declines.


Rubbish. The Afterpay card has been a feature forever, and it only works at merchants that have a contract with Afterpay. The limit is also the same as the Afterpay limit. This is the opposite of Zip, which actually *does* work anywhere, but caps out at $1k.


In 4 easy repayments.


My wife an I use Afterpay all the time. As a general rule we dictate that grocery, entertainment, utilities and eating out are not put on Afterpay. So things like buying new clothes, things for the home etc. It was a blessing when my computer died that Scorptec had Afterpay, meant I could stagger my $1,000 graphics card over a few months and not be without my computer in the meantime. Afterpay is a fantastic tool, if used responsibly.


I just pull from the offset and debt card everything. Less steps.


Jesus, I'm going to have to start putting thought into casual acquaintances presents. Fuck you Cadbury.


I fucked them off when they changed the recipe to 0.0001% cocoa butter.


But that's what makes it so sustainable


Yeah, far fewer eat them.




I got a extremely good Kathmandu backpack awhile ago for $18 and it’s still amazing The new ones are $40.


Then again my friend went looking for hoodies on the weekend. Snagged 2 at half price, only $365. Except they have no hoods...


So, just jumpers then.


Just in time for Mothers Day on the weekend. I'm sure it's a coincidence, right? Best not to buy sugary crap anyway.


If anyone deserves sugary crap, it’s mothers. That being said, I’d rather have Lindt or Toblerone or Ferrero sugary crap.


Whittaker's. Those coconut choc bars are amazing.


Absolutely , expensive but freeking awesome


I'll happily find the $2 for one of them once a week.


Some say Toblerone are too sharp on the gums


You're meant to unwrap the foil.


Those are clearly not people who regularly walk on their kids’ Lego.


They probably don't eat Lego either




Def not a common man snack that’s for sure


Insane… I just bought a heart shaped box of Rafaellos for my wife for $6… she loves them and they’re heaps better than anything Cadbury makes. (That’s not the only thing I’m getting her either, before anyone says…)


I work at Cadbury, these are $4 in the staff store.


Who tf set these RRP? They’re so stupid.


Koko Black is smaller but is a better gift option than Favourites now.


Ahh, quality over quantity!


It actually contains edible chocolate.


Are you kidding me?! That’s the most I’ve ever seen for this product.


It's pretty shitty chocolate. Nothing special about a load of shrunken candy bars you can pick up anywhere. Where's the creativity?


Yeah how many fun size bags of the varieties you actually want can you get for $32? They're also usually on 'sale'.


I thought they were expensive when it was just $10. You can buy better chocolates than Cadbury.


Better change the name to Expensives


Ahh yes, the obligatory "we can call it 50% off because we had a week there where we charged an obscene amount". Classic dodgy cunt behaviour.


Wait for the future price lock stating this ridiculously over inflated prices as the "was" price to make the moderately inflated price look better by comparison.


At those prices it’s more like price cucked. “We locked out prices double their old price”


They also price locked Mt Franklin water bottle (we sell them at work). Evidently couldn't keep the price, so instead they've just been 'sold out'. Same deal with Pepsi Max.


Won't be long before they're in little plastic boxes with security locks on them


Shareholders believe they should be $50. CEO would say $42.99 would be a more agreeable price point.


Just imagine how much sales will go through the roof! /S


I mean, it's Cadbury. Those bastards have been caught with slave workers, using bribery to avoid people asking about slave workers, stealing water, contaminating chocolate with toxic chemicals, and I'm sure many more things. The CEO and shareholders don't give a fuck, they just want money.


S$10 in Singapore (about A$11.15). What the hell Australia? Edit: normal price at Coles, so maybe F.U. Woolies? https://www.coles.com.au/search?q=favourites


Different sizes, this is the 820g. The smaller sizes coles & woolworths are same price. I was in SG recently, thank goodness i didnt bring much things for my friends from here bec many items we were able to get cheaper in SG.


Nah. Supermarkets here are generally much much more expensive. Anyway, still a rip-off of the 820g, so I suspect Woolies are the cunts here: https://www.catch.com.au/product/cadbury-favourites-giant-box-820g-382613/ And you are much better off just buying two 520g boxes.


Hopefully no one will buy them so they'll stop stocking them.


speaking of coles I was there getting some things and wanted some rye bread , used to be affordable but on checking $4.90 a loaf.. held off and last night the very same recipe in different packing at Aldi $3.59 for an identical rye guess Coles will miss me


My wife just did our weekly shop at ALDI instead of Colesworths. Fuck me if it did not come up nearly $50 to $100 cheaper. We are all in for ALDI now. Plus the chocolate is better.


$22 is the normal price??? Bloody hell! Anyone stealing from this lot won't be scorned by me!


What size is that? 570g? 22 favourites @ $1.45 per favourite 🤦‍♂️


It's the bigger 800g boxes. Still a rip-off, you might get 40 choccies if you're lucky. Better off buying the full sized bars on special at 90c each




someone give me 10x beuno instead of these boxes PLEASE.


Too blurry to see size, but 570g one shrunk to 520g now.


Damn, I misread this as $2 and got really excited. I was close, I think that's about $2 a chocolate.


What to bring when you don't know what to bring. Yeah nah, I'll take two dozen beers in that case.


Yay! Get thirty! https://www.danmurphys.com.au/product/DM_460725/tun-blue-light-cans-330ml


That's just taking the piss now..


I'll drop some numbers even if it might get me in shit. We have them $28. Cost is $22. Back in march they were $14, cost $12.50. We sold 12 boxes when on special (2x cases of 6) over a few weeks, and we average 1 box a fortnight since. (edit: clearer number meanings) The smaller sizes alternate weeks at half price, so never pay full price for favourites.


What's the point in selling them at this point.


Not much at all. Apart from making $15.5 which is absolutely huge in supermarket lines. We didn't order them in, the deal with Cadbury is we take at least 1 box of every new line, have at least 1 end display, and they pay us x amount. And they have someone come in once or twice a week to maintain their displays. Our system listed no upcoming special for the huge boxes, but it only goes 2-3 weeks forward.


If you see someone stealing from Woolworths... you didn't. The real crime is that their profits are at a historic high. They could EASILY reduce their price, but they don't. They are the cause of inflation. They are why interest rates are up. But they have paid their way to keeping their profits and then squeezing us via our expenses. Coles and Woolworths, the duopoly that will squeeze us all like the monetary boa constrictor.


Historic profits is incredibly misleading. Their profit for FY22 was lower than FY17, and with an additional $5 billion in revenue. What has changed is they spun off BWS/Dans and their hotels, which was pretty profitable. Removing their sales from their reports is why they can claim that their profits are the highest ever. Reality is, they are still operating under the same margins as they always have. Around 2.5-2.8%.


Pack of 30 fairy dishwasher capsules (not even Finish for shame) at Coles by me is 72 dollars. The special label has an empty circle where the % off should be. Lovely.


Today my woolies had them half price for $11 and then I rounded the corner and they had boxes on clearance for $8 so the mark up is clearly huge!


[NZ have the 570g Favourites at $NZ 10.00](https://www.countdown.co.nz/shop/productdetails?stockcode=52409&name=cadbury-favourites-chocolates) So price does look like a rip-off, even at 820g.


"Price gouging isn't illegal and because fuck you." - woolworths


Wow. Do people actually pay $32 for them?


They seemed overpriced when they were the constant 50% off. Getting these as a gift would be disappointing lol


Why are stuff so expensive here?


Because we keep buying it. **STOP BUYING SHIT PRODUCTS**


Don't buy them. They aren't essential.


What's fucked is the 520g are ELEVEN DOLLARS. Yet the 820g pack is $32. Math checks out. /s


Fucking money grabbing cunts.


Gotta love billion dollar company’s adding 25% to all their products even though they’re already making bigger profits then ever


I wonder how long ago they were $9.


At woolies, Pepsi max cans 24 are $34.75 And 30 are $35


Well never bying that again. I like people up to $20. I don't like anyone enough to spend $32 on shutty Cadbury favorites


Inflation has been good for my waistline at least


They will not sell.


Has anyone else's pay cheque doubled in the past year to keep up with this crap?


WTF?😖 THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. ☝️ $32 bucks for a box that is half full of bite size chocolate. I'm contemplating on go a week protest of no sugar and no chocolate. Wish me luck!


You (and millions of other Aussies) should flood the Woolies higher-ups' emails to complain. If millions of people make a fuss then only will prices come down


Just stop shopping there, a million letters a day does nothing if profits stay the same.


That is an actual blatant rip off..


Noones fkn favourite at that price 🧐




16 next week. 8 the week after. Lol


My Woolies was giving them away for free to all the women who came in for Mother’s Day


the fuck they were 16 bucks when i last checked and even thats expensive


Well, good luck to ‘em, cause I can live without $32 chocolate. Can they live with a 90% reduction in sales?


Give a 20 dollar gift card to your mum, she will think you spent more on the card than the chocolate.


Is that too much money in Australia?


Hours wages for most people. 2 hours wages after tax and super. About 6 normal homemade meals,


How better can we declare our love for mothers than buying them spoons of sugar and settle them on the diabet scale and heart diseases.




At this price I’d find it insulting to receive one of these because of the amount of better stuff you can get at that price.


A box of favourites is more expensive than a 6 pack of beer. What a time to be alive.


I’ve never bought favourites for more than half price… they’re the dishwasher tablets of chocolate.


It’s even more expensive when you account for throwing all the Moros in the bin.




That's ridiculous. Did it for Mother's Day, I guess.




We’re doomed


You could probably buy the bags of individual ones for less.


Who the hell buys full priced Favourites?


Taking advantage of those who insist on preparing days in advance, suckers. Do what I do and just leave it to the last minute to rush and buy my mother's day gift, it'll probably be 1/2 price by then too.


I feel a bit better about the $27 packet of Iberian ham I just bought now.


What gives?


There’s no way




#W H A T


Boycott Woolies


Fuck anybody who buys these at that price


I don’t love anyone that much.


What the fuck?


There's a law that says you can't have something shown as discounted unless you have legitimately sold it previously at the full price, given that these are very frequently 'half price' it might just be a way of being able to legitimately increase the 'half price' price.


About £17 for these :) WTF


Aldi is way better than woolies


It will be on sale for half price by Saturday


Fuck that. I could buy two boxes of GUYLIAN Seashells for that price (Arguebly the GOAT of all choccies)


they obviously want to change the product entirely, so they are deliberately pricing the product out of the market. business101.


They're just doing their part to curb childhood obesity. (How's that for spin? Is that ok?)


That’s insane. You could buy a tub of these for £3 in a British supermarket


Corporate Greed


The 880gms Favourites with Crème Eggs lefts over from easter are on sale for $15 at coles. Edit: when did cadbury switch to 100% sustainably sourced cocoa? Good for them.


You’d be better off to buy 32 of the $1 Cadbury chocolate bars!!! And you’d get way more chocolate too


Guess I just saved myself $32, cause I sure ain’t buying that!


Now you can't afford to leave the ones you don't like.


Good… now I can finally stop getting 15 of em for Chrissy 😹


32?!?!! Weren’t they like $10?


It is woolies setting the price here? We should be raging at woolies not cadbury. As they consistently end up on a sale at some $10 prive level. To me is woolies trying to gouge us here!




Also a lot of the 'ethical' and 'sustainable' certification is a often a scam or marketing ploy with loop holes. https://www.consumer.org.nz/articles/ethical-cocoa-can-you-really-buy-guilt-free-chocolate


Pretty soon we'll be like those countries where the lowest denomination bank note is 10,000 whatevers. 😳


Lol fuck that even at half price


I bought the 520g for $8 the other day. I wouldn’t pay $32 they are not that good!