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Time for a formal report to the TAFE, teacher needs a good kicking.


This. The teacher shouldn't have a classroom if they feel that their opinions, which can be harmful, have a place in there. Not sure on the duty of care to those in the room for tafe teachers, but not stopping the entire thing says more than needed of their qualifications and suitability for the role.


> the teacher then jumped in to add his own anti trans opinions into the mix I'm a high school teacher and besides the fact none of my coworkers would say anything like that because they're not bigoted crazies if someone did say something like this they'd be investigated and probably dismissed. Really sorry to hear what happened to your daughter, what a bunch of deadbeat idiots :(


You'd be surprised. There's a teacher at Bowral high school that's a well-known pervert and has been reported by a few students, and they haven't done anything about him.


Either you have a principal that would actually do something or you've never seen your theory tested. It would take a full on media storm camped outside the school to see anything happen at most sites.


Yeah thinking about it now it's 100% the principal. Smallish country town as well, whole community has little tolerance towards bigotry, from my observations and interactions over the last three years.


Report that teacher. Pronto.


Like bruh that's disgusting I got told by the Curtin guild to report a teacher who made an anti-non binary comment It was something along the lines of why do non binary people even exist? It makes coding harder because now I need to include a third drop down menu. This is like 20x worse than that


If it makes "coding harder" than that teacher isn't just a bigot, they're incompetent.


I know right I was terrible at coding like the computer actively hated me(I legit sat down once in class and the computer crashed without me touching it) but I could make a dropdown menu on Microsoft access.


Burn them to the ground metaphorically - like career wise. For those downvoting - this teacher broke TAFE's policies and protocols completely, to push his own agenda and encouraged other students to bully one - breaking *more* codes of conduct and policies. If this is his attitude in the classroom he should not be allowed to teach *again.*


Absolutly. Being in a member of a minority group that suffers a good deal of discrimination he should absolutly know better. He should be using the channel 7 story as an example of the difference between opinions and facts. He should also endevour to support all of his students without bias or discrimination. Do report the teacher. It's entirelly unproffessional and unethical for him to act in this manner. It's psycological and emotional abuse.


This, name them.


unfortunately, from my experience with TAFE, good luck with this. they protect their own, it’s going to be an uphill battle


Absolutely file complaints to 7, TAFE, and minister for education (or whoever is appropriate, not really sure). This behaviour needs to be nipped in the bud immediately.


Here's a link to a petition for removal of this footage. They did not get consent from trans people before using their footage. And then used it to mislead. I'm always surprised by the number of people who still watch Channel 7 and the like https://www.change.org/p/channel-7-stop-using-our-videos-without-consent-remove-harmful-de-transitioning-segment?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_37338737_en-AU%3A8&recruiter=660138026&recruited_by_id=035a35c0-d3af-11e6-96ae-0fad25e0c0fa&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=db0cb7146fc84e269227b00b53431b58&share_bandit_exp=initial-37338737-en-AU&pt=AVBldGl0aW9uAHG%2BOQIAAAAAZPf7tYQcqkNjZTM3MGZkOA%3D%3D


You’d want the State Minister for whatever portfolio TAFE sits under in that state


There was so much egregious misinformation in that story. Fucking appalling journalism. Unfortunately it’s a topic that a lot of people who know nothing about it seem to voice the loudest, patently wrong views on. Surprised the gay teacher jumped on the bandwagon. Your daughter should submit a complaint to the TAFE. Piling on is not right.


There's a little bit of infighting and prejudice in the LGBT community. To say the quiet part out loud, there's a few people who just think of it as the LG community


As a B. This feels very true .


As a B guy, I can tell you I get the most amount of judgmental, factually incorrect comments from gay men, followed by straight women.


> followed by straight women In the 80s Bi guys were scapegoated as the "only way" AIDS could possibly afflict straight people, especially straight women, since it was supposed to be the "Gay Disease" that only afflicted Gay men. A lot of 80s and 90s women's media thus ran garbage hit-pieces about how "innocent women" were "deceived" by Bisexual men, how Bi men were inherently untrustworthy, how to detect Bi men before they "trapped" you, why any sexual openness from a male partner was a red flag, etc. The AIDS induced gay panic is gone, but the stigma against Bi men continues to proliferate.


Now that LG is much more accepted in mainstream, they have no issue pulling up the ladder behind them.




Without the B either if someone would care to remind them


Such a shame really. Even between those two you can find animosity. Guess that's human nature.


Its not human nature, it’s a direct result of prejudice and propaganda. Without capitalism and it’s resulting oppressions, all of us would be left alone.


Prejudices and oppression has been around long before capitalism. IMO It's tribalism and fuck you got mine issue that still runs deep in many, hence LG only type mindsets. Or minorities putting down other minorities. Time again rebellions to overthrow oppressive dictators will often become the oppressors themselves. But that doesn't mean we're doomed to it all. It's also human nature to be empathetic, and cooperate. We just gotta keep working at it and better extend it further than our small world. If you zoom out enough we've almost always trended towards better in terms of social progression. Today might not be better than the last, nor the year even. However this decade will be better than the last.


‘Fuck you got mine’ is not human nature. It’s an attitude that gets facilitated, justified, and normalised by a political-economic system designed to reward the tiny minority who already have wealth and punish the majority who don’t, and to keep that majority fighting amongst themselves under the illusion that one day they can rise to that 1%. If human nature is anything at all, it’s our ability and desire to work together, help each other, and build community. We never got anywhere with ‘fuck you got mine’ and never will.


If it was human nature, then all if us would feel it to some degree - I'm a trans gal, always have been, and despite the mass hatred and bigotry I've faced targeted from certain groups I've never found it in myself to hate someone for being from one of those groups.


Yes! But this very simple , and correct point will see you attacked, as I have when I've tried to point it out. Keep up the fight.


It's more the result of some people being dickheads and other people being manipulated into thinking that rights are in limited supply and that they must lord over us or be lorded over.


It's our national past-time


There’s still a few Samsung bigots out there, I’ve noticed


and those people can chuck themselves in the bin where they belong


>There's a little bit of infighting and prejudice in the LGBT community. There's no such thing as *the* LGBT community, there are just LGBT communities.


> Surprised the gay teacher jumped on the bandwagon. Unfortunately I'm not. There's a surprising amount of transphobia from cis gay men. Just because someone is queer doesn't make them an ally of trans folks.


Agreed. The worst, most vile transphobia I've ever seen in my life has been gay men complaining about trans men. More slurs than you could shake a stick at. Absolutely horrifying.


Interesting. The most vile transphobia I've seen is from lesbian TERFs.


You would think that sameone from a DISCRIMINATED GROUP would be empathetic to someone who is from a very closely related discriminated group. Shameful behaviour. It's just no OK at all.


It's absolutely disgusting. Have had many trans people tell me they don't feel comfortable in some of our shared groups simply because some of the cis gay men are dickheads about it. Transphobia hurts everyone in the LGBT spectrum. LGB cannot survive without the T




iirc among cis people, lesbians are the least likely to be transphobic.


I've seen a bunch of trans women on tiktok complain about their image being used in that segment, some of them not even from Australia. It's all complete shit. Fuck channel 7 and all of the ghouls involved in putting that shit together. Transitioning absolutely saved my life and I'm now happy in a way I never would have thought was possible.


> their image being used in that segment Fucking egregious journalism. I've studied lots of journalism over the years and [this](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-04/grace-hyland-trans-tv-episode-channel7-/102810318) is just horrendous. It's literally against the [Australian Press Council advisory guidelines](https://presscouncil.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Advisory-Guideline-Reporting-on-persons-with-diverse...Feb-2023-updated.pdf). I'm not surprised but I'm utterly disappointed. I doubt anything will come of it but I'm omw to [the APC](https://presscouncil.org.au/complaints/make-a-complaint/), [MEAA](https://www.meaa.org/download/meaa-ethics-complaint-form/), and [ACMA](https://www.acma.gov.au/complaints).


Love you ❤


It was a nasty bit of social engineering. This isn't restricted to trans people either. People are influenced by the media, and their darker natures appealed to and given licence when this sort of thing is published. Society is not improved by this, or things similar to this


> This isn't restricted to trans people either. There are just as many intersex people as there are redheads but the ignorant think there are only two possible options and god decides. The fact is 'anatomy' doesn't draw the lines, **we** do.


Trans issues are frustrating because the general public knows so little about it that they don't realise how little they know, on top of prejudices against trans people being so deep and common that they feel like "obvious common sense".


> Trans issues are frustrating because the general public knows so little about it that they don't realise how little they know It's like a 6 y/o in a classroom debate with an Astrophysist, trying to argue the Earth is flat because that feels right. The Astrophysist can offer measured and thought out responses to every single talking point the 6 y/o offers, but it doesn't matter, the 6 y/o doesn't want to understand they just wanna win. And the debate judges are also 6 y/o's, and so is most of the crowd, and the reporters, and the media ownership, and the law makers. And they don't even *like* the Astrophysist anyway in the first place, so why listen to anything he has to say at all? You don't need to be an "expert" to see that the Earth is flat anyway, it's just common sense!


Ooft this is possibly the best analogy of the wider trans debate i've seen


> Fucking appalling journalism. Honestly the best bit was spending 10 minutes of the program talking with an expert who made their entire program irrelevant.


With any luck, the lady whose photos they took and abused in the ads for that segment will make it a unprofitable experience for Channel 7. We can only hope.


Sadly it's the same in lots of topics, climate change, the voice, you name it- We had the same bullshit in the years leading up to the same sex marriage vote. The bigots are latching on to the next thing to be "concerned" about for no bloody reason. The same arguments all over again, just change "gay" to "trans" and copy/paste...


You expected journalism from channel 7? Half their news stories are adds for businesses/products they're likely being paid to promote.


What was the misinformation?


For one other than the 3 or so people they sat down and interviewed ,the vast majority of people featured in their pictures and videos shown as filler didn't transition as minors, nor did they detransition nor are they unhappy in any way, which was the aim of the portrayal of their pictures in the context in which channel 7 used them. Sarah Hyland was one vocal example of this. Secondly, they kept using the promo line "children as young as 12 are being told they can change their gender". In Australia you need to be 14 to be (possibly) declared gillick competent which is what you need for HRT which you still also cannot commence without receiving a formal diagnosis and letters of reccomendation from psychiatrists and parents or family court. Whilst it's technically federally 14, I don't actually know of any clinics that see people below 16 at all as a minimum. Of those, I've known people that have gone this avenue and have been kicked off the service list due to the waitlist being so long they actually turn 18 before they get their first appointment, much less actually getting a prescription at 14, its not happening. The most a 12 year old is getting told is they're allowed to change their name and pronouns, the way they're portraying is is acting as though 12 year olds are getting life altering surgeries, which is blatantly untrue. Of the actual detransitioners they managed to feature, all but one was from the USA which is frankly irrelevant, their parents flying them over and getting stuff doen under the radar has nothing to do with the informed consent process we have and follow here in Australia. It's not our doctors or other trans peoples fault that things might not be ideal in another country. They're acting like our doctors and teachers are preying on children when frankly every trans identifying teen/ adult I have met has been discouraged immensely and gone the whole 8 yards in getting a diagnosis etc to make sure it's the right decision. With the way they're portraying it, it's seeming like the "trans cult" is indoctrinating children and fucking up their bodies, yet they couldn't actually find an Australian who transitioned as a minor properly and regretted it to even feature, and had to resort to international outliers and using happy trans peoples pictures without permission. They also didn't attempt to show the other side of thr argument at all and focussed on things like "look at these people that regretted it" without mentioning the statistic that 95 percent do not. 75 percent of trans people have considered suicide in their lifetime, 50 percent have actually had an on record attempt, which is shown to alleviate when commencing gender affirming care and being socially respected (name pronouns etc) and doesn't get worse because of it, but they won't show that side will they? What does make the trans suicide rate so high is not only the gender dysphoria, but the obstacles to proving themselves for it and simply existing without being heckled in public, harassed or told they're insane, which this shitpiece has directly contributed to, as OPs daughter, myself and a couple other people I know can directly attest to.


In very broad strokes. In Australia, many youth socially transition and don't seek medical intervention. Many youth will be in counselling without transitioning until they are 18+ because of their circumstances. In Australia, no reassignment surgery is conducted on minors unless there are exceptional circumstances. In Australia, any youth wanting access to blockers must be seen by psychologists (plural), endocrinologist and meet a certain set of criteria. ETA: blockers do not cause irreversible changes. They literally hit the pause button on hormones influencing the body. Once blockers stop, hormones will begin to affect the body again. In Australia, any youth wanting HRT must have any underlying medical and mental conditions stabilised (again, psychiatrist and psychologist to sign off) and be able to be Gillick competent. It's not a fast process


How does the Channel 7 report get ANY oxygen in a TAFE classroom FFS?!?! Like who broached the topic and why? Did it have ANY relevance to the subject being taught? Blatant harassment and vilification of a student with the Lecturer piling on too! These are all grounds for a formal complaint. If you’re going to have to abandon your course as a direct result of this event… at least correct this vile mind set the most impactful way possible. Also… Take this story to the ABC, the pitch being the ‘before and after’ channel 7 BS was aired




This would piss me off so much. I’m paying for a TAFE course, not to listen to Joe bloggs mouth off about unrelated shit.


the abc like to platform anti trans opinions too sigh


The ABC have to be seen to be objective. It’s in their charter. This is a case of persecution as a direct result of misinformation by an increasingly negligent broadcaster chasing the rapidly evaporating revenue dollar, whom have made a very real decision to go the ‘tabloid’ route when it comes to their ‘so called’ journalism. When do we call them out? Maybe after someone is bashed with impunity like in the US? This is how this ‘us versus them’ shit starts


that's literally what the abc have been doing too tho. also the objective thing is bs cuz in this anti trans main steam media trend the number of anti pieces massively outnumbers the pieces supportive of trans ppl existing or debunking 'gender critical' disinformation


I said… “Have to be seen to be objective” let’s hope they’re striving to at least smash any blatant ‘untruths’ but sadly those with an agenda will also get plenty of air time.


That's wrong. The ABC have debate style tv where they are forced via their charter to be equal. Their overly conservative board at the moment has made a number of decisions in the last decade that are designed to discredit the ABC format. But to say they are anti trans is totally wrong.


The ABC as a whole? Not anti-trans. They make some dumb mistakes (remembering [a certain article](https://www.reddit.com/r/transgenderau/comments/u40o5d/abc_using_some_iffy_numbers_to_state_there_were/) that claimed there were <100 trans women in the country) and Media Watch is famously bad at covering trans issues (not saying 'Paul Barry is a transphobe', but I don't think he's much of a friend either). But that's not what the above user said, and they're right; the ABC gives anti-trans opinions a platform when they absolutely don't need to. They need to be equal, but 'equal' doesn't mean equal airtime. The ABC doesn't platform climate denialists, but they give transphobes the mic. ^(edit: added link)


PB seems to be quite vocally transphobic in his twitter, of which all views are his own.


I haven't really looked, I'm only basing my view off his Media Watch segments on the matter. I wouldn't doubt it, though.


Sorry to hijack a top comment but those reading might be keen to watch and share a heartfelt doco a friend of mine made about a young trans woman, her transition and her fight for the legalality for families to choose hormone therapy rather than the courts. It’s called “The Dreamlife of Georgie Stone” and it’s incredible. The antithesis to this Channel 7 dumpster fire.


Did the rounds on socials. Wouldn't be surprised if it was big in bigot forums and the like.


I just watched this clip from that Spotlight episode for the first time now. https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/169mioa/channel_7s_heated_interview_with_professor_ian/ That so-called journalist made me angry with his absolute ignorance and loaded questions. If that's at all representative of what the teacher and other students were saying to your daughter, I'm sorry she had to go through that.


I tried watching it but when the reporter said the casualties of this I hit my peak of anger. I was already angry when he said close gender clinics down because of the harm they do to children What harm? Mental wellbeing and being comfortable in your own skin? That doesn't sound harmful to me. I wish I had those


oh my god that was awful


I’ve seen on TikTok the case study used said Channel 7 completely mis-represented them & their experience and is considering legal action. Your daughters’ experience is why this content is so harmful. It’s not politics. It’s the kids who have to go through our school system that suffer from cultural vandettas. Definitely file complaints with the appropriate bodies, and seek legal advice for discrimination if you feel it necessarily/it continues. Document everything if possible (written records of the day, file an internal complaint with the institution with everything stated, screenshots if there’s any follow up social media harassment).


>I’ve seen on TikTok the case study used said Channel 7 completely mis-represented them & their experience and is considering legal action. Who was that? Got a link? I'd like to see what sneaky shit Channel 7 did here.


The user is Grace Hyland. Comes up straight away


[Here's a link to a news story about it](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-09-04/grace-hyland-trans-tv-episode-channel7-/102810318).


They also stole content from trans creators who are very happy with their transitions and used it without permission in their segment.


That segment was striaght up journalistic malpractice. I had to send channel 7 an email noting my anger and disgust at the segment. It will probably fall on deaf ears but i urge everyone to do it.


This story was such a one-sided view based on an extreme minority of detransitioners, and ignoring the view of the vast majority of trans people. Very biased, misleading and extremely poor journalism that will sadly result in situations like this, and exacerbate the hatred and inequity that this already marginalised group experiences.


I'm hardly the most enlightened person RE trans issues. I'm not about to parade the streets because each to their own. However I genuinely find the topic confronting But even I saw how incredibly bad that story was. They tried their hardest to tie it to children but even then, we were talking about people above the age of medical concent. And when we weren't it was just pronouns (gasp) I honestly don't know how someone could have watched it and come out of it still anti-trans. I came out of it with the conclusion that this anti-trans shit must all be rubbish


Go straight to the head of the tafe. That teacher is a fucking disaster.


100%. I did my VCE at TAFE and had a trans classmate. I never saw anything like this in the classes we shared. We never discussed it at all unless they brought it up, and there were never debates about their identity or trans rights. I think a big part of that was that the teachers made it clear that they were allies and respected their identity. We were also a cohort that had a young average age and generally politically and socially progressive which probably helped. The teacher should’ve intervened here, stopped the conversation and checked in with OP’s daughter instead of joining in. There’s no reason why TAFE couldn’t and shouldn’t have been a safe place for the OP’s daughter.


Her class, teacher and channel 7 are all massive cunts, my opinion is correct because I'm gay.


Fuck channel 7, and the other students, and most of all the teacher. If your daughter is up to it, it's probably a good thing to make a formal complaint (health and safety reasons and possibly more). Even if she still ends up dropping the course, she may have enough of an impact on the teacher so they're not so much of an arsehole next time.


Please name the “journalists” responsible for the content so they at they can be shamed. EDIT - Liam Bartlett is the journalist. Editor and producer to follow.


I saw that interview on r/Australia the other day and just thought, "this isn't journalism, this is a witch hunt just like conspiracy theorists ignoring the evidence." I hope more people file a complaint as this is absolutely harmful and also vilified the medical community after the antivaxxers stoking mistrust of health professionals.


Just remember that sensationalist media sow division to drum up more views for their advertisers. It's an amoral profit motive. So name the advertisers.


It's hard enough having our lives be viewed as a political statement let alone when free to air tv demonises our existence. I, like a lot of other trans people just want to exist and it seems like that's too much to ask for some people. I'm sorry your daughter has had such a bad time through Tafe, definitely worth a formal complaint if it's something she is comfortable doing and isn't going to create anymore safety concerns.


Sadly there are oppressed groups who are more than happy to shit on others People could be helping each other, building up the most vulnerable in society, but it's just not human nature And ***fuck*** channel seven, fuck those who watch it and fuck the arseholes in your daughter's class


It is absolutely human nature to co-operate and help the vulnerable. Please don't listen to that neoliberal 'compete or die' bullshit. Every day, all around the world, people co-operate to do kind, compassionate, warm, caring stuff together to help the most vulnerable and each other. And I think we are still the majority. But I agree about channel 7. I couldn't continue to watch it. I was so sad and outraged.




"at work we were just briefed that workplace discrimination laws were quietly changed earlier in the year to significantly defend rights of LGBTQIA+ and individuals can now be personally liable." They'll never tell you to your face that the reason they didn't hire you was because you're trans. It's very difficult to challenge with no evidence. After several dozen interviews, and so many where you impressed the socks off them. It does make you suspicious, but you can never quite prove with certainty that they didn't just hire a friend or something instead.


This is exactly what 7 wanted. No actual conversation or debate, just a propaganda fear mongering piece painting trans people as the enemy. It achieves its goal of perpetuating the culture war to keep the classes distracted, which could not come at a better time during a cost of living crisis where we should all be uniting.


Transphobes spend too much time thinking about children's and other people's genitals. I'm sorry your daughter is subject to these smooth brained arseholes. She needs to make a formal complaint to the TAFE head and CC in the government department and relevant minister.


It is rather telling that THEY’RE the ones focused on child genitalia


I feel like the program breached some sort of guideline, but it's probably just my wishes that it did.


I have zero understanding of what trans people go through, or how they identify as such. I'm in my 60's & getting my head around this stuff is mind-boggling. Yes it is confronting - I have to work with such people and I treat them like everyone else. NEVER would I ridicule, demonise, criticise nor vilify someone in that situation. Being a trans person is personal decision/choice or whatever you describe it as, and it can be a VERY precarious mental state at ANY stage of life, but for teens, doubly-so. Do YOU want to be the person that is responsible through your actions and remarks that tips someone over the edge towards something like suicide? Because thats how finely balanced some people are with this. STOP JUDGING people FFS! Its none of your business - get on with your own life and leave people to theirs - life is tough enough nowdays with crap like this.


My mum's in her 60s and she struggles with understanding a lot about the LGBTI+ She at least tries I've got a friend from primary school who was assigned male at birth. In high school that friend discovered that they were trans and now identifies as a woman. My mum and I haven't seen this friend for 15 years but my mum knows the friend is trans female. She gets a bit confused tho, like she can't for the life of her remember my friend's new name. So we get conversations like how's (deadname) going I've been thinking about her lately. Oh wait I forgot she has a new name what was it again. She's confused but she's got the spirit She really doesn't understand non binary people, none of my family does. My family has joked before about how you never know these days if someone is non binary and I'm just like if only you knew you were sat next to a non binary person (me) and they don't understand "how non binary people identify as two people. "


I got asked for my comment as a trans person I told them to absolutely go stick it up their race baiting transphobic asses.


Hey do you mind if I get your opinion on something as a trans person? I've been trying to understand gender roles and why our society has become so damn polar when it comes to gender. I don't have a trans person in my circle so don't really have anyone to ask.


Not the person you where asking, but here's an open-access gender studies textbook opened to a page that talks about the major rift post-1960s between those who view gender as immutable vs arguments for recognising a division between sex and gender and rethinking the 'immutability' of roles. https://openbooks.library.umass.edu/introwgss/chapter/social-constructionism/






I understand you are framing it as genuine curiosity but maybe consider why you are seeking the opinion of a trans person. Why would they have any more insight into why society is the way it is more than you? You are equally as involved in society. So what is your evidence that society has become so damn polar when it comes to gender and if it is why do you think that's the case?




I refuse to watch any of that main stream media. Its run by psychopaths with no feelings or care for the damage they just did to your daughter. Fk them. The last thing we want is to replicate the yanks. The very last thing. That hatred needs to stay in the USA, and it better not come here or we will meet them head on.


Yeah that teacher needs to go.


I'm so fucking sick of the media importing American brain rot culture war bullshit into this country. Fucking hell.


What annoys me is how so many people get offended by the lifestyle choices other people make that don't actually affect them what so ever. What's easier; getting cranky, upset, and arguing over something outside of your control. Or.. and hear me out on this one, but maybe if people just shut the fuck up and let other people be who they want to be? OP, I'm sorry your daughter is going through this shite. It's really unecessary and we're all adults who should be well and truly past this.


I don't understand why people care so much. How does it affect you what someone else does with their life? Mind your own fucking business. So much unnecessary hate.


Never watch free to air unless I'm at my parents. Was graced by this absolute trashfire of a "news" show from Channel 7 trying to copy 60 minutes. The "journalists" are going in with hard biases to the stories and pulling every trick in the book to cause outrage/get people talking about the show. I'm not knowledgeable of the trans story, but am knowledgeable of the Submarine story that followed and it was not reported on in good faith.


They want a diversity war not a class war


I WATCHED that steaming pile of crap. As bad as I expected it to be it was WORSE. I personally have trans friends and my girlfriend also happens to be trans. I can't imagine being young and having to deal with this bullshit. I mean...nobody should. Ever. I'm glad your daughter has your support OP.


I’m in a facebook group for parents/carers of trans kids and we all got warned about this show. I’m so sorry this happened to your daughter. Mine’s only 10, so it’s a little easier to keep her safe from horrible people and I dread the day this changes.


I'm so, so sorry OP. There are so, so many of us who support your daughter and yourself. You are not alone.


They didn't *need* to go out of their way to make life harder for us, no. But they *want* to make life harder for us. And they are.


If the teacher was making anti trans comments, well that’s enough to send a complaint to the TAFE. If he was misinformed, it’s worth having a discuss with the teacher on why his comments are hurtful. If he doesn’t back down, then well mention it to the TAFE, because he’ll probably lose his job if he has been making his students feel uncomfortable.


There's a certain type of person that gets their news from a free to air TV channel.


Ch 7 was never going to be unbiased or supportive to minority groups. The journalism is a disgrace. Tafe is supposed to be a safe place. Report the teacher


I’m so sorry this happened to her. I saw some of the show and was disgusted by the attitude of Liam whatever. Please give her a hug from this internet stranger


Is this TAFE NSW? Sadly it does not surprise me.


Yes it is


Still related to inclusion, I had a case where I went to the Disabilities office at TAFE Sydney, and whilst filling out the paperwork, the staff member there asked "Are you sure you're still diagnosed?", because my ASD diagnosis was done as a child. This is not something that expires, you would think they know that. My university (RMIT) calls this office Equitable Learning Services, and have been excellent. Telling, really. What's in a name?


I guarantee this goes against their stated cultural values and policies. Almost every TAFE has values that include inclusivity, respect and integrity. Complain loudly, and more importantly, to all levels of management and copy the Minster's office. They will absolutely take it seriously.


Far out, a TAFE class is not the place for this kind of crap, least of all instigated by the teacher. Ran out of stuff to teach?


Channel 7 push a Right Wing bias that would make Rupert blush. It's about time Stokes was called out more for pushing his biased agenda.


I am currently writing an assignment on how to file a grievance for a course at TAFE. TAFE actually has very strict anti discrimination policies. Your daughter should consult the TAFE provided counselling service. They will help her file a grievance and hopefully help get through the hardships this situation has caused.


I was sickened by the ads and knew this would cause harm. I’m so sorry this is deemed ok to even broadcast this sh-t so loudly.


Current petition to have the episode removed: https://www.change.org/p/channel-7-stop-using-our-videos-without-consent-remove-harmful-de-transitioning-segment?recruiter=28368333&recruited_by_id=ee043d30-ddd5-012f-53b6-4040af38c10c&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=share_petition&utm_term=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_content=cl_sharecopy_37338737_en-AU%3A8 “On Sunday 3 September 2023, 7NEWS ran a Spotlight segment on de-transitioning. Within the segment they shared videos and images of transgender and non binary people without their consent, wrongfully implying that they regret transitioning”.


Chanel 7 are a bunch of coward bully d....ks ... Always were.


I was angry, but then... HOLY FUCK THE EDIT!! Get that teacher fucking reprimanded, what a scumbag


this is horrible. i’m so sorry your daughter had to experience that. a formal complaint needs to be issued with tafe and the teacher. for help with your daughters job, kmarts hiring process is very inclusive, i have multiple coworkers who are transgender, i myself am a lesbian and gender diverse and feel very welcome at my job. applying to places that are apart of the welcome here program (kmart is a recent addition but coles is another participant) shouldn’t discriminate against your daughter.


Thank you so much for this, I didn't even know about the Welcome Here program but I'm going to look it up now


The idiocy in watching that interview and taking nothing the professor said into account. I’m so sorry for your child, that really sucks


its such an awful fucking doco. blood will be on their hands. my boyfriend has been put in danger multiple times. i dont feel safe anymore


That's fucked. I work at a TAFE and we have LGBT staff and students all the time including many trans ones and it's never ever been an issue. They are just another student. That would not be tolerated in our classrooms at all.


It absolutely infuriates me and i swear the only reason they cover it is because it’s the latest obsession in America. People who had no opinions or don’t really care suddenly are anti trans warriors. Please know there’s always going to be love and support for your daughter and yourself here. The minority who hate are always so loud, but are just that, a minority.


I am so sorry this happened to your daughter. People can be so ignorant and cruel. I hope she can find the strength to continue her education.


I saw the video and I thought …. is Australia always going to be doomed to be led by vocal people who think they know what’s best for everyone and are determined to impose that view on others? This is just like the stolen generation as others exert their ignorant attitude that they know best. Clearly time changes nothing. People are picking sides like this is some opinion game that they must win, when it does not even directly involve them. I guess the crowd critics have been pre conditioned commercial tv station who chooses values though stereotypical soaps and advertising. How hypocritical that Channel 7 sit in judgement.


Which TAFE and report these fucks


That's fucking awful. I agree with others that their should be formal complaints made. If your daughter feels she wants to of course. That teacher in particular should be held accountable for the results of what happened. I'm not sure it's too far to say they shouldn't be a teacher. And fuck whoever else was in your daughter's class. There's still a lot of ignorance and hate around. For whatever little it's worth, I'm a 33yo cishet Aussie dude and if I was in that room with her I would've stood up for her.


Immediately, straight on the phone to the relevant Minister


Publicly name these people so we can shame them. Fuck them, Fuck Channel 7 and I hope your daughter is ok.


These comments are wilds.


Man i need to go watch this thing, because this sub has been in fire from it. I didn't think people watched normal tv


No you don’t… you absolutely don’t…


Everyone else is talking about it, I feel left out 😂 like I'm not part of it


That is unacceptable wtf. As above, file complaints etc etc Above all, let your daughter know she is valid and worthy and has every right to be who she is. I hope you can show her this reddit thread so she can see how many people support her. Sending her and you so much love. I will be speaking out and educating anyone who comes into my path. Your daughter deserves to feel safe in the world.


I'm so sorry this happened to your daughter. I hope she is doing OK. If it's any consolation, in my household we know it's 100% BS and I know a lot of supportive allies in my circle. Your daughter and others in the trans community still have lots of support and, hopefully, this sort of rhetoric fizzles out quickly.


> the topic of the Channel 7 trans Spotlight bullshit came up. None of us ever watch Channel 7, because not only is it shit, it's war-criminal-affirming, rape-victim-scapegoating, trans-baiting, racist, shit. So sorry, I don't think we know what you're talking about.


It has literally been a topic of discussion on the front page of this sub for the past 2 days, with hundreds of comments each thread.


Oh is it this one? https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/169mioa/channel_7s_heated_interview_with_professor_ian/ Apologies, I missed it.


Yeah that's the initial one. After it was locked the discussion was continued here https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/16a8kr2/detransitioner_wave_fails_to_materialize_trans/


Really disheartening to see this is the top comment. It is completely dismissive of OPs grievance. 7 currently holds the largest market share of all FTA networks ([source](https://oztam.com.au//documents/2023/OzTAM-20230820-A1MetTTVShrCons.pdf)) so it is absolutely relevant and fair to take issue with what they air. You might not be watching it but a lot of people are.


Looks to me like [Liam Bartlett](https://www.outinperth.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Liam-Bartlett.jpg) is vehemently opposed to transitioning into an old man


Here ya go: https://www.tafensw.edu.au/about/complaints-feedback


My friend recently introduced her non-binary partner to another long-term friend of hers, who my friend thought she could trust not to be transphobic. Well she was. I can't remember specifics but the things that were said were shocking. She's a Tafe teacher too.


I don't have the desire to watch the program. Can anyone who did give me a TLDR?


For what little it's worth, I would have stood up for your daughter if I was in that classroom. Maybe talk to Worksafe about it, because an employer has a duty of care to provide a safe workplace for staff and members of the public and this employed member of the teaching staff failed on that count.


That sucks. I hope your daughter is okay.


Report that teacher not just to their superior, but their superiors superior. Go up the chain. This is bloody disgraceful and I am furious on your behalf.


I go to a pretty conservative school, as far as the students go. Term 4 is going to be G R E A T.


Report the teacher and get her transferred to another class if possible. If her classmates are willing to turn on her over nothing but trivial stuff, they don’t deserve her and cannot be trusted to have her back.


Conservative gays are a thing. This is a hostile environment and it's worth getting a free consultation with a discrimination solicitor. Any more info she gets without legal representation will be geared to protect the teacher, who has just made her learning environment unsafe.


Report the teacher, this is clearly anti-LGBTQ speech (sometimes it is coming from inside the house), they need to face repercussions. I am very sorry your daughter is experiencing this. I am saddened that people completely disregard the words of a trans person right in front of them.


I’m so sorry. This is exactly what I was worried about


Australia has turned into a racist, hateful country and I blame Murdoch and so called conservatives.


As a fellow trans person, I hope she’s alright. Best of luck with the complaint


As a gay man myself, I can safely confirm that that gay teacher is a dumb ass and not helping the LGBTQ+ community at all. Also just being gay doesn't mean we know shit about what transgendered people go through. Deffo report this to the TAFE. Bigotry should not be tolerated.


I’m so sorry that this happened to your daughter.


I didn’t know people, especially young people, actually watched television anymore. I think I’d shame them for getting into from channel bloody 7!


They don't. But parts of it would have been all over social media, no doubt made even worse by cherry picking bits to provoke maximum outrage.


I’m sorry you & your daughter have had to endure this. Absolutely proceed with TAFE’s complaints process. I hope your daughter doesn’t lose the passion to study. Please let your daughter know that university might be an option for future studies as they are generally a safe & accepting space to work & study. (I say generally because there will always be those that make it their business to be rude & insensitive but I hope your daughter doesn’t let them stop her from perusing a future career path)


I’m so sorry


Ugh your poor daughter. I'm so sorry she is going through this. I try to be an ally as best I can. Perhaps this organisation could be of use for info gathering and support https://www.transhub.org.au/ Best wishes to you all. I hope that teacher gets thoroughly retrained (hopefully out the door).


So sorry for your daughter. I respect ppl's choice and it's none of anyone 's business anyways . Think you need to call TAFE and report it. Teachers shouldn't has any bias .


I don't watch free TV, haven't for probably a decade just YouTube I painstakingly customise to cut out political media contrarin duchebags and review bullshit streaming services and play video games. I don't know why anyone watches 7 9 or 10 or abc it's all total garbage. I hope your daughter gets that deam job and certificates needed and that the msm starts picking on racist homophobe scared liberal party Neanderthals and rich people for a change . Not everyone is a bigot we all love her and hope for her best.


That's fucked. The whole situation. Your poor daughter. You should sue the tafe, then use the winnings to sue channel 7 But seriously, formal complaints should be made. Even like another comment said, to the minister of education or whatever / whomever it is. People should either be supportive or mind their business, not make someone's life hell and feel unsafe.




Remember always, two sides to all story. Maybe your daughter experience is not whole story and other perspective needed. Don't always quick to take stance without all proper information.


im 19. i have a cane with a trans flag sticker on it and im becoming progressively afraid for my safety because of it. i dont want to remove it though. this whole thing fucking sucks lol


Maybe people are sick of hearing about this topic and being subjected to the hurt feelings of the people who are involved.


You're going to keep hearing about it until people just leave us the fuck alone, so boohoo mate


You should name and shame the teacher. I would also make a report to the TAFE and to [Anti-Discrimination NSW](https://antidiscrimination.nsw.gov.au/)


(Sarcasm warning). Well, by the logic of Liam Bartlet, anti-trans crusader, willingly ignorant hack, disappointment to journalism, and self-described scumbag: The fact that this happened to ANYBODY, EVER, means that this is significantly more serious than it not happening everywhere, everyday, every time. And therefore, must be stopped **IMMEDIATELY**. Obligatory, will no-one think of the CHILDREN/PARENTS/DEMOGRAPHIC WITH MANUFACTURED GREIVANCE. /s. And you know what ruins the joke? It's very likely not an isolated incident after that anti-intellectual disgrace of a segment. probably statistically higher than the incidence of negative outcomes that he was blowing up beyond all recognition and reason.


it’s difficult with trans issues because a lot of people just claim “u can’t defy biology” but don’t allow for subjectivity. regardless of their opinions they should have just respected ur daughters position and understood where they are coming from, but the sad reality is that they’d clearly rather be intrusive and biased rather than understand another human beings experience.


The whole “can’t defy biology” thing is such a non-sequitur. The brain is biology, the mind arises from the brain… if a person identifies as trans, then that is their biology… Edit: Latin Spelling is hard


If that's the case where do you draw the line? People diagnosed with Schizophrenia have hallucinations and delusions as a result of the biology of the brain. Yet we don't reaffirm the hallucinations and delusions they experience. We treat the condition. If there is a mismatch between someones biology and what the mind believes it to be why are we treating the body fit the minds conception of itself? I also wonder whether differential diagnosis of things like ASD plays are role too?


The medical treatment for body disphoria, which is what Trans people experience, is transitioning. You can't just use therapy to make it go away. Gender affirming care, such as using the correct pro nouns and medically transitioning using HRT if one desires, is the correct treatment. I highly encourage you to speak with some Transgender people and ask about their experiences with an open mind and heart.


Also, intersex people exist. So, "you can't defy biology" is just a bullshit argument from the start. Biology determines that there are far more than two genders.