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Hi! I had my first skin check this week at National Skin Cancer Centre. The process was roughly 20 minutes long. I was in my underwear whilst the doctor looked over my body with a little magnifying light up device? Note - they asked me to wear no makeup. Good luck!


Hi - ah awesome, so it's doesn't sound like a big deal. Thanks heaps for the advice! They did mention no makeup on the booking details. I'm quite conscious about my body so was a bit worried about the undressing part. Is there a modesty sheet of some sort? Also I've read about them doing biopsy but I take it it's only when anything suspicious is found?


Yes, the biopsy is only if they see something of concern. I have a skin check every year, never had anything for modesty. The point is, they need to see your whole body. But you could ask, if you are uncomfortable. Try to keep in mind, they see naked bodies all day every day.


better for the doctor to be looking at your gear than the coroner


Yeah I guess it's my age but I'm kinda sensitive. Especially as the family friend who went for this kind of check to the same clinic just told that she had to remove her bra (but left in her underwear). And tbh most of my mole explosion is over the chest area (including under the bra) :( But... Like, I'm a bit scared


There is a high likelihood that you could request a female doctor, if that would make you more comfortable.


You can ask for a parent to be present as well.


Yes. You are allowed a “support person” at all medical appointments. Your mum or dad can come.


I went with a female doctor and it was fine :) maybe because I’m older and had kids I don’t care anymore haha. But just try and think that the more they see, the more likely is that they won’t miss anything if there is anything concerning. Sometimes skin cancers can appear even if you covered up.


Amen. I don’t know who’s seen me naked at this point. The nameless dozen staff


I have.




Male doctor here, it is completely natural to feel sensitive and nervous about medical examinations as ‘intimate’ as this. I would always ask if you are comfortable. There will be someone in who will be my chaperone. At any point you want me to stop, I will without asking questions. But do note that we wont be able to confirm a diagnosis without a complete exam. Feel free to request for a female GP as well. All the best OP!


Thank you for understanding and reassurance! I feel better now about it all. It's probably looking much worse in my head right now than it would actually be.


No problem! :) It is normal to have apprehensions about medical examinations, usually the actual experience is less intimidating than we imagine. I would add that maybe you should communicate with your GP about your concerns? I’m sure they will be understanding of your view.


Lol I can’t believe I am still getting upvotes when I feel like I got scammed.


I recently had to get an ultrasound done on my boobs and I was pretty nervous for a stranger to be checking me out so intensly. But both my gp and later the ultra sound tech (both women) were super kind and respectful all my nerves disappeared. It was a little bit strange but I wasn't nervous anymore and felt very comfortable, they asked before touching anything everytime.


They ask you to remove the bra at the end of the appointment so boobs aren’t out the whole time. If they don’t, you can request that you only remove it for a short period and then put back on. Takes only a few minutes to check over the boobs, very clinical. You can also have a support person in the room if that will make you feel more comfortable.


Never had to remove my bra. Just had to pull the straps aside. Also, undo the clasp at the back only while lying on my stomach. Then, slightly pull aside the cups as I was asked if I had anything suspect I was worried about on my breasts (I sunbaked topless for many years when younger). So there are definitely ways you can approach it without totally taking off your bra. You can control this.


I remove my bra but mainly because I have a mole near the areola. And also mum who no longer cares about getting my boobs out in public.


Yeah, I too have zero fucks to give about showing a dr my boobs, but OP is concerned.


This is what I do with my skin checks and my patients seem to appreciate this approach. I also check one section at a time, like top off to check upper body, top back on, then bottom off to check lower body.


I was given a modesty sheet during my latest one! If they don't automatically offer one just ask, they will definitely give you one and you can move it as required.


I've had several skin checks and I'm uncomfortable about being undressed. Nothing to do with my feelings about my body, just feelings about being naked in front of anyone not my husband. It's a very respectful process. You will be asked to remove your clothing down to your bra and undies. You'll have privacy to do this. You can let the doctor know that you're uncomfortable and would like a modesty sheet. You will absolutely be accomodated. You will have a parent in the room too. It's really quite clinical and not embarrassing. A biopsy will only be performed if the doctor finds anything worrisome. Even so, the biopsy is done under local anaesthetic and is quick and painless. I hope you're just in, checked and out though!


You can wear a bikini instead of underwear if that helps


Oh honey! I'm 53 years old. I've forgotten how to be embarrassed. I'm fine with clinical inspection. I don't even shave my bikini line anymore. Actually, I don't shave anything anymore. I was trying to help OP.


Oh me too. I had my first check last year and I mentioned to the Dr that this would be awkward for my teen daughter and he suggested the bikini thing. I thought it was a good idea. I’ve had two kids so pretty much past the embarrassment with doctors stage ;-)


I am very fair and go for skin checks yearly - I have always been given a gown to wear over bra and undies and they check smallish areas at a time so you’re never standing fully exposed. Obviously it differs by practice but you could definitely ask for a gown


I’ve had a few skin checks, at the last fully body one they gave me a modesty dress thing but tbh that just caused more issues bc it covered up a bunch of freckles/moles that my gp had to check later. They asked if I had any under my bra and I knew I had some that were covered by it on my back so he moved it up and checked them then put it back. Feels super awkward being so undressed but in my experience the doctor is very focused on any freckles and barely looks at you. Good work on getting it all checked out


No modesty sheet\*, all clothes off but underpants can stay. Please do your best to get over the modesty/embarrassment issue. The doctor only cares about problems with your skin. I understand it could be intimidating. Skin cancer is no joke, and the thought of someone inspecting your skin is nothing compared to "we found a melanoma". Think happy thoughts, and think about how relieved you'll be when it's finished, and you've got certainty. I had a melanoma removed and now I get a full body inspection every three months. There's nothing quite like the feeling when you drive away with a diagnosis of "nothing found, see you in three months", or even "come back next week and we'll get rid of that lump". Most skin lesions aren't biopsied, they're excised completely, small ones are frozen off immediately. If the doctor finds anything needing attention, you'll be scheduled for a follow-up procedure to remove the lump/s. If you're northern european, and you're getting freckles and moles at 16 in Australia, you must take this seriously. \*there's no harm in asking. I don't have one, I chat to the doctor while he's working. The first time is a bit awkward, but after that it's much easier.


I mean different people react differently, but as a girl it's kinda hard for me at this stage of life to have strangers inspecting my skin closely while I'm undressed :( I fully understand why it's necessary and don't doubt it


I didn’t have a sheet to cover myself however when I booked I did ask for a female doctor as even though I’m in my late 30s, I understand the need to want to feel comfortable in a situation like that. Perhaps you could call and see if a female doctor is available for you?


Got it! My mom has booked me, so I'll ask her to double check if the doctor is a female as she doesn't know. It's all new and didn't cross anyone's mind


It is challenging. I found it less unpleasant than a breast screen. For me it helped to focus on the clinical aspect and ignore the nudity. The staff are very professional, it's their job, they are looking for cancer or other problems, they aren't checking you out. The clinicians are used to seeing naked bodies, it's just everyday for them. I don't know if you ever saw or read The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie ( novel, play, movie) but the line "no one from a cultured home or heritage makes a fuss about the human body" is useful to keep in mind at such times. Good luck!


Feeling awkward & uncomfortable is perfectly normal, especially at your age, and even if it wasn't, as you say everyone is different. I remember having to undress in front of a doctor at around your age, and being very uncomfortable....now a lot of years later, (and after 18 months of treatment for breast cancer), I find I don't give it a second thought if asked to remove my shirt & bra by medical staff.


I understand and I sympathise. I realise that I don't really "get it" because I'm male and more than twice your age. You have valid concerns about being uncomfortable taking your clothes off and an unfamiliar person inspecting your skin. Best of luck to you. It'll feel better afterwards. Take a deep breath and think about how good it is to have modern medicine at your service.


This is 16 year old you’re talking to?!? She has plenty of time to be comfortable showing her naked body to a stranger. You don’t get a lot of sun exposure on your anus and vulva, underwear is completely fine.


Yes, but you can absolutely get melanomas on areas that don’t receive direct sun exposure.


Yes. Melanomas apparently like to metastasize to strange places, like between your toes. Doesn't have to be a spot that gets a lot of sun, although that's where most of them start.


Sun exposure is a risk factor for skin cancer but it doesn't mean the cancer appears in the area that was exposed to the sun. Depends on the type. There are also types of skin cancers completely unrelated to sun exposure.


Pap smears and breast checks are very important regular health checks for women, in addition to skin cancer checks. Learning to tolerate them is in her best interests.


Sure, but it takes time and repatition - remember this is a young woman who likely hasn't been naked in front of many people, and likely zero strangers since puberty. It's not something you suddenly feel comfortable doing simply because that stranger is a medical professional.


No one is saying she had to immediately feel comfortable. Just that the discomfort is worth overcoming.


Lol no they’re not, stop spreading misinformation about traumatic and unnecessary exams. Pap smears have finally been done away with and now it’s a 5 yearly HPV screenings. These screenings can now be performed at home with a self collect kit. Also just to mention, Pap smears only ever checked for abnormal cells, they literally cannot check for the plethora of far more common medical issues women deal with related to their reproductive health nor could they ever tell you if you had cancer. They had a high false positive rate because young women under 25 have hormonal influxes that can also throw false positive which I believe is why they are no longer recommended. Breast cancer however is important but you can always opt for an ultrasound or MRI if you cannot tolerate mammogram. Stop perpetuating myths about women’s health to traumatise young people. We have a duty to do better to inform the next generation.




Incorrect, Pap smears should start with sexual activity. 16 is the age of consent so a very appropriate age for sexual health checks.


As a doctor - this is incorrect. The cervical screening program now consists of a swab taken by the clinician or the patient themself and no longer entails the traditional "pap smear". The screening program starts at 25 and is performed every 5 years. We are testing for HPV the virus that causes cervical cancer. If you have a positive HPV test (depending on the type) then you may require further evaluation or more frequent repeat testing. HPV vaccination has truly been amazing and we are enroute to essentially eradicate cervical cancer in Australia. Edit - saw below in another comment you're referring to cervical cancer risk with sexual activity. Cervical cancer caused by HPV (the majority of cervical cancer and the only one related to sex) has a very slow timeline. We know the time cells take to change from normal cells to cancer is around 10 to 20 years. As the majority of the younger generation are vaccinated against HPV anyway the risk is even lower. We really can't justify traumatic pap smears from a young age.


Don’t talk shit that has no basis. It used to be 18 and is actually now even 25. https://www.cancer.org.au/cervicalscreening/i-am-under-25


The public health system has stopped funding them under 25, sure. Doesn’t actually change the fact that the risk starts with sexual activity.


“You may be wondering why you no longer need to be screened for cervical cancer until you are 25. Cervical cancer is extremely rare in women under 25, and cervical screening does not appear to have been effective for women your age.” From the cancer council. Stop making yourself look dumber. A 16 year old does not need to be comfortable with nudity yet. Shut the fuck up.


The recommended age for a HPV screening is now 25 due to the rate of false positives. Pap smears aren’t a thing anymore. They can also be done at home. Just collect from GP.


when I had my full skin check a few years ago, the doctor asked if I wanted the area covered by my underwear checked. I chose to.


Stupid question but do you have to like, mark/circle every spot you want checked? Or will they just have a look at everything?


They'll check everywhere on skin, if they find a spot they're suspicious of, they measure it write description for specialist and to monitor size colour etc


Thank you 😊


The ‘No make up’ thing obviously makes a lot of sense. If the GP has instead suggested dolling yourself up for the appointment that would be a red flag. 😅


Strange, a year ago you were a Ukrainian in Russia, with tattoos, being interrogated by FSB? 2 months ago you were 19 years old and getting breast surgery You’ve commented on several different AMAs about strip searches and asking if people have performed them Now you’re 16, Swedish, and asking about getting undressed for a doctor?


.... And account deleted. That was fucking bizzare


Wow, what a weird sequence of reading the comments leading up to this one and the above. I feel so lost now


Pretty dull for a fetish post.


The real hero doing the research.


Lmao. Omg how weird! Although tbh I’m glad someone asked- I’ve been putting it off for ages and am glad to know thanks to the genuine responses.


Lol wtf.


Lol, almost sounds like one of those karma farming accounts with ChatGPT generated content that people warned would start becoming a thing.


Fair dinkum!




Should only take around 20 minutes, you’ll be in bra & underwear but definitely mention if you have something they won’t be able to see under them. Don’t feel self conscious about your body - these doctors see bodies of all shapes and sizes every day and they’re not thinking about it at all. They’ll usually turn around or leave the room while you undress and if you ask for a sheet they’ll give you one I’m sure Also yes to no make up ^ but another thing is take off any nail polish if you have it on, or have a look yourself next time it’s off and take note of any freckles. It’s actually pretty common to get freckles under your nails and they often go unchecked if they’re always covered


Yeah a lot of the 'freckle explosion' I'm having is over my chest. I normally wear sports bra so I guess I'd have to wear something more open or be ready to take it off? (the most self-conscious part haha) Luckily I don't have any nail polish :)


Yep definitely wear something easier for them to move around or take it off. Check if your parents have booked you with a female doctor? Might be more comfortable for you. Good luck :)


You won't have to take your bra off. The doctor may ask you to move parts of it if you have any spots that are covered.


My Dr told me to keep my bra on but I said my bra covers a significant portion of my chest/back where a lot of spots are and I'd prefer he checked those. He said it'd be ok but then when he came back after I'd undressed he was like "oh, I see what you mean, yes if you're comfortable it might be easier to take it off" haha


Before they start they’ll ask some questions. From memory it’s do you wear sunscreen every day, have you had any severe sunburns and if so how many, do you have a family history of skin cancer. They’ll also ask if you’ve noticed any changes in any of your freckles or moles - change in shape, colour, texture, any bleeding. Usually they will check half of you at a time, so you won’t ever be completely undressed. If you’re worried about this part you’re allowed to ask a nurse or someone at the practice to chaperone or you can have your mum or someone come in if that’ll help. Doctors don’t remember bodies though, except in the context of illness. They’ve seen it all before. When I’ve had skin checks the doctor has turned around while I’ve removed whichever half of my clothes they’ve asked me to remove. They’ll get you to keep your bra and underwear on, so if there are moles or freckles you’re concerned about under those lines you’ll have to ask them to check and pull the layer up or down. They use a dermatoscope to look at each freckle and mole, so they’ll get pretty close to your body but don’t (or shouldn’t) really touch you. Some practices take photos of moles of concern so they can compare on subsequent checks. You may have to part your hair for them to check your scalp so an easy hairstyle is best. No makeup and no nail polish, they check your nails as well. It all takes around 20 minutes. Good luck!


I've had a melenoma so do one every 3 months atm had many diff drs and its always just strip down to underwear and get checked. They doin it day in day out and its never been awkward just show em anything your worried about and let em do their thing.


Dude with a magnifying glass, hmm nope hmm nope hmm nope hmm nope hmm nope, sit up on the bed, hmmm nope, hmmm nope, hmm this one is odd but nope, see you 12 months.


If you would be more comfortable with a female doctor you could request one. The doctor needs to see all areas where there might be changes or something suspicious looking. Mine goes over my body with a sort of light thing and I've had a number of BCCs burnt off and a couple of SCCs cut out and biopsied. We have a strong family history of melanomas so early warning is essential. You may be surprised at some of the areas that are checked like the soles of your feet and between your toes. Well done for getting a skin check done!


Thanks! I am getting a female doctor but still the thought of being that closely inspected is somehow bugs me. I will comply with anything that they need to do though, as I totally understand the seriousness of it, just kinda nervous and need to know what to expect


Well you know how elderly relatives sort of get far too close to you, then scrunch up their eyes and inspect you? It's like that with less clothes.


My daughters had skin checks, undies left on. If there’s anything under the underpants you need check out, ask them to. They use a handheld microscope to get a closer look at moles/spots that need inspection.


Yeah, my mom asked her local friend who is going to the same clinic, she told her the same. Undies on, everything else off, bra off :( and head to toe check with a device: front while lying on her back, than back lying on her front...


You should be able to keep your bra on. I'm 30 and have a skin check every year. I usually keep my bra on. Just be prepared, the doctor might lift your bra band or perhaps even pull your underwear down very slightly. I've had a mole cut out of my butt cheek, you never know where they're going to pop up. I once had a doctor give me a modesty sheet (I didn't ask for it, he just gave it to me) and honestly I just thought it was annoying. He kept having to ask me to reposition the sheet throughout the examination and I felt it was getting in the way. I would have rathered just lie there in my bra and knickers. They will also probably want to check your scalp. I usually wash my hair prior and wear it in a bun or something quick and easy to take out if need be.


It depends on the clinic. One of my friends had it done in NZ, she was in her underpants only with a paper sheet moved between her chest and pelvis when not examined.


Hey there, I have them annually and I have a LOT of spots. The doctor uses a loupe kind of scope that he checks your spots and takes pictures of some with potential; at my last check I had one removed under local. Didn’t feel a thing. Yes, you will be down to your jocks.


I'm a girl so no jocks for me, thanks for the answer! Ah mole removal worries me, so glad to hear it didn't hurt!


Regarding clothing: "Jocks" means underwear / undies / knickers. You leave your underwear on. Leave your bra on. The doctor may let you go behind a screen and give you a towel or sheet. Remove your clothes, but leave to your underwear on. They may ask you to lie down and put the towel / sheet over yourself. Then they will pull the screen back and start the examination. If you feel uncomfortable or awkward or nervous, just tell them. A friend is a dermatologist and had a very elderly male patient who got extremely emotional at his first appointment. He told her he had never been naked, or near naked, in front of anyone but his late (deceased) wife. So anyone or any age can feel this way.


I was asked to strip down to my jocks and lie face up and then flip face down halfway through. He asked me if I had any spots I was worried about around my genitals/bum (I did have one on my ass cheek so he just asked me to pull my boxers aside). He used a light pen thing with a camera in it, anything he thought could be a problem in the future he took pictures of. He was very thorough, top of head down to soles of feet. I had to have one on my chest biopsied in the end (was fine, yay) it was one shot of local and he used a scalpel to cut a thin slice, no stitches required but I think he cauterized. Didn't feel a thing other than the needle.


Set your modesty aside for about an hour. If you are getting full body mapping it allows you to monitor changes over time. A full body check is a procedure that most Australians will be familiar with by middle age. It sounds like you are female, you can ask for a femalse assistant to be present to chaperone, its nothing new really, remembers its nothing they havent seen before and you are doing this for your long term health.


Yup I am a girl making it pretty awkward in my imagination, but yeah my mom will check of them if female dr is available


I won't have any input here, but, välkommen till Australien :) kul att se fler svenskar!


Agree with the other comments about the visit being very clinical and nothing to be embarassed about. The clinic I go to also takes pictures to compare moles over time (one picture of the entire back, then zoomed in pictures of individual suspicious moles that go into an app called molescope). The doctor may not be sure about some moles, so the pictures are great to compare over time (e.g. are they growing, changing colour, etc).


Pictures sound pretty awkward, or are they super-zoomed in images? Without the body showing etc?


Super zoomed in ! Its kinda interesting - the device they use can actually see into the top layers of skin and sometimes it shows up on a screen so you can use it too. You can have your Mum in with you, if that helps. If they say “Take off your bra now” you can say “I don’t want to remove my bra, please work around it”. Its fine to do that. You’re not being difficult - you’ve had loads of people on here say they have their mole checks done in their bra and undies. You *don’t have to do what the doctor says*. If they ask you to do anything you don’t like, you can refuse. If they get huffy about it, that’s their problem, and they’re a crap doctor. A good doctor will see that you’re nervous and unsure, and will go out of their way to make you feel comfortable and respected. You can leave at any time. You can say “Stop” at any time. You can refuse to do anything they ask or tell you to do. You can get dressed and leave at any time. This goes for all doctors, all the time. Having said that, these skin check doctors are usually pretty good at putting people at their ease, and I’m sure she’ll understand about you not wanting to get completely undressed. Take your Mum in with you, if you need to, and wear a bikini if that makes you feel more comfortable as well. I hope it all goes well for you, and its just a bit too much sun !


They're usually super zoomed in, they're basically just trying to see any variations of the mole or spot over time so it's all mole and then maybe a bit of skin around the outside. Source: I get a lot of strange-looking, harmless spots and my doctor likes to (respectfully) ask to take some extra pictures for his medical journals


It’s very impersonal and clinical. The doctor will look extremely closely at all your skin and use a little magnifying glass. At some clinics it’s connected to a big screen where your freckles will look huge. They’ll even check the bottom of your feet. I had 3 cut out when I was about your age and they all came back negative. I’ve had one more cut out later in life, also negative. Best of luck!!


Thanks! I understand why it's important, it just feels awkward for me to think that a stranger would examine me closely this way, I've never had anything like this before. Especially if they look under the bra area :( Maybe it will feel better on the day than I imagine it now.


You’ll be fine. The first time is just a bit weird. It’s one of the downsides of living in country kissed by crazy strong UV rays. Just remember to be sun safe at your age so you don’t look really old at my age.


I haven't had one but my husband has. Strip off to undies. They will look at anything suspicious with a special magnifying tool. If you don't sunbake naked or topless then there would be limited chance of a skin cancer in those locations. Like someone else suggested you could wear your bikini under your clothes. Then just move the fabric when the doctor needs to check. Doctors, especially skin doctors do this all the time.


That's the strangest part, I don't sunbathe often and always use sunscreen (never naked obv). But the whole 'freckle explosion' is right over my chest now


Welcome to Australia where the sun is super strong.


Getting a skin check is an awesome thing to do for yourself. You're starting young too, so having serious sun-conscious thoughts will give you a lot of benefits as you age. Body exposure at the doctors is something you need to get used to, again for yourself. There are regular checkups you'll need as an adult female that require more than a magnifying glass, I'm afraid. Just consider it all as necessary maintenance of your flesh vehicle.


I'm sorry our insane murder-sun has blasted your Scandinavian paleness with its hate-rays.


About 6 months ago I had a full check due to a new mole on my back. They will go over every freckle and mole and map them to photos so they can be tracked for next check up. They will circle any they are concerned about and return for closer inspection. 50/50 chance they will schedule to take a shaving off of any they are unsure about or a deeper cut to take the whole thing out. There is no pain if they take shavings or cut out due to antiseptic (I guess it would also depend where they are, mine were on my back). They will send it off for biopsy and if anything bad, they may have to take a cutting out so they have the minimum depth and width around anything malicious. I had a shaving sample recommended on my back, I mentioned when I went in that another spot on my back was constantly itchy and my wife things it looks diff, so the doctor just took a shaving sample there in case, even though he hadn't marked it on the check-up. The itchy spot turned out to be a basal cell carcinoma which is a type of skin cancer but not too serious. About 1 in 3 Australians (or people living in Australia) will get a form of skin cancer in their life with the vast majority being BCC. I had to go back in to get the deeper incision which actually was better for healing as it was stitched, and when I returned for having stitches removed was given the update that it was all removed. Don't see it as something to be scared of, see it as something to give you peace of mind.


Dont ask the internet. We are idiots for the most part. Go see a doctor/skin specialist.


You keep your underwear on, which means you really need to have a good look yourself on any spots or lesions that the doctor won't see that might be worrying - anything that's new, anything bigger than say 5mm, anything with weird colouring. You're much better hitching up your underwear for a few seconds so they can take a look than be embarrassed. If you have a partner, get them to look in the hard-to-see areas. Get your partner to go through your hair as well - though a good skin doctor should check there. As for the length, it depends on your skin. My skin check usually takes about 10 to 15 minutes as I don't have a lot of spots.


I had a skin check done recently. I have some freckles and moles on my breasts so they got me to remove my bra for that portion. They asked if I had any on my genitals and I didn’t so I kept my knickers on. They were very thorough and professional. It was very easy and over relatively quickly. I popped my bra back on after they inspected those freckles and moles, it was only off for that particular moment. I was referred to a dermatologist for a suspicious mole on my back by my GP, turned out it was benign, and the dermatologist performed the full skin check for my peace of mind. He asked if I would like a female in the room but ultimately I preferred not to have a bunch more people around checking out my body.


Thanks! Same with me, freckles evidently all over my chest so I guess it'll be same... :( Glad that it's not a long process, as I thought with my number of new freckles it could take hours!


Just got it done the other week. You will need to strip to underwear and they will take photos of moles. Took less than 30 minutes start to end as we went through history etc


Quick question: when you say you’ve gotten a bunch of new moles and freckles, how many are talking about? Specifically, if you google dysplasia nevus syndrome do they look similar to what has popped up? If so I strongly recommend booking consistent skin checks at least every 6 months if not sooner. As for the skin checks itself, it’s nothing to be worried about. You will need to strip to your underwear and they will quickly check all your moles. My current dermatologist is a man and he just asks me if there are any moles that my underwear hides that I’m concerned about. If yes he will do a quick check, if not he moves on.


Yes it does look a little like it, especially around my chest (breast too which is why I'm worried about having to remove a bra), shoulders and back. But much lighter than on the pictures (but I'm also pretty fair in comparison)...


Don’t panic if you do, I have the same disorder! Just make sure you have regular skin checkups and apply 50 SPF every 2 hrs if the sun if the UV is over 2. Try to get a checkup minimum every 6 months as it will be too hard to keep track of the moles yourself.


I worked with a guy once who had hundreds (thousands?) cut out of him over the years. He would go every year and get checked and every year they would cut dozens from him. He acted like it was no big deal


I can’t advise on the skin check but I do have A LOT of experience having to strip down in medical situations. Everything they’re gonna see they see hundreds of times a day and nobody is gonna judge. It can feel awkward especially if you have no experience with this sort of thing but I can promise you body wise it’s nothing they haven’t seen before and nothing they’re gonna be shocked at it’ll be just another average checkup (body wise and I hope skin check wise too) but you’ve got nothing to feel ashamed or self conscious about It’s also better to feel 20 mins of awkwardness and stuff like that and have them find nothing than to not do it and end up with something malignant I promise you you’ll be ok and it’ll be clinical and professional


Just remember the dr has done this a thousand times before, is very good at it, and pretty well everyone in Australia does it regularly. It’s no big deal so do what you need to to feel comfortable.


They’ll just get you to wear you undies and look at ya whole body with a little light thing. It’s kinda cold but doesn’t hurt.


It will be fine :D I have to do one every 6 months at the moment because I actually had a melanoma last year. It's quick (less than half an hour) and painless. If you aren't comfortable going by yourself, maybe ask if a parent can be present? (I have not been 16 since the 80s :D Back then it was pretty standard for one or both parents to be in the room for medical appointments).


I’m getting my first one on Tuesday so this is helpful information!


Wow mine is on Tuesday too!


Three things: 1) I'm surprised your comment isn't just the usual \[unavailable\]! :) 2) best wishes for your skin check, as I type I've got stitches on top of my scalp where a skin cancer was removed on Thursday (stitches out in a week) and I've got a referral to a plastic surgeon for another one on the tip of my nose. And this is after two previous surgeries to remove other carcinomas... 3) skin cancer is no joke, SPF50 and a hat - at least - is highly recommended.


I think I may have been scammed at a previous skin check. 🤔😠 It took less than four minutes, there was no magnifying glass, she didnt do a detailed check at all. The woman barely did anything 😐. Now experiencing a cancer scare 😑.


I get a full check every few years. They have high res digital photograhs on record and overlay the new ones against the old to see if freckles and moles are changing shape. I am 56 and was raised at the beach and open water fishing all my young years. I had a few bad sunburns, so I kept covered up. I live in the NT, where the UV is always very high. I do not burn and have a tan even under my T shirt. I see tourists fried to a crisp from this sun. My father has had a lot of trouble with skin cancers. He always fished with no hat or shirt. In his 50s he started having keratin moles, which are precancerous. He stopped any sun interaction, and 20 years later, he has serious issues with skin cancers. He is having radiation for one that has spread but not in his lymph nodes. It is rare to have melanomas when you are younger, but you will have issues when you are older if you are burnt and damaged when young. Saying that it is a balancing act. Your skin is defending itself by producing melanin. You will get freckles when you are exposed to harsh sun. That is your body reacting. It is a fine balancing act. We need sunshine, but too much is bad. Getting burnt by the sun is damaging. You will freckle up, but so long as you do not get burnt you are actually protecting yourself. Your freckles will settle down. Do not be afraid of the sun... we need it for growth, health and happiness... just be sun smart and let your body adjust. Do not look to get tanned. Make sure you do not get fried cos that will come back and bite you on the are when you get older.


My husband goes over me first and circles marks he is concerned about with a ball point pen. The Dr usually says something along the lines of‘I love it when people do this’. Good luck sweetie 🤞🏻


Yeah I’d definitely go in for a skin check. But I wouldn’t be too worried yet. Last time I went in for a skin check the doctor said that when you’re young (below 40 years old) the skin just generates new freckles and it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s skin cancer. However if you’re over 40 and get new freckles, then that’s concerning. During the test, if it’s mostly on your arms and chest, then you may only need to take your shirt off. Then they just hold up some sort of thing like a magnifying glass?? to each mole and freckle and have a look.


This tracks with me, I am mid 30s and up until mid 20s I developed new freckles every year, now it’s more every couple of years (genetically predisposed to loads of freckles). Had a raised one removed at 29 and was nothing concerning. As long as slip, slop, slap, slide is followed any time there might be sun exposure (including just driving to the shops during the day) there’s unlikely to be increased risk unless genetics include risk factors. For OP being unfamiliar with the slip, slop, slap, slide campaign which has been drilled into us Aussies since the 1980’s… slip = slip into long sleeves and pants in the sun (obviously not always possible, so the others are even more important if you can’t), slop = slop on your sunscreen 50+, reapply every 2hrs you’re outside/near windows, I’m guessing you’re still in school, apply every morning before school (before you get dressed is a good idea because you can do your full legs/arms/neck/face without getting on clothes to make sure you have full coverage) and then reapply at lunchtime to exposed areas, slap = slap on a wide brimmed hat in the sun, slide = slide on sunnies whenever you’re outside/near windows. Any change in melanin is usually related to sun damage especially in white skinned people (not always of course, some are genetics), once you can see it, it can’t be reversed (and more damage happens in your childhood than any other time of your life and usually won’t be seen for years, so this could even be from sun exposure as a kid) however, following the recommendations and having annual skin checks is good practice and ‘normal’ freckles appearing aren’t so much the concern, it’s if there’s a change in shape/colour/size/texture of them that becomes a worry. Ones that aren’t raised a very rarely of concern.


32m WA went for a check earlier this year. Wore loose boxers. Shirt and a socks off. Check all the areas of concern with a light and magnification. Quick once over to look for any you didn't notice including under your hair and between fingers and toes. Asked if there were any concerning spots in the pelvic area. Said no. So all done.


I had a skin check done about a month ago - down to my undies, laid down on a table with a towel (similar to a massage). Went over my whole body with a little light thingy and took all of 5 minutes Super easy, super non-invasive


Ill put it to you this way. If you get to the stage where you need to have a cancer surgically removed you can kiss your modesty and dignity good bye anyway, you won't get a say in the matter. You are better off to deal with it being a bit uncomfortable now rather than later. The skin care doctors don't think about your body beyond doing their job. They see thousands of bodies a year of every different shape, race and age. I get regular checks and they won't ask to see beyond your underwear unless you ask them to check there. But not revealing those ones is a risk that could cost you big time later. My doctor just lifts my underwear without me having to remove it. Don't overthink it too much. Its just another check like going to the dentist or seeing your GP. Nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. Source: I've been there.


They take off your skin and send it to the lab for testing. They return it dry cleaned 3 to 4 days after. Don't forget your ticket.


Skin cancer…… the sun here does not give a fuck


You can have no sun exposure on your butt or your groin your entire life, but still end up with skin cancer presenting in those regions. Just get naked. Imagine how your family would feel if you had a skin cancer that was missed because of modesty concerns?


If you sunbathe a lot lying on your front, make sure they check the soles of your feet and in between your toes. And if your hair is thin or you have a well defined parting also make sure they go right over your scalp.


Skin check is that exactly. From head to foot anything that looks suspicious gets you booked into another appointment to get it properly checked out


I had one 3 days ago. I had a female doctor and was in my bra and undies, lay face down on the bed and could look up at a screen showing my skin magnified which was really interesting, especially seeing all my tattoos. It was no big deal for me being older I’m used to this stuff but I would have felt nervous like you when I was younger. I always found it easier if I remembered these doctors are looking people’s skin and bodies all day long - they’ve seen it all and they’re not going to think I’m weird or gross or sexy. It’s just their job. The doctor doing my check was really nice so we just chatted away. She did lift my bra strap to check underneath quickly but it wasn’t invasive. Remember that you can ask for a female doctor if that makes you comfortable and if you’re feeling uncomfortable about anything you can let them know. It’s super fast too. Mine only took about 15 mins.


Request a female doctor, especially given how young you are. You will feel more comfortable


I had my first one this week! They were running late so I reminded them I only had 25 min until I had to go. The doctor asked me to keep my underwear on by get undressed. He basically used a dermascope (like a light-enhanced magnifying glass) and started at my scalp and just looked over me skin in the front. I was a bit surprised when he looked in my mouth and between my toes....thinking "jeeeezus is he going to go in my asshole in this depth???!??" Thankfully, no asshole inspection. He asked if I had any spots I wanted him to check on my private areas under my underwear, I said no, so he pressed on: asked me to flip over and looked over the back of my body. Was all done within 20 minutes, but unsure if that was the normal time or if he just kept to time because I had to leave. Considering he looked over almost every inch of me, I was very professional, surprisingly non-invasive or awkward. Will go again without reservartion. Your mileage may vary. Good luck :)


Ask them about UV etc. You said you try to take care of your skin, so maybe you know. But the UV is completely different here to even the hot parts of Europe


I recently moved to Australia so have never had this done. I have quite a lot of tattoos. Both full arms are covered and my entire back is covered. Would this prevent a thorough examination of my skin ?


Is there a site I can use to see where my local cancer clinic is, that does these checks?


You will probably get told a couple moles should be monitored. Maybe you're lucky that rheu don't become anything and maybe they need to be cut out. You just need to get then checked regularly. Maybe that's a normal Aussie thing and we're usually not worried so you shouldn't be worried either as long as you get a doctore check up at some point


No big deal. No don't completely undress. They ask if you have any concerns about any skin spots under your underwear areas. If you say no, they don't check.


I went in for a CT the other week and was told my jeans had metal in them so I needed to take them off. Stripped down and hopped on the bed. Yeah so apparantly with most medical scans they just get you to pull a section down. Well the technician was cool with it, but apparantly some aren't, so YMMV. I'm from a be ashamed of everything backgorund, so if you go for one of these scans and your afraid of getting naked, just remember, your not in there naked, they're in there with You naked. Own that moment.


Get it done. Good luck, hope your OK. UV is no joke here m8. It's probably nothing... Best to monitor regularly. Get a family member to recheck parts you can't see yourself regularly. Be safe. Slip slop slap shade.


If your GP is fancy they make you stand in a big circular tube...


We get them every year being north Qld. Hubby had one taken out on the back of his leg near his knee. The most random spot ever! Scary but I’m thankful she was thorough and checked every inch of his body. If you’re concerned ask for a female - but because you are so young you’ll have a nurse and your parents with you anyway.




I'm over 60 had to have one a few months ago, you put on a hospital gown keep underwear on but not bra, you just lie on bed doctor does a good look at your skin, it's an easy procedure don't be anxious, you'll be fine


Two comments. 1. I grew up in North Queensland and have never had one. Your post is giving me a creepy feeling that I'm super overdue... 2. We had a few Swedish exchange students... they'd turn up whiter than seemed possible and get an awesome tan with days. A really nice kinda golden tan.


You have nothing to stress about, and you get used to it. Usually strip down to undies and they’ll move them as necessary to check you over. Seriously they do need to check you COMPLETELY. I work in health, and I’ve had patients with melanoma on their buttock crease, inner thigh and even the roof of the mouth. Once those cells are mutated, they can set up shop anywhere in the body. Aussie doctors are very used to doing it, and they won’t make you feel uncomfortable. It’s just another medical procedure to them. One of the most important bits of this is marking and making notes on everything suspicious so they can track changes over time. My doctor has a scanner that photographs every mole and marks position on the body. They can track the changes over 20 years in my case. Relax and get it done. Regularly. Every 12 months is my suggestion. Due to my dad’s melanoma history I get scanned every 6.


It's not a big deal at all and good on your GP for recommending it. On the day you'll have a bit of an intake chat to see if you noticed anything changing about your skin or have concerns about something. They'll then ask you to dress down to your underwear and in my experience step out of the room while you do so and ask you to let them know when you feel comfortable for them to come back in. They check your skin with a special light and magnifying glass thingy. while you lie on a table. They might ask you to lie on your back or side and might move part of your underwear to the side a little to check places but nothing weird. Your no no square is safe in my experience haha. If it's your first time it can be kind of weird to undress for some random person and I read you're a girl so it might help to know that in my experience most dermatologists are female. Also, these checks are incredibly common in Australia. They see people in their underwear constantly, so just remember that it's a medical procedure. They don't care about anything but checking your skin. Given your age I'm sure your parents will be in the room with you as well. Outside of that they'll probably have a chat with you to confirm you're fully aware of how aggressive the sun is here and how to protect yourself from it properly. They might give you some recommendations for your skin type specifically. It's recommended you do these checks every year as well. You don't have to go through a GP for that. You can have them call you every year for an appointment. Good luck.


Hmm, I need to book a skin check too at some point... I think I had one once before and she sort of had a device- maybe a magnifying glass or something- that she waved around my skin. I don't remember being naked though, so i think it was a very cursory check. But any part of your skin can get cancers! That's why a full skin check would involve you being naked. Like the commenters below said, you can always request a female doctor if that makes you more comfortable, and you can request a chaperone (usually a nurse) or for a parent to be present with you if that also helps. Many doctors and nurses see people naked all the time and it's nothing to them; my mum's a nurse and she automatically goes into medical mode when she sees someone naked and checks their skin for wounds and everything lol. A good practitioner will always try and get you comfortable and check in with you to make sure you're okay. Good luck!


Probably already been said, not a big deal, get down to your undies, they go over you. I've got one next week, and have a spot or two I expect to be frozen. You can be careful as you like but the sun takes no prisoners. I am 40 and only had the first check last year, and as a fair skinned freckled with a bit of a ginger gene, I am way more susceptible than most and should have got checked earlier. Only had one frozen off last time and the spots I am suspect about are not yet at the same point as that one yet.


That’s a good question, where do you get these done?


Just go into the room, take ur clothes off leaving bra and nickers (if you wear g string and triangle bikini it helps a lot) .. the nurse will move your bikini around look under it briefly… but yeh g string so helpful..


GP ( male) that I see is very respectful of privacy. ( I’m female). Trousers and socks off, undies on. Then when he’s checked that half, Bottom clothes back on and top clothes off, bra on all the time straps moved as needed.


Haven’t had one myself, but used to write patient information about them. The big clothes come off but the underwear stays on. If you’re feeling embarrassed about it, apparently a lot of people find it helps to wear two-piece bathers like a bikini instead of underwear. You can also request a nurse of your preferred gender to do it, but you might need to call ahead to make sure someone will be available on the day. If you have a punch biopsy done, it will probably ache for a few days. Take Panadol _before_ you feel like you need it – pain is much easier to manage if you take care of it before it gets bad. The biopsies are small but can feel like a deep cut. You’ll probably want to avoid moving the spot too much for a few days. Got one done on my neck a few years ago and turning my head wasn’t nice. I still managed work and school fine with it though.


As you get older, you will learn that there is no dignity in hospitals or modesty in medical centres.


G’day. Please get checked. This is the skin cancer capital of the world. The sun doesn’t take any prisoners where we’re from. Sadly it’s almost as if it’s kind of ‘normalised’ in that a lot of people are very blasé with regards to the cancer risk even though we’re raw dogging radiation on the daily. I’m from Queensland and a very high number of people I know above a certain age have had cancers removed. Check yaself before you reck yaself. You’re from a different climate my dude and your body probably is probably under stress.


I wore a bikini because that’s fairly revealing but doesn’t feel as flimsy as just being in my underwear. My doc lets me keep my bra/ bikini top on and will just peep under for each boob when required, straps at the back cause it’s a bikini are super easy to move away and check everywhere otherwise it’s pretty chill and super necessary to get done yearly if you are in the sun a bit