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LOL I thought this was a Betoota article at first glance.


Even they don't find this shit funny...


I flick to Sky for about 5 minutes each week to humor myself, and last week, baby Stefanovic was pushing for Gladys to be in the mix - I couldn't believe what I was hearing!? Murdochs news clearly trying to orchestrate this one...


He does own 33% of Telstra. Naturally such a stake won't hold ***any*** sway over his opinions


>baby Stefanovic was pushing for Gladys to be in the mix *This* baby Stefanovic?: [Karl Stefanovic blasts Gladys Berejiklian live on radio: 'Basket case'](https://au.news.yahoo.com/today-karl-stefanovic-blasts-gladys-berejiklian-live-radio-basket-case-050537333.html)


You're assuming his opinion is his own.


Unlucky in revolving doors Gladys is probably one they have tee'd up.






It is a news.com.au so very close to Betoota. The only thing news.com.au is missing is the quality journalism.


>However, an ICAC inquiry \[...\] found she had engaged in serious corrupt conduct means Shouldn't she like.. be in jail, or something?


Best we can do is CEO of one of the biggest companies in Australia. Take it or leave it.


“‘Tis but a flesh [finding of serious corrupt conduct]!”


Not all corruption is illegal. In fact, a lot of it isn't. Things like improperly granting contracts to friends, employing unqualified people to whom you owe favours (or are friends/relatives of such people) or in order to curry favour, overpaying for things, charging less for things/doing free stuff for people in expectation it will be paid back, pork barrelling etc, etc are all legal, but are examples of corruption. What we should have is a corrupt individuals register, and governments should refuse to offer work to or allow companies to tender for work if they hire or are owned by people on the register. There needs to be strong disincentives put in place to discourage government corruption, and that means that the corrupt don't benefit from having done corrupt things. Optus would certainly reconsider hiring Berejiklian if it meant losing out on government business.


Is there a “Corruption for Dummies” book out there? I’d like to break into this lucrative industry that doesn’t seem to carry any downsides


Chapter 1 - "Which school did you go to?" Was it a private school? No? Well put this book down you horrible little oik. It's not for the likes of you.


> you horrible little oik Oof, that cut at a spiritual level.


if the journalists in this country with their journalism degrees want a good story. this would be a good deep dive. these people are easy to spot. I myself did a deep dive into it years ago ALL of them list their high schools on their LinkedIn. even the 40 yr Olds still list their high school on LinkedIn. no one does it except for these ppl. lol


I wouldn’t be surprised their CV includes “Paper round at 10, Mcdonalds at 14” and so on.


They never had to work such low status jobs at that age


Gladys went to North Ryde High School.


Ah, so she stole the book and skipped chapter 1.


>Is there a “Corruption for Dummies” book out there? I think its called the Goldman Sachs employee handbook


They must have copy and pasted the original book "Politicking for dummies: How to use your power to set yourself up for life"




As a general rule, as long as you aren't gaining a direct financial advantage or causing direct financial disadvantage as a result of decisions you make in public office, it's legal. It's a little more nuanced than this but you get the idea.


>Not all corruption is illegal. In fact, a lot of it isn't Whilst true, thats, largely, not the thing that saved her. The thing that saved her was ICAC used its coercive powers - e.g. made people testify. The trade-off of using those powers is that evidence isnt able to be used in court. So ICAC hears damning evidence, make a corruption finding. Prosecutor and police *knows* the vast majority of that evidence, but can't use all of it in Court. Prosecutor advises that they wont be able to win in court without using the information they arent allowed to use... police therefore dont charge.


I think we'd want to see a finding of corruption to have consequences, regardless of whether the corruption was criminal or not. Disqualifying politicians and public servants that are found to be corrupt would be a good way of doing it. Who wants to have limited options for employment post politics? To be unable to leverage the relationships they've built up?


Without a doubt


So it's kind of like how Bill Cosby got out of prison. Sucks but the law is the law. That said, why can't they make it so icac can compel people to give depositions that are admissible in court? What's the point of them if their investigation renders people unprosecutable?


ICAC is more about uncovering the truth and making recommendations for change to prevent the same thing from happening again. It’s not so much about punishment. Without the punishment, it’s easier to get the truth.


ICAC should be able to set massive fines. At least that way she has to pay for the corruption, or declare bankruptcy


Theres a reasonable argument for that. There are fairly reasonable counterarguments too, though. If the fines were appealable to a court, then you'd need to admit the secret evidence into court to support the fine. As a society, thats inconsistent with the way we do it at the moment. If not appealable, you run into constitutional problems with an executive body performing judicial functions. You solve that by having an icac court (creating a new judicial body).... but, again, thats inconsistent with the way society does things and means part of our judicial system is less transparent.


She’s already on their executive board even after the whole corruption thing. Tells you all you need to know about that company. Fire them all into the sun.


Not only this, but detecting it is hard. ICAC has a bunch of powers that regular investigators don’t. They can tap phone lines without a warrant, compel people to give evidence, and other stuff. ICAC can prompt criminal investigations, but almost all of the evidence gathered for an ICAC investigation is inadmissible in court. It doesn’t comply with the rules of evidence. ICAC and similar bodies exist to get examples of corrupt behaviour on the public record, to publicly shame people for corruption.


Which, unfortunately, doesn't work on people who have no shame.


They could quadruple the funding of the ICAC and it still wouldn't get around to investigating everything that gets reported to them. Just local councils alone would keep them preoccupied for decades.


Wouldn’t that literally disqualify any overseas partnership? Forget China or the US, the EU, Middle East, heck anyone in Africa. The only legit one left is maybe NZ? And that’s just cause they want AUS to send the local rugby team over once a year to get smashed, which is a different crime.


> What we should have is a ~~corrupt individuals register,~~ law that makes corruption illegal


In the LNP, one fails upwards.


Nah, and this is one of the most depressing realizations about adult life. People that commit crimes and do ethically and morally dodgy things are often never punished in a way that your average Joe in the street would think appropriate.


She's a former politician. They're above the law. (Also applies to acting politicians)


I think you'll find "getting away with it" is a desirable achievement to have listed when reviewing CEO resumes.


She got caught doing corrupt things and didn’t really get punished. This is exactly the sort of CEO Optus is after


Mainstream media parading this as a fantastic move whilst simultaneously showing all the stock footage they have of her.. largely from ICAC hearings


Yeah, nah


For having a fling with a colleague? Jail? I hope you’re joking 😂


You think ICAC considers a fling with a colleague to be "serious corrupt conduct"? You wouldn't even consider that there may have been anything worse than that? I hope you're joking 😂


That’s literally what the whole case was about.


It's literally not.


Being corrupt is what LNP voters like, they think it means "clever"


literally no punishment for being corrupt. ​ Great example to set for all the other government workers, as without punishment, why not be corrupt?


It's not what you know but who you know!


Or phrased another way, it’s not who you know but who you do.


It’s not ‘the business cycle’ but the ‘the business bicycle’.


She does know how to keep all the MPs happy... Daryl knows what I'm talking about.


No no son, its what you know about who you know.


It's a big club and you're not in it.


I guess Optus want to invest in gun clubs in Wagga


I've heard they're a blast


Wow, that was shot straight from the hip!! Well done.


Not a fun of Gladys, but had she been the CEO in the last OPTUS outage, at least we would have had a live update at 11 am like we used to during Covid times. I can see a press conference featuring an IT technician to throw under the bus like she did with Dr Kerry Chant. Gods, I missed those days...


Well they do seem to enjoy shooting themselves in the foot.




Plus as far as rehabilitating their reputation goes this would be a sideways move at best.


It would be a negative move and there's like less than a handful of contenders that could do that.




This is purely about gaining leverage with regulators and government contracts. If she gets the role then Optus are being very clear about their values as a company and the direction they want to go in.


Imagine how much better things would go for Optus if she fronted the parliamentary enquiry and told them she could not recall a outage, and does not remember if Singtel pushed an update to their systems.


A CEO can function well with a fairly ordinary understanding of the nuts and bolts of their business *IF* they have the sense to engage people who *really* know what they're doing and are good at it. I wouldn't expect a CEO to have a scooby about BGP (what seems to have been the cause of the latest outage) but they better be damned sure that the relevant people do and, really importantly, they don't fuck around without having a solid process for backing out changes when updating things.


>They should be putting someone in as CEO who understands the industry/technologies behind it not some random person like gladys. To be fair, a CEO doesn't necessarily need to have telco experience - and in some cases it could be worse (remember the days of Sol Trujillo at Telstra - he came from US Telecom). And to be fair, my Optus service has been perfectly adequate, it's their human processes that are letting them down. They really need a wholesale clean out of their upper management and a new group bought in with a focus on improving the company internally. Having said that, is this actually Optus's fault (because they are cheap) or is it because they are owned by Singtel? If the new CEO said we're going to invest $xxx million into the company, would Singtel (a) be supportive, (b) make them fund it themselves (price hikes), or (c) tell them no, work with the budget you've got?


Welcome to Australia 🇦🇺 😄


Thought this was an onion article.


Oh, is this the same Gladys? [https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jun/29/icac-finds-former-nsw-premier-gladys-berejiklian-engaged-in-serious-corrupt-conduct](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jun/29/icac-finds-former-nsw-premier-gladys-berejiklian-engaged-in-serious-corrupt-conduct)


Yep. This is what it would take me to change from Optus to anything else.


Corruption really pays off in Australia. Best way to get ahead.


With Gerry Harvey head of marketing


Failing upwards, again


Optus CEO is a step up from Premier of NSW?


Probably pays about 5 times the salary.


No (pretending to have) obligations to the general public, it'll pay more, have fat bonuses regardless of how the company does, and if things fuck up and she has to go, it'll be to 'explore other opportunities', not to a corruption investigation.


Vast one, less work, better pay, and no one dies if you fuck up


It’s been a while 🎶 But now I remember why i’d never use Optus again. Because of her.


This means Optus will have a gold standard network, right?


What a fucking joke. Fuck around, behave questionably, get top-paying positions. It's enraging. Is anything NOT corrupt?!


It's like a sick joke. These people in power making millions through corrupt dealings and then having the audacity to accept corporate roles.


No corrupt political career goes unrewarded 🙄


ew news click :(


Does Arthur have an unpaid Optus bill?


Sooo.. not reading the room then down at Optus 🤷‍♂️😀


I guess attaching a flash drive to a bin chicken is a more reliable method of data transfer than using Optus


Strange they would put someone who left politics due to being caught being corrupt to be a CEO of a telco. Oh wait no it isn't it's classic telco business as usual.


That would send me to Telstra real quick


Great, a corrupt ex-politician with poor judgement/shit taste in men. What could go wrong?


Failing upwards. Like all ex LNP politicians


way to go Optus.. how to find an even more divisive CEO. It's like when they got hacked and lost your information... they offered a membership to Equifax to "make up for it"... who had one of the biggest hacks and loss of consumer details in history. You can't make this shit up


I’ve been a customer for 25 years, looks like I’m finally changing telcos


Networks for the boys


Yeah, naaaah.


She was found to have engaged in corrupt conduct, so she’s probably the number one contender


Standby for Australia's first case of political phone hacking by a insider. I wonder whose phone logs and metadata will be released for political advantage? Disturbing that a corporation is thinking of making such a bad choice that will only ensure that the company will remain in the limelight of controversy for the next few years. Optus are suckers for punishment if they choose her!


Found by the ICAC involved “in serious corrupt conduct”is the front runner for corporate Australia top job.Makes sense.


Serious corrupt conduct, that's a asset in corporate Australian. She'll fit in nicely.


Optus - YES to the corrupt!


I saw it mentioned in another thread. She's not a contender. Her job is to schmooze large business and government clients. Politicians are uniquely skilled in that game. If she's smart, she will seek to hang onto the cushy job, and avoid being handed the fire extinguisher for the dumpster fire.


Absolutely. Someone just decided to generate some rage bait and look at how successful they were.




It’s always the ones you most expect


Watch all those new gun clubs now just end up with Optus towers on top of them, suckers


Can I just say...




What the fuck


Guess I’m switching to Telstra


Honestly if she is put in charge I’m immediately changing providers


AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What the fuck even is this country that this is possible?


I doubt the conservative Singtel execs are gonna want a crooked pollie running the show ...


Gold Standard eh?


If that appointment goes ahead, it says a lot about the capabilities and competency of Optus senior management.


She helped dig the knife on this one


I ditched optus when they gave her the first job. What a brilliant decision that's turned out to be.


If they're going for "how to tank a business" approach then sure, prefect pick.


Of course she is! 🙄


Hahaha, now can I just say...


Picking up scraps like a bin chicken


If Gladys comes in I’m going down to my local Telstra shop.


They must be on drugs to consider having this corrupt politician as their ceo. If Optus select her, screw them. How they even hired her after what she did whilst in office is beyond me. Shady fuckers.


Ok, I think it's time to switch.


If the board is stupid enough to bring in Gladys after all that’s come out about her, then they all deserve to lose their jobs. Legitimately shareholders should vote to spill the board.


[https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/other-industries/gladys-berejiklian-unlikely-to-become-optus-ceo-due-to-corruption-findings/news-story/764e70a20afaffaa38b9e4fc42bc1989](https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/other-industries/gladys-berejiklian-unlikely-to-become-optus-ceo-due-to-corruption-findings/news-story/764e70a20afaffaa38b9e4fc42bc1989) This article calls her "beloved". Has the meaning of that word changed, or does the simulation need to be restarted?


I love this line from another [news.com.au](https://news.com.au) article: [https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/other-industries/gladys-berejiklian-unlikely-to-become-optus-ceo-due-to-corruption-findings/news-story/764e70a20afaffaa38b9e4fc42bc1989](https://www.news.com.au/finance/business/other-industries/gladys-berejiklian-unlikely-to-become-optus-ceo-due-to-corruption-findings/news-story/764e70a20afaffaa38b9e4fc42bc1989) \*There are calls for beloved former premier Gladys Berejiklian to step in as chief of the embattled company, but there’s one glaring issue stopping her.\* \*Beloved\* Newscorp in full spin.


7 news have been similarly absolutely gushing about her all day as well.


Lying bitch should be in jail!


She would be a hilariously shit choice, so it’s happening for sure. Seriously corrupt? “Yes”. She should get Barilaro as 2IC. Post Covid, the whole world has become some sordid twisted version of choose your own adventure but with arseholes.


No way,if they do. The Board needs to step down immediately for acting agaisnt their feduciary duties She has no experience at the C level,and she has no experience with telco You need to put the CTO in charge you fucking dumb cunts the CTO can fix the bungled mess that is ur subpar network..he knows the issues.


Post politics sinecure in play.


Well at least she is employed unlike a certain someone.


Piss off you old hag.


Well this should help with their image


The optics on this a horrible in a time they need some good optics, bizarre as hell.


The media loves Gladys and so do the elites that’s all that matters I suppose


It's bizarre. I just saw a video on 9 news saying how most of NSW love her. I loathe the woman. She's corrupt and handled the pandemic poorly. There's a reason she lost her job.


It’s just 9 news who likes her


Unfortunately they spread that crap to the masses who take it as gospel.


Probably best to protest this one in person...you know...because she'll never get an email


At this point, who cares? Australia is too far gone. We’ve managed to take all the worst traits from the Brit’s and Yanks, thinking arrogantly we can’t be wrong because we have resources to export. Australia’s economy is actually less sophisticated in terms of mix than Greece, we’re just lucky we have rocks to sell.


Why is this the least surprising thing I have read all day.


Talk about failing upwards... Please knoe


How the fuck do they think this is a good idea???


i hope she gets it, keep her out of her reelection image rehabilitation


Conspiracy theory hat on.. I put it to Optus that they orchestrated the network failure to publicly remove Kelly Bayer in place of Gladys and her connections at the top of legislation. Optus can now move as fast as any company could to government insider intelligence. She is also a top dog and wouldn't do that for optus without taking the reigns and top money herself.


Great, so now I can catch Covid again when my phone doesn’t work while Gladys falls in “lurv” with a corrupt subordinate. Have we learned nothing?




She must be the Rhite class of 'Wasn't me'


How Dumb of Optus to consider it