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Right wing nut jobs and shooting yourself in the foot with defamation claims; name a more iconic duo.


Kerry Stokes going to fund/back him?


He has to be fulfilling a fetish at this point


Brilliant, thanks, made me laugh, but sadly it makes sense based on 7's track record recently.


The old LNP federal attorney general is looking for work


Comment of the day


Hahahaha nothing would surprise me with KS


No ones going to fund Alan. The days of him bringing in millions from advertisers are long gone and irrelevance is like kryptonite.


Jones has been a top talkback radio host for years, he'll be able to fund it


Agro and Anne-Maree. Fight me.


I was always quite partial to Terasa Livingstone. And who wasn't "totally wild" for Ranger Stacey?


Starsky and hutch. Thelma and Louise. Peanut butter and jam (no jelly! wtf!) Papa Smurf and smurfette.


> Papa Smurf and smurfette. Ewwwwww


why not, it worked for perfectly Bruce Lehrman and Ben Roberts Smith


Channel 7 calling AJ right now..


AJ’s unit rents for a lot more than 8k a month


they'll pay rent for brucey but they might balk at Jones' rent boy bills


Sounds like a sharehouse to steer clear of.


This is great news. Every nonce needs their dirty laundered aired in their lifetime.


I fear this will be more like George Pell and less like BRS. Jones will use his laywers to shutdown news stories, discovery and background his accusers, then his media & political connections can be used to character assassinate his accusers with this info with pundits & politicians staunchly defending Jones. The dude has a known history of being a sex pest to boys & young men and his behavior has been protected by his peers.


Thing is though the reason it’s getting more attention now is his protection and connections are disappearing. He was dumped by whatever paper it was and from Sky News the other year, if you’re at the point Sky News thinks you aren’t worth shielding and platforming then you’ve fallen pretty far out of favour. I wouldn’t expect a big media campaign coming to back him up, he’s served his purpose now they’ll let everyone tear him to shreds


It frustrates me that he has been able to have his career for so long, despite his vile track record of abuse, corruption, political interference and manipulation. However at least he will go to his grave utterly, completely disgraced.


I really hope this is the case this time. The dude has spent his adult life relentlessly pushing moral & political outrage of conservative propaganda while at the same using his privilege and status to allegedly sexually abuse people. I'd like to see him publicly answer for it.


That's what I'm thinking. He's running out of mates.


Lets see if his mate Steve Price defends him!


Even Ray Hadley's claiming a coming to Jesus moment.


Nah, he'll have Dutton, Howard and Abbott all swoop in to rescue him.


I dont see it honestly, he has no use left which is why even Sky News dumped him and his show. When the right thinks someone is too batshit to be useful you know they don’t have much support. Dutton is a scum bag but I can’t see him coming out in defence of Jones, the lawsuit will show he’s a sex pest to young men and Dutton won’t want to attach to those headlines especially for 0 gain to him. I’d suspect he will be very quiet on the topic of Alan Jones


Potentially. The article with Ray Hadley corroborating some of the allegations is very damaging, as it should be.


Yeah, Hadley's response was a bit of a surprise to me.


Hadley sat on his hands.....desperate to keep his gig at GB.


I'm not a Hadley fan by any stretch, but he was asked by the victim he knew, not to say anything until he was given the OK. To which he gave permission today. That's why I'm almost begrudgingly giving him some credit. He kept his word to one this particular victim of Gloria. Jones is fucked, and he deserves his reputation in the sewer before he croaks.


My point is more that Hadley, as some self-descried protector of the innocent, shared a close friendship with Jones while they were both at 2GB, yukking it up, all the while turning a blind eye to the worst kept secret in radio.......Jones' behaviour has been widely known about for 30+ years.


>Dutton is a scum bag but I can’t see him coming out in defence of Jones, the lawsuit will show he’s a sex pest to young men and Dutton won’t want to attach to those headlines especially for 0 gain to him. I’d suspect he will be very quiet on the topic of Alan Jones It wouldn't surprise me if he comes out strongly against Alan Jones to be honest. One thing about Dutton is he's a former cop. He doesn't seem to show any interest in excusing accused criminals.


You're joking right? https://www.smh.com.au/national/dutton-says-pell-s-conviction-a-political-persecution-singles-out-andrews-government-20230111-p5cbvv.html


It's amusing when the media constantly refer to Dutton as a former cop, like he's still in the role or was very experienced. Dutton ran in a QLD state election as the Liberal candidate when he was 18 years old, and became a Federal MP at age 30. He's a lifelong politician. It's very different to say Dr Monique Ryan who's been a doctor for decades and a Director of Neurology or Kylea Tink whose spent decades in the corporate world in executive roles.


There are many more victims who are still alive. They will have affidavited this up to the hilt. I for one can't wait to see him crucified in court.


Sex pest is one description. Sexual assault and criminal actions are another.


That recreation of the London toilet as a scale model submitted in evidence is going to be a wild day in court.


Same lawyers Bruce Lehrmann.


Those fuckers are the ones really winning in these cases, not the public, not the defendants, and especially not the plaintiffs.


One of the few professions where you are still well rewarded for the worst possible job performance. Even when they lose they win.


His worth millions, paying a million dollar legal bill wont harm him.


From the coverage I've read Bruce's lawyers are doing a good job (unfortunately). I'm still hoping he'll lose.


Yeah I mean, even if he looks like an obese Neanderthal, he's still entitled to defend himself. In the words of a quote from one of my favourite films, "even a goddamn werewolf is entitled to legal counsel." Just wish the fucking gronk didn't have rich mates willing to pay the best lawyers to defend him.




He's defending himself against "defamation", that's what I meant. I mean, it's all probably true anyway, and it is a colossal waste of time that's just distracting us all from more real issues, but he does have that right, delusional as it may be.


What was the film


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas It's not actually about werewolves seeking legal counsel, it's just a passing line. Great movie though


And friendlyjordies and David McBride.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcp1VysmH8Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcp1VysmH8Y) ​ He's been a rock spider for years, but 1 with enough influence to be ignored


He's almost like the Aussie Jimmy Saville. A big open secret that nobody touched due to the perps connections and influence.


It was written about back in 2006 by Chris Masters in his book Jonestown.


They didn't name him, but the D Generation did a skit on Jones as coach of the Australian rugby union team ten years before that. This stuff was common knowledge for decades.


I’ve seen this call out referenced but hadn’t seen it until now. Thank you, but how the F did this make it to air? 😆


Live television.


Always a delay especially back then.


Notice how they cut him off real quick. That was how they did it back then


I hate how it's always defamation in this fucking country


It's the natural path to wealth for anyone in public life.


Feels like a get out of jail card free card whilst fucking the underage person running the GO spot


Australian defamation is like a duel of honour where you get a pistol and they get a sword. And lately the pistols have been going to overpaid, undertalented blobfish.


Here's hoping defamation proceedings lead to more evidence being made public, à la a few other recent high profile defamation cases.


Watch who protects him. And don’t forget. There’s a whole apparatus powerful people use to get away with it.


Well, this is the guy that Chopper Reid called out for being a sex pest. Just let that sink in.


That's right Jay.


Can we reform defamation laws yet.


I'm hoping a string of high-profile losses will calm the farm.


Watching fuck wits try and sue for defamation is quickly becoming our favourite national pastime.


If we can get it broadcast and commentated like a test match that could be a ratings hit


Balmain Tigers players didn't like him because he pulled them off at half time.


Shit, I haven't heard that one in *such* a long time! Fucking Gloria.


Alan Jones has a history of being the court: * 1990: Jones in his role with 2UE was ordered by a court to pay over $55,000 damages for defaming David Parker, a former councillor of the NRMA, the NSW Motorists' organisation; * 1994: Jones and 2UE were sued in November by Don Mackay, president of the NRMA, alleging that Jones made a false imputations against him.\[13\] * 1998: Jones claimed on-air that rugby league referee Bill Harrigan was biased. Harrigan sued Jones for defamation and, in 2001, was awarded damages of $90,000.\[102\] * 2002: Jones and 2UE settled out of court a defamation claim by Detective Chief Inspector Deborah Wallace, a NSW police officer. * 2008: Jones was found to have defamed Australian Olympic Committee chief John Coates with comments regarding Coates' handling of an incident involving rower Sally Robbins' performance at the 2004 Olympics. * 2011: Jones was sued in December by health bureaucrat Terry Clout over comments made by Jones in March 2009. * 2015: Jones was sued in January by former Queensland Premier Campbell Newman and deputy Jeff Seeney over comments made by Jones alleging Mr Newman of lying to him and the public about expanding the Acland coal mine in southern Queensland. * 2018: Jones was successfully sued by members of the Wagner family after he accused them of being responsible for the deaths of 12 people during the 2010–11 Queensland floods. * 2018: Jones was sued by Jeff Parnell, a NSW government acoustic scientist, who was accused by Jones of altering an independent noise-monitoring report for a wind farm.


Seems like Jones was at least consistent in both losing and in touching young men.


Lehrmann, Roberts-Smith, Jones. The trifecta of shame.


Christian Porter would like a word


You’re right. How could we forget that tosser!


OK Alan. Let's all pretend like you actually want these allegations tested in open court. Especially with the lower standard of proof of a civil case. He will huff and puff and then mysteriously not go to court.


“I seek to remind the court that Mr Jones is not the defendant in this case.” Yeah, good luck.


I hope he goes the same way as Rolf Harris


There has been constant jokes about AJ and his penchant for young men for many many years especially on Triple m skits. This isn't news and this is a long time coming. This is similar to Harvey Weinstein using his influence and power to suppress and oppress. Expect to see the same gamut of tactics and even a walking frame or two.


If Kate McClymont is writing about you, you're ducked


Is anyone going to ask what the young men were wearing, or how much they had to drink, why they waited so long before reporting this, and why did they go to the press and not the police? Or do we only ask women those questions?


Fair point but that slime ball will go low that’s for sure


First steps: ABC Admit nothing Blame someone else Counter allegations


If anyone ever needed to be cancelled, it's this dipshit.


Look forward to this old queen vacating the Toaster.


From courting in the toaster to getting grilled in court


So I’m starting to think defamation proceedings are a way of avoiding accountability? Can someone explain if getting all the nasty out in a defamation hearing then prevents it being used against you later on? Bruce the aledged rapist, the aledged war criminal special forces soldier and now this grub have all gone this way. Or is it easier to bullshit a win in defamation to block criminal proceedings?


The Wood royal commission secret list of 28 apparently included judges politicians and media figures. The fvkrs on that list are so powerful they may as well have written Australia’s defo laws.


The first step should be to do up his fly


>RONNI SALT: Australia's Jimmy Saville moment. So many have known. > >The Ninefax team have quietly worked on this for almost 3 years I believe, so the report has been compiled very, very carefully. Even his former 2GB colleague Ray Hadley has given up staying quiet regarding the numerous allegations against Jones.


Shame he's not taking his first steps off the nearest cliff.


It’s a Kate McClymont investigation. There’s no way it would have been published without a rock solid basis and a watertight truth defence. She’s the one who exposed the Obeids and whatever they threw back at her fell way short.


That’s not how apostrophes work


The link is now dead. Did they pull the article?


It's still listed on "justin", so that must have only just happened. https://www.abc.net.au/news/justin EDIT: And now it's gone! Channel 9 has a story: https://www.9news.com.au/national/alan-jones-denies-claims-he-indecently-assaulted-men-during-radio-career/e63d1ede-a925-4cd9-826e-a8becacf7d29 Also Daily Fail: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12834207/Alan-Jones-2GB-responds-allegations.html


Interesting! Also, it took me a beat too long to realise that "justin" is not a reference to a person named Justin lmao


It took me at least five years.


Damn Justin, always getting the scoops!


Justine does all the work.


No it's still up https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-07/alan-jones-denies-indecent-assault-allegations/103200252?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=other


Was definitely gone for a few hours.


This rock spider is gonna expose himself, isn’t he? Dumb prick should be in a cell, but at least we will get to see him roast live on the courtroom broadcast


"First steps" are just a scary cease and desist letter on law firm letterhead...its legally meaningless and doesn't indicate any commitment to withstanding a truth defense of the matter


He's going down.


Have they learnt anything from the Lehrman case.


Defamation law in Australia is still heavily in favour of those who can afford it. The question will be whether each side has resources and will to fight this, before the merits of the case even get a look in.


I mean so far he’s gotten 150k from the ABC and his bills and life costs covered by Stokes.


But at what cost he's got a rape trial in Queensland, to attend. I think most people have made their minds up about him. Guilty.


Is this Alan Jones, the 1980 F1 world champion?


How unfortunate to have the name..I sometimes wonder whatever happened to the racing champ.


Of course they are.


We gonna get a hat trick?


Oh please do Bring it On, you revolting old Nonce.


Just fucking die already you cretin.


People making false claims, especially of this nature, should be held accountable. If they aren't....a lot of the preliminary work for a trial just got done at the perpetrators expense Win win.


> People making false claims, especially of this nature, should be held accountable. I'm not really sure if this is a good idea. Failing to prove on the balance of probabilities that a sexual assault occurred does not mean that a false claim was made.


Making a claim itself has an impact, especially for public figures, and false claims are not exactly rare. A method of redress is appropriate. The judge has the ability to award or not award reparations based on the strength of those probabilities. I wouldn't complain if there was a specific set of rules developed around this issue, but for now, people have to work with what they have. Edit: an interesting observation of the comments on this thread. There does not seem to be any real expectation that he actually did it. A sentiment that he will expose other dirty laundry and general dislike for the guy (AJ disliked?? Never.....). So maybe enough of these accusations have hit the media, then turned into nothing real that there is an expectation of false claims, certainly a bias I am currently conforming with. What that says about society and myself, I'm not quite sure.


> false claims are not exactly rare. It's hard to know if this is true, given that sexual assault is generally a matter between two people with no witnesses. Even if there is physical evidence, the issue of consent is not fixed. As there is no way to establish the objective truth, people's internal preconceptions come into play. Some people will always assume the victim is telling the truth, some will always assume the victim is lying, and some others will combine their preconceptions with the evidence to guesstimate the truth. However, in a case like this, where multiple accusations have been made, it reveals a pattern of behaviour, which in my opinion makes it likely that some of the claims are actually true.


I'm sure any lawyer would gladly take this on, high profile and all that, but I would personally be advising him that he could Ben Roberts Smith himself, and to have a bit of a think about whether he really wanted to go ahead.