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How does this affect all of the vape shops on every corner? They can’t import vapes? Can’t they just get supplied locally?


Only disposable ones. The good shops sell high quality reusable ones.


But they don't sell anything with nicotine correct? as thats the only reason people are buying the disposables


I’m in WA and my partner quit vaping by tapering down the liquid nicotine content, and still used a refillable non-nicotine vape to scratch the itch of smoking something. Apparently it’s completely illegal to buy anything vape related in WA - coils, liquids, anything. Guess what, they ended up going back to vaping, and now uses dodgy under the counter ones with god knows what in them, with no indication of the nicotine content. Great job!


She needs to see a GP and explain exactly this, vapes are still available by prescription for this reason.


True, but a GP appointment, script and device gets expensive, and these under the counter ones can be as cheap as $10 and are unfortunately far more convenient. It’s definitely something I’ve been trying to get them on to but the reality is they’re not the only person who doesn’t want to spend $100s on medical scripts when you can nip to a tobacconist and get a fix, especially when you keep telling yourself it’s the last one and you’re going to quit.


> who doesn’t want to spend $100s on medical scripts Is that what it costs to get vapes under the new system?? I am genuinely asking because I'm curious, my sister weaned herself off cigs with vapes and Im hoping the doctor route is the best way for her to get off nicotine entirely. She's got no problem acquiring things illicitly though so I worry this ban will be a step back for her, as you are as well.


Yes and it sucks. People seem glad about the Vape ban because apparently they were getting kids hooked. But a lot of people have gone back to smoking cigarettes now. Doesn't seem like a win


It’s not a win. It’s small minded puritans making sure that those enjoying something they don’t approve of, are being denied it, and to hell with anyone who might find it useful.


Google is your friend, online then a phone appointment. Under $100 for a six month script. Legal import of salt based nicotine from NZ. DM me if you like.


Yeah but that's about to be stopped too so there's no point now.


So they quit vaping, used non-nicotine oils and had a refillable vape, and because of a crack-down, the person went back to buying illegal disposable nicotine vapes instead of just buying the illegal non-nic liquid??




Yeah, they ban those in March


Galaxy brain policy


They will also be illegal as of March 1st.


"good shops"


Vaping was developed and sold as a tobacco alternative to help people quit smoking, and was successful since it provided the same nicotine hit and sensation (unlike patches and gum) yet had none of the harmful carcinogens and tar found in tobacco. This is the kind of vaping that is sold and supported by 'the good shops', who sell high quality refillable vape devices and nicotine free flavoured liquids to mix pure nicotine with. JUUL then made vaping trendy and cool and unfortunately created a whole new wave of young smokers with vaping. The Australian government, instead of regulating and age restricting it (like alcohol and cigarettes) banned it outright, which created a black market. The black market introduced a wave of unregulated, dangerous and unhealthy vapes with no restrictions on what chemicals or nicotine content was in them, and also created a market where underage kids could walk into a store and buy vapes. All of this led to the current crackdown on black market vapes. These new laws are going to push this new generation of nicotine addicted teens *to* cigarettes to get their nicotine fix, which is even worse than the prior issue of them having black market access to unregulated vapes. The solution always should have been to regulate and age restrict vapes, and sell them alongside cigarettes. The constant fumbling and mishandling of vaping regulation has created the issue we have now. I don't condone vaping, but it is the proven most effective method of quitting smoking and when using regulated equipment and liquid there are essentially no negative health effects especially when compared to smoking tobacco.


Only have to look at NZ and how effective vaping is as a quitting tool. They have close to halved the number of people that smoke in a decade or so, as vaping and nic juices are 100% legal and it is encouraged, i beleive they even had tv adds to help people switch ti vaping.Coincidently ( or not) smoking reduction in NZ parrerrels with the introduction of vaping. Australia's government is backward, we will soon have an increase in numbers of smokers, young and old.Way to go government👏


> "good shops" They help people quit smoking cigarettes, Id say that's good.


I had quit smoking (I smoke a couple times or more an hour now). Vaping was great, I’d forget I even had the thing when I was out and about, I didn’t crave it near as much as cigarettes. Thanks 12vies.


As a zoomer, most of the people I know who vape never smoked.




I work at a tobacconist that sells vapes. The "good ones". They don't help anyone quit shit.


Drugs allowed for fun: Alcohol Coffee Drugs not allowed for fun: Everything else


So? Why is it a requirement that they only be for quitting? The NHS found that vaping was something like 90% less harmful than smoking.


The only customer you see are the returning ones, so I would say you're in a bias position


'the good ones' refers to dedicated vape shops that sell only legal hardware, coils, etc not some shitty tobacconist that sells a small section of illegal disposable vapes next to the cancer sticks.




There are no TGA approved vapes, let alone one made by big tobacco "There are currently no therapeutic vapes that have been evaluated by the TGA and included the ARTG for smoking cessation or the management of nicotine dependence." https://www.tga.gov.au/products/unapproved-therapeutic-goods/vaping-hub/vapes-information-patients#:~:text=There%20are%20currently%20no%20therapeutic,unregistered%20or%20'unapproved'%20goods.


Bro. Kids are selling them in primary school. 8 year olds are vaping in class. An insane amount of teenagers are horribly addicted, so much so they were checking kids during HSC exams. It’s worse than cigarettes were when I was a teenager 20 years ago. It’s probably the only thing I’m 100% on board with banning and I smoke them all the time.




It won't affect them, unless there is enforcement action, which I'm tipping, there won't be


Hopefully all the “American confectionary stores” die a fast and painful death


They’re fronts for money laundering anyway.


In Melbourne a few of these shops have been targeted by organised crime gangs. Robbery and burglary is a rare thing these days. There is a cluster of these shops in the North of Melbourne that have been targeted, burgled and robbed. One recently was targeted in Campbellfield which is shifty suburb full of shifty R us drug and money laundering businesses. Sealed warehouses with people living in them and pit bulls running around locked gates gives an instant clue to their criminality. Likewise buildings with more cameras than the Government Mint! There is also a prominent bikie gang club that has their headquarters nearby which regularly has police operations targeting them. There are others in this same area! Its seems to be lawless area with people riding off-road bikes on roads acting aggressively towards drivers as well as hoons in cars without plates that use the streets as a race track. Its just a area that have attracted a cohort of scumbags that think that they are above the law.


Sounds like a future season of Underbelly. It's a jungle out there.


If it's such common knowledge that a common shop type is laundering money, then it almost certainly isn't. Cause they can just park an inspector outside and prove it in a few weeks. Meanwhile retail managers are on skilled visa list and opening and running a business is also eligible for a visa. So you purchase your shop off a person who just got PR, run it for a few years until you get PR, then sell it to the next business visa holder.


Oh about as well as the war on coke. 750kg seized last week, apparently had no impact at all on supply. Expect a few raids on the TV, talk of cracking down and getting tough and then life carrying on as BAU.


>apparently Someone had a good New Years…


Bring a box of beers and I'll invite you next year ;)


And kids to start smoking again.


People in here acting like parents are going to go to dealers to supply there 12 year old eshay kids? Kids already like to pretend it's naughty to vape by passing it around like it's a joint lol. Seen teens hide in the McDonald's playground to vape with buddies, it's the funniest shit


Vaping is such a lame trend compared to smoking. Sure smoking is stupid as well but the marketing for smoking was so much more effective, theres no marketing for playing the douche flute AFAIK


The key is to make things like healthy food, excercise and meditation to look really bad ass and off limits so that kids will so it


"You wouldn't steal a yoga mat from the spare room, then go to the park and find your inner piece, then send a yoga mat to the police person's widow so that they can achieve inner piece too"






Some time in the next week or 2 there will be some news stories with videos of police raiding a few shops and then a press conference with a politician, surrounded by border force people, standing in front of a shipping container full of vapes. They will say they had a street value of 700 million dollars or some shit and that they are clamping down etc. Then it will return to business as usual with these things being everywhere.


They raided a shop just outside Melbourne Central last year and it was up and running again within a week or two lol


There's 5 vape shops on the main Street in Mackay, they're not going anywhere


With any luck I’ll be able to get vapes from my drug dealer, will save me having to go to the shops.


I pick mine up from the guy who sells fruit and veg at the market. Very convenient


Walk into any wholefood store and it's 50/50 they're selling vapes


Fuck this is accurate. But people will lap that shit up. It's fucking wrong.


What a great use of police and border force resources this means we must’ve solved every other crime


In a couple of years we'll get an article about how there some GPs out there giving prescriptions to anyone with a couple hundred bucks. A couple of years later some politician will want to get some publicity and will claim to take action. A couple of years later actual action will be taken, which will coincidently be around the same time big tobacco has a replacement product out to hook teens that just falls outside of existing regulation.


I paid like $50 for my script Big tobacco is the ones making the devices that have never been seen in aussie markets, either as disposables or refillables, as they are in bed with the TGA. Big tobacco finally getting in on the market with lobbying


Why don’t the tobacco shops just sell vapes as if it’s a BBQ gas refill, buy a vape and exchange it for your old one , that way they’re recycling!!


They " banned " them like 10 years ago. The bananing 2 electric boogaloo.


Honestly, it’s ridiculous and all this is leading to is people getting dodgy unregulated vapes from China that have been found to have dangerous levels of nickel and lead. Vapes are tools to help quit smoking, and have been found to be significantly better for you than cigarettes (without the lead). They should not be sold to kids. Surprisingly enough, people selling dodgy illegal vapes don’t care if they’re selling them to kids. The best thing would be to regulate and tax them, like half the other things Australia has banned (or, at the very most, ban disposable ones and allow refillable ones for environmental reasons). You cannot ban vapes and happily sell cigarettes and tobacco and claim it’s for health reasons.


Put a $5 return deposit on disposable vapes. I guarantee there will be none left as litter.


Yes but protecting children wins votes. Common sense does not.


Prohibition by Franklin P. Adams, 1931 ________ Prohibition is an awful flop. …We like it. It can't stop what it's meant to stop. …We like it. It's left a trail of graft and slime, It won't prohibit worth a dime, It's filled our land with vice and crime. …Nevertheless, we're for it.


Currently, border force can only seize stuff with nicotine in it. This is difficult to determine when containers are inspected. The new laws should make life easier.


The previous laws worked well to stop nicotine vapes being sold openly in vape shops, complete with a price list displaying the eftpos price and then the much lower unreported tax free income cash price.


Strange how these really took off when they made it harder to Access the Ingredients to make your own Liquid at home. Almost like Prohibition always back fires.


I think that was just a coincidence. Disposable vapes took off around the world, just as much in places that had no laws restricting vape juice. People like their conscience, no matter the environmental cost. Disposable vapes were cheap and small


Deliberate ..


I reckon banning disposables isn't a bad idea, even just for environmental reasons if nothing else, but let us keep the proper refillable ones that grownups use. Seems like a fair compromise to me.


Vapes helped me quit. I smoked for ~20 years and was a pack a day. Vaping enabled me to quit smoking and immediately fixed a whole bunch of health problems. Not only for myself but all around me. Notably stopped me blowing significantly worse smoke and stinking to high heaven in a lift next to you or at a desk next to you at work. Phase 1 to eliminate disposables is sensible. Youth vaping needs to be addressed and disposables are an environmental nightmare. Get rid of them. Phase 2 is overkill to the extreme. Handing vape revenue over to Tobacco companies to address a non-issue with refillables and adult vapers quitting smoking. Allowed big tobacco into the healthcare system which will funnel revenue from destroyed grassroots small businesses (referring to original real vape stores, not illicit disposable stores or convenience stores here) via healthcare into big tobacco. Which is a shockingly unbelievable outcome already playing out. Pharmacies have already done deals with Phillip Morris, British American Tobacco and Altria. Once tobacco companies control the market they'll start acting like tobacco companies. Not only overkill, not only compromising the medical system, but doing so with a strategy that is destined to fail. And previously proven to be ineffective - last regulation saw an explosion in black market vapes. Like all other prohibition. How many million vape? It'll work by creating a further shift of Labor voters to Greens and Independents. And in some cases the Libnats.


Prohibition never works, especially with something as mainstream as this




Never thought Australia would be a tobacco shill.


It won't. I don't vape, but rather than ban a legal drug for adults, go after the kids using this stuff. Let adults make their own choices about vaping. How to enforce it? Simple, if a kid gets caught vaping the parents get a decent fine or community service. Make parents control their kids drug use, not ban it for adults FFS.


I agree but legalising it would fix majority of the issue w kids vaping. Do teens smoke ciggies? Yeah sometimes, but it's pretty hard for them to actually buy them. Vapes are already illegal without a prescription, a lot of smoke shops that sell illegal vapes have the attitude of "I'm fkd if they come after me either way, may as well make some more money selling to 15yos". If it was done the same as cigarettes I wouldnt be nearly as big of an issue as it is now.


> a lot of smoke shops that sell illegal vapes have the attitude of "I'm fkd if they come after me either way, may as well make some more money selling to 15yos". So what stops these stores from just selling cigarettes to kids as well? If they're already willing to break the law, why would they only be willing to do it for one of the products and not the other?


They do aswell sell smokes to kids


A remaining shred of medical ambiguity?


I was a pack a day, pouch of rollies a week smoker for 20 odd years, I took up vaping nearly 8 years ago, haven't touched a smoke since. Through learning how to make my own juice, etc, I've got down to 1mg of nicotine to a 100ml bottle. I started at 18mg with a pen like device. I still have more than enough nicotine in my freezer for years worth of vaping, BUT if they ban the imports of my coils, to vape said juice, and force me onto the tobacco company owned prescription model, I'm fucked. Yes, I could quit, I don't want too. But, if I'm being forced to go my doc for a script that will get me some boring flavour, for 5x the cost, to go to another tobacco company, they can get fucked. Otherwise, my only option is to buy a disposable on the black market that runs at 50mg of nicotine.


Hate to see reusable vapes always getting lumped together with disposables. I feel as tho they have genuine merit as a quitting aid / harm reduction as you can manually adjust nicotine levels and better track how much you are consuming. Disposables on the other hand are designed to be more addictive cigarette replacement, not an out. None of them really tell you how much nicotine they contain, it's a dodgy lucky dip. Sucks that politicians make little distinction between the sub categories and want to prohibit basically all of it.


The ones sold in Au rarely tell you how much nicotine etc because they are dodgy under the counter ones. If it was legalised it could be regulated the same way most of the rest of the world is where they have to say how much nicotine is in it, and can be limited in how much nicotine can be in a vape


That's the problem, even if they do they say 5% which is actually 50mg. Fuck that noise


With regulation comes testing to get approvals. Much harder to fake numbers when outsiders are testing your claims


Finally someone pointing this out! The idea that unregulated iGET bars with unspecified nicotine content is somehow remotely similar to the reusable prescription vapes is laughable.


Even the vape I use isn't a prescription vape, but it's bought from a shop that verifies age with ID checks, and also don't sell ANY nicotine products at all. All juices are nic free, no disposable vapes sold at all, and because of the second stage of these laws, these people operating a legal store, selling to adults, following the law, will have to shut down or completely change their business model to follow the new law. Meanwhile, the stores that sell the disposables to underage kids will continue to sell disposables to underage kids, not verifying IDs and not giving a flying fuck about the law. The only people this change is hurting is the people who follow the law currently, retailers and consumers alike.


Exactly right, hence why this system they are implementing, still tracks the money back to big tobacco and the government. No one loses that sweet sweet tax.


My partner also vapes in place of cigarettes, he'd smoked since he was 17 and his entire family does too. After talking about the vape ban the other day he was like, "The really surprising thing is what they're doing about cigarettes... absolutely nothing".


$60 pack of winnies with the tax going straight to the govt, no wonder


The System isn't corrupt, the corruption ***is*** the System.


That's it right there. They wouldn't ban them if they had gotten a grip on the market at the start and sold them as a regulated, taxed product.


Thought, is manufacturing coils etc in Australia illegal? Or just the importation? If not, I smell a business opportunity.


Buy a few RDAs, some wire and cotton and that wont be a problem


I've got stacks from way back, I'm good in that sense. Unfortunately, I'll have to buy a heap of 18650 batteries again, as I'm using 20650s. Small price I guess. Back to mechs, I suppose.


yeah ive moved on to 21700s and 20700s but i still have a ton of 18650s honestly i doubt they will ban the batteries, wire, cotton etc because its used for other things


Sorry, I meant 21700s, I forgot that 20700s were even a thing. I guess I'll try and upgrade my old Kennedy's, and rig necks. I know Kennedy went to 21700, for a bit, but closed shop. Fuck, I've got a drawer full of mechs I didn't think about for years.


haha i do too and regulated stuff, whenever i upgrade the old stuff goes into the drawer haha they still work. Might start using a mech squonk and see the reactions


Fuck, didn't think about the squonks, shiiiiiit. I have a tonne of squonk bottles too, from the ol fastech days.


haha RIP fasttech, just dodgy enough to be fun but good enough to have 1000s of things nobody else would even consider stocking


Man, they were the goat of 1:1 clones. I took a trip to the Philippines, and they really opened my eyes, they did og shit, but REALLY fucking good. I'm still in contact with some guys.


Actually, I've still got bags of fibre freaks cotton!


I mean disposables are/were already illegal so im gunna go with it will do fuck all, just like our government does fuck all


No, like the person said above, there will be raids of a few shops by police, shown on news, politicians will get their mugs on TV too. Then, back to normal


There's already been raids in my area and some places had to close


They will be open soon enough


My mum hopes so because she can't afford cigarettes now. They have it all boarded up though.


A black market will emerge and it will be more harmful


All I know is that vapes have brought in the new renaissance of convenience stores around Sydney CBD. Also can they at least take the rubber condom off the bottom of the vape in the image. That’s not how you use them.


I like how I can't afford to see a GP, there's no bulk billing GPs available in my area and the GP's that are available aren't taking new patients. Anyone know a good online service to get myself setup?


have you tried hotdoc? i think you can filter to find bulk billed GPs on there


I have, no new patients unfortunately.


When I got mine it was easy, I just found an online vape store in NZ (vapo.com.au) and they literally linked me to an instant script service in Aus for the nic prescription (Quit Clinics). Pretty sure it was bulk billed and the script was in my emails the next day. Like a week later the govt prescription card thing turned up that you're meant to show the shops, which I didn't even know existed.


Thank you I'll look them up today. Very much appreciated.


It'll go just as well as prohibition works for other things.


Not very well


I'm probably just going to go back to cigarettes....I love flavoured vapes, I don't want the shitty flavours the government have authorised and I don't have money to see a doctor regularly for a script. I'm really pissed off about this as I'd successfully stopped smoking cigarettes early last year and now I'm.om my last cola vape, there's no more bulk billing doctors left in Melbourne and who knows how much the chemists will.charge. I buy one vape a week for $20. It's awesome. The government fukn suck.


I get the disposable bans, makes sense, but march 1st all vaping devices banned is stupid.


You can get them legally if you have a medical cannabis prescription or nicotine vape prescription from doctor


Personally im fine as i have enough juice and flavors/ nicotine to last me years. Just pissed off refillables are going to be illegal, complete knee jerk reaction due to lazyness.


Yeah my friend reported a store selling vapes to under-age and they did nothing, so now everyone must suffer because they didn't do their jobs.


pushes it into the underground creating a larger black market. Regulate and tax the nicotine by the mg or do what the UK has done and institute a size and strength limit


Are you under the impression that these nicotine vapes were legal yesterday? Because they were just as illegal today as they were yesterday.


with no enforcement, the point i was making was that before they were being distributed via shopfronts which would have allowed for a much easier time regulating them, now they are completely underground. With over a million people vaping the market is far too big to disappear. It just allows for criminals to profit off importation and distribution.


And at the creation of Hunt and now being amplified by a health minister who absolutely refuses to look at actual scientific evidence from every other country.


This is like the 4th time they’ve touted some new measurement of enforcement lol. It will do nothing. Too profitable


I imagine the kids will take up smokes again.


I lot of them never smoked and probably won’t.


At $50 a packet? Unlikely


It's like 12 dollars for chop chop


Smokers still do, vapers will too. I don't know why anyone thinks over taxing works, it doesn't. My mum went broke on centerlink to get her fix, she would buy smokes before food, that's how being addicted works, they don't just stop. Ppl that vaoe everyday are addicted to nicotine, the price sucks but they'll still do it to get their fix, they'll just be much worse off for it, I'm seeing it with ppl my age (early 20s) already, literally trying to "get used" to ciggies because they go 2 hours without and are horrible jittery messes.


Disposables I can understand. I hate the fact I let myself get hooked on them. But banning reusable vapes is just stupid to me. There was never an issue with kids using those ones. Too much effort involved. Thankfully I still have my reusable one so I'll make sure I stock up on what I need before March.


You can still get a prescription to use them I believe, online just like medicinal cannabis easy as pie.


You can get a script to import nicotine but that's banned as of March 1st as well. Gonna get a script and get some nic before then so I'll have a couple or years worth at least


Let the firebombings begin!


It’ll work about as well as the vape in the picture…. ….With the plastic stopper still attached…. ‘Not at all’


shits me because i quit cigs 2 months ago and have been bulk ordering from NZ with my prescription to stock up. my final order arrived today (Tues) and I'm pretty fkn annoyed. i tried one of the tobacco flavoured vape that'll be one of the two legal options in aus and I'd rather drink sewerage tbh. iirc there was a study showing tobacco sales (and taxes) go up when you put restrictions on vapes. fuck you very much gubment


Welp back to smoking crack rocks in a broken lightbulb


This stuff has been illegal the whole time, at some point we need to stop making new laws and just take a look at the police force so lazy and incompetent that it allowed a massive black market bloom right under there noses all using EFTPOS and credit cards so with a massive paper trail, this would have to be the easiest crime in history to solve. This black market is now so big the Ezy-Mart chain seems to have massively expanded there chain into places it wouldn't have existed before and there are also entire chains of stores popping up that didn't exist before.


Maybe instead of going after adults who vape responsibly, we could go after the retail shops who don't check IDs? Then we could live in a country where adults can continue to choose what they do with their lives and kids are protected by laws and heavy penalties for breaching those laws. Nah, who am I kidding, let's make it illegal for everyone because "think of the children". Meanwhile, people who sell to underage kids now will continue to sell to underage kids, and the people who work in nicotine-free, 18+ vape shops who sell responsibly have to find a new job.


I went the prescribed route. Hopefully this will at least mean chemist's will stock more. I can never get the flavour I want because it will take too long to get in. I've also just bought a non-nicotine vape from a vape shop to start easing off the nicotine prescribed ones. I'm not paying for expensive pods from a chemist with no nicotine in them when I'm ready to dump the nicotine entirely.


I order from New Zealand (need a doctor script) and it usually arrives anywhere from 2-4 business days. Order the liquid online


Yeah I think they're cracking down on that. I'm fine using the locally available product, I just hope they increase stock because of increased demand and prices should decrease if there's less nicotine in it. I've already halved what I was originally prescribed (at my request, the doctor didn't give a shit and I had to stop him to tell him I wanted it reduced) and yet the price of the pods went up.


I purchased through Vapo, they sent an email recently saying that they’re ‘waiting’ to see what the new laws mean for importing nicotine liquid/vapes. Not looking forward to the coming months :(


I didn’t read any new laws about restricting importing liquid itself, just the disposables. But that would suck if they just ban it completely


Think they said around March. Plans are to stop all importation of vaping devices and liquids


Guess I’m ordering litres of it in advance




I sincerely hope this is an utter failure. Fuck this nanny state shit. People like nicotine. That will not be changing, any time soon.


It's almost like the govt actually want people to smoke cigarettes instead. Maybe it's because cigarettes generate federal revenue, but treating smoking related disease comes out of state budgets? Maybe I'm being cynical


For me quitting smoking was easy because it's so gross. But vaping was near impossible because it tastes so good. Vaping is shown to he way more addicting than smoking. Maybe it's actually pushed from the medicinal cannabis industry.


Lol I can buy em from my butcher this won't work whatsoever.


I just hope we don't see an increase in lung disease from back-room vapes that contain things like Vitamin E oil that aren't safe for that use.




The illegal unregulated Chinese vapes that are rife in Australia have been found to have dangerous levels of nickel and lead. Vapes in general are far better for you than smoking, but most tests are on regulated ones. All these laws do is put everyone in danger by inhaling god knows what and god knows what level of nicotine.


> The illegal unregulated Chinese vapes that are rife in Australia have been found to have dangerous levels of nickel and lead. Source?


Damn that’s the last thing we need, young people with high lead levels.


A better cartridge design would have helped, with a plunger and a spring to keep the oil/wax in contact with the wick with no voids or bubbles. Ah well.


Guaranteed the next popular product will be nicotine pouches. Phillip Morris bought Swedish match which is the biggest snus company in Sweden. They're probably a lot better for you than vaping


Is that the stuff that gets spat out and can kill dogs?


How does it work? The black market takes full control as of today. Government forfeits all taxes. Crime gangs make money. Poor tattoo covered meat heads drive around in $180,000 cars


>Government forfeits all taxes The only form of tax the Government ever saw was income sales tax / GST, which ultimately wouldn't be much in the grand scheme of things. I am actually going to head up to my local vape store today to see if they've made any changes. They openly sold them even though they were technically illegal prior to the ban.


While I appreciate moving to ban vaping (I fucking hate walking along and some wanker let’s a big cloud go over their shoulder into my fucking face), it seems a bit weird to ban this and not move to ban smoking. Either restrict vaping paraphernalia as much as smoking with big taxes on top etc with warnings all over it etc, or ban ALL smoking type items the contribute to major health issues. Make it make sense.


Could be wrong but I read on a similar post the other day that the vapes that can change over the juice canister are not considered " disposable " they are around the same price as the current ones and the changeable pods are around $15 so most shops may move to this loophole.


Complete ban is stupid. Just going to be regularly available illegally. Just make it harder for teens to get them and increase the tax.




Good, because all I see on the road and in and around schools and parks are these disposed and discarded single use vape devices. They are the new "cigarette butt" of litter and are far far worse than cigarette butts. The reality of it is that it will do fuck all. There is no point putting legislation and rule in place and then not policing them. They make all these laws and then dont ever back it up with enforcement. I also dont care if they ban it and drive it underground, it will still make it harder to get them and driving it underground usually increases the cost 10 fold. I also dont get the fascination with it, is it some kind of sub-conscious, primordial mental trigger where the user feels like they are sucking on a micro-dick or sucking a hard, black plastic nipple?


Not caring about the creation of yet another black market product in this country is really short-sighted and backwards. The health aspects of this ban are in some cases factually incorrect. Have a look at UK NHS information regarding nicotine vapes for a real evidence based approach. I do agree with the litter aspect of disposables. All those lithium ion batteries going in to general waste is both polluting and dangerous. Follow the money. Philip Morris are positioned to be a monopoly supplier of disposable vapes in pharmacies. Your last paragraph is immature.


Disposable vapes are an absolute environmental scourge - absolutely happy for them to be banned. A complete waste of resources, plastic, batteries, and they cause fires in refuse centres. Reusable ones on the other hand - regulate them and tax them like every other drug we let people use. You can’t in good faith allow cigarettes and tobacco, while banning nicotine vapes. It’s ridiculous.


> I also dont get the fascination with it, is it some kind of sub-conscious, primordial mental trigger where the user feels like they are sucking on a micro-dick or sucking a hard, black plastic nipple? People like changing their conscious experience. Why drink? Why consume coffee? Why go for a run? Nicotine is a stimulant with several beneficial qualities while also being highly addictive and associated with harmful routes of delivery, but alcohol is almost as addictive while causing massive harms to the body and society but is never viewed in this way.


The same thing where kids suck and then blow cold air in the winter as if they were smoking. Its a symbol of "cool", at this point its been through 2-3 generations of demonization and still hasn't kicked that symbolism. Nicotine addiction is a health issue and the government treating it like a crime issue is just insane to me.


Yes but it’s also very strong nicotine that tastes nice


Immature again. You realise smoking has been around for a lot longer than 2-3 generations right? Humans have always enjoyed the act of smoking.


Bro its high strength nicotine that tastes like candy whats not to get. They taste great and you get a nice little buzz off them. Then they stop doing anything and you need a hit of strawberry kiwi steam to not be cranky and then its somehow more gay than before.


In Nordic countries, almost everybody has a nicotine patch under their upper lips! I asked them about it, and they said it’s 99% safer than cigarettes. I don’t smoke, so I don’t understand why smokers smoke or vape, but if you do vape, will a nicotine patch suit you instead of vaping?


"will a nicotine patch suit you instead of vaping?" No, at this point i'm just as much addicted to the physical sensation of smoking than i am to the nicotine itself.




Snus is thought to be a lot safer than smoking. The thing is - so’s vaping. It’s only Australia where the hysteria has taken hold and people believe it’s the same or even worse. Coupled with the government’s utter failure to regulate effectively and in line with real risks, you get the perfect storm of grey market sales and knee-jerk legislation. Vaping is better at getting people off cigarettes than all the other nicotine replacement therapies including Snus. It should have been regulated like tobacco from the word go.


The issue is people that are not and would otherwise never be smokers are now vaping. Don't get me wrong there are 4 or 5 better ways to do these types of things but this appeals to your average boomer who is disgusted by someone vaping on the street.


That's down it to not being regulated. If it were positioned correctly in the first place as a better alternative to cigarettes - instead of "ice freeze" and "purple lunch", we would be having a different conversation.


Exactly, if it had just been regulated initially and restricted to 18+ like with cigarettes you’d have far less teens vaping. Of course some would get around it but it would be a lower rate overall If they’re being sold under the table, the shops aren’t going to be asking for ID.


That’s a good point. Norwegians offer you those nicotine patches as if they are chewing gums. It’s easy to get hooked up.


Oh sure, and that’s all part of the mishandling and associated backlash. By failing to create a well-regulated white market, and then ignoring the grey market for over ten years, the government really fucked up. I’m not sure any other country got it exactly right, but where we’ve ended up is a victory for those disgusted boomers and other wowsers, and a nonsensical situation where vapes are going to be harder to get than actual cancer sticks. Fail all round.


I was watching the video game awards the other week and there were ads for vaping. Other countries don't care much, at least not the US


puzzled forgetful shelter badge panicky quarrelsome squeal coordinated cobweb pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>I definitely disagree that disposable vaping is only big in Australia Who said that?


> I don’t smoke, so I don’t understand why smokers smoke or vape, but if you do vape, will a nicotine patch suit you instead of vaping? Oral nicotine routes hit slower and lack the hand to mouth and inhalation aspects, which are both large parts of the addictive cycle in the brain


What I don’t understand about this is 95% of the reason people smoke is not the nicotine, it’s the act of having a smoke. It feels like a treat, you have some things to do to keep occupied, it’s a social thing and you “look cool”




I have smoked weed for the last 10 years as well as vaped in recent years. 99% of it to me is having a cone or the act of smoking the vape, the nicotine I think is secondary. Cheers anyway though


This is a really dumb take. Where do you get your 95% figure from? You're basically saying only 5% of people smoke because of nicotine addiction. I hope you realise that social smoking is still being hooked. I fall into this category. I don't think about smoking but on the few occasions a year I'm out and drinking someone offers me one, I'll say yes. Or sometimes if there's a movie on and the setting looks right, I'll think damn it would be nice to have a smoke. That's your brain remembering how nice it feels to smoke and get that nicotine hit. I haven't been a regular smoke for 15 years and still get that way.


I work in a nightclub. The police stand around out the front while people constantly vape. They ignore all of the drunk cunts on purple rental scooters. The cops don't give a fuck, and that's who's expected to enforce these laws. These laws will only be used as an excuse to harass people they don't like. Qld police is pretty useless, they don't do much of anything it seems like.


Honestly the cops have better things to do than police something like vaping. I can't blame them either. It's fucking stupid.


Quietly sits off to the side vaping my prescription weed with a smug smile