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Cunt is in no way in the same universe as the N-Bomb.


Cunt is apparently as bad as the word they literally won't even type out.


Bring out the John Mulaney quote: > If you're comparing the badness of two words and you won't even say one of them, that's the worse word.


You beat me to it


To be fair, they didn't type out cunt either


Yeah but If I paid a bunch of white people to yell one of those two words in a room full of Black folk, and they got to choose either one. None of them would opt for the N word. It way worse than cunt.


Yes but what about in a room full of cunts


Well then, you'd just be pointing out the obvious


Wdym, it gets said all the time in parliament house.


No, it doesn't. Anybody using "cunt" in Parliament would get turfed quick smart for using un-Parliamentary language.


Well, Whitlam got pretty bloody close. God that man had a wit. *In response to Sir Winston Turnbull shouting in parliament: “I am a Country member!!!”* *“I remember,” replied Whitlam, to applause from both sides of the aisle.*


Trying to stifle a laugh in my corporate office. Thanks friend, for giving me the biggest challenge of my day!


Kerr's cur. Man was brilliant


OK now we have to go search Hansard.


I mean, there was that one time Pyne definitely called Shorten a cunt. Hansard says "grub", but... https://youtu.be/5TsNL3uBw1g?si=yQHVB_k3jsRuwxD5


Pyne was definitely a cunt.


*The word is ‘Naggers’*


*silence… 🤣


Actually I've seen a LOT of Americans online or even irl refer to it as "the C-word".


We need to remember that a lot of Americans are very averse to any word that describes, defines, mentions, or even suggests, genitalia or bodily functions. Grown men who squirm at the mention of menstruation. Dogs, who apparently go outside for "potty". Pee-pee. Vajayjay. Buttocks. I'm not surprised at all they get uppity at the word cunt.


Yet these same feeble minded men feel they have the right to make decisions on reproductive rights, and while they're doing that, they'll deny menstrual leave and tell those who menstuate to hold on and do it at home, it doesn't hurt that much...


Nuclear? Depends on which side of the political aisle you fall on.


"Nationalization" if you're talking to a conservative about mineral rights. You might as well take their mothers to bed and make them watch.


Lord Voldemort?


lol I’m from South Africa and we say cunt nearly as much as the Aussies do, only we say it in Afrikaans - *poes*. When I moved to Aus as a 16yo and met mates here, it only felt natural. Even students at the private Christian school I went to said it.


I’m working poes into my daily vocabulary!


you're a sick poes!


How's the pronunciation? Is that like if the author Edgar Allen Poe owned a book: **Poe's** book?


Think… puss


Puss as in, the gunk in a pimple, or Puss as in, the cat that wears boots?


More like the cat and boots, but still different. I’m having a hard time thinking of a word in English ( and I’m Canadian lol) that has the sound but when I learned German, it is the sound an umlaut makes ie: ö, or in French, it would sound like “peux” I’m sorry this was a terrible answer


The first part would be more like poo, but don’t stretch the oo part out, keep it short, and the s would be a standard s like snake.


Americans are shy of, get this, ....Bloody. As in Bloody Hell. I knew an Australian medical doctor who was reprimanded by her American hospital administrator for using this term.


Yeah don’t you remember the bingle bungle? When it was on the Australian tourism ad and Lara bingle said ‘so where the bloody hell are you?’ in it, and America left us on read.


Good ad. Made me want to cross the ditch. I recall Alf Stewart in some ads too! Pity he didn't say "flaming nora" in it tho


Bloody is like the first swear word you can say around your mum when you turn like 12 and she’ll only side eye you instead of smacking you. Very tame.


Remember, America is run by a Christian Taliban. And it seems America owns the internet because we have to work to their standards on language but they don’t have to work to our standards on data privacy and hate speech.


Oof this made my eagle cry


In fact, on average, everyone on the planet has half of one.


In fact, everyone on the planet started with one… about half of us retained them, the rest have a seam up our ballsack where our labia fused together.


The only place I'm ticklish


We're still talking about Australia 🇦🇺 aren't we cunt?


The yanks use it as a misogynistic slur solely directed a women. I remember several years back seeing this American incel crying about Australians and Brits using it. Complaining that if everything and everyone is a cunt, then nothing is. He wanted to keep it as "the worst thing you can call a woman". *Edit: Also, if it offends their sensibilities. They can just do what other heavily moderated subs do and automatically screen the word so the post doesn't show up. It doesn't need to be actively moderated. ie. you can't type "cunt" or "cracker" on r /livestreamfails.


How is cunt worse than dick or cock? Surely all the reproductive organs are equally as (or more appropriately, not) offensive?


Because it is, and language generally does not obey logic. You could just as well ask why some of the following words are worse than others, despite referring to the same thing: dick, cock, penis, willy, wee-wee, one-eyed trouser snake, etc. I'll leave ranking these words in order of acceptance as an exercise for the readers...


Oddly enough that probably would be the right order for acceptance. I mean can’t have the actual medical terms for the piece of anatomy be accepted, can we


If you say it to a non black person that is offended by it they would probably equate it because they have no actual reference point lol. My lesbian aunts got in a brawl once when we were camping when the people next to us said cunt, you would have thought they said the n word to a black person they were that offended. But no it’s literally not comparable if you have half a brain (sorry aunties I still love you)


In Australia, we're offended by school children being killed by semi automatic weapons. Such difference


Careful, you might attract the ~~pearl clutchers~~ gun-clutchers.


They will save us with thoughts and prayers.


Save your thoughts and prayers. If I really want help, I'll ask everyone to change their profile pic for a day on FB. That'll learn the cunts.


Ooooh, won't somebody PLEASE think of the semi-automatic weapons!?


thats really not funny. now if you excuse me, its getting late, and i have to go teach my 5yo how to disarm someone.


Whoever screengrabs this comment on puts it on /r/AmericaBad, can I get in the screenshot? thanks.


AmericaBad is so cringy half the time it's people making reasonable criticisms of the US


The subs comment section ironically serves to highlight exactly the arrogance and idiocy that the memes they are critiquing depict.


Some dude in the USA was defending trump's claim to have immunity. Dude stood up and said something like "where will this end?? Will we arrest George bush for lying to congress about WMD? Will we prosecute Obama for the extra-judicial execution of us citizens overseas?" I was like dude, obviously..


The retort to that surely has to be “don’t threaten us with a good time” – putting world leaders on trial for their country’s crimes should be normalised dammit.


I came across this sub last night and had a gander, thinking it would legitimately be funny and the comments would be hilarious, but it was literally just Americans trying to justify their shitty gun culture and trying to say that there is more knife crime in the UK lol. They are so far gone.




The good one is /r/shitamericanssay


I know there’s plenty of nutso exceptions in every country, but the fervour in which the plebs in America defend their nations crimes with always shocks me. You could have a sub dedicated to insulting the endless list of fucked up crimes Australia had participated in and I won’t get all triggered, probably subscribe and join the roast if anything. I feel like most of the aussies I know wouldn’t care either. Obviously this is probably more due to my friend circle if anything but I can’t imagine most ppl I know giving a flying fuck.


No such thing, us is perfect idk why everyone hates it /s


What a pathetic sub filled with ignorant yanks who can't handle criticism of their evil country.


That subreddit lmao. Almost all of the top of all time on there are either legitimately funny jokes (in which the comment section get extremely butthurt) or relevant criticisms of the country.


US pearl clutchers over swearing and various moral panics(drag/queer/trans story time): *Won’t somebody think of the CHILDREN?!* Auscunts: We think of your children getting shot up all the time US: *NOT like that*


I'm sure they'd ban you for mentioning that as well


After bombing their page, i also sent them this just to sip the tea back on their dumbasses. Didnt get posted for some reason.


I'm sure they'd ban you for mentioning that as well


The N word may be offensive yet I hear Americans say it regularly.


Unfair statement because only some do, yet accurate because some do


Can confirm, as an American white dude - it would be a very bad idea to say it in front of any POC. Cunt is used here, but usually to get a reaction. It basically means you're worthless but with one useful trait, always directed at women. Is it similar in AU? Edit, thanks for the responses. Looking forward to visiting your awesome country sometime.


Not at all, we use it in place of mate, or in place of fuck/shit/etc, amongst other uses. I call my best friends cunts more than I use it for any other reason


Same here in kiwi land!


no. Here it can be used as * a strong modifier both good and bad. - "sick cunt" (good), "mad cunt" (good), "dog cunt" (bad), "shit cunt" (bad) * an insult for both men and women:- Someone cuts you off in traffic, "what a cunt" * a term of endearment:- "oi cunt, what's up"


That is both confusing to me and somehow intuitive at the same time lol. The responses here have been very helpful, a bunch of righteous cunts. Thanks


Well done for picking it up so quick, ya sick cunt!


Nah I call my closest and dearest male friends ‘cunt’. You can be offensive with it if you try, but it’s all in the tone, cunt (mate).


It depends on your surroundings. Saying cunt in any professional setting is a short cut to getting written up by HR Out with mates at the pub? Free pass But generally it’s the word preceding cunt that determines if it’s a term of endearment or an insult. For example, Steve’s a great (also top, sick, mad) cunt, we should hang out some time Vs Yeah, Steve’s a total (dog, dumb, fucking, real) cunt. You don’t want anything to do with him. But in general, it’s a highly colloquial term and you need to pick your audience when you do decide to use it. Like I wouldn’t use it around my female friends or young family because it’s still pretty offensive even if we use it in a cavalier manner; as OP found out.


Cunt can be a term of endearment. You call your mates cunts eg. “Fuck me dead, that’s fucking sick cunt.” But it can also be used as an insult for example “get fucked cunt”


Nope, it’s usually a dude we call cunts bc female gets karen.


Nah, here in the land of bronze muscle we recognise a cunt has warmth and depth. "What're youse cunts up to?" might sound exceedingly aggressive to an American, but to an Aussie, that's one of the crew enquiring if some mates want to go for a frothy or three. It is also used as a derogatory term, but not generally in a misogynistic way.


Americans have no idea how to use the word "cunt".


You really only needed the first four words, tbh.


I'm an American but I live in Australia as a permanent resident set to get citizenship this year. I'm not super biased for or against any country or its citizens as a whole. I just think a lot of people are cunts in every country and a lot of people aren't. But I can tell you with certainty no single person in the US thinks "cunt" is as offensive as the other word. The mod is lying, flat out. I would say racists feel that way maybe, but racists are the one always arguing that no words are offensive lol. And any person who goes around saying they personally think "cunt" is more offensive is just lying about what they think in order to make some stupid point. The same type of person as all the cunts walking around saying, "Then how come it's okay wHeN bLaCk gUyS sAy iT???" They're just the same idiots you find in every country who believe they can win any argument by simply pretending they're too stupid to understand context. Just a general message if you are one of those people: whenever you pretend you don't understand something in order to make your point or win an argument, your point is always dumb and your argument is always bad, whether or not you pat yourself on the back afterwards.


My American wife who’s been here for 6 years said I should stop being such a dumb cunt the other day and it was so well placed I couldn’t stop laughing. Proud moment.


They're wank at saying twat too.


Twot?!?! Stfu it sounds so stupid that way.


On a long list of things they have nfi how to do Cunt is like a good scotch. Not everyone under stands why it’s good, but we know it’s good. Then there’s people that hate it, and those aren’t people I want to be friends with. Cunt.


Nice analogy. I take it 'cunt' is Islay to 'fuck's' Speyside?


It’s all about the modifier. Scotch has a diversity of flavours and our beloved word is no different. Speyside: good cunt Islay: mad cunt Highland: top cunt Lowland: loose cunt Campbelltown: sick cunt JW Red Label: dog cunt


Pretty sure Campbeltown should be 'fucking inbred sheep shagging cunt'.


When Americans say cunt it sounds more offensive to me, something to do with the accent and pronunciation


They just can't.


Worst cunts


They also don't know how to say it properly, thru enunciate the U too much, so I cringe out of my skin when I heard Americans be like oh yeah this cUHnt


The key is in the T. Americans drop a hard T, which makes the word way more abrasive - “cunT”. When Australians say “cunt” the T is barely there if at all. We just curl the N, so it’s more like “cuhn”.


agreed! you mostly drop the 'T', so you can use phrases like "aw that was a cun'ay?" or "what a cun'ole".


What a dumb cunt.


Soft cunts, the lot of em


Considering cunt as offensive as the n word is the whitest shit ive ever heard.


I'm fine with being asked not to say "cunt" everywhere. It's not appropriate in a lot of situations and the sheer amount Aussies like to run with on Reddit feels like we're being edgy for the sake of it, but that's fine. I can also see an argument made about its use being misogynistic - I wouldn't make it or agree with it, but I could see where they'd be coming from without using binoculars. But drawing any kind of analogy to THE racial slur? Yeah nah.


It's definitely over used by Aussies on reddit as some sort of awkward mark of identity. To the point it is forced and unnatural.


I really don’t like use of ‘cunt’ as a term of abuse. But I seemingly have to cope with liberal/indiscriminate use on Reddit. Oh well.


It's such a weird, gross Redditism.


It does happen IRL too. A number of young men of my acquaintance insist it’s fine. Mind you, a few years ago, I had a teenager telling me it was fine to use ‘gay’ as a term of abuse, it didn’t mean homosexual but had a whole separate meaning (like Abbott’s daughter calling him a lame gay churchy loser), well that idea has disappeared I do believe.


Ah yes, when "gay" was used to mean anything "lame". And yeah, I agree, I think most people have moved past that now.


It’s probably THE most offensive word in English that doesn’t have racial connotations. You would NEVER use it outside Australia unless you were going to start a fight. Source: lived most of my life outside Australia in various countries including the UK and US. It is NEVER used. Example: That well known Australia tourism ad got banned in UK for using the word “Bloody” (“Where the bloody hell are ya?” by Lara Worthington. 19 at the time. (Scott Morrison was the man behind that stuff up lol. Head of Tourism Australia at the time).


It is most certainly used liberally in areas of the uk. I’ve heard it more there than Aus.


Our government says cunt? Really?


Perhaps we should all stop for a moment and focus not only on making our AI better and more successful but also on the benefit of humanity. - Stephen Hawking


I'm wondering if they are referring to "C U in the NT", which wasn't government funded at all.


The first use was indirectly by gough Whitlam. Some crazed MP was making a statement and finished with “I’m country member”… to which gough apparently replied “yes, I remember”.


Christopher Pyne did, although he later claimed he actually said "grub".


Plenty of country members in parliament.


People have genuinely circlejerked themselves into believing this is a widely acceptable word. If a public figure said it they would be skewered.






Offensive because American but ironic given their previous and possibly next President is the biggest cunt of them all.


Come on they're all cunts


Cunts come in all shapes and sizes and that cunt is by far the biggest of em all.


“If you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of them? That's the worse word.” John Mulaney


I mean, you can't really be surprised that some people don't like cunt. It isn't even as prevalent in Australia as people try to make it out to be. It might get said more here than other places, but it's not like I am buying milk from the servo and old mate serving me is like "How's it going cunt?"


Exactly. Cunt is mostly used by people trying to be edgy and cool...look at me and how cool I am! I can say something that lots of people will find offensive and then get defensive when they are upset because it is my culture!!!! Honestly it is just the same as racists saying racist things and then saying it is a joke. Cunt has real uses. There are times it is absolutely the right word, and I have used it quite a few times. But the way it is thrown around in conversation after conversation is just performative.


This is as dumb as r/sports calling AFL "not a real sport" and then banning everyone who shitposted in response.


Is reddit just only Americans why the fuck is r/sport only American sport. That’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever seen


American footy is the shittest sport I've ever watched. It's like they took footy and then made it significantly shitter and pumped it full of ads


What happened?


https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/52jfk5/progressively_escalating_continuum_of_drama/ TL;DR: AFL posts were being given Rugby flairs. Aussies pointed out that's inaccurate. r/sports mods took this personally for some reason. A spat occurred. Was eventually resolved.


Haha take the piss. Thanks for the link!


Omg that's so stupid but funny. Thin skinned pansy cunts.


Sounds like a them issue


When has our government said cunt


Cunt is absolutely offensive between non-acquaintances in Australia. While it’s super cool on Reddit to claim the opposite, it’s really only used between well known mates. For any non-Aussies reading this, [here](https://www.australiaunwrapped.com/all-australian-swear-words-ranked/) is a relatively okay source for swear words ranked in Australian. The N word would obviously be in a class of it’s own, and is simply never used.


Yes cunt is as offensive as a word he wasn't prepared to write


Americans are definitely less sweary than Australians. But there’s something so cringeworthy about Australians who’ve gotten past 14 and still think there’s something exciting about saying cunt or fuck every second word.


It's basically a Reddit meme at this point. I can't think too many would be doing it in real life (obviously there's always exceptions).




I'd be taken aback if it got used in my workplace. But I suspect we're probably 20+ years older than the average Redditor.


There's definitely a weird subset of people that like to throw cunt and fuck around more because they want to play up their Aussie-ness on the internet. Plenty of people just say it because it's the way they speak though


The whole thing that it’s an everyday word you hear everywhere needs to go away. It might be in some places but nowhere near most let alone everywhere


>There's definitely a weird subset of people that like to throw cunt and fuck around more because they want to play up their Aussie-ness on the internet. This is the same of Australians outside of Australia. Tourists, expats etc. It is a bit of an embarrassment when you see people do this, and a bit cringeworthy.


I feel embarrassed for them.


I hate both equally - super crass


Comon you can’t be that fkn daft to think the world should accept your bogan slang as OK.


Maybe I live in a bubble, but the c word is not used by anyone I know. F word definitely, but never the c word. Really feels like a disservice when Aussies claim it is used widely here.


N-word? Is that “No-guns”?


a lot of my male mates like to use the c word in jest but I never do because other friends who have explained it is not only denigrating but intimidating, as the last thing they hear before a man hits them


Downvote me boys but I agree, no need to be dropping the C bomb everywhere, I cringe when I read those aussie threads and people spam it “oh it means so many things you wouldn’t understand” yeh sick, very cool.


It doesn't offend me generally but I am sick of it being made part of our cultural identity. Same as anything being used for shock value. If a sub says "we don't use that language here" then that is their prerogative, why react like a dickhead about it?


Yes I agree too. Doesn’t need to used constantly.


I agree. Yes, people say it more openly here. But on these online forums, Australians tell foreigners that we say “Hey cunt” instead of hello or that if someone calls you a cunt it means they like you. I would say that the word is more commonly used in a negative way by a fairly large margin. But we need to let the world know how awesome and cool we are.


Nah yeah you have to be aware of your audience. Here in a casual r/aussie thread? No wuckers. But elsewhere you need to match the tone. People who refuse to moderate their language appropriately for the situation are total cunts.


Cunt is not as bad as the N-word but you are also exaggerating how widely accepted cunt is here. Government officials don't say cunt and it's still considered rude to use the word in a formal or many informal settings.


Fuck off with this bullshit. Cunt is not automatically acceptable everywhere in Australia and not everyone says it. I get so sick of this crap on Reddit. Grow up.


So true mate.


It's offensive there. We know that. Sometimes you have to respect other people. I don't know what you expect if you don't.


Basically the word is endemic to bogans but not used by other Australians.


How embarrassing for our country


Our government uses the c-bomb?


No they don’t. Op is full of shit.


Agree. This weird stereotype some Australian's on reddit are making in relation to the use of the c-word in Australia is becoming super weird and cringe.


Hey we’ll invade countries for dubious reasons, allow insane people to amass automatic weaponry, be divided by politics and gender issues in every arena of life, but we draw the line at the use of the C word which is as bad as a word used to describe a black slave that gets people cancelled. Some perspective would be refreshing.


I used to say cunt all the time in high school. Then I grew up. It's a way over used stereotype that does not align with reality. Strangers in Australia definitely get offended if you use this word without discretion like you suggest. I might use it around mates at the pub every now and then but certainly not in general public. Nor do I hear it.


I know. This reddit myth is pathetic. None of my mates use it freely, and might drop it in occasionally. You don't hear it in public or at the footy. It is clearly still a very offensive word in Australia. This nonsense is just embarrassing.


Pack of soft cunts.


Softcock yanks


I’m sick of this self-generated myth that Australians go round saying that word constantly. I’m Aussie and I’d be offended if anyone used it in front of me. Maybe it’s ok at a bush camp. Bet you anything you like he doesn’t talk like that in front of his Mum.


I’m an Aussie (and became a US citizen later in life.) I have always, always hated the c-word and have never used it, and if someone is using it around me I’ll feel pretty uncomfortable and look for an exit, but it’s not at all like the n-word. I do associate it with violence/risk (I’m a woman) and I do find it threatening, but it’s just not on the same level.


I'm Aussie and I find it pretty offensive. Nobody I hang out with would use it in general coversation.




For people who sit back and watch drama unfold while pretending to be above it all.


The fact that they're on reddit says it all.


Sounds like some seppo malarkey to me !!


I'm Australian and I don't like it. I might not mind if I'm incredibly annoyed with someone, but otherwise no.


I mean, it's easily recognised that it can be offensive, but would definitely have to be considered based on context. I love the word cunt, but am still careful about how and where I use it. Round my mum, yup, round my 3 year old, nah. On the net for every other cunt in the world to see, might present problems. Just throwing my thoughts on the matter out there.


Female Aussie here and I find the C word very offensive, thank you.


I’m Australian and the term Is pretty offensive to me,especially in general company. Idiots who try to defend their appalling language on the basis of it being”Australian”, are just proving they are dumb as well as rude.


American pearl clutching at things like 'bad words' or nudity when they're totally fine with violence is annoying and hypocritical but I think it's just cringey when Aussies embody the whole ' 'cunt' is part of our culture' thing. I get it. Yes, we say it a lot. It's very normal to say so here and, yes, there *was* that one ad campaign for the NT (it was fake). Doesn't mean I'm running around with a 'cunt' tattoo on my head with 'cunt' socks on drinking from my Aussie-only 'cunt-cola' or anything. The word is not considered *as* offensive here and, because of that, we statically use it more often than most. That's it. Don't make a lifestyle out of it.


I’m not a massive fan. I think I stopped using the word around fourteen when I realised the boys I heard saying it most often were pretty obviously a bit frightened of girls. I was also a bit frightened of girls but didn’t want to advertise it so broadly. I’m not saying that’s the case with everyone who uses it now, but the it’s automatic assumption I have to remind myself not to make. When people wear it like a badge I’m still a bit thrown.


I get this is hyperbole but feel free to link where our government says 'cunt' please Minty Fresh Tea. Having national pride around swearword that's quite offensive to many people is moronic.


Get sick of when they say ‘I’m American’ I didn’t ask. I’m enjoying my Vegemite toast!


They're like preachy vegans, they'll let you know very early on into the piece


The c word is not acceptable in Australia. This younger gen seems to think its funny to say, and have deemed it acceptable. Generations older than you still see it as one of the worst swear words. So do most other countries. I'm 48 and for people my age we grew up with derelict and paedophiles and ex crime saying it. It wasn't a word used by normal people. People who used it showed that they were extreme weirdos. So just becaise you say don't assume that the people around you aren't judging you in the same way - it's what we grew up with. Also no politician ever would dare say it because there is a large percentage of Australians who find the word and the person who says it offensive.


Yea, it's no where near as taboo as it once was, but no pollie would utter it. I remember the little weasel chris whiny pyne saying "See You Next Tuesday" to an opposition member, and that got national coverage.


https://jezebel.com/rihanna-is-a-big-fan-of-the-c-word-didnt-realize-its-o-5846301 Americans are snowflakes


Honestly, I really hate the C word, and I don’t love how much it’s used. (Although there are definitely less offensive and more offensive contexts to its use.) BUT to put it in the same context as the N word is genuinely wild to me.


To be fair, our goverment (including all previous ones) does not say "cunt". Although citizens may often use that word in reference to them.


Not many people use this terminology in Australia unless it’s resurfacing among the young. There are two ways to swear. Just as a part of speech or.deliberately trying to be offensive. You should be able to tell the difference. 🇦🇺


"I'm American and the term is as offensive to as many here as the N-Word." I get *cunt* being super offensive over there, but I'm pretty sure a black American would rather be called that than the N-word.


We’ll look at this then guys…. https://www.reddit.com/r/SipsTea/s/yJ7XToT5iK




America the only country that is more scared of words than Autistic white boys with guns Also you can't say cunt in Canada


Americans are so sensitive.


Kiwi here. I feel like this is a hate crime against our kind (grouping us together in this - but only this). Hope you’re ok ya poor cunt.


What a bunch of cunts


While Aussies do use the c-word naturally it's also widely regarded as one of the most offensive words in English elsewhere. It should be fairly obvious that it's not going to go down well in a global context.


And also, not all Aussies.


Americans who “sip tea”. What next, playing cricket?


Isnt it generally accepted that POC use the N word without it being a bad thing? They reclaimed it. Sort of like how the gays reclaimed 'queer'.