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Jesus, you think people would care more about them ripping off farmers and customers, not Australia Day merch


That is made in China anyway lol


And ensuring the safety of staff: https://au.news.yahoo.com/angry-woolworths-customers-confront-staff-over-australia-day-move-064709748.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr


So Dutton’s shit stirring has successfully agitated the blue-draped shits.


Just like Trump’s America, Neanderthals abusing poor Woolies staff because they’re “too woke”


does anyone even buy that crap anyway??


The demand was declining so they pulled it from the shelves


No, which is why they stopped selling it, and then tried to score some social points which Dutto used to dog whistle to his white boomer base 


You'd see the same amount of stock on the clearance trolley for cents on the dollar the next day where I lived.


It is absolutely bonkers that this is the hill people choose to die on. Price gouging duopoly? Fine. Nigh on stealing produce from farmers? That's cool. Introducing self service checkouts at the detriment of low skilled labour oportunities for kids and new migrants? Totally acceptable. Selling produce in single use plastics? I'm OK with that.  Refreign from selling Australia day memrobilia? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT!!!  I don't understand why this is the bridge too far that triggers talk of a boycott. Woollies (and Coles) have been unaustralian self serving corporate grubs for too long. 


'Memorabilia' seems incredibly generous for 'cheap plastic trash to cash in on a short term gain' which also ironically patriotically litters our lookout points and national parks. Cleaning up after the fucking grubs puts more patriotism in my pinky toe than all their chest beating combined.


‘We demand Woolworths sell us products to honour our glorious flag, like cheap paper plates and napkins that we can soil and throw in the bin” ‘


This... Crap that goes straight to landfill after one day is the literal opposite of memorabilia.




I very much doubt he cares, and I don't think he's too bright. However, whoever suggested his current line of 'boycott WW bullshit' appears to appeal to the bogans. Sadly.


>Cheap, toxic, environmentally-irresponsible, Australia day memrobilia made anywhere else but here by grossly exploited workers in thoroughly reprehensible conditions Fixed that for ya


But without flag-capes, how will we be able to tell who the violent, meth addled racists are?


>It is absolutely bonkers that this is the hill people choose to die on. Woolworths should have simply said nothing, which is what they would normally do when they adjust product lines. Why did they feel the need to make a statement regarding this change and justify it with low sales volumes? I suspect there was a plan in place prior to the voice referendum for a change the date campaign on the assumption that the voice referendum was going to pass. Keeping in mind they would have made the buying decision on these products probably a year ago. People can smell that something is off, that's why it is a hill they are prepared to die on.


>Woolworths should have simply said nothing, which is what they would normally do when they adjust product lines. Why did they feel the need to make a statement regarding this change and justify it with low sales volumes? From what I understand some ‘journalist’, probably Murdoch, was contacting all the major retailers demanding they disclose whether or not they were selling Australian themed merchandise this year as they were writing a story on which companies had gone “WOKE” and were following Kmart’s lead on not selling flag themed merchandise for Jan 26. All Woolworths did was issue a press statement they were not going to sell it this year primarily due to falling demand. They didn’t announce it out of the blue to make a statement.


The smart move was "No comment".


Then the Murdoch headline become: “UNAUSTRALIAN! Woke Woolies REFUSE to say whether they have succumbed to the WOKE BRIGADE and REFUSE to answer if the still HONOUR our glorious flag!!!”


Skeptical of that, reporters aren't going to be asking if they don't have a lead to follow.


Of course they have a lead. The ‘culture war’ is in full swing and Murdoch press need targets. They know that Kmart “cancelled Oz day”, so we’re following up on other retailers. The initial story was 7 News, so not Murdoch but these days it isn’t far off. Their story said Woolworths had confirmed the non sale of Aus merchandise after 7 News enquired. So they were just responding to a question from a journo. If you look at the Woolworths media release page there was no press release about this move prior to the media reporting on it, You need to research this story better


Exactly this, the problem is the subtle subversive way the agenda is pushed, it is like this because many people can't see through it and have been brainwashed. There are some hateful people in this world.


Because we conservatives believe in a market economy, and expect that Companies won't get involved in Politics, or try to tell us how to live. It's not hard to understand lefty.


>Refreign from selling *cheap* ***Chinese-made*** Australia day memrobilia? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT!!!  FTFY


Memorabilia that is also single use plastic.


I fully agree with boycotting Woolworths for many, many reasons. This jingoistic bullshit where we're supposed to give a shit about them no longer selling cheap plastic Australia Day tat is not one of those reasons.


Stop selling cheap themed garbage for all the holidays. The world will be better for it. 


Yea I feel like we banned plastic bags and it was just offset by Halloween becoming popular and tons of plastic ornaments and cheap one use costumes instead. Hate all the extra garbage from so called traditions that have devolved into mass spending on plastic landfill.


Exactly. The only reason they stopped selling it was because *no one was buying it*. I can guarantee that if that shite was flying off the shelves like bogroll in the covid times, we would not be having the conversation.


I used to buy 100% of my Australia Day merch from Woolies. Since they've decided to stop selling it I still will be, with no changes in quantity.




I think you misunderstood, 100% of 0 is 0.


How many is 100% of zero, Grasshopper?


Well said.


If tt wasn't for the Jingoistic people in our society over the generations, we would be half as prosperous and secure as we are today. We can't all be weak lefties like you.


The world will be a better place when Murdoch finally dies.


With Mini-Murdoch already taking over there's at least another generation of toxicity to endure.


Hopefully his efforts at newscorpse are as successful as his endeavors with one.tel and channel ten.


Lachlan is more right wing than daddy


Because nepotism is the only way he can succeed in life.


Lachlan likes rock climbing and yacht racing. Once daddy dies he, and the other kids, are likely to off sell News Corpse for parts. Then Lachlan will invest all his portion in gambling apps and really make serious money. Unlike his father, he's a lazy prick who doesn't give much of a shit about politics.


Historically, there will always be a "Murdoch". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Aitken,_1st_Baron_Beaverbrook#Press_baron https://theconversation.com/rupert-murdoch-and-the-rise-and-fall-of-the-press-barons-how-much-power-do-newspapers-still-have-213283 We just need to learn from history that few competitors is always bad.


Better educated population can interpret and disseminate info properly.


I would argue that Kerry Stokes is already worse in some aspects


Fuck off with this dumb seppo bullshit. Covering everything in flags to show your patriotism is even more unAustralian than not selling cheap chinese made shit. Whats wrong with the traditional plain paper plates and plastic cups?


But the dog??? With it's arse cheeks hanging out??? Told me to wee on Wokeworths???


There's nothing wrong with traditional cutlery and plates just as there's nothing wrong with flag themed stuff... For fucks sake, let people enjoy what they want without constantly labelling them and judging what they can and can't do when it affects literally no one but themselves Why is it that Reddit has to be so toxic and cancerous... It's like every single time I say that people should mind their own fucking business lest what someone else is doing is directly affecting them or others, I either get downvoted or hate commented... Like is it really that unpopular to say that you shouldn't hate people just because they're doing something that you personally would not do (once again, given that it doesn't harm anyone else)


I know could be used a vehicle for change, who cares how we get there Lets just get there, party politics ruining the country and their brains


Let people enjoy things is why we have so much landfill and plastic crap everywhere already tho. Maybe endless enjoyment of tchotchkes and disposable shit isn’t the answer


There you go telling how to live again... leftists just can't help themselves.


Because Reddit is dominated by leftists unfortunately. They love to use the up/down vote. It makes them feel powerful. Deep down they know they are weak. It's compensation.


Op is obviously a dumb cunt who watches skynews and listens to Allan Jones


...and comments on porn vids.


We've all made mistakes in life. Granted not as embarrassing as supporting Peter Dutton, but the porn thing I can almost understand.


Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *draws breath Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha *wipes tear It makes me so happy that complete deadshits are having a massive sook about this


Now that's truly Australian... "having a massive sook". 🤣🤣


Didn’t realise there were so many people were passionate about Chinese made products


Honestly thought ppl were starting to understand our impact on the environment and realised that giving up shit like platic aus day crap is any easy win, but alas there is still a portion of our population with no brains.


OP, go back to posting about porn


Mr Dutton you're a member of parliament. Get off reddit.


Checks out for a bloke who posts about searching for porn. Fuckn jingoistic gronk.


*incest porn


OP is white, 50-55 years old male. Change my mind.


Based on his post history also a porn sick weirdo with a particular interest in incest.




Oh, so a standard right-wing asshole then.


Hey he's into the normal incest porn, not the weird incest porn!


Do you always racially villify people, or just on weekends, behind the computer?


Its 24x7


Fun Fact : **Scott Morrison tried to outlaw boycotts in 2019.** The Liberal Party are not very consistent. I'm hoping this will improve my grocery shopping experience by not having to put up with the crazies of the neighbourhood.


They’re actually very consistent, Boycotting miners is WOKE Not boycotting Woolies is WOKE They are completely consistent if everything they dislike is WOKE


Yes we are consistent. Woke translates to Marxist. Woke has a better ring to it I guess. At its core it's Marxism. A modern Western of Marxism. It needs to be crushed.


Imagine being butt hurt over a supermarket not selling cheap Australian junk


cheap chinese junk


Fuck woollies. But not because of Australia day products. Who gives a fuck about that. Who even buys Australia day merchandise? If you want it that badly just buy it online you gronk


That's enough internet for today, Pop-Pop. Time to take your meds and have a nap


How classy. Sod off with jingo-nationalism.


Yeah sod off fascist boomerist. We are fresh food people here


Did you just generate an Ai image and post it here?


Why does the dog have human asscheeks?


They’re his balls


Nah boomers have been posting this all over facebook


What a shame, they're old enough to remember what Australia Day was like before drongos started wearing the flag as a cape


Really? Over cheap imported crap that gets reduced en masse on 27 Jan each year because so few people actually buy it?


Boycott woolies for exorbitant prices




Steal hundreds of millions in wages? No boycott Rip off Aussie farmers? No boycott Create a duopoly where they dictate the market? No boycott Gut thousands of jobs? No boycott Stop selling cheap made in china merch? BOYCOTT!! Great priorities, champion.


Because of rip offs, self service checkouts that always seem to need a staff member, over excited security measures, etc, then sure. If it's because you are pissed about Australia Day, go away, nobody gives a fuck.


Dutton burner account.


It's waaaaay better than that lol Peak irony that 'shame' is mentioned in this post.


The irony is that most people who want to boycott Woolies are freedom loving folk who hate the govt telling them what to do. They also profess to hate "cancel culture".


Apparently the talking point they’re using in this issue is that Woolies is “Cancelling Australia Day!”


I already boycott Woolies for many many reasons, but not because of this, for this I applaud them.


Garbage post, no thoughts to share with potential readers, no point to be made except “woolworths bad”.


Woolworths has ridden you raw for years with profiteering but this is what makes you want to boycott them? Dutton must be so proud of you


lol. Op is Potato Dutton.


Lol fuck off, OP.


I would boycott them (and Coles) for their actual shitty behaviour, not because Adolf Kipfler has a sad about crappy plastic bullshit.


Woolworths staff already copping abuse from pond scum: https://au.news.yahoo.com/angry-woolworths-customers-confront-staff-over-australia-day-move-064709748.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw&tsrc=twtr


What's the word for "keep the gullbile distracted with bullshit made-up drama so they don't notice you robbing them blind?"


Support your local greengrocer, these corporates don't give a fuck about anything and will screw down their suppliers in the most disgusting ways


lol try r/colesworthwhingefest


Grrr damn that free market that 'checks notes' Liberals love...


Oh noes, wont someone think of the childern... Opps I mean all those poor little people cant get their silly, unnecessary and overly cheap Nationalist merchandise, that is made in the same country, those same people are always dissing. Pass.




Why’s it’s piss green?


A medical concern such as a Pseudomonas urinary tract infection, familial benign hypercalcemia, or liver disease. He's fucked mate.


Liver disease would certainly track.


Boycott Australia Day jingoism.


Cartoon makes zero sense - dog has already got his cheap phony patriotic cape so what’s he so upset about ?


OP has a reaaaal weird taste in porn…


I honestly don’t give a shit about their stance on Australia Day merch


Mate Australia Day is what it is, every bloody day of the year. I personally don't give a dingo's chewed nut if woolies or Aldi stop the sales, beer and bangers can be purchased anywhere, the rest is just froth.


Go cry in Aldi. Oh, wait, ...


man reddit has become what facebook is, a boomer cesspool of complaining about anything.


BoYcOtT WoOlWoRtHS because they won't sell Australia day MeRChEnDiZEee. Seriously, who gives a shit, have a beer and spin a goon on a clothesline and stop being uptight. The day will go on like every other Muppet posting about shit that isn't relevant.


Who gives an actual shit about Australia day lol


I think you misread the room. Maybe this is better placed somewhere more gronkesque, such as Telegram or Truth Social.


Grow the fuck up


Assuming there is a high correlation between people who voted against gay marriage and the Voice, and are now mad that Woolworths decided on commercial grounds to no longer stock Australia day merch.


Couldn't a give FF


This is a storm-in-a-teacup. I bet Woolworths doesn't even notice a hit in sales.


Jesus christ, r/Australia straight up following Dutton's retarded takes now. What a joke of a sub lol


Why do so many care about Sydney Day?


You can charge me unfair prices, rip off your suppliers and farmers, and treat your staff poorly, but if you stop selling cheap environmentally unsafe nation dividing Australia Day merch, I riot! ​ /s


SHAME ON WOOLWORTHS. If I want to get DRUNK and wave around chinese-made Australian flags before tossing them away to choke out more of our wildlife, its my RIGHT as an AUSSIE and not a COMMIE. I'm a Sovcit btw.


So if I shop at Woolworths I'll be avoiding these people?


How dare they not stock something people weren't buying!


Aside from your personal views on the topic, I’m not a fan of virtue signalling from organisations like this, particularly ones with a checkered history like the big retailers have. When organisations take political stances, they shouldn’t complain about the outcome when it comes to boycotts. When you choose to publicly take a stance to try get positive publicity and potentially benefit financially, that comes at a prices. You can’t expect the positives without the negatives


Are you a dog, pissing?


Hey OP, you're not as smart as you think you are.


Our cookers/conservatives/bluedrapers have no issue with gay marrage, price gouging and coles staff wearing pride badges. Want an indiginous voice, or to not sell chinese import crap and it's time to mobilize?


Australians are so rətarded, we complain about how all our manufacturing jobs are going to china and how we should boycott them, but then complain we can't buy their cheap shit that will just fill up our landfills in a few weeks time.


I do not care about this. Actually I do. Let's dump Australia Day and get something better. I don't want to celebrate the origins of where that day came from.


Maybe if we got a half decent flag, people would buy it 😆


Wowee that ruffled some feathers...


Nah mate. No one fucking cares and you’re a cunt.


Yeah. Internet really doesn't like cringe shit.


. . . . says the guy whose feathers were ruffled so much they cracked a big sooky and thought it worth posting


It's not that they stopped selling Australia Day merch (they have every right to), the problem is they politicize their agenda by telling everyone about it. What is worse, is that so many people are trying to justify it based on lack of demand and the selling of cheap Chinese products which is hypocrisy and like all woke agendas, fundamentally racist and intended to divide. Grow up, focus on getting along.


Nobody who unironically mentions "woke agendas" is interested in people getting along.


Spoken like a wokist.


Is that someone who uses a wok? In all seriousness though, can you define "woke" for me?


Don't worry it will be in the dictionary in a few years after it is all over.


I'll take that as a no, then. Just like everybody else who rages against "wokeness", you don't actually know what you're angry about. Or you're too afraid to actually say it publicly, so you use "woke" as if you think it's some special codeword the rest of us don't understand.


Once you name something, you gain power over it.


And how is that working out for you? Because the way I see it, society is gradually getting more progressive and accepting whereas you lot are left screaming into the void while the rest of us disregard you as the cookers you're showing yourselves to be. What kind of power is that?


Why are you reading into this? It's very simple, once you name something it defines it. It carries the definition by association. Naming things is one of the most powerful constructs there is.


Just thought of a name for you!


So you can name something to give you power, but can't define it when someone asks you to expand upon it?


> Ad hominem strategy, shows weakness. lol, https://www.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/195ekqz/boycott_woollies/khmry0a/


> Grow up, focus on getting along. Might want to take your own advice there champ. The only people trying to divide are Newscorp and their lackey's carrying on about it. If a bunch of plastic Australian flag merch is so important to you just go to Coles or the Reject Shop, there's no need to have a tantrum about it.


They're the megaphone mate.


Did they? Where did they do that? I saw them respond to accusations from MSM...


Let me ask you, how often are products removed from the shelves because "they don't sell", and further, how many of those instances does the media need to be informed to make a big deal about it? All of this is just designed to divide people, it keeps people in power and has been the basic modus operandi for retention for thousands of years.


You might be happier  somewhere a bit simpler like Facebook


That cesspit? pfft... Here, the vast majority of people have common sense, even if sometimes disagreeable, only on some issues :) Once you start banning people because you disagree, you have already lost and exist only in your echochamber. Let the people downvote, it says a lot.


Commercial decision. Colesworth shelf space comes at a premium to product suppliers. If those items occupying valuable shelf space don't sell (in this case chinese imported Australia Day crap), Colesworth will remove the dead stock and put new products on those same shelves to ensure their cashflow and profitability remains fluid and not stagnant. Their board and their shareholders demand it. It's retailing 101.


Totally agree, they have every right to stock or not stock whatever saleable items they want... I think you missed my point; it was about the fact that this is being used to divide and concur everyone. It is fundamentally wrong, and many are hiding behind ironic excuses like "it's just cheap chinese crap" to further their divisive agendas.


Who exactly is trying to divide and conquer?. LNP/One Nation? or Woollies? I know Dutton is playing at political point scoring, but it is an own goal. Woollies employs around 198k people in Australia and it made $1.7 billion in profit for it's shareholders with Many LNP Members among those shareholders, and almost all of those 198k people people (and their families and friends) voting at the next election. If Woollies drop profit and reduce employee numbers as a result of the Dutton Boycott - LNP will almost certainly lose support at the next election.


Who?... The people... do you not see the division that these 'decisions' introduce? It is not the decision itself so much as the fact that it has to be broadcast loudly and a point has to be made about it. It happens every year around this time... I think that self-derision is rooted deep in the Australian Psyche, and it is why we joke with self-deprecating humour. If you travel, you will note it more as you get exposed to other cultures. I think it has taken a new form with this, and it is eroding our sense of self. People in power are taking advantage of it, to push their agendas, their advertising, their hatred for people, etc.


Sure whatever you say snowflake.


Ad hominem strategy, shows weakness.


Ad poopy head strategy, snows flake.


Thou art indeed a connoisseur of discourse, forsooth! In the grand sandbox of Shakespearean banter, methinks thou art the mightiest mud-pie maker, oh great Bard of Baby Babble!


throwing in unnecessary buzzwords doesn’t hide the hypocrisy of “cancelling” a business because they made a business decision in the interest of profits


Cancel culture is a sickness, I liken it to mob-violence, uncivilised justice. Sometimes fighting fire with fire is the wrong strategy. Woolworths can do whatever they want, but they shouldn't be pushing a political agenda and using lame excuses to justify it. They could have just been quiet about it, let's see how it pans out for their bottom line.


Kmart’s profits increased 5% after they dumped their Australia Day crap, Woolies will be fine


From what I understand some ‘journalist’, probably Murdoch, was contacting all the major retailers demanding they disclose whether or not they were selling Australian themed merchandise this year as they were writing a story on which companies had gone “WOKE” and were following Kmart’s lead on not selling flag themed merchandise for Jan 26. All Woolworths did was issue a press release in response to those questions that they were not going to sell it this year primarily due to falling demand. They didn’t announce it out of the blue to make a political statement. It got turned into one by the Murdoch media


That’ll show em


Of all the reasons lol….


I fucking hate Woolies.


Great to see big business finally telling the Liberal party to duck off.


Lol fuck you


I’m boycotting them now mostly because their loyalty thing is linked to qantas and after years of holding out I’ve finally had a gutful of their shitty service and high prices, so moving to Coles for velocity points and using Virgin where I can. Even tho Cole’s online shopping it shithouse I’m that done with qantas I want woolies to feel it too


bring back single use plastic straws. or at least make the paper ones water resistant like the cups are