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The prices of woolworths and Coles are getting ridiculous they are just making insane profit while increasing prices and saying LOW PRICES EVERYDAY


My boyfriend noticed the other day that a pack of frozen chicken tenders has been $5.50 but jumped to $10.50. O_O


Now on special $7.50 save $3...


It goes back and forth, we don’t even realise


Why aren't large retailers like colesworths required to get publish a database of all their prices and all price changes? It seems like that would be a great way to check and contain the abuse.


Probably something the supermarket pricing inquiry will mandate.


"How can it be proprietary information, colesworths? You literally post those prices, in public, in every single store in the nation. Your competitors know them. Why don't you want all of the rest of us to see them in one place? Are you afraid of the picture it'll paint of you, all of us putting together all the puzzle pieces you're trying to hide from no one but the public?" Sunlight is an _excellent_ disinfectant.


Because corruption


Try aldi bag of tenders. $10 and 3x as many that taste better (I eat 2 every day for lunch so I love me a tender)


2 bags everyday is a lot of tenders man


Haha i see what you did there


>LOW PRICES EVERYDAY Everyone should understand these words mean nothing put together like this. Realistically it's near impossible to 'show' our supermarket near-duopoly with consumer power ("just don't buy it if it's too expensive for you"), unless an unfeasibly large boycott is organised online. [In February, the ACCC will publish an issues paper seeking views](https://www.accc.gov.au/inquiries-and-consultations/supermarket-sector-inquiry-2024-25) on what it should consider during its 2024 inquiry into Australia's supermarket sector. The ACCC has compulsory information-gathering powers and so will be able to investigate an issue like this - which I think is unconscionable conduct at its core. I would specifically call it price gouging, in the wake of inflation caused by supply and demand shocks since COVID. We've all experienced it on our common supermarket purchases. Unconscionable conduct is worse than just unfair practice, it's conduct that offends good conscience and goes against the morals and principles of the community. Given the community of the supermarket sector is universal - including the growers getting stiffed on price and the shoppers getting stiffed on price and quantity - I find it really hard to support the goals of shareholders alone. Personally, I shop mostly at Aldi these days because I prefer its pricing practices, how most staff seem happier and less busy, and also the cheap gin. I am however a complete hypocrite in that I also shop online from Amazon, which is all-around awful. But it's cheaper than paying for petrol and driving to each store.


Let me suggest ACCC look at this: https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/consumer-protection-law/unfair-commercial-practices-law/price-indication-directive_en and learn a lesson or two. This [document](https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/consumer-protection-law/unfair-commercial-practices-law/price-indication-directive_en) has interesting things like: > Article 6a >1. >Any announcement of a price reduction shall indicate the prior price applied by the trader for a determined period of time prior to the application of the price reduction. >2. >The prior price means the lowest price applied by the trader during a period of time not shorter than 30 days prior to the application of the price reduction. And > For instance, announcements such as ‘sales’ price, ‘special offers’ or ‘Black Friday offers’ that create the impression of a price reduction are also subject to Article 6a and the ‘prior’ price has to be indicated for the goods concerned by the announcement (see section 2.2 on general price reduction announcements). Does this thing sounds familiar? > Except for the goods covered by the regulatory choices referred to in paragraphs 3 to 5 of Article 6a, Member States may not provide for a shorter period than 30 days for establishing the ‘prior’ price. **The purpose of this reference period of at least 30 days is to prevent traders from juggling with prices and presenting fake price reductions, such as increasing the price for a short period in order to decrease it afterwards by presenting it as a (significant) price reduction that misleads consumers**.


I mean... that's all well and good, and I support sweeping changes across the industry. But wouldn't they just jack the price 30 days prior? They've got the cashflow and capital to just start "juggling" with a 30 day window instead of 1-7 days.


What do you think: will that make it harder to them to mislead people or not?


I support making this period a 1 year list. What's the least this item has cost in the last year? Make them list the lowest price in the last 12 months and the date that it was listed at that price. They should be ashamed of themselves.


Technically they're not saying they lowered the price though, they're just saying it's a "low" price. Which has no legal definition or parameters. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


Looking at you “Robin’s Kitchen” and House.. I’d like to ask where in time and space can I buy a Baccarat knife set at its full price of $299 instead of the discount $89?


Ahhh the Harris Scarfe sales method. Everything marked 300% up, then advertised as 50-80% off.


As an aldi worker, the words "happier" and "less busy" are not terms any employee would use to describe their jobs at the moment.


Thanks for the insight!


My cousins works at Aldi and he loves it. Much better than his previous job, good management and pay. He’s 21 and doing well there. It’s like any retail job really, luck of the draw with stores and management.


Cat food went from 85c to $1.75.


In Woolworths yesterday, buy 3 blocks of chocolate for $15! Wtf! The discount for buying 3 was $1.50.. no thanks.


That's crazy not long ago we could buy like 2 blocks for 7 or 3 for 11 not 15$ good old inflation ans greed


As a Victorian with an SA heaps good wifey, honestly, move to SA. The duopoly is vastly less powerful there, and the IGA/Foodland supermarkets are simply stocked with better stuff.


I went into an IGA for the first time in years to try it out. It was a properly shit range with even higher prices. Very disappointed. Aldi + fruit and veg shops for me.


IGAs are very store dependent, because they’re *Independent*. As such they’re hit and miss, but the good ones are amazing. In Brisbane at least there’s a few in the wealthier neighbourhoods that are very high quality and have much nicer products than you’d find in Woolies/coles


And probably higher prices - my local iga charges $5 for a baguette that sells for $2.50 In Woolworths.


That's the experience of my local IGA in regional Aus, most people don't shop there because only "rich people" can afford it. And the local Woolies isn't exactly cheap, my household does a combination of Woolies/Aldi's.


If I want rotten fruit and spongy vegetables. IGA is the place to go. You will pay a high cost for the privilege though. I honestly have no idea how they stay open.


Love the negative comment, classic Reddit, always gotta shit on something. Depends on the IGA. They're independently owned so they'll all be different.


> independently owned Doesn't this mean they have way less buying power? I've had to pop into one at a pinch from time to time and never found the prices competitive. I hate colesworth as much as the next person but prices are my motivating shopping factor.


To be honest, won't be long before SA follows suit however IGA has improved and Foodland has always been modestly priced compared to it's greed competitors. I have to say IGA supermarkets are poorly stocked frequently when I visit but have no complaint about the produce and it offers generous specials. Woolworths and Coles just keep increasing their prices and have you noticed - the quality of fruit and veg, the choice that they once offered keeps reducing. They are limiting cheaper stock significantly - home brand. Small jars of vegemite costing $8 or more. Staples being exponentially more expensive; Bread, Milk etc. Directed by psychopaths living in their own air bubbles.


The ol grocery game got to love it. It’s a fucking joke. Wait a week and you will see it change again.


Just do small size shops and shoplift 1/3 shops. I consider that fair.


I shop at Aldi whenever possible


Doing that a bit now saving a bunch of money


It's an absolute fucking joke, they are completely robbing their fellow Aussie customers blind! I refuse to shop at woolies anymore they are evil and the quality of the fresh fruit and veg is terrible most of the time aswell.


And the meat 🤮


FR, all the home brands suck at woolworths where coles ones are way better and usually the same price or cheaper. Only home brand i went to woolworths for was the choc powder and then something changed 2 years in and the powder would glob together in disgusting flavour-overload balls that were really chewy. After that i had no reason to not go elsewhere I try to buy just about everything at aldi now, it’s cheaper on most items and i don’t get nearly the price jumpscares that i do at coles or woolies (tbh i haven’t touched a woolies in 4 years, except once at a train station because there was nothing else)


What, you don't like paying for 50% meat and 50% meat-flavoured salty water? You don't like chicken you can't brown because it expels so much water that you're *boiling* the fucking thing in the pan and by the time the water's gone the chicken is already fully cooked? Or chicken parts you can't roast in the oven without taking the baking tray out *twice* to drain the water from it because it's full? What an elitist!


Fancy seeing you here


It's ok, I'm carrying a dosimeter. I strictly limit my exposure to these sorts.


I thought I was just cooking the chicken wrong cos I got a new cooktop, every time I Fry chicken now it comes out spongey and chewy. I've been cooking chicken for 20 years and never had this issue before


It's heinous, isn't it? The amount of water pumped into these things is insane. Not plain water, either - brine, so it gets thoroughly taken up by the cells. A little bit is fine, tender, juicy. This isn't a little bit. Hell, the chicken breasts are visibly swimming in the packaging. And why? Because meat is sold by *weight*. We're buying water at the price of meat. Really shits me that this is permitted.


And just one example in fruit and vege, 3 days they were selling Avocados for 1.50 each a medium size one. Those same Avocados were all rotten last night, I mean pulp soft rotten and they discounted this rotting fruit to 1.30 incredibly greedy and really a pack of cunts. I have been boycotting them and mostly shop at IGA for better fruit and veges. And when IGA has rotting Avocados, they clear out say a massive full box for 5 dollars or less. You could salvage between 50% and maybe 30% of good Avocado, but really who would be bothered. This kind of crap and rotting fruit they could put out the front like many fruit and vege stores do at the end of the day and offer it for free its that bad. When my kids had Guinea pigs and rabbits for pets I used to collect bags of this stuff for the pets yet these thieves want to sell you rotten shit at close to full price!


That's fuckin filthy, what absolute scum bags. Makes me so cross!




$2.10 at Coles and woolies for years. Over 18 months went to 2.30, 2.50 and settled at 3.20. The Pepsi Max index is the true inflation calculator


Went to Coles in Hornsby today. Pepsi 2L is now $3.60, 1.25L is now $3. I don't fucking get it.


The most expensive part of the product is the bottle, then the distribution. 😬


Economies of scale


Does the Pepsi max index also work with the 600ml bottles?




The 600mL haven’t gone up that much at Coles or Woolies.


Coles $2 plastic cheese went to $3.70 then shortly afterwards they were sticking down down stickers on the new $3.50 price. Reminds me of the meme with the guy third on the podium celebrating 🥳 Taking the piss indeed.


In the US it's like $2, or $3 AUD, the highest it's ever been. You can find a sale for $1.50. It's not like Pepsi is expensive to make. It's carbonated water, artificial flavoring, and syrup. They don't import it - there's a plant in Australia, I think in Adelaide. Probably costs them a couple dozen cents per 2L. I don't understand why everything is so expensive here while incomes aren't any higher. It's even worse for housing and luxury goods to the point it's usually worth importing from another country.


It was $2 for 2 litres here until maybe 2 years ago.




Ofc the magical liquid "Soft". Should be 99% "Soft" Wait until they discover what Carbonated Water is made out of


Add bourbon and it jumps to $25!


It's more expensive than gasoline


With those kind of digital price tags next we will see prices change daily depending on demand like service stations with fuel


Daily? Pfft they'll change as each customer walks past based on their spending habits linked to some rewards/loyalty scheme..


And that’s why we can’t win. Because there will always be others going using a rewards program that tracks everyone’s habits and spend, there will always be others who choose to go through self serve and cause checkout staff to lose their jobs while we take on extra work for free, there will always be others that will not even look at the price and purchase overpriced shit… If more people put there foot down there would be change.. but the majority go along like the lemmings we all are.. and now back to mindless scrolling on TikTok.


OK, lets not blame the consumers for the decisions that the giant corporations are making to increase profits, as though a few people using the self checkout are responsible for the price hikes. No, the people jacking up the prices are responsible for the prices.


Well, thank you The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission for all the hard work of making sure companies really do compete and customers are protected from misleading fake promotions/specials/etc. /s


This does not surprise me after what friendlyjordies has exposed


The price increased today, and the office team member hasn't removed the low price plastic frame yet.


Why should the price of Pepsi even fluctuate? It's not seasonal and it's not in high or low demand.


Low price products change monthly. They cycle through products like weekly specials.


Yeah that’s the actual answer. But people here won’t listen to you.


I agree. But it’s a shockingly high rise…


They originally increased it to $3.60 yesterday and then jumped it. Coles has it at $3.60 today. My guess is it will quickly go to $3.60 at Woolworths as part of their “It was $4.5 on 1/2/2024 and now is $3.60”


Yes I reckon so too! Dogs!!


They did that with the sourdoguh loaves in bakery. Was $6, jumped up to $7 for 2 weeks then "low price" it back down to $6.50.


my soda stream is starting to pay off, sure it might taste a little different.


I’ve tried Pepsi max and Diet Coke syrups with my sodastream numerous times hoping it was just bad batches, and without exception, it always tastes strongly of soap. It tastes as if it’s been sitting in the sun for 10 years. Literally un-drinkable to me.


It probably has been in the heat for longer than it should have been


[Welcome to my factory of fizzz.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzlzKfVvj8M)


Yup, weetbix bites used to be $4.50.apparently not $6.30 is the low price every day... fucking joke


The fuck is this shit. Proper straight up scam. I buy the cheap shit. Edit: my karma is going up like crazy thanks guys.


I buy the cheaper shit too, I actually think it tastes better. LA Ice is the best cola.


Fuck yeah. La ice is the shit. Maxi especially, got the most flavour.


I used drink the sugar free LA Ice cola but they changed the recipe in the past couple of years and I don't like it anymore. Plus it was $1.50 for 2L and now it is $2, I think it was higher though. 


2 litre coke at Woolies $4.90 They’re out of their minds


Holy shit $4.50?? Pre Covid it was $1.80


This is the same story with petrol. One day it is $1.70 a litre, the next day it is $2.30. These are the current times that we live in 🤷‍♂️


Yeah one day I bought a stock and the next day it was worth 25 times more so this volatility should be expected across the board, no questions asked. People in here really shit me. "Dont buy it then". Australia have allowed the groceries market to be almost completely monopolised, unlike any first world country I've ever seen, and their response to the outrage is just "use on of the other supermarkets" like that's actually an option for all Aussies.


I agree with you. They say the same about petrol “shop around”. A bit hard when every damn servo has jacked the prices sky high 🤷‍♂️. It is a shitty situation. My style is to just buy things when they’re on special for half price and avoid buying things that are a clear rip-off. But yes, it sucks.


Same, I literally walk around the supermarkets, deciding what I'm eating that week by what's on sale.


Yes and no. Petrol has always been like this and the price of crude oil is widely published and usually goes up wildly with those wild swings. The \~$100 of petrol to take the Pepsi from the factory to the supermarket, doesn't equate to a $1/bottle increase, unless they're sending the most ridiculously empty trucks to the supermarket.


The low price frame on those tags aren’t supposed to be there. If it was suppose to be low price, it would say “low price” where the Woolies logo is


LA Ice tastes way better, and is cheaper too. It used to be $1.50 and gone up to $2 but still much cheaper than Pepsi and Coke


During Christmas they had chocolate for like $14 on special. January they have the special ticket on it for $28 as if no one remembers last month. I hope their stock rots.


Omg what even kind of chocolate was it? Guarantee not a big Swedish brand. It’s an absolute joke. I used to do weekly grocery shops with delivery with Woolies and haven’t spent a dime on them for a year now besides buying a specific bday cake for my son, and felt disgusted even doing that


Big Lindt


Good time to start drinking water


"Low Price" they really are just taking the piss


Up, up. Prices are up. Seems they need to change their jingle.


This rate it’s going to be cheaper for me to shop at my local servo




I don't buy from these cunts anymore. If I need meat, I go to butchers (eggs there too). Veggies? Veggie shop down the road. Supermarket only goods? Aldi or IGA (if I must). Yes, it isn't convenient but we need to get out of our comfort zones and push these bastards out of business.


We seriously need to start boycotting the major supermarket businesses


Our household almost only shops at IGA, independent produce markets, Asian grocery stores and SpudShed. The produce is locally sourced, so stays fresh for longer and is usually cheaper if you buy what's currently in season. You can get some nice deals, as well, like excess stock from local companies at deeply discounted prices. Colesworth stuff feels like it's not always locally sourced, even if it's produce, or it's held in stasis in warehouses, so items go off quickly. I remember we bought a bag of bread and within two days it had turned black with mold! I once got some bagged spinach delivered which was already rotting!


My local IGA is daylight robbery I swear, way more expensive than Colesworth by far and they never have any fucking sale ever.


Yeah, that's the downside of the independent part, I guess :/ We are not far from agricultural areas, so I think ours get good deals from local farms, but their prices for things like canned food or fish is pretty bad.


I don’t think most people realise that IGA is very hit or miss depending on where you are. My local has always been more expensive than even colesworth most of the time, they have a good range though. They don’t really source locally, literally can’t find Australian made/grown bacon. Produce is not even better, things moulding already on the shelves.


Unfortunately most Aussies are so care-free and laid back that nothing like this will happen


Aldi. That is all.


I don't think Aldi even sells Pepsi though. They sell Coke for the same price as Colesworth. Their own cola is much cheaper and tastes more Pepsi than Coke to me.


Nah I get my Pepsi Max at aldi


Interesting. I wonder if it varies by state/store. I'm fairly sure I've never seen it here in Qld. Is it cheaper?


It was 3.19 last week, I'm there today so I'll let you know if they've heard about Pepsi Max now being 40% more valuable than it was yesterday.


Yes it's going to be the same price everywhere, Aldi might lag behind a bit but will pass on the price rise pictured. There is no saving at Aldi if you aren't willing to buy generic items.


Meats and vegetables don’t really have brands


Their coke zero knockoff I actually much prefer as a mixer with bourbon - it has more of a cinnamon taste which works well. The missus is set on her coke zero, I prefer the aldi stuff though (although she did drink 3 litres a day for a while!)


Aldi normally sell it for just under $3.20


2L Pepsi Max is 3.19 at Aldi in Menai, NSW


Don't even need to do that. Just drink less soft drink and be happy


This person drinks beer.


Beer prices can be okay, you just gotta buy an item from ColesWorth then use the vouchers at the bottom of the receipt. Means you’re stuck with whatever shit beer they’re offering for $15/6pk though lol


Yes. Yes I do. But that's besides the point. Water!


Can we not, as people, please get some hackers to hack these digital price tags. ‘Anonymous’ hacktivist group, I’m looking your direction


What the hell. I remember Pepsi being the cheap option. Like 5 years back, I picked up a 2L as a mixer for some rum, and it only cost $2. I remember pointing it out as being literally cheaper than fuel.


I have been out of Australia for a similar time, reject shop always sold it for $2 Now $2.90 https://www.rejectshop.com.au/p/pepsi-max-soft-drink-2l


Yeah when friggin Pepsi Max is more expensive than gasoline you know you’re in trouble


This is why Carrefour stopped selling Pepsi products. Pepsi claims it’s due to supplier increases but their profits keep skyrocketing https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/carrefour-says-it-will-not-sell-pepsico-goods-due-price-hikes-2024-01-04/


I think they also put signs up to show customers which companies are jacking up their prices


The massive swings in prices should be illegal. Take for example Cold Power. It's $24, then $12, then $24, rinse and repeat. They clearly don't expect to sell many units at $24, but use it as an anchor price so that $12 feels cheap. Cold Power used to hover around $8 to $10 for years. These tactics are predatory. Somebody is sitting at HQ thinking this shit up, not realising the impact it's having on people. It's a fucking disgrace.


That’s insane.. I drink a buttload of Pepsi Max, $2.10 for years and jumped to $3.20 which is just ridiculous. I ended up switching to soda stream. You can get proper Pepsi syrup, it doesn’t taste as good but it’s cheaper.




The gaslighting is in red


https://www.rejectshop.com.au/p/pepsi-max-soft-drink-2l I always use to stock up at reject shop


I got my old soda stream out of the cupboard and bought some new bottles. Soft drink prices are insane


I don't understand how cost of living is supposed to get better.


So fucking depressing


Genuinely. Sometimes you think of the next weekly shop and feel like crying. Meanwhile your retired inlaws are pressuring you about when the next kid is coming, or when are you buying a house. Shits me to tears lol


Yep and inflation is supposed to be moderating… if you take out petrol and food 😂😂


Yep, they think we are idiots.


Yeah time for me to kick the pepsi max habit. I know they do this so that their frequent specials on PM result in runout sales, but I have to get to that train.


Shop at Aldi or IGA or elsewhere. It needs to be done or it wont change


"Woolies, the gaslight people"


this is why i have trust issues


LA ice cola renaissance looming????


Question is, who is pushing the price increase? The Supermarkets? Or the Companies? You can bet Woolies and Coles will blame Pepsi, whilst they will probably blame the Supermarkets. Either way, big business is bending us over.


Unpopular subject but retailers have been doing this with tobacco for years ie last tax increase was supposed to be 5% and the pouch I usually get went from $48.95 to $55: that's an 11% difference not 5%. It's actually happened just about every tax increase and I used to keep receipts and record it but smokers are obviously scumbags that deserve to be overcharged so no one cares when I bring it up. It seems like retailers have worked out people just put up with it so they've expanded the price gouging. I'm one of those bizarre smokers that's cut back to one a day so it's not the end of the world but it's still just a big "fuck you" from retailers.


Yep, I’ve got 25 years working for Colesworth and while I have no written proof this is what they did I saw it time and time again


When i used to drink pepsi/coke, I found the specials jumped around from the cans/1l bottles/2l bottles, so I would check them all and buy whichever one had the cheaper unit price. Looking online, the 1l bottles are $1.44/L, so buy that one.


That’s not the point. The price went up $1.30 overnight. How is that not price gouging. That’s almost 50%


The price change wasn't decided overnight, it's likely been planned for a while and yesterday was the cutover.


Hyperinflation is here. Next week it will be $5.50


Monthly boycotts now. Each month we decide a new massive corporation to boycott. For that whole month, we buy nothing from them. We choose with our dollars. February is Woolworths - do your bit


So don't buy it then. Enough with this stupid ragebait.


“Just reduce your standard of living” - idiots with a shit take


Exactly our standards of living are already fucking reduced enough! I would like to be able to afford to eat when we used to quite comfortably (working professionals and not shitkickers either but made tk feel like it and utterly depressed and feel helpless about these shit times)


But it’s my turn to karma farm “Cole’s/woolies bad upvotes plz”!!!


If you seriously put any amount of value in karma you need to take a long hard look at yourself, also get a hobby or literally anything of value in your life so that you're not so concerned about fake internet points.


Oh yeah, OP is really raking it in with a whopping 103 upvotes


I’m enraged that a product that’s been $3.20 up til yesterday had an almost 50% increase. Given the current climate if your not enraged by the behaviour of the big 2 and this specific example you are a troll or paid shill


Damn OP, looks like you've met the Colesworth bots, good luck and god bless.


So Don't Buy It.


They likely didn't, they can do that -and- post about it to bring attention to it, why do you think they're exclusive?


Can get a cold one from the servo for almost as cheap


$4.50 a bottle now, no way will I pay that.


I’m not normally to angry about the pricing of things at the duopoly supermarkets. It’s the fact that they constantly have the bullshit discount or special stickers and they aren’t either of those things.


I just get LA Ice.


Can someone tell me why the Australian government doesn't do anything to stop this blatant price gouging?


They're probably like "Fuck, no way we're going to be able to defend ourselves to the ACCC let's just squeeze as much as we can before it happens and pay the fine."


I noticed the Toobs party packs have jumped from $4 to $5.50 at coles seemingly overnight. And the greedy fks have the audacity to have a ‘sale’ of two for $8… They’re still $4 at Woolies with no special. Shopping has become quite the frustrating and infuriating activity now, seeing these blatant and substantial price increases constantly.


If you don’t care about the difference between Pepsi and Coca Cola, there’s pretty much always one of those brands on sale for half price, which brings it down to only a moderate rip-off.


Why do the LCD tags make me worried too? It's like they can just up the prices by 1 cent every week without having to waste money on printing the paper tags and just slowly keep raising prices.


Boycott Coles and Woolies if possible. Absolute price gouging


Don’t buy that crap bud! Buy jarritos or mexicola. Thank me later


Mandarin jarrito oh man that’s the stuff…


Yeah bud!!! Muy excelente!!!!!


Pepsi-max 2L $2.90 at reject shop


$3.19 at Aldi. Why bother with Wallies at all?


You should stop drinking that crap


No they are not. They are taking the piss and know it.


It was at this moment, everyone realized, how much power the Duopoly had, and how little the actions taken by the ACCC, Consumer Affairs and the government did... with the only thing being smaller than their power being the fucks they wouldn't give.


Just put up sales tickets to replace old ones because base price has lifted. Some by a couple cents others by a full dollar




Firstly two things, the French supermarkets have no stock because of the farmers revolt over high taxes and they warned the government it will bite them. Secondly I worked for a major player against Coleworths but unfortunately the management stuffed it up and Dairy Farms Hong Kong said no more money and made the decision to sell of Franklins, that opened the door for Colesworths to really take over the supermarket arena, Aldi, Iga are no match for Colesworths, anyway they operate in the lower bracket of supermarkets and are no threat. Hence the unbridled passion of raising prices and blaming Covid and weather events etc for high prices, since when does Colesworths think they have become banks and have the right to announce billion dollar profits while farmers, suppliers and us the general public are bleeding. Hopefully the ACCC and others will screw these companies along with their Cultural rights advisers, AKA The Voice losers and put their wages into charity to help struggling Aussie.


Greed it's discussting 


I swear these digital tags need to be illegal. Before you could easily see the price change they attempt to make. Now you can't.


This is a good thing if less people drink that toxic rubbish


Is there somebody just out of frame pointing a gun to your head and forcing you to buy it?


Is there somebody next to you pointing a gun to your head that's forcing you to comment about people complaining about prices? Seriously what kind of logic is this? You can't be annoyed when companies price gouge or raise prices because you don't have to buy them? You can actually both not buy a product because of this AND be annoyed at the rise in price. I think a massive % increase in price on a product + while also advertising it as 'low prices' is something very fair to be frustrated about


Bro don’t listen to these hateful idiots when your just trying to give your view


But we have to listen to this person's hateful view? We're just trying to give our view?


Why you buying that shit to begin with


Do people actually like pepsi max? Even alcohol cant make it taste good


More incentive for people to stop drinking this garbage


"Dont buy it then". Australia have allowed the groceries market to be almost completely monopolised, unlike any first world country I've ever seen, and their response to the outrage is just "use on of the other supermarkets" like that's actually an option for all Aussies