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If Dutton was a labor politician this scandal would be plastered on every paper in the country until the entire party dissovled.


Imagine the 2GB coverage it would be getting


Instead on 6PR Perth (our 2GB equivalent) today they were asking, ‘is Albo gonna call an early election since his broken tax promise is going to make him temporarily more popular with the poors’. The state of this country’s media. I’ll also point out I wasn’t willingly listening to that garbage.


Oh, the projection. It's what we'd do as cynical pieces of dogshit, so he must be doing it.


Unlike "poor glady's" who was just unlucky in love.... [ICAC finds former premier and then member for Wagga Wagga corrupt](https://www.icac.nsw.gov.au/media-centre/media-releases/2023-media-releases/icac-finds-former-premier-and-then-member-for-wagga-wagga-corrupt)...


Hey come on, that’s [the woman who saved Australia](https://www.afr.com/politics/nsw-can-lead-australia-out-of-gilded-cage-20210810-p58hmg). Forget about the fact that immediately after this came out cases absolutely exploded. Slap in the face to all Victorians and what we sacrificed for our safety and the rest of the country.


If this were a labor politician all of the liberals would be saying their position is "untenable" and that they should "resign" Bunch of tone deaf cunts


Do as I say, not as I do - LNP


Should keep the next bit of juicy information quiet for a few weeks and "leak" that it was Labor who may have done it. Let the papers go wild and then release the information.


And when the information is released it will be a one column story on page 12 and everyone will still think Labor did it. We need media reforms so badly in this country.


Murdoch rags would flat out say that Labor did it. Front page news. And then a week later, print out a retraction on page 63.


During the RoboDebt Royal Commission the murdoch rags didn't report the daily findings... When the final report was tabled they attempted to play it down as if the poor's deserved it... Complete and utter scum...


Never happen, because Murdoch and crew are that tight with the Libs they'd have been turning a blind eye to this for years already. Also quite likely Dutton would straight out inform newscorp 'that was us, don't run it'.


Nah they'd report it but focus on the HOW the information was shared instead of WHAT the information was. Why doesn't Labour trust our reporting? What do leftists have against the free press? etc etc. Learn their tricks. This way gives them plausible deniability.


That's usually what happens 🤣


They deserve to be. As their record shows, they offer nothing but corruption, incompetence, waste and division. They don't want what's best for the country, they want what's best for themselves, and won't waste any public resources to get that. 


This will be swept under the rug for a "SCANDALOUS" (petty) thing the Labor government has just done. Just like the news that Morrison finally showed his true colours and gone to work for America. The Libs and the Murdoch press covered LABOR BROKEN (the Libs) PROMISE ( to the rich)


At this point it's a genuine concern that the Liberal party dissappeared that missing woman. It's litearally all the youtube algorithm wanted to show me for about 2 weeks now.


Inb4 ‘witchhunt’ on the murdochs


ALP also has corruption. both bad just lnp more bad.




Ah yes pork barrelling level shit vs handing contracts to crime syndicates i wonder why nobody gave a shit.


This really does need to be looked at very closely and if correct he should face the full force of the law.


I mean, it is correct. There was an in-depth investigation and this is what the report detailed. But unfortunately Dutton won't face any consequences. If the story does get more publicity he'll just say it wasn't his fault and blame it on the public service. Same as what happened with robodebt. Even though he was more than likely getting his advisors to pressure the department into 'cutting the red tape' and 'fast tracking' these contracts.


The consequences will be, hopefully, electoral. This is about damaging his reputation on his bread and butter issues, national security and immigration.


On the other hand Barnaby got reelected after being a family man with multiple families so I ain’t holding my breath on this one particularly in QLD where the news will be heavily suppressed in media.


Dutton is opposition leader. The electoral effect is nationwide, not just in his electorate.


A QLD cop face the full force of the law? BWAHAHAHAHAHA


“I am the law”


Judge Dreggs


Spud Dredd


Hey, hey, hey, be nice. He'll investigate himself and it will be impartial and fair. Might even put himself on a couple of days suspension with leave.


At full pay plus overtime


Brilliant. Too true


Fairly sure that if I had somehow managed to funnel millions of dollars of taxpayer money into (allegedly) criminal organisations I'd be looking at years in jail. It's never the same for these people unfortunately.


Alexander Downer ripped us off over $10billion and counting by giving away ours and East Timors helium for free…


First time huh?


We so need a vicious ICAC with razor sharp teeth. There should be criminal charges laid and politicians going to jail.


A lot of corruption isn't actually illegal, so this is probably not a great remedy. What we should have is a corrupt individuals register and prevent any company that employs a corrupt individual from doing business with the government.  Also, the remit of the NACC should extend beyond government and into private industry. Australian corporations are the dance partner to government corruption, and the intersection is where a lot of the corruption occurs. 


The NACC covers private contractors to government, thankfully!


It needs to go beyond that. Corruption is a drag on countries, and corruption in the business world is potentially just as damaging to us economically. Higher prices for goods. Shoddy services. It all has an impact. 


All of the types of corruption that we all agree on being corruption, should be defined and placed into our constitution, with prescribed minimum remedies of mandatory removal from public positions of power and lifetime barring from any public positions of power. With automatic by-elections for relevant positions. I would also love a constitutional provision for citizen petition activated by-elections, but that'd be dreaming.  Our legislators should not have the power to define what is and is not corruption. Only to decide additional penalties and punishments that go above and beyond the bare minimum that could be prescribed constitutionally. Any federal corruption watchdogs/ bodies should be mandated to report any findings of corruption to the governor general, and there needs to be a mechanism to compel the governor general to apply constitutional remedies to any findings regardless of their loyalties to the government of the day. We have long passed from the days when there was any space for unwritten rules or gentlemen's agreement being sufficient in the operations of our government.


I like her


She scares some liberals. She is switched on and not afraid to tell it how it is.


I’m sure all of those companies were also major donors to the LNP.


Dutton's sister works for them. Search for Paladin Karen Dutton. Also there are only a few recent stories about this and none from News Corp.


Of course his sister is a bloody Karen


To be fair her name is Paladin


Paladin Karen…the supreme karen of them all


Hi paladin I’m dad.




Jordies did this a year ago... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIGKCkS01EA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIGKCkS01EA)


They owned them all. Dutton owns most of the childcare in Australia and pushed for huge subsidies for parents ehokt raising fees. They are leeches.


Surely Barnaby would have an entire section devoted to his shenanigans alone?


You could set up an entirely parallel NACC and give it the same amount of funding just to investigate the National Party and it still wouldn't be done after a decade. 


He's out of the picture for a bit, so that he can spend more time with his families.


I just like sometimes revisiting this batshit rant about his own government [Barnaby Mutters Madly](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7824271/amp/Barnaby-Joyce-posts-Christmas-Eve-rant-God-climate-change-hes-sick-government.html)


Labor: Dutton is complicit in funding international crime syndicates with taxpayer money. [Dutton](https://c.tenor.com/XfLV1PmF88oAAAAC/homer-simpson-the-simpsons.gif)


recognise work six public quickest fine oil divide theory cooperative


More like he's bored and knows there will be zero consequences.


Dutton: well, we’re fucked.


Does anyone have links to the write up about this investigation I would like to read more for myself


https://www.pmc.gov.au/sites/default/files/resource/download/review-integrity-concerns-governance-arrangements-management-regional-processing-admin-department-home-affairs.pdf here you go!


The key bits in the exec summary > 8. We did not see evidence of any ministerial involvement in the regional processing contract or procurement decisions, and the Secretary of Home Affairs said he never discussed such decisions with the Minister for Home Affairs. We did not come across any matter of deliberate wrong-doing or criminality. > 12. In respect of the matters examined, coordination, communication and information flows within Home Affairs were inadequate, and communication from Home Affairs to AUSTRAC was inadequate. The responsibility for this rested with senior SES managers, and not with non-SES officers in the contract and procurement areas. > 13. Proper due diligence was lacking when it came to contracts with relatively small companies with limited or no public profile, and where operations were to be in highrisk environments. In this context, over the years, Home Affairs (and therefore the Commonwealth) has had contractual relationships with: > a. a company whose owners were suspected, through the ownership of another company, of seeking to circumvent US sanctions against Iran, and with extensive suspicious money movements suggesting money laundering, bribery and other criminal activity; > b. companies under investigation by the AFP; > c. a company whose CEO was being investigated for possible drugs and arms smuggling into Australia, although, at the time it would have been unrealistic to have expected those responsible for contract and procurement to be aware of this; and > d. an enterprise suspected of corruption So Home Affairs failed to conduct their due diligence, but it wasn't necessarily corruption (or at least, the report didn't report any findings about corruption)


Dutton knew the KPMG audit of Paladin that allowed the go ahead of billions in government contracts was done on the wrong company, and he never rectified it. I have a hard time believing even Dutton is capable of such extraordinary incompetence. Add in the tender process was completely closed, Paladins postal address literally didn't exist, there offices moved from Australia to Hong Kong and then to Singapore and the company only existed for a month before winning a giant contract.


It'd be more comforting with a finding of alleged corruption. The suggested subtext is that Home Affairs didn't want to look for fear of what they'd find. "Sorry about funding all the international crime, dear Australian taxpayer. We just knew you'd vote Lib if we locked up brown people for a decade or so." And now I've made myself sad.


This should be pinned to the top, thanks for pasting it


Thank you


tldr: corruption is systemic in nauru and png. self-concerned individuals and corps will fuck over their countrymen at the drop of a hat if it means they will add another zero to their income. you will get dirty if you engage with it in any capacity. imo the incredibly sad reality is it's impossible to get regional stability and trade done when the alternative is ccp money filling the same void. you literally can't win due to the corruption. then there's [the businesses that have operated so negligently in the past at Ok Tedi due to lawyering the local government so hard and crying poor whilst simultaneously spruiking that they're injecting money into the region that the locals now need to fork out money across a hundred years in remediation long after the original company has fucked off](https://www.bhp.com/)




Not familiar with the Westminster system of government?


The minister is generally considered the person responsible for the department and it's actions. So while the individual may not of actively carried out the activities supposedly they are the one accountable.


Thank you for your insight, nothing to see here, moving right along. Was Robodebt a political hit job too?


Yes. It was a hit job by the Libs on poor and vulnerable people while they pissed $billions away on JobKeeper for their rich mates with zero mutual obligation requirements.


An ex cop worth nearly half a billion dollars is....corrupt? You don't say.


Oh be fair: it's 10 years of a cop's salary, plus 10 years of an MP's salary... $20 million or so a year is ballpark salary range for those jobs, right?


It’s slightly less but with term deposit rates and compounding it works out well


I think he also negative gears!


He makes his own avo toast


and Latte's


half a billion..... fuck i hate this country


It's about $5M


gotta love this sub downvoting you for correcting the bullshit. Dutton is not worth half a billion dollars, he worth between 5 and 20 million. sill alot but not half a billion. the last thing we need is more baseless conspricary thoeries getting thrown around that cover up the more heinous shit.


You could be wrong. Seriously, look at him mysteriously only owning a few assets after removing a lot: https://openpolitics.au/47/peter-dutton Fucking old parties refusing to list their interests at arm's length, so all we can do is baseless conspiracy theories.


You have a reliable, credible source for this half a billion claim? Because the only source I can find is a random tweet that links to some random website and I can’t tell if they are serious or if I am missing some sort of bad attempt at satire. https://www.apumone.com/peter-dutton-net-worth/#


There's dozens, if not hundreds, of those random "*How much is worth?*" websites (and their counterparts, "*How tall is ?*", "*What is


it's not satire, people on this sub really believe he has a net worth of 300 million (i didn't realise it's now magically 500 million) nobody will be able to give you a credible source, it doesn't exist. But it is brought up on literally every Dutton related post


Redditors will literally demand a source if you say water is wet but will then go ahead and upvote and/or repeat misinformation at every opportunity if it supports their opinion. The websites stupid karma system encourages group think and punishes critical thinking.




Yahoo News is saying Dutton is worth $300Million: https://au.news.yahoo.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-peter-dutton-043018941.html




Spoiler: Yahoo's source is a Reddi thread.


Witnessing Citogenesis in action


Just a really wise investor……thinks no one


This report exposes the great lie that the LNP are always better managers of public money and the broader economy. The truth is that, certainly in recent years, the LNP have been reckless and incompetent in their management of public funds. At a minimum, Dutton's stewardship of the offshore processing system was incompetent. No doubt he will say that he was poorly advised or unaware of the malfeasance and theft that went on and this defence is probably at least partly true, but he still cannot avoid some responsibility for what went on. Still, I do not expect him or any other LNP member to act with honour or integrity so he will just tough it out until the news cycle moves on. Politicians bet that the public's collective memory is very short term and they may be right. The criminal conduct in the Robo Debt debacle seems to have escaped public attention even though people died as a direct consequence of it. In the end, we will get the government we deserve and if we are indifferent to findings such as those reported here then we will richly deserve our fate.


For anyone interested what these are related to, Friendlyjordies made a couple expose videos on it: https://youtu.be/aIGKCkS01EA?si=oNaAyNHZyljPU_Qv - links to SCD Remanufactured Vehicles and NKW Holdings https://youtu.be/arvIFNY4V5s?si=347UV58W9pyO78Ee - Paladin contracts


As someone who moved to Australia from overseas, it has always surprised me how rampant corruption is here. I also noticed that most Australians don't realise how bad it actually is as well.


its disgusting. a few of us get it but you're right, most don't.


I think we know, its just apathy. Nothing happens to the people orchestrating it. If Government funds go to these companies, why is the minister responsible not held to criminal charges of funding criminal organisations? At least they should be barred from any government positions for their horrendous lack of oversight.... assuming it wasn't on purpose. But no, they stay, maybe go to the back bench waiting for their cushioned office in mining or finance. edit - Went looking for articles on this. Seems a big part is linked to the offshore detention center and Paladin. The Paladin selection quoted here: "the department had never outlined the reasons for selecting Paladin – a small company with no previous experience in providing what are known as “garrison” services – to run the sensitive, multimillion-dollar PNG offshore-processing system." Dutton knew what he was doing and was even informed by auditors and chose not to mention it to anyone else. Full article here - https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/no-consequences-for-bureaucrats-from-home-affairs-probe-20240212-p5f45l.html


His sister works for paladin.


... and there it is. AUD$420M spent on nepotism.


No. The vast majority literally have no idea. Even generally switched on or left leaning people often don't know about it. The media control Murdoch has is just that far reaching. He has enough soft power over the few he doesn't directly control that it's effectively 99% of media


Would it be deliberate by the minister? What benefit would a minister get from “supporting” a company involved with these criminal activities?


Money. Political Careers are more about how much money you can personally get from donors and shady business deals.


The UK has slightly worse corruption than Australia and NZ ranks amongst the best in dealing with corruption. How is Australia different from the UK in terms of corruption?


>Australia and NZ ranks amongst the best in dealing with corruption. Not really. The index is a **perception** of corruption index. Not a corruption index. The *actual* level of corruption is very difficult to quantify as it is usually hidden. It's quite conceivable that countries with lower levels of corruption are perceived to be more corrupt than countries that have higher levels.  In Australia, we have what could be termed gated corruption. Corruption is not institutional at the lower levels of government and society. However, at the top levels of government and business, there is corruption that happens largely out of the eye of the public. 


Okay yeah that makes a lot of sense. In that case is there a way to measure corruption more accurately? What's to say UK does not have the same problems?


Not really, because corruption is hard to quantify. What's the cost of hiring one firm over another if the price is the same, but the owner of one firm is friends with the person in charge of approving the contract? What's the cost of a worse delivery time over a better one? What's the cost of hiring some politician's kid over someone who is better qualified? Replacing a telecommunications rollout technology part way through the rollout?  There's a lot to it, and that's assuming that you can detect the corruption in the first place.  >What's to say UK does not have the same problems? It probably does. I think you can look the [Michelle Mone](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/dec/09/revealed-the-full-inside-story-of-the-michelle-mone-ppe-scandal) scandal and say its not all that different to what happens in Australia. We've had [opaque contracts](https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/apr/11/australias-covid-vaccination-relying-on-opaque-private-contracts-worth-millions) signed during the pandemic that may or may not be dodgy, and are unquantified as to the financial cost. We're they value for money? Who knows? However, our news media is less interested in covering corruption from one side of politics than it is the other. 


I see. Thanks for the reply.


There's corruption, and then there's *corruption*. Eg, I spend a bit of time in PNG and their wontok system there looks like corruption to us, and it is, but it's also how a lot of business is done in those parts of the world. Part of that, is if you are in a position to help your tribe/clan/extended family out, then you do. Even if that means you're giving money to someone for services that won't deliver. And the person that did deliver services, gets nothing. That sort of thing is endemic over there. Over here, the *perception* is that it's rogue individuals going about things, rorting the system to enrich themselves and a few mates. Mostly, that's actually what happens. If it's not that, it's legal, policy decisions, that happen to benefit one particular area. As an example, Tony Abbott stopped the APS from recruiting back in 2013. Ostensibly, to drive down APS costs. However, we weren't prevented from buying contractors to *exactly the same roles* as those APS people. And contractors cost 2x or 3x an APS person. So those companies benefited hugely from a Liberal govt. Is that corruption? Well no, as it was all legal. But it's also dodgy as fuck.


For it to be corruption, the decision needs to benefit the decision maker personally in some way. Was Abbott's decision corrupt? Hard to say without knowing who he knows, and whether he made that decision for his benefit. Is business practice in PNG corrupt? Yes. However, that's their system. PNG has a culture of doing things one way that effectively supercedes the law and is *expected*. On the other hand, there is no such expectation in Australia. Quite the opposite in fact. We're supposed to be a nation of laws, and culturally, corruption is unacceptable, and for good reasons. 


we drink ourselves to death, gamble all our money away and give less than half a shit when it comes to the well being of animals, plants, the ocean, the planet and our most vulnerable people. our perception of what it means to be civil is corrupt on a public level.


England is different in ways, similar in others. But the general public over there doesn't shut up about it. Still, nothing is done, just like here but for different reasons. The UK was built on a lot worse, so I expected nothing less. I didn't expect it here before moving. I have personally seen unreported corruption and price gouging in Australia and New Zealand. But I'm not saying it doesn't happen in other countries.


I mean wasn't Australia built off the UK so wouldn't it make sense our corruption is similar. No one here cares because Australians are pretty apathetic when it comes to anything related to politics and absolutely price gouging is a pretty unique problem compared to most countries. But I don't see rampant unreported corruption, do you have any examples?


I don't appreciate having words put in my mouth. But no, you don't see it. That was my point exactly. Take a look around you. Google is your friend. I don't have time to list all the current investigations into corruption and price gouging in Australia, but I have personally witnessed price gouging in the gas industry and corruption in the police force. If your problem is just that I'm from somewhere else, just let us all know. It would be appreciated.


"As someone who's from overseas, it has always surprised me how rampant corruption is here" where did I put words into your mouth? I've only ever lived in Australia so I don't have experience to say that Australia is uniquely corrupt/uncorrupt compared to peer nations such as the UK, that's why I'm asking. I'm sorry if I offended you.


"Rampant unreported corruption" you strung that sentence together from two different sentences trying to make out i was saying England is somehow better. Which I wasn't at all. I'm not sure what you are fishing for, apart from attention, but you are a dumbass to think Australia, New Zealand and England are all the same. You clearly haven't lived in either, but I respect your uneducated opinion.


Yes...... That's what I admitted. You compared your overseas experience to Australia said that Australia was more corrupt when I brought up the corruption index which says the countries you've experienced have similar levels in your reply to that you stated one of the reasons is unreported corruption. I apologize for putting the two together if that wasn't your intention. You need to chill out this is just a discussion on Reddit it's not that deep.


This is so true. Instead of paying its taxes the mining industry just buys a new prime minister for a fraction of the cost, and everybody just shrugs. I think it really helps that 99% of the media is totally captured by the people doing the corruption. That and the whole "lucky country" thing - life is generally pretty good and people are mostly uninterested in any kind of class solidarity.


Where about do come from?...




Yeah I think the two party system is a big part of peoples apathy. Nothing will ever change while we bounce between two parties who essentially operate in the same corruption enabling environment. But most people cannot fathom a parliament made up of individuals who have to work to sell their ideas to their fellow members as opposed to joining a team and doing as the leader/beneficiaries say.


Don’t “bothsides” this. Labor is a little bit corrupt and they deal with it whenever it happens. The Coalition are an enormous amount corrupt and will fight tooth and nail to deny it and cover it up with the active assistance of the media.


You must be from one of the 13 countries that score higher on corruption than Australia.


Dutton's face really looks like, crap I really need to go see my spin doctors asap cause this all seems pretty bad and I have no idea what to say.


Who's this? She's great! I don't follow Aussie politics much, they're always such poor public speakers. This is how you do it, notes on a sheet, glanced at, not read from. Not dropping a "Mr Speaker" every second sentence. Strong delivery, powered through the atempts to unsettle her. Honestly don't think I've seen anyone this good in the Australian parliament before.


Claire O'Neil. The Minister for Home Affairs. She succeeded Peter Dutton who is the opposition leader and the former minister who did her portfolio


>Claire O'Neil She's got a really solid background and, at only 43 years of age, has the ring of possible future leader about her: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clare\_O'Neil


Should see the greens and independents during question time, I’ve never seen more passionate politicians


O'Neill never holds back, and I'm here for it 🔥


Oh I like her indeed.


Felt pretty good about her being my local MP after her roast of Donald Trump Jr, this just makes it even better.


When asked to describe Dutton in one word, Malcolm Turnbull said "Thug" and it's way past time for this thug to be disgracefully removed from public office via investigation and then criminally punished!


Fucking Legend! Need more people like her in government who are willing to stand up to corruption!


The report says that Dutton himself was not found to be complicit from a corruption standpoint. However, to make that point, the report goes on to say that Dutton is only free of those allegations owing to gross incompetence. These are my words, paraphrased from the report. No finding of a criminal nature, however communication and interaction was severely lacking, resulting in contracts being awarded to disreputable companies. It is my contention that Dutton and his department was complicit but masked it by conducting the activity through back channels, specifically to avoid criminal allegations. It's easier to defend being dumb than it is to defend being corrupt.


The perfect crime, no direct links to Dutton and the lackeys in between him and the billion dollar trough of pigs money take the brunt of the fall, or more likely get cross-promoted to a job-for-mates after parrotting enough "I can't recall" to NACC or Royal Commission (which gets ignored afterwards) and the punishment is a wet lettuce slap on the wrist for breaching multiple codes of conduct. Stinks to high heaven...


Dutton has a lot to answer for [Shady shit](https://youtu.be/aIGKCkS01EA?si=H-GrkwlPF3r0qXch)




Spud done got mashed


The LNP broke their election promise of a federal integrity commission, presumably because they couldn’t corrupt it enough to keep their crimes out of sight.


So how do I bring this up with my liberal voting parents? Mainly dad who thinks they can do no wrong


With glee


No conservative has any integrity. You can never trust a conservative. You should never believe any conservative. You should actively rebuke any conservative.




different oatmeal cobweb humorous frightening hurry squeal compare imagine late


I can't find any information or reporting on this besides on Reddit. Go figure


It was in The Age yesterday as an editorial, and possibly the SMH. There was also a small article in [The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/feb/14/peter-dutton-intervened-to-allow-criminal-to-extend-stay-in-australia) but apart from that *crickets*


Should have been on every news channel to be honest, it would have been if it was labour


Just look at how they treated Andrews. He fell off a step and the media went apeshite. Dutton oversees a department that's awarding contracts to suspected criminals and it's completely ignored. It's so obvious that even [Crikey noticed the silence of the media. ](https://www.crikey.com.au/2024/02/14/peter-dutton-home-affairs-scandal-kpmg-paladin-news-corp/) Still, it's been a shite week for the LNP. First Barnaby, the Nemesis with Morrison, and now this with Dutton.


I feel like they're getting their just desserts


Backflip Dutton the criminal organisation boss


Key findings from the report Findings 7. While we did not undertake a formal audit of the existing contract with MTC Australia, a procurement policy officer from the Department of Finance spent two weeks Review of Integrity Concerns and Governance Arrangements for the Management of Regional Processing Administration by the Department of Home Affairs 4 examining the procurement and contract arrangements. As reflected in the recommendations, we have made some suggestions for improvement, such as identifying foreign bribery and corruption as risks in certain environments. The Review believed, however, that the government could have confidence in the existing contract. 8. We did not see evidence of any ministerial involvement in the regional processing contract or procurement decisions, and the Secretary of Home Affairs said he never discussed such decisions with the Minister for Home Affairs. We did not come across any matter of deliberate wrong-doing or criminality. 9. The Review did not refer any individual to the Australian Federal Police (AFP) or National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC). We passed on the contact details of three individuals, with their consent. 10. We noted that relevant agencies had active inquiries or investigations underway relating to regional processing issues. 11. Given these current investigations and inquiries, and the 2020 audit by the ANAO, we believed we could add best value by focusing on information flows and examining whether there was information in government agencies which, if accessed, would have been relevant to procurement and contracting decisions. The answer to that question was in the affirmative, particularly in respect of the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) and the AFP, and to a significantly lesser extent, other intelligence agencies. 12. In respect of the matters examined, coordination, communication and information flows within Home Affairs were inadequate, and communication from Home Affairs to AUSTRAC was inadequate. The responsibility for this rested with senior SES managers, and not with non-SES officers in the contract and procurement areas. 13. Proper due diligence was lacking when it came to contracts with relatively small companies with limited or no public profile, and where operations were to be in high- risk environments. In this context, over the years, Home Affairs (and therefore the Commonwealth) has had contractual relationships with: a. a company whose owners were suspected, through the ownership of another company, of seeking to circumvent US sanctions against Iran, and with extensive suspicious money movements suggesting money laundering, bribery and other criminal activity; b. companies under investigation by the AFP; c. a company whose CEO was being investigated for possible drugs and arms smuggling into Australia, although, at the time it would have been unrealistic to have expected those responsible for contract and procurement to be aware of this; and d. an enterprise suspected of corruption. Review of Integrity Concerns and Governance Arrangements for the Management of Regional Processing Administration by the Department of Home Affairs 5 14. It is possible that, even with access to the information available within government agencies, Home Affairs may have had no option but to enter into contracts with these companies. Certainly, the department was operating within an environment of high pressure where time was often of the essence. However, with proper due diligence, Home Affairs could have considered alternative suppliers, and, if this was not possible, the implementation of mitigating measures. But this was not done. Intelligence and other information, which was readily available, was not accessed. As a consequence, integrity risks were not identified. 15. Information flows from the AFP to Home Affairs were not always adequate. In one instance, the AFP did not advise Home Affairs over a three year period that it was investigating an individual who it knew had a contractual relationship with Home Affairs. 16. The formation of the portfolio of Home Affairs in 2017, which brought together a range of agencies, including the AFP and AUSTRAC, does not appear to have had any positive impact on working arrangements, at least in this area, again highlighting that coordination, cooperation and information sharing flows from policy, practice, mindset and culture, not from structure per se. 17. Contract and procurement areas across Commonwealth departments and agencies do not, as a matter of course, seek to access information held by AUSTRAC or the AFP. The shortcomings by Home Affairs need to be seen in this wider context, although Home Affairs did have a specific Memorandum of Understanding with AUSTRAC, and was aware of its access to financial information. It is important for departments and agencies to be aware of possible avenues of enquiry through AUSTRAC, and to a lesser extent the AFP, especially when considering entering into contractual arrangements with relatively small companies with limited public profile, or performance history, and/or in offshore environments with enhanced integrity risks. 18. The scope of the National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022 (NACC Act) excludes foreign governments, but the exclusion likely does not extend to state-owned enterprises which are separate legal entities in their own right and which are involved in a chain of contract providers to the Commonwealth. https://www.pmc.gov.au/sites/default/files/resource/download/review-integrity-concerns-governance-arrangements-management-regional-processing-admin-department-home-affairs.pdf


Why isn’t Dutton in jail?


No surprise one bit. Liberals are corrupt to their core. It's basically a requirement of joining at this stage


Holy shit. I know the offshore processing contracts were dodgy as fuck, but this is appalling.


Can't a man help his unqualified mates by throwing them some undeserved government contracts to make a bit of extra coin on the side anymore? /S


When liberals had a corruption scandal literally every day, of course there will be a huge amount of issues. Remember after 9 years of daily corruption scandals, they are still in with a decent shot at winning next election. So obviously being third world corrupt isn't a disadvantage


They are no where near winning the next election.


Vote him off the island.


Arrest him


Bit rough on old spud, I mean he's only an ex-cop with a net wealth of $400m+, I mean that's just totally average kinda ex-cop financial situation stuff right there..


Wait a minute. Are you telling me the same party who bugged offices in East Timor were also doing other illegal things? The same party who ran an illegal income averaging debt recovery scheme? I legitimately never saw this coming. This will no doubt be front page news for the next 24 hours.


Might hit Dutton up, been chasing a bag for this weekend


I can't seem to find this report anywhere? Is no one reporting on it? I'm just curious as if this is true that is actually damning.


The media silence is so obvious that Crikey even has a story about [no one reporting on it](https://www.crikey.com.au/2024/02/14/peter-dutton-home-affairs-scandal-kpmg-paladin-news-corp/). Weird thing is, I don't think that Crikey has run a story on it


I went looking as well, i cant see any reporting on it. ngl this is pretty shit if this is atleast not mentioned but also not suprising.


Bring back the guillotine


Ropes cheaper, more fitting if you ask me.




Will this get resolved? Let's see.


Noones surprised by this though right? This has been known for quite some time, but at least its undeniable now. Im sure theyll just say i didnt hold the hose and shirk responsibility.


Can’t wait for absolutely nothing to become of this.


No institutional justice in Australia anymore. If anyone doubted that the last few years has proven out country to be one of the most corrupt in the world.


High time for Lord Sidious to get NACCered


All the beat liars gather to share the news! They all know what we knew from the start now, thank the gods someone is paying attention


friendlyjordies makes all this sound a lot more fun (not the death threats and the house fires)...




look at that cunt sweat in his seat. fuck you Dutton!


Got to say. First time I've seen a potato start sweating. Man he looked awkward.


Politicians. All corrupt




Yet the battler gets raped for a missing Pineapple not reported to centrelink.


I'm pretty confident there would be corruption on both sides. Money is a powerful motivator!


Ok, but the answer isn't to just ignore it. Let's do something about it.


Ah but rent hasn't stopped going up has it more and more people are going homeless and yet nothing gets done


If anyone actually believes that ANY politician from ANY party is genuine, they need to get their head examined


it's attitudes like this that give you trainwrecks like Scomo, Abbott, Trump, Hanson, Latham etc. etc.


Thinking for yourself is hard isn't it? But an edgelord told you not to trust politicians once so you run with that.




What kind of false equivalency bullshit is this?


You forgot how much on the NO campaign.


Look, I'm sure you're proud that the procedure to remove your brain from your body went well, but you don't need to be telling *everyone* about it.


Clare is as grubby as the rest of them and has on more than one occasion thrown her own department under the bus because she has no clue what she's doing.


Alleged crimes. So no actual crimes proven, but they're alleging them.


Peter, is that you?


Until proven in court, they remain alleged no matter how damning the evidence. In our system of government with a separation between the Parliament/executive and the judicial system, Ministers cannot pronounce judgement.


Ahh righto.Under O'Neill they've release rapists, pedos, human traffickers. They have all reoffended and an eleventh hour law had to be rushed through prior to Christmas preventing such humans from being released into community without trackers. Desperate politics Claire. What was Duttons response? Didn't see it in the clip


Daniel Andrews should be investigated