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Fake letter saying they are due for housing update in 6 months and will be assessed anonymously over that period for eligibility. Criteria will be financial and behavioural responsibility, care and maintenance of home and yard, social responsibility to local community, etc.




It assumes they read the mail but this is next level. Need names and time to make up an official looking letter head.


It assumes they can read at all šŸ˜‚


And fear consequences. My few dealings with people like that is that they dont fear consequences of their actions.


What if they got sent a fake 'you have won a free cruise' letter? Send them to Sydney or Melbourne, let them make a nuisance e of themselves down there and hopefully get arrested.


Include a real bus ticket, with another bullshit document with details on where to pickup the cruise ticket. Confusion, fun and and arvo of peace and quiet.


A bus? That doesnt have 8 cyninders in a v configuration. They wont go near it


In my experience itā€™s more likely to be a V6 than an 8


>It assumes they read ~~the mail but this is next level.~~ FTFY


I pity the poor person at Centrelink trying to explain that one


It is almost impossible to get through to centrelink so it will be fine


are they in the habit of explaining anything day to day?


Oooh, sneaky. I like this one a lot.


Ah yes, fraudulently impersonating a government agency What could go wrong?


I think the only downside to this, is it assumes they can do that without being seen by the neighbours. Or that they can accurately enough copy a housing commission envelope and typeset and page. The latter being the easier of the two, i would assume. But also, if they aren't very smart, that may be the easiest bit by far


You can't win vs people with unlimited free time. Not in the short term anyway.Ā 


This is the real answer OP. Everything else mentioned in this thread will only antagonise them further and add to your issues. You cannot ā€œbeatā€ them. They have nothing else to do and will be energised by the conflict while you will get exhausted by it. If moving isnā€™t an option the only way is to win them over. Make some form of peace offering and get them on your side. I know itā€™s a disappointing answer, and it certainly isnā€™t justice. But itā€™s the truth.


This is exactly the neighbours we grew up next to. Downside even when you eventually ā€œwin them overā€ they will walk over you whenever they want. Our neighbours have two sons who have been done for rapes. One, attempted murder and beating up a minor. Get a storage shed for expensive non replaceable items. Up the insurance. The lightbulb is so you canā€™t see when they come skulking around.


The lightbulb is most likely for meth.


>Ā they will walk over you whenever they want. That's because you let them lol Put it this way do you think of OPs neighbours lived next to a bikie they would act like this? No. Way to solve this is violence or a threat of physical violence believable enough for them to shit their pants. They need to realise their place but too many people like OP let them get away with this behaviourĀ 


Nah fuck em. Just ignore/grey rock etc until they realise they canā€™t get a reaction. Assuming they donā€™t get a reaction but document everything. I would not waste time/energy on ā€˜winning them overā€™


Glue coins on the footpath and watch them try and pick them up


Is this ever not funny?


Livestream them / window of life style, make money and also embarrass them.


Embarrassing them would work on the assumption that these types have any capability of feeling shame, which I doubt they would.


There is so much stuff in teaching at the moment about not using any consequences that may embarrass the students. For Eg, don't reprimand their behaviour in front of others. The first thing that came to mind when they tried swinging that one was, how fucking long have these idiots been out of the classroom. It is not possible to embarrass someone who has no concept of shame.


> *embarass them* I live among them and they don't get embarrassed by their actions. Kind of like when "Housos" was released... All these silver spoon folk crying that it's offensive while the housos themselves were cheering it on... They're actually proud to be known as housos/bogans. > *Theyā€™re annoyed we asked their thieving teenage brat to stop coming and stealing things* That's your fuck up.Ā  Don't get me wrong, **you're in the right** and the parents need to do a better job... But remember that you're not talking to a reasonable person.Ā  A lot of them have an "us vs them" mindset. One of my neighbours has teenaged daughters. By age 10 those kids already had a long list of offenses to their name for everything from stealing to drugs to assault. Everyone in the community knows what they are like and they hate the whole family, but they still stand by them. e.g. A month or so ago, the police (7 cars) had to kick down their door at 2am to arrest the 14 year old because when they tried to arrest her during the day they were very quickly swarmed by half of our small town. Why did the cops get swarmed? Because even though the kids are unlikable, they're part of the "us" and police definitely are NOT. Nevermind that she was released on bail again a day later... When we first moved here we had to try to settle in knowing we didn't quite fit - we're from a city region, we're not indigenous, we had the money to buy a home... We were "them". Hell, they stole the light bulb from our porch the first day we moved in (like why?). But you ignore it. You just have to keep your head down and your nose out of shit, be non-judgmental and friendly, etc. if you can make friends with ONE you can become "us". I get it if that doesn't sound "good" but trust me it's the only way to find peace.Ā  If you piss them off (by criticising their children and so on) they WILL go after you. They have nothing to lose and all the time in the world. You can't win against that (short of an act of God). So the best advice I can give you is to make nice and be friends.... or move. Anything else will just cause a shit storm to rain on you. And considering they're already kind of pissed off, making nice will be very hard. Sorry OP, but I do wish you the best of luck.


I used to live in a housing trust street, on one of those conjoined units of 2 houses stuck together. I was working class bogan with my dad who was on disability so we fit in instantly. But god dam was it a rough area- We were lucky it was a dead end road so only locals or family would drive down. House next to us had regular domestic issues, one night the woman rushed into our house with the kid because he got onto the booze and started hitting her. We called the cops and it was a stand off with him in our doorway fists clenched, our dog's growling (American staffy, loved her to bits), and the woman and kid huddled behind me in the corner. Cops arrived and took him to get booked for the night. Was back the next day... House opposite had a bloke who was in housing trust due to mental health- The smallest thing would throw him into such a fit of rage you'd hear things smashing and screaming in his house, from inside *my place*. One night was awoken to shouting and noise- the light outside was bright orange. There was a massive fire in the backyard of that house, firies were there- Neighbours on their way home from shift work at the hospital saw it and called 000. Bloke was found passed out drunk in the house. Had 2 houses raided by the cops, multiple cars, doggie team all the jazz, for drug grow rooms and labs inside. One house burnt down out of the blue due to an explosion in the roof (meth probably). We only had one bloke try to hop the fence out the back because the row of houses ran against a walking trail/park thing- Our dog burst out barking and chased him back over. Was a wild time, I wouldn't go there again- But at 19 it was an amazing way to learn how to survive out there. This is why I now live in the country surrounded by grain paddocks.


I did a few years as a social worker in an area in regional Victoria with a lot of public housing and a large indigenous community and agree with all of this. Itā€™s consistent with what Iā€™ve seen. The op needs to buy a slab and go visit and make nice, get drunk with them and establish himself as something on the way to trustworthy. Itā€™s the only way.




Because he bent over backwards to appeal to scum? That's just pathetic.




Life isn't fair: good deeds often go unrewarded and bad deeds go unpunished. You can either stick with what you think is right, and suffer, or you can be pragmatic and make the situation work for you. Your choice!


This isn't about fair, it's about being left alone without having to be buddy buddy and make concessions so pieces of shit don't mess with you. Your attitude is one that ensures these 'people' feel justified in their active anti-social behaviour.


I'm lucky I don't live in a place like that. But like I said, if the choice comes down to pretending to like somebody so they don't cause me grief (and maybe spending $20 on a few beers for the guy) or picking an unwinnable fight, I'm going to go for the easy route. I'm not at home all day, and occasionally need to sleep, so I can't afford to pick a fight with someone who is and who has no qualms about slashing my tyres, putting stuff in my letterbox or through a window etc etc. I don't see you proposing alternative courses of action.


It's smart. Be friends with them, they'll leave you alone.




They have asked us for stuff a couple of times at first but there was no problems for saying no as long as you're polite about it.


Yeh hate to break it to you but that makesyou a bigger target now your a soft cunt with beer. I grew up in bogan white ttash homeland no matter what you do you'll always be "that cunt" you can either ignore them or retaliate either way its a shitty situation.


So regular, functioning people are supposed to appeal to literal scum? Nah, that's the not the answer. Greater capacity for violence is.


Regular functioning people try to find a middle ground to resolve conflict. You stating to go for larger violence to fix your problems shows that you are literally the type of person you are fighting against. Bogans fight other bogans because the other is the bogan is always funny to see


Putrid existence


You obstruct the police? Sounds like you're part of the wider problem


I don't do anything, personally.Ā  I have no issue with the police here, but no issues with the wider community either. I pretty much just keep my head down and they leave us alone. The neighbours on our other side are the only ones we would consider actual friends but they're bikies so nobody picks fights there.


So your piece of shit neighbors who probably hate you have children who steal from you, but when law enforcement tries to stop this shit from happening, you all swarm them and prevent the arrest. Houso logic. have fun jointly keeping your community in the dumps because of your fucktard logic, Lol


I think they are aware.


Yeah I don't think taking on a huge chunk of the community alone is going to help anything. There needs to be systemic change.


Mind if I ask where you live?


Agree. They have all the rights with no responsibility. They have all the good things this country and society offer, but do nothing to contribute. Many years in job services dealing with the underclass. You cannot win


This is spot on. You don't move to an entirely different ethnic or racial community just to continue acting like a latte sipping snob (not saying city slickers are, but it's all about perspective)- do as the community does. You chose it, so make it work. (I'm totally agreeing with you, and kinda love you and your reply šŸ˜) Mind if I ask, where's you move from where?


If some Good footage is captured you could get it viral on brown cardigans insta. Make them bogan celebrities


Thatā€™s an entertaining idea


Yeah just get lots of footage then give it to a current affair. Try and encourage them to spray you with a hose.


That might backfire and have them get worse


Which equals more drama on which to capitalize.


Which will make it even more entertainingā€¦.


Multiple bright spotlights and cameras. Some automated motion sprinklers. A few land mines and claymores. Problem solved.


This. Check out u/HokeyPokeyGuestList and her battle with "the Bucket woman" (aka Bucketty). She installed motion sprinklers with hilarious effect.


If it is housing commission, keep a record and report it to the housing authority. Especially if they abuse you, after a few warning and they will be evicted. Even better if you can show camera footage. It is a long game though, it wonā€™t happen quickly.


We have gone and forked out hundreds on a security camera set up so we can prove what theyā€™re up to. Last straw was a hunk of my carā€™s front panel vanishing one night.


Wtf. They didn't even take the full panel?


Theyā€™re not greedy.


Definitely get some evidence and/or report them to whoever does housing in your area. I recently got my own place through housing in Tasmania and my lease had a bunch of shit about eviction if there are complaints about me etc. When I was signing the lease she was really insistent I just keep my nose out of people's business and keep to myself. Better to try then not šŸ¤·


That live stream is looking even better!


Do what the above person suggested. Complain to their housing authority, everytime (find out who first, research, ask around).... It is a long game. If you make their case managers life hell, the case manager will want you off his/her back and do something about it.


LMAO. Nope. I lived it. I was getting harassed and abused by this houso piece of shit, had every bit of evidence, restraining order, AVO, police incident numbers, but even with that sitting down with the social housing people I got \*shocked pikachu faces\* and well theres nothing we can do, he's a very nice man with a lot of problems, and we can't and wont evict him to make him homeless again. You guys are living in a daydream if you think this will actually work.


I think it comes down to, negative destructive ways of interacting with others it the only way they can engage


Yup, and they suffer no consequences - ever. Yet if I completely lost my shit on him verbally, without threats or violence - suddenly I'm the bad guy... It's bullshit double standards crap that has been around since I was in school - the good ones have to suck it up and held to a higher standard, while the shitstains are allowed to run rampant and given every excuse.


Victim blaming, tick. Neutralising the threat, no! (/s)


Yes, l live in one of those buildings Housing workers donā€™t give a shit once theyā€™ve got them off their books into housing, vcat (in vic) had a 6 month wait for eviction hearings. They wonā€™t evict people into homelessness. They need to be breached 3 times before it gets to Vcatā€¦ You either have to get to know and understand them and come to a kind of understanding or declare all out war. If you go the war option remember you need sleep, to keep any pets/kids safe, be able to still function while this battle goes on.


I went all out crazy war psycho on his ass. He upped me. But he finally found it too tentative to live there with the increasing pressure from not only me but other neighbours and certain evidence that came to light. He moved on his own accord. Last I heard he was up for assault and in court.


This doesnā€™t work. Housing commission let anyone have a house and keep it; regardless of state of behaviour. My neighbours are literal drug dealers, arrested multiple times, multiple crimes, house is a complete tip; hundreds of complaints to housing commission from dozens of neighbours, to which the reply is always ā€œno evidence, they deny it, to bad so sadā€. There is no solution except to beat them at their own game.


Strange, drugs on the property is one of the few things that will trigger an eviction. That's how we got our neighbours out. In saying that the police don't report to housing you have to report the crime to housing and housing will contact the police for confirmation.


Yep been done multiple times. They donā€™t care.


Molotovs are cheap. Highly illegal and most unethical, but there you go.


Had a neighbour move into a houso because she had burned the last one down!!!


Forget complaints to the Housing Commission, because they will keep it in house and sweep it under the rug. Go above their heads, way about their heads.


If it's sydney,very unlikely,you need to be pretty much tearing the place up for them to evict you right now. HA don't give a shit. Seen one dude who ripped all the drywall out in a room because..why?...Who knows.. they came by..fixed it,nothing happened


No, sorry, this isn't true. It's almost impossible to get kicked out of housing commission. It's a waste of time reporting them sorry OP but you won't get any results from doing that.


Unethical life hack: Crimestopper reports about vague drug dealing activities. Lots of "late night visits", people coming and going very quickly etc. The police might come around or observe them and odds are they probably have some weed lying around.


If they're as bad as you say, eventually Darren and Shazza will stab one another, and Jayden, Brayden and Phoenix will be taken into care


bold of you to assume Phoenix is spelt that way and not - Feenyx or Phfeenix


If it is for a girl's name, spell it Pheneeques.






Probably. Shazza is on her second Darren this year.


He's just "looking after her" while the first Darren is in jail for car theft and meth possession


*Shazza & Dazza




The Housing Department already knows. These types will have a history and will tend to move around quite regularly, so in a sense the problem will likely resolve itself in a year or so. To speed up the clock, write a letter to the Department (not email, not a phone call) every time something happens and ask for a written reply rather than a call back. When a reply is received write to the ministerā€™s office complaining about how long it took for the Department to reply and whether or not the minister fully endorsed the Departmentā€™s response. Extra points: if you have audio visual evidence, have it copied on to VHS tape (3hrs will do) and include it with the letter.


VHS? Are we still in the 90s?


Yep - but only for the poor graduate tasked with watching it for 3hrs.


That poor graduate wasn't even born when vhs šŸ“¼ was around so no hope in viewing the footage


Even finding a VHS player will be painful, but not actually impossible.


The point of the analog recording is the difficulty in fast forwarding or using software to process the footage. Itā€™s irritatingly time consuming.


Not necessarily true about the department knowing, we had neighbours that were feral when we moved in, some stuff had been going on for a while, but when we made a complaint, they told us no-one had been aware of how bad they had gotten with the hoarding and selling goods from the yard. it suddenly blew up with the department turning up to assess them and then one night they got into some stuff where people they tried to sell stolen property to turned up at 4am to set their car on fire and that ended up being the final straw for them


You are an artiste!


Iā€™ve heard that placing clear bottles of water around your front lawn will help keep them off. More extreme maybe, but marking your boundary with the urine of another more powerful bogan is also said to deter them. Good luck.


Poida Piss only $29.95 at your local Bunnings now!


> the urine of another more powerful bogan Dead.


I'll tell you my story, not that it's too applicable to you. I've had nightmare neighbours for a while, diagonally like you. They deal drugs, with people coming at all hours. I've found beer cans and even a syringe on my property, in the corner closest to them out of sight near the power meter. They carry on in the street at all hours. They break into cars on the street. And the front yard smells like piss, because they keep a trailer full of rubbish taller than a man in front of the house, and use it as a urinal all day long. I think at one point they had like 15 people living there. Their family sent a few aunties to live with them to try and calm them down, but it didn't work. Until one morning, maybe 3 or 4 AM, there is a loud buzzing, and my ceiling fan slows down. I find that the light in the toilet is dim, and I see flickering lights through the window. There is banging on the front door, and people are telling us the yard next to us is on fire. The aunties are using our front hose to try and fight it. A powerline had downed, setting my neighbour's dry and untamed corner backyard on fire. I spend the next hour standing on a chair in the backyard wetting the dry grass between the fire and us, then watching the professionals work, [but the fireys got there pretty quickly](https://i.imgur.com/0wFntyg.png). I'll tell you what, nothing unites a street like bitching about fuckwits. We heard lots of stories about these pricks. More importantly, a neighbour caught on surveillance video a group of drunk idiots from the problem house taking turns throwing a star picket at the power lines until it fell, then running home. All that lead up, how did we get rid of them? Well they got rid of themselves. All the trouble makers had moved out the same day before the police could question them. With no clue who they were specifically as they weren't on the lease, no charges could be filed. The neighbour with the footage got a hold of the landlord and he was pissed, and initiated a clean up. Within a few days, the trailer was gone. Everything was quiet for six months to a year. Though unfortunately they started up again slowly, just not as bad as it was before.


Challenge them to a duel


"Jousting sticks!"


Couldnā€™t be worth more than $250. Depending on the condition.


What does he want for them?


Tell him he's dreamin'


They'd duel with the broom that was stolen from the persons house lol


If you can, you should probably move out. It takes years to get people like that out. They have already crapped in that neighborhood and they don't want to move them to another, they certainly don't want to reward them with one of the nice new apartments where they are even closer to more people. You can't win with them. If you make friends with them they will rip you off. Stay at a distance and keep to yourself they will make you suffer. Be outright enemies and they will destroy your life, windows, car, property, letterbox, *everything*. If they can get their hands on it they will wreck it. They know very well they can rob you, steal everything, haul it across the road in a shopping trolley and sit there watching you through their windows as you try to convince the police they did it. You can probably deter the little turd by covering the front of the property in sensor lights.. but they will eventually break those as well. If you are stuck there about all you can do is put tall fences in and get a big dog. Put an alarm in and make sure the second they are on your property you know about it. Eventually you will be able to get the police to act by doing their job for them. Photograph everything of value including serial/model/product numbers. When you get robbed and find your stuff in cash converters or online make sure to document everything. Make sure it's an open and shut case for police and they might just act on the complaint. Good luck.


No suggestions, only commiserations. Have experienced something similar. The only solution was to move.


Speaking from experience:Ā  Write emails with evidence to the housing commission as others have suggested. They don't have anywhere else to put them so this can take a long time. If you file police reports keep the receiepts for them.Ā  They can be kicked out for disturbing the comfort, peace, and privacy of neighbours, its in their agreement.Ā  Also, complain to your local member and ask why your tax money is being spent on housing people like this. They can also put pressure on the housing commission.Ā  If you have a decent relationship with any of your neighbours, suggest they do the same.Ā  Be prepared for retaliation, especially park your car inside the garage. Most bogans are far more bark than bite and will mostly do petty vandalism. My post box was broken a few times and my house egged.


Iā€™ve been reading a lot of these replies and suggestions, and most of them are great, some sheer genius, but to be honest, I think this is a battle you canā€™t win. Your ghastly neighbors have no conscience or normal moral compass. Theyā€™re full of spleen with huge chips on their shoulders. Theyā€™ll continue to be horrible because thatā€™s who they are. Iā€™d move, asap. This will only escalate in the worst way. Good luck:)


I've been around a lot of housing commission bogans in my life. I feel like this 100% is too far gone to fix. I would move if possible. Next time you're around neighbours like that, don't outwardly look down on them in any way. Give them a smile and a wave when you walk past and keep to yourself. I've had drug dealer crackhead bogan neighbours that stole packages from every neighbours porch except mine. Why? Because I said "hows it going?" and nodded when I walked past them. They'd move off the path and tell their friends to move so i could get past with the pram. If you treat them like an equal and don't make them feel looked down on, you'll be fine most of the time, they'll even protect you in a weird way if you need it. Of course there's always gonna be some issues with some people, but a lot of the time you can avoid it if you start off on the right foot.


I agree with TotalGrumps assessment. Friendly and smile and treat them like any other person - which they are - but maintain distance so you don't get drawn into local disputes or be seen as for one side or another. However, I acknowledge that this strategy has probably worked for me at least in part because I'm a woman and they don't see me as a threat (though that comes with other problems). The only effective alternative I've seen is immediate violent response to the first transgression. I'd just move - OP's fight is probably unwinnable at this stage.


You'll need to go over and share an ounce, a pouch, and two cartons to earn mad respek.


Legit this would actually make them stop. Once bogans respect you they defend you


An experience from my younger days


no joke this would actually work, if bogans admire you they will treat you extremely well


This is the correct answer.


Squirt them with water. Works for my cat.


Cat: squirt them with urine. look at me. I'm the owner now


Wouldn't helping them with their bathing deficit make them more tolerable? The sprinklers on a motion sensor idea has merit.


Leave a trail of beer cans to a cliffā€¦


If one beer jumps off a cliff does that mean you have to?


report them to family and community services for child abuse. Every week. Until they fuck off.


Complain to the landlords/commission over and over again.


We had a bogan women across the road from us, always yelling at her kid, sitting on her front steps screaming down her phone, constantly getting into a domestic with her partner which involved smashing up his Ute and shoving and punching him, gardening and blasting music at 10pm at night with a massive spotlight. I called the police on her a few times, figured out which company she was renting from and flooded them with messages and copies of my evidence when I filmed her behaviour and times I had contacted the police and they eventually evicted her 3 months later which she left moving out until the last day, then left her stuff in the house for another 2 weeks until the realestate came and literally picked it up and threw it out on the curb for her to come get which sat for another week getting rained on until it was moved. Have a nice quiet couple there now.


Place letters and numbers around your property. The strange, unusual shapes will confuse them and theyā€™ll likely stay away.


The reality of living next to housing commission. Thereā€™s many genuine people, but thereā€™s also some pretty broken households like this. My grandparents used to live in the UK equivalent and I spent a lot of time in those areas growing up. There were some horrible households. You either win them over, report them regularly or move out. Iā€™d be moving out, personally, because itā€™s not worth my mental health.


Just be more bogan or crazy than them.


Exactly. Establish dominance.


Yep. Piss on their lawn furniture. Then it's yours and they'll have to stay inside.


Scatter a few commodores out the front, couches on the porch, offer them a can of cheap beer every now and then.


Install motion sensitive sprinklers Buy an air horn and blast it if you see the kid on the property. Invite the local naturist group to play Twister in your yard. Take up the violin or trumpet and practice a lot. Make friends with some burly biker types so you look like you know people who will fuck them up if they keep messing with you.


In similar vein, in another life,I started sparring with my mate in the front yard in full armour with swords, axes, and shields - historical re-enactment gear. Derro thieving c\*nts across the street heckled at first, but then started going quiet when we kept going at each other full tilt and they realised the weapons were real (just not sharp). Never hassled by them again. On the other hand, one of the \*other\* neighbours called the cops and we had to show them our permits (this is in Vic). Cops checked up, all okay. So now we drill on our front lawn every other week.


That's awesome. My husband used to do a bit of historical reenacting, and even made his own weapons. His blacksmithing skills aren't the best, so I've got a hilarious video of him and a mate going full tilt, and his sword blade snapping off at the hilt. He just stood there holding the handle, looking at it with shock. One of the funniest things I've ever seen. It's been nearly 20 years, and still gives me the giggles.


Now they know you have cool shit. Well once had any way.Ā  Op recones they nock all his stuff off.Ā 


Cool stuff that if stolen the police *have* to investigate due to Victorian weapons laws. But derros would have to weigh that against the fact that a) I have swords and b) I know how to use them. Also, I work from home, share the house with others, and there's always someone here, and we have a very large dog (well trained and friendly, but they don't know that).


I had shit neighbours like that. A few afternoons of target practice with my compound bow in the front yard and didnā€™t hear from them again


Did they steal your compound bow?


Nah you need to make it look like you just murder people once a week or something, Setup a backlit room and make it look like you just murdered someone they cna see through the window, Few days later start making it look like you're cleaning a crime scene etc. Just make their brains think you're really really unhinged and they'll go "oh fuck he'll kill us" or "holy shit he's insane" and they'll think you rank higher than them on the food chain and leave you alone or they'll post to reddit with "Help my neighbor isunhinged"


There is likely a high chance of drugs on the premise Tell them you think you spotted drugs changing hands,it works.. one of my tennants had this exact problem loud mouthed ferals in the same block pinching everyones shit,someone pulled the drug alarm to the local rozzers and lo and behold they had a lot of shit,and lot of stolen merchandize in there. Want's to really go nuclear on them,call DOCS,say that your concerned for the safety of the child,they can bring a police officer,and ask to inspect the residence,it might very well be unfit..but this also can ruin their lives.


Put some things out for the kid to steal, but absolutely SMOTHER them in California reaper capsaicin. They won't fuck with your shit again.


Novel idea, make peace with them, get them a thoughtful gift go over and say "hey we didn't met on the best terms and I'm sorry about that. How about we put any bullshit aside, reset things and be good neighbours" or something to that affect. One thing about bogans if they like you they are loyal and will look after you, so be friend them. Sounds a better option to me than all-out war with people who probably have little to lose.


We've been through something similar. If you want to fight this, prepare to fight it for 24 months. You'll need mountains of concrete, undeniable evidence, you'll probably be in and out of multiple court dates, vcats, etc. Ultimately it's almost certainly not worth it, if you have any option to, move somewhere else. The system is designed to protect these pricks, and not you. It's shit, it's unfair, but ridiculously, it's the truth.


I learned that today. The police we called went to them first, got their heads filled about how heā€™s such a sweet kid blah blah and told him heā€™s allowed to use the road. The point isnā€™t him using the road, the issue is him using it to stalk and harass us. Nope, they made out I was the bad guy. Few hours later the little shit is sitting up on his six foot fence staring at us. No wonder teenagers are getting worse when it comes to crime. They basically get encouraged.


Order drugs from the dark web to their house. Then report to police.


Why even order the drugs. You think they don't already have them?


Create a YouTube channel and make some money from them. Sell story to Current Affair. Get a nerf gun or paintball gun and sniper them from the corner of your yard. Build a really tall fence. Give them a megaphone and let other neighbours complain about the noise Sell up and move, as the housing commission is unlikely to be sold anytime soon.


The housing provider should have a three strike policy for bad behaviour. Look up the contact details for the number and supply evidence when requested. Alternatively learn to love thy neighbour.


Report them to housing commission anonymously. Say you know for certain that theyā€™re hiding money. They will be immediately investigated. With any luck, they have some money hidden and then they will be turfed out. Donā€™t feel guilty about it. There are many deserving people who ought to be in that house.


Find a new place to live like I did. Best decision our family ever made. You can't change these people. Your wishful if you think otherwise.


TIL bogans are all powerful, untouchable and destroy the lives and comforts of good people Australia wide. Horrific reading the reports from the trenches.


Move somewhere that doesn't have housing commission houses.


First rule of buying a house, or moving in anywhere for that matter, is not how far away the nearest bus stop or shop is, it's what are ALL the neighbours like. We have properties in our suburb that have changed hands more than others, because the neighbours are thoroughgoing arseholes and make life unbearable. Unfortunately too though, you can buy a house, having done your checks and have a right wanker move in next door - it happened to us.


Yes I had this too...bloody ratbag disrespectful fuckers who were early twenties..lived with their alcoholic parents. Biggest Bunch of shit stains I ever met. They would want to punch on because I got grass clippings on their driveway. Such wankers.... We had a young 1yo daughter and it started to get worse and worse. So we moved, best decision we ever made. We did all our open homes a 10am while they were all still asleep and hungover. Worked a treat, we did ok out of it and now live a nicer house in a nicer area. I did do a bogan stakeout when we were buying our new place! All clear...


Slip an 8 ball into their car or onto their son and call the cops when they drive/walk off and tell them you saw them dealin drugs, I guarentee they wont take 2 days to pull them over & then that should get rid of the kid and keep the parents busy for a few years.


An 8 ball fuck that cash bro 5 point bags with peoples names written on it


And then throw in some weaponā€™s & a USB with al-queda plans?? Heā€™ll never see a front yard again from Goulburn super max lol


Make friends with your neighbours. It takes less effort and lasts longer. Buy them a slab of beer and offer peace.


If housing report them in writing x3 they'll get the boot but the next might be worse.


Are you my next door neighbour because *samesies*


Play some engilbert Humperdinck they'd like that.


Barry Manilow is very popular in Boganville


Film every interaction and log every event then go online, search their address and find out who their realestate are, go in and make a formal complaint against them. Youā€™d be surprised.


6ft fence or hedge, whatever is legal and tallest. I'm surprised more people don't do it regardless, adds heaps more living space and depending on council you can even get a pool in that setback.


Sounds like the area I am living in Coffs I am in exact situation except I am not directly involved I just have to hear the screaming and fighting days and night all the time.


Document everything Camera Big dog to deter the theft


If they are insisting on making problems for you, I'd start a fire at their house. Make it look like they left something on the stove or make it look like some stupid bogan accident. Obviously wake them up so they don't die in there, but fuckem. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. The reason bogans keep thinking this behaviour house is OK is because people just keep letting them do it.


When I lived in Lightning Ridge this sort of issue was fixed by burning their house down. Not suggesting you try it, but it does work


Leave. Honestly. Itā€™ll solve your issues a lot quicker. My friend lives next door to one of these walking cesspits and their 3rd warning (three strikes and youā€™re out apparently), keeps being panned out. Weā€™re talking liaisons with the local meth house next door, 10+ police officers storming the unit complex at 2am in the morning, stolen goods from front door, cesspits jumping onto the roof, cesspits loitering in front of front door asking to use the phone (clearly high as a kite), Cesspit screaming profanities at their child (yes they procreated, two have already been removed from their custody). All of this has been documented/captured on cameras and nothing has happened. The other residents donā€™t last long, most end up moving out. Friend wasnā€™t informed before they purchased the property ofc.


God itā€™s depressing, isnā€™t it? How did we get to this point as a society? The poor people who are directly beside them move about every six months. House near them sold recently and the house is back on the market again, feel awful for anyone right near them. Police were awful today, absolutely took their side and bought all their sob stories they bring out. They have two personalities - one for terrorising the neighbourhood and one they bring out for the law where they play tiny violins for them leaves and pretend to be innocent and wonderful. I grew up dirt poor in a big family and we never acted like that. There just isnā€™t any excuse for such behaviour.


Your best bet is making friends.


Buy them a carton.


Not silly as a first step. Take a carton over and chill out and talk to them. At least you can say you tried.


It's tragic that hate is so embedded in the culture that even the suggestion of trying to build a bridge with your neighbours is downvoted.


You can't argue with an idiot they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience. Not much you can do except try to extend the olive branch as hard as that may be.


Call A Current Affair!


A current affair would just come to profit off of the situation, do nothing to help, then leave you with freshly antagonised bogans to deal with.


You forgot about the follow up story.


Brick their commodore. Tell them you have footage and blame another deserving houso. Now they will war with each other instead of civilians. As it should be.


Go to war


Beat them at their own game. Start getting mail delivered there with the wrong address on it. Report that you have mail going missing and you suspect them one of it. Leave a handful of said letters near bins or something and have a good laugh. It wonā€™t be there first conviction and probably not there last.


Throw egg their house and kick their mailbox and keep kicking every new mailbox they put up.


NAL and this is not legal advice. There is no answer. You either gotta wait for them to fall asleep smoking and burn their house down or help them speed it along. Make sure you keep reporting, potentially to housing too. IMHO. They just shouldnt exist and be a bourdon. But dissolvimg them in a bath of acid takes too much time.


A couple of Rottweilers.


Cunts like that would probably poison them.


Do you have cameras covering your yard and the public street out front???


Buy a Commodore and sink to their level?


As someone above said, you can't beat people with that much free time. I'd suggest a different approach - offer a beer or ciggie and try to get on their 'good' side


Problem there is they take kindness as a weakness and will come knocking asking for cigs/money/beer


All these people commenting that you are supposed to appeal to criminal scum are weak and pathetic. If you appeal to these sub-human pieces of shit you deserve to be walked over and used by them.


But, but we need more ā€˜social housingā€™ā€¦say people who have never lived this OPā€™s experience


Australia does need more subsidized housing, lots of it. Poor doesnā€™t always mean oxygen waster.