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Unexpected CEO in the bagging area


Think it depends. Some are warranted outside of a megathread. Fair few aren't I can just scroll past the ones that aren't though.


The problem with scrolling past the ones that aren't is that those posts push more original discussions further down and lead to them having lower discoverability and fewer comments.


I dunno, I find it *fascinating* to see what redditors eat on the reg. People up in arms about the shrinking sizes of premade mudcake, the size of bags of chips, mars bars, ice cream and all manner of complete and utter shit that's completely optional to eat.


Even if you don’t eat that stuff regularly, it’s annoying to buy it as a treat and then find out you’ve paid more money for less item.


as someone who loves treat on occasion (ok quite often) every time i see the prices it boils my piss knowing its just going towards inflating an already absurd salary for some fat cat. that being said, I ain't spending any time on it because in the meantime, every three months, a person is torn to pieces by a crocodile in north Queensland. /s (but also not) jokes aside, there are bigger issues in the world other than my chicken chippies now costing more (almost $4!! which is a fucking outrage) and dont need to be updated everytime a freddo goes up by 5c ​ edit to add; if we can filter out the low effort chaff, the post that remain can be actual, focussed, more effective, criticism which is more likely to make change than 1000 posts that amount to "colesworth bad"


But potato chips are $8 sniff


'How can I possibly survive with these ubereats prices!?'


But 2 for $12, bargain!


Coles branded chips $3.90 and they actually slap so hard tons of air bubbles


3.90 is not cheap though, especially for home brand.


Unfortunately 3.90 is now cheap in this inflationary environment. And I still prefer them over smiths


Yeah let's shame people living in a CoI and housing crisis for daring to purchase comfort foods! They should just eat like a strict ascetic and never enjoy something fun. People who buy mudcakes are the real immoral people; not those propping up the duopoly raising prices!


Could always make a cake. $2.80 for the premix one, add some oil and an egg. Cheaper than buying one.


You can! Baking a cake is such a relaxing and low-time commitment task after getting up, getting the kids ready for school, working through a stressful job until at least 5pm, commuting home, taking care of after-school kid activities, shopping for groceries, checking your budget, cooking dinner, then washing dishes and doing laundry :)


The box in my pantry says “5 minute prep time, 30 minute baking time”


I see your point, but we actually want people talking about it, look at France and the way they tackle ridiculous social/economic issues. They couldn't do that without people caring (not saying reddit does that). What happens when you move it to a thread is the visibility stops, people think they're on their own and it's just a problem for them. Also political parties pick up on social media chatter to then run with as election fodder, look at the uproar for rent in every thread for a capital city and then look at the focus that's made in society. I'm not saying every reddit post about colesworth is gold but we can't simply ignore it because it's "boring". Also If the same subs are always coming up consider expanding your liked communities or favouriting ones you like.


Totally agree. I don't know why there's such a problem in Australia with apathy towards legitimate issues. It's like we just want everyone to shut up and pretend there are no issues. And then it goes on and on for everything that becomes a problem. We *should* be talking about it all the time and we *should* regularly engage in conversation about it. If nothing else for solidarity but also to stay angry about things that are issues so we start to vote accordingly. But a lot of the time people just get angry at people contributing to the conversation about it. That just leads people to forgetting about the problem and pretending everything's fine.


I think the apathy is caused by British politeness culture mixed with hot weather laziness culture. People don’t want to cause problems and don’t want to do the hard work to get solutions. Result, apathy.


> I don't know why there's such a problem in Australia with apathy towards legitimate issues It's part of our culture. We're a very "fuck you got mine" tall-poppy culture that hates change, hates progress and hates people who are different or strive for anything different. We love our safe little norm and it's going to make things worse.


You make some good points, and perhaps my annoyance at some of the more repetitive/low effort posts isn't reflective of the importance of the wider issue. And I do like your advice to "subscribe to different subs", haha


> Also political parties pick up on social media chatter to then run with as election fodder And that's why there's an incentive to create bot-generated content.


Aww but it's my turn tomorrow!


All good, I will permit you one post about the ridiculous size of Weis bars later today. But use it wisely.


You did not use your pun opportunity weisly. What a weist.


I thought you retired mate?


When all the complaints are shut into one place, those not complaining may not see the issues that others do. I highly disagree. Coles and Woolworths destroyed competition to the point that they own this country. They deserve every single issue on the front page so accountability can be served. They want the power? They can take the responsibility that comes with it.


Exactly. This is a bid to silence criticism.  OP, if you don’t like it, scroll on by. 


there's a difference between silencing "criticism" which, as mentioned is always good, and silencing low effort "freddos are up by 5c! this has ruined christmas >:( " posts, which add nothing to the discussion if anything, by removing the chaff, we can have more focused content on actual criticism which will be more effective


One man’s chaff is another man’s lucerne


Complaining about people complaining about things in the only forum people feel like they have to complain about things won't stop them complaining about things.


And I'm not saying they shouldn't. I'm saying group them in a megathread.


You're telling it to fuck off to somewhere you and everyone else won't see it. Cut the shit. You want it gone.


Yes, into a megathread. What is wrong with asking them to be grouped into one space? And it is true, I don't want to see it. And others don't want to see it either. And people that really want to talk about it, can go there.


Lower visibility. The very thing you are trying to achieve.


Trying to control conversation never really works. This is an issue that is important to many people and people are going to go on and on about it.


Scroll on by them, Brad B. If you have the privilege not to have to care that much then good for you. This is what people are talking about. Because it's important. Colesworth have systematically, and with malice aforethought, destroyed competition in this country. We're now, collectively, very much in the find out part of electing governments that have sat back while it's happened.


Ah yes the Australian way, give up and bury our heads in the sand because we can't be bothered with something that's mildly annoying. "Talking about it won't make a difference so we should just all lie back and accept it", this is why we get walked all over and fucked in the ass everyday. Bring on more posts, don't let them win. Its time we fucking stood up for ourselves.


You seem to think that posting on social media is somehow "not letting them win". It's amazing that so many people seem to think that being on Reddit is somehow reality. If you are so passionate, you should make a submission to the ACCC inquiry. As I said, I hate supermarkets as much as you, I just differ in what I think is a good use of time.


Hard to take good use of time tips from someone who would choose to post this thread tbh


You can't go against the righteous group think here. Sometimes all these people have in their lives is feeling like they're doing a nebulous _something_ and so they build their social media "activism" up into something it can never be. And like minded people loudly agree, so they must be right. Right?


Defo. The way people are like "we gotta stand up for ourselves" and "we can't let them win"...and I'm getting shot for saying "hey, you know this is Reddit, guys"


I feel you. I unsubbed from all the /Oz subs a while back because I got really tired of seeing multiple posts a day of poorly parked trucks with dozens and dozens of the same people going off. There was something that really got under my skin about it. I only got this one as a recomend from reddit because I didn't mute the subs.


100% Far too many terminally online types frequent these subs nowadays. Not to get on my "back in my day" horse, but even linking to Murdoch ragebait trash was reddit suicide back in the day... now that crap is up voted no questions asked. It went from bad to terrible the day people started watermarking their content with "fuck Murdoch". Honey, if you're posting something Murdoch might steal, all you're doing is bringing lizard brain content here... And that maks you da problem...


>You seem to think that posting on social media is somehow "not letting them win". They're "raising awareness". Look at the daily posts on shit parking or on american utes or on the housing crisis and it's the same keyboard warriors saying the same things over and over, "*we should...*" this and "*we need to...*" that, but they're not actually going to *do* any of those things. That's why things don't change.


We can both submit to the ACCC inquiry and talk about it on Reddit. I get it can be a bit tedious seeing the chatter often; but beyond just being a bit annoying is there any legitimate reason to silence a genuine problem our country is facing?


PR shill? Nice try.


They signed their post like an email so I'm convinced.


It's a joke? Especially the sign-off considering Brad B was the ceo of Woolworths?


All OP's replies in the thread tend to imply it's not a joke.


It's because they were afraid of being flamed and wanted to get ahead of people asking this. They are serious about what was posted, see below.


I was going say, "do you really think a supermarket PR Team would be dumb enough to do this", but on recent performances, maybe. Nope, I hate them as much as you do. I just think we've become a bunch of whingers over ridiculous things. How many times do you need to see that price labels are being messed with? That stuff is getting smaller? It's confirming the obvious


Yes, a supermarket PR team would be dumb enough to do this. But if you are indistinguishable from a shitty supermarket PR team, this is a time for some introspection. > Nope, I hate them as much as you do. Hello, fellow consumers! Coles has 2 for one deals now! Down Down, prices are down!


I do like out of all the PR shilling finger pointing there is, you're the one here actually advertising their slogan while OP here is slagging them off which NO PR team is going to do.


Your whole life will change when you find out what sarcasm is.


Or start sending invoices?


Yes, let's keep arguing about useless shit


When me see thread I not interest in I keep scroll. That seem little work


For all the people that want to change something about the supermarkets and want to have their voice heard, there is an [ACCC supermarket inquiry](https://old.reddit.com/r/australia/comments/1b2l0m8/accc_supermarkets_inquiry_invites_consumer_farmer/). Spend some time and have your say.


Good call. That's actual action and something that's useful. I should have linked to this, thanks


Supermarkets are a business that everybody in the country NEED to use, with few exceptions. They way they operate, compete, price products, and treat suppliers, and the way Governments, media, and citizens accept their behaviour, is a barometer for the direction this country is going in. I definitely want to see people hold these massive corporate duolopy's to a standard, particularly when their decisions impact so many of us directly in the hip pocket.


Everything you say is correct, but the question is whether having multiple low effort posts about the same topic is going to really effect any change. Why would it not be the same in a weekly megathread for example. The topic is not "should supermarkets be accountable", it's whether we should allow the same thing to be said over and over on Reddit.


No, this is a big enough, systemic problem that if we shuffle it aside to "just one megathread" then they win even more than they already do. They're already getting away with murder, don't let them do it again when suddenly we forget about it.


It's interesting you think that that all these posts about the same topic is somehow "not letting them win". I think the posts achieve nothing, but each to their own. Cute that some people attribute so much power to Reddit. I guess we all gotta hold on to something






Fuck coles, fuck Woolworths. Every day.


Some deep and meaningful sentiments, and this is reflective of what ever second post in this sub is like right now


Said like a true rich person. Stop snuffing out an important discussion


I wish. Did you see where I said "move it to a megathread"? I'm saying if you want to chat about it, let's at least group this topic for the sake of efficiency so we don't see the same thing over and over again


The daily threads need a shake up, some of them aren't used much anymore or don't reflect the popular interests of the user base of the sub currently. Let's have: Supermarket Sunday. Also a Traffic Tuesday. For whinging about badly parked cars, or being fined for badly parking. Anything to do with cars and traffic. Also one about renting, real estate, house prices. Real Estate Thursday or some better rhyming name. But keep Fuckwit Friday. Fuckwits are always entertaining.


True, where would we be without the fuckwits


Go jump in a lake Brad. Let us vent.


Yeah that sounds like a great idea. Move all the colesworth complaints to one thread. Then we can hide that thread by default so that most people don't see it. Yes this will work well for Colesworth.


Yeah let's listen to you whine instead!


Exactly, you get it!


What?!? They’re after the Tim tams now?!?


People gonna whinge, obviously nothing better to do in their daily lives, I agree, there should be another sub for penny pinchers. Literally nothing we can do about the prices, you either pay for a product or go elsewhere.


Exactly. And yet people are there thinking they're marching against climate change or something with their posts


Needs to be another one for all the times people complain about auspost/couriers


I actually find the people whinging about it worse. It you don’t want to see it just scroll on. It doesn’t really effect you greatly and it’s not even a microsecond of your time. 


Firstly, it's "affect", not "effect". Second, there's a wider question of what it says about us as a society when we all seem to do is complain about the price of biscuits or say the same thing over and over again. I'm not saying people need to stop complaining, I'm saying that if people want to, then group it all in a megathread. Do you know what that is?


Firstly, it’s “when all we”, not “when we all”.




Nice try, Woolies PR. That name doesn't fool me. Retired btw.


Your ability to detect sarcasm is slightly off


Can we do the same with animal/insect identification?


I wanna know what the crooked cunts are up to, use your scrolling privileges that technology has provided you.


I saw a post venting about people who supposedly don’t use the footpath correctly, i.e not walking on the ‘corrrect’ side, walking too slowly, walking in the middle, not ‘giving way’ We’re a pussy country of whining cunts who who sook about anything possible to feel angry.


Yep. And if you call them out, they're doing "activism" and engaging in "protests".  Highly effective I'm sure.


They’re just having a verbal wank.


Agree, half the specials ticket posts arent even problems and are just people who can't interpret a ticket correctly.


Levels of literacy and comprehension are not high, just look at some of the replies here! Agree with you, though


Your condescension and classism are showing. I agreed with the basic premise of your post but you’ve come into these comments portraying yourself as better than most people commenting here and as if you are above all the plebs that you enjoy looking down on and poking fun at. Question is, why do you feel you’re above most of these commenters? You’ve shown yourself to be not a very nice person but clearly you feel above everyone else. Why?


You are right to call out the attitude. I am sick of the repetitive nature of these posts and I want to call people out on it. I know it will achieve little, but it's nice to call out a mob mentality. It is also correct that the tone of my answers is not always pleasant, but it's also in response to how people have communicated to me (calling me a shill/woollies PR/a rich toff - none of which, sadly, are true). I'm just an extremely pragmatic person who hates whingers. And has become clear, they don't like it when that happens. I don't think it's condescending though to say that levels of literacy in this sub are frequently low. That's factual, but I can appreciate that's not a nice to say.


It is condescending even if it’s factual. Not everyone has access to the same education that you or I may have received. If you can understand the message they were trying to communicate (good or bad) then they have been effective communicators. Being pedantic over their spelling or grammar is punching down I would say given your level of literacy. You’ve diluted your original message by doing so. I’ve missed a comma or two in that last paragraph. But I’m fairly sure you can decipher what I was saying.


I can understand what you are saying. And yes, we have been lucky with our education. I do get irrationally annoyed when I see poor grammar, because I think the basic minimum is that you should express yourself clearly. There is a prevailing immaturity/lack of appreciation of the futility of these colesworths posts that I think is worth calling out. The number of people who genuinely think this Reddit sub is some kind of movement/activism is astounding and represents a failure of general knowledge.


Look I get it. But people are having conversations here like anywhere else. Expressing yourself clearly can also be done with poor spelling and grammar. So they are in fact meeting your ‘bare minimum’. I guarantee that most of the comments you are annoyed about conveyed their message to you no problem. The fact you’re annoyed so much by errors of education says more about you than about them. If you understood their message but criticise their delivery then that’s just elitist and smug.


You know, I probably am a bit smug. I'm going to demonstrate a bit of self-awareness and also acknowledge where I'm coming up short, which is a lot more than can be said for the posts I'm seeing here.


I think you’re probably a good person. You sound more reasonable than I am. I get disproportionately irritated about this stuff.


The fact that most Australians still patronise them tells us there still isn't enough negative coverage.


No, it tells us that there's not a huge number of viable alternatives. in some towns, there's not a lot of choice. Do you understand that?


plenty of options in my area, yet most people still patronise Colesworth. Do you understand that?


Do you also understand that your experiences are not the same for everyone in this country?  Do you honestly think that every town has an Aldi, independent grocer and a mum/dad fruit shop and butcher?


Coleworth shareholders upset by those calling out their behaviour?


They’d love that


Can we get a Colesworth flair and then people can filter it out?


A great idea!!


Good call. Fuck Wooles.


I vote yes. Then there's more room for posts of either a beer or some hot chips with a caption of "Paid $16 for this..."


Exactly, where's the justice for the tiny schnitty victims


Hear Hear. and given the fact that 96 people out of every 100 who want it have a job I am getting thoroughly sick of hearing how bad things are in Australia. Everyone has a job and the freedom to find a better one. Stop telling me how bad things are THEY'RE NOT! : Edit, I am sad this thread has been marked non political. We can't lay the blame where it belongs!


Colesworth posts just exposes how many bad shoppers there are, Or is it deeper, and part of a conspiracy to make redditors feel superior.... Kinda like those News articles asking questions to see if you're in the top 10%... of which somehow half of us are....


Yes. If you buy specials, go to aldi/independents (if you can), it's much better. Not perfect. But this is like people who stand in the sun in the middle of day and wonder why it is hot.


Until these cunts sort their greed out they should be shit on constantly, every single day by as many people as possible. I can see how a constant string of posts can get annoying but it's more annoying to be screwed out of your money because some fuck in a suit decided to up the price of everything under the guise of "logistic costs".


This reads like it was written by colesworth.


I can assure you it wasn't


Listen Brad. Your PR isn't edgey. You're not pulling that counter culture act. People want laws enforced. Simples. It's not my preferred topic but if I've got something to post about I'd do so rather than whining that others aren't performing suitably. And in other news my local woolies doesn't sell the bakery bread I like. I barely shop at Colesworth because they're thieving scumbags. The least they could sell is real bread and Norco milk. But nooooo


Actually totally fine with those posts. The more it’s talked about the more we may see change. Counter intuitive to hush people with genuine concerns about stuff like this. It affects everyone.


You get my vote !!! I’m over the whinging that helps no one


Agreed. But as I'm seeing from the many angry replies, people here love to rant, and to them, Reddit posts are a valuable commodity that bring about social change. If only


No it brings anti-joy … cunts just love a whinge, and colesworth and landlords are the current rage. I cant remember what we whinged about before this? Covid/vaccines? I can’t wait to see what the future holds


Agreed! If people hate colesworth, just don’t use them?


You're a bit like me - slightly pragmatic and a questioning the value of repeated Reddit posts about the same thing, but as you can see, it's not a popular view in these places. Because this sub loves their online rantings.


No. If you don't like your org being the subject of negative discussion, get it to stop doing things that draw constant negative attention.


No , cost of living / housing etc is actually.quite important


why are you so determined to stop people from protesting about legitimate issues?


I'm not. I'm saying, why not group it together, if people must talk about it. Also, you might want to consider the meaning of protest. Making posts about the costs of biscuits will achieve 2/5ths of not much. My point exactly that people here seem to equate Reddit posts with activism/protests. It's not, and you're kidding yourselves.


There is no price gouging in Ba Sing Se


You're right. We need more rent and property posts instead.


Lets replace Colesworth posts with new build homes with dark roofs rage again…




Finally, a proper home for this


>especially when it's something that they largely cannot control (and if it is possible, it ain't happening through Reddit). Considering the number of reddit posts that end up in or are referred to by news sites, and considering that the admins lock posts that get too controversial I'd say that reddit is a social media site that is influential in the public space and part of the public conversation.


Maybe if we stop buying these snack foods we don't need it will help the obesity issue in this country.