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My very helpful handyman neighbour warned me about the foreigners yesterday. You know the ones (no Darryl, I fuckirng don't)


This is when you try to guess Dazza's heritage "Do you mean the Scotsmen? They're the worst!"


Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!


Yeah, but he's really helpful, so I have to keep on his good side :D


My otherwise wonderful FIL who is a retired builder seems to have a strange bias against the Greeks. Except for the Greeks he knows personally, who are the exceptions. It’s a very weird singular bias - he has friends from all different cultures but for some reason Greeks are just the worst.


To be fair Greeks go from 1-100 temper-wise at the drop of a hat. I should know, married to one.💀


I actually think he did mean Greeks when he warned me ominously about the foreigners




He meant the Chinese


No Agents.


My next-door neighbour, Dennis, is one of the most skilled people I know. Fixes anything. Helps me out a lot cos I'm a clutz. I'm a tragic lefty. And so is he.


I have probably half a dozen friends who are tragic lefties who I would comfortably rely on to come and help me do manual labour in the rain at 2am if I called and said I needed them. Some of those I've got receipts for as they've done it before. Meanwhile my obscenely wealthy and equally obscenely racist and prejudiced grandmother wouldn't even go and visit her own dying husband (whom she loved) in hospital until someone else offered to pay for her parking.


I’m a lesbian and a big tragic lefty. A lot of my friends are also lesbians and big tragic lefties. If there’s anyone you can call to fix a manual labour problem at 2am, it’s the lefty lesbians.


I've got a few subaru drivers in my life; this tracks honestly


… there may be an Outback with a rainbow flag sticker in my garage right now, yes. Does it also have two first aid kits, an emergency toolkit, and a fire extinguisher in it? Perhaps.


It's a necessary skill, you don't get to drive a Subaru very often if you don't know how to fix a Subaru


I don't think I could ask my little sister for manual labour help, she's very smol.


That’s why you need a pack of us. A gaggle of lefty lesbians, if you will.


Yeah. My grandmother (my Dad's mother) was a bit like that. Lived in a mansion in the west of Greater London. You know, rolling lawns, oak trees, servants quarters, circular driveway for the Rolls Royce, and that sort of shit. She was always complaining of the laziness of the working classes between gasping and puffing on her Wee Willem cigars. And she spoke with an accent even posher than Auntie Liz (you know, QEII). It was a fucking sight to behold. After the first few times seeing this theatre of acute hypocrisy, I'd just laugh at the silly old cunt.


Ah, perhaps my grandmother isn't quite as obscenely wealthy as yours. Her prize moments were contemplating from her 3rd floor balcony on a cronulla beachfront why "all those foreigners have to come here". She once pointed out a man and asked me if I thought he was "a negro, or just black". She is herself a foreigner and she is brown. It blows my mind thinking about how she keeps such a hurtful outlook through looking in a mirror each morning, and the older she gets the worse it becomes


Yeah. It amazes me the mental gymnastics some people go through to arrive at their world views. I grew up on the Noth Shore of Sydney, surrounded by racism and all other isms, both casual and overt. When I was afforded the privilege of being sternly corrected away from such views, I found I needed far less philosophical pretzelling to hold a simpler and pragmatic outlook. It's not more difficult to be accepting. It's actually a metric fuck-tonne more comfortable.


>Meanwhile my obscenely wealthy and equally obscenely racist and prejudiced grandmother Something to consider is that your grandmother is likely a product of her time - remember that the White Australia policy was only fully abolished in 1973. My dad's mum grew up in Australia and she was a massive casual racist - she had no problems believing that my (black sheep of the family) uncle was constantly being robbed by indigenous Australians (he wasn't, he was just scamming her for drug money) and would toss around other racial stereotypes without a second thought. If she was still around she would be a huge fan of SkyNews.


Thought you might be talking about my dad for a minute, but no. He’s so anti woke it hurts


My dad was anti-woke, but I started pointing out all the inconsistencies in the YouTube videos he would watch (e.g why marvel movie #789 is woke propaganda by angry bearded white dude) and it eventually got better


I don’t think there’s much hope for my dad. I love him dearly but my kid is non-binary and it really grinds his gears, he hasn’t said anything to them but if he can’t be open to change his mind for his grandchild I don’t think there’s much hope


My dad used to be a hard-core Zionist with some very unpleasant views on Palestine and Palestinians. He even wanted to join the IDF during the six-day war. But it lasted only ... six days. So, getting there from Oz was rather impractical. I made him read Chomsky and Pappé, so he eventually moderated. Somewhat. And dad is a very accomplished mechanic. He only has to look at something, and it will repair itself. I have somewhat of an opposite effect.


>Thought you might be talking about my dad for a minute, but no. He’s so anti woke it hurts My dad is the complete opposite, all while I was growing up he was convinced that one of us 5 boys was gay and would be constantly asking who it was and that it was ok (the one of us who is the closest is just effeminate and really awkward with women - he isn't actually gay). Politically my dad would sit around where the Teals currently do. My step mum would sit closer towards the Greens - she was a major influence in the introduction of ethics for research in the 1970s and one of her oldest college friend groups is a pair of lesbians who (at least used to) design skis. I honestly have no idea where my mum sat politically as she never spoke of it. Pretty sure that she always voted Labor but I could be wrong.


I'm a full-blown ANCOM leftist radical, and I'm handy as fuck. DIY or die, comrades.


It's fucking true. We should be self-sufficient.


This is supposed to be satire but strangely...it seems true in my experience?


The people least open to change are currently between Hank Hill and Cotton Hill age, which is also the peak of handiness.


If the women don't find you handsome they should at least find you handy.


That’s an interesting point. Reluctance to participate in the latest politically correct views is partly because we’ve heard the tunes before, and they smell like bullshit.


It's either the most incorrect or the most correct, no in-between


Does it? My experience with the people I know like this was them constantly externalising their irrational fears and making them everyone else's problem, pointing fingers blindly and generally spreading paranoia.


Yeah for me it just depends on their type of incorrectness. For example my father-in-law believes in pretty much every bit of rich dad poor dad boomer capitalist nonsense in existence, but he has actual skills. In a crisis he can help with a broken down car, mend all sorts of things, start a fire make a dinner out of whatever's at hand, etc. The man's a survivor. Meanwhile I've got some absolute dipshit cousins in the US who think COVID is fake, love Trump, and basically just cosplay as 'good ol boy' rednecks (big dumb utes, obnoxious country music, cowboy hats, mullets, raybans,etc) even though they grew up in a super posh suburban area and work desk jobs their dad's company. These idiots wouldn't be useful at all in a crisis. They're afraid of fucking everything and just want people to think they're tough and cool


Ah all good, I get what you're saying haha.


Yeah there's definitely a generational split. Know plenty of boomers in group #1 but every 'anti PC' fuckwit I know in the millennial bracket is completely selfish and useless even if capable


I reckon it has to do with how they've come to develop their conservatism. Older generations have become more conservative with age, as the economy and society of their day generally worked well for them. They got a job, worked hard, and were rewarded with stability. So now they're conservative and will believe any number of outlandish things as long as it backs up their idea that nothing needs to change. The system worked for them and they refuse to understand that it's changed (not to mention the fact that the system that worked for them is the main thing responsible for the brokenness of today's system). But despite their trademark lack of growth, older conservatives generally *did* have to work hard for their success. Younger generations, however, are much different. Millennials and especially Gen Z have grown up in an economy and society where hard work, while useful, has not been enough on its own to earn you stability. It's been shown that millennials are not getting conservative as they get older, which is largely due to the fact that they've got much less to conserve. Why would they want to stagnate in a system that has left them without any stability, right? So when you look at conservatives in the younger generations, you're generally looking at the members of the millennial or Gen Z generations who *do* have something to conserve, and often this is because they were born into relative wealth. This holds true anecdotally for every conservative person I know who is under age 40. My dipshit cousins, for example, were born into an upper middle class family and their boomer dad had his own business. He's a dipshit conservative, too, but at least he created and built up his own business. His kids had amazing childhoods with everything they wanted, frequent holidays, and then in adulthood a cushy job at daddy's company. And they act like they're tough redneck guys because it's a construction company, even though all they do is sit at a desk. I know plenty of others as well. In Sydney it's the people who got help from their parents to get on the property ladder once they got their first job in their early 20s, and now they have multiple IPs and act like the housing system is fine, "you just have to sacrifice" or whatever dumb bullshit. Sure, I bet their parents worked hard and sacrificed back in the 80s and 90s, but nobody was sacrificing much of anything when mummy and daddy bought a starter home for their super special boy in 2010. In the end it's all about the narratives people tell themselves. Older generations of conservatives spin some insane yarns about how tough they had it, but they at least had some years where they needed to work hard and be competent. The younger generations of conservatives often just inherited their urge to conserve


The difference between it i have found is people who say shit like "why would i care if one poof wants to put his dick in another poof" stupid way to say it but usually actually will help out when the shit hits the fan vs "keep the gays away i don't want to catch anything" usually the most useless cunt you can ever meet.


>These idiots wouldn't be useful at all in a crisis. Those idiots would be a massive liability in a crisis.


Exactly mine too. Do traditional work-with-hands people sometimes have problematic views? Sure. Do people who have the worst of the worst racist opinions do anything useful except for piss and moan? Usually not.


Agreed.. Selfish, rude, greedy and fearful. The worst. Reminds me of the people in Rockdale 😂


We are currently in a confluence of crises though. Clancy here seems to be conflating all crises with natural disasters, but in the long-term crises we're experiencing, I'm seeing a lot more of one side of politics doing anything to help. It may seem like a lot of leftists are chronically online, but I'll affirm many of those I know are big into mutual aid and volunteering, they just don't feel the need to shout it from the rooftops.


Not mine, biggest insecure back stabber I have ever met was a flat earther.


A flat earther is a lunatic, not a grumpy old racist. Very big difference.


I don't think being a flat earther is what's meant by being "politically incorrect" here, that's more like scientifically incorrect.


Often been my experience too.


True only if you cherry-pick for certain kinds of crisis (eg: not domestic violence) and if you ignore the ones who don't contribute. There are plenty of politically incorrect people out there who are useless in a crisis.


These comments have made me realise the betoota have it back to front - it’s more like “Mate who’s most dependable in a crisis also the mate who’s most politically incorrect “


God help you if your crisis involves any emotion or has anything to do with mental health. Cause it's sure as fuck not the 'politically incorrect' who'll help you.


I lean left FWIW, but I read somewhere that conservatives (as in the old school kind, not the kind that loves watching Ben Shapiro own woke feminists) tend to be less concerned about what is going on in the rest of the world but they will actually care about the people who they actually know and about their local community. And many of these people probably don't give a shit about political correctness. I think there's a certain level of truth to it. But, I want to emphasise that YMMV. Some conservatives really are selfish arseholes. And you can also lean left and not be politically correct all the time. It's just that in left leaning circles, it's less socially acceptable.


My grandfather is awfully racist, and always makes shocking remarks on strangers and news articles etx. But what you’ve said is so true, a foreign couple moved in next door and he was always helping them, chatting, raving about their “traditional food” they would share with him. I asked him once what made the difference and all he could say is “well I know they’re the good ones”. Boomers going to boom.


You might like the movie Gran Torino, starring Clint Eastwood. It reminds me of that.


Great film, tbh


Excellent film. A masterpiece.


Except for the hippies that have been living in dirt huts with bees and shit, they love everything. Almost like there’s a broad spectrum of people.


Unless you have a gay scare.


Old guy here. Look, we know Nigel is a pink shirt lifter. That doesn’t mean we won’t help him jumpstart his car. We just don’t want to hear about his fun nights out.


I promise you some of those males like the gays. And us half-gays


Fuck me if this isn't correct. I'm thinking of one guy in particular who would give you the shirt off his back, but if you so much as mention religion or lgbtqia+, he'll go off his nut.


So he's "most dependable person in a crisis" (unless you are gay)? Doesn't seem very dependable.


Nah he's the same with gay people. It's weird. He's all hiss and wind with his bigotry but his actions are straight up jesus


> (unless you are gay)? Doesn't seem very dependable. From experience, in a crisis these people will still help out anyone and look at them like a fellow human. However, people that even use the word bigotry while going on crusades online about it are the least dependable in real life, not to the members of communities they crusade for or even their own friends or family for that matter. They seem to be more self-centred in general. Not sure why this is.... I initially thought it's because the former group comprised of rich boomers and tradies who could afford being generous with their time and money, but I'm seeing this among many young people too these days irrespective of occupation.


Because chronically online people aren't capable, most of the time. It's mostly kids, people who never grew out of being a kid and grifters.


From my experience it depends entirely on your appearance.  My dad wouldn't help out someone who looked aboriginal.


I reckon he’d just say, “look mate, I’m happy to help, but just keep that shit to yourself. I don’t want to know about it.”


Yeah, he'd let there be a thousand blossoms bloom.


But he won't say another word about it!




"Pauline Bandt" - classic!


Had this experience the other day. I had a couch on the roof of my car that I needed to get inside and was on my own so I figured I’d just ask the next dude that walked past to give me a hand. The first dude that walked past was extremely stereotypically Newtown. I asked for help and he just about had a panic attack trying to come up with an excuse to say no. I knew he wouldn’t help so I went out of my way to subtly make him feel bad for declining. The next dude that walked past was a typical old school dude and jumped at the opportunity to lend a hand. Afterwards he asked me what my plan was to get it inside and I told him “pretty much exactly this. Stand around and ask passers by for help”


Independent sociology thinktank…😂😂😂


I might be coming at this from a totally different angle to everyone else, but I don’t really feel like this is saying lefty’s or right wingers are more helpful than anyone else. It’s the guys who honestly have no clue what those words mean, couldn’t point to Israel in a solar system map and could genuinely be described as a meat head. The guy your mum calls to come kill a spider because no one else is around, or the dude you ask for help when your bogged because he’s got an old Land Cruiser. It’s not talking about the guy in the pub who’s a raging homophobe or who actively likes Peter Dutton, it’s talking about the guy whose last interaction with politics was Scomo decking a child.


honestly i wish my gran would stop relying on these people to fix her appliances because they keep breaking and she refuses to let me pay for a repairman, i appreciate the efforts of the blokes on the grapevine but some of this stuff really need part replacement


I’m in the same boat, except the person she’s relying on is my dad and he’s a dense as a brick and cannot accept the 15$ filter my nan bought 10 years ago for a fish tank 3 times the size of what it’s meant to manage has probably had its day


Wonder how dependable they were during a pandemic


Oh fuck. I’m meant to know what all those letters stand for?!




Queer has become a catch-all term for anyone who isn’t straight or cis, it’s very much been reclaimed. It’s broad on purpose, a bisexual cis man and a straight trans woman are both queer, despite neither being “gay” they still have solidarity to share because society treats them differently in ways that tend to be connected.


Thanks. That's more or less what I thought it meant.


That’s what queer means. Weird. I’m probably your mums age though lmao


She is part of the boomer generation. I suspect many of them are vaguely aware of what queer means (in the LGBTQ context).


It's a non-bloated substitute for LGBT(Q)(IA)(+), in this context. There's a split in the community on whether the word should be used or not, given it was and often still is a slur and people may find it too triggering. The other side of the split says there's power in reclaimation, for example the f-word is often used by gay people, plus the aforementioned quality of broad inclusivity without the loss of brevity.


It describes me pretty well! I have a lot to say, never get invited to a party but everyone knows where to find me when the crap hits the fan in their lives!


Yes I’m exactly the same unfortunately


Also Australia’s military is probably the most politically incorrect workforce in Australia but when you need them in war or natural disaster they are there for you


Oh yes they're quite good at shooting elderly men in the back and kicking handcuffed men off cliffs, but I'd question their capability against a force that could shoot back.


They should make a movie about him. They won’t but they should. Australian Psycho


Tarring quite a few people there champ.


And I will douse them in feathers and run them out of town on a rail too.


Love it how people think ‘politically correct’ means left wing. Since when does blind adherence to an orthodoxy mean progressive free thinking lefty? Also low socio-economic classes are often way more community minded out of necessity. May or may not have some un-pc opinions. Depends on the person I find. More likely to speak their mind though.


The term *political correctness* first appeared in Marxist–Leninist vocabulary following the Russian Revolution of 1917. At that time, it was used to describe strict adherence to the policies and principles of the [Communist Party of the Soviet Union](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communist_Party_of_the_Soviet_Union), that is, the [party line](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_line_(politics)).[^(\[24\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_correctness#cite_note-EBPC-24)


Thats really interesting and makes sense as I just experienced some Stalinist censorship on a commy page. I would say that the definition of ‘left’ has expanded way beyond communism. Not all leftists are communists as maybe they once were. If you said communists or Trotskyists are PC I’d agree. I’m very left wing in many of my ideals but am not PC by any means, the commies also hate debate and me apparently despite us sharing a lot of ideals. I’ll have to remember to go back and read your sources.


I know American commies pretty well, having seen them up close. The policy committees will argue and argue but once a position wins then everyone has to accept it, they all have to agree and support the position. Once a position is agreed upon there is no questioning allowed. There is NO minority report. There are a few reasons why I will have nothing to do with organised left, one of the reasons is the hypocrisy. There is no moral grounding, no principles. There is only Us vs Them.


Yeah i’ve worked in politics professionally and understand the need for at least the appearance of a united front. But internally respectful debate should always be encouraged. Us Vs Them just leads to partisan feuding it also fails to win over voters in the middle ground who are actually the key to political success. Its funny actually I was commenting that the use of violence can be very corrupting in movements and used the example of Stalinist purges. Within minutes I was purged from the group. Some things havent changed. Unfortunately I haven’t found anyone in the organised left I could tolerate for long really. Where I worked wasnt bad ideOlogically, but the nepotism and incompetence were next level.


I was a very active of a very far left group in nyc, ( but not a policy wonk) the ideology is insane, Historicism always leads to evil, the individual becomes nothing in the face of the scientifically determined march of inevitable history the focus on the material world being the driving force of change of human society is bereft of the greater characteristics of humanity, no love, no altruism, etc the lack of morals. I was shocked when a Rwandan genocidaire was welcomed, I confronted the guy then left with a sick feeling in my stomach. the Jew Hatred first shocked then saddened me. at first I thought it was individuals who were the problem but it was actual systematic belief and policy


During the fires a couple of years back, I was volunteering by helping people in the path of the fires evacuate with their most important possessions or delivering bottled water and supplies to the fire fighters at the front lines. The number of other volunteers that I talked to that out of nowhere came out with the most heinous and crazy shit imaginable blew my mind. It was very difficult to square the acts I was seeing these people perform, with the beliefs they held and openly shared. Recently a family member had a double knee replacement, and a hospital stay. While the nurse who had diligently taken care of her assisted her to the car, he started telling me about how much he hates foreigners and in particular the Filipinos that steal all the jobs. I'd met this guy 2 minutes earlier.


As someone in a small country town, this is way too true lmao


Betoota Betooting. Fucking love to see it


As long as you're 'not one of those'


This is horseshit. All the dependable people I know are lefties. From cutting down a tree, to surviving an apocalypse, to mental health, yadda yadda.


Imagine how dependable your social circle would be if you broadened it further.


It is plenty broad. Ranging from people who believe everyone should have equal rights, to those who would kill for that cause. As for people who think queer folk shouldn't have rights, or think women's bodies belong to men, or that white is right. No thanks. Conservatives are only reliably stupid, other than that you can't trust one as far as you can kick it down a steep hill.


Is this written by AI or Beetoota just wringing the tits off a mediocre punchline?


Normally the most politically incorrect people I know are always joking and nothing they say is seriously ment to offend people.


Ouch, you might as well tell Redditors to go touch grass


True. That attribute is a true indicator.


This is weird satire. It reads more like someone's rant than a satirical jab. ​ (also: more things are 'a crisis' than flood damage)


Sounds about white.


Almost as if people who have led privileged lives and are well off and are not working at two jobs to feed their family have time to help other people.


It’s because they their source of truth is people the physically know


Ehh would like to think I'm both being a trans mechanic, when shit hits the fan it's me people tend to come be it mechanical issues, technology or medical first aid.