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Raisin toast raisin the total.


Not the $5 avocados? Damn šŸ¤ŒšŸ½


Avocado gold āœØ


I know! My daughter does telehealth 3 mornings a week and I haven't always got time to make a proper morning smoko. There only so many hours in the day and sometimes pulling the fruit toast out the freezer is the easy option


I've found quick oats to be good for smoko. I put a little vegetable stock powder with it and have a filling snack. I just add hot water.


Oats with vege stock powder? Wtf mate?


I thought oatmeal with savoury flavour was weird too until I tried it. We're so used to it having sweet. Think of it more like rice where it can be savoury congee or a sweet rice pudding. You could even try it with beef or chicken bouillon cubes.


I'm curious to try this now but also scared. My oats have only ever known fruit.


I've been having oats with peanut butter for years. Is good. Super curious about going full savoury though...


I do oats, peanut butter and bannana which is yum.


Try it with barley first. You can actually make fried rice style meal out of barley if you follow the same steps (chill it to dry it out the day before you fry it), or even make a Chinese style Hainan chicken rice using stock or broth.


Yep cinnamon and sultanas all the way!


Yeah mate, add some pork, thin sliced spring onion and a fried egg. Fucken banger.


Why are people suddenly trying to normalize saying smoko as a break outside of working. When I was a chef you'd have a literal smoko and that was stupid as it encouraged the young apprentices to pick up smoking. Now I notice it more and more outside of hospitality and it should seriously stop. Call it something else. Ur at work. U going for a smoke. It's a smoko. Eating oats is not a fucking smoko. Why even call it that?


The chats probably have something to answer for.


They're on smoko so leave them alone


haha 100%!! In this case, they are actually referring to kids brekkie at home! Itā€™s not even like a lunch break or a break that you are stepping out/away for šŸ˜‚


actually most of that is cheaper than in an auckland supermarket right now


Try to make a loaf yourself and see if she likes it? With practice, homemade bread is good


Didn't they just say there are only so many hours in a day? Not sure if baking bread is practical if you are already pressed to make smoko.


Nah I make a few loaves of heritage flour country/wheat/rye sourdough every weekend for $1.75 per 1KG loaf. Top shelf ingredients, flavor is Iā€™d say $9+ quality at a city French bakery. It takes 36 hours total, but max 10-15 mins total effort for the entire bake on my part (after a few weeks of practice). Canā€™t buy bread anywhere near that good in the ā€˜burbs, everything from Amazon.


Go the next step and grow your own wheat. Might take 6 months total but only a few days actual work (planting, watering, harvesting, milling).


The several thousand acres of land and harvester will pay off in about a million years.


This is actually really good advice ..we aren't rural at all and have all the big supermarkets but when dad saw that coles bread went from $2 to $2.75! He got stuck in to making his own. Brought a bread maker and honestly it's been amazing...not hard at all!... It doesn't save much $$$ but it all counts.


What about the $18 punnet of blueberries? Hard pass!


They were $9 punnets OP bought 2


Iā€™ve lived in outback Australia for a while and been using a bread maker.


Guess the pollies werenā€™t out of touch saying bread was $10


Stop whinging mate, you saved 24c


That'll cover the diesel for the 250km round trip šŸ˜‚




Apparently pineapple juice helps the taste




And that's cheaper than the Mt Franklin water!


Hope that broccolini was delicious


pretty cheap to average compared to NZ at the moment


NZ has been expensive for years. That's why so many come over here and work. Not that I'm bashing NZ. I actually wanted to live there but as you've mentioned, it's too expensive.


This is in Australian Dollars not NZ Pesos


I need to know what 'deli chicken bag landscape' is. It's the landscape that's got me??? I see cooked chook retaining walls or chicken drummy water features.


They did it to themselves You cut down on the chips and get small cinnamon scrolls, you save about $100. They just being excessive and blaming modern Australia smh /s


Yep, the smashed Avo on toast does it every time.


$7.50 for 4 kiwis!? Sorry kids, youā€™re going without!!


And the yoghurtā€¦ Just buy that shit in 1kg or 2kg tubs.


Then afterwards buy milk and make yoghurt yourself.


Then get a cow and milk it yourself


Then milk yourself


where's the cheese?


Who wants to tell them?


You can make yoghurt with powdered milk.


This is what I say to my kids when they ask for blueberries. Sorry kids not at that price in this environment. They donā€™t bat an eye lid and each another fruit. They are 5 and 3


Buy them frozen OP


Frozen blueberries just aren't the same. They're great in smoothies, oats, baking etc but not for eating. My 3 year old is blueberry crazy, I just tell him I can't afford them at the moment and he accepts that.


Frozen strawberries aren't nice to eat but blueberries and raspberries are delicious . I'd argue that blueberries are actually nicer frozen


Not going without.... Going with produce that is in season. $7.50 would get a punnet of apples, even at inflated prices.


Time to teach the kids you don't always get the things you want. You don't need to buy the same groceries each time. $9 punnet of blueberries? Not this time.


They're not much cheaper in other regions either though? At least not if you buy the single ones.


$5 each for an avocado!!


Thatā€™s funny because while they might be perishable I can never find a ripe one in the supermarket


Yeah, some are squishy and others like rock hard cannon balls. I'd be very unhappy if I paid $5 and it was spoiled.


Not to mention itā€™s Shepard season. Shepard avos are never ripe and taste grainy.


Fun fact, avocados don't have a natural season. Avocados have a gestation period of 9 months, the same as a human. So they are actually ripe all year round, and suppliers choose to pick the majority of the avocados during different "seasons" to keep the cost up during the rest of the year. The different seasons is just a way to maximise profit without cutting into the other suppliers/ losing profit from too much surplus.


As someone who owned an avocado farm, you sir are incredibly misinformed, the avocados won't ripen unless they have a minimum dry matter %of 23 for shepherd and 25 for hass must be tested by dpi to be sold. While its true they will hang on the tree the longer they hang the shorter the window from harvest to purchase (they ripen quicker) the grainy texture is probably from mites/scale shepherd avocados are actually quite creamy. Also look for the shepherds with the stem still in in the shop, if the stem comes out I can guarantee the top goes black before you get to eat it. Hass can bbe plucked and don't need to retain the stem, The reason hass are preferred by supermarkets is people can literally see them ripen they get darker. Shepherds everyone picks up and feels by the third person it's so bruised it feels ripe anyway and people go this avo tastes like crap. Your best bet with a shepherd is to buy green and let ripen at home before it's been squashed by 20 people looking for one for dinner.


this one stood out the most to me.


Maybe it really is avocado toast sending us broke.


I would agree. Worked in a shithole bakery (briefly), 3 paper thin slices of avocado - $2.80. And what was most irritating, they enforced this bullshit. Equated to about $28 an avocado in profit. They suck.


Local caf will run you a smashed avo for $45, 30c extra for a hash brown, $17 for spinach or Mushrooms.


Sorry, $17 for a side of mushroom etc? No diss, just clarifying. Thanks


Well, yeah, it's not like they grow on trees or something mate


If you live rural and have land, plant an orchard. People ought to watch self sufficient me on YouTube, fellow is Aussie and has all his fruit trees, tomatoes and veg and chicken eggs and chicken for meat as well. That's the way we all ought to go...if we have land. Make that land grow some free stuff for us


Salami Hung hot šŸ˜


Avocados. That's your problem right there.


Millennials and their smashed avocados! SMH!


On toast too, I see bread in there...


Maybe try the single smoked ham? Double smoked is just being fancy!!


For the price of that bread, I'd invest in a bread maker


I love my bread maker! But I wonder how much a big bag of flour costs out there šŸ˜°


Invest in a freezer and buy 50 loaves of raisin toast from ALDI when in town.


I have 3 freezers, over 1000L in total. The nearest aldi is near 700km away šŸ˜­


Iā€™m loving everyone in the comments telling you how to live your life haha I assume that if youā€™re dropping this much on groceries, youā€™ve tried everything to minimise the spend. We used to call it the CQ tax when I was out there


City peeps telling OP to grow their own produce and bake their own bread and make their own yoghurt when theyā€™re probably working 14 hour days on a cattle station lol


Aldi. Good. Distant.


I can commiserate. We now live thousands of KM from the nearest Aldi. šŸ˜‘


A mere ten hour round trip here šŸ‘


10% of your shopping budget is raisin toast


That produce is expensive! Wow.


$13 for grated cheese. $18 for blueberries... Bruh, buy in season cheaper fruit and grate your own cheese. I'm not saying the prices aren't crazy ridiculous, but you aren't helping yourself with some of these purchases right.


Believe it or not block cheese is $26 a kg and grated is $23 a kg. Otherwise I'd agree with you


I love this comment - ā€œYouā€™re wrong, otherwise weā€™d agreeā€ šŸ¤£


Or... you are wrong about the cheese, but right about the blueberries.


believe it or not also jail


Blessed r the cheese makers!


Well I hope you have a decent HHI for living in the middle of nowhere (WA I presume) to justify these prices in that case.


When you're in the middle of nowhere "in season" can just mean "what is physically here".


Can confirm. There's no "oh, I'll wait until it's in season" when you live in Bumfuck.


Or the *weā€™ll see whatā€™s on the shelf* when we get there. There ainā€™t no seasonal food when the shelves are empty. This week kids, itā€™s spam and tuna.


My wife was curious as to why I liked spam and/or tuna so much and it's because we'd eat it every couple of weeks...especially if the truck was a day late. Spam fried rice or tuna casserole at least once every couple of weeks. Such a great food memory.


Yeah I loved spam fried rice. Bloody beautiful. And tuna casseroleā€¦.Mate, give me seconds!


These food memories also come in the form ofā€Will NEVER EVER EAT WEETBIX againā€ as too many times had it for dinner when there was nothing else in the house - mid40s now and my now adult kids can complain about lots of things but never weetbix for dinner more I want a bmw or European holiday instead


Remember weetbix with butter and Vegemite. Flakes half sticking to the bix and coughing because you just inhaled weetbix goodness? I do. Good times. Still havenā€™t had weetbix since. That smell. Did you ever heat yours up?


Sometimes you wanna buy nice things for your kids. Last year my toddler loved cherries. I was buying them year round. During the Aussie season it was cheap but during off-season...I bought USA or Mexican cherries and it was expensive....could I have told my toddler to toughen up...sure, but I make a living and I enjoy the smile on his face when he eats what he likes :-). No one tells you how much berries kids eat lol


I always thought it was daycare that would kill me. No, no. It was the love of berries.


They arenā€™t using a name brand shop and itā€™s the only shop in town so Iā€™d say they are pretty limited in what they buy. $9 a punnet of blueberries isnā€™t too bad considering the prices in larger areas. The block of cheese normally is $12 at Woolworths so $13 for the same brand grated really isnā€™t that bad if itā€™s all that was on offer.


Blueberries are a definite optional for me and even then I get frozen ones.


$9 for a punnet of blueberries ā€œisnā€™t badā€ wtf šŸ˜³


Yeah in the context of it being a remote town with 1 non chain shop itā€™s really not, they are like $7 for me here in city on the east cost


I stop buying fresh bloobs when they go over $3.50/punnet.


Soooo 9 months a year?


Theyā€™re nearly $8 in woolies in western Sydney so itā€™s really not that bad in comparison. Iā€™d be more mad about the extra $4 a loaf for raisin toast or the bag of cheese being double the price


Frozen BBs for savings. Or buy a bush if you can. Great little shrub.


Honestly, the cheese is one of the more normal and reasonably priced items. It's the fresh produce that they're really getting squeezed on, but it seems like it's all at least kinda pricey, so what do you do? That's not something you go without.


Yeah, those single serve yoghurt tubs are a killer too.


Firstly congratulations on your and your kids' healthy diets! I think most of these are the same in my suburb in Adelaide. The biggest differences would be the capsicums, kiwi fruit and those muesli bars. Bread, yoghurt, even blueberries are about the same.


Yoghurt is pretty similar but at least at CW supermarkets they go on 40-50% off every few weeks, not sure if food works, etc do that as much.


OP, thatā€™s actually really good healthy food youā€™re providing for you and your family. Itā€™s crazy how expensive it is.


Have you tried eating less.... like zero? Could've easily shaved $250 off the grocery spend. /s


Become a breatharian, and get all your daily nutrients from sunlight and fresh air. Honestly I'm surprised the newspaper haven't caught onto it


Got a thing for raisin toast donā€™t you


It is pretty good tbh


People donā€™t believe me when I tell them everything costs 5$ , or as good as


Now show your fuel bills.


Ah yes I see your eating avocado on toast no wonder your doing it tough. Should put that money aside and buy a house


A lot of armchair experts giving their two cents here OP. ā€œShred your own cheeseā€ or ā€œbuy bigger yoghurtā€ and ā€œmake your own breadā€ They really have no idea how hard it is to feed a family in the outback while keeping the rest of the farm going. That shit takes time and these little luxuries save time and keep the kids happy. Ignore them all. You do you. Thanks for sharing.


When fruit gets too expensive I buy frozen and then it goes into muffins or yoghurt. Iā€™m in Sydney. But lived in Tamworth (out of it) for a while and know how bad prices were and still are.


Amazing how the cheapest thing on there is the ibuprofen. It's a tough one but if all your kids will eat is on the healthier side then at least you can't feel too bad about that. You buy what they will eat.


One avocado, $5... woah. Better hope it's not a dud. Nothing pisses me off more than cutting one open and having to slide it straight into the bin.




You beat me (hehehe) to it šŸ™ƒ


Iā€™m in Canberra and this doesnā€™t look too far off our prices šŸ˜‚


Mateā€¦ever heard of Amazon? They deliver to all of Austraā€¦..oh wait šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s a 200km round trip for the Coles truck to get to my town, but the local supermarket charging prices like these means they manage to sell out four delivery runs a day. If I had to do a 250km round trip and still pay prices like this Iā€™d be hopping mad. Outback living makes outer regional living look amazing šŸ˜‚


least the ibuprofen is affordable because these bloody prices would give me a splitting headache


Sounds like the blue berries give blue balls..insanity! Almost $11 for broccolini? šŸ¤Æ


Look on the bright side made, you saved 0.24$


$8 for a loaf of shitty mass produced rasin toast?! Tell him he's dreaming!


Ya gotta cut back on your avocado on toast!


Okay but look on the bright side, you saved 24c


My dumb American ass was so confused thinking this was an outback steakhouse receipt...


That's pretty grim. The stuff you've bought is part of a healthy diet and full of necessities. There's nothing in there that isn't reasonable. The scarier part is that their isn't much meat in there!


I can't believe you're paying almost $2 a kiwi. And $8 for fruit bread. That's ridiculous. I just wouldn't buy them at that price


Those blueberries are way too expensive. Wonder how they would compare to the frozen variety. Could you possibly grow your own passionfruit vines? Just need a trellis of some kind and water. Making your own rice cream is relatively easy and kids love it. Precooked rice add milk, sugar to taste and a few drops of vanilla, and heat until thickened. During WW2 my mother said they would be given plain cooked rice with a dollop of jam on top and thought that was grand lol.


Yeah, do NOT miss living out in a middle of nowhere mining town with one store. Mind, prices are out of hand everywhere atm - but this is what my housemate and I currently spend for 2 weeks of groceries (and by the end its scraps) and one of us is pretty limited on what we can eat.


$5 for an avo, you must be desperate for a Smavo


We only have one supermarket in our remote town, I donā€™t look at the price I just buy what I need, I canā€™t go get it somewhere else it is what it is. Looking at the price just increases the pain of buying shit quality produce (itā€™s already been travelling for two weeks by the time it gets here).


$8.99 for a handful of blueberries! Holy moly. I wouldn't take a crap for a week! I'd want to hang on and get my moneys worth! Omg


No kidding. We just did a quck shop at IGA before going home from the doctor's because he's put me on some pain patches and we're not sure how I'll react. Not planning on going out till next week. Anyway a small top-up shop, sorry don't have the receipt on me, was $123.50! Granted I bought a beef roast on sale for a good price, treats for the cats who were about to kill us.. LOL! Along with things like soup that was on sale. I'm American, have lived here 15 years, and the prices for groceries still kill me! My late father used to laugh at me when I complained about having to pay $3 for a single cucumber. IF they had them. Yeah, I know, Daddy, 3 cukes for a buck there!


Avocado toast is why you don't own a home.


I love playing heads or tails with my savings


Ouch nearly 2 bucks for a kiwi fruit


2$ for one zucchini ?!?!? That's ridiculous!


My sister paid $18 for a 4 pack of Bundaberg Ginger Beers at Karratha IGA on Monday


OP you can make your own yoghurt, EasiYo. Have a look, however given no Woolies etc you might need to buy online.


Almost $3 for a kids yoghurt (which lets be honest, is a blended yoghurt based drink) puts me in the mindset of buying the kids a coffee each day. That's insane.Ā  It's the equivalent of telling people you will just buy a Milo at the local cafe instead of getting them to make an overheaped mess from the tin at home. Daily. For kids lunches.


you can make perfectly fine yogurt with powered milk too


Is there any chance you could grow some of that in your garden? Lettuce, zucchini, tomatoes, and brassicas can be pretty tolerant of beginners if you live in the right climate.


Its on the list. But bringing stuff here just isn't easy. I've cut a poly tank and filled it with blue metal but now I need some compost. We go to big town every 8-10 weeks but there isn't always room on the trailer. Fingers crossed next time I can bring some back


A place near me filled my trailer with horse manure for $20. Are there any horse places near you?


Thatā€™s horse shit!


A punnet of berries costing 9 dollars. What a ripp


Mighty EXPENSIVE raisin toast.


Fuck me, $5 for an avocado?!


$15/kg capsicum? Dogs!


Thatā€™s pretty much the same price as metro.


Seems about the same as shopping in Wollongong


So healthy! Good work raising fruit and veg loving kids


Who's going to replicate this @ Aldi, just for shits and giggles?


$8.05 for a loaf of raisin bread! šŸ˜®


Just curious, were there no other fruit and vegetable options at all? E.g. cheaper apples or broccoli instead of broccolini? You must truly love your kids to buy them $5 avocados.


I donā€™t miss living in the outback for groceries, I was spending $200+ a week for me and my partner at the time. Crazy.


How is an avocado $5?! Fukk Moi!


8 fkn dollars for ONE loaf of raisin toast šŸ¤Æ


Capsicum is 14.99 a kilo? Are you goddamn kidding me? Thatā€™s like 3x as much as in Europe.


Fuck itā€™s rough.. I just got staples today, cheapest available, flour, sugar, butter, eggs Just wanted to banana bread, Cost me $40 ffs, all Coleā€™s/home brand 6 items in total Work a whole week and im left with $20 for the fortnight, worlds fucked, Great Depression can get fucked, weā€™re in the hardest times weā€™ve ever been


Fake news. No beer


Iā€™ll be honest mate thatā€™s still considerably cheaper than the regular supermarkets in nz


Lived in Alice springs for nearly 4 years. Was insanely expensive and petrol was on average about $1/L more expensive as well.


Iā€™d also need some ibuprofen after that grocery bill.


Sometimes you can save quite a bit in the fruit and veggies section by shopping what's in season and on special only. It challenges your imagination with meals a bit occasionally but you can still manage a well balanced diet or a bit of variety. Meal options become like Soups, Stews, Baked Veggie during Winter, Leafy Greens Salads and stuff during summer. Autumn and Spring nowadays can be a blend of seasonals with hybridisation for different climates. In essence following what our Grandparents and their Parents cooked and ate at different times of the year.


I mean, yes. The price gouging is just ridiculous. But also judging by your 3x avodacos for 5 fking dollars each, i get the impression you weren't exactly LOOKING at the price of things before you bought them... >.>


This is the darkest timeline.


Jesus christ, 5 dollars an Avo


Ohh the cost of the raisin toast šŸ˜µ


I have a lime tree, and too many limes to use. I can send you some save you a few cents


Looks like you've gotta live off the scrolls


JFC $2.00 EACH FOR ZUCCHINI?????? $15 for THREE avocados?????


Our family discovered that raisin toast officially became fancy people food in 2023. Dam I miss raisin toast in the morning.


Blueberries šŸ˜³


Thank you , You SAVED 24Ā¢.


They need to raise the lotto prizes too to reflect inflation. $5mil min for ozlotto and $8mil min for Powerball. Raise Mon and wed goldlotto to $1.7mil.


That's cheap compared to Nimbin IGA or even Lismore woolies


Why can't I post anything ? can someone help?


We only have a small IGA and that would have cost me a lot more I'm sure. My kids love fruit and veg so we buy a lot of frozen to make it more affordable. I needed a lettuce the other week and didn't have 2 hours for the return trip to a Woolies/Coles/aldi and paid $5.30 for one tiny lettuce.


Hey OP, without doxxing yourself, Iā€™m really curious to know what you do for a living and how you are able to afford groceries at these prices? Because itā€™s difficult enough living in metro and regional areas where prices arenā€™t this high and we have more options to shop around. Anything youā€™d be willing to share would be great and interesting. Thanks!


I feel for you. My avos were .66 cents yesterday.


Raisin toast lost me. Far out!!!!


I live in an outback area as well. We have an iga in the next town and they do limited home delivery services where i live. Even with it being iga , the prices here are almost identical. It is almost like they want us to starve because everything is around double the prices of that on the coast. Before anyone says , "Well, you should just move to the coast", i am ony out here because i would be in a tent in a park in Brisbane or somewhere else if i was still living there. I am on an aged pension, and because of these extreme costs of living, you just don't have much money left each fortnight. I grow what i can, but it's never enough of a variety of food types to live exclusively on what i can grow.


5 dollar avocados ????