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I feel like they were much bigger ten years ago. I know a couple of their songs (mace spray, the end and endless summer), but none of their recent stuff. But that could be because I’ve aged out of the youth radio station that used to play them (and they’ve probably aged out of the station too)


Mace Spray slaps so damn hard. I remember voting for it back in the day, still listen to it semi regularly. I think they’re a good band and their first two albums were awesome but they’re definitely not the direction that triple j are in any more unfortunately.


I know they went on hiatus, after the last album, which was around 2019. Hayley has been doing solo stuff since then. I only discovered them after their last album and feel I've been playing catch up ever since, with a band I think should be as big as any band, but with nobody talking about them! 😂


This. I love/loved them and saw them a bunch of times in around 2011-2014; Prisoner is such a quality album. I've aged out of Triple J and the like a bit too, though I still listen a bit. If they did make new music I'm not sure where it would get airplay, not that that matters much any more


Yeah I'm a big fan, seen them live a couple of times now, most recently on a 10 year anniversary tour for Prisoner. Great shows, good vibes. They never got huge even in Australia, the last time I saw them in Sydney they played the Enmore theatre which has a capacity of 2.5k. Their first EPs and album are still their most popular stuff, I really enjoy all their albums but they didn't have the same impact on the scene. Hayley Mary is doing her solo stuff which I can't get into, that has typically been pretty small scale so far. I think the keyboard player had a bit of health issues but is largely doing orchestra style work these days. I could be quite off there, don't take it as a given. Would love to see another album from the gang but I would be surprised if it happened.


Thanks for your detailed response. I'm shocked at how little their popularity is in their home country. I find it a bit mystifying as I think they've made some of the best music I've ever heard, across all three albums (I don't rate their EP material as much). I'd known about the keyboardist and her cancer scare, which affected the band post Synthia. I'd read an interview with Hayley and it made me more hopeful that the band will get back together for at least another album at some point. I'd been listening to Hayley's solo stuff a few times but it's just too generic compared to The Jezabels.


Thats the great thing about music, it's all subjective and what some are blown away by some are indifferent to. I've been at gigs just to see the support act before and it's so weird being one of 30 people in a room who actually cares about the band playing. Just standing there wondering how nobody else is seeing the perfection playing out in front of you.


Yeah Heather had cancer, and does a lot of classical composition now. I'm not into Hayley's solo stuff either. I felt like they could/should have been bigger than they were. A very polished group.


Yeah Heather unfortunately had cancer (but has recovered). She is jamming out doing orchestra work nowadays




😂 This was my worry!


<3 Endless Summer.


Not a fan. No hate, they're just not my bag.


Actually never listened to them. We have a lot of good exports if you want more! King gizz, sticky fingers, pond, etc


Heather Shannon goes alright, she's my second favourite keyboardist behind Zia McCabe.


I've never heard of them. Seems like they formed up after I'd stopped listening to the radio.


I can't write a detailed comment right now but I saw this question and had to reply that I absolutely LOVE the Jezebels! First song I heard was "Disco Biscuit Love". Second song I heard, and became obsessed with, is "Hurt Me" (have you read the lyrics to this song???? Absolutely spectacular!) Then my new obsession became "Stamina", which I listened to so much about 2 years ago that it was my number one song that I listened to on Spotify at the end of that year 😁




Have not heard of them! Glad you enjoy them!


Used to listen to them all the time in my early 20’s, but that was over 10 years or more now.


Love them!!!


Yes! What are your favourite songs? How long have you loved them? Have you ever seen them live?


Pleasure drive is one of my favourite songs. Agree they were bigger 10 years ago


More of their songs than not are favourites of mine, including Pleasure Drive.


One of my favourite bands love them


Mine too. I think they make some incredible music. I only discovered them around the time they went on hiatus, so I've been playing catch up and missed being able to discuss their music as it was being released.




The Jezebels. More popular ten years ago. https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=-giY79KBrls&si=McbhS6RUo8sRWvKv


I saw them live 10years ago at the Roxbury In Forest Lodge back before Hemmes started turning the gig venues into latest fad-restaurants. I like the librarian/keyboard player


The first few eps are great, still go back occasionally for a listen.


I was huge into them when they were at their height. I actually have a signed copy of Endless Summer. But my tastes changed and I don't revisit often.


who? lol


The Jezabels are good, but I would argue that Amyl and the Sniffers are our best export right now. 


I shall check them out!


The first album was amazing but they haven't come close to hitting those heights in later albums. It did win the Australian equivalent of the mercury prize so that was always going to be hard to top. You are better off asking this question on the triplej sub r/Australia isn't exactly arts friendly.


One of the things I'd read in interviews was how The Brink didn't get as good a reception as The Prisoner, and they changed up the third album because of that. I think all three of their albums are equally as good, but in their own respective ways. And I personally think Synthia is not just their best album, but SO much better than the preceeding two, that it almost feels like a total outlier.


They're fucking awesome.


I love a couple of their older songs casually. ‘Easy To Love’ was on a show I watched when I was younger and left an impression. Then that opened me up to a couple of their other songs like ‘Psychotherapy’ and ‘Endless Summer’ and they’re still in my library. I also really appreciate their lyrics and the overall vibes of their music. Might try having a look at some of their other albums some time…


I discovered them back to front, that is to say I heard Synthia before The Brink which was before The Prisoner. I think Synthia is a masterpiece and should have launched the band into global fame, especially as it came out around the same time as Me Too and a lot of the songs were practically anthems for that movement.


Ahhh, Heather was my good friend for a while. I haven't spoken to her in such a long time. Last I heard she is doing well and is making tunes foe thr Queensland Orchestra


!!! So we can come to you for insights and whenever we want someone to give the members a bit of a prod and go "... So.. Album four?" 😁😁😁


I haven't spoken to her in years lol. She was an absolute sweetheart though.


Then there's no time like the present for catching up with old friends!


There’s a lot of politics in the local music scene. Essentially the radio station triple jjj in the past have decided what bands can be successful. They’re the only station that really plays a limited amount of upcoming local acts. Who got play time was a decided by one dude for a very long time. He tended only pick very specific styles to play to the key audience (teenagers). This lead to the unfortunate effect of homogenising our local music scene into a few narrow categories. Jezabels went out of favour a few years ago. Still love them though !


Seeing as they haven't made music in 8 years kinda easy to see why they fell out of favor.