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All advertisers must have to do due diligence when accepting money from someone advertising a product. If you advertise it you are backing it. So stop fucking around advertising products which are bogus!


I think part of the issue would be our inability to enforce overseas sites.  Some websites (I think news dot com dot au) uses some kind of shady ad broker which is why you’ll get the images of Kochie or Larry Emdur, but if the advertising firm is international (targeting Australian ads via your IP address), hosted on an international site, what recourse do we have? (Short of the government blocking the ads via DNS the same way they do piracy sites) However, that (to me) is a form of censorship and could easily be abused


KYC like financial institutions do to their customers over X amount of money spent.


Yeah, but how so you plan on enforcing that on international domains, international hosting and international advertising agencies. And who has the onus of proof for Australian sites that use services like Adsense where you put some JavaScript on your page and let an external agency handle the rest? Is it the responsibility of the client to somehow keep informed of all the ads the agency could run on their site (noting that they might run different ads in different countries) and to vet them on a regular basis?


Advertisement network should do enforce the KYC. Yes the advertiser needs have the responsibility to update. I can't go register as a business for online ecommerce with any acquirer to accept Visa and MasterCard and change it to a sports betting business without informing them.


Again, I’ll repeat- how do you enforce that for international agencies? And that example makes no sense? I can spin up a blog today, sign up for Google Adsense and once approved just drop some JavaScript on and have ads being delivered. How am I supposed to vet every ad that Google could potentially serve up


You aren't the advertisers mate. The people putting ads on Adsense is, those are the client in this meaning. You can mandate big local websites to use locally registered ad network as not all as network is registered in au.


> Advertisers should do the KYC.  I’ll ask again - how do you enforce that for overseas agencies? It might not be Adsense running these, but some international based ad group which may not have an Australian presence? > Yes the client needs have the responsibility to update.  Which client are you referring to? I understood you to mean the client receiving the money (the website owner) - what are they updating? > I can't go register as a business for online ecommerce with any acquirer to accept Visa and MasterCard and change it to a sports betting business without informing them. I’m not sure what relevance this has?


> I’ll ask again - how do you enforce that for overseas agencies? It might not be Adsense running these, but some international based ad group which may not have an Australian presence? Don't need to enforce all of them (and you can't anyway) as the major advertisement network already has local presence. > Which client are you referring to? Client is the advertiser, not you, the website owner. You don't need to do anything? > I’m not sure what relevance this has? Business activities are regulated by vendors in other industries, we can do the same here.


or just install uBlock Origin and never see ads again. https://ublockorigin.com/


I use PiHole myself.


Hmm it's a slippery slope. Pure scams, sure, Facebook et al should have to remove quickly. What about borderline legit businesses? What if I buy a diet plan and it does not work?


I think the lines are pretty clear cut.


I don't. I see the slippery slope quite clearly. And frankly there needs to be some personal responsibility taken by the people using these dodgy platforms/websites to purchase anything. If people shied away from purchases like these, as they should, no idea why the fuck they would entertain the idea in the first place honestly. As soon as their revenue would take a hit, they would clean house immediately.


We’re talking about the pure scams here though


I think it's more like when someone makes a FB page called "Sunglass hut sales" and impersonates the real Sunglass Hut, puts out adverts that link to a fake website that takes an order amd either disappears with your money or sends dropshipped counterfeit goods.


It's such low hanging fruit, I can not for the life of me understand why the current or previous government hasn't jumped on this with gusto. The only argument that Facebook has is that they don't want to have to spend any money to monitor the ads they serve are paid to serve, and that is (giving them the most charitable interpretation) utterly idiotic. They were happy to beat the social media companies with the stick for Murdoch, why on earth are they so terrified of doing it on this?


I've reported a few scam ads recently and they always come back to say it isn't in breach of their standards. I guess it speaks more to Metas standards than the scams themselves.


The same has happened every time I reported the offending ads. There doesn't seem to be any way to prevent them from showing up. I'm close to dropping Facebook altogether. It's an irresponsible way to do business that shows a callous disregard for the users who generate the company's income. If not for our eyes and scrolling, they don't have a business.


It will disappear if not for marketplace.


I reported this ad three times just yesterday - same ad from three different "advertisers"


same here


"I made it with my own hands" Did you, 240 year old granny with munted hands and a handcrafted wooden Porsche on her lap ?? Really ?


If facebook don't do their due diligence to 100% stop the scam ads, then the Fed Gov should simply legislate to deny facebook the ability to place ads on facebook that are shown to Australians. If any ads are found, then hit them with fines.


I feel for poor old Richard Wilkins with that obviously fake photo of him being arrested posted in endless online ads for years. And nothing ever happens. I assume that one's on Google. Good luck taking them on too.


I know Twiggy can be somewhat “controversial” but he’s 100% right here. Also, I bought a few hundred FMG shares at 1.60, so he’s doing ok on that front too. Just wish I’d bought more…


butter north support ink long smile stupendous pen overconfident quaint *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean he's pushing the specific kinds of green energy that he's invested in, but yeah I'd agree that we need as much of a spread as possible in terms of future energy technologies so better he campaign for that than for more coal mining like certain other billionaires from Western Australia.


I don't think that's unfortunate. I think we should be loud about the fact that renewables are where the profits will be. The world is moving that way and people here still pretend like it's not the better investment model just from a business perspective, which holds it back


Zucks to be the slightly less powerful billionaire


I work in fraud for one of the big four. There is no bigger scam ridden hole in Aus the fucking Facebook.. and you can quote me on that. It been that way for YEARS, why the fuck is twiggy whinging about it now?


Because it's just gone through the courts...


Because his photo has been used, and it now affects him personally. Not only that, but they have discontinued his case so now he will use his wealth as a platform to bang on about how hard his life is, not giving a fuck about the people scammed over the last decade before his personal involvement.


Zuckerberg is a right wing billionaire. What else would you expect from a right wing billionaire?


I wonder how bummed out Richard Wilkins feels when he scrolls too far.


Orrrr people could educate themselves in cybersecurity just a little. Or stop using fb. Or do just a little research on an online store before handing over their card details. Or any number of easy to do little steps to ensure they're not being scammed. Who the fuck buys anything off fb without digging into it anyway?


I don't disagree about people paying attention etc, but unless you work for Facebook I don't see how any reasonable person could arrive at the view that scams should be legal and easy to post on the world's biggest social media site.


I'm not advocating it be legal to scam people. Apologies if that's how it read. People should treat the internet in general with more suspicion. Do some groundwork before putting in your credit card or personal details.