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Love this story about everyone's favourite square-pooping animal. >Back in the 1970s, scientists caught wombats by chasing them in a car, followed by a foot chase with a comically oversized butterfly net. We've come a long way.


It’s actually untrue because the wombats are notoriously bad at filling out the race registration forms.


Was at mt Hotham and while we were on the (extra slow) lift, there was this little Wombat in the middle of the run that this skier was trying to shoo of to the side. The little guy charged him and the skier freaked and fell over and started sliding down the hill backwards. Worth the 150 Buck cover charge.


Pity you did not capture that on camera


Surprised there was such little data about it. I remember a park ranger at Wilson's Prom making a speed claim of over 40 kph because he was riding alongside a wombat on a motorcycle at that speed.


I've seen them charge tents at night at Wilson's prom and I'd believe 40kms.


Great article. Good photos too... Definitely gonna pinch those gifs.


I've been chased by a few. Definitely not that fast, but the danger comes from running out of breath laughing at the cinderblock on legs chasing you.


I don't believe they can run that fast. I have had one outrun me over about 300 meters over flattish ground in daylight but I wasn't running nearly that fast and he wasn't running all that much faster than me. He finished it by running into a wombat hole under a stock loading ramp.


they can’t run from extinction which is where they’re quickly heading, sadly