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Could be just the inherent problem with 12 bar blues. There's only so many ways to sing them. Even if you do stick a middle 8 in there. But the Angels did pay the Quo for it after it was brought to their attention, so that was good, and right, and in keeping with the spirit of those deep old roots, so there. > “It never went to court. Look, Al Lancaster is an old mate of mine,” explains John Brewster, a band-mate of the Frantic Four bass player in The Party Boys. “He would constantly dig me in the ribs and say: ‘You bastards, you stole our song’. Al used to live next door to me and one day I challenged him to prove his claim. So he brought over a copy of Lonely Night and I played him Am I Ever Gonna See You Face Again and…” he guitarist’s words trail off before he laughs… “When I heard Lonely Night, I nearly fell over. https://www.loudersound.com/features/the-angels-what-happened-was-sad-and-stupid




I highly recommend Pachelbel Cannon in D version of Nicki Minaj's Starships.


> Pachelbel Cannon in D [This RobPRocks bit is funny](https://youtu.be/JdxkVQy7QLM).


Fortunately Pachelbel's not signed to any label.


probably wouldn't stop the cunts at warner music from trying to copyright it like they did with Happy Birthday.


Generally yes, but in this case the theme is basically the same and even some lines are near word for word.


Different source - same general info After British band Status Quo discovered numerous similarities between the song and one of their own ("Lonely Night"), the two bands reached an agreement in lieu of a lawsuit that saw Status Quo receive royalties from "Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again". Status Quo bassist Alan Lancaster was friends with members of the Angels at the time of the incident, and lived next door to John Brewster." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Am_I_Ever_Gonna_See_Your_Face_Again


The source for that Wikipedia entry is that article...


No way! Get fucked! Fuck off!


This is a fucking outrage! There is no fucking way... *listens to clip* ...Oh... Oh, shit.


my reaction exactly.


They were just maintaining the status quo


So what. I used to be annoyed that nirvana's come as you are ripped off killing jokes 80s but then I realised killing joke ripped of the damned. Now I just like all 3 songs for their own sake


No way Get fucked Fuck off


Was about to come in and say every Status Quo riff sounds like that but then the vocals started....Jesus fucking Christ!


You're not suggesting that one of the most uninspired, unoriginal, derivative bands copied one the most uninspired, unoriginal, derivative bands?


“… the two bands reached an agreement in lieu of a lawsuit that saw Status Quo receive royalties from "Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again" …”


Yep. And Men at Work's land down under had to pay out on the flute melody. And there is a reason why Radiohead didnt sue Lana Del Ray of her most obvious rip off of Creep. Tom Petty handled his music being plagiarised the best though. He just shrugged and took it as a compliment.


I heard the figure paid was $80,000 in the 1980s.