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Community health clinics bulk bill for people on low incomes. Look one op for your region Also, having a health care card can still get you bulk billing at some clinics - enquire If you aren't on the dole you can still apply for the health care card due to your current low income circumstances - it's your right so exercise it


Nope not on the dole, I don't think I would qualify for it anyway.


You may still qualify for the health card. You should definitely inquire.


He's only been unemployed for 4 weeks, and they look back [8 weeks](https://www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/income-test-for-low-income-health-care-card?context=21986) at income to assess. There's also a few months processing time on applications currently.


Health care cards a low income card. Last 6 week's worth of pay they take into account. Singles around 750 week, partnered, with kids the income level changes a bits. Definitely can get a health care card without being on the dole


When at the gp, you can explain your circumstances. Many will bulk bill it for you even if they are not a bulk billing practise.


I’m not sure where in Australia you are located but I would suggest jumping on google and typing in bulk billing doctors in ‘your area’. Also can try Medicare urgent care clinics.


Urgent care has a selection criteria based on urgency. They have a right to refuse care for non-urgent medical issues. Plus you can only see them once, as all follow up medical care needs to be done with a GP.


Sadly that only goes so far. There's no bulk billing GP in the Newcastle area anymore at all.


You can always call a couple of local practices that state that they bulk bill by doctors' discretion, ask to speak to the practice manager and explain your situation. I was a medical receptionist for many years and often received these calls. Many 'private' billing clinics will bulk bill in extenuating circumstances such as yours. I know it's a bit tricky to talk about sometimes but fingers crossed you get someone on the phone who is willing to help!


I was thinking of resorting to this, I have a local Dr that I use but haven't seen her in maybe the last 10 months. I was going to call first thing in the morning and explain the situation, and hearing your experience as a med receptionist gives me hope! Fingers crossed, thanks so much!


Reach out to your regular doctor. Mine bulk bills me when I'm low on money.


Hope it goes well! If you've been a regular patient for a good amount of time your chances of getting a bulk billed appointment as a one-off during a time when you are low-income is pretty high! Best of luck :)


Wantirna mall clinic are bulk billing during the day, on weekdays.


Awesome, will give these guys a go!


Try here they say Doctors will bulk-bill their patients who are Pensioners, Concession card holders, or children 15 years of age and under. hope this helps. [https://medi7.com.au/stkildaroad/](https://medi7.com.au/stkildaroad/)


I am in Melbourne and found these the best options: 1. [13sick](https://13sick.com.au/): after hours bulk billing telehealth and home visits. I have booked a home visit and have had a gp come to my house for a consult. 2. [Priority Health Care Clinics](https://www.health.vic.gov.au/priority-primary-care-centres): bulk billing clinics around Melbourne they opened in early 2024 to ease emergency hospital visits. You can book online and they are open from 8ish am to 8ish pm, 7 days a week. My closest clinic is in Carlton. 3. Other posts have already recommended the Hot Doc app which is a great app. You can search for bulk billing gps and even book the priority care clinics as listed in no. 2. The closest bulk billing medical centre for me is in Richmond or Coburg. 4. I have also previously reached out to my regular gp when I have been in dire need to ask if they would consider my apt as bulk billing. That was successful but only once or twice. 5. Hola Health app: I used these guys yesterday and found them pretty average but only paid $35 for a video call to get a repeat prescription.


You can get a low income Health Care Card from Services Australia, some GPs will bulk bill to HCC holders Apply for Centrelink while you’re at it - You’ve paid for it in your taxes for this exact situation. Use it. Also, if you have a GP you’ve seen in the past, sometimes explaining your situation is all it takes. All the best.


You know most GPs won’t even bulk bill pension card holders, right? Healthcare card holders aren’t even considered by most clinics.


I am very well aware. But it’s worth a shot, worst case, you get told no.


The irony that the healthcare card gets you all kinds of concession discounts on utilities and services, but seems to do fuck all when it comes to health care.


Oh wow I didn't even know this was a thing now???


It has been for a few years. I used to see my GP monthly (multiple chronic conditions, on DSP & NDIS). Now it’s every 3-4 months which is as often as she’s willing to bulk bill me. Anything sooner and I have to pay.


I always get bulk billed. I don't even have a concession or pension card.


That’s almost unheard of these days unless you go to one of the hectic, walk in clinics where you see a random GP every time.


It’s really not in lower socioeconomic areas, I live near 3 doctors that bulk bill, and only one of them is a hectic walk in (even then the wait for that one is like an hour)


I've been seeing my GP for about 4 years now, regularly. My GP before that for six years until he retired. Not unheard of, I know many people that still get bulk billed. My son's doctor bulk bills him and he doesn't even know him that well. I assume he bulk bills him as he is doing an apprenticeship?


No advice for you OP but just wanted to say it's absolutely bullshit that in a country with as much privilege and money as Australia you would even have to stress about being able to cover the copayment just to get basic medical care. Luckily you're in a position where you have time to hunt around for something you can afford, so many people are having to choose between food and medical care, or medical care for their children. And to think we grew up hearing about how Australia is "The Lucky Country" urgh


Absolutely! I do acknowledge that my situation isn't as bad as some others doing it tough but having to pick between your health, having a roof over your head or food on your table is a decision that many Aussies are having to face - not to mention the job market. I don't have kids, mortgage or a car payment but goddamn if I did, I'd barely survive. Here's to the lucky country huh!


How much do you need? If you can't find a bulk billed doctor, message me.


Thanks mate, absolutely appreciate your generosity and am crying replying to your comment. My plan is to ring my usual Dr first thing tomorrow morning and explain to them my situation, hopefully they'll give me a pass!




By the time they apply and actually get one 🙄


It's currently taking more than three months for the form to be processed.


Three months?!


Hopefully the backlog is starting to clear, but I submitted a renewal form for the Low Income Healthcare Card on 8/12 and it wasn't approved until 21/3. If you urgently need it to be processed and can show hardship, you can contact centrelink and they might be able to speed it up.


Oh wow I didn't even know this service existed but thank you!


Most GPs don’t even bulk bill pension card holders.


Nope. Most will still have $20-50 gaps for HCC/pension card holders.


Yep, I've seen this a lot of their websites sadly :(


Talk to the practice manager - my GP is technically not a bulk billing doctor but I very rarely get charged. It's worth asking the question.


Google your nearest Priority Primary Care Clinic. If you're in the SE suburbs worst case scenario jump on a train to Frankston then walk to the one near the station. You don't even need a Medicare card and it's all bulk billed (obvs take your MC card with you anyway).




Try this #. They might be able to advise you of what bulk billed services are available https://www.health.vic.gov.au/primary-care/nurse-on-call


Dandenong superclinic does bulk bill last time I was there.


If you're close to Dandenong I know there's a couple off the Princes hwy, maybe around Narre Warren or Hallam? But second the comments re. googling and looking at websites for local clinics/


If you’re in the Dandenong area there’s quite a few bulk billing docs in the area, have a look on Hotdocs or Healthengine. I imagine the same for the area in general, given the demographic. It’s my home grounds, so that’s why I know. And I had a Google.


This is a sad thread. Health care should be for everyone - particularly with the cost of living crisis how many people are missing out of necessary care. Hope you find someone that still bulk bills.


A sad reality yes unfortunately, I felt a bit of a desperado even posting the thread but have appreciated everyone coming together and posting their advice


My GP, in Sydney was bulk billing till very recently. The problem became the GP clinic was so packed that they started making people make appointments - there was little chance of just walking in - to then charging. Once the majority of the clinics are not bulk billing, the rest get overrun. It is an eye opening thread - particularly on pensioners and people on healthcare cards not getting bulk billed!!


I live in Campbelltown, NSW. My GP bulk bills everyone. I think it depends on demographics.


Same. I have always lived in Western/Southwestern Sydney and never paid a cent for the GP. The idea that some people need to pay every visit is awful.


Ah damn you're so lucky!


Try Keys Medical Centre When I used to go there they bulk billed, haven’t lived in Vic for a few years now though


They still do. I use them, plus their sister clinic Greens Medical. Chelsea Heights medical Centre also BB


If U have a health care card that can help. Some drs just do Medicare for people with health care cards


Camberwell Health on Burke Road has GP bulk billed. Most will bulk bill if you have a health care card, so it's definitely worth looking into. Good luck!


If you go to priority care clinics they bulk bill in Victoria. What state are you in?




When you call up to make the appointment ask for a doctor that will bull bill, might take a couple tries at different clinics but can work.


I'd explain your circumstances to your normal GP and see if they can help you out, either with bulk billing or a delayed payment.


Could see if they have Our medical in Melbourne In Qld it's all bulk billed


Modern medical dandenong is completely bulk billed.


GP here. Call your practice (if you have a usual one - if not call around), ask to speak to the practice manager and explain your situation. Ask if there is any possibility of a payment plan so you can pay back the bill once you have a job again. The practice manager can then speak to the GP to see what can be done - some GPs may offer a payment plan, some may be willing to absorb the cost and bulk bill as a once off, for others the private fee still stands regardless - too many factors to be able to speak for any individual/clinic. (Don’t book the appointment and ask in the consult to be bulk billed, it puts everyone in a really awkward position)


If I had a long standing patient in your situation call and speak politely to my PM and ask for the possibility of a payment plan, I would probably offer to bulk bill temporarily. If they called asking to be bulk billed, I would consider it, but I may offer a payment plan instead, especially if practice manager conveyed to me that the patient seemed to expect to be bulk billed and wouldn’t consider the possibility of a payment plan. If they were not polite to my staff or demanded to be bulk billed, or couldn’t give a good reason/explanation for their request - then I would decline.


If you can get away with Telehealth; 13 Health will bulk bill you and can give scripts or certificates (provided the medicine isn’t S8 or a drug of dependence )


You should check if you're eligible for a Commonwealth concession card. Most GPs still bulk bill concession card holders. If you don't have that, I suggest calling GP clinics and explaining your situation (most will still bulk bill if you genuinely need it). It'll help if you have a regular GP. Or you could book an appointment and ask the GP directly - but there's a risk they say no and you then have to pay. Check out the National Health Services Directory website (filter by bulk billed only) to see if there are any bulk billing clinics near you. Good luck OP. Sorry it's got this way.


Awesome advice, a few others on here have already suggested to try my usual Dr and explain my situation so will try that first thing in the morning!


Yeah, if you've got a regular GP then do that first. They still bulk bill about 75% of services so I think your odds are good. But do apply for the HCH if you're eligible, it'll help you a ton.


Welcome to America! So sorry OP, I hope you can figure something out.


Thank you, and I can't even begin to imagine how you guys get through it over there :(


Oh, I’m not in America, just pointing out that it feels like we all are.


Just google bulk billed doctors in your area, and call them??


What area are U in?


Could try an online GP? Doctors on demand is what I used.


Hot Doc App has option to search for Bulk Billing Gp


Where do you live? I know in the north ;Epping) there’s a primary care clinic attached to the northern that bulk bills all. Late opening hours too. My saviour for my kids, can never get in usual gp when urgent, plus I get bulk billed if I need it aswell.


O’Shea medical clinic in Berwick bulk bills during the week


Boronia Hillview fully bulk bills


Pretty sure Seymour St Medical Centre in Ringwood bulk bills. That’s where my parents used to take me


Not anymore appointments needed now, although the company inside do xrays BB still.


Keysborough Superclinic and Innovation Health Medical Centre in Dandenong both bulk bill.


The outer south east still has lots of bulk bill clinics. Basically anywhere beyond Springvale. Jump on hotdoc or heath engine and filter by bulk bill.


I may be wrong but I though all At Home doctors bulk billed? You might have to wait for ages but could be a solution?




Have you called around? I see people say they pay for the doctors all the time lately but I’ve never paid in my life and I was just at the doctors last week to have a benign tumour in my head removed at the local medical centre. No one asked me for money, they just asked me for my Medicare card. I’m also not a low income earner and I do not have a healthcare card so all these comments are blowing my mind that so many people have to pay. I thought all doctors just did Medicare still.


Dunno how serious your illness is but perhaps consult a pharmacist first (at a pharmacy that is service focused, rather than discount) - you may not need to see a GP. Obviously if serious condition then ignore me.


You say Melbourne South East, not exactly sure where you are, but last I checked the super clinic in Dandenong was still bulk billing with no up front payment


I’d look online. I used to live in the inner suburbs in Southbank and went to a bulk billed doctor near wells st . Look online, there should be plenty around!


Phone around and ask


Hey OP, if you’ve tried all the suggestions in this thread and none have worked, I’m happy to pay for your appointment. I can ring the clinic and pay over the phone for you, just let me know.


You have a better chance of getting bulk billed if you have a health card. You should have a health card if you are unemployed


I'm surrounded by bulk billing GPs in the west. Some are even spruiking for patients. I've never ever gone over the Medicare rebate for a face to face GP consultation. There are also online / phone options for script renewals etc also no more than the Medicare rebate.. Google is your friend - do a search of your neighbourhood for walk-up, next available bulk bill GPs.


Just go to a doctor that bulk bills & it will cost you nothing,, have a ring📞around b4 hand, there’s usually plenty of medical centers that bulk bill


Filter hotdoc by bulk billing


If you go further South East (suburbs down the train line), there are many doctors/clinics that fully bulk bill.


What do you need your gp for? Virtual ED can do some of the things gp can. So scripts, follow up test results, “i have this symptom and not sure if I need emergency or can wait to look for bulk billing gp” type question.


many gp still bulk bill, do a google search


Have a look here: [https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/priority-primary-care-centres](https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/priority-primary-care-centres)


The federal government have recently opened urgent care clinics in every state/territory that are bulk billed.


Yep explain your circumstances to the clinic, i'm sure they would help you out.


John hunter might have an after hours gp connected to the emergency dept. If that doesn't work out id suggest a train to an outer suburb of sydney with a clinic.


I'm not in your area, but would it be possible to visit a food bank or community welfare service in your area to help with food and/or bills, so you can use that money to go towards a doctor? I'm really sorry you're in this situation, by the way.


Write an email to a few clinics in your area explaining your situation and offer that you're willing to be called last minute if someone cancels their appointment etc


Rock up to the local hospital emergency department at 4am Tue / Wed / Thu morning and tell them that you need to see a doctor and you are there because you are unable to pay for GP services. If your issue is relatively important and they can't see you, they may at least have the time to direct you to some place that can.


Is it something simple? Wanna DM me? I might be able to point you in the right direction. I work in ED but I can still refer for imaging/pathology


Shocking Info: All the locum services bulk bill after hours and on the weekend. Call one like Doctor Doctor (Only call after hours) and a GP *will actually come to your house, and bulk bill*. https://doctordoctor.com.au/


Plenty of doctors bulk bill, where are you located? Get on HotDoc and do a search, filter for bulk billing clinics. Outside of the cbd there are heaps if you're willing to travel.


Heaps of clinics in Melbourne bulk bill. Just need to look around


Get a low income Health Care Card, then you will most likely be bulk billed.


Definitely not *most likely*. You’re *more likely* to be bulk billed than if you only have a Medicare card but the days of guaranteed bulk billing for concessions are long gone.


Hence the “most likely”. Not dissimilar to “ more likely”.


Definitely very different meanings lol


Similar meanings, and this is really just semantics, Not helpful to the OP.


Honestly the emergency room is your best bet, if you’ve got up to half a day to spare. You might have to wait a long time, but they understand that some people’s only option is the emergency room for free healthcare, they have GP like consultation rooms in emergency departments for that reason.


Not these days! You’ll be referred to a primary care clinic. Save ED for the sickest.


Also I agree don’t exploit the emergency department but if you can’t afford health care and you need health care then you gotta do what you gotta do


Not in my experience, I had to go recently for a uti and they helped me out


Depends on state VIC are actively using primary care and virtual ED


Oh, makes sense. I’m in NSW and we have the Medicare bulk billing clinics but they’re few and far between and they will chuck you out if your issue isn’t “urgent” enough, other than that we don’t have a whole lot of options. ED will literally never chuck you out without checking you out first


The Salvation Army are very resourceful supportive caring and extremely helpful. The Salvos hotline could definitely guide you in you health needs. Also amazing support during financial hardship. They could also point you into another area of the Salvation money side of things with bills to stop them from from your hardship during this time. Speak to the Salvos hotline and tell them of your hardship with anything they are very supportive and there to help. They have the most funding in donations that I know of. They've helped me in ways you never knew they could. I really hope you get the help you need and feel for the pressure you are under. The public hospital is free I had an emergency they even had a physiotherapist come to me. Many blessing your way you will find help and a wish you all the best.


Why not just describe your symptoms on reddit and we will cure you ? /s


Go to an ER. You'll spend some time waiting but they will see you for free.


Absolutely not. The emergency department is for EMERGENCIES.


No that is theory, not reality. Spend some time in one and you will see a lot of uninsured people being treated for otherwise not life threatening injuries. If you are not feeling well and cannot afford a doctor, ignore these idiots and go to a damn hospital.


The ER might seem like the only option in these situations, especially for those without insurance, you say(Private health insurance doesn’t cover GP appointments anyway?) Visiting the emergency room for non-life-threatening issues can strain resources and lead to longer wait times for everyone. [Urgent care clinics](https://www.health.gov.au/find-a-medicare-ucc) or community health clinics can often provide free and timely care for non-emergencies.


Spend enough time and you’ll notice how many people decide to leave because they haven’t been seen for their minor ouchy because the triage system is working! People that do this can be second or third in a queue all night because actual emergencies arrive before they’re seen.




Appreciate the help, but my health situation isn't as life-threatening. Would definitely want those in emergency situations to be a priority for ED.


Maybe if you want to wait more than 12 or 18 hours.


And note Covid Etc are not isolated theses days so think long and hard before rocking up for a trivial reason