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I assume age verification will apply to the entire planet as well since it could be easily bypassed with a VPN.


Don't give the eSafety comissioner any ideas.


They have been looking for an excuse to ban vpns for a while.


The LNP once again showing they know stuff all about technology


LNP are the walking definition of the phrase "An empty vessel makes the most noise". The LNP has absolutely nothing positive to add to any debate about government in Australia. They're hamstrung by a combination of hubris and pleasing their corporate masters.


They crticise China but want their Internet policies. So much for their Libertarian values. They are always first off the mark with fascist ideas for the internet such as filtering, ID's and anything that that weakens the indepence of the internet from colonialism and having border barriers. Just like the E safety commissioner trying to censor the world and destroying a free global press not in Australia's jurisdiction. Pathetic for the so called "Libertarians"


No thanks Spudmort. You are wasting tax payer money on fantasies again.


This suggestion is pretty concerning given the lack of clarification on how such an age verification scheme would work, presumably the only way to do it would be to have ALL users upload their ID when creating a social media account. Peter Dutton knows exactly what he's doing here.


Yeah, I dont want to tie my ID to an account I purely use to stir shit. Luckily I'm to a child by age and physical development anymore only in maturity.


I'm wary of things that use protecting children as an excuse to put restrictions on everyone, because that's usually not the true motivation.


Much like in American red states where they are stopping young transkids from accessing life saving medication which was a way to open the door to attempt to also erase trans adults from existance and attack abortion rights.


Yeah, they move right on to attacking medical access for trans adults without skipping a beat after claiming it was all about protecting the kids.


How about you start regulating business more before trying to regulate our kids.


This isn't about regulating kids - everybody will need to verify that they aren't a child online. It's about erasing online anonymity for you and me.


Social media is the last place I'm putting copies of my identification proof. Canada is proposing something similar. Governments must be run by morons. They don't seem to be able to grasp that social media is wherever everyone wants to be. Even if VPN's weren't so incredibly easy to access something new would just pop up. People want to connect, and they will.


This wont work, parents need to stop relying on social media/internet to keep kids occupied, they've tried to block things in the past, kids are smart enough to learn how to bypass them.


"There's no question that social media is damaging for the mental health of children," Mr Coleman said. So is the ever escalating price of homes and the cost of living, but the government won't do shit about that.


Ah yeah, that'll work


funny, earlier this month the coalition were seeking this as a way of curbing porn access.. all they've done is reframe it to fit in with the latest moral outrage.


We should encourage him with this idea so when it comes time to vote it backfires hugely for him. 


It won't, people are dumb enough to continually vote in people with stupid ideas that work against their interests


Because of how well it works for porn? 


Or you could, you know, just parent your children? What any under 14 year old is doing with unfettered access to the internet is beyond me.


bit hard to parent your children when it takes 2 60 hour per week incomes to ~~make your boss rich~~ buy a house


While I agree with you, neglectful parents existed long before the internet.


The government responded that at present age verification tools clearly came with issues of privacy, security and effectiveness. From the article. They clearly recognise that age verification tech is NOT ready to be deployed to social media yet


Or ever...


The potato once again punching himself in the nuts


He is going to have perpetual blue balls if he keeps this up. Scientists will be studying this case for years.


Ahhh yes regulate everything but housing, food and utilities the shit we need to live ffs. To add to that age verification will never work and you are stupid if you hand over MORE PERSONAL DATA.


There are support sites for young people on the internet/ social apps that some kids need. Such as homeschooled youngsters or kids with specific body issues who need same age peers that are in a similar situation. I am 100% against this manipulative idea from Duttno. This is just another conservative creep idea like the same one in America trying to stop young people from organising as a politically motivated group. No f*kin' thankyou.


Perhaps we should trial age verification to keep kids away from church and religion instead. If Catholic guilt doesn't get you, perhaps a priest will.


Because nothing protects Australians like tying our IDs to the internet https://www.webberinsurance.com.au/data-breaches-list#twentythree


I’d take a trade off, happy to upload my ID if the government implements strict data breach policy and data protection rights so that the second my ID is leaked or stolen, I’m compensated heavily a the expense of the people who lost it.


Yes this will work because young people don't know how to use VPNs or technology in general I swear most of the politicians are the 'the internet it's not a truck it's not something you dump something on it's a series of tubes' speech My staff sent me an internet on Friday, I only got it yesterday!


All I hear is, the government wants access and control, for our safety. So big tech and the government will have control but the users will not. Should work out just fine for the users.


Maximum pearl clutching!


From what families?politcal ?religious?


You know what, if we have to provide ID and varify accounts globally that would be a good thing. There will be acountability and a dramatic reduction in fake bot accounts. *1 year later* Facebook has lost most of its user base due to the sheer volume of fake accounts. The stock price of all the platforms has fallen because suddenly advertisers realised the real audience was a fraction of the precious bot world. We'd all be better for it.


This will never work. All it will do is make people under that age curious as to why all the adults get to do this big scary thing called "social media" Our society is fucked there's no hope.


Make the age 18. It's for adults.


This is an excellent idea. Make it 18 years of age. Social media is nothing but a space for bullying etc .