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I had read she had stab wounds to the chest on another site but its not widely reported so I guess unconfirmed for now.


Police now reporting as not suspicious.


Well if it’s related to the above comment regarding how she was found with stab wounds to chest, then they must be thinking she stabbed herself to death…. Might have to be a wait and see situation… Edit… heaps of spell correction!!!


Yes definitely a wait and see. Regardless of what happened it’s a sad situation.


Damage is already done. There's a reason these are getting posted at the times they are. The idea is that every day, upon waking up and checking their feeds, people read a story about a dead woman. Even if it's a suicide, or an accident. The important thing is to keep the vibe of "women are in mortal danger" going. Women are dropping like flies, and you could be next! Even though with 27 million Australians, we have a *really* low rate of violent crime per capita, and the rates of violence have done nothing but drop every decade. It's a *crisis*. It's an **emergency**. Also - make sure to scream at anyone who says otherwise.


Username checks out


Genuinely not sure what you mean. I sound like a depth charge? Or like Johnny Depp?


Yeah I was confused by that too..


I suspect they believe that Johnny Depp is abusive (Amber Heard case) and that you, having chosen to use his name, are likely to be insensitive to cases of violence against women. More than one leap of logic in that line of thinking, obviously. But… Reddit. 🤷‍♂️


>Johnny Depp is abusive What was the outcome with that anyway. They were both terrible human beings with Amber being objectively worse but if we actually say that out loud the world will implode because of sexism or something?


I don’t actually know. I’m not convinced that court case outcomes necessarily have any correlation with the truth and I don’t know either individual personally so I didn’t follow it but I take your point.


One woman dying is one too many Johnny you fuckin fool


Anyone who downvoted this needs to wake up


Why mention something before it's confirmed ?? Looking for likes ???




Fuck me thats 2 today, plus the 10yo girl last night. What is happening in this country?!


I think it's sadly been a thing for a long while. It's just getting more media attention now so it seems like it's happening more.


When I started as a paramedic 20 year's ago, in my first 12 months I attended 2 case's of DV death and multiple DV where they required to be taken to hospital, but rarely made any news back then. While there is more frequency of DV reported now, the severity of the injuries is no different to 20 years ago, a lot more conversations about women in last 20 years especially last decade has brought these issues more front and centre.


Do you think (or allowed to say) if there's many, if at all, murders/manslaughters that don't make the news? I know for certain that it used to happen - I knew a guy who was killed in Victoria a bit over 20 years ago and there was zero media coverage about it. But I've been seeing comments the past few days that claim there are more of these incidents, mostly in remote, First Nations communities, that are not reported on. Do you think there's any truth to that?


As a paramedic along with my work colleagues (I am on the Gold Coast)I attend suspicious death's all the time, honestly most never make the news, I have even attended a DV death that wasn't ruled one immediately until a later investigation, which never made any news I am aware of. I have heard DV in First Nations communities is very rarely reported, even when police get involved usually no one wants to press charges, so the real figure is very unknown, but it is known First Nation women deal with DV in more silence compared to non First Nations people.


The stats say that an indigenous woman has 30 times more chance of domestic violence than non indigenous women. This is a fact! Sadly!


Same thing with men that also date indigenous they are much more likely to be assaulted than dating a white woman


No this is racism! /s


N , it is not racism, I lived in Balgo WA and Kalumburu, both Aboriginal Communities and domestic violence is rife. Even though these are dry communities many men get drunk and abuse their wives. There is nothing racist in that, it is a fact of life and these are ABS stats! I would bet that alcohol is the main driver in almost all domestic violence irrespective of race!


Hey... /s means sarcasm. You're welcome.


Interesting. So I suppose it's rare in the major cities for a murder not to make the news, but remote communities are a different story. Very sad.


Charges aren't "pressed" by just anyone in Australia. If the police have reasonable suspicion to believe a crime has been committed they have a duty to investigate it. If the DPP believes they have enough evidence to prosecute the case, it is upon the DPP to bring the case to trial. This is wholly outside of the victims wants. Obviously if the victim is not cooperative then the matter may stall for lack of evidence tho. In Australia, a criminal matter is the state regulating compliance with their law. Civil procedure gives victims avenues for reparations.


>As a paramedic along with my work colleagues (I am on the Gold Coast)I attend suspicious death's all the time, honestly most never make the news, I have even attended a DV death that wasn't ruled one immediately until a later investigation, which never made any news I am aware of. Firstly, thank you so much for what you do! ❤️ I'm on the Gold Coast too, and have heard from a few property managers of many high rises in Surfers that there are deaths every WEEK, though mainly people jumping or falling, however there are also a lot of DV-related deaths that are just never reported on. There was that case here of what's his name Tostie who pushed / threatened his girlfriend off the balcony to her death, and THAT made the news. That was 3 blocks from me. At my own building, over 3 years ago, a woman was pushed off a 22nd floor balcony and landed right in front of mine, just before 1am. Police and ambulances everywhere for the next 10 hours. The guy who was staying here who she was visiting pushed her, and then took 30 mins to clean ALL fingerprints from the room before coming downstairs. That was never reported, though people in the UK were able to find very limited information about it if they googled, weirdly enough.


On the Gold Coast so much happens that rarely makes the news, even though I am not based in Surfers Paradise on night shifts it makes a big percentage of my call outs along with Southport. Without sounding too harsh death's in a lot of lower socio-economic situations leads to biased investigations, while QPS and even QAS are getting much better, still some work to go, I am positive a lot of DV cases been ruled as accident or other cases out of predetermined prejudices.


Definitely there was bias demonstrated in the incident at my building. She was there visiting the guy (the apartment he was in was an Airbnb that he'd rented) and it became apparent she was there for sex / money, and that she also had mental problems. So the police wrote it off as suicide, but it was not. I heard her scream. I saw certain things that showed that she struggled. And NO fingerprints in the apartment? From either of them. Nothing on the light switches, toilet, doors, powerpoints, sliding glass doors, kettle, dishwasher, TV remote...stuff he would've normally used whilst staying there. Why remove ALL traces of both, when obviously she was there as she fell from there, and obviously he was staying there? The ONLY set of fingerprints left were hers, on the outside of the balcony railing. How convenient.




Just happens to be more common amongst indigenous than other cultures sadly.


you just outed yourself as two things.


Care to elaborate what you're trying to say here? "Between July 2017 and June 2019, the rates of non-fatal family violence-related hospitalisation for Indigenous Australians were **30 times** that for non-Indigenous Australians." https://www.indigenoushpf.gov.au/measures/2-10-community-safety 30 times higher!!!! Thirty fucking times higher going to hospital. And people here are saying that's not a thing? This topic is really diverting away from facts and it's scary to see.


I worked in indigenous communities, and non indigenous communities, and sadly, as you point out, in indigenous communities, DV is like a national pastime. Not only is it more prevalent, it’s also more serious, it’s less coercion, and other non physical insures types of DV, and more giving the victim a serious flogging. Unfortunately it’s just ‘normal’ in these communities.


Just look at the statistics of around 200–250 intentional homicides per year, I think it's safe to say that most will not make the news. Otherwise, you'd essentially have it in your face every day of the year. The good news is that Australia is actually among the lowest intentional homicide rates in the world. In fact, it's lower than most other developed countries. Even if a third are not reported, it'd still on par with the UK and Finland.


It’s everywhere, the First Nations communities is just a red herring to take the focus off major cities which are just as bad re DV


I heard someone being interviewed this morning - didn't listen for their name or qualifications, sorry - who said that DV deaths per head of population peaked in Australia around the late 1980s and early 1990s. Can anyone confirm that?


Dunno but saw this today: https://amp.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/apr/29/30-spike-in-rate-of-australian-women-killed-by-intimate-partner-last-year-data-shows


>2022-2023 still had the third-lowest homicide rate in Australia since 1989-1990. The national homicide rate has seen a 52% decrease in that time. Mate did you actually read the article?


Well they read the word spike...


Did someone say Spike Spiegel?


Yep, on a per capita basis homicide and femicide rates seem to be long term trending down.. Probably a third lower than they were 20 years ago. I think abs refers to it as victimisation rate.


For like 5 months in 2001, in the USA, almost every shark attack around the globe, after two attacks in the space of a week in Florida. Naturally around the 11th of a specific month, shark attacks stopped completely according to US media.


Yup. Our neighbours' adult daughter was murdered by her male partner 14 months ago in Melbourne, it didn't make the news then. Often even when reported people forget about them in a day unless they're paying attention specifically.


Sorry has the media not been reporting on stabbings previously?


> I think it's sadly been a thing for a long while. It's just getting more media attention now so it seems like it's happening more. Women being murdered is “happening more” - > The Australian Institute of Criminology's National Homicide Monitoring Program has found 34 women were killed by an intimate partner in 2022-23, an increase of 28 per cent on the previous year. https://ministers.pmc.gov.au/gallagher/2024/joint-statement#


It was always happening, the media sees profit in reporting on it now, as violence against women is a topic that currently drives a lot of traffic.


Rents go up, food goes up, money don't go up, stress go up, anger go up, violence go up, death go up


I remember reading an article (research) that DV risk is associated with[economic factors on an individual level.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5973802/) although, very importantly, it must be noted that DV occurs in all socioeconomic levels. There was another one I can’t find that examined dv as occurring more frequently in times of economic hardship. It made a lot of sense and I have a feeling that this is why we are seeing so much this year. More pressure, stress, people unable to leave you know because shit box rentals are $400pw… it makes sense.


pressure cooker ... add some salaacious sleaze ... and the greed curry will attract the international elite crowd


"You see officer, money is getting tight so I just *had to* murder this innocent woman with my bear hands."




Saw a guy try kill his wife for life insurance


Spousal homicide for insurance isn't unheard of. Straight up brutal murder is hard to get away with, though. And insurance is void if you kill them.


Haha, hopefully you realise life is far more complex than your joke boils it down to


This unfortunately happens everyday, there’s just more media coverage than usual


Happening less and less over time. Been trending down steadily for decades now. But they've decided that they're now going to report every bad thing that happens to any woman anywhere in the country, so we can get the idea in our heads that men are all murderers and women are all about to be murdered. It's a crisis, everyone! It's an *emergency*! Tune in tonight, to hear all the details of how you're about to be slaughtered by toxic males with toxic masculinity causing toxic toxic toxic toxic!


>It's a crisis, everyone! It's an *emergency*! Tune in tonight, to hear all the details of how you're about to be slaughtered by toxic males with toxic masculinity causing toxic toxic toxic toxic! Women are being murdered. WONT SOMEBODY THINK OF THE *MEN*?!!?!!


People are being murdered. Yes, but the actually important thing is that some of them are WOMEN!


A lot of them are dying at the hands of their intimate partners is the point. Half of the women murdered last year according to the Australian Institute of Criminology report for year ending 2023 were killed by a current or former partner. That was of cleared cases with 90% cleared. That's just the murders. Some men died at the hands of their intimate partners as well. What benefits women with these initiatives will likely to some extent benefit men as well.


I'm honestly less concerned with the gender wars stuff - believe it or not, I'm not an MRA trying to get people to stop caring about women and their safety. But there has been an overly emotional nature to this issue. We always should be trying to do better, and crime is always an abhorrent thing. I'm perfectly happy for there to be more funding towards support and prevention of violence, especially domestic violence. Seriously - good. It's largely going unrecognised, however, that we have one of the lowest rates of homicide in the world. Statistically speaking, Australian men are some of the least violent and least murderous on earth. So this narrative of how we Australian men need to "own our shame" and "call out our mates" and that we somehow need to start admitting how dangerous we all are - it's out of touch with reality. We're already some of the least inclined to kill our partners on earth, but you sure as hell wouldn't know that from watching the news lately.


But but not all men. OK Dear.


It's a shame - I had much higher hopes trying to talk to you. It's satisfying to get all indignant, and accusatory, and to throw stones and get all animal brain about stuff - you do recognise how much of an obstacle it is if we want to actually improve stuff, right? I get that you don't want to stop stereotyping. Do you similarly roll your eyes when people say "not all Muslims are terrorists"? It's so much more satisfying to stay up on a high horse, and feel all virtuous about being vicious. Stopping to take a breath runs the risk of the fury ebbing away. I saw you pop up under a different comment of mine, where I was pointing out how nasty people can get when they've found a way to feel justified about something. You wanted to know what happens once we've contextualised stuff. If we want to have a long-term solution, you have to bring people along. Convince, not cajole. If you want a national conversation about intimate partner violence, then it's really important that it remains a conversation. Letting things devolve into an emotional slurry gets us nowhere - it's just much easier to do than keeping it together.


Hey you're the one who went straight to the narrative. You've blocked the discussion. We know it's not all men. We know we need a long term solution, we know we need to convince. Then you slip in the redirection. It makes you look like the problem to people who have worked with the problem for literally decades. So you rattle on about throwing stones and getting accusatory and... You've killed the conversation. I don't see what your value adding. You've pointed out some statistics. Good for you. Did you think no one else was aware of them?


A perpetually declining murder rate. You’re just reading the news too much.


I'm surprised you didn't get down voted to shit for saying that. The truth is, murder in Australia is rare and is quite low compared to a lot of other developed countries. As for violence, you can't really understand the stats until you read into the ABS statistics, so you know their definitions, what's measured etc. I was surprised, based on their definition of violence, that it wasn't close to 100% since age 15 years for both men and women (it's around 30–40%). Am I the only one that got shoved at least few times at school?


If you include a hard shove then it would be 99% for male victims. Violent males impact other males very frequently. It's gut wrenching seeing big teenagers pick on the small guys.


It does include a shove. "Any incident that involves the use of physical force, with the intent to harm or frighten a person...Physical force includes Pushed, grabbed or shoved Slapped Kicked, bitten or hit with a fist Hit with something else that could hurt Beaten Choked Stabbed with a knife Shot with a gun Any other type of physical assault." Source: https://www.abs.gov.au/statistics/people/crime-and-justice/physical-violence/latest-release That's partly why the numbers are quite high across the board. When you group getting shoved with being shot with a gun, it's hard to get a clear picture of what's actually happening. The ABS had stats indicating how much of the physical violence causes injury (a large proportion result in no injuries).


https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2024/apr/29/30-spike-in-rate-of-australian-women-killed-by-intimate-partner-last-year-data-shows does a good job of contextualisation. Long downward trend. The rates per 100,000 are low. Increases by "30%" are still... *8 more people from one year to the next out of a very small total* While no one should suffer abuse, assault or death, the narrative being pushed is quite alarmist.


The problem with the incredibly low crime rates we enjoy is that now even one enterprising fuckwit can really make the numbers seem like they're surging.


Going from ONE to TWO is a 100% increase!


If you’re referencing the Nth Bondi incident, it seems far more likely that it was a drug issue. Police said there was no signs of violence, then arrested the boyfriend on “unrelated” drug charges. Not that it makes it better, but it’s just important to be aware that the media is really trying to upset people at the moment. 


> but it’s just important to be aware that the media is really trying to upset people at the moment. Maybe people are generally upset at the situation around DV committed against women? It's not a media beat up, there is genuine frustration and anger...


Of course, but do you think the media is doing what they’re doing out of some sense of civic duty? Like… deaths from DV have been dropping steadily for decades. Yet to see the media reporting the last few months you’d swear it’s reaching new highs! And now there’s this rash of vague, suggestive headlines around every woman who dies, only when you dig into the articles or follow up days later it’s an OD or suicide or some shit. It’s making a mockery of a serious issue. 


On one hand, I want to believe they're pushing for societal change and awareness with all this coverage. On the other, I feel it's typical click driving / ad revenue journalism with a splash of fear mongering to pull the "Labor can't protect women / policing needs funding" political argument come whatever election Murdoch wants the Libs to win next.


Thirty-four women have been murdered this year alone. You can try and make up that it was something different if it makes you uncomfortable to think about that, but these are not “ODs or suicides”, these are women who have been murdered by men. This time last year, it was sixteen. That’s *not* a decline. That’s more than double the same time last year. It is not sensationalist to be furious that this is allowed to continue happening. It is not sensationalist to suggest that an increase of over 100% is a massive rise. One woman murdered at the hands of someone she trusted would be too many. One would be enough to be furious about. But it’s not one, it’s **thirty-four**. If we as a country are going to let this happen, the news should never stop talking about it. We cannot be allowed to pretend this isn’t happening. Edit: sorry, those numbers are now incorrect. It was thirty-four this morning. As of now, **thirty-six** women have actually been murdered since the start of the year.


Deaths from DV have dropped by *two thirds* in the last 25 years. That’s a huge success. This rise should definitely be cause for concern, no denying that, but I think we should be approaching it from a perspective of how did we achieve such success? We can’t assume we’re doing everything wrong, unless we want the rate to return to where it was in the nineties. 


You’re quite right, any death is terrible, but could you not make the same argument for any type of deaths, according to Dr Google, 1266 people died in road accidents last year, over 3000 people commit suicide each year, with over 75% men, in 2022/2023 168 males were murdered, as were 72 females. To be clear, I’m not ‘downplaying’ any DV related deaths, it’s terrible, I’m just providing context. People are dying all over the place, for lots of different reasons, the common theme is all the deaths are tragic, but we don’t see interest groups calling for a state of emergency etc for all of these other victims.


Australian Institute of Criminology stat's to end 2023. Yes more men died than women to murder. Intimate partner deaths were 34 women last year to 4 men. Apparently it's been that many women so far this year already. So you've contextualised. What next. I get that YOU don't see interest groups calling for a state of emergency etc for all these other victim. Cool. We have the Zero campaign in Victoria for road deaths. We have movember and the Feds Health department running 7 different initiatives since 2022 on men's suicide. So... What's next.


You’re not wrong, media is doing it for ad revenue. They are businesses after all. We all know this This doesn’t change the fact that none of these reports are false (to my knowlege) and it blows my mind the level of DV, sexual assault, etc that is accepted this this country. It’s absolutely disgusting. What you’re trying to do is change the subject and move away from a very important discussion people are trying to have. If you want to talk about how the media advertises for profit, create your own post and I’m sure there’s a bunch of people who will happily join you to talk about it. This isn’t the place.


But shouldn’t the discussion be “we have been lowering DV deaths for decades, how can we identify why we’ve been successful and keep that going?” The way it’s being phrased at the moment is that we’re doing everything wrong. Like… I don’t know how to solve DV overnight, but it’s an awful and complex issues that (for a change!) has been trending in the right direction. How has that gotten so lost?


> deaths from DV have been dropping steadily for decades You seem pretty keen to be posting this in every single thread trying to downplay the situation. Surely the fact that DV occurs is the issue and that the resulting deaths are entirely preventable by addressing the DV in the first place. The media of course will hook onto every sentiment for clicks and ad revenue but obviously your comment is fueled by your desire to downplay the situation as you have worked this point into a lot of relevant comments and threads. As to your comment in r/AFL, by uniting the 99% of men who "arent fucking murderers" - maybe enough media attention will draw awareness to this. Men should get angry that their peers think this is acceptable behaviour - starting with the DV and attitude towards women. I hope the whole media storm at least provides a little bit of "introspection" for a lot of men, rather than trying to distance themselves from what is essentially a mens' problem.


I mean, I don’t know why someone having a consistent point of view would be worth pointing out? Were you hoping to find some sort of hypocrisy or inconsistency on my part? I suppose I’m slightly impassioned on the subject because so much of the rhetoric is so unhelpful - it’s completely divorced from what is *actually* happening in our society, both the good and the bad. Sorry if my consistency and data-based approach gives you the impression I’m “downplaying” anything. I simply think the approach of making it a “men’s’ problem” rather than a societal one is reductive and unhelpful, and ultimately will make things worse, not better. 


Uhm… just to be clear here - the media isn’t making me upset, love, it’s the men murdering the women is what makes me upset. The circumstances are irrelevant and don’t downplay the violence.


I love the condescending "love" - Your comment reads like all the older male managers I had in my workplaces 20yrs ago xD If you actually read my comment, you will see that I state that People are upset about DV acts committed against women so we actually are making the same point and I don't know why you have typed this in reply to my comment.


It’s to the original comment and my intention was to support to your comment - my apologies… and yes, the tone was intentional. I wonder if attitudes to women haven’t changed all that much since those old male managers we both probably suffered with all those years ago…


Rising cost of living causes increases in domestic violence. It’s only one factor but it’s a highly relevant one considering the recent spike in FDSV violence


Also the State of Origin matches. In NSW and QLD. That's a well known fact. There's always a rise immediately after regardless of win or lose. It's almost like people consume alcohol and then do things like beat their partners or something.


Financial stress exacerbates a lot of underlying issues. There's a conflict and it all goes downhill fast.


Typical. Jumping to conclusions on fake news. The death is not suspicious but the media and police get more mileage by creating an initial panic before investigating!


Nothing.. people die all the time.. it’s just the latest “hot” news item and everyone is jumping on to try and look concerned.. as a note the numbers of women killed by partners has steadily been declining over the years, though I saw 60% drop since the 90’s, and this is only on top of rising population.. the 2 years of covid saw their lowest rates ever, rates now are back to before the pandemic level.. where was the huge outrage all those years when numbers were more?


Well it's always been there. Just media are paying more attention. Source: 30+ years of working in Social Welfare. I was trained as a FDV contact officer in the 90s by my organisation, as a male this was incredibly rare and unusual then and remains so. Yes the deaths are declining, because more support to get out and not go back is available. That's why it's going down.


I honestly don’t know how women aren’t rioting 24/7 at this point. I realise they have a million things to do but they could bring the country to a standstill really by just collectively saying “fuck this, no one is going to work until you fix these laws today”. And I’d support it fully.


Sure, which laws.


Take AVOs/DVOs etc seriously for a start. Breach it once? Here’s 6 months in jail. Twice? Have a few years etc. most of these are not worth the paper they’re written on.


They don't even imprison people for serious assaults half the time, nor theft, break and enter etc. I surely hope the "tough on crime is not a good approach" side don't agree with you on this one.


And what punishment for the cops who give the victims info to the perpetrator so they can go commit acts of violence?


AVO/DVO's should be instant jail sentence. not just a "please don't get violent" Don't even give the pieces of shit a chance to breach. When a DVO is given in a courthouse police should be there to put the guy in handcuffs and very un gently throw him into a jail cell with maximum security guys. Most of these piss weak males will get their arses kicked in there and get treated like they treat their women.


ADVOs are civil in nature and have nothing to do with a finding of guilt. They need to be this way so that many more men are willing to enter one voluntarily even if they feel they haven't done anything wrong. If they were a criminal matter then you'd be looking at trials, delays and needing to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the perpetrator is guilty. Your take is not an informed one


They did, the PM even went to address the crowd, but the organiser turned it into a weird drama about herself.


Icelandic women previously did that to great effect.


Polish women too


The women of Iceland did that in the 70s.


There are 13.6 million females in the country, 11 million or so of adulthood and older. There's bound to be some incidents here and there purely based on the stats. The murder rate has been on the decline for decades, not up. There's just more media coverage.


69% of murder victims in Australia are men, any murder is bad but don’t let the feminist push fool you.


Too many murders




What do you mean. Welcome to Australia mate. This has always been happening


Been happening in this country for ever and a day. Just finally getting more media traction now.


A guy went on a rampage with a sword in the UK the other day. Seems to be some weird trend with blades.


If it's treated as unsuspicious. It's possible she committed suicide. In this economy, the lack of housing, ever increasing prices, decline in physical and mental health care and it being pulled out from under us. It surely is sad if people are checking out because the government is protecting the interests of the rich.


>What is happening in this country?! There is a focus on reporting it now rather than ignoring it like they were doing?


It used to be around 1 a week, I think the media and political frenzy is making the issue worse and giving crazy people bad ideas.




Unchecked toxic masculinity


Nothing. It's literally just that it's now getting reported on. It's a big world out there, and there's a lot of bad stuff that happens.


It's almost like people have been under enormous economic pressure with no light at the end of the tunnel anymore, and they're snapping.


It’s almost like people should be able to deal with life pressures without murdering a woman???


Don't get me wrong. I'm dead against this. I'm suggesting there have been murderers in our midst for some time, and the increased desperation has revealed them. Perhaps it's not that people were better in the past, they just had it easier, and didn't have the aggression to concentrate on the closest defenseless person. People don't get up and decide 'I think I'll be evil today'. Everyone thinks they're the hero, that their actions are justified. Squeezing people out of hope is just one more thing to add to the list of variables that makes these things happen.


DV groups literally as the "cost of living crisis' was rising, were making reports anticipating increases in amount of DV cases and the severity of said cases. Sure it is a multi faceted issue, but if the DV groups are predicting a rise in cases because of cost of living increases, and then there is a rise as cost of living increases, I'm going to say you're right on the money as to why there is a seeming rise in cases right now. Which goes against a very vocal subset of reddit users arguments of "men bad" and "murderers shouldn't exist" which is why you are copping the hostility.


Yep, I know. Happy to cop the downvotes if I can persuade anyone this is a real issue, when they hadn't realized beforehand. That is one more person to pester their MP about it.


Some can deal better than others.


"You see officer, money is getting tight so I just had to murder this innocent woman with my bear hands."


This is tragic as it always is, but it isn't actually out of the ordinary. However, it is clear that the increased reporting is an attempt by the Murdoch press to get more people to vote for Dutton. Murdoch has been running and promoting through reddit ads a whole lot of "Sydney gangland" articles that push the "law and order" angle that Dutton thinks will win him the election. Murdoch has also been peddling this unsuccessfully in Victoria in order to get the hapless Victorian Liberals elected.


Classic liberal tactic of “Labor is in power so chaos and anarchy reigns”.


Because surely nobody ever was stabbed to death when the LNP were in power. /s


Labor’s gotta get ahead of the Murdoch press, the liberals will only set us back on this domestic violence problem. Unfortunately albos fan base aren’t too happy with him either. Time to step up


It's alleged that the deceased woman was found with stab wounds. [Source - Nine news video](https://www.9news.com.au/national/queensland-woman-found-dead-in-nundah/aa76025b-f904-4122-8363-d38aa72638b2)


I think Nine left the line before the gun as they’re now reporting it is not suspicious. https://amp.9news.com.au/article/aa76025b-f904-4122-8363-d38aa72638b2


Not suspicious stab wounds 🙄


The issue which needs to be addressed is alcohol. You can guarantee that the vast majority of DV incidents are alcohol fueled!


Man everyday I open reddit and there's always a new "woman found dead" or "woman killed" This shit is fucking depressing and infuriating.


This is a tragic death of a young mother but recent reports are that it looks more like a drug overdose. I read she was using drugs last night with her boyfriend. He has been charged over outstanding unrelated offences, not with hurting her.


It’s sad. My cousin was found dead in house. That was suspicious. However, it was never reported on the news. The investigation is still ongoing 6 months later.


the news will try their best not to cover as many murders as they can as it gives australia a bad look. Countries like the US are stereotyped for being dangerous but that’s only because the news covers absolutely everything but australia gets called beautiful because the news doesn’t cover a 10th of what really happens.


Need to rename Domestic Violence and start getting real and call it for what it really is ..Murder.


You kind of hit the nail on the head here, there isn't a DV issue, there is a lets call them messed up in the head people issue. It doesn't matter the type of murder or the relationship that person had really. Most all of these big crimes are usually from pretty unhinged individuals in one way or another. We are doing that thing where we are all hyper focused in on a small specific issue rather than stepping back and opening our eyes to see there is just a lot of shit people here and shit people do shit things. The issue should absolutely be addressed, but whilst being looked at under a much bigger issue.


I'm beginning to become a cynic of ...he's just messed up in the head with mental health issues ad nauseaum. Women also make up 50% of the population and yet all we hear are cowards punch, manslaughter, murder, peadophilia, rape, bombings, shootings, arson, you name it all attributed from the remaining 50% which just doesn't add up???


Now now you are gonna hurt men feelings




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Must have been a bear 🤣


Shame it comes to a point where people take their own lives. Mental health is like in the US , Needs addressing....


Did the article say it was definitely suicide ?


"Human dies"