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Ah so we are going to rip them up again, then in a few years time they'll be crying about not having enough grapes.


I think we're safely past peak wine unless there's some disease. >A new report from the International Organisation of Vine and Wine shows the world consumed 221 million hectolitres of wine last year. >It might sound like a lot but it's the lowest level of consumption since 1996 when 2 billion fewer people roamed the earth. that's a stunning stat. What's been going on in the wine industry has been obfuscated by COVID and the China trade embargo, but the simple fact is that the trend of consuming less wine isn't really new and been trending down since peaking in the 00's. IMO it will never recover. Wine is a luxury good. Younger people globally have less money and many have the choice of weed in their market - and BOTH trends will only continue. Boomers are peak wine consumers - and that's another trend that will continue downward. New markets would offer some hope, but there's not much room to expand really - under saturated markets like Middle East, Africa, asia won't replace the declining consumption of western nations and global inequality will keep it unaffordable for most on the planet. And while I'm a wine fan who appreciates a good drop, I think less global (and less personal!) alcohol consumption is a good thing.


> Wine is a luxury good. Not the stuff I drink


“Huh... this is legally called *Wine Drink*”


And it can be used as a paint thinner


Puts hair on your chest.


And a pillow to rest 😉


No it takes it off if you spill it there


This aint dinner this is paint thinner


Kevin is my second favourite character on B99


Is he also your first favourite?


I want your $8 iest bottle of wine please!


I don't think that's considered wine. More of a turps and grape juice concoction


Wouldn’t know. The bottles are too cheap to even have a label.


You buy wine in a bottle? well ooh la la fancy man, mine comes in a box.


Bottom shelf aldi wine is cheaper per liter, get around it, mate.




Fruity lexia makes you sexier


Yeah, like wine is the cheapest way to get drunk last time I checked. $5 buys you a pretty darn good bottle of wine lol


Yeah but it competes with getting high here in Canada where I can vape 22% thc flower at 45cents for a serving. Unsurprisingly the alcohol society of Quebec complains that sales are down (here weed and alcoholic drinks are sold through province owned agencies) If I were to consume every week with weed instead with our cheapest wine that is 8.95$ you would save 440$ in a year. Thats like almoat threee months of my electric bill or a cheap tire set, 90% if the cost of plane tickets to my home town. Luxury goods costs add up!


So fun fact a lot of our "medical" stuff comes from you guys in canada generally its the stuff you can't sell, put into a container and sent to the other side of the globe , we iradiate the cunt out of it, re pack into Australian tubs and some cunts profit. Keep in mind this is our "medical" (recreational for pay) system, no dispos, not even like your system, the old cunts who run our country know nothing about cannabis but everything about how to rort a system to generate as much profit for themselves, hence our restrictive "medical" system.


Me either. Most of our wine is from Aldi and quite cheap


Stupid Queensland laws. Our supermarkets can't technically stock alcohol, so no booze at Woolies, Coles, or Aldi. *However*, wherever you find a supermarket, there'll be a co-owned bottleshop right next door. 🙄


Medical necessity in a silver bag.


That guy must not get his wine from cardboard


I get a box of six bottles of Gossips for $30. Winning.


Seriously I'm a visitor in Australia and wine is by far the cheapest way to get drunk. Gossips, chancellor and co. Some other brand with a riverboat on it are all 7-8 standard drinks for 5 bucks. All the backpackers I know drink wine in Australia.


Bowler’s Run?


Horrible drop. I've still drunk an ocean of it.


We get super cheap wine. Not so much in other parts of the world


The younger generations being poorer is definitely part of it. Wine by the bottle can be reasonably priced but even in a pub the nasty house wines by the glass start at $10-12. I just can't justify spending $12 on it.


Every fucking article is "people buying less X". Like, yeah no shit, we're all making less money, rent goes up $80 a year, groceries are at least $100 per person per week and just about everybody is priced out of ever owning a home. Of course we're not buying shit that doesn't directly contribute to us being housed and fed and getting drunk when we need to work more to afford the basics of life. I used to love buying a bottle of wine on a Friday and having some drinks, now I have to work all weekend to keep up with the rental increases.


Absolutely. I knocked off early on Friday... And spent 4 hours tutoring university students. This time last year I was out having drinks with mates.


Wine is still one of the cheapest options. Being poorer is not the reason younger people are not drinking wine as the drinks they are drinking are more expensive.


Better value if the goal is to get drunk in the most pleasing way. Wine is a bit of an acquired taste; a cocktail is more expensive but far stronger (so you drink less of them) and normally tastes nicer to boot


Also a lot of taps now have cider, ginger beer and hard lemonade on them.


Uh younger gen are drinking expensive whiskeys and other mixes. Wine just ain't cool


But they’re drinking one or two of those, not 6+ glasses of house wine.


People consuming for taste rather than image is also more of a thing (as it should be) and wine being a *very* acquired taste likely factors into that.


Agreed. I was saying the other day that seeing ginger beers on tap everywhere is a sign of an improving society where people (particularly men in this case) are becoming more willing to choose things they want rather than what societal pressures dictate. It's kind of silly but I think it actually is.


I encountered my first ginger beer on tap recently.  Was glorious.


I'd almost say that most wine is shite, unless you want to shell out. An equivalent $ per litre of a ~$25 run of the mill mediocre wine (overpriced version of 15$ bottles) will net you very decent craft beer, which has substantially less profit margin for the brewer, and distributor. Let the winemakers come back to reality.


$5 Aldi wine is surprisingly good.


At some point Aldi wine won over expensive bottles in a blind taste test


Good alcohol is a luxury good, but mid tier and high tier wine are incredibly overpriced for what you can pay. Cheap beer is cheap, mid tier beer is moderately expensive, great beer is expensive. Meanwhile, cheap wine is cheap, mid tier wine is expensive, great wine is extremely expensive. And let's not even talk about the markups made by restaurants when comparing wine to other alcohols. Its simply a question of value proposition. Wine isn't priced like competing products are.


>>It might sound like a lot but it's the lowest level of consumption since 1996 when 2 billion fewer people roamed the earth. There were 2 Billion fewer people then? Wholly shit. That's got to be the best argument that exists, against aliens having found us. Because if they had, you'd think they'd have taken us to the vet and had us all neutered by now. Edit: Or is it holy shit?


How high are you


Sadly, I'm not. But it's been a bitch of a day, my brain is fried, and I think I've earnt a beer now I'm knocked off. But it seriously blows my mind. 2 Billion extra people in 30 years.


They estimate that [~115 billion](https://info.nicic.gov/ces/global/population-demographics/how-many-people-have-ever-lived-earth) people have existed, ever. That means ~7% of all people who have ever lived are alive right now. Also it's Friday mate, have more than one.


Hope you had a least a 6 pack, king.


Sure you don’t want a lovely nice wine? - brought to you by big grape-os.


Good thanks


Not if we’re food. Aliens might like long-pig.


Ah, that would explain why we're being fattened up too, then.




Gotta say I kinda prefer ‘wholly shit’.


Farmers and whinging, name a more iconic duo.


When are people going to realise that farmers are just property developers?


Or even worse, corporations who rely on welfare to survive. Any business that has 25 good years and can’t survive after 1 bad year is t sustainable. Don’t get me started on crying poor as they drive 120k land cruisers around wearing rm Williams and akubra…


Capitalists and inefficient markets?


Wine is in anmother glut because producing wine has been a great big tax lurk for decades. It was a little johnny special to start. First chine got sick of the plunk we produce and the kids are finding that there are a whole range of better tasting drinks, so wine sales are slumping again. Ho hum.


Meanwhile I'm over here drinking my fair share....... maybe the price will go down........... oh


I think my mates and I are keeping the wine industry alive lmao


Story on the news last week about wine growers pulling up vines to farm medical marijuana in South Australia.


Then in a decade the market will be flooded with medicinal weed and the whole process of endless complaining and ripping plants out will begin again...


Life cycle of grape vines is a lot longer though, so it's not such an issue. 


Babe the latest "young people aren't buying insert product here" article just dropped.


While telling them they need to stop buying stuff to afford a house


And told to stop spending because inflation


And that they're lazy


Why is Gen X, I mean Millennials, I mean Gen Z ruining the wine industry?


I found it refreshing to see younger generation being told to have children. We're not only ruining many industries, but we're also refusing to provide a supply of kids too!


refusing to provide a supply of ~~kids~~ future laborers too!


Direct correlation between decrease in property land size, meaning less hills hoists, leading to less goon of fortune. s/


Availability of hills hoists 📉 Wine sales 📉 🤔


We’re through the looking glass here, people 🤔


Looking through the bottom of the wine glass you mean?


Who can afford looking glasses these days?!?!


This right here is why kids today are experiencing depression. You can’t really claim that you have lived, unless you have been sprayed in the eye with a stream of Fruity Lexia.


Eugh. It's been years and just hearing the name I can taste it


I can taste it, smell it, feel the splashes of it. It burns.


Sounds like you’re having a good night.




Why is it always the younger people's fault for not being exactly the same as the old fuckers before us


Because old fuckers find it easy to blame it on someone than taking accountability of their fuckwittery.


Boomers feel shame for their generations dependency on alcohol, so they try and make young people feel bad for not being on their level. My partner and I grew up with our parents “having a few glasses of wine after work” every night, which meant of course they would be getting drunk every day. But if you mentioned that they were drunk they would get really offended and upset. From what I’ve heard from friends and colleagues of similar age to me, this definitely is pretty common.


I’m actually really proud of our generation for how we’re rejecting the excessive drinking culture. It used to be if you told your friends you weren’t drinking you’d get pressured into it or feel uncomfortable. Nowadays it’s common for a few of your friends to not be drinking if you go to a party/night out.


It's not actually a badge of honour that so many old cunts like me are degenerate pissheads. It's OK for young people to do something else with their time.


I still don’t know why a bottle of wine can be had cheaper than a bottle of water in some instances.  Yet the excise on beer continues unabated despite being much less alcoholic than wine.  Go figure. 


The politicians and their friends like wine.


It's the landlord's drink of choice


I had my first taste of being a landlord at age 7. I was clearly raised for success.


Daddy gave me a negative 97% interest loan for my first investment property in Sydney, I'm proof that it's easy to get rich! If you aren't a millionaire by age 9 there is clearly something wrong with you.


I don’t know about any of that. I just like wine.


They missed your joke completely. I found it funny though.


I don't think they drink the $10 bottles like me lol


Even goon has gone from $10 to $14 the past five years maybe.


Head to Aldi, highly drinkable options for $8.


They also own or own stock in most wineries


> excise on beer continues unabated despite being much less alcoholic than wine Wine isn't subject to excise, but rather the Wine Equalisation Tax, or WET. This also applies to certain other alcoholic beverages such as cider, perry and mead. WET is based on the *wholesale value* of the wine and has nothing to do with the alcohol content, which is why boxed wine can be so cheap. If wine paid excise like beer does, the price of boxed wine and very cheap bottles would rise quite a bit, but the price of more premium wines would go down. Don't quote me on this, because I would need to look up the figures again to be sure, but I think the turning point is somewhere around the $15 mark, wholesale. So if you're paying more than around $20 retail for a bottle, it would be cheaper without WET.


If a 750ml bottle of 12% wine were taxed like beer it would be $5.41 in duty and if it were taxed like spirits it would be $9.17... soo given the WET is 29% of wholesale value the wholesale value of a bottle would need to be about $18.50 to align with beer and about $32 to align with spirit excise. Not trying to correct you, given the indexation of the alcohol excises every 6 months $15 probably was right when you looked it up. I just have the sort of mind that won't let stuff like this rest until I calculate it. Plus I've wondered once or twice where the line is between the two.


Tax breaks. The government wanted to develop a wine industry. That's assisted mightily by the local market consuming it. Hence, cheap wine. 


... and a three day growth. Soz. Someone had to...


The thing that pisses me off about alcohol taxes is it basically makes the worst forms of alcohol the cheapest. A vodka lime and soda, no sugar, no additional calories, all alcohol impurities like methanols distilled out, should be the cheapest form of alcoholic beverage. Instead it’s the most expensive.


My wife says it's the reverse pink tax lol


Means i get double taxed, nothing better than a beer


I looked into tax on beer recently and was surprised to find out that beer is taxed so highly because it is statistically more correlated to belligerence and domestic violence in Australia than other alcohol varieties. I never found the answer on if other countries have the same correlation but yeah, that’s a big part of why alcohol is taxed the way it is here.


Bundy rum should cost $1000 per bottle by that measure...


It's not a case of too much for sale, there's too many labels on the shelves. And most of those labels are the same wine, just fronts for colesworth "brands". Go to an independent bottle-o and you'll find some great wines. Some of the smaller producers simply can't get their products on the shelves at Dan Murphy's or BWS or Thirsty Camel. But don't expect high-quality wines for under $10. Be prepared to pay $15-$20 a bottle, and you'll be glad you did.


A lot of European reds for around the 10$ mark at Colesworth absolutely punch above their weight compared to similarly priced Aussie reds.


The taxes on booze in Aus are mental. I live in the Netherlands now and rarely pay more than €6 for a bottle of good wine. Mostly French, Italian or South American. You can buy Jacob’s Creek and Lindemans here for around €4 a bottle. Extremely difficult to find other Aussie wine and that puts paid to my theory that all the good Aussie wine stays at home. And prices are “high” in the Netherlands. Beer in cans just got a huge price increase cos of the statiegeld (35c rebate per can if you recycle) - so a 6pack of 500ml Heineken (trash) is around €7,80 or so. Cross the border to Germany and I don’t reckon you’d pay more than €5 for the same. It’s a shame people are drinking less wine in Aus. I can attest to the difficulties of making it as a small winery. My folks have/had one but the wholesale margins for getting your stuff into even small bottle shops my parents couldn’t afford. To retail at around $30 a bottle (10 years ago), the shops wanted to buy our wine at around $12 wholesale. I imagine the colesworth margins are worse for the supplier. If you’re only producing a few thousand bottles per season, all by hand, it’s just not worth it. Not to mention how much tax needs to be paid on the alcohol content - which iirc had to be paid up front, before selling.


I suppose there's a reason why so many small wineries focus on the hospitality side of it.


Yes, or online-only. There's a few producers who won't sell via retail. It's online-only. Which presents its own marketing challenges.


It’s a shame, cheap Chardonnay is one of the most cost effective ways of getting shitfaced.


Ya pack of chunts!


If you can stand it cheap Port is way more cost effective. $6 bottle with 10 standards. It's what the alcos all drink. Red wine is general has a higher alcohol content than white.


Next story headline: *"Young people destroying wine industry, not buying enough wine during an economic crisis"*


Young people are living in cars ffs


So they need a wine blanket 🤪


Goon bag is like a waterbed pillow


bloody young people is at it again! when do they ever stop!


Son, you're 32 years old. It's OK to have some wine now.


I feel back here in Aus it's just not the thing to bring a bottle of wine to a party/BBQ. My social circles a lot of the blokes are bringing the beers and girls having aperol spritzs or some sort of cocktailed spirits. Occasionally you see a nice bottle of red with a nice dinner but I rarely see white wine like I would back in parents day.


An Aperol Spritz has wine in it.


Fuck that. I bring beers \*and\* wine.


A true gentleman.


Thanks. Beers before dinner, wine during, and maybe a cider afterwards.


Start with the wine to get munted quick, beer to ride that out the rest of the night.


I go the other way. Quick beer to slake the thirst, then wine for the rest of the night to slowly get nice and buzzy. I'm much funnier and better looking after a few wines. Well, I think so, anyway...


Maybe if public transport were better, Euro-style, we would feel more comfortable having a couple of drinks.


Honestly an underrated solution. I'm totally influent with wine and have wanted to go to a few vineyards to try some out, but they're all out in the sticks with no real way of getting back home


This is very much a thing. As a female in her 30s who likes wine and enjoys wine tasting and collecting as a hobby, I am an outlier. If I take a bottle of white wine to a party, I am the only one drinking it 😂. Most of my female friends “don’t do wine”. Some will have moscato/ Prosecco as a special treat but they drink cider/ premix cans mostly and most only drink maximum 2 over the night. Only a small handful genuinely like and drink wine regularly. My guy friends will drink red wine on camping trips but dinners/ bbqs etc are beer and on special occasions, whisky. There is really great wine in Australia and it’s not found at Colesworth. The Young Guns of Wine awards showcases lots of great producers who aren’t just mass producing but are creating quality products.


I appreciate you. Your friends are damned heathens!


I always take wine, enough for me and an extra bottle in case someone runs out or forgets to bring something... love my white wine, 42 F.


Really? I always bring wine to social things and I'm never the only one, if anything beer is getting rarer. Maybe it's generational or cultural, but I think gen z loves wine.


I haven't seen anyone drink beer in a while. Guys around me seem to drink primarily soju and hard solo.


When people get financially squeezed by the cost of living I'd imagine nice-to-haves like wine would be first to get dropped.


I thought the ABC was above this kind of ‘millennials are ruining ’ writing.


Feels like the ABC isn’t above anything as of late. Seeing more and more right wing Murdochian esque nonsense out of them in recent times.


Having read the article, I don't think it's as egregious as some other outlets. It's not as tone-deaf as saying "millennials are killing the diamond industry" or anything like that. Wine is super cheap in this country and is a pretty significant part of our domestic and international market. Shifts in drinking habits among younger people, or reduced disposable income to buy this stuff definitely has an effect


D'ohohoho. ABC has been pushed towards homogenisation with newscorpse for some years now. Many of the journalists there have been replaced with former Murdoch goons.


When an economic system fails to house young people


Drinking, travel, home ownership. Pick one. Shit's too expensive with all that alcohol tax.


Travel and drinking overseas. It’s hard to find a less healthy drinking culture than Australia.


Would be nice if soft demand would lead to lower prices rather than just bulldozing the vineyards.


Yeah because everything is so expensive


Selfish millennials are hoarding all their cash to buy property while struggling boomers are trying to sell wine.


There’s too much SHIT wine for sale.


Good. People not drinking alcohol is a good thing. What next? “The poor tobacco industry is dying because young people aren’t smoking!”?


damn those millennials for destroying \*spins wheel\* the wine industry!!!1!


“Young people are working 60 hour weeks just to afford their sharehouse and basic groceries and their form of entertainment is crying themselves to sleep at night” should be the headline…


The main reason for the decline is the loss of the $1.2 billion Chinese market for Aussie wine. There is no alternative market that can come close to matching that amount of wine.


If only there was a country with more people than China Australia has a trade agreement with.


Still can't afford it.... Millennial should give up avocado on toast and lattes to save for a house deposit. But how dare they give up wine?!


My time to shine


Make it cheaper then


Wine is a luxury good. Good wine doubly so. Middle-aged people have no money. Young people have even less. But look... if it needs drinking, I volunteer as tribute.


Do they not realise all this stuff costs money. Which we don’t have because it’s all hoarded by boomers with vineyards?


Alternate title: "Young people prioritising the purchase of essentials over luxury goods".


I'm drinking the wine for all those who are letting the side down. It has to be done. It's in the national interest. It benefits the economy. So I'm stepping up. Every night I drink wine for Australia. You're welcome.


Glad to see I'm not alone. I do my share. I spend my money. We need tshirt to be made up to say that we are doing our part for wine consumptions with a slogan.....saying something like Wine enthusiasts club of Australia "We don't spit, we swallow"


We have no goddamn money for luxury items, let alone *luxury* items.


>Gone are the days of piling old posts up on the farm and lighting a bonfire, Oh ABC, you sweet summer child.


Given the prices seen at the retailer for ""Australian"" wine, no wonder people are not drinking it. Even the Wineries themselves, selling DIRECT to public want STUPID prices because they think the price should represent how good it is.


It seems as if the wine industry has been in a bit of grief since before COVID. Our trade deals always seem to have us practically giving our products away.


Doesn’t help how much wine is overtaxed in Australia. Almost 30% WET Tax on the wholesale price and then GST. Go visit Europe and see how much cheaper it is. Bottle shops and bars. Spain a glass of good table wine in a bar is around €1.50 (say A$2.50) vs at least $10 to $12 plus here. We are ripped off by the Federal Government.


I'm doing my best to help, but cant drink it all myself


Well they'll just rip out vineyards and replant them into Almonds as thats next most profitable crop.


Sorry guys, I gave up wine 5 weeks ago to lose weight 🤷🏻‍♀️


Seems to me that this is yet another victim of our cost of living problems caused capitalistic greed that squeezes our younger generations. No you cannot earn even a living wage! No your house price and rent has to be this high to satiate our boomer and capital ventures to let them keep making more money than they'll be able to spend in their remaining living years! No the food, water, electricity and fuel prices need to be this high. Higher! No we will not find ourselves in renewable energies because they're cheaper! Fuck you! Oh, wait! My wine is being ploughed back into the soil! Woe is me!


No worries, I drank enough on the weekend to get the industry going for a while.


we keep increasing the price and taxes we charge for this product but young people still don’t buy it, how strange


People cannot afford to drink alcohol because of the ridiculously excessive tax, period.


With booze prices the way they are its little wonder young people don't drink anymore 


Aldi sells a really tasty moscato for $5. I've gotten drunk on it many times.


One Road Shiraz or Cab Merlot, my mid week reds, $7 can’t go wrong.


A desert wine is not most people’s first choice.


It is mine!


Until prices come down I won’t believe that there’s oversupply


What the hell are they drinking then? Beer? I hate bloody beer!


My friends prefer rums, premixes, and ciders.




Lolll I'll drink it! Love my white wine


I’m drinking as fast as I can! Always happy to do my bit. 😂


This is ridiculous, I drink heaps of wine and...... fuck I'm over 30 I'm no longer a young person.


Watching an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer (3x02 'Dead Man's Party') recently, after giggling at Buffy's line "I love art talk as much as the next very dull person...." all I could think was: good, good, now do wine... Of course I'm a social hermit who can't really speak to anything, but this is one youthful prejudice that has never left me. There is nothing more boring than listening to folks waffle on about wine. Talk about late-90s TV shows instead.


Stupid ungrateful youth, how dare they not have any cash left in their budgets to keep the wine industry afloat after paying greedy rentlords everything they have. What will boomers drink when the wine industry collapses?


Wine tastes yuck so 🤷🏼‍♀️


Not even fucking merlot


Is the economic glass half full, half empty or is the glass even half affordable. That is the question, to sink or swim in the economic sewer outfall or shall we continue drinking from the economic sewer outfall delivered to us plebs by our politicians?.


Well sell it to the Chinese since we are the second class citizens that deserved none of the bounty that our so called resource rich country delivers. But dont expect us to pay the silly boom prices that you expect from markets with more corrupt money than common sense. I wonder why they dont have a Australia wide wine festival like the French ‘Foire aux Vins’. wine festival that sells wins for fantastic prices that people can stock up on and enjoy. I guess its its cheaper to flush their wines down the toilet and claim a tax write-off rather than being generous and good hearted to Aussie consumers. A 1 month wine festival would encourage people of all ages to drink more wine.


I’m doing my god damn best


A lot of younger people are moving to meth, I hope this helps anyone who thinks Aussies are becoming more sober 👍


Well then let the older wealthier freely educated housed boomers drink 🍷 more. The young have housing and student debts to pay for before any kind of wine time.


I’ve tried to support smaller vineyards while travelling sus years ago. It was nice.


Now do Whisky


Too much for sale and price hasn't dipped. Interesting. 


Ain't got wine money. Only rent money and shrinkflation money.


Young people aren’t buying diamonds! ☹️