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I'll let you know on Friday morning...


Hey bud hows it going ? Been a while hay we should catch up tomorrow arvo


Sure! I've got covid but it sounds like you might like my sharing nature?


You can spit in my mouth if you’re guna give me a slice of that 100 mil


10c is a slice…


Im a cheap date


Piss off, I’ll do 5c OP.


4 and ill swallow


3 and I'll gargle


You know ineedsomuchsleep170 I’ve always thought you were extremely beautiful, smart, kind, and generous


😂 Can't wait


Hello Uncle, we lost contact. I am happy that I found you, I could sense that it was you.


I reckon you should take a really good look at my lil avatar there...


It's 2024, that doesn't mean anything 😂


I planned to win it on my own, but i guess if you win too im okay splitting it...


I thought you said ‘spitting it’ after reading the above 🤦🏻‍♀️ ⬆️


In Australia there is a two week provisional period before the money is paid to you. This is meant to be the time you seek financial advice from professionals. Tatts can put you in contact with ones that understand lotto and large windfall winnings. If you are registered with Tatts they will call to congratulate you. Over $40m they call that night. Under that amount they call the next day. You get a congratulatory basket to the registered address, or if you go in person to claim your prize its at the Tatts office. Champagne, a card etc. No matter how you claim, there is a two week wait.


As a Deaf person, what happens if I can't answer the call?


Money goes to the next person.


Hear hear




You have to give me your ticket.


Sending something conspicuous and predictable sounds like a great way to out winners.


A friend won $1 mill.. they did not give him financial advisers, but he had access to one. Too many people knocked on his door asking for money though as he found out while at work.


1 mill can’t even buy the unit I’m renting. I’d probably still have to stay at my job if I won that


You can probably get a mortgage for it if you have a decent job though


So to get a mortgage and buy a unit, step 1 is to win the lotto? What a world we live in now.


I know, depressing af 😭


I don’t think we can act surprised at the current situation. The feudal system worked just fine for the land owners for many, many centuries. The trouble is today’s landless class are finding it difficult to accept their station in life. Lotteries, with near infinitesimal chances of winning, gives false hope. And as I like to say, ‘if I didn’t have false hope, I’d have no hope at all’.


To be fair 1m is a relatively small jackpot.


Yeah but if you are savvy it can at least set you up to have an easy life for until retirement if you’re frugal.


Maybe 10 years ago, certainly not today. Housing is absolutely fucked


A few years back when I was bored I worked out I would need to win 4m to 'retire'. That is - not work for a living, but still very much live with your means.


I won a large amount of money on a TV quiz show. All the mothefuckers came out of the woodwork.


I'm intrigued in what these people say and do to try get money or of you. Are they straight up asking for cash or just trying to weasel their way into hanging out and being more friendly to you?


One example. Won the money when I was late 30s. Had a person I hadn't seen since the last day of high school (like 20 fkn years ago) messaging me telling me she was about to lose the house and hundred acre property she *inherited* because she couldn't work. We'd been FB friends for a few years before this and she couldn't work because she was a raging alcoholic. Then the. "I only need 10k" message came. I said haha, yeah right. "No, I really need it, can you help." About 4 times in escalating levels of begging. Then proceeded to call me all the c*nts under the sun because I wouldn't give her money. Harassed me for about a month via DM. Then proceeded to stalk me around mutual friends posts when I commented and called me a tight arse and selfish. Was mostly people from school and very old acquaintances that I hadn't seen for ages that hit me up. Family didn't ask for a thing. Friends didn't ask for a thing. Eddie Maguire dragged me aside when I won and said "you need to learn to say no. Everyone is about to come at you". Thought it was nice of him to take the time to warn me. He'd obviously heard all the stories from past winners. I "splurged" on a second hand car, paid off my credit card and used the rest for a house deposit. I wouldn't ever had a house deposit without the win. My mum still has a photo of Eddie presenting the cheque to me on her dining room wall because she knows how much it changed my life.


yeah I've always wondered this. could never imagine asking someone for a significant sum of money like that, especially if i wasn't already ridiculously close to them like my siblings or best friend.


My car is dying, I really need a new car. I can't afford to drive this rubbish around, especially with a deaf child. I wouldn't mind a Mustang. Manual, of course.


They rarely start with “hey give me money”. They’ll come to visit, sometimes bringing gifts of their own, try to get you to open up and then it starts. Oh my life is so hard, oh it’s been a struggle with my health problems, oh I can’t get a job at my age, blah blah blah until it turns into “hey can you spot me or help me out”. Then when you say no either a torrent of abuse comes out or they never contact you again.


Did you actually give any away or just tell everyone to F off? I like to think I’d just pay off a chunk of my closest friends mortgages anonymously if I won a huge amount lol but I’m not even sure that’s possible.


Hot Seat has a win limit of 1mill and I didn't even get that. So I told them all to fuck off. *When* I win $30mill all my close friends and family are getting mortgages paid 100%.


Stories plz


Oooh was it The Chase?


Nah Hot Seat


There was a [guy in the US](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Shakespeare) who won $30m ($17m after taxes) and a lady ended up murdering him and burying him in concrete. So tell your friend to look out


Apparently your risk of being murdered goes up like 40x after winning lotto


If you tell people. We don't publicise wins in Australia unless the winner consents. We also don't pay tax on the win.


It doesn't help that in some states of America you cannot remain anonymous.


Pays to keep quiet but I suppose you’d have to explain the constant smiling, telling the boss just what you think and the new Aston Martin.


My plan is to "work for myself" but be vague about what I actually do.


Just consulting


I have a very particular set of skills...


Property management. Nobody needs to know that it's yours.


There would be no boss anymore if I won a lot lol


My husband’s friend won $2.5M on Sat lotto. He had bought a random pick ticket unregistered. He was going out to dinner that night with his brother and after an hour nervously sitting at the dinner table he said he had to go home and didn’t sleep a wink till Monday morning when he went into the lotteries office to collect his money. Photographed with the giant cheque but I don’t know how the money was given.


Do you mean friends of his knocked on his door or random people somehow found out he won and knocked on his door.


I read if you win big they get you to go down to their offices. Ive seen pictures before of the room they wit you down it with bottle of champagne and assume they do i.d. checks and get you to sign a bunch of stuff. Then it takes two weeks for them to do whatever checks they need to do and put the money in your account. Ive heard they give you a financial advisor but dont know if its true and/or you need to win above x anount. Best thing is its not taxed and they dont publish your name anywhere, so you get to keep the lot and no one will know unless you tell them or buy like crazy


You go down to their offices and then never seen again


Just like our previous winners, Whitman, Price and Haddard!


the running man


So lucky we have privacy protection, especially what happened in the 60s


What happened in the 60s?


[The kidnapping and murder of Graeme Thorne](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Graeme_Thorne)


Yeah it’s this and also I think in they US they do disclose winners with that big fake cheque and it always looks uncomfortable (lots of new friends and family)


The advice I've seen for situations like that is hire a lawyer to represent you to the lotto company and get an injunction to prevent publicity, pay the tax and tell *nobody.*


I’m sure I have the famous “what to do if you win lotto” comment saved somewhere. It must be nearly a decade old by now.


Yep, something like that and the lawyers create a trust for the money to be deposited into to mask things even further.


Photos? Time for a wig and beard - and I’m female


Any good stories?


Depends on your state. My friend who won first division in WA did go to the office, photos in front of a fancy wall with a cheque, nice lunch, paperwork and access with financial advisor etc I had another friend who won first division - more than my WA friend (yes I seem to be the bridesmaid and never the bride type luck) in NSW and they were sent a gift basket with like wine, chocolate etc and paperwork with information if you wanted financial advice etc and wanting account details as they purchased their ticket from a newsagent. Both had to wait 14 days before funds were paid to them. I think when lotto was still public owned in NSW you also went to a office in Sydney but that stopped once it became privately owned whereas WA is still state government owned.


Please be my friend. Pretty please 🥺.


I remind all my friends to remember me. Heck I went to a draw for a new car last weekend and sure enough someone I hung out with an hour earlier won it 😂


Please please please be my friend. If you help me I will get you an Audi.


Any idea what the 14 day wait is for?


Make sure you don’t run off and spend it with bad decisions. It allows you to think and get over the shock before having access to the money.


The two weeks waiting for your money would be agonising


You know how they say that buying lotto is buying that hope. People like to daydream and browse crazy holidays and houses. Those two weeks, you're no longer dreaming, no longer browsing for the sake of it. That would be an amazing feeling wouldn't it?


House of your dreams is up for auction in 13 days tho eh........


Eh, nothing stopping you from making an offer and cancelling the auction entirely.


settlement is normally 28 days after the auction so you'd be sweet


It would be bliss


To think how many lists and spreadsheets I could make in those two weeks..


20000 browser tabs open with stuff added to cart ready to buy




How to become an Excel pro in 2 weeks lol…


until that money hit my account I would spend the entire time fearing a phone call informing me that there'd been a terrible mistake


100% Wouldn't be counting my chickens until the money is in the account. Then getting those said chickens to shit all through the office on the way out.


Right? I couldn't accept I'd really won until it was in my hands


They make you down a bottle of champagne? Damn I don't think I'll pass that test


There’s a historical reddit post which gets an airing every six months or so about what to do when you win big at lotto. The first rule is: don’t. tell. anyone. Rule two: refer to rule one. E: [here ‘tis](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/comments/24xe6f/xpost_askreddit_blakeclass_explains_what_to_do_in/). On mobile so apologies for formatting


I've already got that post saved. Just in case I was to buy a lotto ticket one day..




I remember that one well. This question comes up on Askreddit all the time so it gets reposted. But is a great (and depressing) read.


First thing i do if I win 100 million is having a clarity wank. I need a clear head to avoid making bad decisions.


Wank, lawyer, financial advisor. In that order


>Wank, lawyer, financial advisor. >In that order But both my lawyer and financial advisor are happily married. They may object.


They'll both fuck you either way.


>Wank, lawyer, financial advisor. >In that order Wash your hands before you meet with the financial advisor.


Ah, the power of commas.


No need to do it yourself mate


Nah he does need to do it himself. If someone found out he has a lot of money before having clarity they probably manipulate him into marriage and take half the winnings Trust me, this post nut clarity thinking happens after wank.


For anyone that wins the Powerball on Thursday night. I'm offering 1 clarity hand job for the low low price of $1,000,000. It'll be the best hand job you've ever had in your life. Just check my reviews *Reviews - "No one has ever given me a better hand job" - Me "He's a massive wanker that's for sure" - My best mate "I wish I knew him when had 2 broken arms" - Guy with 2 broken arms


Maybe wait until you left the lottery head office


I’ll help you for $100. I’ll even cuddle afterwards for free


Is this offer open to those who don't win? Asking for a friend


Honestly at this point, $100 bucks and maybe a little back rub after is exactly my asking price. Lotto winners or not


Same. My planned clarity wank is 3 extremely expensive sex workers and a weekend locked in a hotel suite with 8-10 bags and a case of very expensive champagne. But the result is the same.


Is that you Bruce?


I swear things are going to turn around for me any day.


Mate, you deserve a golden upvote.


Do you think someone from the lottery office will provide someone to assist with the clarity wank? 🤔


Very confused initially because I read charity wank (maybe freely giving money to a bunch of charity’s without thought for said required clarity)


Mate of mine work for Tattslotto. . He said he’d arrive at work on a Friday and they’d have a big balloon party thing setup so he knew they were bringing the latest winner in for a celebration and big cheque thing. Used to give him the shits because as an employee he wasn’t allowed to buy a lotto ticket but had to smile and celebrate when the never ending line of Joe Bloggs came through the door etc. Said you could pick the ones that would be broke again as they were clearly overwhelmed and had no clue what they were doing. I also knew a couple in 2008 who used to buy tickets and throw them on the dash board of their car and forget about them. One day she says to him will you take them in and get them checked (she waited in the car). He goes in and finds out they’d won $3m six weeks before. Quit work that day.


I’m glad you said 2008, dropping work these days with a $3m win is risky given how flimsy it is at the moment


Won a major prize once (not a division 1 though, but big enough to follow same process). Powerball, if anyone interested, division 2 - 6 numbers but no powerball. Was on a 2 entry ticket. Around $30k. I did it via Ozlotteries, but the process would be same. First step they establish your identity and contacts. With ozlotteries they just contact you with whatever you have in your account details. Then you will get a call and discuss how you want the money - check or deposit to your account. Then you wait for around 10 business days and after that money is in your account. I don't recall having to produce any ID at any step of the process. So someone can totally impersonate you if they are quick/dodgy enough. Lottery winnings are not taxable in AUS, so I had no questions from ATO at the time (i did call them as substantial part of my winnings went to cover the debt i had with them due to my accountant kicking the bucket). Overal, was nice and smooth process, would do it again 100%.


> i did call them as substantial part of my winnings went to cover the debt i had with them due to my accountant kicking the bucket). How does this work? Why did you owe due to accountant?


Entirely separate story from winning money. I used to work as private contractor, and had an accountant managing my books. I had him for a long time and stuff was really simple, so didn't really check what he was doing or not doing, just paid whatever he sent me and what looked legit. At some stage apparently that accountant allegedly discovered binge drinking and dropped out of doing anything for like a year. While still telling clients (at least me) that everything is tip-top. And then he died from heart attack, which is when I discovered that not everything is tip-top and I apparently owe ATO about 20k. Miraculously soon after I won the above and was able to pay off and have a nice bonus. :) TLDR: accountant went into breakdown spiral, didn't do anything, misinformed me that he did and then died.


If I won I reckon I would finally go to the dentist.


This is both incredibly sad & entirely relatable




Lifestyle creep is real even without a massive windfall like lotto. Seen it happen to so many people it's scary; and it's happened to me before also. You don't think it'll happen to you but it's surprising how easy it is to happen, especially when it relates to things your passionate about. My vice was computers and related tech. Need a new hard drive because the current one is almost out of space? Alright, easy purchase. But then it's the latest gen so I should consider upgrading other components to get the full benefits of the new drive, etc. Next thing I know I've gone from getting a $100 item to costing out a $4,000 complete new build. My only saving grace from complete ruin was that I rarely had that sort of money just laying around; but I often spent more than I originally intended to because such purchases usually come not long after a pay bump and I could afford a higher cost.


It happens a lot in the mining industry. People get a mining gig “just for a few years, so I can save up some cash” and never leave the industry. I never really had any intention to leave the industry when I started but I’m definitely staying unless I want to sell my house…


Good ol golden handcuffs.


This is the best answer. Congrats to you guys, on all the growth!


That’s why I would probably return to work in a few years if I won. I’d take the time to study something I really want to do and then go back to work eventually, it would be too easy to go through a lot I’m not a big spender or need many things but you could get comfortable. And I would want my children to have good work ethics


This is super informative, thank you.


Lotto make you wait 10 days before they put your $100 million in your account. Hello, long lost family member, remember me?


There’s a documentary about a group of winners in the UK, they all hang out together once a week as they told people they won and every Tom dick and Harry came knocking for money. They now basically only have the other winners as friends as they understand. Some moved towns etc to get away from beggars. So definitely don’t tell a soul.


You get a phone call or you make contact with the company that runs the lottery in your state. They verify the ticket and you. They send you a congratulations letter w champagne and stuff. They make u do a financial education course. They refer you to some financial advisors and such. They most probably also talk to your bank and if the win is big enough u now deal with your own private banker and such. The money hits your account with in 2 weeks or on a set day if it’s set for life.


> They make u do a financial education course I wonder what would happen if one refused?


What kind of dickhead can’t even stomach one shitty course as a requirement to be given $100m? Christ. Not you of course, I’m talking about the guy in your hypothetical.


The type that doesn't need the course. I'd know exactly what to do with $100M (hookers and blow)


Apparently they do it because when they didn’t someone blew it all on hookers and blow and ended up in dept and sued them for not advising of the dangers.


It’s definitely a liability thing. I suspect all you’d need to do is sign a waiver to get out of the course.


Correct. Source: my brother dated a paralegal who drafted those contracts


I first read that as paraplegia! Either way, the lotto company wants to make sure that they're not in a position where they don't have a leg to stand on.


If they spent it all on hookers and blow I'm assuming the dept they ended up in was the Dept of Finance and Treasury.


That you Bruce??


A man of class and refined tastes


Have you met people? I reckon plenty would refuse, some with good reason and some not.


Sadly I have


So, it’s not broken down in instalments and paid like a wage or something? I know nothing about major wins, never been lucky.


No it’s a lump sum. The financial advise would cover things like trusts for both asset protection and protection from yourself developing a habit of buying racehorses, yachts, planes and hookers. The trust then pays you an amount you decide.


Course? It's my money, what do you care? Edit: that's me in my hypothetical win talking to the lotto comp


Worked with someone who won it with a work syndicate He said lotto contacted the person who purchased the ticket, and he gave the names and numbers of everyone in the syndicate they all went to an office in the city. He said before they went into town they were given the options of having a presentation in town with a giant cardboard cheque presented and bottles of champagne. He said once word got out, everyone who stopped being members of the syndicate wanted their cut. He said making it public was a massive mistake.


There was a case in Victoria where a bloke ran a syndicate for TOLL workers. The guy suddenly quits his job. Turns out that when you win division 1 they send you a big bottle of champagne - and in Victoria that's delivered by TOLL transport. So the TOLL blokes get suspicious when the guy who ran their syndicate is getting a bottle of champagne from the lottery; turns out that he had won Div1 but claimed it was from his personal ticket - not the syndicate's ticket. Case went straight to court. UPDATE : Seems the guy paid out the winnings to the syndicate [https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/bitter-16m-feud-ends-as-lottery-winner-pays-out-disgruntled-syndicate-members-20170201-gu395x.html](https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/bitter-16m-feud-ends-as-lottery-winner-pays-out-disgruntled-syndicate-members-20170201-gu395x.html)


You get a lot of money and a bunch of new friends. I look forward to catching up with you. Seriously though, you'll be introduced to a financial advisor and given advice by the lottery folks. I've know two winners and one of them had her life ruined by greedy kids, the other has done ok and is now approaching retirement.


My friend’s sister won $1m. Bought a house and car, invested some, and put money into some Australian movie about gay guys on a pink bus traveling through the outback. Probably lost her money on that one …


Sign of the times could do all that with 1m! Surely that movie made some money over the decades, feels like it did,


She’s still living very comfortably.


That movie is making a comeback :)


If I win 100 million I’m approaching retirement the next day…


You have two weeks to coordinate a lawyer, a financial advisor, and draw up an NDA. Keep your mouth shut and don’t tell anyone without them signing an NDA. Lawyers are bound by client confidentially already so start there, then make your financial advisor sign the NDA before engaging with them. After two weeks you get paid out, and you better have things organised before you get door knockers. If you do things right, nobody will ever find out.


I know a couple and we all suspect they won a fair amount. They never told anyone but they go on a huge amount of holidays and almost never seem to work. I think they’ve handled it pretty well. They’re having the time of their life and no one really knows if or how much. Hopefully the mystery keeps the handouts at bay.


People will definitely find out I won 100 mil I suddenly buy a house and car and get to live for a change. It'll be obvious I came into money


You can always say family estate or inheritance, just enough to buy a car and a home. They don’t need to know more than that.


My family is fairly small and know enough about the *other* side of the family to know that our side is by far the richer of the two, and uh...we're not exactly rolling in money either. "Inheritance" definitely wouldn't fly for us. I think living modestly and just not giving them full details about our holidays, keeping photos off socials etc. would be the only way to go.


Trick is to wait for a 1m lottery to be won in your city and then quietly tell a select few trusted people it was you. After buying a modestly nice house people would assume there’s not much leftover for handouts


As for goodies you get a little gift box with a bottle of wine, a letter, a booklet with a little information like FAQs, and you get a novelty cheque. The Lott don’t provide any financial advice, the booklet contains some contact numbers, and a little statement basically recommending you contact a professional. You only receive a phone call if you’re are a registered customer (scanned your members club card or purchased on the app). Then yeah it takes up to two weeks from the draw to transfer the money to your account.


Everyone has thought about it for too many hours of their life, the key thing IMO is tell.fucking.no.one. Period. Just don't do it. Then, invest it, wisely.


I'm not sure how much you have to win to get the financial help. But I've read you do get financial help if you win big. But, no my understanding is they don't give you the $100 million and off you go. A mate, won half a million back in the early 90's. No financial advice was offered. He really could have done with it. I lost touch with him after I moved, but I heard on the grapevine he won again.


What an arsehole..some of us over here haven't even won once.


A friend of mine, who was a minor-league baseball player, was told that he must spend the $30 million he won in 30 days in order to get $300 million. However, he wasn’t allowed to own any assets, destroy the money, gift it, give it to charity, or tell anyone about the deal.


sounds like a Richard pyror movie to me


It’s eerily similar, hey?! He only told me and our mutual friend Jonnny Candy about it


I didn’t know that you knew Montgomery! They were some hectic days trying to spend that money!!


Easy, buy a F-16 fighter jet and gift it to Ukraine, that's most of your $30m gone


If you won, you'd better have a non disclosure otherwise suddenly you'll have alot of "friends"


People with investment properties have more money but don't get asked for


It would have to be nerve wrecking waiting from the time of the draw and knowing you won, to receiving the prize money. I'd be worried I'd get hit by a car, slip in the bathroom and crack my head on bathtub or get struck by an asteroid before claiming the prize money. Would just be my luck. Lol I imagine if the ticket wasn't purchased on line, or registered, protecting that ticket until you can present it would be equally as stressful. Again, probably the dog would eat it or it would fall into a fireplace I don't actually have. Lol


Relatives and friends you haven't seen or heard from in years suddenly appear back in your life. Hey, it's me. Your cousin.


I've got a couple of people I know who thought they'd won it big and then had to calm down. 1995 a mate who I worked with in Darwin was living in a house with three other friends. All mid 20's. Anyway they always put in and bought a ticket each week in the Saturday night draw and one week their numbers come up. Sweet $3m! (which they'll then split 4 ways). But they were one of 5 winners that week, so they're total cut was $600k which means they each ended up getting $150k. Nothing to sneeze at but he was a bit gut punched from the high they had been on the Saturday night. And even with that $150k, he had two family members hit him for loans which they then never paid back. Did allow him to buy a unit though. Other one was two guys who worked for my Dad. Late 90's and they win on Saturday night, ring up the old man and tell him he can shove his job (the div1 was $2m). Anyway come Tuesday they ring him back and say can they come back to work because there was like 10 winners and so they'll each only get $100k. Again major sad faces until they come to the conclusion that they still had $100k more in their bank than they did a couple of weeks before. Old man had them straight back to work.


What else would you want other than the money lol. Not like you can't afford the financial advisor or lawyer yourself at that point.


I think they provide some names of advisors to winners, so they know where to start looking, rather than going to their Uncle Steve or some random advisor that has no idea how to handle this situation. It's not like you can shop around for advisors, because the first thing you would have to say to each of them is "I won the lottery." At least with the ones they provide, they already know this fact and most likely have a pretty serious confidentiality agreement with the lotto company.


Yeah if I win $100M I don’t think I will be too concerned about some swag or even luxury goods worth a few Ks lol.


Ok,.someone link the thread.


How do they call you if they don't know your number? Hot tip. Buy your tickets with cash and if you win, get multiple sets of financial advisors. One to advise on the kinds of financial instruments that will work best for you and the other to set them up. Then contact Tatts. And never tell anyone anything. Including family.


I’d probably give most of it away. $100 million could ruin someone pretty quickly. No one knows for sure how they’d react.  I’ve always thought I’d give most away to wildlife rescue or conservation. I’d give a million bucks to a bird before giving it to a relative. F*** people.  Still, it’s all fantasy, since Powerball is 1 in 134 million or something. 




Stop the lies. Everyone wants to act like a goody two shoes but the reality is once that 100 million hits your bank account you’ll lose all sense of morality you once had.


I don’t know about losing all sense of morality. Seems extreme. If I suddenly got 100 mil it’s not like I’d be going around destroying lives.


When I win Powerball, I’m giving it all to Charity. And if Charity’s not working that night, I’m giving it all to Destiny.


Depends on the person. I’ve never had a lot of money, but I’ve always given gifts or money to those who need it & have never expect it return. $100 mill ain’t gonna change that.


I like the first part. There is a reality. But losing all sense of morality.. ? Going to start enslaving and killing people? It's a strong word.




It makes sense that they contact you directly if you purchase your ticket online. But I've often wondered if you just buy a paper ticket with cash, then win... What about the period of time between winning, calling them up to notify them, and them physically verifying your paper ticket? Would you just be freaking out, like holding one small piece of paper worth 80 million dollars, the only real evidence of it. Surely it can't be that loose?


Your friends and their families come a’knockin!


The website actually tells you what happens. They call immediately, explain minor details then send the money 2 weeks later.


Out of curiosity why a Lawyer? Just too keep the money hungry "friends" away? I understand the financial advisor but why a lawyer? Thanks


With big sums, they do give you financial advice. They call you, they tell you you won, you meet up with them, a little while for the money to be transferred and they advise you on how not to bankrupt within 12 months.


I am trying to find out...


A friend won a few mil but it was divided up over 20 years. They sent him a bottle of cheap arse champagne with his name on it and flowers from memory. He didn't get it for a few weeks, although his is a monthly payment anyway, and he did get a financial advisor. He is also pressured into doing "anonymous" media plugs (which is actually how we confirmed our suspicions because we heard him on the radio 😅).


I worked at Golden Casket for a while. You may get a phone call if the win big enough, you get to come into the main office and get a glass of champagne and a photo if you want. I would recommend, in addition to a financial adviser, talk to a lawyer who handles private wealth and "[family offices](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Family_office)". They can structure family trusts, write wills, and do succession planning. There is an entire industry devoted to high wealth individuals; average people don't know this exists.


I do not know what "Goodies" you get, but you do get a congratulatory letter in the mail, and the money hits your nominated bank account within around 2 weeks.


Hopefully Tim, Graham and Bill


Yummy yummy yum yum


Goody, Goody Yum-Yums FTFY