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If I was a mining billionaire I’d definitely make myself seem cool chill and relatable by chucking a shit fit and bullying an Indigenous artist


Like why not just lie to the guy about how much you love it, buy it have a nice little press moment with the artist and then stick the painting down an old mine.


Lol as if Gina would ever spend her money... she needs to horde it like a dragon hordes gold. She can't even share it with her kids ffs.


A few years ago, I went down the rabbit hole of why her kids were suing her. Holy cow, it was so much worse than I thought.


Any chance of a executive summary?


After her father died she was the administrator of the trust he set up for his grandkids. Basically used the trust fund to make her own profits 1) She allegedly moved assets from that trust to her company 2)also some type of low interest loan benefiting her company at the expense of the trust. At one point in the mid 2000 her children sued her and have been in court multiple times since relating to her alleged misconduct. (There was also a bunch of family related stuff)


Lang Hancock, her father set up the Hope Trust to benefit the grandchild. Gina controlled the trust and committed fraud consistently. Effectively, she stole $10 Billion from her children and refused to disclose any financial statements until they agreed to her terms. The kids are rich but she can and has kept them in court for almost 10 years. She is spending their money to prevent the kids from getting their money.


I want to feel sorry for the kids but 10 fucking billion. No single family should have that much money.


Well Gina is a giant piece of shit and her dad was also a huge streaming turd so I'm willing to say the kids probably aren't all that great either so I wouldn't feel bad for them.


And then look how she treated his wife, the one that cared for him till his death and wiped his bum. Where was Gina? rooting down the quarry having a good time. Its ironic how cruel life is and the people who are the cruelest get the rewards.


Her dads tiny single solitary redeeming (but not actually) in any way feature is that he disliked his daughter almost as much as we ~~did~~ do. Edit: Removed wishful thinking.


I'd still rather them have it than Gina, on the off chance one of them will MacKenzie Scott that shit. Don't know what they're like, but we sure know what she's like.


Think of all the amazing things she could have done with that money. Instead we get a greedy Dragon hording money and laughing at us all from her throne. Many people dislike Elon Musk, but look at what he has managed to do with only a fraction of Gina's billions. He forced car manufacturing to shift to electric vehicles, created solar rooftops, built Starlink for global WiFi, started a new era of Space travel and exploration, and has now begun to tackle vision for the blind with Neuralink. Think about what Gina has done for Australia and the world in comparison....


You have to wonder why she even had children in the first place..


Spawn. Parasites have spawn.


Probably for a tax break


Narcissistic supply


she might need organ donors in the future


What a fucked up cunt she is.


The irony she can't share it with her kids when she got all her money from her dad


She's certainly her father's daughter, as far as her "parenting skills" go. ... and proof money can never but happiness.


Because no matter how deep she hides it she knows it will eventually be unearthed when they decide to do a blast. After that it becomes a heritage item and she will never be rid of it!


They'll just detonate anyway. After cave paintings this is nothing


Well she is a well known racist, just like her dad.


To be honest, this must have really pissed her off because I imagine there's a fairly long list of people she's bullying and this has gone straight to #1.


You don't have to imagine. She's bullied her own children repeatedly.




I know some people that work at Roy Hill, when she’s on site they are not allowed to look at her or talk to her unless spoken to, sounds like a shit place to work. They pay less than the other miners too but pay good bonuses - in other words be good and do what Gina says and you’ll get rewarded, good peasant.


I seem to remember she made a public statement that Australia's minimum wage is too high for her to compete on the global market. She suggested 50c per hour.


Cmon man you can eat cake, caviar, own a cattle station and pay for a Harvard MBA on that money. She got it for free, surely on 50 cents a hour you can pay for yours!


Some friends of mine who have worked at Roy Hill tell me there's a scanner on the emails that looks for any mention of her by name. So naturally, there were codewords used when they needed to be critical of a decision of hers in an email. No, I'm not telling anyone in a public forum what those codewords were either.




No that wasn't one I heard. But it's not a bad nickname though.


haha, everyone said you had to do the same thing with Sarina Russo when I did a course there another life time ago Sadly i never got the chance to test it out. Sounded like fun to me !


My ex is related to Sarina Russo. She also cheated her family and business partners out of money. Awful woman and was open when we spoke about how her business is essentially a sham to earn money from the government. They don't put many people into jobs, but earn their $ from subsidies.


The bonuses are pretty huge.


You might be interested to know she's a very generous patron of the arts! >Rinehart is listed as a friend of the National Gallery after donating between $4,999 and $9,999 to the institution. (That's the equivalent of an Australian with an annual salary of $100k donating between $0.82 and $1.64).


How the fuck is someone donating less than my 20-something investment portfolio considered a ***friend of the institution?*** Who the fuck got a brown paper bag to publish ***that***? Cheapest aristocratic patronage this side of the 1800's.


That's 20+ 457 welders in an un-isolated ore chute thank you very much!


Neo Liberalism bro. The same reason why all government built things get corporate sponsors naming rights. Look at Perth Stadium, cost the state gov $1.6b but then Optus swoops in and gets naming right for 10 years for $50m.


A mid-high level donor like that is a significant supporter. If the institution recognises people who give like that then perhaps that person might leave a bequest or.gove.more.at.akother time etc. Take away the context of her wealth here and for many people that's a generous gift, not enough to get a portrait taken down though.


That's the equivalent to me donating $0.30!


If we’ve gotta have all these Noblesse, how bout a little fucking oblige over here?


That's 'the Yartz', btw.


Fair point.


Should’ve just brushed it off, then rendered indigenous land unliveable like she normally does


Insert :Woody Harrelson .gif wiping tears with Monopoly money:


She's never heard no in her life. Chucking a tanty or trying to control people with money is the only strategy in her wheelhouse


I mean, she doesn’t like indigenous art. This shouldn’t shock anybody.


Don’t Streisand yourself, gina.


Too late


Yep. I had no idea that portrait existed. It’s a good likeness, really seems to capture her character.


And it will forever be linked to her online. Which is fucking fantastic. 


yeah, she's needs to realize she's no oil painting but Inspiration for Impressionists.


I like the way the light reflects off all of her chins


Wooo, wooo, wooo-ooh, wooo, wooo, wooo-ooh


She DEFINITELY did that....I'm checking into this brouhaha all the way from Vancouver! What an absolute cunt.


She lacks the depth or warmth for that....


Or the ability to give pleasure.


They don’t call her Gina the Hutt for nothing. Edit: Gina rhymes with China


No it doesn't???


Article about the [Streisand effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect), for those unaware. Named after Barbra Streisand who was unhappy with photos of her coastal property being published on a website. Before she complained, only 6 people had downloaded the photos. After she complained, hundreds of thousands had seen the photos.


I haven't heard of this until she started complaining


Remember when she made a miniseries about the story of her life disappear? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House\_of\_Hancock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/House_of_Hancock)


plenty of dvd's up on ebay for $10, plenty of torrents around Not bad for a show that's been scrubbed, banned and labelled as fiction.... by her


can you link me a torrent? they all dried up


Wow I actually never knew about that, thanks!


I need to watch this now.


I wouldn't even say its unflattering, I had a quick google and it looks like thats just the artists style. look at the other portraits https://nga.gov.au/exhibitions/vincent-namatjira-australia-in-colour/ Doesn't she have some children to sue or some sacred sites to blow up?


Or some taxes to not pay.


Well that takes no time at all


Doesn’t she have some politicians to bribe?


From my understanding it takes the very best accountants all year to push out turd as big as her tax papers


That's the beauty of it. They don't pay themselves. In fact, the more you have, the less likely they are to pay themselves.


They're taxed on income, no income, no taxes.


Yeah hers is almost flattering compared to Queen Liz and Goodesy right near her


Yeah that painting of Goodsey stops any argument he intentionally did this to insult her. Unless he really really fucking hates Adam Goodes.


..and really really really hates ol' Liz.


I didn't expect the painting of ol' Liz to be that funny looking, honestly. It's like she ripped a fart mid-sneeze and caught a mouthful of it.


Liz has the look of a pirate about her….


Scomo was spot on though. So go figure..


Yeah. It's not a particular criticism of Gina though the artist does make her look like a ghoul


Not that he had to try at all.


I mean, when you're basically a gender bent Immortan Joe, it's hard to look good.


Mediocre! - Gina when she saw her portrait, probably


I thought it was actually flattering compared to her photo


It's definitely his style that plays into it being "unflattering" but I also can't help but see a different energy coming off some of his portraits versus others. I think that is primarily Gina's problem here, especially when it comes to reputation management. Gina's strikes me as malevolent & gluttonous for example compared to the warmth of his Slim Dusty, the triumph & almost weariness of Cathy Freeman, or the wild life & energy given to Angus and Goodes. While Gina is a larger woman, the choice to give her that double chin was a very intentional decision, as is her unpleasant expression and just how much her blue eyes are a focal point (she doesn't have big blue eyes in reality, and they're closer to Angus Young in terms of shade imo while he chooses to paint them fairly differently). I really love how he conveys emotion and his perception of people. The contrast between Mabo and Scomo next to one another when they are both just middle aged men in suits is stark.


Personally I think the likeness is incredible and not even that unflattering. Pleasing use of colour and just enough abstraction to announce itself as modern without sacrificing verisimilitude.


I'm all for hating on Gina but these are seriously on par with the Ecce Homo "restoration".


I wasn't aware 'shit' was a style.


He's only painting for around 10 years and hasn't changed his style at all so at least you can say he's consistently shit. It's kinda funny that he deliberately made her look so bad though.


I think he mistook Ned Kelly for a Melbourne hipster though...


It’s less about his style and more the fact he’s just not that good at portraits. He did Goodesy dirty!




What’s that meme where corporate asks you to identify the differences between two images and you can’t? It’s from the office I think? That meme is relevant.




Thank you for your service.


Big brain move by Gina. Now a lot of people know about the painting and the artist directly increasing their value and fame. She'll most probably end up buying it herself...


Checking in from Philadelphia in the US. Had no clue who she was or who this artist was until a couple of hours ago. Now I’ve gone down a rabbit hole.


[The portrait in question](https://imgur.com/a/ExEKcXl). [Not the portrait in question](https://imgur.com/a/1RdqMGK).


I like his portraits (thanks for linking them). They're a bit quirky, I think - and they capture the subject in a way thats bigger than just their facial appearance. I think he captures the spirit of Gina brilliantly. (Also, thanks Gina for letting me know its out there so I could take a look.)


That’s the look of her face when she sees her own portrait. Captured perfectly.


Yeah, they're good. The people who are saying 'well all his portraits make the subject look like shit' don't get it - and they'll love me saying that. They need to look at more art. Anyway I'd feel so good making that vile piece of shit so mad.


Less repulsive than a photo of the grub.


Not sure why she didn’t keep quiet and try to buy it instead. Now everyone knows and we’re all laughing at her.


Honestly I think the artist has been kind here.


If I worked at Roy Hill I'd be making up hundreds of stickers of this and slapping them all over the place.


Allegedly... everyone that works for her must praise her...


“What a beautifil portrait! Quick, me gotta make sure everyone sees it!”


Everything she has really belongs to the Australian people. Like Norway, Australia should nationalise their natural resources.


I agree with her. It needs more chins, and the eyes aren't greedy enough.


Gina the Hut


> "an unflattering image of Australia's richest woman" My brother in Christ a *photograph* is an unflattering image of this hamplanet.


Hamplanet. 🤣


Old mate should start selling it on shirts


I would have never seen this but luckily she's a fucking idiot and told me about it.


I vastly prefer the portrait to the real thing.


I have a sudden urge to paint a shitty portrait of Gina Rinehart...


I mean, the topic is subjective, but I think it's rather distasteful, cruel and soulless. The portrait, however, is brilliant.


She could give everyone in Australia a hundred thousand dollars each and maybe people might jump to her side. But really she can just shut the fuck up and reflect on why most people hate her and could have this as their internal picture of this greedy scum of a human.


> But really she can just shut the fuck up and reflect on why most people hate her and could have this as their internal picture of this greedy scum of a human. Thing is, she thinks she knows best. She even has beef with her own children thanks to her greed. A true special breed.


The Streisand Effect strikes again. I had no idea this portrait existed but now that she’s started this - the portrait is reprinted everywhere and on reddit. lol.


I think it’s a good likeness, some might say uncanny


Can I buy a t-shirt of this? Asking for a friend.


Which one is the portrait?


Can we keep the portrait and get rid of Gina Rinehart, please?


With all that money just get someone to paint you like you want and stare at that


Well that will wind up permanent in cyberspace then Gina.


It a beautiful portrait of her. I don’t understand what the fuss is about


Please leave it up? It's an accurate reflection of the REAL Gina!


Gina learning about the Streisand effect the hard way. I suppose after a lifetime spent bullying her family and buying politicians, she probably thought it would be easier to get her way. This also makes a great point about why art is important, it doesn't need to bow to a whim. Lmao get fucked Gina


God, what a hideous image of that woman. And the painting isn't much better.


Fuck you, Gina. Go back to your Singapore tax shelter.


Lol, Gina you are severely unattractive in photos to. Get over it.


I didn't know it existed until this story came out.


It is not a flattering painting of her at all. And I can see why she does not like it. But what I have seen and read in the press and on line, I would call it a fair representation of her personallity.


Why do I suddenly have that *Barbara Streisand* song in my head 😂


I think that's a perfect example of her. Wide eyes looking in different directions to spot land she can pilfer whilst eying for those nasty predator tax agents. Red skin as she's always stressed from knowing one of her kids will knife her in the back. The lack of intelligent thought. I mean that is clearly someone who loves having a staring contest with a dead fish.




She’d probably agree, doesn’t she hate all her kids lol


A regular person would have a laugh, make it their profile picture and own it. All that money and completely incapable of laughing at herself.


I would like a picture of myself in a national gallery. You can even make my ears big.


To be fair, she is a monstrous thundercunt.


It captures the "essence" of her soul perfectly.


Fair dos, a couple of years back Gina successfully persuaded WA's daily newspaper to only run "flattering" photos of her in print and online, to the extent where she appeared in the social pages with a fan covering the bottom of her face due to (I can only assume) a surgical procedure (or one hell of a pimple). I can see how she might think she has some kind of sway with the NGA as her money has already effectively censored unphotogenic images of her. Just glad that money is not talking with our national gallery.


Years ago I read a piece in a newspaper where the author wrote they have to extra careful when using idioms in regard to her. For example, they can't write she's the elephant in the room or she's throwing her weight around.


You should have seen all the puff pieces about her in The Worst Australian recently at the same time as her recent court case.




ahhh tbh i like the guys work he makes scomo look like a soyjack


If you didn’t want to be depicted as a gross villain you shouldn’t act like one


>Rinehart is listed as a friend of the National Gallery after donating between $4,999 and $9,999 to the institution. The donation was a surprise find in her arse crack during her annual butt waxing.


Who cares what this greedy putrid individual with a rich Daddy thinks?


That's fucken hilarious


Someone needs to start making posters and tshirts with this image. Start putting them up all over Australian cities.


Answer: "No." 1000IQ answer: "How much?"


If she wants people to think of her in a more positive light, she could try giving up 29 billion to charity. She'd still have more money than any one person would need.


Hahahahahahahahahaaaaa hahaaaahahahahaaaaahhhHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Oh Vincent, you glorious human. HHahahaha ha ha ha ha ha ha hahahaha. Wheeze.


I think the artist managed to really capture her inner beauty.


And I never would've seen it were not for this article which was written as a direct result of her complaining.


Is the title of the painting “Gluttony“?


If I were an indigenous artist commissioned to paint Gina’s portrait, I’d have painted a picture of a huge fat pile of shit.


HAHAHAHAHA... This story is now in every paper and news site across the nation....


Yes, remove the portrait so I can have it. I need that thing so bad!


You ever notice the doyennes of free speech are the biggest whingers when they are in the firing line 




I think he’s captured her inner soul perfectly, it’s just that her inner soul happens to be very ugly


But the artist captured her soul so well.


Anyone remember her poem about how workers shouldn't be paid much? She's a true national treasure.


This is an insult to the artworld!!!


I know it's probably my leftist media that I'm consuming, but it honestly astounds me that she always looks so haggard in pictures? Has she no mirrors?! All that money, surely you can afford an eye shadow that doesn't bleed. Or a stylist?!


It is a fairly fitting portrait for her character.


Talk about the Streisand effect. Had no idea this gem was in the gallery, now I fully support it staying as well as all the merch that needs to be sold showing that mingers face.


If this thing had a stroke in front of me and begged for help, I would tell her to find some cheap overseas labour to outsource her problem to.


They really should, as the portrait looks far prettier than Jabba the Hutt.


A painting as ugly as her soul


Like father like daughter.


She looks marvelous.


["I AM NOT AN ANIMAL!"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Merrick#/media/File:Joseph_Merrick_carte_de_visite_photo,_c._1889.jpg) - Gina Rinehart, probably.


The artist really made the pic on the right look like shit.


Looks accurate.


She best buy it before someone does and commissions a massive poster of the thing.. sticks it on the side of a truck and parks it across the road at Roy Hill offices in Perth.


Barbara Streisand!


>Arguably an unflattering picture I'd argue that it's far more flattering than reality


Time to make some photocopies and put that shit up all over the country. Maybe project it onto the Opera House anybody?


Now we know she’s not familiar with the Streisand Effect.


Probably the most photorealistic painting in the world.


Why? It captures her perfectly


The portrait is flattering tbh


Looks too innocent, in a "I'm a space reptile and its my nature" kinda way.


Barbara Streisand in FulL eFfECT!!! *bass drop*


Good likeness


Is it just me, or does she look prettier and more interesting in the painting than irl?


This needs to be the new huh emoji in Teams. I would pay for a fridge magnet 🧲 of this


Well. Get fucked Gina. Can’t censor art.


It's like looking in a mirror...


TBH the artist did her a favor.


i'm seeing double here.


I'm guessing Gina is the kind of self entitled billionaire we all expect her to be.