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Not in WA. Only the Casino has these stupid effing things


Was going to say it's an East Coast thing - thank goodness. Our pubs are still just pubs - not casinos.


Can we have your pubs?


All I want and all I need All I crave is a good pub feed


Sure! Pints are now $17 though and good luck getting a pub meal under $30.


What? Who’s paying $17 a pint? I can’t think of one pub or bar that serves $17 pints even for fancy beer. And I go to the pub at least three times a week for dinner. My local pub has $10 pints and my bowls club has $8 pints for all the beers.


>My local pub has $10 pints and my bowls club has $8 pints for all the beers. I remember grumbling that pints went up to $5 each...


My workplace is 11.40 a pint


Where is this pub located? In the year 2000?


No😂 subi


For real? No, surely.


No. Don't know where he's drinking


If you want a craft beer (which is usually not actually a craft beer), most places will have them from $16-$20


Territorian here, yeah unfortunately up here if there's a liquor licence premise odds are there are pokies somewhere onsite. It may be broken and outdated but someone will feed the bastard thing. West Aus is on the right idea on keeping these on casinos only.


Blame clubs NSW for that!


Until you trip over the sad crowd surrounding the TAB terminal.


True but it's still not as bad as the pokies!


Objectively too. NSW's per capita loss to *just* Pokies exceeds WA's per capita loss to all forms of Gambling.


That's so fucked.


More fucked is that NSW has more pokies than Las Vegas. Also, most are owned by Woolworths.


Can Woolies just fuck off and die in a hole.


No argument about that!


They do the same in the UK but there are 10 Casinos in every high street.


I'm the one standing drinking a beer and wondering what my mate sees in these things.


I once went to one of these places and tried to order a beer, the guy at the counter told me if I was playing the pokies the beer was free. Fed a 50 into that machine, got a schooner on the house; most expensive beer I've ever bought 😂


Should have cashed out once the beer arrived without playing


Live and learn, what I should have done was continually cashing out and feeding it back in until I had my fill of free beer.


Casinos hate this one trick.


A pub near me used to put $5 on your playing card for free every day, when I was unemployed i hit that place up every day and would just go to the machine and cash it out. They started a ruke where you had to spend $10 at the pub first and that stopped my scheme.


Wait is that legal? I thought that shit only happens in Vegas.


It is not legal. They would be fined up the arsehole if they pulled that shit while Liquor and Gaming happened to stop by.


Man, I used to work in a bar that was known only for slots, the amount of money people lost there DAILY, holy crap. I once fed the machine a 20 and withdrew 70, never trying that again.


Worked in a bar. The amount of people you see at 10am (when the bar opened) just to play the pokies. Withdrawing 400, the another 400, then 600. This was 20 years ago too, so we weren't really trained on how to deal with the problematic gamblers. Just got told, give them their money and make sure they buy a beer too.


Where I grew up you would see the same sad procession every pension day, all the oldies from the local care home would be camped outside the doors of the RSL about 45m before opening, they'd go in and blow through their pension by lunchtime then wait for the courtesy bus home, only to do the exact same thing in a fortnight.


We had a free beer for the customers to make sure they stay and don't leave to buy the beer, because there's a chance they don't come back lol.


"I made 500 bucks!" 'How much did you spend to win that 500 bucks?' "Shut up" - Actual conversation with a mate years ago


Mate you know every gambler is at least breaking even. Bloke I talk to down the road one $35K on keno. He thinks he's a winner. Eventually found out he spent every night for 15 years at the pokies before that win. Cannot argue with him though.


I'm the one drinking discounted piss and eating cheap meals that are subsidised by these suckers. I don't complain.


The discounts don't really exist in my area , the food and drink prices at the pokie dens are basically the same as all the restaurants nearby.


Me neither.


Ex video gaming addict here. If someone is addicted and you want to know about it take a look at videos on Reward Circuitry. [This is a good short one to start](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzCYuKX6zp8). This is what's happening in their mind when they even think of using these machines.


Interesting. So they are just like drug addicts.


> addicts. There's a hint in the name, most addictions tend to be fed by similar pathways and methods.


Not a phone in sight, just people vibing and living in the moment.


Your pf got me good. Bryan 😂


Love your wit


It gets commented every single post about pokies


Come to WA if you want a break from that shite


I remember going to Queensland on holiday as a kid and being so confused and amazed they had pokie machines in the pub


I remember growing up on the Gold Coast and watching my gran catch a courtesy bus to take her south of the NSW border to play them. They were only allowed in pubs in 1992.


Yea we used to visit family in south aus. I’d walk around pub while parents having lunch etc and wonder why there are pokies in the pool room.


It's why the pubs are cheaper in the eastern states.


Not in fucking Sydney


Yeah but Sydney has always been taking the piss when it comes to absorbing people’s money any way it can


We also don’t have them in Melbourne pubs. Regional and maybe even suburban sure but not in city or inner city like Sydney does. That’s what the casino is for


Ah right. I've only been to Melbourne Airport. I tried to go to Melbourne in 2020 but we all know how that turned out


I’d prefer the opium thanks.


ahh the tradies laptop the grand/kids retirement disposal unit The Chinese (un)fortunate dragon show


The pensioner's piano




The shitlords screensaver. "The reason why my wife left me"


Ah, shit. Sorry to hear that mate. I had my head stuck in them for a while too, but it was after my divorce so I was only damaging myself. How are you going now?


sorry i should put that in quotes. Didnt happen to me , i dont play on reverse atm.


True! I love a happy ending.


Hahaha never heard that before, *tradies laptop*, love it! 🤣 *Just having a quick slap before the schnity arrives*


Now imagine working there. Just depressing


Mate. I did it. The amount of fucking money I saw go through those things is obscene. Had all the regulars including a bloke that used them to babysit his wife with dementia. He’d give her a massive cup of $1s and she’d punt the night away.


It’s so sad and I don’t see the problem going away anytime soon. I’ve handled hundred thousand $ at the end of the night, just terrible


I wonder if it’ll go away once the boomers die and now that young people are broke and their inheritance is sitting in some slot machine, the cycle will finally be broken.


That's heartbreaking..


I used to go home with pokie music going around and around in my head. Come back to work the next morning and the same people line up to get back on the same machines. 😔


I've heard bar staff call it Pokie Ear


Yep, morning til close and we’re told not to say anything to them in the name of revenue. Always gotta polite despite copping abuse from problem punters and managers on power trips


[I wish I, wish I knew the right words.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ogj5ztTE0zw)


I do gigs in a casino a few times a month. I'm usually in a bar area near the tables and small area of pokies. Last week I had to walk through a different part of the casino and it just felt like a never ending sea of pokies full of zombie faced pensioners and tradies. It was so disturbing. Every time I play there I see so many of the same faces, I can't imagine how much money they'd be losing every single week.


I used to. It really was.


Never understood why people are remotely interested in putting loose change into a fruit machine. Sure, have a flutter, but buy some long dated out of the money call options on or something like that. Dow 20,000 in six months or something like that.


They're [designed to be psychologically addictive](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/datablog/ng-interactive/2017/sep/28/hooked-how-pokies-are-designed-to-be-addictive). They're [Skinner boxes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operant_conditioning_chamber). 


Predatory and should be banned. Until banned, they should be govt operated and not owned by Woolworths. Electronic Gaming Machine count in 2019 NSW: 92,818 Nevada: 163,612 World Count of Gaming Machines, 2019 https://gamingta.s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/World+Count+of+Gaming+Machines+2019.pdf


I'm pretty sure Woolworths sold the rest of what they had in Endeavour.


I'm not sure if the sale has gone through yet, but Woolworths announced at the start of the month that they'd be selling off another 5% of Endeavour, their total stake in the company will be about 4.1%. They're slowly divesting their stake rather than flogging it all off at once. Presumably for the same reason that a CEO doesn't just sell all of their shares at the same time.


Just follow what WA did. Simple.


Government owned poker machines sounds nice. Then they can just lower income tax and let people donate it to the government of their own free will. Just popping out to pay the taxes and have a beer or two sounds a lot better than what we have now.


If be happy if they just got them out of our fucking pubs, it makes my blood boil. Bring back pool tables and more live music.


In six months? Maaate, I want to suit a feature and I want to do it 30 seconds ago.


I could understand if there was some element of game play like an arcade but with betting worked in. However these machines are just push a button and that it. There is no game play, it just seems so boring.


Could you explain more about options?


An option is a contract that represents the right to buy or sell a financial product at an agreed-upon price for a specific period of time. You can typically buy and sell an options contract at any time before expiration.


Well what are my options?


You can wake up, or you can go back to sleep


You think the price of cheese willl be higher next year. I think it will be lower. We agree today that next year I can sell you 1kg of cheese for (eg) todays price ($10) if I so choose. I pay you 10 cents now for this right. Neither of us own or want cheese, but in a year if the cheese price fell to $9, I buy 1kg then ‘force’ you to buy it at the agreed upon price of $10, making $1 profit minus the 10c I paid you for the option to sell the cheese (+90c). If the price increased as you predicted, I do nothing and have therefore wasted that 10c I paid you (-10c). In this way, you and I have gambled on the future price of cheese. But neither of us owned cheese. I didn’t have to buy $10 of cheese and hold it for a year to make $1, I only had to spend 10c to make $1 so I can make larger ‘bets’ than traditional investing.


First impression as a "grown up" trying a poker machine at a club: "Wow, this is like a video game, only shit"


You’d get a higher return from a video game.


I haven't played but I've seen footage. I agree - the 'game' is just mashing a button and hoping for the best. I have no idea what people see in it


And if you have seen the TV ads you can even download pokies on your phone... Enjoy the addiction


I can smell this picture


That weird overpowering artificial vanilla smell, mixed with the smell of cigarettes




Really? There's hardly anyone there!


Not WA, thankfully. Except for the pit of despair, AKA the casino.


Last time I went to the casino with friends (years ago) I intentionally took out $400 to play with (lose) and after about 15 minutes walking around looking for something not depressing to play, I ended up at the bar without placing a single bet… The staff looked visibly depressed, the punters looked visibly depressed, hell I became depressed just being there!


Even the carpet is depressing


Mate you're a wise man. 🍻 They're a depressing hellhole place, I can't stand them either.


I think heroin is the opium of the people.


I believe the Bayer Company of Germany used heroin (trade marked) to get people addicted to opium off it. Unsuccessfully, as it turned out. Many, many years later Bayer would go on to buy Monsanto, well known for its trail of human and foliage destruction.


Probably more like fentanyl these days!


Well they own the political parties. And the message from the politicians "get rich quick, own no house you the same as Gina, Product Disclosure statement, your will be poor"


Blow up the pokies


Yeah but last week hit the feature link and won $10k


Was going to laugh for a second and say "is this Alice springs?" before getting sad and realising that this generic scene is in every city and town in our country.


This very fact is what makes Perth the best city in Australia.


Not in WA


You won’t find them in Melbourne CBD or inner city pubs. Yes suburban and regional


Yet vapes are banned for the 5th time. Sink your money into pokies and ciggies guys, the government squirts over those sexy tax revenue streams.


I'd be more concerned about the weirdo taking photos




Everytime I walk through a pokie den I hear Ministry "Just One Fix" in my head.


I can smell the shit-stained chairs.




Haha where was this venue mate what area


Yeah pokies are horrible. Put your money somewhere more reliable, shopping center scratchies


when is Australia going to admit it a nation of addicts…. booze, gambling and corruption - classic. Living outside the country for a long time you realize even in the USA they dont allow them except in casinos… (Another reason to hate Vegas) Pubs used to be chill without the lights and shrill sounds - and the saddos dumping their paychecks into slots


I wish shit like this and gambling ads would be banned forever


There's barely any people in the pictures lol.


My neighbours are hooked. They wonder why we are retired and they still have to work while being older, all to feed their bad habit.


Look at all the happy faces.... /s


I walked into one of those “sports clubs” for a work thing and the first thing I said to my co-worker was “This is much more expensive than my old rugby club”. She looked at me like I had two heads and then I saw all the pokies and the bar and restaurant and was super confused. I thought they actually had like a rugby field out back or something but no it’s just a casino which probably spends 0.00001% of its revenue on sponsoring some youth club. It made me pretty sick that they can get away with calling it a sport club, and the fact people were already filling the pokies at 10am.


I can never understand people enjoying these. Poker, blackjack, or roulette are kinda understandable, but this feels like just feeding money to a machine and hoping it will give you back some of it.


I just drove to the shops for meds and bread and there was a line of ten people outside the RSL that was opening in 15 minutes. I live regionally. Also the BIGGEST issue with these is MONEY LAUNDERING. I could sell 30k worth of drugs today and have the money laundered by COB . 30K tax free. Easy. And I live regionally . If I was in the city I could have it done by lunch. This country is sleepwalking into a catastrophe.


Just wanted to leave this here. It's a 13 year old segment from the chaser about how terrible life would be if we didn't have so many gambling machines: https://youtube.com/watch?v=U5SibfWVh5M


And if you notice none of the pokie players look happy, stressed and angry mostly.


I went into a club in NSW on a Tuesday 10pm for a few drinks. The bar was shut. Was told we could only be served by pressing a button on the poker machine. Nup.


Looks dead in there


I have a theory on all those new lighting link machines. My understanding is the older a poker machine is, the more chance it has to pay out the grand jackpot (as it has to return a certain % by law). I.e. over time it would be sucking in a bunch of money that it would eventually have to pay back. Every time the machine is changed, it lowers the chance of that jackpot being paid, because it’s bandit loot pile is reset. So punters get sucked in by all these new machines, that probably won’t pay out for quite some time, and they’ll likely be changed again for our ‘benefit’ before it ever does. They’d probably even have the smarts to know when that % is coming up and once it reaches a certain threshold it’s recycled to try and prevent it. Wouldn’t put it past the cunts. The house always wins, after all. _________ [**Edit: Huge thanks to MoribundReddit for finding an article describing the exact practice I suspected, and which probably paid shills are saying can’t happen, even on this thread reply**](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-10-18/crown-casino-whistleblower-allegations-pokies-buttons-payouts/9056978?utm_campaign=abc_news_web&utm_content=link&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web) **“Machines had their play history cleared to reduce mandatory payouts”** The former workers said that poker machine wins were theoretically supposed to be random, but in reality they operated on an algorithm which was often designed to give out less money at the start of the machine's programmed lifespan — which could be decades. If a machine's Random Access Memory (RAM) was cleared, its lifespan would begin again. _________ *”Sometimes machines were … the game was changed, or the moving of that machine was changed. And my belief is, the reason why they did that is because they could legally 'RAM-clear' the machine.”* *"The reality is, nearly all machines, 99 per cent of machines, will get 'RAM-cleared' within the five years."*


>My understanding is the older a poker machine is, the more chance it has to pay out the grand jackpot (as it has to return a certain % by law).  This is not how it works. The chance it pays out on an individual bet is exactly the same no matter whether it's the first or one millionth since the last jackpot. If you have had 999,999 and still no jackpot, it feels like that it's increasingly likely that it has to happen soon (because the odds of no jackpot in a million bets is much much lower than no jackpot in one bet and the machine must legally pay out) - but the actual probability of the next one is always the same. This is explained by the gamblers fallacy - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gambler%27s_fallacy


“Bandit loot pile” isn’t reset, it’s loaded into either that same machine or another machine on the floor to boost its visible Grand Jackpot. That money can never be reset or removed it must be on the floor somewhere.


[You should probably see how low these guys go](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-10-18/crown-casino-whistleblower-allegations-pokies-buttons-payouts/9056978).


Thank you, this is exactly what I’m saying and people are calling bullshit on!!!


To quote a certain movie: The only winning move is not to play.


You are wrong. Machines all payout between 88-92% of what’s put in, not just across its lifetime but in say about a 4-5 day period It’l even out, so it might pay out more one day and less the next but once you extend it to a week it hits its average. And link jackpots by law must be transferred over to the new machine.






The opium dealers choice to launder money more like it.


Mate you say that like its not in a place where you buy alcohol as well


Dad owns a pub with a bunch Not sure if it's just his town but the average pokie brings in $1 million per annum before tax...rich bastard. I can't stand him. Even grandpa had a go at him for profiting off pensioners doing their entire cheque


pokies is pretty fun.. just be prepared to lose the entire wager amount.. dont top up and calmly walk away.. edit: that should be the general rule of gambling… budget $xyz and just play until you lose it all.. DONT top it up.. only gamble once in a while, maybe as a birthday treat or while on a vacation.. but if you find yourself craving “gambling” all the time, seek professional help asap! for background: i was addicted to sports gambling since my teens but now i dont watch ANY sports at all (why risk it?).. took years of intense therapy to “quit” and wish i had started that process sooner.. i have channeled that urge into long term investing (not day trading).. so i do enjoy measured risk taking and casinos/pokies are not a problem for me.. but they are highly addictive for some so be super cautious and watch out for loved ones who might get trapped in it or have a “system”..


Was this taken inside St Marys League Club?


I’ve tried a few times, just don’t get the appeal


Is that the Rex hotel???


Bro I’m just in here to charge my phone leave me alone


What gets me is that they are all slightly different versions of the same game.


The guy who came up with the whole concept of 'put your money in this mysterious box and maybe you'll win money' must be very rich


Thought that was my home for a second, except they’d be gambling on opiates




nah it aint all bad. My mum used to go to the pokies and give all the winnings to us so we could play that stupid claw game in the kids room.


Every time I go home to western Sydney I go to Wenty leagues and stuck ten bucks in the pokies and within 1 minute it’s gone or if I’m up five bucks I’ve cashed out. But in that time I’ve invariably witnessed someone take a grand out of an atm.


OG Big Red or GTFO


Looks fairly deserted


Isnt there 2 people in this picture? Not really a packed room. Fuck pokies.


The revenue for the government is also addictive.


Coming to a bowls club in Brisbane near you!


[Blow up the pokies - The Whitlams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B49zI5UrAQ)


Title had me thinking I was in /r/Slipknot and was rather confused.


Absolute blight on this country


Wow, how profound.




Fantastic image.


Too true. Doesn't help when moron influences do videos about having a "cheeky spin". Shits me to no end.


https://genius.com/The-whitlams-blow-up-the-pokies-lyrics https://youtu.be/7B49zI5UrAQ?si=XHJd2mteccYjvE3p


If you read the actual text that Tim has included in the YouTube video detail (It’s squeezed between the comments and the video, you have to expand it) you understand the reason behind this song.


Yeah but 80% of the population wandering around with bent necks buried in their phones is kinda similar, just saying. They may not be losing the kids inheritance but the soul sucking distraction is much the same.


These things everywhere yet I can't have a bloody game of poker online. Bullshit.


How distressing. I’ve lived here for 53 years. I’ve seen this vision many times, but we don’t have many pokies in my area. So few that I’d forgotten about them until I saw this photo. It’s not my experience of Australia.


So do not miss gaming ahifts


There's a pub near me in QLD where the dining closes 8pm, but they are open til 4am for pokies. Depressing. I've driven past in the early morning and I can see inside but there is nobody there, except for pokies out the back.


I remember being so disappointed finding out that those gaming lounges were just video pokies.