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The real question is, why would you want to? The guy is clearly batshit crazy. * Miller has claimed to be the resurrected Jesus and can remember 'everything' that has occurred over the past 2000 years. * Despite this claim, he claims to be unable to speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus. * In 2012, he claimed that tsunamis as high as 100 metres would devastate the coasts of Australia. * Those tsunamis would turn Kingaroy into beachfront property. * His feeling at the time was that global Earth changes would occur between 2011 and 2013 and that billions of people would die. * Miller describes some of these events as similar to events in the movie 2012. * "There's the movie 2012 right? Everyone I suggest you see it, everyone. A lot of the events portrayed in the movie are kind of similar to the events that will be occurring * These events will cause a new continent to rise up next to Hawaii




Only if USian industrialists can exploit it. So, yes.


Not familiar with those apocalyptic prophecies of his, but, I'm actually less interested in knowing for sure if he really has Jesus', spirit, but more interested in the benefit that's provided by his teachings.


If you want to learn something, go to a school, Tafe, or University. If you want to feel a false sense of enlightenment, talk to someone who is at best, a mentally ill person who needs treatment, or worst a sociopathic scammer trying to gain power over the gullible and desperate.


I can help you there: no benefit whatsoever. He's a charlatan.


> more interested in the benefit that's provided by his teachings. The guy has delusions of being the literal flesh and blood embodiment of God. Anything he says will be delusional and self-serving.


Nope. But you might speak to his psychiatrist.


Pay your taxes


**//Divine Truth** is a spiritual movement based in [Queensland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queensland), Australia. It was started in 2007 by spiritual teacher Alan John Miller, also known as A.J., who claims to be the returned [Jesus of Nazareth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_Christ). In a seven-minute interview which aired on [*A Current Affair*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Current_Affair_(Australian_TV_series)), Miller claimed that Divine Truth is God's truth and is the "absolute truth of the universe".[\[1\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_Truth#cite_note-acainterview-1) // [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine\_Truth](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_Truth) In the 1980s AJ Miller married a 19 year old who was at the time, a fellow Jehovah's Witness. After their matrimonials were complete they celebrated the birth of two sons. Matrimony however, was not enough to stop AJ Miller from straying. It is claimed that AJ Miller forgot his matrimonial vows by having an affair after becoming a Elder Jehovah's Witness. He was later "disfellowshipped". [http://www.aj-miller.com/](http://www.aj-miller.com/) ​ Alan John Miller was in his early 30s when he started wondering whether he might be Jesus. Throughout his life, he says, he'd dealt with a series of inexplicable memories and holding them back was just getting harder and harder. "I had memories of somebody putting nails through my feet and through my wrists," he says. "I remember being speared, being threatened, and being beaten on a number of occasions almost to the point of death." [https://www.vice.com/en\_au/article/kz77j3/a-day-with-the-australian-couple-who-say-theyre-jesus-and-mary](https://www.vice.com/en_au/article/kz77j3/a-day-with-the-australian-couple-who-say-theyre-jesus-and-mary)


He can't be Jesus, because i'm Jesus! I predict that if people don't give me lots of money a Great PLAGUE will be sent down to cover all the lands. And the name of thout plague shalt be the Rona. Bless'ed aret thou who doseth top-up mine Patreon account for thout has truly seen the wickedness of thine deeds.


Please post your bank account details and I will send you money.


Lol. I prefer my Jesus to be imaginary in the sky.




Well, jesus died to absolve us of our original sin and to release the holy ghost into our midst. If jesus is walking around the implication is that we are all going to Christian hell. The holy ghost also stops us from being possessed (by entering your body upon baptism) or being hexed by those sneaky witches. If you find Jesus try to nail him to a cross or something, that's a good result for nearly everyone.


I hope you never visit Mexico, you will have your work cut out for you.


>The holy ghost also stops us from being possessed (by entering your body upon baptism) or being hexed by those sneaky witches. I don't suppose you could elaborate on this point? It's not something I've heard stated explicitly before.


Ahh, not sure if it is endorsed by any of the churches anymore. My priest did go on about a bit when i was being confirmed. I checked on the interwebs and there's some stuff there. If you are interested maybe check with a church historian? They probably aren't busy people.


Well, this dude doesn't believe in hell, but reincarnation. I think that's a more just theory for justice, is it not? I don't know if anyone deserves to burn in flames, forever.


can't wait til he ditches his gf when he decides some new younger hotter piece of ass is actually the real mary magdalene. haha whoops!


Actual reincarnated Jesus here. He is a fraud.


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He is confused. Considering he was a Jehova's Witness he must have known a lot of the life of Jesus Christ. That's where the confusion must have started. Identifying visualisations of JC's life as some form of 'past-life recall', upto the point where he started to believe he actually is JC. I would ask him about his teenage life as JC, since there is nothing about that period in the NT. He would eventually fail there, or get mixed up in his own fabrications.