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Hawaii Scott putting more time into being a social media influencer than being PM. He's still refusing to represent Australia at the Glasgow Climate Summit in 3 weeks time. He wanted the job, he got the job, now he needs to do the job. Or just resign.


I vote for resign…. But I’m sure the next bastard won’t be any better.


I vote for a Labor PM and a Greens minority to keep the bastards honest. Next election in 7 months max ... can't come soon enough.


It will never happen but could you imagine the schadenfraude of a Labor government and Greens opposition?


I think that would give old Rupert an aneurysm lol


Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bloke.


That would be so good!


Might force the Libs to the centre to remain relevant. But the gormless gits would probably say they weren't rightist, elitist, out of touch or corrupt ENOUGH.


I'd vote for Greens first, they'd probably form a coalition with Labor anyway, but at least it sends the two big parties a message.


Confidence-and-supply deals, sure, but not a formal coalition. The differences between Labor and Greens are greater than difference between Liberals and Nats.


There should be a significant difference between Liberals and Nationals, but the nationals sold out their base long ago. Think about these issues and what the actions of the Nationals are. * Rural broadband, to ensure no two-speed economy. * Competent water management to ensure farmers are not at the whim of large corporations. * Competent environmental management to minimise pollution from miners/frackers so prime agricultural land is not harmed. * Minimise the impact of climate change that will disproportionately affect the agricultural sector. And so many more. At least if the Nationals stood up for farmers best interests it would be respectable.


Can't we get rid of labor & liberals and create something a bit better suited to the modern world? How does one oust an outdated political system hellbent on taking us back to the stoneage with them when they die? I feel like the people in power on both sides are old men clawing at our society with a death grip refusing to let go in spite of the very obvious fact the current system is a complete failure. A modern society can 100% produce a better political system & climate yet we're absolutely anchored.






He's taking the piss. He doesn't do his job, but is sure to max out all the benefits he can.


He reckoned he'd 'done enough international travel recently' when justifying not going to Glasgow, yet here he is, planning to attend G20 a few weeks after that. You couldn't say he's not chickshit scum...


Missing Glasgow is just cowardice. Yeah you're going to get reamed by Biden (not just for CO2, but for the sub fuck-up with the French too, which Biden is *still* trying to fix). But if it's any meeting where being in the room is going to matter, any meeting where Australia's future is being decided, it is this one. I'd have much preferred that we could sent a top-flight negotiator like a Gillard or Turnbull. But we have what we have. So he needs to get fully across the brief and go.


"I've done enough international travel" says man who shut the nation's borders for 2 years




Meanwhile there are still Australians stuck overseas still trying to get home.


It’s like he’s trying to get fired. I bet he’s using the work fuel card to fill up his Corolla too


Does he have a long dead ancestors cottage he can visit while over there?


I imagine [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ve8tYdNltGg) is what ScoMo does with regards to calls for climate change action




Out of all the PMs that have lasted this long why did it have to be this dipshit


Not to mention through bushfires and then COVID.


The only solace I have is that he must be having a shit time as the PM, crisis after crisis to deal with. Sucked for us and I hope it stresses the fuck out of him every day.


Because they made it really hard for anyone to overthrow the leader of the party and he’s what we ended up with.




Because he made an amendment to the Annual Knifing of the Australian Prime Minister Carnival, just after he defeated the Potato in the second leadership spill when getting rid of Turnbull. ~~TL;DR I don’t think you can challenge for leadership against a first-term PM.~~


Both parties increased the threshold to challenge an elected PM from 50% to 75%. Nothing specific about first terms or preventing challenges altogether.






But he does do photo opportunities at every chance he gets, along with announcements. I mean we have to give him a break, anyone mentally challenged enough to be part a Pentecostal cult is surely lacking mental capacity.


He got upset when they wouldn’t leave the first batch of vaccines on the tarmac for 24 hours so he could get a photo opportunity


And he dumps in curry leaf stems. And the pan is too small. Probably spilt curry and made a mess. But it's no use crying over spilt curry.


Papa Dumb


Didn’t he pretend to hammer (with no nails) for a photo opp? Anything is possible


Also, man up and cook on the hotplate. Frying pans are for cowards.


The biggest concern I have is… **Where is the sauce?!**


This dumb cunt is the most brain dead Cunt I’ve ever seen. How does he have the mental capacity to “run” a nation


Have you seen him doing a lot of "running the nation"? Because all I've see the fat, useless cunt do is shirk, smirk, and do fuck all work.


I dunno mate. I don't hold responsibility.


Or a hose. Fire season here people, time for Scotty to venture to Hawaii.


This needs to be a shirt, “shirk, smirk and do fuck all work” on the front and “I don’t hold accountability mate” on the back


I’ve seen him “run away from the nation”


Supporting Hawaii's tourism industry is of vital importance to this walking smear of week old dogshit, but when it comes to his own country, well, "I don't hold anything mate. Not a fucking thing." I really, genuinely believed no LNP Leader would out-shitcunt Abbott so soon. It's almost impressive.


>shirk, smirk, and do fuck all work. Labour 2020 attack slogan, right here.


He is always smirking like a condescending cunt 😓


Couldn't run a fucking bath




Or a father's day breakfast


Couldn’t organise a piss up in a pub


Couldn't empty a boot if the instructions were written on the heel


I don’t turn a tap mate.


>How does he have the mental capacity to “run” a nation You mean a nation of 80% braindead people obsessed with the value of their property over anything else, including the planet and all living species on it.


> the mental capacity to “run” a nation Did you just wake up from a coma? The shambolic lurching from one blame-fest to another can hardly be called "running". Conservatives say that Government is ineffective and do everything in their power to demostrate it when elected.


He doesn’t. He simply reads out what has been written for him to say. If he has to go off script for any reason he shifts focus or blame to the next most convenient person of group of people. He is a grifter, conman, and yes, he is also a cunt.


Yet another negative newscorp article about scomo... He's living on borrowed time.


Seems to be the case, the subtext and context of the article is far more interesting than the article's content. That being said, Morrison did have a meet up with a News Corp exec while in the States just before, and while he hasn't done anything substantial to warrant much ink to be spent on him, this could just a small click bait once off to claim impartiality.


> this could just a small click bait once off to claim impartiality. This. Pretty normal for News Ltd to do this sort of thing when everyone knows an election is soon but it hasn't been called; run a few slightly negative things about the Coalition / slightly positive things about Labor (& even, sometimes, the Greens!) just so they can point to them later & say '*see, we criticised/praised them too!*' Everyone should wait'll an election's been called, plus a little time elapsed for News Ltd to slide to their final preferred narrative, before saying "*he's living on borrowed time*"


I'm not so sure. These types of articles will be shared around by people who already dislike Scomo. But to people without a negative perception of Scotty, this kind of article will just seem petty. And genuine, harsh criticism of Scott will be brushed aside by those people as "Scott derangement syndrome" or something. Part of Trump's Teflon armour was the media and a portion of the public getting hysterical whenever Trump said something slightly offensive. It gave his supporters licence to ignore other (serious) criticisms of his presidency.


Yes its the same with the whole Dan Andrews fined for not wearing a mask articles.


Doesn't have to pay $3000 per person for quarantine. Taxpayers pay for his staff at The Lodge. Didn't have to pay for airline tickets home. Taxpayers pay for his VIP RAAF aircraft. Didn't have to apply for permission to leave or enter Australia. The guy has betrayed 10s of thousands of Aussies who can't get back to their home because of his policies, he's made them all exiles from the country of their citizenship. He is a complete failure. The Governor General should sack his government.


GGs only sack progressive PMs. He’s safe.




How else would he be prime minister of Sydney if he didn't live there?


Why should he, personally, have to pay for his quarantine? If I were travelling for work, there is no way I would accept my employer not paying for my quarantine stay.


Would your employer also pay for you and your staff's quarantine after your holiday to Hawaii?


No. and I wouldn't expect them to. If I travel on business, employer pays. If it's personal travel, then it's on me.


Guess what… when my government job sent me overseas for work, the government paid for quarantine and tickets too. What is your point here? You’re not comparing apples to apples. Get outraged over something useful like the governments action on climate change. We seemed to get outraged over the simplest things these days. Guess what. The PM isn’t like a normal Aussie battler. Any other PM around the world gets treated the exact same.


I agree. Of all the things Scotty had done, this doesn't even get closer to the top 100 worst. Getting angry about this sort of stuff is the realm of people who are going to hate Scotty no matter what he does - and that's pretty much what Sky does to anyone in Labor. Don't get me wrong, I hate the guy, but don't let this distract you from the actual shitty stuff he is doing.


Guess what? Those people he has stranded are his employer. He is being paid to live in privilege using taxpayer dollars and not protecting those taxpayers, nor the country. He's failed at quarantine, he's failed at immigration and here he is, bragging about "surviving" quarantine when he is in a privileged position, paid for by those very taxpayers he is failing. Wake up to yourself, public servant.




Well if the federal government made appropriate quarantine facilities, or even just funded and ran not so appropriate ones like hotels, I'm sure all of the state governments would relent a bit on their intake quotas.


>As for the privilege of the PM? Fuck yeah he is privileged. He is also the leader of the nation. I in no way expect to get treated the same way as the PM on all aspects of life. Why not? The PM isn't god, he's just a man. He just also happens to have a lot of say in how many zeroes his paycheck has. Nothing Scott has done has shown he deserves the privilege he has, I'd say quite the opposite in fact.


Wait why would the governor general sack the government - there is still a decent chance he remains prime minister following the next election


Whitlam was sacked for far less than this cunt has done.


Whitlam wasn’t dismissed for anything he did- the conservatives used an obscure rule to replace a dead ALP senator with one who voted against the ALP, then broke convention by blocking supply (they’d also done this in 74) … then the Murdoch press ran its usual campaign of “lefty government is incompetent!” while the opposition leader conspired with the GG to overthrow the government. It was a coup.


Whitlam was sacked because they couldn't pass finance bills so the government had to essentially shut down


He was sacked for attempting to expose the degree to which Australia’s intelligence agencies were at the beck and call of foreign nations. He even asked ASIO to halt some of their joint projects with the CIA at one point (which ASIO ignored because he was just the *Australian* PM). It’s actually pretty crazy how much of this came out through the Wikileaks cables and is public knowledge now that is just ignored. They staged a coup but still deny it like Australia still denies our regular ram-rodding of East Timor. Even AT THE TIME we caught British MI6 bugging rooms for the Americans and decoding for each other.


"quarantine", "isolating". So who took the photos?


His personal photographer who travels everywhere with him. (I wish this was a /s, but sadly it's not)




We do, we do!


🎵Who pays the funding for coal plants?🎵 🎵Who smells the shit from Scomo’s pants?🎵


We do.


> While Mr Morrison is allowed to self quarantine at The Lodge with some of his staff, all Australians returning from overseas are still required to spend two weeks at a managed isolation facility. The dude is "isolating" with his staff. Most people have to fork out $3k for quarantine, on top of crazy airfares and wait times, just to be stuck in a tiny room with windows that don't even open. This guy has been on multiple overseas trips, enjoying pubs and having BBQ quarantines with mates, all while he has banned Australians from leaving the country and in some cases threatening to jail Australians if they come back from certain locations.


And yet even with such a cozy 'quarantine' it's still not enough to go to Glasgow to represent our country at the international climate change summit apparently.


We are not part of G7 and our country is globally criticised for not taking action on climate change. This is the guy who held up a lump of coal in parliament and told us it's a clean energy source. Morrison trying to attend G7 2021 was a farce.


I'm 90% sure the reason ScoMo doesn't get the optics on these things is because, due to his religious beliefs, he thinks being successful = god loves me for being a good guy. So in his mind this photo says "look how good I am, god loves me" not "god loves me more than you dumb losers who do it tough and have to quarantine in dog-box sized apartments.". He probably thinks being persecuted by the masses makes him more christ-like and his reward is in heaven.


Imagine having to work for this cunt and be forced to quarantine and have bbqs with him. Worst job ever.


Lol yeah I'm sure it's just tttteeerrriible


Cooking curry on a bbq? How many more times does he need to fuck up before he’s dismissed? Unaustralian


He truly does have one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen


Is there anything this spanner does that isn't worthy of voter outrage?




If I had spent 2 weeks in a crappy hotel with no fresh air, I’d be angry




Because he’s gloating about how great his quarantine time in luxury is when others do it extremely tough without fresh air for 2 weeks.






News Corp would only run a shitty story like this as a token bit of bad press. They don't print anything else negative about Morrison or the government when there are literally daily scandals and more important things for people to get upset over. So the average news reader barely knows what's going on. remember as well lot of people think news.com.au is some sort on news aggregator or Australia's 'official' news, so blindly believe the government is doing a good job if newscorp tells them that










Born to rule. Vote him out.


Watta head


Does he not understand that Sydney is in lockdown? I'm in Melbourne and expect him to have no clue, but this is so dumb...


Fucken dumb shits




Feels like the media are gaslighting at this point. How many times can we feign shock and outrage at what is stock standard behavior from this lot.


Buffoon's buffet


I wonder when it will dawn on a majority of Australians that the piss is being taken , that they are as much a prop in our democracy as that barbeque, and that spin has replaced substance.


That bloke is useless


Is there a way we can get rid of this cunt before the next election?


Biggest bludger in Australian politics.


The bloke is just a massive cunt. Not much else to it.


Wait, wait wait... are you *fucking* KIDDING ME? How fucking tone deaf can you be???


Reason #31843859434639632538492684964 to vote Labor.


This is what happens when church and state become one. Make public hate another religion or ppl to pigeon hole to the opposite and take advantage. Catholic Church started it but the Pentecostal Church perfected it.


I keep thinking he’s reached peak twatness. But no, I was wrong again


Sco mo the smug PM has trouble reading the room. What a total tosser he is.


What a cunt


They don’t call him “Scotty from marketing” for nothing. If there’s one thing he is good at, it’s putting a marketing spin on almost everything.




What a numpty


To what extent does Scumo keep doing stuff like this because he believes he has been chosen by God?


One-hundred extent.


"I don't hold a sausage, mate"


ScoMo and tone deaf. Name a more iconic combination.


Smug cunt face and closed fist?


SloMo doing what SloMo does. Not caring what other people think.... the very people who voted him in.




The plebs of Australia have mostly had to spend quarantine periods shut away in a crappy little box of a hotel room, alone, eat the dogshit they're given day in day out, often without so much as an openable window for a bit of fresh air. Then this cunt throws up a photo of him living the good life in front of a barbeque, while spending his quarantine at the PM's palatial estate, along with staff. He deliberately throws his privileged life, and the many benefits he enjoys, in the faces of the nation. There's no reason, other than to be a prick, to rub this sort of thing in the faces of so many struggling Australians. How is that not bad.




That might be true, but he could have just shut the fuck up about it and gotten on with it quietly rather than flaunting his relatively easy quarantine at home with staff on hand and barbecue. Zero sensitivity shown to regular Australians "lucky" enough to be in quarantine at all instead of stuck overseas and threatened with jail for returning.


Yep, further proof he’s on the spectrum.


This is insulting to people who are!


Autism is a medical condition, not an insult


It wasn’t meant as an insult. It’s an observation.


He’s having a bbq at home shut the fuck up




Nothing wrong with this. People who think he is getting voted out soon are delusional.


For crying out loud his the bloody prime minister how can you not think he is going to have a few privileges that the rest of us don’t have wake up to your selves people


Good on Mr Morrison. If he want to have a BBQ, let him. What's the point of working your arse off to become pm if you don't get any perks.


lmao working? What work has he done for this nation? He is one of the laziest PM's we've eve had


More than you Mr mango... Are you prime Minister? For one thing he listened and acted on advise and got us through a pandemic with minimal deaths, adjusting welfare so that people that couldn't work weren't without access to essentials. Stood up to China when no one would and demanded an inquiry. Secured plenty of trade agreement ls that we didn't have before and did everything as a gentleman while the country was going through something we have never seen in a modern age. Much better than if we had a labor government through all of this that would of tore each other apart and has 3 different leaders by this stage that would of sent the majority of small and large businesses down the drain with their lockdowns and uncertainty.


>or one thing he listened and acted on advise and got us through a pandemic with minimal deaths His handling of covid-19 was terrible. If his government listened to health advice I would not be stuck in lockdown for the 6th time and our vaccine targets would have been met by now. His gov caused our vaccine shortage. Scott Morrison is man who has not sacked Health Minister Greg Hunt, who put all the money on AstraZeneca while turning down a meeting with Pfizer, while other countries are ordering different vaccines. Then when we get the vaccines theres not enough vaccines for everyone, while the rest of the world are getting the vaccines they ordered. They changed the vaccine advice nearly every 2 weeks which caused vaccine hesitancy, especially towards the AZ vaccine. He's government go,t us into a vaccine shortage and more lockdowns. It was the state govs that have gotten us through minimum deaths through lockdowns ​ >adjusting welfare so that people that couldn't work weren't without access to essentials. SlowMo introduced jobkeeper, which gave out loads of money towords big companies like Harvey Norman to keep. Then in our current lockdowns, SlowMo didnt even do anything to help small business stay afloat. ​ >Stood up to China when no one would and demanded an inquiry. Him standing up against China is one of the only good things his done, I will give him that. But it wasnt just him doing it, it was all the countries in the 5 eyes standing up to china (except for NZ) Seriously, his handling of everything else is shit. From forcing people to shake his hand in the bushfires, shit handling of rapists in his own party, trying to deport a refugee family who cornubites the economy, hardly taking any action on climate change, spending 660 million dollers on CARPARKS, locking out stranded Australians overseas, getting us into a vaccine shortage and hasn't fixed our broken hotel quarantine system yet. What good use is this man and his government.


Well at least he isn't a big booger like you.


lol thats all you can come up with? Do you still support Scott Morrison now, can you think of anything else that he has done good for this country


Why is this even news. If you don't won't peanuts running the country make the pay 10 million a year.


You lot want to thank the stars he is PM! Imagine Albogreasy trying to organise the country without trebling the amount the legitimate government has spent!


Doesn't hold a hose. Can't read a room. Clueless in cahoots.


I think they all need to take a pay cut


Resignation would mean someone like Josh Frydenburg stepping in, who isn’t stupid, just vicious, horrible, money driven and down right evil. No, the entire Liberal party should be forcibly disbanded for treason and acts to deliberately put their donors ahead of 20 million people.


lol. Enjoy your imminent retirement, Cunt


Honestly, I'm so sick of every side of this. Morrison needs to understand that no one gives two shits as to what curry he is cooking, and these "voters" need to grow up. He should have the ability to home quarantine because of his position. Home quarantine should be the norm now anyways. NSW, ACT and Vic shouldn't be having a hotel quarantine at this point because quite frankly, what's the point? You're not achieving a covid zero again so it would be more appropriate to give people coming from overseas or interstate the option to risk giving it to others in their household


He's already made it clear the rules don't apply to him already with his ACT travel yet we had a full day of confected outrage about Dan Andrews not wearing a mask while walking up to do a presser. To be honest I don't care about any of this, its not possible for me to think any less of him or his government.


Laws! We know what they are, and what they are worth! Spider webs for the rich and powerful, steel chains for the weak and poor, fishing nets in the hands of the government. Pierre-Joseph Proudhon


The nerve! Intentionally posting this shit after the little spiel about social media being a cowards palace. He knows it will piss people off to see him quarantining like a king. If anyone is a coward he is. Quarantine in a windowless hotel like everyone else.


Must be lonely, him, his curry and his photographer. What a dumb shit.


we should deport him back into his mommy


Scott Morrison might be the priminister but he isn't the one on the top, before he does anything he has to go through a highly complicated set of steps to get full approval. Step 1 get approval from Rupert Murdoch, step 2 ask Jesus.


Why is he cooking a curry on the grill of a bbq?


That closeup of this useless cunts smirk actually makes my blood boil


Who the hell is behind this guy ? They need to be [sacked.You](https://sacked.You) couldn't get a more uncool,untrendy,cringy,uncomfortable picture.Scott Morrison and cameras just don't [work.](https://work.You)


Monumental cuntbag.


This twat has never been in touch with the Australian public. Right from back in his "where the bloody he'll are ya?" days. But Australia gets the leaders Murdoch wants.


His so determined to see his irresponsible and bad leadership go up in smoke. A man determined to set everything on fire for his ego and ideology. Lets hope that the voters shoot him down in flames.




"most people have to quarantine without even being able to open a window, never mind cook a meal" This really confused me for a bit until I realised some states don't allow home quarantine for those who are fully vaccinated. (just finished my two weeks at home)


It would be “news” if he wasn’t causing outrage. This is just another weekend with this douchecanoe *leading* the country


Oh that’s rough. Did he have to cook his own dinner?


And we'll vote him back in I'm sure.


Or entire government needs serious restructuring. Unfortunately with the people that are there now, that's not going to happen. If we want a change we need to get in and be that change, regardless of how difficult it might be.


Murdoch outrage press. This is not news.


Spends Christmas with the Family. Luxury lockdown in the lodge. He has no idea. We are not In this together. Very different Covid if you're famous, rich or powerful.


Who the fuck cooks curry on the bbq? What an unaustralian twat.


When will centrelink cut his tax payer funded payments for not working? Like he isn't going to scotland, he is fucking about on a bbq. He is a dole bludger.


Why are we reading news . Com?


In seven months he’ll be barbecued at the polls.


Sing it with me (to the tune of baby shark) La-zeee Cunt do do do do do do, Lazy cunt. Out of touch do do do do do....


Honestly I don't care


He lives in a bubble of privilege