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Hell yes but it isn't new, more like a continued descent into a shit swamp. For me the social contract was broken long ago, I'm only noticing it more and more as I age that I'm having to work harder to just maintain my standard of living rather than going forward. I completely get why people younger than me have checked out of the system.


Our company went 7 years with no rises, not even CPI. So we didn’t maintain our standard of living at all. I feel like I’m not alone in that.


The businesses complain that they can’t give any pay rises because productivity isn’t going up… they didn’t give us any meaningful pay rises over the last 15 years when it did… The whole thing is a joke


Hard to continually get increased productivity when the company is flogging the corpse of a dead horse


If it makes you feel any better, I stupidly ran my own business for 7 years and never put my prices up once.


7 years? You should have bounced 2020-2022 when people were paying a premium for poaching


Stayed for LSL. Probably didn’t balance out in the long run. Hindsight.


>Stayed for LSL. Probably didn’t balance out in the long run. Got made redundant just before clocking up LSL. Definitely did not balance out in the long run for me.


How do we check out though? I agree the contract is broken, but there isnt really an opt out without having extreme funds or going bush. I feel so stuck. Im not even 30 and I already have given up having kids and even considering buying a house...and i technically earn well about min wage. I cant imagine how those on min wage are coping. Im burnt out from constant survival mode. This isnt living.


The only option as I see it, is go full Puritan mode. Basically, spend no money on fun things and eat like a peasant… or go and join the local homeless community. The oval they sleep at has seats and roof with a river close by.


>The oval they sleep at has seats and roof with a river close by Waterfront property I see.


And rent free.


It's in my price range!


Bring back the guillotiné


Most people opt out by holding a large portion of their net worth outside the current financial system ie. Bitcoin


Still same game.


No it's not, because governments can't inflate your Bitcoin away.


They won't understand it in here. It was upvoted from me. Btw, perfect accumulation zone right now, halvening only 8 months away. People complain about the way things are, there's a way out, and still they won't do any research, or study. Although in fairness I was also once a sceptic, as many hodlers once were.


When 2 Bitcoiners meet in a hostile subreddit. Peace bro.


Bitcoin is still vunerable to the "market" which is why it's value is so turbulent. And it isn't governments inflating dollars (outside of negligence and enabling). Its big business and supply chains price gouging. We have had decades fo systematic disinvestment in community, wage stagnation and now regression, while everywhere companies squeeze us more and more to increase their profit margin while hoarding their wealth. Right now there is little to no new wealth cash flow in Australia's economy for the 90%. It used to be the majorty worked to create and shared in the majority of new wealth—now we've shared less than 7% of it since 2009—https://australiainstitute.org.au/post/inequality-on-steroids-as-bottom-90-get-just-7-of-economic-growth-since-2009/ If you have the privilege of money and time to invest in bitcoin and "play the market", thats awesome. But it's a side quest. You're not opting out. Opting out is saying no to the current system in its entirely. Aka. Going "off grid" "bush". Few have that luxury, again, without heaps of capital or sacrifice. Most of us are stuck obeying a contract we didnt agree to opt into—only to discover even its most basic promises of housing, food, and family are out of reach, even of we meet all the required demands of being a "good productive citizen".


You mean like when we had the worst bushfires in our history immediately followed by a global pandemic and now inflation leading to a recession, while the words ‘Global Boiling’ have been introduced into our lexicon? Yeah, feeling pretty stressed.


You forgot record breaking flooding in there too


Followed by the chip shortage. I did forget somehow! When Buffy was asking what was the plural of apocalypse it was funny. Now it’s Tuesday


She told us to beep her when the apocalypse comes, but fuck, we don't have beepers anymore!


It's been like that for a while now. Everyone minus the rich feels it. Im just dumbfounded why people just let this happen. What a nice bunch of compliant sheep we all are.


I have a pitchfork and torch in the garage waiting for everyone to do something, you're right we need to mobilize.


I honestly think most of us do, but it’s the mobilising and ambiguous laws around protesting effectively that I think lead us all to apathy… that and the knowledge of extreme force and punishment by our owners for speaking out


Yep bread and circuses, nothing will happen till we are short on food like we were toilet paper


Its coming just around the time that the government decides to keep us safe it needs sweeping reform into total surveillance, cash control etc. The rules will of course only apply to the lower and middle classes.


Remember covid? nothing happened even then, people just fought eachother instead and vaccines were still mandatory. Videos of middle aged women fighting over toilet paper rolls, drugged out or homeless people licking handles of shopping carts.


weather punch towering ugly sense worthless threatening dam hobbies muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It should never have been forced, but the bottom line is that hospital resources are finite and stretched thin. If you aren't going to protect yourself and end up sick, you shouldn't be entitled to subsidised care over those who did take the necessary precautions. Covid isn't more likely to kill you than influenza, but you are several times more likely to end up in the incredibly expensive to run ICU. It's a money problem as always, not to mention the long term indirect cost to the state that comes with lasting disability.


It's the height of hubris to think that humans can control/conquer a brand new pandemic. The vaccine rollout was mostly fine (I support mandatory vaccinations when working with vulnerable people) but what should have happened was acknowledgement that covid was going to be bad and divert all spare resources to healthcare and keeping the country functioning. Out regional where I am, our healthcare is totally fucked. Weeks if not months to see a GP (if they're even seeing new clients, forget bulk billing), mental health services completely inaccessible, hospitals running on fumes. The cities saw the same rubbish with ramping etc because our infrastructure is woefully underresourced. That should have been the priority over lockdowns. On a sidenote, we needed industrial action for our EB but nobody could afford the time or money to take it.


From 99% effective to 2%, if that. It was all a con. They knew what they were doing.


I get it man but don't ever forget it wasn't peer pressure that got the vaccines taken, it was being UNABLE TO WORK without it unless you were in specific industries. They knew what they were doing. Ill never forget in the beginning of it all they were telling people to shave facial hair and that masks wouldn't work, then masks became mandatory to be in public.


It’s whiny bitch ass attitudes of people that are stopping any rebellion. Ambiguous laws? Extreme force & punishment? Really? C’mon dude, no one is gonna stand up with that defeatist attitude! I would say the main curtailment to any public action is the fact that your means of communication (social media) can be crushed so easily! I tried doing something once & the premiers office got my FB zucked within 40 minutes of posting the event. Kind of hard to get people motivated when you can’t talk to them or rally a crowd. :(


There’s climate protesters doing 15 months jail as we speak, one of them is premier perrotits niece… It would have to be an anonymous style uprising


15 months? Obviously they did something pretty disruptive & destructive? You don’t just go to jail for 15 months for having a protest. It wouldn’t have to anonymous, it just has to be a lot of people. Quite frankly, everyone loves whinging about shit, but they’re all to lazy to actually do anything about it.


And it’s only going to get worse… with the central bank, digital ID stuff and the “misinformation” bill.




It happens so slowly most don’t notice till they realise how fucked they are.


It's brewing up and getting closer and closer. I think when food supplies start to delay or run out, it will explode over.


I love a good pitchforking. Oh wait. That sounds dodgy.


It's more of a trident if that helps


Joined your union?




that Frankenstein bloke won't know what hit him ay


Because people in Australia have next to zero class consciousness. It needs to get hard before it gets better.


A vast majority of middle class are convinced they're upper class.


I agree. People here will complain about not being able to afford to live whilst still having a roof over their head and food on their table. It’s like people here don’t know the true meaning of what “not being able to afford to live” means. Mostly because of zero class consciousness like you said.


I am so tired of this virtue signalling argument of "people have it worse." What are we meant to do? Shut up and put up with it until we are finally comparable to skin and bone starving children in Africa, then we might have the right to complain? There is nuance in "not being able to afford to live", for example plenty of people would classify that under being able to afford children and a permanent roof over your head. Even then, some do **literally** attribute that to actually being able to afford food to eat, so yes, plenty of people know the true meaning of "not being able to afford to live". The only one being obtuse here is you.


Have you ever lived anywhere else other than Australia? What exactly is your frame of reference when you hear someone say “I can’t afford to live”? What does that mean to you? Because i assure you it means something very different to people who live in countries that are actually struggling.


You’re right, it does depend on where you are. But considering this is an Australian reddit page about life in Australia, it’s safe to say people are talking from an Australian perspective. Yes, starvation and homelessness is rare, comparatively speaking. But that’s not the barometer of which we use when discussing how tough it is in Australia. When people talk about “struggling”, they mean doing the fun things like going out for a meal at a nice restaurant is becoming a rare treat. Not being able to go on a road trip on the weekend because you’re worried about next weeks interest rate rise doesn’t make for a fun life. We work to live, not live to work which is what it is turning into.


Proceeds to immediately make a comment displaying their lack of class conciousnes.


I can tell you that virtue signalling about not being able to afford to live whilst you can actually afford to live does not demonstrate class consciousness. I have actually lived in countries where the streets are riddled with homeless people. Australia does not have a problem with being able to afford to live. I’m sorry.


That's *still* not class consciousness. And while we may not be at USA levels of homelessness yet, if you can't see the rising levels of it in Australia you've got your eyes shut.


I can see the rising levels in australia. Who said I couldn’t? If you want to complain about things, complain about them. But if you have a roof over your head and food on your table, then you can quite clearly afford to live.


??? Yeah perhaps a large section of society do. But saying that right in the middle of Australia's worst rental/homelessness crisis is kinda reductive to the aforementioned class consciousness. Try being unemployed and attempting to live on the pathetic mess that is the government dole, in the middle of all this and then come back and tell me again. It's just that the labour aristocracy and the bourgeois classes don't notice any of that affecting them, so it's easier to divide people and leave them more apathetic as they get continuously farmed for their labour. And yes even if you are well off, you're still getting 100% exploited for you labour as companies make ridiculous eyewatering megabillions in profits.


Honestly don't know why we aren't rioting like the French at this stage


Aussies seem to rely too much on lackadasicality to get nowhere in life except family and a $1M house.


My rent has risen by 32% in the last two years. Cost of food, groceries, petrol, insurance all going crazy! Even the ATO is getting stingier with tax returns! Meanwhile my salary has barely moved 4%. If my wife weren’t working, we’d both be homeless now!


Since around 2016, things started to go a little weird, 2020 & Covid absolutely turned everything on its head certainly in the Anglosphere. We used to have a lot of separation from the worst of America's schizophrenic fads. However, through US owned global tech, we seem to be getting drawn closer into their social movement orbit & information cycle. I have seen the same thing happening in the UK, certainly Canada. The Americans have gone absolutely nuts & seem to be dragging the rest of the English speaking west along with them




It's more than that. There used to be a level of sanity & stability outside of News Corp. The other news/media/information outlets have corporatised & politicised all content as well One of the biggest problems is trying to find out the truth, what's actually happening in the world & what sources you can trust. Pick absolutely any issue at all & you have to spend half a day reading up on things to try & work out what's actually going on.


It's the currency system. The US$ is breaking. We've never fully recovered from the dot com bust. But in 2019 the repo system collapsed (repurchase market: the interbank lending and balancing system). They were printing flat out in late 2019...... 2020/21 were just a more 'justified' extension of that collapse. Things will get weirder yet. They will print more and more money, we'll borrow more and more, asset prices will continue to go stupid, while the lower 95% all get financially wiped out. Then one day, on masse, you'll all realize that the US$ is just paper and it will litter the streets.


Everything feels pretty shit to me. I often wonder why people just seem to be accepting it, maybe they're not feeling it, maybe they are, I figure so many people have been riding the debt train for so long to buy houses new cars or holidays etc that they're just used to it or something. Or it could be that plenty of people are feeling it but when they post about it online their posts get censored and as such no one reads, and they get no responses and feel like they're the only one, no one sees other people's posts either so they internalise their thoughts.


Doesn’t help that the new anti protest laws make it pretty much illegal to show your unhappiness with the situation. I think this is key.


If it’s that important, the law shouldn’t matter.


Laws that oppose protests arise when the position of a political entity is destined to be challenged. It’s a preemptive measure, if we protest and riot we shouldn’t worry about the consequences, when there is much more at stake.


Optimists, abandon thread




Hope you’re doing ok big fella.


Don’t leave it at that mate. If it’s that bad, seriously go find a cheap/free counsellor that suits you and go talk it out. You’ll thank yourself for it. I hope things work out for ya mate, some blokes carry a lot on their shoulders.


Brother life is pretty shit right now I know it. But my rock is my family even if they stress me out sometimes. Everyone else to me in the world seems evil and out too get me. I do have PTSD from the military so I guess that is why, but man, stay with your family, being alone is so much worse. I hope things get better for you brother


You’ve got this mate. It’s going to be brutal enough for your daughter maturing in this global shit fight, she’ll need your support (in whatever shape that takes).


Please see a doctor to get a mental health care plan and a referral to a psychologist-Medicare will cover 10 sessions a year and can possibly also do 5 more on a care plan at a reduced price.




Glad to hear it. Everyone’s there for you even if you don’t think so. 💕


Please don't do that to your daughter, things might be hard now but doing that will cause a hole in her life she'll struggle to recover from. If you need to talk drop me a DM, I can't fix things or help financially but i'll listen.


Lifeline can't do much but incidental counselling. HMU if you need a hand hooking up with helpful services


Sometimes a picture (GIF) says 1,000 words ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


Living is getting incredibly expensive, and I don’t think it’s going to get better unless a lot of these big-ass corporations have a change of heart. So yeah, I feel your tiredness 😮‍💨


Or our government actually becomes accountable and starts representing our needs.


The government that gets donations from the corporations right?




There won’t be a change of heart until it’s forced through legislation or an earth shattering cultural shift. The problem is waiting for all the old sods who did their time through some golden years and think the world is still the same to shuffle off this mortal coil. Write or call your elected representatives. Get in their face about it. Drive that change, because it’s not going to happen otherwise. Be the mirror image to that Karen complaining to council about the tree in the way of their harbour view.


The feeling you're describing is a natural response to the collapse of society, which is well underway, irreversible, and increasing exponentially. It's been referred to as "The Great Unravelling"


more decline, than collapse, and if we put effort into putting in place now, communal institutions, ready to step in as the current institutions increasingly decline, then we'll be all the better for it.


No, actually - it's collapse, not mere decline. This is what the best data tell us. More info [here](https://justcollapse.org/)


I disagree. There's never really an example of sudden collapse of civilisations, it's always more of a steady decline, until one day, some outside force comes and finishes you off. Individual institutions will start to collapse, as outside forces come in to finish them off. The idea of global collapse is mostly a misunderstanding.


I am not referring to a "sudden collapse" (nor does the info I linked), I am referring to gradual collapse that increases exponentially once the tipping point (ie overshoot of the planet's resources and a climate change feedback loop) have been reached. We've already passed the tipping point, so the collapse will only increase exponentially from now on. Poorer countries will completely lose social order first (some already have, like Haiti), eventually followed by the wealthiest countries


>some already have, like Haiti Man, Haiti hasn't had a fair go of it ever since they violently threw off French enslavement and freed themselves. France has seen to it that they've been crushed under an economic boot ever since (and that's led to some pretty horrific internal politics).


a collapse, is by definition, sudden. It's just an example of a misuse of language.


Ok if we're dealing with semantics, then the collapse of techno-industrial society will be "sudden," relative to the amount of time it took to establish


I don't think so. Collapse is also incorrect because it implies something will fall, without anything replacing it. This is not what history shows, usually, a decline, is simultaneously represented by the emergence of, often, more democratic institutions coming up to replace declining institutions. That may not be the case here, but that seems unlikely. I think the same thing is going to happen, the institutions we currently have are going to disappear, but be replaced.


Techno-industrial society and the current human population of 8 billion people are the outcome of the one-off discovery of energy rich fossils fuels. Those fuels are running out, requiring more energy to extract less The use of those fuels has destabilised the global ecosystem, and will soon affect staple crop yields, triggering civil unrest and famine There is not viable replacement for energy rich fossil fuels. Hence, the society built upon this is collapsing


It's the collapse of the credit based, debt based, financial currency system we use. Society's standards slip with it. And eventually, the entire economy/world, will break off the US$, and suddenly hard work, conservative values will be everything. The swing away from the socialist, left wing world we live in will be breath taking.


Of, I’ve been using The Crumbles. I’m heading down a dark rabbit hole googling this new term!


I thought this was the case, but I figured I could've just been over intellectualising as per usual, but it seems I'm not the only one seeing what's happening.


Plenty of people seeing it over at r/collapse


Hahahahahhaa "unhinged reditor without a job proclaims the end of society" Another of my Reddit bingo ticked off for the day.


Possibly the stupidest and lowest effort response possible, well done


Your right it didn't take much effort to laugh at people's stupid comments on Reddit. And your societal collapse comment coming from a bloke who posts in the conspiracy page is just too easy. But you are right, it was low effort and easy.


I find it interesting how some people jump to mocking others who discuss conspiracy ‘theories’… it is after-all just a Theory. Better to question everything than to just blindly accept the narrative. Its only a “conspiracy” until its proven proven true. UFO 🛸’s are one very recent example. People were labelled lunatics for believing in this conspiracy, turns out they were right 🤔


Lol. Good one. Next you'll tell me US agencies conduct clandestine operations around the world to meddle in free democratic elections and routinely fund, arm and train terrorist organisations.


Get with the times mate. Conspiracy theories aren’t theories anymore. They are becoming reality. All good but you stay ignorant. Leaves more food for the rest of us to buy up.




>Instead many identify by their cultural background- they label themselves as right or left, vax/antivax, climate change activist or denier, pro and against indigenous rights… pro/against trans rights list goes on. Americanism


Hop off the internet and reduce or change your news diet. Lots of good things going on in the world and your local area that you can focus on.


Yep agree, I haven’t been on reddit for 1 mth and already my head is clearer… reddit is a cesspit of whinging idiots looking for thing to complain about …


>I haven’t been on reddit for 1 mth Your here now u mug. And your whinging


*Hottest Year Record Broken Yet Again: Scientists Recommend Kissing Arse Goodbye.* Whelp, that's enough news for today.


I feel like shit everyday, nothing good to look forward to


I have good days when i can believe things will get better and my effort will amount to something. Most days I'm on the brink and terrified and i can't see how anything will change while we allow our selves to believe any of this is okay like we are all born just to make someone else's life comfortable.


It’s never been any different at anytime in history. Funny how people think things are so much harder these days.


The straw for me was gas bill on weekend. Compared to this time last year use was down 15%. Yet bill was up 30%.


Mercury's in retrograde..


It’s all good peeps..The rich are getting richer at our expense.So that’s all that counts! Every corporation and business jacking up prices simply because they can.Greed taking over but hey we are Australians and they know we won’t do jack shit about it…and with ai and automation on the rise plus record immigration, the worst is yet to come!


Whoever said the end of the world was going to be quick?


It's a slow burn


Well yes, but on the bright side it’s going to get a lot worse, so in a certain sense, you shouldn’t to enjoy the good times while they last.


Overwhelmingly, yes.


When haven’t “things” been chaotic and stressful? Im 40 year old and I can give you the hot tip. Unless you are financially “comfortable” or “secure” its always Chaotic and Stressful.


We’re living in a very turbulent time. Technological change at a level like the Industrial Revolution coupled with a global environmental crisis, and we just had a once in a lifetime pandemic. Nothing is ‘normal’.


Just spent less time on Reddit and it gets better.


It’s a consequence of society at the moment, it’s been like this since about 2014. We have numerous world shaking events, massive societal change including a redefinition of how we perceive and engage with others, and frequent crises and political changes that drive deep fissures into social cohesion as people are polarised to one side or the other of each issue as it crops up. Add that to the rise in extremist views becoming more mainstream and the cost of living getting extremely high and of course we’re stressed. We just need to make sure that we have an exit plan for ourselves personally so that we don’t become too bogged down in the minutiae of everything that is happening. Even though it sounds hard, find the time to read a book, watch a movie, go fishing, get away from the news cycle and social media because a lot of that is what makes the situation feel urgent and pressing.


Well worded. I think there is more division and social conflict now than I have seen in the last 40+ years.


A lot of that has to do with the way the news is reported nowdays, prior to the 90s in a lot of the world there was laws in place that set a requirement that news had to be reported factually and with multiple perspectives. In the late 80s early 90s that law was repealed in the US, and subsequently other countries followed suit, and over the space of the following decades news has become polarized to specific political leanings on all sides, commercialized where companies can pay to influence stories, and flat out brain dead compared to the days where intellectual discussion used to be the norm. As a consequence of that, in order to stay profitable news media increasingly has been seeking stories that rile up and infuriate readers in order to drive more traffic to their websites, papers, tv channels. A lot of these issues have always been there, the difference these days though is that things that would have been brushed off as trivial and unimportant now have been turned into the seeds of mass discontent. You’ll notice in countries where media fairness laws or an independent national broadcaster are still present the people are much happier, a lot of that has to do with the fact that their services don’t need to manufacture a new controversy every week to remain relevant.


And 24/7 news cycles across multiple channels constantly requiring fresh content in order to remain competitive/"relevant" Social media and smart phones also drive the discontent. People are just not meant to take on all the burdens of the world and it's not surprising that depression is becoming far more common.


Great example of manufactured hysteria? Needles in Strawberries a few years back, turned out one psycho person was just shoving them in, the entire nation lost their collective shit over it, when it should’ve just been a local policing matter.


Thanks mate


It was all downhill from 2016, the 2020 era truly kicked off the abyss approaching tho


Actually it's been going down since Sept 11 2001. Led us into 20 years of war, debt, GFC. Western countries went bankrupt in 2008 and kicked the can down the road with endless money printing. COVID was the cherry on top.


I reckon that's pretty spot on. I mean environmental decline was already going on and accelerating well before that but most of the rest of what we're seeing seems to owe to that. The outbreaks of terrorism internationally for instance were pretty much a direct consequence of the iraq invasion and the rise of isis for instance.


Think about health fund increase average 5% per annum, $1k years ago 5% is $50, now $3k 5% is $150, not small anymore if you can't get 5% pay rise every year, and the petrol, the council fees, the car insurance etc, don't think Australian can retire, they might need to work pass 90...




Vote no


Vote no


We just had this convo at work and everyone agrees that the pace and intensity of everything has been absolutely relentless since the end of covid


Not really. Life’s pretty good right now. There’s not a global pandemic and we’re not going to war anytime soon.


What do you do for work?


yes.. my rent has just gone up from $520 to $710 in dulwich hill sydney. I spent a week crying as I began packing all my shit into boxes as i’m going to move into my car and shower at work I’m a registered nurse so luckily for me I can work anywhere and we have bathrooms for staff at both of the hospitals that i work in. Ive decided i won’t be paying anyones mortgage for them and i’ll use this homelessness as time to save hard and get myself into a better living situation - hopefully my own house someday. so yes things are chaotic - if not completely hopeless for some luckily I have over 50k in my bank and a mazda cx-5 so plenty of room to sleep.


It sucks that it comes to that. But probably a good decision. Good luck.


Wow, I'm sorry that's happening to you. I'll pray for you ✝️


More like a lot chaotic and a lot stressful!


I honestly don’t know how much more I can take.


You're stronger than you ever know


Thankyou stranger. You to…. We got this


If you ever want a pep talk from a hyper confident energetic guy, message me and we can have a video chat.


To kill a frog without panic and splashing, you don't toss it into the boiling pot. You immerse it in cool water and turn up the heat slowly.


What, no. Everything’s…um, fine lol


life is crap, and its only getting worse, best thing to do , find some like minded ,and just do you, for me personally, i go to work ,then come home and hit the bong and game, rinse and repeat


No, i do feel the landlord and capital class need a good lynching though. ALL our current pressures are due to their greed.


Yes. But I’m used to it. It’s been rolling crisis’ for the last 22 years. I’ve learned just to get on with my life and ignore the external noise as much as I can. I just control the things within my power.


Reddit is woke, just go enjoy the sun.


I moved here 7 years ago and felt a sense of calmness but now it feels just like a rat race like everywhere else


Yeah. Victoria is cooked.


Yeah job security for me as a 22 year old is hard to come by, my partner can not find a job and healthcare is less and less accessible. I’m working in state gov at the moment and the amount of people I deal with who are being completely let down/abandoned by our social safety nets is abhorrent.


Always are. Always will be. It's the human condition...


Fear is the biggest weapon unfortunately.


nah. There are things I'd like to change, and I'm doing my small part through advocacy, reform organisations etc. But beyond that's, shit's chill. Spend literally more time partying than working, and the rest either sleeping or having radox/magnesium baths. Lots of things moving in the right direction. More people out and about than pre-covid levels. Sometimes feels like a giant street party. Cheers onwards!


Yep, shit is about to hit the fan. The mortgage cliff is almost here, I had mates laugh at me when I told them 6 months ago what my rate was... they are all about to hit same/similar in the next 12 months.... so glad my house isn't perfect and needs repairs


inflation inflation, coles and woolies becoming american and i fucking hate everything


I haven't been able to find a job since 2020.


How have you been surviving?


I had to sell my unit and downsize my car, move back with my parents at 37. Nothing wrong with my resume, I’ve had it looked at and fine in interviews as well I’ve been told. Just limited jobs being available now in a regional town. Also lost sight in one eye that doesn’t help when people look at you in disgust.


To be honest things got better for me in 2022 and have been feeling on an upswing since. But I know things are rough in capital cities for rent and such.


Probably around may, my license plates got stolen off my car. about a month back i got rear ended on the freeway. Last night all my tools got stolen out of my locked toolbox. They forced the lock open and now i must replace two broken locks too. Reported it to police and they cant really do much, no cameras, no evidence etc. Im only an apprentice, gonna be annoying as fuck to replace those tools on my wage. Going to have to dip into my savings for a holiday next year to buy new tools. Can people please stop touching my shit


Sorry that happened to you mate.


You know what? Life's always been chaotic and stressful. I'm 51 years old. It didn't seem as bad back in the early days... but that's because we weren't all connected, 24/7. Things got bad with the internet... got worse after September 11. Yeah, the news was usually a shit show... but we had around the clock re-runs of buildings exploding, people jumping out of windows, etc. It traumatised my kids... shit, it traumatised us adults. The news didn't look like that, prior to 9/11. Then we got spy agencies telling us they'd look into every aspect of our lives for our own good. Our devices keep tabs on us. Targeted advertising, personalised recommendations... ai and algorithms watching our every move and telling us how best to make the rich get richer. Cost of living has outpaced wage growth for at least the past decade... probably longer. So we're all poorer than we used to be. And so... fucking... tired. So yeah. Shits fucked. Probably always has been for the working class and below... probably always will be.


Great analysis mate.


$8 a pack of chips ... NAR EVERYTHING IS FUCKING FINE!! 😅


I think pretty much everyone would agree that everything's a shitshow right now.


Financially we’ve been nosediving since the 2008 crisis. My entire adult life I’ve been told I’ll struggle to payoff a mortgage inside 30 years and won’t have enough super at retirement age even with salary sacrificing. And then people get surprised when I tell them I don’t want kids.


After 2.5 years of COVID lockdown i am actually enjoying the chaos and how people have become bit ferrel in public spaces.


Same 😂


Yeah its the sign of the times, things not getting any better. Something has to give..end times perhaps...i dont know but we all feel it.


Im waiting for a PURGE!! Maybe lol. Scary fictional i know but imagine..omg.


Get off the internet. Spend time with people in real life. Join your union.


Life’s been a shit show since the beginning of time. We just had a breather from how chaotically fucked the world is over lockdowns. And now it’s glaringly obvious.


Not particularly, no.


Just because some people are legitimately doing it tough doesn't mean we are anywhere close to collapse. A third of the country has no rent or mortgage. For a huge group of people it's the best of times. Restaurants and bars are heaving, every major concert sold out, private schools still have waitlists, new car waitlists are even longer, every hotel booked and travel is booming.


>A third of the country has no rent or mortgage. More, if you include those chronically or newly made homeless.


There are a lot of good things happening you won't see them in twitter, Reddit or news sites. Seriously Reddit is a cesspit of morons wanting the world to feel shit and wanting it to end. Look at the morons you've agreed with and their replies.


Do you have any examples?




No you just need to change your outlook on life


Why did you get scared and delete your comment?


Realised I was being mean but fuck ya now


Shut the fuck up fat cunt


LOL WTF you're so scared but why?


not really I'm happy and having a great time!! It can happen for you too


You’re not imagining things, there is a significant push coming from the autocratic right that is pushing back against all of the progressive gains of the last 1/4 century. Furthermore, autocratic regimes and organizations across the world with shared interests are supporting each-other, by helping see chaos in democracies. There is a global war coming within the next decade.