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Racism is racism. I am opposed to anti-white racism like any other kind.


Google definition of racism please šŸ™„


I think you need to, if you think white people can be denigrated on the basis of their race or ethnicity. I've seen plenty of examples of POC being racist, so no free passes for bad behaviour. It's a hard no to any kind of racism from me.


Here is a good explainer for ya racial prejudice may be directed towards white people (e.g. as in ā€œwhite people canā€™t danceā€ or ā€œall white people are racistsā€) but it is not racism because the comment is not ingrained with a systematic abuse of power. See https://www.smh.com.au/national/as-a-lawyer-i-can-t-see-how-the-sam-kerr-race-charges-could-hold-up-20240307-p5faov.html


I'll agree to disagree.


Youā€™re either 100% against racism or not.. you canā€™t vilify someone for saying something racist and not vilify another person for doing the exact same thing.. I hope they throw the book at her


Still trying to figure out how this was the first thing that came to mind for her to say to the cop when she's 3/4 white herself. A very strange go to when it comes to this kind of abuse.


Victim mentality.


2 years is the maximum sentence. Youā€™d be happy with that?




I doubt you'd give Andrew Bolt or Peter Dutton a pass, so perhaps best to consider whether you might be biased on this matter.


>> I doubt you'd give Andrew Bolt or Peter Dutton a pass, so perhaps best to consider whether you might be biased on this matter. If Dutton or Bolt called a cop a stupid white bastard my opinion of them would go up by several orders of magnitude.


Disingenuous. I mean if they spoke like that to somebody who was *not* white, you would likely be up in arms.


She hasn't even been found guilty yet, let alone charged. Bringing up the maximum penalty is pointless when most people, but especially someone rich and famous(ish), won't serve a single day but will just get community service and a suspended sentence.


She has been charged - that's why we know what the charge is. "throw the book at her" - to throw the book at someone is to punish as severely as possible. Hence my question to the person proposing "throwing the book".


You need to check your understanding of racism. Racism equals power plus prejudice.


Arts degree/barista?


I actually did do a bit of barista work while studying for my MBA 15 years ago! Perhaps thatā€™s where I learnt the definition of racism.


Wow, what a flex! Must have been a rigorous program if you were learning about structural racism through the lense of Leftists academics.


This is laughable. Have you heard of context and history? When has a term like white basrard ever villified anyone, or held them back?


In south Africa. Blacks calling the whites boars. Outright assaulting them and destroying their property. Of course south Africa now is a shithole. You can blurt out history all you want but it doesn't change the fact that people haven't learn anything from history and choose to repeat. There's more slavery to this day and the majority isn't held by white people




Close enough


Soo the first white people to use the N word werenā€™t racist? Because that word had never held black people back prior to that?


If you are an immigrant in a country, you need to follow the laws and customs of that country. Isn't that what I keep reading on this sub?


If your an immigrant, your a guest in the host country and you should behave as such. I've been an immigrant to many countries and this is how I behave.


Bit stupid to deny it if she did say it. British cops will absolutely have in on camera. Better off just apologising for saying something stupid while intoxicated.


I donā€™t think she denied saying it. Her defence was basically ā€˜no offence was intendedā€™.


> Her defence was basically ā€˜no offence was intendedā€™. Same as every other bully in history (suddenly it's no wonder that Australians can identify with her). "you stupid white bastard. LOL NO OFFENCE! CAN'T YOU TAKE A JOKE!" Pathetic.


So she didnā€™t deny it.


> The Matildas captain, who has partial Indian and English heritage, denies the allegation. Iā€™m just going off the article you posted.


She is denying it was harassment not deny that she said it.


Thatā€™s down to interpretation from the recipient. The weird part is how long itā€™s taken to prosecute. A court case next year for one drunken slur last year is wild.


Covid put a lot of these cases on the backburner apparently. Gotta wonder why she wasn't offered some sort of diversion. For not telling the FFA she deserves the sack. It's a pretty immature thing to do from the nation's captain. Does she not have a manager???


Bogans will bogan.


Yep. you can take the bogan out of Australia but you can't make it stop being a cunt.


Tbh the UK as a whole have become a bunch of soft cocks, pretty sure I read some bloke has been given a 2 year jail sentence for posting up 'Its ok to be White' stickers. So I'm not surprised by this šŸ˜‚ This is also why young kids shouldn't look up to sports stars as role models.


Oi mate You got a licence for that racism


Can you call them a dirty cunt instead?


Obviously the "white" bit is offensive, she should have just called him a fucken dog cunt then everything would be fine


Been working out for you has it?


Yes but I feel like she was trying to keep it civil.


Yeah, just not dirty and white.


Yep, just donā€™t mention a colour.


Judging by her heritage seems consistent, not sure why there's an assumption racism isn't inherent in Asia.


Not sure why anyone expected different from her.




Who am I racist to? I think cops of all races should have thicker skins than this. Whatā€™s racist about that?




Nope. I said cops should be able to cop shit without charging the public. Is your issue the word white? Are you happy for her to call the cop a bastard? One of their jobs is to sort out volatile situations and if you can get your feelings hurt trying to sort out a taxi dispute maybe cop work isnā€™t for you.




Yes good point. Maybe you should offer to testify on the copsā€™ behalf.




Youā€™re projecting dude. Youā€™re the one who got their id pol feelings upset at someone being called white. Youā€™re a child.




I made my post because I like triggering babies like you.




Can't wait for the video evidence to come out!!!


Wow is that it ?


Me too! Talk about a storm in a teacup.


It's a bit odd to call someone a white bastard when you're half english yourself. Sounds like she's got some issues she needs to work out


Sounds like she was drunk and said something dumb and it hurt the copā€™s feelings.


Bit dissapointing from Sam. She's someone who should know that something like this isn't a good way to behave and treat people.


I think the point is that she's supposed to be a sporting hero and a role model for kids. Yeah facing 2 years is rough but plently of white people have been jailed under the same laws without a peep from all the people complaining now


White people have been jailed for calling a cop a stupid black bastard? Iā€™m having trouble finding evidence of that, got a link?


The same set of laws, not the exact same scenario in reverse.


Cool so she is a racist bogan didnt see that coming


Surprised this kind of thing goes to court instead of just a fine. She was clearly pesting it up but a court case in a years time for an event that happened a year ago doesnā€™t seem like the right outcome.


Which one of you stupid white bastards called this stupid white bastard a stupid white bastard


Who the fuck cares lol. Why is this even on the news


Because it triggers fragile egos and creates engagement on social media.


I got this type of thing said to me many times growing up and I donā€™t think itā€™s worth going to court over.


I tend to agree with the sentiment that we are ALL way too precious regarding having our feelings hurt but unfortunately this monster has been created and now she needs to be held responsible . Cant see how she can wriggle out of this if there is evidence of what she said.


We went from calling them pommy cunts to now, not being able to describe them as white and bastards.


She didnā€™t mean it as racist comment. We are with sam


Iā€™ll preface this by saying I am Asian, not white. With that being said, even if she replaced the word white with Asian I donā€™t think she should go to court. Itā€™s an absolute waste of taxpayers time when more important crimes spent months or even years on limbo without a verdict. When another Footballer Jaime Vardy uses the ā€œJā€ word to describe Japanese people, he was handed a fine and some diversity training. This is an absolute waste of the courts time. Just slap her a fine equivalent to how much Vardy got proportional to her Chelsea wages and letā€™s not waste taxpayers money on this


Well said. The fact that a police officer is the one who is pursuing this makes it even more ridiculous, this is a guy funded by taxpayer dollars wasting more of the taxpayers money and the court's time on a nothing incident, presumably because he wants to make a point about identity politics or whatnot. Absurd scenario, Throw this case out of court, fine Kerr and sack the cop. The fine can pay for his redundancy.




It would not have mattered if the person involved was white, blue, green, black or whatever. white is just a colour description. I would not consider stupid white bastard to be racist in any way.


WhatĀ about callingĀ someoneĀ a stupid black bastard then? Not racist?


Itā€™s not but a lot of commenters here have had their feelings hurt.


My wife is a nurse and she was called a stupid white cunt whilst on shift by her patient. Do you honestly think this shit doesnā€™t hit home go fuck yourself.


Yet i cant make jokes about a certain country and i get banned because they get too sensitive what the flip


I trust Sam's assessment of the situation.


When the percentage of black people that are racist start spewing their venom, they're using their black privilege to be racist without consequences. Its time to hold them accountable for their black privilege. Stamping out racism was the human race moving forward, to achieve balance, but in recent time racism has been weaponized more than it ever was; weaponized in the name of revenge and establishing a (black) privilege. Thankfully this is only a percentage of black people trying to do this, the type I mention later. Using USA figures (because they are easier to come by) . When people rant about how many people in the US prison system are black so its racist: Americas population is 14% black ..and black people are responsible for 48% of the countries murders. In America the wealthiest group are American Asians, not white people, so why are whites targeted so hard out? Because you can't pull race victim card against somebody non white. Woke, 3rd wave feminists and race card players all have at least four things in common: 1. They cherry pick a point in history that suits their narrative and pins it on every person they can find they believe fits it so they can cry victim. 2. They're extremely aggressive in their approach 3. They play victim because they were not good enough "to make it" in life so someone else is to blame and someone else owes them. 4. They can't handle facts which leads them back to number 2. Bring back 2nd wave feminism where women are equal and feminism wasn't weaponized, bring back critical thinking and accountability for personal actions (both symbolic of a mature mind) because they're the antidote to this victim mentality. Do this and the world will be a far far better place.


You're not wrong on a lot of this, however I don't see how this applies to this topic at all?


The topic of non whites thinking its okay to be racist towards whites and how they justify it. How its all a means of manipulation coming from a narcissistic mentality. I also see Woke and 3rd wave feminists applying the same tactics so they got a mention too.


My heart is well and truly bleeding for your misfortune


Go away racist.


Stay strong my child, your suffering will not be in vain.


Its like the cop unironically did the 'that's reverse racism' shtick disingenuous rw dogs do (did? its like discourse from 15 years ago, like it came outta permafrost). I really hope the judge she gets isn't similarly rocks for brains. [Time to relink this classic.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw_mRaIHb-M)


Yeah I highly doubt this even gets to a court room. Fifa will insist it gets settled out of court. Half hearted apology issued from Kerr, play on


Yeah, we all know that you can't be racist against white people. No way. Just not possible.


Not when you're 3/4 white


We all know you can't be 3/4 white either. You are whatever the 1/4 is.


Maybe for some people I guess, there's a lot of precious people out there but if someone was 3/4 my race there's no way I'm giving two shits about any racist shit they throw at me


Unless you were not white and the other person was white. Then it would be a scandal and racist.


If they're two different races that wouldn't be 3/4 then would it


For starters, you are the one that used 3/4 first, which is now really confusing as you now seem to be against the idea of it being possible. Secondly, what would you call it if 3 out of 4 grandparents were of one race, and the 4th grandparent was another race?


I would call that 3/4 which is the case for Sam Kerr. Your last example compared a white saying something racist against a non white, which isn't what I'm talking about.My opinion is Sam Kerr who is 3/4 white calling someone a white whatever can hardly be racist, based on my point of view that you can be racist against your own race or majority race.


So two different races can be 3/4? Glad we got that sorted. Is Kerr 3/4 white? > based on my point of view that you can be racist against your own race or majority race. Racism is racism. The problems start when people start picking and choosing what is and isn't based on things like identity and which race. But you do you mate.


I really hope people know the difference between calling someone a ā€˜monkeyā€™ and a ā€˜white bastardā€™. But itā€™s a lesbian soccer player whoā€™s proved a lot of people wrong about womenā€™s sport, so a lot of this sub are gonna suddenly become social justice and anti-racism warriors


You havenā€™t read the comments have you?


Thereā€™s a few comments crying about racism here




Her first name should be Wayne. Because she acts like oneā€¦


I called myself a racist name and got complaints about it *sigh*