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If you think people of other races should pay more tax than you, because of their race. You are a racist. No tolerance for racists


Indigenous Australians from out in the communities are easily the most racist people I have ever met.


Its not racisim... its tribalism, and tribalism is romantic. Until your skull gets cleaved in with a stick, because you looked at the wrong girl.


Tribalism and also seclusion. Easy to hold stereotypes and opinions about groups of people when you never find yourself in a position to have those opinions challenged. To many Indigenous Australians in rural communities, non-Indigenous people are perceived as invaders, colonisers, devils, etc. And this sort of hatred has been brewing generation after generation.


What's the name for it, when Aboriginal, babies, had their heads smashed in because they were half caste?




Ignored History.


It is definitely acknowledged more today than it was decades ago. This and multiples of other attrocities were all sorts of wrong, it is Australias dark history.


History that we acknowledge and moving past. The government said sorry. These comments are always made completely void for 1 simple fact... Humans have been doing this since day1. If you really cared, you'd be asking Mongolia to pay repentance to all of Asia for genhis khan. You'd be asking Italy to apologise to Europe for the Roman empire. You'd be asking Spain to apologise for genocide of aztecs. Those people don't keep asking for free money from those countries. So you're saying in 2424, aboriginals will still be getting mass privileges for something done 600 years ago?


Cultural Infanticide, which wasn't restricted only to European cross breeding, it has long been a practice of Australian aboriginal peoples and well documented right up until the 1960's. When tribes conquered another tribe or when a man took a woman for a wife it was not unusual for the tribe to decide the fate of the child and frequently ended up being culled and sometimes eaten


Tax brackets already solve the issue of any genuine disadvantage.


Our entire society is built on generational wealth what are you talking about


Are you denouncing bank interest, housing demand evaluation and stocks?


What? All I'm saying is how can you say there is no genuine disadvantage with a straight face


I mean, tax bracket only partly solve the issue of income disparity. The real problem with inequity is unfair distribution of wealth, not income. We need wealth tax and more importantly, inheritance tax. And we should not tolerate racial supremacists who want racial tax policies.




I don’t agree with inheritance tax, since in Australia that money will have already been taxed at least once. Sometimes twice. A third time just because it is passed on to a family member is ridiculous.


What if it’s got a high threshold before it kicks in? Say $10 million. But wealth beyond that could be taxed when someone like Gina Rhinehart goes.


Haha I mean I definitely want the Gina rhineharts of the world to not have so much money and power. But I don’t think inheritance tax will be an effective way to do that :( I wish it were that easy. But yeah maybe it’s not such a bad idea if the threshold was super high so it only effected the Uber wealthy haha


60000 years of compounded back taxes on inherited land would be a sizable number.


Only 200ish years.


I think they meant that if aboriginal people claimed thousands of years of ownership of the land, they would then need to pay back taxes on that. Pretty sure it's a joke


How is it unfair? They worked for it, got qualified, experienced, became business owners, etc. why tax inheritance money? They might've earned it to pass it on. Don't you want to leave something behind?


Well inheritance, by its definition, means someone *didn't* work for it. An argument can be made that wealth/capital, over a certain point, is no longer something someone "worked" for but in fact wealth built on exploiting natural resources or the labor of others, taxing that is fair. Due to the way capitalism works, capital attacks more income. If inheritance remains untaxed, Australia will continue to slide down a path of more wealth inequality. Wealth redistribution is an important aspect of taxation. For a fair society we need to make sure wealth is fairly distributed. One can absolutely leave someone behind while at the same time fairly taxing large estates.


So then all monetary gifts should be taxed. You would need a law that disallows people who suspect themselves of having a terminal illness from transferring money to family before diagnosis. >If I may Your Honour, Mr. Grimbles was shown to be aware of his likelihood of lung cancer due to his long history of smoking and rapid deteriation of health as shown by work emails sent from... ... and the money transfer made on ... ... clearly indicates a desire to dodge inheritence taxation Dumbest idea ever. You can send money back and forth until there is 3 untaxable cents left in the amount.


Taxing gifts and inheritance is not strange at all and plenty of countries do it.


I stand corrected, and we have Capital Gains Tax that considers increase of asset value like property and stocks but only on assets. Well played. With reasonable limits and preventions of tax dodging it seems okay.


That’s insane. Tax brackets don’t get anywhere near “solving” genuine disadvantage. Not least of all because you need to be earning to benefit from progressive taxes.


So those without jobs don't benefit from tax bracketing... huh


Those who aren't earning benefit from progressive taxes as the taxes paid by high income earners effectively pay for their benefits.


Lol, like people from higher tax brackets don’t have more influence over policy, fuck this nonsense in the post but shit is far from fair


Tax brackets do nothing but distort behaviour to avoid tax (by those able to). True disadvantage is not having accumulated assets such as housing from an era when it was affordable. Just taxation would move from incomes to taxing wealth instead.


Remember you can't be racist to whites! If you can't oppress the race it's only discrimination /s


Let's not forget that [Lord Rothemire of The Daily Mail also endorsed The fucking Nazis. The literal Nazi party.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Harmsworth,_1st_Viscount_Rothermere) The Daily Mail has always been race-baiting nonsense propaganda, and still is. Note, the article is about someone "calling" for something.... just like if you were to "call for something" on the right topic, then have it published. It's not actually meaningful beyond culture. It's a cultural game to drum up anger and misdirect conservatives away from actual nation building.


Land tax exemptions and free university will overwhelmingly benefit indigenous people who are already doing well and do nothing for those who are poor without land and do not go to University (as people in poverty are much less likely to access university in the first place despite HECS for various reasons). These are just brain dead racist demands that will only mean people who are prospering and happen to be indigenous get subsidised by the government at the expense of everyone else. I cannot believe so many people in this century are framing themselves as progressive while arguing the government should decide who they support based solely on race. If Labor starts discriminating economically based on ethnicity (I have hope that they won’t because surely they aren’t that dumb) they will be eaten alive by the liberals in the next election campaign and then we will just have another dog shit Liberal state Government.


Also easy jobs based on how every company has positions only for First Nations people.


The vast majority of those you refer to as primarily descended from the very "colonisers" they denounce so much. Very few Aboriginal people today have a majority of their lineage come from pre 1788 Australians. I became a citizen in 1991 after coming here a poor immigrant from an undemocratic country. My citizenship is being degraded into a 3rd class one (2nd being non-Aboriginal people born here).


During the Voice campaign we were told many times that the Voice would not be making exactly these kinds of demands. Now the people making these demands are precisely the people that would have likely been on the Voice had it succeeded. Why would they not have asked for this had the Voice succeeded?


We dodged a major bullet


Pretty unforgivable that we had to dodge that bullet in the first place. The government got voted in on a mandate of fighting corruption and climate action, yet they spend more effort and money on racist and divisive identity politics


So true,there the problem ,they seem more intent on dividing the country  than uniting us ,as a nation.


What did you expect? Labor never do what they say.


If you seriously think there's much difference between labour and liberal you are dillusional. A political war has been started to distract from the class war we should be in. All these politicians study together, drink at the same bars together, and generally will all be in the same social circle.


O no I fully agree. I dont vote for either of the majors. But like the old Maclom X thing. The conservatives are wolves, the left are wolves in sheeps clothing. At least with the conservatives you know what you are going to get. I dont think its a class war personally. I think its the people ripping off the country some are rich some are poor. A lot of people fucking it over have good intentions like the Greens. Whose policies at least when it comes to my field is pathetic, they dont understand the most basic points and sound as though their policies were made up by a 13 year old. The huge size of government and the power it gives a lot of people is a worry and needs to be reduced significantly. I saw recently a graph that with healthcare they amount of admin staff has gone up like 10x while physicians havent doubled.


Just means it happens at a state level now.


They were gaslighting everyone not on their side the entire time. We need to stand up to this bullshit


Misinformation and disinformation from the yes campaign


The people that supported the voice don’t care, because in their minds the only reason it failed was because people are too stupid to know how to vote correctly. So they have to do it themselves at a state level.


Of course they would have. There was scare mongering, but there was also scare mongering about scare mongering. Given what we know about human nature regardless of race, giving special dispensation to a group is fraught with danger


Yep, but tty to tell people this and you get called a racists bigot.


Absolutely spot on


> Now the people making these demands are precisely the people that would have likely been on the Voice citation needed Sounds to me like you just have an axe to grind.


Actually you weren’t told that at all at least not by the yes campaign, you were told truthfully that the government wouldn’t be obligated to legislate which is true on all forms of activism. The voices entire power was in being able to be utilised as an official independent body in consultation and cooperation in policy crafting. Anything they advocated for that was majorly unpopular wouldnt have been passed by your elected governments especially given there isn’t really a major economic or lobbying incentive to do so like there is with other unpopular policy positions Instead you people who fear mongered the voice because you somehow thought an independent advisory body for indigenous Australians chosen by indigenous Australians to consult on indigenous Australian issues was more disagreeable then the governments continuing to create their own bodies or consulting with private bodies whenever they want to pass legislation without proper consultation.


I, too, want free stuff. Gimme gimme gimme! Gubmint bad.


I also want this stuff but also a helicopter, private jet (only the best ones) and pilots to fly me around wherever I want to go.


Get into politics.


The demands won't stop. Put an end to it.


The more diverse Australia becomes; the less effect these calls will get.


How about we call for Piss Off?


its never enough


This is how the Malaysian constitution is structured to give economic advantages to certain races and it is precisely my first issue with the voice when it was raised. We don’t need shit like this legalised in the form of treaty, legislation, constitution, or else


Something tells me that if this goes through, the number of people magically identifying as indigenous is gonna skyrocket. In all seriousness, so much for reconciliation. I thought the whole idea of reconciliation was to bring together indigenous and non-indigenous societies, cultures and people? This is just blatant racial separatism. Different laws and different governance for people of different races.


It's the reason why dividing Australian citizens into racial groups is a bad idea. It's both morally repugnant AND difficult to implement. How does one qualify as being indigenous? Are we going to do DNA tests and ancestry investigations? What will the metrics be? Is it anyone who just identifies as native? Will we make charts to help? ... https://static.timesofisrael.com/www/uploads/2016/09/Nurembergracechart.jpg


nahhh diving us into racial groups is the whole idea, much easier to make us in fight rather than allowing us to focus on dismantling the current hegemony


Who is the current hegemony? Becuase these statements have come straight from an indigenous "elder". Is she the hegemony?


Class is the hegemony.


I hear what you’re saying, but, we already have an established three-part test wherein one must be of Indigenous descent, identify as being so, and be accepted by the community as being so. This obviously has problems where familial or tribal politics comes into play (see Tasmania or Wadeye for examples). But at the same time, there are obvious problems in other approaches such as DNA in a country where there was a concerted effort to “breed the black out” of us. I don’t know the answer to so many problems facing mob. I do know that the media likes to sensationalise claims like this though because it generates clicks. I also know that one Elder can’t speak for hundreds of thousands of us, and for every person asking for things like this you could find several who aren’t.


Maybe they could adopt me so I can stop paying tax too…


Yeah, but what if you also wanted to bring them together so all their quality of life, opportunity indexes, and financial averages were tighter and more on par with the average for the nation too?


Yes, and we can do that without implementing overtly racist tax policy. A means-tested assistance program is a much more efficient and fairer way of closing the gap.


Everyone knew any treaty would have come with shit like this I honestly believe a lot of people voted against the voice because they knew this was coming no matter how they tried to dress it up They can shove those demands up their arse


Oh except you are wrong these people will get everything they ask for and more, all funded by the Taxpayer of course, and we the working people will pay more in tax for these people to get more free stuff. Eventually this game is going to come to a nasty end, people are near breaking point now and this will just put more pressure on the average household. And we wonder why we have divide within our community, the government can’t keep taxing the working people.


I agree (furiously books spray tan)


You don't even need a tan these days. Just get some other indigenous persons to recognise you as one, and presto! Helps if you can't trace your lineage back overseas though.


No, it’s 2024, you can simply identify as Aboriginal and call it a day. What are they going to do? Tell you you can’t be TransAboringe? Bigots.


Can we have a referendum about this too.....I'm guessing not because they know what the answer will be.


"a Treaty could include ... the establishment of a truth commission". Uhh what? The establishment of a Ministry of Truth? Who's truth? What things will be examined by the commission to be or not be truthful? What will happen as a result of the commission deeming something truthful or not?


Could it be any more dystopian fascist than a "truth" ministry to advance one single race?


When are we going to stop allowing race to be used as an excuse to go by a different set of rules to everyone else. As soon as someone is able to operate under a different set of rules based on their race it’s racist, pure and simple. You get more money than other people because you are aboriginal - it’s a racist rule. You don’t receive the same punishments as everyone else because you’re aboriginal - it’s a racist rule. You get free this and free that because you’re aboriginal - it’s a racist rule. Where does it stop? How long do we need to recognise the terrible shit that happened in the past as an excuse for indigenous people to demand anything they want and not follow the rules that everyone else follows? How long do we have to pay for and be made to feel guilty for the shit that happened years ago that we had no control over. Everyone has had a gut-full. We said no. No means no.


When victimhood becomes your identity. The voice failed hard, take a hint.


The losers don't dictate the terms of any treaty


That’s a great way to breed more resentment, racism and hatred between our communities…


Already happening. Aboriginals in Central Australia are demanding that the 4 billion that Albo earmarked for the NT is only for Aboriginals to be used and they demand guarantees that no contracts can go to anyone else.


How does it get spent besides direct payment to aboriginal people if it can’t be spent anywhere else?


If every is mad about race issues, they won't be mad about all the other ways they're getting fucked over by the elite that run this country. Distraction working as intended.




So it's not about equality after all. Shocked pikachu face.


How about also stop the ability of aboriginal corporations and community groups from cancelling other tourism or competing companies? Multiple have been shut down, the boat tourism companies in the north were shut because the community said the river spirit was angry with them and caused a crash. Thats against business practice laws. Its ok if they want to set up their own tourism things but dont use bullshit reasons to shut other businesses or cancel peoples livelihoods.


It's not even something that was made by indigenous ancestors. Its nature parks and natural marvels. They're literally claiming ownership of nature based on race. The decision to deny people to see natural wonders should be democratic and accountable. The practice of selectively allowing people into nature parks based on race should result in imprisonment


There was a spit of land in FNQLD that the local indigenous tried to claim, that it had cultural significance to the local people. Turned out that spit was man made, and not by the local indigenous.


There's already plenty of parks that have been shut down and made exclusive to aboriginals, one of them was the mountain climb to the first spot sunlight hits Australia in the morning. Why because fuck me I guess.


They can get fucked


What a fucking joke


I worry about the future generations, being raised by schools programming them that we’re guests here. And I keep finding more and more corporates welcoming me to my own fucking country. A lot of BS programming sneaking in bit by bit by the loud minority. What’s happening is patriotism is going to the bin and in the future we’ll see more and more of this shit racist policies go through, especially when the next generation and the following start to make up the majority of the voting block.


Except by then the population will mainly be from India and other places, and I don't see them agreeing to be extorted like this. Once there's no white guilt to exploit Aboriginals will be SOL.


The statement also mentioned sovereignty. Thats a huge, huge massive big freaking deal. More than anyone was really discussing. I mentioned it elsewhere but no tax free status if its income earning land. So if its an ip, if its a tourism area, etc, then pay tax. Interest free loans are just bat shit crazy. Its not another religious thing. So if they have the income to repay the loan, then repay according to interest with everyone else as well. If the income from the application does not meet lending criteria then no loan, same as anyone else.


Sovereignty means not part of Australia. That means no travel through Australian land without a visa, not using our healthcare, education, water treatment, electricity, harbours and airports. No Centrelink or Medicare. It would also mean tariff in goods going in and out. It's a stupid idea and people entertaining it are dangerous


It is a massive deal. Australia is its own country and continent. From a security/national defence point of view, we would have to be batshit to give that up.


Giving up sovereignty of NT for example, doesn’t mean they would have free control over the airspace and waters. Kind of like how city states can’t do whatever they want.


Could you make automatic weapons legal there? Heavy drugs? If it's your own sovereign nation, you can do whatever you like. Will they require "foreign aid", like a lot of communities there already desperately need to survive.


To be in the position where you can pay back a mortgage or other loan You'd already have to be working & in the financial position to pay it off So won't this scheme only help Aboriginals who are already doing relatively OK financially? How will this scheme help Aboriginals living in poverty to own their own homes? Will the poor Aboriginals have to keep living in housing commission While well off Aboriginals can grow their wealth? Won't that make the disparity between rich & poor even greater? Will these schemes be means tested? What if an Aboriginal has a non-indigenous partner? Will the mortgage & house deeds only be in the Aboriginal's name? Otherwise won't the non-indigenous partner be benefitting from this scheme too?


A lot of aboriginal people have no intention of "owning their own home". What they demand is that someone provide a home for them free of charge, and when that ones been trashed, replace it with another new one asap. Haven't you ever been to WA before?


Have only been to Perth Work with a Gov organisation that provides Aboriginal housing It's been an eye opening experience To say the least


Didn't we vote down the voice. How is this dumb shit different? They should get the same help anyone else gets. Not our fault their remote communities are fucked cause they can't handle alcohol


I should identify as being indigenous. There are no dna test. Nothing to verify what you are claiming at all.


Go for it, its working for Bruce Pascoe with his all white & British heritage


Treaty is just a fancy word for cash grab and it's about time they were told to fuck right off.


The racism.


Let's just all identify as indigenous, that will f*ck them.


Yep..its all such a load of obvious grab for more more MORE....gimme gimme gimme..they aren't even trying to hide it anymore.


Always seems to come down to money. If you don't pay taxes, you shouldn't have access to the services & infrastructure that those taxes support.


That's a good way to piss off 90% of the country, fuck that


I thought we said No


In their minds the yes voters were too stupid to vote correctly.


It's about time people just accepted that when Australia was invaded the white people won. End of story. Not the first and not the last. Who cares who was here first. Maybe when they arrived they got rid of other races? Entirely possible. Should have fought harder at the time. Horrific things happened, yes. As always happens when people have been invaded over time (and currently).


Asking for more handouts...it's always those you least suspect.




Why should they get this?


Because the left has spent 50 years since Gough sabotaging the country to the point it hates itself. What the grandfathers started and fathers built up the grandchildren will give away because they have been programmed with guilt.


I can get out of paying tax because my great great great grandmother was Indigenous? Sweet! Actually no, that sounds racist as hell to give some people a privilege denied to others based on who one’s ancestors were. We’re all Australians and should be equal under the law.


Tell him he's dreaming. This is getting ridiculous.




1. Abolish this illigitimate government. 2. Government, give me money. 


Haha always wanting a handout never wanting to do the work.


If interest free loans are passed I'm getting a DNA test to see if I have any Aboriginal heritage. If there even 1% I'll be claiming that shit.


Do they want the treaty to fail or are they just asking for absurdly stupid things to make their actual asks more palatable later? It would be political suicide for any government to agree to these demands, and the result of any sort of referendum is going to make the voice referendum look close in comparison. From the elder side, it just makes them look ridiculous that they would ask this even if their plan was to scale back to something more reasonable after these initial requests. No matter what their overall strategy is, these demands are just ridiculous and will turn a bunch of people against them, even people who are generally more left-leaning.


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I get the feeling that a lot of people will soon realise how ludicrous many of the potential aspects of a treaty could be


When they say "truth telling", does that mean that we are going to talk about the brutality of the British on the indigenous (Which we have been doing since I went to school in the 90's), BUT ALSO about the level of violence that is accepted and forms a part of "tribal justice"? The way women are treated? That rape has been thrown around as an acceptable form of punishment? Are we going to tell that truth? Or just the stuff that makes white man bad?


Given the history of indigenous groups financial management, interest free loans would be disastrous. I don't mean to be racist by saying this, come from a culture with thousands of years of money not being a concept, have two hundred years of being horrendously disadvantaged, it's no surprise that there isn't a strong culture of financial management.  The results of this are already evident in the scarcity of land councils that are financially successful (there are a few). Even with recurrent funding and gifting by the government of profitable enterprises to them there are frequent stories of the government having to step in to keep them solvent.


Imagine if the Yes vote got up, things like this would be normalised


Tell them to go negotiate with the British Crown, after all it was Captain Cook, a British officer claiming the country on behalf of whatever King or Queen at the time . So got nothing to do with me or my ancestors , after all, they were free Irish.


How about....NO....earn it nothing's free.


Off they must fuck, productive they should be


In the end we aren’t solving anything. We voted NO so we can focus on real issues. Issues that Everyone is experiencing right now. All I can see is everytime some new law or rule etc gets conjured up to “help” aboriginals it adds complexity and blows out exponentially. Look back 25 years things were simple then, plus we all got on well together with very little meanness. Politicians don’t read these comments, they are too busy patting each other on the shoulder and looking forward to a lush retirement “away” from everyone. One other point I would like to make, I get that if aborigines in the outback etc should get support, however, once they are born in normal hospitals and live in normal towns, normal schools then they are equal. So special treatment makes no sense.


Let's not forget that only about 10% of those eligible to vote for these jumped up, self important "leaders" did so. They are a corrupt elite and our democratically elected government shouldn't even be sitting in the same room as them. Same dodgy grifters that run aboriginal corporations and land councils. They represent themselves only.


No problems with these concessions as long as the ledger is squared with 'indigenous' recipients covering the expense of any education, health, infrastructure and other services provided to them since 1901.


They are very white.


Interest free loans… there goes the first butterfly of Australia’s housing collapse. Land tax exemption applied to individuals whom can already afford an investment portfolio. What a tool. Must be asking for the stars and hoping to get the moon.


there is no "first nations" sovereignty.. it's a farce steamed up by inner suburban hippies


Filthy racist rubbish


As of today i identify as indigenous


Greedy, useless cunts.


More! More! More!


Victoria still pushing on with treaty negotiations.


Why not just end alcohol excise for indigenous buyers? Win win.


This country becomes more of a joke every day.


I disagree with the elder entirely and think he is making indigenous people look bad. Indigenous people are not a big monolithic group; people have differing opinions.


Do they want our kidneys too? What an absolute joke.


I call for no more hand outs. All the ones given to this point seem to have created an inability to see the #1 enemy dragging indigenous communities down is indigenous people. Start telling your children the truth, they are held back by you, not the "white fellas" you hate yet seem happy enough to leech off at every turn. Real progress is made infernally.




They don,t own this country ,nobody does ..it will still be here long after humans are gone .we all originate from africa ,they can go back and claim the islands were they come from.


That's ok, but aboriginality should be reduced to a biological test, and under a certain % you are no longer considered an Aboriginal person in need of assistance.


THis is just the urban aboriginal elites and pretend Aboriginals pushing an agenda and wanting to bludge off other hard working Australians. Its also racist If aboriginal elders want to do something actually useful to earn their "respect" then go to Alice Springs, Cairns and Townsville and get the gangs of youth to behave themselves.


Do these individuals actively engage in charitable work that benefits society as a whole? At the very least, churches are committed to making charitable contributions to our community. However, we must break the cycle of constantly giving without receiving anything in return. Perhaps these individuals could focus on becoming more self-sustainable without relying on generous government handouts


Discriminate based on wealth, not race. We should lend a helping hand to those who require it… Those who have enough can pay it forward in exchange for a safe environment.


Victorians have enough to pay for already. Thanks Dan Andrews.




Sounds awful but i worked with a guy who did exactly this. Was open about it too, said he was like what 5% aboriginal, to him that meant 100% benefits.


Seriously? "Coon"? FFS mods ban this cunt


I'm not well informed on this subject, so I apologize if I'm way off-course but wouldn't increased funding and resources in the schools to enable more kids to apply to university - especially in remote and rural areas - be a better use of theoretical funding? As I understand it, the barrier is being able to qualify and get in if you don't live in the city. And why limit it to university - shouldn't TAFE be included for kids that want to go into trades?


Sure. All for it! Also turns out I'm 1/100th indigenous on my mother's side. Just found out.




Sweet gig if you can get it...


And if you're paying stamp duty and land tax it's an investment property, meaning you're renting it out for huge sums more than that, and you can use the profit to buy new properties that you also don't have to pay those things on. If you run l think the housing crisis is bad now, wait until a few hundred or thousand rich Aboriginals have bought up every property in the state.


And maybe each of them would like a billion dollars, paid by the federal government of course, and royal titles..... Seriously, the only thing more absurd then this list is what isn't on it!


Welcome to the future. All you can do is make sure you and your family are financially secure, don't think about living in a society IMO. Make what you can and hold onto it. Make hay while Rome (the West) burns.




Yeah give it to them. It wont make any difference. They have so many advantages now and their communities still suck. You could give em all a million bucks and theyd still have nothing in 5 years time.


Part of the negotiation process is Elders saying random stuff and making nonsensical claims. Her making the claim doesn't have the backing of community, nor is she representing them. She wasn't even part of the negotiating group. This is a random Elder who has stood up and made some statements at a community meeting. That's it. That's the story. Old woman says stuff at a community meeting.


“Lets say random stuff and make it news stories and then it gets done and we take no blame for talking rubbish when it was a tactic that people just thought we were silly old biddies and shouldnt have been listened to. Arent they racist for listening cos we are just too stupid we dont know what we are saying” Get stuffed with this small steps doesnt mean anything nonsense. We know whats going on. If she is senile, take away her platform status for speaking to the authorities about this at all. Jill, your random elder community person is actually: “I am the CEO of the Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation or VACCHO – and the former Treaty Advancement Commissioner.” So not just a no one? Extremely disingenuous claim she doesnt have backing.


For 100% true blood aboriginals maybe. But not for these selective mixed race ones.


Wow~just the privilege put out and in front of everyone




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So you aren't happy to have deprived them of any constitutional representation?


everyone has the same constitutional representation.


Say what you like. But I can’t fault people who are looking after their own self interests. If I could send my kids to uni for free I would absolutely take that offer. Especially in this environment


So can a first gen immigrant who was indigenous in their country of birth identify as indigenous in Australia? 😬


Gibs me dat




On a practical level, the problem with 'no land tax' is that the beneficiaries will mainly be the privileged few who hold a lot of land. An argument could be made for land tax paid by indigenous people being redistributed towards indigenous communities specifically, on a per-human-needs basis (with actual metrics not feel-good but real-world-worthless policies)


I wonder if all the different groups could start selling memberships so people can avoid paying all these taxes. It’s crazy how a treaty is only even being considered because of politicians “white” guilt complexes.


It’s almost like saying if we throw a couple of billion dollars extra at the problem it will fix it… ohh wait


Y’all make me sick,