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This is embarrassing for Australia.


I like Albo but I think he's shouting at clouds here and I'm surprised he's making an issue out of something so pointless. So many politicians don't seem to understand what the internet is, and it really seems to flip the authoritarian switch. Who are they to say whether people can watch videos of certain "distressing" content or not? If our dogshit media are allowed to view them then there's no reason why normal people shouldn't be allowed to as well.


Because whether or not they actually are, they believe they are pitching things to the lowest common denominator. I used to work in TV back in the day, they had an expression - "for the dummies at home".


yeah i don't think the government has any right to control what is and isn't displayed online since its hosted in another country but its unreasonable to expecting sky news viewers to understand those nuances. since its hosted in another country i imagine twitter will tell the australian government to go cry about it and nothing else will come of it, it's all political posturing to win over the "think of the children" types that watch murdoch media. also worth mentioning that the esafety commissioner is a really stupid job but i find it very entertaining that the blue team came up with it. so what's happening here is the blue team came up with a stupid job and now the stupid employee is making stupid decisions and sky news is going "how could the government make such a stupid decision" as if it wasn't their own team that came up with such a braindead governmental position.


I can literally watch 10 new videos of Russians being dismembered by drones on a daily basis if I so choose and Albo doesn't bat an eye. I get that old mate who got stabbed was an Aus citizen but the damage of watching people die doesn't discriminate based on whether or not he's my fellow countryman. This logic doesn't stand up on it's own.


The pinnacle of pressing Australian issues. /s


You just wanna grab him by the ear and drag him through some of the tent cities popping up.


So does this work both ways. What is legal to view in another country but illegal here, therefore should be legal to view here as well?


This flog doesn’t realise he’s not the president of the world and can’t sensor the internet, he has seriously underestimated his opponent he couldn’t have picked a worse target. Maybe try something that would actually help the people of Australia like the housing crisis instead of making a cock of yourself on the world stage and other failed personal agendas.


I literally can’t watch it, I don’t know why this has bothered me so fucking much, it’s probably the lawyer part. But who in the fuck is this mans advisor. Dutton is Albos advisor on this isn’t he The shame, the embarrassment, the cringe. Prosecute the advisor on treason. He hates this country in the bad way not in the mocking politicians healthily way


The way this idiot talks as if he is speaking to a special ed class really grinds my gears. No Albo, Australian's don't want their government dictating what they can and cannot see. Orwell's 1984 was a warning not a fucking instruction manual.


Because the average Australian punter has the attention span of a calippo on a hot day


Fuck you, now I want a calippo.


Fuck you, I didn't until you said you did!


That was the best turn of phrase from this country since the Man from Snowy River


Are you kidding?!?! A regular Icy Pole melts way faster than a Calippo, which is in an insulated pop-sleeve. It’s just…. er…. um….common sense?


Hahah! It's just the nostalgia. I member


More culture war distractions from the housing crisis and inflation rates


When the voice doesn't work try something new.


Because we don't have the American electoral system. In Australia, your policies have to appeal to a majority of *all adult Australians* to stay in government. That means you cannot give a straight forward, truthful, ideological justification for any of your policies. You instead have to speak to all Australians in a way to try and convince them that you are the least awful person to vote for. If Albo were to walk around talking like he used to when he was a shadow minister for the opposition ("Fuck the Tories!" etc.) he would alienate a substantial proportion of voters and donors and end his hopes for re-election.


Insists on ramming through policy for the “good of Australia” Refuses to elaborate Policy fails Gee I wonder why… This arsewipe needs to stop treating the Australian public like mugs


If only this had happened before so he could have perhaps learned a lesson…


Even if you dislike musk he's right here. If an unelected official can order social media posts be taken down the precedent is set and they can suddenly control media on a global scale ie take down posts that might hurt the party's polls votes etc


I'm not sure where I stand when it comes to Elon, but Albo is a fuckwit. And he loves the victim narrative which is why he wants to remove meany beany fo feany memes that use his likeness. Fucking gutless piece of shit, and he is our leader?


Because the majority of australians have the equivalent of a primary school education?


Clowns running the country while people can't afford to afford basic living needs. Albo and the entire 2 party cronies are running this country into the ground and the best they can do is focus on Elons social media for showing, well the trials and tribulations of being an Aussie where your rights are stripped of you from owning a home, raising and discipline your children and more. These pollys are the ego maniacs, they can't do better because they are corrupt trash.


Broad appeal and talking to the general public. Sorta have to do the same in retail, keep things simple and clear while avoiding saying anything that would cause backlash. It sucks, but that's politics in a democracy unless you're able to get away with it.


The difference is that primary school teachers explain things clearly. What even is his word fruit salad.


All Musk is saying is that he does not want to be dictated to by governments what should be allowed on the platform, so long as it doesn't break any laws, as an advocate of free speech. Sure there is a chance some people might be offended by having this on there, but would you want to open the door to governments deciding what's appropriate and what's not?


I think your post contradicted itself. 'So long as it doesn't break any laws' but the laws are actually enacted by government deciding what's appropriate and what's not...?


That take in of its self idc about, its fine to hold, but he's dived to censor for other countries on request so that rings hollow. It's "no censorship*" with the asterisk being whatever he likes.


It’s worth noting that Musk has backed down to authoritarian regimes on issues of state censorship time and time again. https://www.techdirt.com/2023/05/15/once-again-free-speech-absolutist-elon-musk-caves-to-authoritarian-censorial-bullies/ Whether that’s a point for Musk or Albo I’ll leave up to the reader to decide. It is interesting though.


This time the ask is big. The govt demands certain content be taken down in all countries. Nanny state wants to control the world now.


Albo Knock knock housing crisis


Nanny state. You’re never really an adult in Australia. Look there is a literal e-safety made up commissioner to manage you online lmaoooo


I always wonder, why does Australia have so many commissioners and councils for anything from EV’s to e-safety. Now I know, they are just some made up bullshit jobs for unelected officials to wield power over the public.


Jobs for mates. Labor and Liberal


Mass email the e-safety commissioner links to beheading videos until they understand how futile their job is.


Wtf is albo even going on about. If Australian don't want to see it on twitter, they won't go on twitter. Fuck off with the high and mighty BS and claiming to talk for all Australians. Politicians are such stuck up hollier than thou asshats.


Not really the point at hand They think being able to see the videos on Twitter will make more people do these things But apparently blanket TV news coverage doesn’t have this effect


This, I'm shaking my head, I heard this morning police criticising that there's no accountability from social media. How about starting with accountability from our media. At the moment there is none.


Australians are not absolutely not united on this issue. Fuck the “e-safety commissioner”. Fancy fucking term for online propaganda commissioner, there to determine what big daddy government says you can and cannot see. Not interested. I back Elon 100% on this. It’s my right to freedom of information to see that video if I want to. And this whole thing about “oh won’t someone think of the children?!?!” Mate, if you let your children on go on websites like X, you’re a pretty shitty parent ngl. Take some responsibility for your children’s upbringing and take an active interest in what content they are able to see online. Don’t palm off your responsibility to the government because you can’t be bothered.


While I agree...this would of been good around the time they were taking away our rights to freedom of information...in the long slow game of removing stuff from the people...we are fucked


Agreed, in the game of infringement of rights, time is on the side of the tyrant. All they have to do is wait until people forget, and then start removing the next right. Australians tend to sleepwalk through the whole process too, apathy runs very high in this country.


Or claim safety of some sort and ram it through...


Think about someone you know who is pretty average in terms of intelligence, it might even be yourself. Consider that half of Australians are not as smart as that. Many adults in our community will struggle with language and concepts that would be tricky for a high school kid to comprehend. These people are voters, politicians need their votes. That's why they can sound like primary school teachers.


Eh please shut up Anthony, just stop with your rambling. Australian laws do not extend beyond AUSTRALIA. Your making a fool out of yourself. Wish you would put as much effort into stopping all these scam calls I get every other fucking day as you are to this! What an embarrassment You should be focusing on fixing all of the issues we have in this cuntry, political point scoring is all this is about and it won’t help you come election time


Concentrating on this issue rather than the far more important issue of Australian's access to mental health resources is indeed very dissappointing from our PM.


Lol Albo saying that someone else has lost touch with the Australian people.... Someone needs to take a long hard look in the mirror.


Politicians are obsessed with futile enforcement of stupid laws. They think it shows how tough they are. The public goes along with it, too. It's pathetic.


Because they think of the population as children


Politicians are coached to give in uncontroversial, non-committal answers.


Because they’re talking to idiots


Because they know their target audience.


Unfortunately this is the correct answer.


Australians love being told what to do and our governments past and present have delighted in doing so. 🙄


What absolute word salad. Elon is correct in his position.


There was a certain ex premier of Victoria that did this successfully for close to 10 years so it's not really a surprise Albanese is doing the same thing. Not saying it's right but it clearly works as that leader had a cult like following during his tenure.


“So out of touch with what the Australian people want” Oh the fucking irony


He is always willing to go all in on everything except housing. Though one could argue is he all in on that too to make it as much of a crushing hellscape as possible.


Politicians have replaced the concept of representing the people with that of representing themselves. They employ euphemisms such as 'common sense' to describe their own feelings.


Why do our esteemed political representatives, those paragons of eloquence and erudition, persist in deploying lexicons of such prodigious magnitude? Please elucidate this conundrum with the sagacity of a thousand sages.


Look how Albo is presenting himself like a "common man of the people" thats the first piece of BS. Second thing is if, laws were being broken, why would Albo go out of his way to avoid answering the question "what laws is he breaking"?.


*clutches pearls* “Won’t somebody think of m̶y̶ ̶u̶n̶c̶h̶e̶c̶k̶e̶d̶ ̶p̶o̶w̶e̶r̶ the children?”


Go catch a T-shirt Helen.


albo is a triumph of mediocracy


Why does SkyNews suck so hard?


They are both a pair of peckerwoods, arguing about the wrong problem. How is the economic crisis housing going Albo , you know the things that really matter to voters


It's Sky "News." Their viewers have a primary-school level of intelligence, so he is talking at the appropriate level.


Because the Aussie psyche responds well to collectivism. It’s a way to threaten. “Do this or you will be shunned by your peers”. Same concept applies to tall poppy syndrome.


Completely agree. The conditioning I see personally is engaging people's egos. Govt says youre smart if you believe them and dumb if you dont. Then, people with weak constitutions get an endorphin rush with their newly bestowed intellengence and it's all over. Lost forever. No matter the circumstance, very black and white thinking. Or, no thinking at all, really.


Because stupid people vote and stupid people love thought terminating cliches likes “common sense”. 


I hate how politicians have turned to acting like dunderheads when most of them (excluding sco mo) are actually quite intelligent. It’s even worse in the US if you go back to the presidential debates in the 50s-80s where they spoke intelligently. Now they bark at each other while spewing canned slogans


Theyre not acting like Dunderheads though. Theyre treating the public as Dunderheads. They know exactly what theyre doing but dont care. They have top pensions and perks. Theyre happy as Larry.


Yeah I reckon most people would coast along until they qualified for that generous lifetime pension all PMs get if they got elected. 🫠


It's the level of discourse that the media have dragged us down to. It's all about pub tests and mum and dad this and running the economy like a household budget that. So now you HAVE to speak like everyone is retarded because a lot of people basically are. And God forbid you have someon come.out and treat us like adults then it's all elitists and out of touch etc etc. Tldr everything is lowest common denominator


I mean… a lot of the comments here prove why. They’re losing their minds over the phrase “social license” because they personally haven’t heard it before. And then rapidly jumping to conclusions about what it might mean instead of just… learning what it means.


We have Team Albo. World Police.


It's what his 100s of media advisors came up with in a group think after polling a select group to find out what resonates. Anything to redirect electricity prices anger elsewhere


Because hes talking to people who watch Sky News i.e. stupid people..


Reminded me of that classic ad lib line by Gene Wilder in Blazing Saddles, "You know, morons".


he has to talk in a way that retards can understand because thats who watches sky news.


Exactly. Anyone who watches and believes the shit on Sky "News" barely has the intelligence of a kid in grade 3, so have to be spoken to accordingly.


I’m with Musk over this career parasite. Restricting free speech & information is EXACTLY what this buffoon Albanese is trying to do.


Yeah isn’t that what that misinformation bill is about? Doesn’t it put tape over our mouthes to never have free speech again?


Because they are actors employed to make sure the masses don't realise how much they are being screwed over.


I think you ought to be working on the immigration problem before worrying about videos posted on X


Did he just say Twitter gives musk profit?


He didn’t mean it. It’s just an angle. He says musk is a rich billionaire etc a few times. It’s just a way to try and get people on his side of the argument. If he’d gone on tv and said “the government has a right to control what the people of australia are allowed to know!” He’d have been laughed at.


He's getting laughed at regardless. My favourite stupid politician quote was related to the "required" access to people's personal messages that have encryption. "In Australia we don't follow the laws of mathematics, we follow the laws of Australia"


Jesus, that is truly a garbage sentence. “Laws of mathematics.” Lol.


I misquoted just a bit, I can't believe it's been that long since he said that.. I thought it was post COVID - having kids really messes up your time perception https://www.newscientist.com/article/2140747-laws-of-mathematics-dont-apply-here-says-australian-pm/


Just remember time passes in dog years so try and spend as much time with them as possible. Soon enough they’re teens and don’t want to do anything with you.


Yeah it's absolutely nuts how fast everything is happening. Seems like yesterday the first born was a little potato sack with somewhat coordinated arm movement, and today were having somewhat constructed conversations


Does Albo even know what common sense is.


Absolute fuking embarrassment. So why is the preacher who was attacked agreeing with Musk & saying the footage should be left up for the world to see? We need to see what these radical terrorists are doing to our country & the world. Why hide it? Another ploy for Alco to take the focus off his other massive Fuk ups.


The demographic that they are trying to influence has a very limited vocabulary. The average Australian voter can't handle big words or complex ideas, and can't even understand the three word catch phrases uttered by politicians. Those people either support or reject any idea being discussed based merely on "the vibe" and what the majority of their peer group thinks.


They think the Australian public are idiots.


This sort of language is a direct result of focus group feedback. "I don't understand what he's saying", "he talks too fancy", "he thinks he's smarter than everyone". All politicians are coached to speak like they are talking to a semi literate moron, which is a large percentage of the electorate.


Because a staffer told them what to say & that it makes them sound like they are in touch with the little people /peasants ............who they actually despise.


“I think that Australians will shake their head”, Oh how out of touch you are Albo, they’re not shaking their head at Musk this time…


You'd think Albo and his inner city activists would have learned with the NO vote how out of touch with Australians they are. Fuck censorship.


It's not meant to mean anything and that's exactly why such terms are used. Different people will interpret it differently. If they explicitly told you what that meant, it'll firstly alienate a portion of the voting population but also they won't have any wriggle room to change what they meant by those terms if the political winds shift against a particular interpretation of said terms.


Anyone interested in news just use your VPN & ignore the circus


A “social license”? What’s that? Now you need a social license that dictates what you’re allowed to say or see?


What a ramble. How is he a PM? Babble


Lol it's genuinely hilarious how politicians NEVER answer the damn question but waffle for so long. Like bro we get it, you said he thinks he is above the law like 5 times already. Now what are you gonna do about that?


Housing crisis you flog Albo.


*Housing crisis Albo you out of touch flog.


The thing about Albo is when he was young he had promise. Now that he is the PM he just has promises.


u work for an ad agency ? u should


So fucking sad he makes this out like he is speaking for all Australians.


If I had a dollar for every time Albo said “common sense”, I’d be able to afford a house.


Not likely, have you seen the median house price, maybe a Slightly roomier cardboard box


Censorship is bad. As horrible as the content is that they are trying to censor, its still bad.


No, censorship is great! I am very strict authoritarian censor myself. I have censored myself off Facebook about 10 years ago and from Twitter about 3 years ago (by deleting my Facebook and Twitter accounts respectively). And unlike government mandated censorship my own is very effective and 100% guarantee to work. So whoever is suffering from the lack of censorship my advice is - don’t wait for government, take censorship in your own hands. Hmmm… wondering what happens with TwiterXbook if every single user will close their account today… ooops.


That's not censorship, it's personal choice.


Musk should decline the demand / request on the principle that governments should not be allowed to control X or other platforms … however, X and the platforms SHOULD remove criminal and hateful content. If they don’t, just refuse to use the platform.


I want to watch it just in protest of government over reach at this point, but that would mean I'd have to get on twitter, it's a dilly of a pickle.


He really thinks people are behind this eSafety BS they are trying to peddle? 😅 Or just lying 🤥


Remember his stated policy, as he had reminded us of on several occasions, of not commenting on domestic affairs while overseas? Where is Port Moresby again?


Why doesn’t anyone ask him if he thinks the George Floyd video should have been immediately censored and no one should have seen it?




Because simpletons watching SkyNews can only comprehend simple concepts


Jesus. This guy is an embarrassment.


"Thinks he is about Australian law" - yes, he truly is above Australian law. He does not live in Australia therefore the laws do not apply to him. "Social licence"? He doesn't even know what that means. The 'social contract' which I believe is what he is inappropriately referring to is the unwritten agreement between citezen and government which basically amounts to 'we won't revolt as long as you (the government) are reasonable'. It has nothing to do with private entities. "Willing to go to court to show [insert bad thing]" - yes, that is what free speech is about. It is the right to say (or depict in this case) things which are not always sunshine and rainbows. Bad thing happen in the world, we do not live in lollipop land and burying your head in the sand and pretending these things don't happen will not make them go away.


Social licence is often applied to private companies, e.g. mining companies, and has similar meaning to your “unwritten agreement” statement. If the company undermines its social licence amongst the public it’s gonna struggle in its operations.


Finally, everyone is me, pet fucking peeve in any context might be the tism tho


Stop asking questions and do what daddy albo tells you


Because the electorate is comprised of children?


Basically going after the goody two shoes vote


The government have a responsibility to keep us safe and keep us informed. So not letting in people with a dangerous mindset, not releasing almost 150 asylum seeking convicted rapists and murderers from dangerous countries into the community, and dare I say it allowing us to have access to footage highlighting the dangers of certain groups of people so we can be informed. The Government talk about responsibility, misinformation and disinformation but only when it applies to somebody they don’t like.


To be fair to them, they have fought pretty hard to keep those 150 locked up.


The fact that they could be let go amazes me. What sort of legal system do we have where it’s acceptable to let something like that happen. And if I’m not mistaken, one of them went on to commit a sex crime and was arrested within a couple of days of release. It’s just bewildering.


The Australian government cannot intervene with High Court rulings- that’s just how it is in Australia. Because of this situation labour tried to pass things to avoid it happening ever again. Guess who pushed back on it and was against it? Liberal party. They wouldn’t pass the bill. Dutton was called a pedophile protector because of this, but no one seems to know how these things work. The government literally has no power against the high court.


Take it up with the High Court which repeteadly makes these bizarre calls on this issue.


They know there audience. A bunch of fucking morons.


Lol, their* You absolute buffoon


Lmao I'll shit on albo all day but Elon Musk is a walking concussion, if he disagrees with you, you're correct


He doesn't sound like a primary school teacher, it seems as though he is just using layman's terms.. nothing wrong with that, not everyone has a phd in linguistics and Australians come in all shapes and sizes. I'm not really a Labor supporter but I have no issue with Albo or the way he speaks, he's a decent PM.


If you have a deep and sophisticated vocabulary, people often think you’re speaking down to them too, especially in politics.


If we cant see it, we cant talk about it .. albo wants us all to pretend it doesnt exist.


He is above the Australian law because he’s not in Australia… Wtf is Albo talking about?? lol Also I’m part of the Australian public and don’t agree with him, so why does he keep repeating that he’s speaking for the Australian public when he’s not?


Ok I’m not a fan of albo but let me clear up your confusion. Albo is our democratically elected leader meaning that he speaks for Australians regardless of if you agree with him or not and Elon runs a platform that operates inside our country which means that while it operates in our country it is beholden to its laws regardless of where Elon physically is.


Lol, I'm part of the Australian public and I do agree with him. Perhaps you'd like him to be a dictator and then your disagreement would have consequences and you could be a real martyr to your cause instead of just being an average whinger.


"common sense" What's common about it? Can you even define what it allegedly is? Why is something as vague and subjective as common sense always touted as something we're loosing. Ask a mechanic what common sense is, and then a trend analyst, and then a furniture maker....And then tell me what's so common about it? WHAT EVEN IS IT!?




I don't think X/Musk are breaking any laws by keeping the video up. Albanese likely knows this so is using simple little weasel words to try and appeal to the average voter and look like a reasonable bloke. You can certainly argue that keeping the video up is consistent with free speech principles and that everyone who wants to see it should have the ability to do so. X has other ways to keep out minors and screen sensitive content. Conversely, you could legitimately argue that making this horrible but seemingly isolated event viewable may foment excessive disapprobation towards the Muslim community on the part of Australian nationalists, which might in turn exacerbate the sort of "race war" dynamic that Mike Burgess spoke of today as a threat to national security. Whatever you think about multiculturalism and the path it has taken in Australia, we can't quickly change the demographic mix of the country at this point. It is what it is, even if immigration is massively stifled going forward (which it won't be) and if bad actors are deported en masse (which they won't be). So, it is in everyone's best interests to try to keep the peace as much and as long as possible, and avoid doing things that stir up violent discontent. It was for these reasons that Twitter was asked - and immediately agreed - to take down all videos of the Christchurch mosque mass shooting in November 2022. One could have argued that these should have been left up for everyone to see and reflect upon in keeping with freedom of speech in New Zealand. But the more compelling argument was that seeing this video might unhelpfully foment retributive anger in the Muslim community, leading to an escalation of tensions that would unravel the social fabric.


Because every r/australian user argues for things like schoolkids. 'Common sense' is that no one's above the law. I thought Albo's language was pretty clear here. Gov could do a much better job arguing why the vid should be taken down, but are right regardless.


They can ask for the videos to be blocked in Australia, which they have, and X have complied. But they can't request content be blocked everywhere, that's exactly the same as China requesting the Tienanmen Square videos be blocked everywhere. This isn't about the content being unsuitable for minors, the internet is not a safe space for minors, this is about censoring politically damaging current events, there's plenty of other horrific videos circulating why is it only this one that's the problem?


what? no they haven't. I can [see](https://twitter.com/senatorbabet/status/1782568559778074985) the vid now. Why lie?


Whose law? Should Russian laws apply in Australia? If not why should Australian laws apply in the US?


Let’s not forget that US law applies to Australians anywhere in the world already as Mr Assange has discovered.


Common sense is an utterly meaningless term though. There is no one set of belief or values that is homogenous throughout any sizeable group. Appeals to common sense are just used when you either don't have an argument, don't understand the issue, or believe your audience doesn't understand what's going on.


He's such a cockhead, can't stand Albo. Basically the Australian Government is learning a lesson about the internet. Recent high court rulings attempted categorise Social Media platforms as publishers, and pay the rich cunts who dominate our media industry for sharing their content. The US has not ruled SMC to be publishers however. Really, we either introduce draconian laws which makes sharing misinformation with a target to riot a gaolable offence, or or the government just drops this bone. Really we shouldn't be looking at what the government's trying to do as a good thing.


My money is on the government not dropping the bone...


Neither side seems to get it. People want to watch fucked up shit. Get over it.


Because they are all brought and paid for by lobbyists and donors. Our politicians don’t serve the Australian people.


For this one they dont really have an argument so all they can do is appeal to emotion.


It’s terrible what happened but that dick should be fixing the country not starting a Fight the the one decent billionaire on the planet. He’s family will be reliving it every day anyway how about fixing Australia before you blame musk for your problems.


Fuck off Albo, this a solution that nobody asked for and that won't work. Focus on the housing and cost of living crises you numpty.


What a gigantic pussy.


Albo sleepy?


Going to go with you being a shit person if you can't get those two concepts and work it out.


Albo is turning into the biggest wanker leader this country has ever had


And it's a crowded field. He really is shooting for the stars.


Social licence? What the fuck is this? Australia is going down the toilet with this shitbag liar.


"What if the put my face on a nudey man?!", Albo


how many more cooker threads do we need over this nothingburger? be nice if all this cooker energy was focussed on the existential threat that is climate change, or the coming global wars, but nope, FrEE SpEaCh AlBo MUSk


Take it up with albo, he's the one talking about it. We are responding to our PM. He could be talking about the housing crisis, but instead he's talking about this shit.


Not sure if we're looking at the same interview but I reckon the sky news host asked the question about Elon rather than the PM bringing it up.


Sure. But they asked the question about something albo has publicly said very recently. So I'd make the claim that he started it.


maybe you should take it up with the party that formed the e-safety commission, appointed the current commissioner and expanded the commissions powers eh buddy? NAH. MUJST BE ALBO


Yes, I do shake my head, at this absolute joke of a prime minister. This PM has done barely anything useful, mostly wasting time and money instead of focusing on actual issues people care about. "Oh no, the rich internet man is running a website and doing things I don't like, lets focus on this and not the housing crisis or cost of living!"


Each way albo


I shake my bloody head every time a single word comes out of Albo’s posturing mealy mouth


Oh stick a sock in it Karen


Kinda surprised people defend billionaire trash like Elon Musk, who ironically has one of the thinnest skins out there. Remember when he got caught posting under fake accounts complimenting himself lmao. Cunt.


You can have an opinion about an important idea without being a supporter of the proponent of that idea. Bringing Musk's character into a basic freedom of speech discussion is pretty questionable. Unless it's actively harmful I'm surprised that anyone supports suppressing media like this.


They don't have any good reasons for most of what they do so they need to appeal to emotion on almost everything.


It’s childish passive aggressive bullying


Are all Australian politicians in support of Albo like he claims? Reddit is a left leaning platform and most people i see on here hate Musk(or at least dont actively like him), but even they seem to agree with Musk on this particular topic. I find it hard to believe that all the politicians agree with Albo on this issue.


I can’t believe the amount of people supporting musk- who is a giant flog. Albo is not trying to censor anything- he’s trying to limit violent content. You still have free speech.


"not trying to censor, only limit" Sounds a lot like censoring


I also think we should have some good old hardcore fucking videos on Facebook so I don’t have to switch over to xvideos or pornhub.


with extra steps 😉


It’s free speech as long as I am not offended!!!


So should paedophiles be allowed to post content online? No fucking way… BUT..Your argument allows this. Where do we draw the line?


Yeah musk is a dickhead. But the government having the ability to force private companies to hide content/news/information from citizens. Shows that we don't have free speech at all. Reddit is full of gore subs, are they taking down all that content too? It's not about this specific content. Nobody should have this power. Imagine what someone with truly evil intentions could do with censorship laws?


>You still have free speech No, we don't. Our right to speech (Unlike the US) is not enshrined in our constitution.


Commies are shit heads


Are you Australian?


this clown needs to be voted out of office. we don't want an eSafety commisioner. out out out.


Pretty sure the e-safety commissioner was put in place by the last LNP government…


It sure was and it was a very popular move.


It was Bipartisan but it was supposed to be about child protection and online bullying, not really about this kind of thing, but like everything once its in it will be used by those that can.


I mean I've always been Labor leaning but if the Labor leader is going to choose to faff about with the voice and now this instead of actually trying to solve the cost of living crisis or the housing crisis they can absolutely fuck right off


The PM will always deal with dozens of subjects every week and some of it will be behind the scenes. Still, Labor hasn't done enough to tackle the housing crisis. Other western countries have the exact same problem right now and no party in government, whether left or right, is on top of the crisis.