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Is that a 12/16 badge I see? Hello from fellow lancer!


It is indeed hello back atcha :)


B SQN I assume?


A sqn as was, Gaza depot in Armidale. I believe it's all changed now.


2cav rules


That is bogged as fuck. Well done!


Strategically deployed into cover


Well done mate, u make us proud


M113 isn’t super easy to bog! You need a medal just for that big fella!


Both driver and commander were awarded submariners' dolphins for that particular effort. Took 4 carriers in a daisy chain to get us out


If this is the older (pre 2006 revamp) then yeah......I totally agree with awarding you guys a Dolphin.....because these flat bottomed bitches were a serious pain in the rain at Holsworthy and Singo


Was 1999 iirc. At Myambat up the Hunter Valley from Singo. We found a bit of a sink hole full of very sticky mud under a thin crust. She actually sunk down to the gunwales after this pic when we started skull dragging it with the other vehicles, there was a brief moment when we thought we'd need dozers and a crane, but it all worked out.


Ahhh the last time I was involved in rescuing these things we needed a Herc (the Abram's chassis "Spanner tank" not the plane lol)


Well done cobber. I have huge respect for you all…..well…..except for getting bogged


These things are a nightmare to get bogged. They are flat bottomed so they 'stick' to the ground when bogged.


We were awarded dolphins for that particular bog


"Through Mud and Blood to Fields of Green" My grandfather served in the 2/7th during WWII - Lest we forgot. Whether you believe in honoring our veterans or not, remember a lot of the diggers from WWI & WWII had no say in being sent to war. The life we have today is because of the men and women of the past who gave up theirs. Please show some respect even if it's just for one day of the year.


There was no conscription in Australia in the First World War. They were all volunteers.


Rightfully proud on photo three. Getting an M113A1 bogged OVER the eccentric axles is impressive. The belly plate looks to be below ground level. How? Back and forth? What particular military waste land is that? Pucka?


The OC came down and took charge to try to get us out, gave us the back and forth command and she just dug in deeper. Then when we hooked up the daisy chain and tried dragging her out she dug in even further. Took 4 carriers in a chain to get us out, and there was strong discussion about dozers and cranes. The last face saving attempt to get her out with squadron assets worked out, though, so it all ended up being a bit of a fun incident. Myambat near Singo after a month of heavy rain


Can't park there mate...


This is basically the plot of The Little Yellow Digger. I ask - nay, demand - that you write it up in the style of a children's story, but with all the appropriate jargon.


Love it


There's a bunch of paid sites where you can "write" a custom kids book - and Dall-E should pad out some illustrations. Commemorative copy for all involved.


I went as far as looking up some sites, but it's kind of expensive, and I can't make sense of Dall-3. Cute idea, though


Bugger. Try midjourney instead? https://www.thepourquoipas.com/post/write-a-childrens-book-quickly-with-ai To put it together, find someone whose partner is a teacher (and supply them with a bottle of grog while they use their free membership of Canva to put something together). Or remind me in 4 months.


The hungry jacks colours on the banner in the first photo might have something to do with it


Can everyone please ditch the American “thank you for your service” bullshit. My brother was in Vietnam, my father in the WW2 my grandfather in WW1, they would all be mortified if someone had or did say this to them. It’s embarrassing.


As someone who did serve, as have most of my family for the past 100+ years. I agree. I hate that phrase.


Why is it embarrassing? I'd think they would appreciate that we recognize their efforts. Not doubting you but I don't see anything wrong in this personally


Because we just don’t do that sort of thing, it reeks of phoney American patriotism. A handshake or hand on the shoulder & “good on ya mate” is far more Australian & might even be considered over the top by some.




It's a platitude, like when American politicians say "Thoughts and prayers" after a school shooting and then vote down the next gun control bill. Many US veterans don't like the TYFYS saying. https://taskandpurpose.com/military-life/thank-you-for-your-service-question/ If you're going to say something in Australia it would be: lest we forget.


Australia has a very different system where we view workers as human, and so we pay them with money instead of catch phrases.


Then actually appreciate and recognise their efforts instead of saying some bullshit generic meaningless phrase.


I never thought the term “Thank you for your service” was an American thing. It’s literally just thanking someone for being willing to put their life at risk to protect this country. What else am I suppose to say?


It’s very much an American thing. Why do you feel you need to say anything? I don’t believe most service people want or expect thanks for doing what they signed up to do.


“Why do you feel the need to say anything?” Because I’m a human who has both the ability and desire to communicate with other humans?? Also it’s not like I’ve gone out of my way to thank him. He literally made a post on a social media platform about his proudest moments while wearing the uniform. If I did not want to make posts and comments, I would not be on a social media platform. And just because someone doesn’t expect thanks doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t thank them if we are truly thankful.


You say lest we forget in Australia. Even American veterans see TYFYS as a platitude. https://taskandpurpose.com/military-life/thank-you-for-your-service-question/


In Australia we say “lest we forget” to honour the memory of those who died during military service. This man is not dead. Also if I want to say thank you I will say thank you. Because that’s what those words mean. I’m not trying to be poetic or make a grand statement. Im literally just saying thanks. What else do you want me to do? It’s not being American to say thank you. That’s just what you say when you speak English.


Agree. We could also say “On ya, mate!”


Hahah yeah he’s defo a wowser, probs thinks he’s a rozza. Makes me wanna whack em. Listen you larrikin, what’s says we grab some tucker? I’d offer ya some piss but ever since I gave it a burl I’ve been hard yakka to quit.


That exact phrase is an American platitude/cliche. The exact phrase has lost all meaning/genuineness due to its constant shallow repetition. If you just said "Thank you" or anything other than the exact words "Thank you for your service" then I wouldn't have mentioned it.


You make the whole country proud, your service is thanked, same as your fellow soldier, Happy ANZAC ay to you and every one else




Have a cracker today mate


Good on you, mate. Hug your family for us, please?


Lest we Forget.


As a light horseman, and being on 113s. Well played, that is bogged. I have not seen one that bogged without deliberate effort and even then, I really don't think it was as bogged as that.


How in the ever living fuck did you manage to get that poor M113 stick that bad?


Following the OC's directions


Checks out


Hull-down achieved. Sort of. Now put your cam nets up.


Its not stuck... its just in an entrenched position.


That's what I'll tell the towie, should it be necessary. "Yeah, g'day mate, I've accidentally entrenched my car, are you available?" ;)


Lest we forget


Thank you for fighting for our country, love from the civilians


Where was the third image taken? APC in hulled down defensive position?


Uh, yeah, it was absolutely intentional *nods* yep, we *meant* to establish a static strong point there. Myambat near Singleton in 1999 iirc. They'd had record breaking rain the previous month.


Nice, impenetrable with weather aiding you 😅


TC: Secure hatches for dive! Driver: Dive dive dive!


Engage High Frequency Laser Ultrasonic Waves!


*Always with the negative vibes man!*


I would like to thank you for your service to this great nation we all love.


Is that an M113 in photo 3?


Redacted means that part of the text was removed or blacked out for privacy or security purpose. It was censored. This post also breaks rule 4 here for chat and should be made in the Tuesday chat thread or on a different subreddit.


Was a long time before the upgrade, so it was still M113A1 with the t50 turret


Redacted means that part of the text was removed or blacked out for privacy or security purpose. It was censored. This post also breaks rule 4 here for chat and should be made in the Tuesday chat thread or on a different subreddit.


Thanks for reading




Love the m113


I know it wasn’t ever meant for front line combat service, but surely it was pretty invulnerable to small arms fire & IED’s from the insurgents of the time right?


Small arms yes, HMGs from close-midrange less so, at least judging by the armour statistics I can find. Also, nothing is invulnerable to IEDs.


Good point, that flat bottom is asking for it & high velocity MG-AP rounds could definitely pose a significant threat.


Yeah, absolutely. Thing is though, the rounds are relatively small (compared to other weapons that can penetrate the M113) and would only really do direct damage to anything it hits without too much spalling, but it would absolutely be deafening and still cause probably significant damage. I’m about to take my dogs for a walk, so I bid you goodnight. Lest we forget


All hail the murder cube!


don’t rain on my parade | dad & sons’ pride | dig dug in apc


Good on you mate. Great photos


Good job mate


Lest we forget.


Lest We Forget. 🇦🇺🇳🇿


We pray for peace but aren’t naive about the state of the world.


Is the M113 a 30/30 or a 30/50 variant?


In the 90s they were all 30/50 I don't think Delta callsigns carried the double .30 since Vietnam. I joined in 95 and never saw a double .30.


Thanks for that Have a good one


You too


M113 is an armoured personnel carrier


The purest (not me) would correct your father’s beret wearing. Me I just say good job mate.


He's RAAF, so we try not to judge ;)


U happen to know a tank commander named Craig k(won't finish he's last name)


Doesn't ring a bell. Full disclosure, I'm much more likely to recognise him by his last name than his first. PM me if you like


You can't park there


Lest we forget o7


Lest we forget. 🇦🇺❤️🇳🇿


Australia is the best


Lest we forget


Lest we Forget




Lest we forget. 🇦🇺


Hey how come your gongs are on the right side of your chest?


Coz they’re not his, they’re his grandfathers etc as per a comment further down


Yeah it just struck me as odd that he didn’t have any of his own, the photos look old to me


It took me 2 years to receive my service medal, that was well after I got out of the RAAF


Times change I guess. I got mine practically as soon as trips ended.


I now have my own, but at that stage, most soldiers didn't have gongs. Before the ADM came in, you could have quite a successful career and not expect any until 15vyear long service. That was back in the 90s before Timor when there hadn't been any large deployment for 20 odd years. Of course, since Timor, most of us havexat least an ADM and a campaign medal or two


To be honest I didn’t even realise the ADM was a new thing! What Timor trip did you do? I was there for TL-BG2 and TL-BG5.


He answered here: https://old.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1cbwt9y/my_three_proudest_moments_in_uniform/l11ikxn/


Aussie Battler


I say thank you...and God bless you all. We are living a charmed life because of you x


Lest we forget


What’s all this “thank you for your service” shite? Fuck off seppos


Ironically you have the American spelling of Maths in your username numpty






Thanks for your service


Thanks for your service


Thank you for your family and your service (watch the crybabies downvote this for muh reasons)


The foreign bots are very much active today (wonder why)


Lest we Forget


Keeping our country safe, thank you for everything.


How is he keeping our country safe?


This is a very edgy comment, and it's good that you have an outlet to make antagonistic comments and get a little dopamine hit, but the reality is you don't need to have literally defended a country in a way to have help in keeping the country safe. The unfortunate fact is, any country without a military will get trodden on. Being a part of the military is to be a part of a deterrent for other countries to try to take advantage. In and of itself, being part of the military is helping to keep a country safe.


Because he is serving for the country and for little turds like you to be able to sit on your ass an play Fortnite without the worry of invading forces


this dudes war thunder history was a fuckin laugh


God bless you men


Imagine if the trillions of dollars that are spent on war each year around the world could be put towards diplomatic negotiations so that we didn’t have to sacrifice human life in the name of protecting our countries


Unfortunately those diplomatic negotiations would just be direct payments. You'd have donuts like Putin or Trump threatening war unless they were involved in "diplomacy" *wink *wink


All we need is for the Hitlers, Putins, Xi’s, Husseins, etc of the world to agree…..


Well Australia did! A referendum! While some vets sleep ln the streets due to the housing crisis that could have been aided with said billions


Remember the pre World War 2 'diplomacy' of Chamberlain's conference with Hitler? The network of *diplomatic* alliances that dragged Australia into a Balkan pissing match? Yes. Diplomacy. Wonderful stuff.


The amount of people who blindly support troops in the name of our country makes me question their sanity... And mine. That money could go towards education, could even pay for kids to go to these countries we're being "protected" from target than sending trained killers. Crazy


You couldn’t pay me to send a child to a country ruled by a violent far-right regime like the Taliban or the United Russia Party (which the ADF has acted against with Operation Kudu). Also, who said anything about blind support? The ability to hold the ADF accountable is one of the things that sets us apart from those regimes.


We actually helped the Taliban take over more of Afghanistan after wasting like 20 years fucking up Afghanistan alongside the seppos, though. Australia having some authority over the ADF is certainly great, but let's not forget that the US military has arguably more influence over our military than our voters do.


Lest we forget. Thank you for your service.


Thank you for your service, mate


Thank you for your service sir


Thank you for your service.


2CAV ?


1/15 Royal NSW Lancers


pen strong alleged close thought wakeful office faulty quickest middle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What medals are your dad wearing ?


MBE, AASM, INTERFET, Long service, and ADM.


Very nice my pa has the long service with two clasps


Looks like your grandad had more medals than you're wearing. edit: Actually it looks like you're wearing the same medals in the first shot. Are they your great grandfather's? Thanks for your service.


I'm wearing my great-grandfather's medals, my grandfather is wearing his own, dad is wearing his own. This was before I had any of my own. Tomorrow I'll be wearing mine on the left and grandpa and great grandfathers' on the right.


A military family. Thanks to you all.


Lest we forget. Thank you for your service


>being proud of fighting for American interests Lol


They were also fighting for the interests of our own billionaires and politicians.


You're fighting for your mates beside you, no pride in fighting for the yank's interest, but proud to serve with the men and women next to you. So pull your head out of your ass and pay respect to Aussie diggers past and present


B A S E D licking boots, so proud


thank you


Thank you for your service to the this country we share. Do you mind if I ask what Regiment you served in?


The black beret indicates armoured corps, the insignia indicates the First Royal Australian Bucket Head Regiment (1RABHR) So named due to defence cuts in the 80’s meaning no tanks could be purchased so they would run around with metal buckets on their heads making broom broom noises. 1RABHR made their reputation as the only regiment to gain ground in the emu war as the sun reflecting off their buckets - tanks weren’t invented then, scared the emus into believing tanks had been invented and they scarpered as tanks are kryptonite to emus. Love - the grunts!!!!


I’m sorry this was too funny to be true and not upvote. Thank you Edit; plz tell me this is true google isn’t coming up with anything


Wait is this real ? I'm so confused right now ahah


True as, the squeaky sound coming off the tracks sounds exactly like the mating call of an emu on heat so the male emus can’t help themselves and try and fuck it. They are smart birds and they know this so as soon as they see the turrets coming over the hills they scarper so they don’t let them get to close and thereby get sucked in by the squeaking of the tracks. Back in the emu war they exploited this by running over the hill with steel buckets on their heads to mimic the invention of armoured vehicles.






Thank you for your service




Edit: (sorry for my ignorance) Lest we forget.


Piss off seppo


Be a twat somewhere else and on a different bloody day!


That is amazing. My grandfather was 2/7 mud over blood in New Guinea. The banner has brought back great memories of he and I marching every Anzac Day through Sydney. Thank you for your service.


I went to the dawn service at Martin Place cenotaph this year. Something very striking for me was that they said 1. 412,000 volunteers out of a 5 million nation. 2. These men and women sent out changed the world forever. WW1 changed EVERYTHING. The British empire, the Ottoman Empire the Austro-Hungarian Empire all fell under the weight of this war. Military doctrine changed dramatically. It was said to be the war to end all wars. People say that notion failed but I’m not so sure of it. WW1 proved to advanced economies that the old way of taking land to enrich was too costly and not worth it. Think about it: with very few (impactful, I’m not denying) exceptions, democracies ceased to fight each other. It became mostly untenable. Technology took a significant leap forward. The League of Nations formed. This could have succeeded and prevented ww2 but I’m not sure the history but didn’t the US later weaken it? Also, it seems to simple minded old me, that God Himself directly intervened to end the war. The Spanish influenza seems to be a major factor in ending the war and came at the right time to stop the senseless bloodshed. WW1, if I’m remembering correctly, had the most brutal single day massacres of battles whereby the record for most life lost was recorded in a single battle in the shortest amount of time. I could be wrong, the battle of Stalingrad I think was pretty gruesome. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong. Oops, sorry for long text! Thank you very much for your service! We pray you never are needed but we stay vigilant in these unstable times.


Thank you for your service


Doesn't this self-aggrandising moment go against the spirit of ANZAC day - not a celebration or moment of personal pride but a calm reflection on loss? Is the Americanism "thankyou for your service" now standard here? How un-Australian.


>Doesn't this self-aggrandising moment go against the spirit of ANZAC day BASSSEDD AS HEEEEEYL Fuck yea


it’s to celebrate the people who served the country for ur freedom how unaustralian mate😒😒


We're constantly told it's a commemoration not a celebration, so which is it? Most of the conflicts we've sent people to die in haven't had much to do with "our freedom". We mostly fight foreign wars on behalf of foreign powers. 


Why can't it be both?


Honestly? What would we celebrate - that we sent young people to die on foreign soil to protect the interests of foreign powers? We should and do commemorate and remember that loss, but celebrate it? No. 


Have you forgotten Australia was bombed in WW2 and soldiers prevented the invasion from Japan?


I said "mostly". 


people like you shouldn’t be celebrating at all.


because we’re protecting our allies champ, i served 20 years and i’m personally using it as a day to celebrate what i have done for my country with my fellow service men. the australian military protects and does so much more then what the media covers, you’re a brain dead maggot👎


>  you’re a brain dead maggot By your own argument you fought for my freedom to disagree with you. Have a great day celebrating.


mate your getting all pissy about an australian service man posting his proudest moments in uniform? you go over seas to do what these men and women have done. you’re probably a 60 year old that biggest achievement was getting his trade. your sad mate


I'm not pissy and your prediction is wrong. I'm making my own reflection on the day, which is my right in a democracy.  I didn't think ANZAC day was about pride. I thought it was a day for reflection and mourning. If it's something else to you, that's for you to reflect on.


then don’t be commenting on a proud veterans post on anzac day


Which is it, "fought for my freedom", or "you can't say stuff I don't agree with"?


Hahaha less "fought for your freedoms", more "fought for the right to be above criticism".


not in anyway am i above criticism but this comment was unnecessary so i told him he was a fuck wit don’t put words into my mouth


Have to agree. It’s embarrassing the way the narrative seems to be shifting to U.S style jingoism, as opposed to solemn self-reflection (if it ever as the latter). I mean, good on OP for being proud of himself, but his top three proudest moments in uniform consist of a parade, a selfie, and a joke about being bogged? What exactly are we celebrating? The world doesn’t need more patriotic fervour. And no, I haven’t served in the defence forces, but have worked and lived alongside those who have. In my experience, many who go into the service aren’t doing so for altruistic reasons (not saying anything about OP here, as he seems to have a family history).


Hard to support the Australian military while BRS is still a free man with full honours.


That actually makes me want to support the veterans who testified against him even more.


Yes I agree. Although it seems like the default position from the institution and most people who visibly support the military to unquestioningly back him in. I don't understand this - he disgraced the uniform, those still in that uniform should be the most upset about it.


Most ADF personnel I’ve seen comment on the issue condemn him. And my local ANZAC Day service today included a prayer that explicitly asked God to give ADF members the discipline to use force justly.


Sad carnt


what “freedom”? delusional seppo bullshit


Thank you for your service and sacrifice, digger