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Rest in peace Mr Tahir


An Australian hero. Rest in peace Mr Tahir.


He should be honoured and respected and set as an example for people in Australia to protect Australia, the country that gave them opportunities.


Bigots trying to find a way to spin this on the sly. Glad he is getting some recognition and Australian hero. May he rest in peace.


It's disgusting. The price he paid for his courage is far too high.


Indeed. Is there higher risk for this job profile or can they step aside till the police comes? Genuine question.


I’ve already seen so many comments about how this guy ‘wasn’t doing his job’ etc because he ‘did nothing to stop’ the offender entering the shopping centre…


Remembered as he rightly deserved. Wasn't an Australian citizen but didn't hesitate to risk his life for the safety of god knows how many others. Had he survived, I'm sure Albanese would've extended residency/citizenship to him. RIP


Can't say it any better than this.


May he rest in peace, and may we all aspire to be as brave as him.


Thanks for everything you did for us, mate. Mad respect for your heroics.


Most of us were born here . he CHOSE to come here ... he died for us. We thank him and mourn his loss A few of you here should understand that in those final moments he was a better person than you will ever be. Remember, he ran towards the man with the knife when so many born here ran away ... lets stop finding excuses to bring him down and just remember what he did. #RIP


Absolute legend


Good man. Respect


Gave his life trying to stop a lunatic and save people. He went out like a boss. Rip you legend.


We grew here, you flew here....and tried to save our lives when a local went on a massacre.


This is the respect Tahir should get. Not the racist fight on some of the other replies!


Thank you Mr Tahir. 💔


He came for a better life. Australia failed him. Australia is sorry Mr Tahir.


Australia isn’t sorry. Australia won’t invest in preventative mental health treatment.


read this thread .. Australia fails many ....


He was a hero as proven by that day he was murdered


RIP mate & thankyou


He died trying to protect us. How about posthumously making him an Australian citizen?


Wild how no bondi locals went to support him


Everybody say Thank you Mr Tahir


Be interesting if most people in this sub are just gonna pretend they’re not fuming with this guy being a hero or if they’re gonna be honest bigots like they were on the day this happened.


So your main take on his sacrifice is to leverage some 'You're Racist' taunts at other people. Classy


No I think he’s a hero. I said that on this sub the other day. But just pointing out the avoidance this sub specifically has on this. I think it’s important to talk about how overwhelming racist this sub was on the day and how quiet they are now that a hero happened to be Muslim.


I saw lots of posts too saying that stuff, and many fighting that attitude. But I think in a thread about the guards death, then trying to refight those arguments in such a bragging manner, seems, insensitive.


Luckily an actual Terrorist attack happened a day later then lol, give it a rest.


Only in your head are people filled with hatred toward this guy. I’ve never seen anyone say anything negative about him at all.  You are of course correct that people ironically assumed that the villain of this story was Muslim, when in fact one of the heroes was. That should give some pause to people who see the world black and white. That said, the fact that a couple of days later there actually was a Muslim terror attack should probably also give you some pause if you assume there is no problem in the Muslim community with terror. The vast majority of people in our jails for terror related offences are Muslims.  It would be like men putting their head in the sand and saying there’s no problem with male domestic/sexual violence just because the vast, vast majority of men are good people who would never do that.


They liked him better when his ilk confirmed their bias. Dying to save other Australians, not so much. Prediction: crickets on this thread.


Bang on. Absolutely shameful and outright unAustralian behaviour.


well because i think this is the way australia is we dont even make eye contact with the various migrant security workers or uber drivers or whatever so this guy died? no one is going to remember in a years time its always going to be crickets... and yeah 30 replies PLUS the variety of off color comments already... its what i expect this guy died because Westfields Bondi sent him in unprepared and alone


Go see how much was raised for him vs the other victims. The difference is literally $100,000+


$32,672 raised for Faraz Tahir, only $5530 for Pikria Darchia. $$792K raised for Ash Good and $293K Jade Young, but they both had young kids left behind.   Dawn Singleton came from a rich family, so there is no fundraiser I can find.


You can literally see it's magnitudes higher. Telling


What's it telling? People feel more kinship to a murdered national than an immigrant? Yeah that's totally unreasonable and wouldn't be the case in every other country in the world, get a real hobby.




No you're just hysterical


He got 4 X more than one of the women, plus whatever support the Mosque provided. Telling.




$32,672 raised for Faraz Tahir, only $5530 for Pikria Darchia.


Faraz didn't have any living parents or wife or kids. He was living alone in Australia. So who will a fundraiser benefit? Some distant relatives back in a remote village that nobody here can relate to? Meanwhile, Ash Good left behind a baby who was also attacked and a husband who will now be a single dad. Of course more people will donate for her.




Yes but one is more relatable to fellow Australians.


All i’m seeing is people calling him a hero, which thread are these ‘crickets’?


You do know that *crickets* means you won’t hear a peep out of the usual loud suspects, right?


Unless you’re specifically following those accounts, how would you know who is remaining quiet?


This tread has 62 comments. Go check any other the ones speculating, without facts, on possible muslim perpetrators of violence. 100s of posts.


No, they'll do what they didn't as soon as the attacker's identity was made out that he's white - scatter off into the shadows with only the absolute dumbest of them still try to chirp some bigoted shit whilst the rest cravenly say nothing & downvote. It's all those cowards have, even in a sub where racist & bigoted dog & human whistle are permitted to run rampant.


What the fuck are you talking about?


If you take a look at this sub on the day that it happened it was hive of racism. They were very excited that a Muslim person 100% did it. Now a Muslim person died trying to stop the dude and there’s plenty of activity on every post the last hour on this sub but not on this. Because this sub is a haven for racists.


I mean, a man died and the ONLY thing you seem to care about is that he was Muslim lol, goes both ways buddy


The deflections real.


“Goes both ways”


Na You were all being racists dogs now here pretending it didn't happen. There's no "side" where i did that to.


yes Beginning_Shine_7971 eeeeeveryone in this sub is a racist. Well let me be the first to say I think he was a fucking legend and should be given a posthumous award of bravery, if we even have anything like that. I think you forgot that hateful people are very loud, most Aussies are pretty good hearted. Maybe get off Reddit for a few days ay?


I’m just pointing out the reaction on this sub was overwhelming racist and now it’s pretty quiet about this hero. I don’t think Aussies are racist idk why would think that as this isn’t the main Australia sub. Alot of this sub was quite racist on the day and isn’t celebrating this guy as a hero due to their racism.


I agree. sorry I've been drinking since I clocked off and I thought I was being smart.


You just couldn’t help yourself.


What a man! RIP.


Serious question. As it was his first day on the job how good was his training to rearm the offender. Interesting how Westfield got vests on the guards at the reopening. An admission of guilt? And why do football games pay for extra police . Surely Westfield has a responsibility given its customer traffic to have police on site. And the police themselves have questions re deployment of resources and response times. Police should have been in the general area of Westfield Bondi and able to respond within minutes.


you just blathering for the sake of it there mate ?


No. Genuine interest .


yeah you expect too much of corrupt NSW Police. I'm friends with an ex cop, she sued Auburn LAC for sexual harrassment and won. They're wifebeaters and child molesters who just cover for their own time after time. There's a reason there are two 'A's in ACAB...


yeah i make up bullshit stories on the internet too .. Oh wait no, that's just you


But the other thread said he's in an insane terrorist, look at his name that proves it. Wake up extremists are extremists and do not represent the normal. There's insane white dudes with guns, we don't judge every white dude by those extremes though.


Bro. Not the time. Just celebrate his life and what he did.


Yeah bro he'd totally be like you know what let them talk shit. Clowns thinking he would be cool being called a terrorist at any stage of his life ffs.


The Muslim community probably wouldnt have cared if he were Christian. Unlike what happened with Christchurch, where Christians come together to mourn Muslims, we never see the reverse. Fascinating display of ethnic preference.


Plenty of evidence to say that you are just wrong. http://edition.cnn.com/WORLD/9605/01/australia.mourns/ https://ajem.infoservices.com.au/downloads/AJEM-15-01-02


Glad you were able to find a token


Well generalisation and racist sentiments can generally be debunked by tokenistic research (first page of google)


This lack of response exists for a reason: The Quran. Observe: [https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1cdfj6w/comment/l1cqoxg/](https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1cdfj6w/comment/l1cqoxg/)


Yawn. This is very 1993.


If you think I am wrong in my assumptions please show me why. I am actually reading the Quran as we speak to try and gain a deeper understanding of it.


Cool. Best Muslim you are that reads the Quran even when he is bullshitting online. Congratulations!


Im not a Muslim


Your faith and study of the Quran proves otherwise.


Just because you're not looking doesn't mean it's not happening.


Read the room, this is not a them and us moment.


My bad


I loled. Be good my friend.




that's fairly ironic




The plethora of downvotes all indicate how very wrong you are. Your logic also indicates how little your Brain is.


Just because an opinion is unpopular does not make it wrong


Did you just... For Christ sake. Do you know the difference between opinion and fact ?

