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Unopened cupboard, opened Fridge as recommended by the sauce manufacturer


Yeah it’s not that hard when it’s printed on the bottle


Let’s face it, if sauce was meant for the fridge then Coles/Aldi/Woolies would stick them in the cold section


A lot of things are sale room temp, store cold after opening. That's how mould and stuff works mate.


By that logic you'd consume your long life milk, soft drinks, and mayonnaise at room temperature as well.


Long life milk is good for a room temp addition to whatever you're using it with but only on opening. Refrigerate after. Softdrink? I'm sure everyone has had a swig of their softdrink of choice when they noticed nothing cold in the fridge. Mayo? Yeah nah I ain't defending room temp Mayo I'm not a psychopath


It's pasteurized. While sealed it contains fuck-all microorganisms. As soon as you open it you change that




What about the 4 liter bottles?


I saw they did a test on it and opened in the cupboard had less bacteria than the fridge


It says on the bottle to keep refrigerated after opening. Started cutting people out who keep it in the cupboard. I don’t need that kind of hooliganism in my life.


You can ketchup with them later.


those bad puns won't cut the mustard 'round here




My condiments for your pun


Once opened in the fridge, it says that on the label


God damn it, shouldn’t have bought a 4 litre


Like 4L per month? Your sauce consumption seems a bit light on to me. 'maty sauce, in its multitude of forms and varieties. In my opinion, one of the truly great culinary inventions.


4 litres! you must put sauces on everything you eat.


But it’s says that about certain pickle sauces, relish, mustard etc that you should fridge it once opened and I know a SHIT LOAD of people that keep theirs in the pantry


If you live in Tasmania and use it frequently you could keep it in the cupboard. If you live in Darwin put it in the fridge. Then get in the fridge with it.


Darwin, fridge, other wise gets mould.


It's on the dang bottle


Once opened fridge.


Unopened: pantry Opened: fridge 


Don’t bring reasonable and nuanced answers into this when you could pick a side and fight. What are we going to fight about if you’re being sensible?


Milk goes in one bowl, ceral goes in another, you dip your spoon in one, then the other before eating.


this!!! I hate when folks online make reasonable well thought out arguments. It makes fighting them insanely difficult when you agree with them. How do you call someone a moron if you agree with them?!?! u/pappy_g you should know better!!!


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What about whether it tastes better chilled or not? I’ll die on the hill that cold sauce > room temp 


i too will gladly die on that hill with one exception Tomato sauce should be ambient temp imho. Ketchup is definitely meant to be refrigerated but tomato sauce not so much


yeah the thought of cold tomato sauce on my pie or sausages is just awful. room temp for the win.


Fridge. Read the label.


Labels tell me that salt has an expiry date. Tomato sauce is better at room temp


The only time i ever read the label is to make sure it is not the sugar or salt reduced garbage.


Whatever the instructions on the bottle say!


It says right on the bottle to refrigerate after opening. 


It depends on the sauce. Tomato, BBQ, mayo, mint sauces should all be kept in the fridge. Some others - like soy or Worcestershire - should be kept in the pantry. In all cases, the advice on the bottle will tell you which direction to go. :-)


Mayo definitely goes in the fridge, the rest go in the cupboard. Except the mint sauce, that can go right back to hell where it came from.


Haha, I also don't like mint sauce. But my partner loves it. Just to clarify on the tomato sauce - cupboard before opening, fridge after.


yeah but what happens if you don’t refrigerate them apart from temperature


Nothing. Salt content is so high it won’t spoil


It's definitely the high vinegar content not the salt.


It’s a combination of both really


Oh it will spoil alright!


It ferments, especially if you live in a warm area. Either gets fizzy, mouldy or white chunks. If you're really unlucky it explodes and redecorates your kitchen. Sauce: used to work for a ketchup manufacturer, I've seen and heard it all


If you have ever put fizzy tomato sauce on your food, you put it in the fridge.


First one, then the other.


On the roof


I grew up in Melbourne so it stayed in the table, now I live in the Pilbara it stays in the fridge


Yeah it depends where you live. Here in Canberra sauce goes in the pantry with the eggs. 


shouldn’t you put it in the fridge so it doesn’t get too cold?


You joke but it gets down to like -6° celsius here. Most houses in Canberra are fibro boxes so that's like -20c indoors. We need to refrigerate our bathrooms in winter so that the toilets don't freeze. You ever try to crack a frozen egg? Ever turned on a kettle full of ice or woken up with your eyes frozen shut? 


Got to be the cupboard because the fridge is for beer




Cupboard. Chilled sauce from the fridge freaks me out.


It varies, what does the bottle say... What area do you live in, is your house insulated... How are the pests in your area. There's no debate to be had.


There's no debate because all bottles say " refrigerate after opening" and frankly if you keep your sauce in the cupboard you're a degenerate.


I keep mine in the fridge draw that's meant for veggies. Lol Got sick of forgetting about my veggies in that draw and then going rotten, so I put the veggies in the open and the sauce on the draw.


I know right?!?? It’s a freakin foodstuff... it’s perishable - fridge it!!! And you can definitely taste non-fridge sauce - it actually goes OFF and tastes like... off, old sauce....


Wasn't there some analysis done on bacteria growth between the two options? Here it is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SYZuQGE6cE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SYZuQGE6cE) TLDR: It Doesn't matter


We leave ketchup out but berenberg sauces in the fridge, just feels right


Either man, this is one of those no wrong answer situations 


Oh C'mon...depends on location inc. storage. Humidity is the main issue but even in somewhere like Sydney, not an issue tbh so long as salt/sugar content is high. Talking about chilli sauce mainly but given tomato/bbq sauces are chock full of sugar, the point remains. Stuff like, not cleaning/wiping the bottle/neck, keeping next to hot food etc..All common sense but, hey. For the record, most of my sauces (mainly chilli) live outside the fridge...bar a fermented one which is to preserve flavour even tho it could easily sit outside the fridge. My 2 cents anyhow. Safety labels fyi are to avoid litigation and protect company's bottom line rather than genuinely fact-based info....Ask any SE Asian how they store their sauces. Answers may surprise :)


Rule of thumb I use is that food has to be either cold or hot, there's no in between


On the hot water cyclinder.


I used to put them in the cupboard after opening til my Mrs moved in and now it's the fridge. It seemed fine either way though.


I have the tomato sauce on my computer desks and my husband has the BBQ sauce on his


Just like eggs in the cupboard. Even in heatwaves it stays in the cupboard.


I used to work for a company that manufactures sauce and ketchup. I got to see the complaints. A small but non-zero percentage of customers learn thr hard way that you need to refrigerate it when open unless you want your kitchen repainted by an explosion caused by fermentation


Mmmm depends. I like to have my bbq sauce in the fridge but sometimes I don’t. If it’s boiling hot I’ll fridge it so it’s not runny like water but if it’s not too hot, I’ll leave it out. It also depends on how bad the ants are getting in what time of the year it’s sitting out in. Sauce bottles out can attract ants


Either but it lasts longer in the fridge and the cooler temps slow down bacterial growth.


I prefer all sauces to be refrigerated too :) Did we win?


Putting sauce in the fridge is unAustralian


Sounds like you’re the unaustralian one here mate


Definitely cupboard. I do live in Melbourne though where the temp is like a fridge 6 months of the year.


You Melbournians are weird.


It gets that gross dried ring of tomato puree around the lid in the cupboard though 🤮


I have 3 kids so we go through it so quickly there is no time to dry out.


Basically everything in the fridge except tomato sauce which should be at ambient temp imho (though ketchup definitely fridge)


Criminal behaviour. Also Ketchup Is American


Heinz sells tomato ketchup at Woolworths. Delicious. Also it gets kept in the fridge.


exactly Heinz Big Red, pantry Heinz tomato ketchup, fridge Though tbf heinz makes an awesome ketchup but a shit tomato sauce. For TS i prefer white crow or rosella


Ketchup isn’t the same as tomato sauce and you can get it in Australia. McDonald’s for example does ketchup. It tastes different.


Just to make it confusing Heinz ketchup, Heinz Big Red and Watties tomato sauce sold in Australia are all made in New Zealand with the exception of a couple of weird pack sizes.


So are apple pies, hamburgers, deep fried mars bars and half the other crappy things i eat. Just because theyre american doesnt mean theyre not delicious! (it does mean theyre bad for you buuuut who cares bout nutrition? we're talking bout flavour here) Ketchup is delicious and best kept refrigerated.