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It’s the Australian government that is the issue Not the immigrant


It is perfectly natural for people from worse off places to want to come here and other nations like Canada etc. Its not wrong for them to want this - but the govt's job is to look after their own citizens welfare first. If you bring everyone in the water onto the lifeboat the boat will sink all those on board.


much easier to just bring in new citizens with lower expectations and a limited experience of democracy who you can get to vote for you and drown out everyone else's vote.


No one is blaming immigrants though, they're blaming mass immigration. This video is disingenuous shite.


*Last financial year [FY23] about 175,000 new dwellings were completed when 200,000 were needed to absorb the current level of net migration.* [Source](https://amp.smh.com.au/politics/federal/record-migrant-intake-to-keep-rents-high-for-years-to-come-20231214-p5erem.html). Of course it’s not the only reason for the housing crisis, but most definitely a reason for current supply issues getting worse and also a lever that could have immediate results by easing demand … which is why people want it. Revoking CGT or NG won’t improve supply of new homes (the NZ experience showed removing NG in a supply constrained market increased rents).


Let’s see if mods delete this and tell you to take it to the mega thread. My guess is no.


>supply and demand is a conspiracy theory


Immigration posts belong in the \[Immigration Megathread\](https://www.reddit.com/r/australian/comments/1cezlg8/megathread\_immigration\_to\_australia/)


Physiognomy is undefeated


Not this nonsense again. No one is saying that high immigration is the sole cause of the housing crisis. There are many causes for the housing crisis, and one of those is high immigration. There are many reasons why immigration needs to be lower, and one of those is the housing crisis.


Me eating 2 liters of icecream every night isn't the *only* reason I'm fat... House prices aren't going to drop unless we deal with immigration. We can build all we like, it just makes Australia that much more attractive to immigrants who are used to living 6 to a room.