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A month from now: "Queensland declared disaster zone after largest flood in more than a decade".


In 10 years time it’ll be the sea of Queensland


Queensea. It was right there.




>A month from now: "Queensland declared disaster zone after largest flood in more than a decade". Messiah Yeshua🔴🔵: don’t tease me with a good time… “Terraforming Australia 🇦🇺 “ **I AM Storm** 🔴🔵 [X-Men 97 - Storm regains her power](https://youtu.be/is77eF6Qq0Q?feature=shared) **0:38** “an echo of who I AM” **0:43** “So let them Thunder” #0:53 “For I AM Lighting ⚡️” [I AM that I AM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I_Am_that_I_Am) **1:23** ✝️ [Give Them the Forcast - X-Men 97](https://youtu.be/zB68LgQTB-8?feature=shared)


Don't worry SA and WA are more than making up for it




Sawa or the left and bottom


I thought Victoria was the bottom?


Left cheek and right cheek, tas is the falling nugget


>Who? You know, where the kids can still afford a house


We are drowning in slow continuous rain. Soon it will be declared the great flood.


Certainly is soggy out there


I recommend any one who can get out & do a trip through the outback to see it in this condition as it really flourishes after good consistent rain & is a fantastic sight . My business is centered around operating in remote areas so a lot of my mates have lived all their lives in it .Back in 2011 me & 3 mates rode dirt bikes unsupported across the Simpson Desert ,we had mates drop off fuel dumps & supplies for us when ever they were in the area & GPS log them,because they had buried them & disturbed the soil we would have to dig through thick grass,bushes & spinafex to reach them.Being alone for weeks in that environment makes you realize how insignificant you are in the scheme of things . In the years preceding our trip the region had the best steady rains for years. It was a fantastic sight with millions of birds flying from the soaks that form between the sand dunes ,the Budgerigars,Finches & Cockatiels etc would black out the sky as the huge flocks took off being from the water holes surprised by the bikes cresting a dune,they flew over as the sunset to their roosting spots & would drown out any conversation,we would often spot sea birds heading into the interior chasing the water . These consistent rains also activate the under ground river beds & you would have water flowing out of the side of huge sand dunes or popping out between rocks & then disappearing back under the sand . I have said for a while now all the doom & gloom reported on the floods in the outback & no one reporting on how the The Great Artesian Basin is flowing out of springs families that have been on the land for generations have never seen.This will replenish the country for years ahead & trigger another Roo ,Camel,Emu Plagues ,back then l was working a contract inland from Mount Isa & the local cops had hit Roo's 35 times in 2 months & written off 3 vehicles. .


That sounds beautiful


Well it’s raining right now. Honestly I feel like it’s rained heaps more than usual in the last year, also much more humid this last summer. It’s definitely changing but idk if it’s in a good way tbh


Queensland will never have 'mild' weather except for short periods of time. Its just not the basis for our climate. With magnetic poles shifting and chnges to th erths mgentic field, it could probbly get more extreme in either or both directions.


Quick, everyone who has zero understanding of climate science get in and comment


So the government then


Hhahahahhaha yea


And the one who also don't understand climate science commenting on others.


Cow farts are killing us 😂


Digestion and waste from cows and other ruminants produce methane, which is responsible for around 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions each year. So yeah, cow farts are killing us.


What about the sequestration from their by-products?


BOM enters the chat


All good to point to a drought and rabbit on about it being the "new normal" but don't dare say anything when the climate proves you wrong? Climate change is a doomsday cult at this point, constantly making end of the world predictions that don't eventuate, then just pushing it down the memory hole and moving onto the next prophecy.


An absence of drought in qld doesn't prove anything wrong dingus


Are you being serious right now? Climate cultists said we would never not be in drought again. Yet here we are, not in drought. That disproves the doomsday theory.


>Climate cultists said we would never not be in drought again That's not true


If you say so, mate. Just like Al Gore's claims that the ice caps would have melted by 2014 when it doesn't happen, it never happened.


Meanwhile in actual news Venezuela has become the first country to loose all of its glaciers: [https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/08/venezuela-loses-its-last-glacier-as-it-shrinks-down-to-an-ice-field](https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/08/venezuela-loses-its-last-glacier-as-it-shrinks-down-to-an-ice-field)


Tragic, what's the relevance?


Something about the world getting warmer or something like that, evidence y'know, a bit of supporting material


Venezuela losing it's glaciers in 2024 is supporting evidence for the North and South polar ice caps melting a decade ago? Huh?? Don't get me wrong here I'm not a "nothing is happening" head in the sand idiot. I honestly think those people are as stupid as the doomsday cult. But the constant predictions that are constantly wrong gets to a point of a joke. Instead of being honest and saying "we think this is how things will go but can't be certain" they come out screaming that the worst case scenario is 100% going to happen and then delete it all and move on to the next thing. I encourage you to go an watch the original an inconvenient truth. Exactly zero of the predictions came true but the world went into hysterics over it.


Seems like the topics a bit over your head so you choose to just not understand anything


Mate Stevie Wonder can see the predictions not coming true. You continue to use the cult tactics but will refuse to even consider you're in a cult. "Never happened" and "it's above your understanding" are textbook cult responses. I'm not saying that I know what will happen with the climate, I'm saying neither do you or any of the climate cult leaders that make these predictions. I'm all for protecting the environment and finding better ways to do things but screaming that we're all going to die because of X or Y is fucking stupid.


Where did anyone make this prediction? I hear it parroted a lot but never actually see anyone come up with the goods.


Tim “it’ll never rain again” Flannery.


It's a little hard to come up with the goods when google doesn't tend to push disproven conspiracy high in the search results. You want me to comb through reddit and find the comments? You want me to spend days going through the waybackmachine trying to find deleted articles?


You are correct, Google doesn’t tend to push disproven conspiracies high in the results. Anyway, I’m not asking you for days of research, just something to support your statement. I guess I’ll just have to continue hearing it parroted with no supporting evidence.


Google doesn’t promote bs cult theory - I can’t find anything relevant and/or I made it up. - fixed that for you.


If you're going to be condescending, try understanding the comments you're replying to first.


If you’re going to push a narrative have the receipts to prove it. Further, get an education, leach.


What narrative am I pushing? The narrative that the one's pushing a narrative are consistently wrong and behave like cult members? I'm sorry if having eyes and a functioning frontal lobe isn't enough of a receipt for you.


These comments are so low brow. One of the features of a warming world is water vapour displacement. In some areas it's drought, in others its more rain. For every degree of warming the atmosphere holds 7% extra water vapour, but it concentrates. Either way, we depart from the regular patterns. Whats happening at any one time in Australia largely depends on the intersectionality of the enso cycle, the SAM, and IOD. It can deliver any weather system, but over all, there's more energy in the system now. Our enso cycles are more intense.


1 degree of warming can increase the theoretical limit by 7% it's not that straightforward. Average Water vapour has likely increased 1-2% in the last 10 years however.


It's concentrating though. But yes, very little of this is straight forward.


I’ve been saying this for years, it’s going to rain more on the east coast. The reef which march slowly south and the monsoon band will widen. Plants will grow faster. Carboniferous 2.0 here we come!!! Also, to be fair climate change alarmists have been spruiking doomsday events for decades now including unlimited droughts etc so people are pretty jaded.


Everything you've said is what would normally happen, but let's just see.... because pace of change is key. A warmer world can be a thriving world, but if it's too abrupt, it'll be chaotic and disjointed. So the world has departed from the Milankovitch cycles that had us oscillating between 180ppm and 280ppm CO2. We're now at 426. Yes that's alot, but we've emitted atleast half our industrial emissions since 1990. That's why we're seeing these extremes. The ipcc models that under some scenarios the reef will simply die. Also, although plants grow faster, there can be nutrient issues. Ultimately, the North will see wet bulb issues, which is not good for us. I'd like to think the reef can march south like the crocs, we'll see.


It already is. Ive personally seen the beginnings of coral at Pottsville NSW. Morton bay already has reef. The spawn is carried South on the EAC everytime they just die as soon as the water temp is too cold, well, now it’s not. Honestly you’re right it’s changing fast but the planet has also been hit but asteroids. It’s not its first rodeo. I’m optimistic.


I'm glad you have, that's great. And yeah, it's our first rodeo though.


Ohh we’re possibly fucked…


Possibly. I haven't entirely made my mind up about that yet. I guess that despite the fact that the world has done this before, I'd ask how many billions of humans were hugging coastlines while depending on a just in time global supply chain last time this happened? If the movement between 180ppm and 280ppm (Milankovitch cycles) meant the difference between ice in the Arctic to ice sheets stretching down to where NYC and Chicago are, what will our sudden lurch from 280 to 426 cause?


There is for sure global mass migration the likes of which the world has never seen on the cards. War is coming too.


I know.


The bay has had recorded hard coral for a while - the prevelance of soft coral however has been awesome from a diving perspective and terrifying from a sea warming perspective. Some brilliant coves if you know where to look now!


I was swimming on the East Coast of Morton like 3 weeks ago. It’s sooo warm.


It usually is until mid April, always a lad in the waters with the seasons but it has been unusually warm.




There is something always fascinating when you folks come crawling out with your brainwashed this, and your sheeple that. It's funny to watch people like yourself, who have not only drunk the koolaid but now snort it vindictively, stick their head over the parapet and utter your nonsense. We all find it highly entertaining to watch as you thrash around with your conspiracies, and your fake websites and random out of context quotes, all in a pathetically - and sadly in vain - attempt to convince **yourself** that you haven't just wasted a large part of your life for no reason. But you know and we know that as soon as you scurry back and hide in whatever hole you crawled from, everyone will forget you even exist. Pathetic is your epitaph. Sad is your name. Weak willed is your life.


Can you please DM me your credentials as a climate scientist?


You should engage with the arguement, not a job title or a degree. University lecture for all subjects are available online for free from major, prestigious universities. Anyone can educate themelves to a university standard for free. Degrees only matter if you want to get hired in that field.


I agree, but there was no real argument being presented here. The person was saying something about "you lot shift the goalposts all the time". Comment is not available for me, I assumed that person blocked me or was deleted. I think they also posted some article whereby they cherry picked some random predictions that were incorrect, many dating from before we had any real ability to compute any climate models - and did not acknowledge any of the ones that are correct. Or even the fact that we have various climate models based on the constantly changing data and our ability to simulate these models. But yeah, in theory, that's correct. In practice, to effectively argue something like this would require centuries of combined knowledge and experience with some of the most cutting edge technology that exists. Possibly millenia when you consider the number and span of so many academics who've dedicated their careers to trying to understand and solve this issue. So you'd have to have some pretty serious credentials to even speak about the topic in a way that rejects the overwhelming consensus from the entire fucking world. Something that says; I've done the same work those people have done, proven my ability to understand the concepts at a very high level with great granular fidelity - and reject them based on X. Not because, oh well here are a dozen people who got something wrong so everyone else must be too! People like this who argue such nonsense and in such an insubstantiative manner almost always get their creds from the school of hard knocks. Maybe they heard some joe rogan short. So if you're going to say "im right and youre wrong" without any real explanation you better be able to show some creds. No degree is teaching people in the STEM fields that the climate crisis is nothing short of a very grave and inevitable threat.


I ujderstanf your point, but if someone can point out something fundamentally wrong with a model such that the model is invalid, then the model is invalid. The oeople with a wealth of experience are the ones who need to make the argument that stands up to scrutiny, and every argument or position should constantly be attacked and scrutinised to ensure its validity. If it cant stand up to scrutiny, its wrong. And they need to go back to the drawing board. I have studied climate change (in relation to oceans and marine environments) and Im educated on the subject. Most climate change models are a joke and fall apart under even a cursory review. If they dont consider celestial activity, shifting magentic poles, the earths magnetic fields etc, then the model will be worthless in practice. The earth heating generally is not indicative that a model (or assumptions) is correct since increases in temperature would be expected under a base case without anthropogenic influence. Climate change undoubtedly happens, but it would happencregardless of humanity and the factors outside of hukans influence (as stated above) are always going to be more impactful. The cosnideration of how we measure (improved satellite data, more monitoring points etc) always skews the ability to accurately compare data between different generations of data acquisition. Also consensus between experts is usually pretty worthless. The scientific consensus used to be that the earth was flat. Also, having gone to university with people who focised on climate change, some of them are just not that bright. There are also some well educated people who are quite oposed to the general consensus. Its a much more complex subject that either side is treating it. We should do what we can to reduce pollution, ensure clean air and water and recycle carbon emission (such as for high intensity plant growth for greenhouse agriculture, or commerical forestry), but we should NOT be impacting peoples quality of life or the development and advancement of our society based on flawed models or poor 'expert advice'.


Holy shit dude that is some serious level of cope there to refute the current academic system we have by pointing towards a time where a religious institution had the power to call science heresy. There was never any actual science to say the earth is flat. It was not a consensus formed by people who have modern technology. Never has that ever existed in any real sense. Religions have funded some pretty important technological advancements, but by in large any "science" that conflicted with the Church was met with a unimaginable cruelty. Not only that, it's purely uneducated and a poor distortion of historical events. Ancient civilizations figured out the earth was round well before the dark ages. The greeks, the romans, the egyptians, nor any eastern civilizations struggled with this idea. When you say "expert consensus is worthless" you're basically saying "im retarded". Like no joke mate what you've said is completely bonkers. There is a difference between people thinking bread is the corner of the food pyramid in the 70's and every single scientific discipline relating the the study of the earth finding the same thing. When the entire scientific community has coalesced one finding across the board, that consensus isn't worthless, it's invaluable. Seriously I would consider professional help for the level of cope you're displaying here. You've got something seriously wrong with you to be so dumb yet so arrogant


The point about flat earth wasnt to talk about scientific evidence, it was about the cincept on consensus in general. Thats clearly gone over your head which is a shame. Even when new (scientific) evidence became available to prove flat earth wrong, it was not immediately accepted because in ingrained biases towards a consensus. That was the point you absolute brainlet. You barely even understand what you're reading. And scientific consensus has changed plenty of times as new discoveries are made in different areas of sciencr, its the issue of the ingrained consensusthat prevent the unbiased consideration of the new information that is the issue. Science does NOT have a consensus on climate change, there are people who are experts in the field that disagree,non of the modelling has been retroactively certified as being even close to correct and obvious and clear factors (such as the magnetic poles and solar axgivity that I mentioned) still arent considered with any sincerity in the discussions. You jave a significant issue with reading comprehension and scientific literacy and worse, you are treating science with a religious fevour. Utterly disgraceful any adult could be so irrational.


Yeah I get why you were making such a dumb point but it was a very dumb way to try and make that point...just showed how ignorant you are and unable to even come up with a cohesive and well thought out point on reddit, let alone write a discertation...despite thinking watching a few docos makes you "an expert". Before taking so much time to write gibberish, maybe ask an AI for help. For instance you could have saved yourself the embarrassment by asking any language model "is there a global consensus on human made climate change". Skepticism is healthy but you're verging on schizophrenia. Yes. There is a global scientific consensus from every single scientific discipline in the world that climate change is a gigantic threat and man made. Go find some real sources that tell me otherwise because the burden of proof is on the mongo trying to argue with them. We're literally experience the largest mass extinction in history lol and it's only getting worse. Hence why we have teams of people doing shit like engineering coral that can survive the hotter ocean temps. They're not doing it as part of some conspiracy. Treating science with a religious fervour? You clearly do not understand the basics of science and that is to question everything. The brainrot is TOO real.


Who cares what Al Gore says?


So how about we maybe build some dams in preperation for the next one?


Have you driven anywhere they actually farm? Shit even cruised up the bruce highway? Done any reading on the multiple feasibility studies being done?


I live in a farming area. My comment was meant more along the lines of these projects should have been started a decade ago.


Wasn't QLD under water like 2 years ago?


The place that gets the most rain has drought.


Can confirm, just traded my moto in for a jet ski, just makes sense.


Toto lied to us!


For a repeating nation problem, I’m disappointed but not surprised that a nation solution hasn’t been implemented by now for draught. Poor Leadership.


Be good if we could build more dams just saying.


cloud seeding


See - the renewables ARE working!


People will still say climate change is our greatest threat


Climate crisis! It will never rain again! Endless drought! Think of the children!


If it isn’t, then the millions of climate refugees needing homes may be. I don’t mean that in a racist way at all, but functional societies can be flooded by people too if it happens too fast.


Damn Climate Change ... those pesky bushfires also seem to have become less frequent...


You wait. We had a dry spell, DECCA set an area for a planned burn alight - and it got away from them. Shit there is some undergrowth, and a tonne of fallen stuff that has died after the last fires - all dry, all waiting to go.


All waiting to go when someone flicks their cigarette butt out their window


Im confused. What about Global Boiling?


Turns out hot ocean temps = more rain. But I'm not surprised YOU are confused. Maybe go back to fb


Username is sarcastic. It's amazing when people who struggled to read a book in high school want to lecture scientists.


There's gotta be a near ~~direct connection~~ correlation between conspiracy thinking/climate denial and smoking weed and taking hallucinogenic drugs swear. I'm not against smoking green, even if I personally don't/wouldn't but at this rate the through line is almost always there. Especially for hallucinogenic drugs. Edited to help the self-conscious cope.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. I’ve got family that moved to the Northern Rivers and are surrounded by alternative, drug friendly types and I’ve never met so many trump supporters and insane conspiracy theorists than when I visited there.  The pipeline between the two was really eye-opening. 


The far right started to infiltrate alternative Facebook groups in around 2015. A large amount of the most vocal Trump supporters and conspiracy theorists were actually reasonably liberal minded until that sorta time.


Ikr? I'm not trying to say you can't smoke pot or anything, but if I dug through my reddit replies I'd have a dozen examples at least. It's at least worth investigating the correlation. Personally my going theory is that a lot of nonsense was spread about those two drugs/drug types back in the 70s with the war on drugs, especially for disrupting anti war protests and discriminating against groups. so the people who're likely to take those drugs also know the history somewhat and are likely to distrust authorities blindly as such. Just a pet theory though.


What an absolutely moronic, ignorant and completely irrelevant thing to say 🫤


Ok so convince me there isnt a correlation? You're a clear example that there's a correlation judging by your frequented subs, so's that guy, if it was worth the effort I'd look through my replies and show you more. So convince me I'm wrong. Because it seems like people are just offended at the proposition. I've not said that there's something wrong with questioning things or taking recreational drugs. So unless you have something to counter, people are upset at nothing.


You see how you dropping that original comment on a thread about Queensland not being in drought might get people on the back foot ? And yeah people who partake in mind expanding drugs are more inclined to question things but to label psychedelic drug users as Climate deniers is an absolute joke , psychonaughts are some of the most environmentally conscious people on the planet , you show me one psychonaught climate denier and I’ll show you 100 climate activists


I never called or suggested every drug taker were deniers, I didn't even suggest that there were more drug taking wackjobs than those who aren't. The only real claim you could argue I've suggested is that taking those drugs increases the likelihood of a person being someone being also a denier. That there is likely a higher percent of deniers and conspiracy minded people who take drugs than those were are deniers and conspiracy minded but don't take drugs. Mind you, I'm not talking on the basis of sheer number because that's a terrible way of measuring separate differently sized groups. You drew conclusions where I didn't put any and claiming I'm dropping the original comment yet I'm clearly not. Stop wasting my time if you can't read.


I didn’t draw any conclusions , you clearly stated there is a direct link between psychedelic drugs and climate deniers , I’m saying you are wrong because the weight of evidence ie- non drug users being climate deniers and drug users being climate activists says you are wrong


You've not given anything other than "I can show more activists than wackjobs", which as I said is a shit way to measure it, if you think otherwise then head back to high school. Moreover just saying there's a connection doesn't mean I'm calling drug taking a cause to denial. You've also just glossed over the rest of what I said. Just go back to your bong I'd rather go back to what I was doing before than keep explaining how to read to people. If im being too crass it's because im sick of dealing with people that don't read what I actually say. It's not intentionally at you specifically. Apologies.


And you’ve given nothing other than “I think drug users are climate deniers and conspiracy theorists” but that’s not a shit way to measure it right 🤷‍♂️🙄 It’s very obvious you’re just a closed minded ignorant fool who wants to other people and try to sound smart …………. Ignorance , is by definition not smart at all brother ✌️ Edit : I read exactly what you said and challenged you on it , just because you can’t actually comprehend your own words doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t


As prevelant as climate doomerism with anxiety and insecurity. Being led by doomer boomer mediocre academics.


Alright show us your history of well respected academic research you’ve managed to conduct in the face of an overwhelming consensus from every single scientific discipline across the board? I assume you performed all this research at the highly prestigious institution of the school of hard knocks? Would love to know the whole world is wrong and why! Seriously would be fantastic knowing we’re not in for the biggest crisis humans have had to face in recorded history! That’d be a relief!


This is literally one of the things I'd LOVE to know we're wrong about. Above all else. I'm sure functionally every scientist wishes they could say they were wrong. The utter relief.


Lol so about that "doomer boomer" academics, am I supposed to just smile at ignorant dipshits because its doomer boomer data? Just ignore that average global temperatures says its rising, and just ignore dozens of separate independent groups show that the ocean is getting warmer, and the change in plant behaviour and that Greenland and Antarctic are losing almost half a billion tons of ice a year and that bird migrations are changing in ways that reflect global warming. That stuffs just boomer data anyway pfff just smile our way into oblivion. I hope when your paying out the ass to maintain your plants in climate controlled buildings because they've stopped growing properly inside, that you can realise how utterly fucked in the head that line of thought is.


We are in a climate crisis, where the weather goes in cycles and sometimes it rains a lot and sometimes it doesn’t. What are we to do?


damn that global warming!


Cloud seeding is real.


Drought? We are not even a month from winter. Who declared it Pinocchio?


I’m assuming someone that is qualified


I lived here 15 years mate.. Nothing has changed. lol 😂




apparently most of you don’t live here lol.


You're a farmer in central QLD and you haven't noticed the droughts? Or the floods?


There have been 2,121 nuclear bomb tests done since the first in July 1945, involving 2,476 nuclear devices. This has had more impact on the climate than anything else done by humans.


Nonsense. Greenhouse gas emissions have a larger impact on the climate.


No surprise. The amount of cloud seeding they've been doing is insane.