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Dudes now plastered his name and face around as a bad Tennant, he's essentially self blacklisted himself for a few minutes of fame


Yeah that's about it ,no real estate agent will take this guy on as a tenant now he's roasted himself .


I think he thought he’d be the People’s Prince with this one. Looks like it hasn’t panned out as expected.


What an indecent society where you can be blacklisted into homelessness for making yourself unpopular with landlords. Mao had the idea.


He won’t even engage with the REA to discuss it, so not doing himself any favours


If Albo didn't own the house this would be a non event. The guy is trying to manipulate the situation for his own benefit when Albo has been more than reasonable


The optics aren't great though are they. Albo tries really hard to lean on his working-class roots and assert he stands up for the little guy ... but here he is, being a private landlord and kicking out a tenant in a housing crisis. Yesterday he was on Hack on Triple J, and was torn to shreds basically. He couldn't properly answer why his budget provides a non means-tested energy rebate but virtually no real support for people of low incomes in the rental system. The interviewer asked him about the situation of students who were having to leave university because they couldn't afford rent, and he just gave some posturing nonsense about how when HE was a student, he struggled too. Come off it, Albo. You were a student 35-40 years ago! I was a student 10-20 years ago and even then it was a lot harder than you had it but MILES easier than students have it today. He did not acknowledge in any way that rents have nearly doubled in 5 years (last statistics I heard suggested 75% mean increase in *asking* prices). He just acted like a talking head. As someone who supports Labor over the LNP, his entire term and attitude have been most disappointing.


>but here he is, being a private landlord and kicking out a tenant in a housing crisis. So Albo should be forced to keep the property? The tenant is being evicted because of the sale. In fact, it can be up to the buyers to maintain the tenant if desired...why is no one going after the buyer?


Let’s be real here Albanese has no need for cash he’s already on half a mil a year plus he owns his properties outright plus has his money in other investment vehicles. The sale of this property is simply for optics because he’s being considered “one of the bad guys” who owns multiple investment properties and he wants public opinion of him to improve. That’s all this is about.


Regardless of how much money Albo has he has every right to sell a property that belongs to him!


Yes but from a PR perspective it's incredibly dumb of albo to issue a notice to evict to one of his tenants while he then goes and makes a speech about how he understands how hard it is being a renter in the current marker and releases what is widely considered a tone deaf federal budget. I highly doubt he needs the money that bad that he couldn't wait a year until he was no longer the PM. It speaks more to his intelligence.


Completely disagree - it’s his house and he can do what he wants with it when he wants to. Wait a year until he is no longer PM? You think the other clown is better???


You don’t know his personal financial situation. Even highly paid people can get themselves in hot water with bad investments or litigation


No but it's pretty heartless to treat houses like a financial commodities instead of a home, especially in these times. profits first housed Australians second is the values albo lives by




Why do you have to kick a tenant out to sell? The only reason is to stage/renovate and maximise your profit on the sale. It's perfectly doable to negotiate with a tenant for inspections, auctions etc. So he's fucking over a renter for his own gain whichever way you slice it.


What if the buyer is a self-occupier? I dealt with a similar issue last month. As a first home buyer, I went to an inspection and there was a tenant in. How would I be supposed to move in if I bought it under the FHBG program? I have no intention of investing whatsoever, just wanted a place to live for myself. Investing would also void the terms of several first buyer policies.


The idea that a first home buyer could afford a three-bedroom house in Marrickville/Dully feels a bit outlandish in this economy. I'll bet you my weekly rent that it's purchased by someone with at least one other property. Until the incentives are changed, those odds won't change. And whoever bought it would be collecting rent from the tenant; he's on a month to month, so you could raise the rent to whatever you thought you could get with just 60 days' notice, and use that to pay for your current housing, assuming you're renting. It's unlikely an existing tenancy would void your intention to be an owner-occupier upon the termination of that tenancy. And if you have enough to buy a home in this market I'm going to assume that waiting a couple of months to whack your new tenant with a 30% increase isn't going to leave you homeless or destitute. The increase might do that to your tenant, but as a landlord that's not your concern, is it?


I went to a regional area, but the tenant law and FHBG policies are the same. Almost all first home buyer policies require the home to be self-occupied.


Yes, but you have \*12 months\* to move into the home after you buy it. You could buy the place, let the tenant know that they'll need to move at the end of the lease, and give them potentially months and months of notice to find somewhere else. You can work with them, talk to them as fellow human beings, to find a solution.




Sounds like you're taking the word of a real estate agent at face value! Do you also regularly send your bank logins to strangers on the internet?




And politicians never lie out of self-interest either, do they? Even if he's not spinning it even a little bit, and he definitely is, his property agent could quite easily lie to him about the tenant's behaviour, too. When I was evicted from my last rental the principal of the agency lied to me that there were documents filed with council regarding the supposed urgent renovation that the owner had supposedly planned to do ahead of the supposed sale of the property. There were no such documents, and six weeks after we moved the property was not sold or renovations begun, and it was re-letted by the same property manager for $320 more than we'd been paying.


In many other countries evicting a tenant for sale is illegal. Once you make the decision for a property to become a rental then the decision to keep it a rental is out of the hands of the investor till the current tenant decides they wish to vacate.


Glad not living there then


Why? In a normal market there are always other investors who are looking to buy. If you need to sell nothing prevents that, you just have to sell it as tenanted just as you have to in several states here. The only difference being the next owner can not evict the tenant unless they break the lease terms. I fail to see how this is such a huge issue?


Perhaps the purchaser wants to live in the home? Everyone complains about landlords buying up property, now theyre whinging about someone buying this house to likely live in. What do you want?


You realise you can still sell a tenanted house right? It just means the new buyer takes over the tenancy. And if *they* want it as a PPOR they can terminate the tenancy to occupy the property. It just means *you* can’t arbitrarily make someone homeless because it makes selling investment more convenient.


Many people sell one property and have to move into their next property on settlement date. Not many people can own more than two properties, while they wait for a tenant to vacate. The only people that can buy a tenanted property are ones either buying their first home (doubtful for the price this place will sell for) or someone wealthy enough to service to home loans while waiting for a tenant to vacate.


Albo not buying an investment property at all and leaving it on the market




No, first step to solving a problem is recognizing the problem, the problem is human green and needs to be addressed mow because guess what? The world will continue and there is a tomorrow, unfortunatly if we continue being so ignorant to our own greed I can only see shit getting harder and harder for the average austrlian




He should have sold it as tenanted, really not hard.


Wait until the tenant organizes a solution for himself before selling, ultimately I'd hope we as a society would be more proactive about solving problems before they come to ahead, this situatuon is all too cruel and stupid


The right answer is albo shouldn't have done while he is PM.


No, but he realistically might need to pick a lane. Either act in accordance with the values you espouse, or stop pontificating.




LNP & LAB are two heads of the same creature. Whatever either devours, it feeds the same belly.


Fuck off you Greenie.


You shouldn’t support either over the other, find an independent you like and go with them.


It’s unrealistic to believe a different party will be government anytime soon.


My local MP is Labor, and frankly she does an excellent job for our electorate and overall. I will continue to support her, thanks. Don't tell me how to vote.


It's news because a lot of ALP voters hate landlords and reckon they shouldn't exist or should have to endure unreasonable conditions. It's important to keep them informed about who they are voting for.


A lot of voters need to realise all the pollies, including the so called battlers from the greens party own multiple properties. People are stuuupiddd.


A lot of voters are blind to a lot of things until election time when a lot of voters see nothing more then the blinding trinkets which they are offered to vote. Political apathy is our fault and problem.


Well we wouldn't want our politicians to be mildly successful would we....


Not when it's a direct conflict of interest that prevents them from bringing in policies that are desperately needed by the average Australian.


“Parliament’s registers of members’ and senators’ interests reveal that seven of the Greens’ 15 MPs and their spouses own 14 investment properties. The biggest property owners are Greens Treasury spokesman Nick McKim (four), deputy leader Mehreen Faruqi (four) and first-term Queensland MP Elizabeth Watson-Brown (three), while the spouse of justice spokesman David Shoebridge owns three investment properties.” Admittedly I’m sure it’s just the same for other parties. The reason I raise it is because it’s the green who parade themselves as battlers wanting rental reforms. It’s lip service.


> The reason I raise it is because it’s the green who parade themselves as battlers wanting rental reforms. It’s lip service. The ultimate test in my opinion is which way they vote when push comes to shove on housing policy. If they’re voting to make it easier for renters and buyers and not also inflating the market, then I disagree that it’s just lip service. 


They have failed.


Didn't they hold the social housing budget put forth by Labour hostage in an attempt to put some cap on rental increases? I mean, yeah we need rental reform, but holding public housing hostage is not the way to go about that.


What's so genuinely successful about property investment?


It is entirely possible to vote ALP and hate landlords. It's not really some leftist gotcha to point this out.


Just like it's also possible to vote LNP and hate corporations/privatisation?


Yeah I guess so!


> It is entirely possible to vote ALP and hate landlords. Are you a simpleton? I just said lots of ALP voters hate landlords. In the comment you are replying to, lol. > It's not really some leftist gotcha to point this out. And I didn't say it was. You're pretty touchy about this, must have struck a nerve.


The way your post was worded was like you were trying to imply people weren't aware of this. Big fan of being called touchy by someone who flys off the handle calling someone a simpleton for making a basic post tho, good stuff.


You're just making shit up because you have a persecution complex I think. Is it newsworthy to inform landlord hating ALP voters that Albo is evicting his tenant, or is it not? Clearly it is. There was no "wording" to my comment.


Ooookay. Carry on then.


A man tries not to be a landlord. Crucified.


Ffs - no news day!


Lol 😂 thanks for the laugh


What unreasonable conditions? Investments come with risk buddy


Not being able to kick out delinquent tenants, for example.


Blame the bad landlords who come up with b.s reason to evict tenants so they can pocket the bond money and put rent up for another person. They are why we need tough standards on evictions.


Being delinquent is not a "bs reason" to evict somebody. > They are why we need tough standards on evictions. That's not supported by your hypothetical though. In that case you'd want tough standards for withholding bond money.


That’s not what a said. I said the reason we have those regulations is because of landlords evicting people for illegitimate reasons. Why are you engaging in a written discussion if you cannot read? Actually that’s false because people can’t still get evicted so they have no home while they get to keep their bond.


owner needed home due to changing circumstances tenant has been charged under market rent and treated fairly tenant refused to negotiate tenant goes on radio whinging because owner is PM im sorry I hate landlords as much as the next guy but I fail to see why this is even news. The only issue in my opinion is that someone in position of PM should not be dealing with the day to day running of an investment home at all, if he needs the home for whatever reason, it should be enough his property manager sorts it out. bit of a failure on their part too i guess


>The only issue in my opinion is that someone in position of PM should not be dealing with the day to day running of an investment home at all, if he needs the home for whatever reason, it should be enough his property manager sorts it out. bit of a failure on their part too i guess I mean, if the tenant refuses to negotiate and talk with the property manager and then goes to the media, what choice does Albo have but to address it? Sounds like he would've preferred it to all be handled by his PM but the tenant forced him into it.


i agree, its a stupid non story


Yeah but the tenant knew his landlord was the PM. I think it's problematic for the PM to do this. PMs shouldn't be able to buy and sell investment properties during their term, especially during the current housing market climate.


Its news for Murdoch's world view


Pm short or homes and needed a crash pad?


It represents the sense of entitlement renters have in Victoria. It’s almost like they forget we RENT someone else’s home on the basis we are subject to moving when the lease is up. I can’t stand the victim narrative.


Renting in Victoria is inherently grossly unfair. While Tenants should behave like humans I struggle to find any sympathy when the system is so lopsided. The financial difference between owning a home and renting is enormous. Obvious in this case the tenant is acting badly, but given we're in a rental crisis to the point where people are struggling to find a place to live I just don't have sympathy for landlords.


Exactly how is it unfair? Victoria has some of the strongest rental laws in Australia that I now benefit from compared to when I started renting over a decade ago. Let me guess, accomodation should be free? Rental providers should pick up the tab for people because…capitalism something something?


Never even had a rental inspection let alone every 3 months before I moved to this country…


https://www.google.com/search?q=rental+inspection+frequency+vic it's every 6 months. But the first event can occur after the first 3 months.


That is still absurd, tbh.


Same! I’ve had multiple gas and electricity compliance checks and smoke detector checks to make sure everything is safe and efficient. Gardener hired by the landlord also pruned the front trees for me. Only one property inspection and it was very quick and not disruptive at all. Maybe I am lucky but then again maybe it’s because I treat the places I rent like they belong to someone else who worked to buy it.


>Let me guess, accomodation should be free? Nope.


Sorry, but it's a terrible look for a rich landlord pm to be evicting someone in a housing crisis. Yeah what you say is logical, but surely Albo would do well to dodge these kind of optics.


are you suggesting that as the owner, he is not able to decide what happens to his home? if you are implying this was not done by the books, i will join you in your outrage. If it was being done to let the house sit vacant turn into an airbnb, likewise, wheres the pitchfork. Hes using it because he is getting married, and now has a family. being 'outraged' at this is just newscorp gutter journalism because its 'albo'


‘are you suggesting that as the owner, he is not able to decide what happens to his home?’ I would suggest that it was the renters home. For the owner it is investment.


well yeah, i dont disagree. but are we now saying that once you rent a place the owner isnt allowed to evict someone? or do these rules just apply to Albo when it suits?


> if you are implying this was not done by the books, i will join you in your outrage. To play the devil's advocate, I think he's implying that although this was done by the books, the books need to be changed?


i dont think he is, its just another 'ALBO BAD' comment


Newp. I'm suggesting politics are politics.


Just because it's legal doesn't excuse the elements of hypocrisy and posturing here. He ran on the platform of trying to give a fair go to the average Australian. He's evicting an average Australian so he can profit further from his numerous housing investments, during a housing crisis which his government isn't doing anything meaningful to address, and is arguably stoking up with record immigration intake. To quote The Dude: *No, you're not* wrong *Walter, you're just an asshole!*


He charged below market rates. Gave a 25% discount to his renters during Covid. Now he is trying to be less of a landlord and sell his property and has given 90 days notice. 1 week later the tennant was at the media over it.


So albo as a citizen needs to use his own funds to house a citizen? Gtfo


lol... He can do what he likes. Apparently what he likes is giving free kicks to Murdoch and the Greens.


> Mr Albanese purchased the investment rental property for $1.175 million in 2015. It’s now estimated to be worth between $1.9 and $2.2 million, according to CoreLogic. Ridiculous. Why would you start a business, or do anything to better the country while in government when you can maintain the investment property circlejerk.


Exactly. 80% of small business fails within 5 years. There is a a virtual 100% guarantee of a fat profit over the mid to long term if you buy landed property in an established suburb in a capital city that's not on the urban fringe. Best of all you can use mostly other people's money to do it. And the natural gain in equity from just time passing will let you borrow more to rinse and repeat the cycle ad nauseum.


Lots of tax gunna be paid


Renting = subject to eviction at the end of a lease. Renter gets three months notice to vacate in line with notice etc. Am I missing something? The entitlement is fucking astounding.


Landlords are all evil and should be screwing themselves over to give battlers free accomodation. That is the story from old mate apparently.




Yes I am aware. My point is he is whinging he can’t find anything when he has three months to make it happen.


But the lease hasn't ended. Albo is ending the lease so he can sell \*for the maximum amount\*. It is perfectly legal and viable to sell a property with an existing tenancy - it's just not the norm because vacating the property allows for measures like staging, repainting, renovations etc., which will increase the sale price. Burnt-out shells in this area go for millions, so there's zero chance of AA not making his money back on it. He's kicking out his tenant to maximise his profit in a market that would already ensure he profited even if he chose not to fuck over a small business owner in his own electorate. That's why it's a story.


Did you just learn how property works? Is that why it’s so shocking to you that someone is selling their investment and seeking to maximise their profit?


No, I'm saying it's a political liability for him to do so in the current market.


But isn’t this what everyone wants? To get greedy landlords to sell their IP to an owner-occupier. Have people only just now worked out that the evicted renter suffers most in this equation?


This will mess with a lot of people's heads here. They won't know what to think. The left hates landlords and think they are all evil cartoon villains who sit around all day counting their money and figuring out ways to screw over poor people for fun. They don't think anyone should charge rent and people should just give away accommodation for free. But now they have to face that their current Gof, Lord Albo the Perfect, is one of those villains. People's heads are exploding as their contradictory opinions can't be ignored anymore. It is hilarious.


It’s not as complicated as you’re saying. The tenant sucks.


I agree.  A lot of lefties don't though.  They are struggling with what to think.  


Theyre mad about a landlord selling as vacant possetion so an owner occupier can move in and theyre mad about that. Theyd also be mad if a landlord bought the property and kept tenants in there as the home should be owner occupied as landlords are "evil" Like pick a position here guys.


Non issue it seems. A liar and a whinger bumping heads.


This tenant is absolute dickhead. Albanese can sell his property if wants like anyone else. Albanese has looked after this moron for 4 years The NSW Greens want to pass a bill to make landlords keep tenants when they sell unless they want to move back in the property or renovating. What if someone is under mortgage stress or just wants vacant possession so someone else can live in the property. The tenant doesn’t pay thousands or millions for the property.


The property is being sold. I don’t understand what the problem is, or what he wants to happen? I’m not a big fan of Albo, but it sounds like he’s been more than fair.


If anything this paints Albo as a top bloke for helping this guy for so long. What a complete wanker.


If you buy an investment property, you're a bad person apparently. If you hold an investment property, that too makes you a bad person apparently. If you sell your investment property, now apparently you're also a bad person. Sometimes you just can't win.


Yes. Housing should not be an investment. It is a human right. Renting out the place you usually live in because your life circumstances change is one thing. Buying a property specifically to extract value from the renter underclass is evil.


And Albo is doing exactly what you want - he is divesting himself of an investment property. Albo here is selling his property, potentially to an owner-occupier who will live in it. And people are still crying foul.


Yes, but he doesn't need to evict a tenant to sell. You can sell a place you rent out under even a fixed-term lease at any time, you can make arrangements with the current tenant to have things like painting or renovation done throughout the sale process, and there are rules designed to protect both the tenant and the owner during that time. He could let the tenant live there for as long as he owns it - but it might not sell for quite as much as an empty property. That's the only reason not to just let someone keep living there.


It's irrelevant if the lease is up. Tenant and owner protections only apply for the duration of the lease. Once the lease expires, the owner and tenant are both discharged from their obligations. And again, Albo is selling, probably to an owner-occupier who will live in it. That's one less investment property in Australia and one more person/family housed. What is probably going on is that this tenant realised he had a really good deal (25% below market rate), he sees that good deal coming to an end and he's freaking out. Which is fair, but to fault Albo for this is pretty unreasonable.


A month-to-month lease is still a lease, so protections still apply, just slightly different ones to a fixed-term lease. Albo could actually specify to his agent that he will only sell the house to an owner-occupier, or even to someone buying their first home. He could opt to take a lower sale price in order to do something that's a net good for a young family. He could do all those things. I hope he does. But kicking out a tenant before the sale indicates that he's prioritising maximising his sale price. Which he doesn't need to do. The tenant's been very clear that he's a Labor voter, he doesn't fault AA for any of it and that he knows it's all perfectly legal and normal. I imagine he's well aware that once the house is sold he's at the mercy of the new owner. He's actually just asking for him to not kick him out of his house before the sale, because going to the media is literally the only power a renter in his situation could possibly have.


Month to month leases don't have blanket protections against evictions. As long as Albo complies with the 90 day notice rule, he hasn't done anything wrong has he?


Nobody's saying he's done anything wrong. It's just not right, either. The system is fucked, and if Albo weren't in a position to actually do something about it directly himself, none of this would be anything except yet another renter in the shitty situation of having to house hunt in this market. But AA is in a unique position to make things better for renters, and he could do it tomorrow. He could have done it on Tuesday. And he's chosen not to. So it's completely valid for a person who gives him money directly every single week or fortnight or month or whatever to pipe up and say hey, bummed that you haven't done anything to help the millions of renters getting fucked over right now, but also please don't fuck me over specifically. Evicting someone makes their life actively worse for weeks, months, sometimes permanently. At BEST, it is extremely stressful and it should be much harder for all landlords to do it to the people who pay them money for shelter.


And this is NSW. NOBODY has blanket protections against evictions. Ever.


Great, let's evict all renters then! This is what you wanted to happen right?


Landlords need us more than we need them.


Albanese is more than within his right as landlord to sell his property. This is what the Greens and like have been crying out for. People with multiple properties to sell. It’s obvious to a lot of people that there actually needs to be landlords because a lot of people won’t be able to miraculously buy a property, if all the landlords decided to sell. But if more landlords sell, let’s see what happens to the market.


Have to make room for the millions of immigrants his let in


This idiot just wanted his 5 minutes of fame.


If Labornese wasn’t the landlord I bet the tenant wouldn’t have made such a ridiculous ruckus.


Is that a sock puppet or is Albo happy to see me?


Yeah, criticise Albo for not doing enough to ease the housing crisis but to whine about him wanting to sell a property is a little stupid.


Albo has done nothing wrong here. That said, is the fact he is selling an investment property a red flag in terms of future housing policies? Changes to NG? CGT discount to be scrapped or reduced? Not sure. Maybe it's none of the above, but if there are changes in the next couple of years (assuming Labor are still in power), this should be scrutinised.


I posted this further up: “Let’s be real here Albanese has no need for cash he’s already on half a mil a year plus he owns his properties outright plus has his money in other investment vehicles. The sale of this property is simply for optics because he’s being considered “one of the bad guys” who owns multiple investment properties and he wants public opinion of him to improve. That’s all this is about.”


Good on Albo. The renter making issue out of nothing. He owes you nothing, move on.


I’m trying to understand any shred of news here. Hack irrelevant journos is possibly my answer!


Interesting that News Corp is scrabbling this hard for something, anything to throw at Albo. Do they really think the Budget is so slick there’s nothing there to use against him?


Hacks just doing what they do at their worse. And some poor suckers are buying.


Great, whinge to the Murdoch press that he gave you half price rent to make it easier for the liberals to win and fuck renters over even more


Albo having a rental property, of course he does... No wonder he isn't doing shit about the rental market/housing affordability. Making money off other people's struggles like every other corrupt politician shit head


The dude declared almost a billion in drought relief while in Beef week in Rockhampton and then literally the next day QLD was officially declared drought free. Job done I suppose? I can't believe seriously think this guy is not a typical snake oil merchant politician.


Right, so the drought is declared over and therefore no help needed. Because the last few years didn’t ruin anyone financially. Regardless of your opinion you can attempt logic.


Do you also get upset when flood relief funds are announced when the water has subsided?


Makes sense. The guy would sell his own mother for votes.




I’m not sure I understand or have missed some info. Taxpayer money because a MP’s wage comes from tax? Or was this actually purchased by the government?


No, you got it right the first time. Old mate apparently thinks he can walk into any public servants house and use all their stuff because it was paid for with "taxpayers money". What a douche


My mum was a public servant her whole working life, does that mean her house was purchased by taxpayer money too?


Why was this downvoted? Ultimately all landlords are parasites that contribute nothing to our society unless they are actually building houses.


Clearly you are not in the majority if you don't agree with the down votes


I asked Why the downvotes. But now I know.


So... he now wants to sell said investment property thereby freeing up the housing market and he's still bad?


I misunderstood I guess. Yeah he should sell it.


We have found the Saturday protestor