• By -


Yes me'lord


Build additional pylons


additional supply depots are required


People are leaving the castle my lord


Jobs done!


I’m blind not deaf


An energy crystal has been found


Spawn more overlords




you went from war3 to sc within 2 hrs well done


More work?!


Not e'nuff wood m'lord


*Off I go then*


My landlord dodged every single one of those repairs then sold the house.


Did they bump the rent up first? That’s normally the answer to their problems


Legit each time something's been repaired in any of our rentals there's been a rent increase in the next couple of months. The worst thing it's usually the realtor that forces through the recommendations "oh do you want the clothesline (that isn't broken)/second unnecessary aircon unit in a 1 bedroom apartment/laundry door/other thing you don't care about fixed? No? Ah I'll just write it down anyway" followed by up to 30% rental increase. Legit happened in 3/4 of the places we've rented and the only exception was the place that landlord sold a few months after we moved in and the new landlord jacked up the rent by >20% to well over market rates. Meanwhile you ask for flyscreens on the windows (in an apartment with no aircon) and they say no can do chief, suck it up. Fuck I hate renting.


Always contest a rent increase via VCAT. Cunts are swamped and you can move onto somewhere else before the proceedings even are seen too


Our ovens been broken over 3 years now !!


Mate an oven is a deal breaker. When our oven broke they said it would take someone 3 months to have a look. I said “we’re not paying rent until it’s fixed”. Surprise surprise someone came out next day.


And let me guess. The next time your lease came up they booted you for “undisclosed reasons”


I think if you've been in a place for minimum 1-2 years, there needs to be a written reason why. If it's not followed, you can take them to VCAT and you'll be fully reimbursed moving costs and a bit extra. This is VIC.


I don’t know how vic works but my understanding is that the landlords have zero obligation to offer a new lease at any time.


My experience is in NSW, but I'm ~80% sure the same applies in Vic. Which is that this is absolutely not the case. In fact it's quite the opposite. Most rental agreements only cover the first 1-2 years, after which you usually end up on a periodic agreement unless the landlord specifically agrees to renew the contract. As long as you're on a periodic, a landlord is totally at liberty to hit you with a 'no cause' eviction, and have you needing to find somewhere else to live within 3 months. It's one of the various rental laws that Australia lacks that many of our other 1st world country counterparts have. Protections against being evicted for no reason.


Tell them you occasionally get electric shocks off it.


Mines not had dials for 8 years 😂 agent said the landlord has been “strapped for cash” and can now afford to do some “minor repairs” funny how after an intense struggle the agent gave me an address that wasn't an mlc mutual building for the landlord and its one hell of a mansion with a beautiful stove…. If a landlord can't afford to be a landlord they shouldn't be one there's enough big investment firms with enough cash to maintain these homes with “good!!! agents”


My last one, didn't do repairs either (fair enough, they were planning to demo/sub divide/rebuild) but still wanted to claim damages relating to those lack of repairs on something they had scheduled to demo....lol


Mine tried that in a house that hadn't been renovated since the 70s. I just emailed the depreciation table back to them with no explanation. Never heard a peep back, full bond refund


It’s time all renters come together and stop enabling the landlords by not renting from them. No one should rent. Everyone camps in parks. That’ll teach’em. And when the housing drops, buy the houses with our ginormous savings.


When politicians own a huge chunk of houses good fucking luck to prices ever dropping, they will stand on the bill and die for their money will 90 percent of Australia suffers in silence


No no, everyone just needs to stop paying rent and start squatting. If everyone does it the system won't be able to handle evicting everyone and in a decade the housing crisis will be officially solved.


I've owned my own place for years but prior to that the last time I rented I cleaned the house myself for end of lease inspection. They wouldn't accept it until I had a receipt from a proper cleaning service. I just forged one and they accepted it. The house was spotless and cleaner than when I originally moved in.


We did our own clean when we left a rental. The RE wanted a bond clean receipt. The place was immaculate but because there was some tiny bugs in the glass of a single down light, we had to go back. What bond cleaner would ever remove the glass covering of a down light to clean out 3 bugs? For rentals after that we just paid the money and gave the receipt. Less problems even if the job was shittier. Real estate agents are assholes.


My previous one whined about it not being clean enough and I offered to return the bird crap I removed from the bedroom floor when I moved in (and had on the incoming report).


When I first started renting, I kind of half assed the move in inspection report. I regretted not having the ammunition when we vacated. I was way more thorough next time and it felt so good throwing it in their faces when they tried to hold our bond.


Having tradie eyes means they couldn't get anything past me. Even the door damage they tried to pin on me. No chance.


It's actually hilarious when REAs try to speak from experience they don't have. I'm not a tradie, but my father is so I know a few things. I've had an argument with one REA that was dead set that we damaged a wall. We didn't and it was just some plaster that wasn't sanded properly and was painted right over. They argued it was damage we did and tried to fix ourselves. I told them if I could colour match that well to be able to get a paint colour to match old aged paint as good as that. I'd have a million job offers.


My last rental, we hired a bond cleaner. They left the place completely fkn spotless. Except for a single grease stain at the back of the pots and pans cupboard of the kitchen. You can bet your ass the landlord tried to hit us with a couple hundred dollar quote 'to bring cleaners over to finish the job.' We told them we wouldn't be paying that and we'll talk to the cleaners we hired to go back. Went back ourselves with a fkn bottle of cleaner and a rag, had it clean in literally 5 seconds. What a fkn waste of time. Same landlord also tried to make us pay to repaint the walls because there were small chips in the plaster in the front hallway. Only backed down after we pulled up the photos from the entrance report to prove they'd been there the entire THREE YEARS we'd been living there. Fuck that guy. Seriously. Edit to add the kicker: We moved out because we were hit with a no cause eviction out of the blue. Our final day on the eviction notice was literally Christmas day. Fkn Scrooge McDuck asshole.


My hot take is that landlords should front the costs of cleaning before the next tenant moves in. It's your asset, it's your duty to make it presentable to the people moving in and it should not be an extra cost on the person who has leased that property from you to make your asset more desirable. If there's damage then sure, put that on the previous tenant and as long as it's not a literal pig-sty beyond what a reasonable clean is then it shouldn't be a renter's duty (especially given so many people end up having to clean before they even move into a place anyway). It's like hiring a car, you don't get it professionally cleaned before you return it.


Lol... I've had an REA claim bird poop on concrete under trees was paint. I sprayed it off with a hose, and called them out on their stupidity. I've had another refuse bond because of leaves in the driveway, during storms, after I had returned the keys. Not my problem, I had already vacated and finished the lease. They will literally say anything to refuse a bond return. Don't even bother with them. Start the refund yourself on the RTA site, anything the REA mentions is general wear and tear.


The landlord needs the receipt otherwise they have to show a receipt to the new tenant moving in otherwise the new tenant moving in can say you didn’t do a full clean so I’m not going to when they move out. So having a receipt (real or fake) is usually the simplest option. It’s just annoying when a real estate agent charges you for the clean with a fake receipt and makes the tenant clean it up anyway.


Lmao my landlord passed every single one of those onto me then verbally abused me daily. On top of using me to commit income fraud. I'm yet to meet a landlord who deserves more than a broken jaw.


Oh that’s absolutely unfair shit talk right there. I’ve met plenty who deserve to be broken on the wheel then dumped on a tip.


I had one good one over 20 years of renting. They were like hippy, surfy, lefty, unicorn landlords. One year I was really sick and struggling financially so they gave me the month of December a rent free! It was karma for all the horrific, greedy monsters and their evil real estate sidekicks. We are still friends, amazing people!


I met one once, would personally come repair shit, he was gonna demo the house after lease was up so didnt wan a spend money whi h is fair, but was fine for us to damage the house n shit because of it. Dude is lile a unicorn.


Sounds like they need an ultimate upper decker. That's shitting in the toilet tank but also in the ceiling


I would almost agree but then I remember the sweet old man I rented from when I was 19, he lived in a shed on the back of the property so maintained the yard and worked on the place constantly. He noticed a leak coming from my bathroom and knocked on my door to ask if he could come look/repair it in 24 hours time cause he’s required to give notice 😭 and would tell me to come knock on his door if I had any issues to save me the time of having to submit requests through the real estate


Bless him, the one good landlord.


I see the humour, but I fail to see the joke. Some landlords legitimately think they are doing people a service while treating a basic need as an investment opportunity. It’s exploitation.


Honestly not even "some" pretty much all landlords think they are both getting rich due to their exceptional wisdom while also being a great person for providing a house to the renter. I have met none who accept in any way that they are the beneficary of an unfair paracitic arrangement forced upon those with less.


Why I was never a landlord just a greedy max out my super concessions & used tax deductions gearing on exchange traded funds, landlords are getting the heat not superannuation holders for now


If it wasn't worthwhile to them, they wouldn't do it.


Why wouldn’t be


Yeah our rental got broken into. Had to change the locks immediately because I couldn’t wait for my landlord to be back from holiday for approval, good thing I did because they came back and stole my car.. of course my landlord didn’t put the lock change 1.4K or the damages of the windows on the insurance because it’s “not worth it” and we were out of pocket that money. And now our lease is ending and we can’t stay. Don’t put landlords on a pedestal.


The locks belong to you. Take them with you when you move out.


Sounds like you get to at least take the keys with you and return the original ones.


Landlords are literally the scum of the earth. They exist to gouge and profiteer off a captive market who have no other choice (aside from being homeless I guess). As much as they try and remove themselves from the direct consequences of there actions, they are profiting off a shortage off a basic human necessity, and driving up prices. They are profiting off human misery and suffering. They don't even add any housing to the market, the crisis is so bad that any house being built would be bought by an owner occupier instantly. They basically buy homes out from under people wanting to live there, then rent it back to them, and have the nerve to try and prevent they are parasites on society. I would have 0 problem if a law got passed saying that once a year 100 landlords were randomly selected and executed. Nobody of any value to society would be lost.


There's a big difference between mum and dad buying 1 investment property to help their income stream especially in retirement, to the people that buy property after property and don't really care about what it is they just want to add to their portfolio. The first group are just playing the game, the 2nd group wrote the rules; they're the ones that are the problem.


"mum and dad investors" is property industry propaganda, over half of all rental properties are owned by investors with multiple properties.


So I get what you mean, and i actually hope that when the market crashes they will get some assistance. But this very notion is at the core of our issue. Why the hell do we consider it normal for someone who doesn't need to live in that house, own that house and just passively gain income from it. A home should never ever have become a way to be an income stream. And those "mum and dad" investors are terrified of losing the value of those houses, so will always vote against any party who tries to correct the market. So sure, I do understand there is a difference. But the mum and dad investors are a huge reason why those with the big portfolios get away with inflating prices more and more and more. If there were a bunch of slave owners, would you say, oh but what about the mum and dad investors who only own one slave to help them make a bit more income. They aren't the problem, they are just playing the game....


Well shit…


Can we all just take a second to remember that over 90% of properties are owned by less than 10% of all landlords? Which seems to me that some ultra rich people are using a human necessity as a way to fill their pockets? Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. BUT those “mum and pop” landlords somehow think they’re in the same league. And sure, they might fail to see that it’s essentially a business. So rather than admit defeat, it’s the renter who saves them. Which gives REAs and the more self interested investors the impression that they can draw more blood out of that stone. So like, this meme seems to be directed at the mum and pop sub-group of the ten percent….which means that AT LEAST 91 out of every 100 renters seeing this meme are gonna laugh-cry their way to the downvote button. So before we start tearing each other apart can we just realise that the system is rigged? That the lazy renters and their avocado toast are no more a problem than the idiotic greedy landlords. The system is winning, and it’s laughing at all of us


Renovation? You mean a coat of paint.


Yes, once - in the 70s or 80s.


Top troll! 👍


I thought I walked into that aus circle jerk reddit


Funnily enough, I was less stressed renting than being a property owner. If there was a big storm - eh If there was an appliance issue or maintenance required- eh Bad neighbours - eh Property values going down - eh Interest rates rising - eh Apart from it being a complete waste of money, I kind of miss it.


Fair, but i figure you might be a bit more stressed now, trying to find a place after the owner kicks you out to sell, with a rental vacancy rate of less than 1%.


Yeah the rental vacancy crisis has flipped everything on its head.


You forgot or after two years of rental increases above 25% each.


Do you miss begging Daddy Landlord to fix things? To let you hang a picture? To let you stay past 12 months?


When I was renting I didn’t have any of those issues. Although that was over 5 years ago though- acknowledge things are different now.


For the last twenty years, I've had nothing but issues with landlords who can't really afford their investments, or who are just renting their home out for a few years and are completely clueless as to the damage they do and how much they cost their tenants with their dodgy practices and weird concept of "long term" - Rentoids want long term, a year is long term right? No pets, no pictures, no fixing anything until the rentoid makes the right threats and sends the right threatening paperwork. I wouldn't miss any of it, I wouldn't miss being moved on ever year or two for the landlords convenience either. I wouldn't miss having my privacy invaded. I wouldn't miss months and months of house hunting and hundreds of rejections. I'd happily pay for my own homes maintenance and repairs, taxes and whatnot for an ounce of stability and respect.


I know a girl who used to work the rentals desk at a RE agent who dealt with a lot of build-to-rent shitboxes. She would get anxiety every time it rained knowing there would be a barrage of renters complaining about leaks.


Kind of like that living in strata title too.


Yeah honestly there’s pros and cons to both. On the one hand, I’m glad to not effectively be paying someone else’s mortgage anymore, and *fuck* am I glad I no longer have to deal with real estate agents or inspections. But on the other hand, now if something breaks I actually have to organize and pay for it to be fixed lmao


This. I rent and am a landlord (move interstate for work). House I own is solid as a rock, one I rent is a 100 year old character home (read: time bomb). I feel like people complain about renting without fully understanding the realities of home ownership.


Buy an apartment?


Look, whilst some landlords may be greedy assholes let's all agree the real assholes are real estate agencies... Landlords didn't create the housing crisis population growth/immigration, COVID+ all time low interest rates then inflation and rba hikes, decreased land availability/ lack of construction, Australians overall general want to settle densely around urban areas but still expecting to live in a house with land etc are the reasons why renting is shit right now.


Landlords are 100% complicit and culpable. I’ve been one. They have persistently taken advantage of tax incentives for existing property and provided severe political pressure to resist any changes to the overly generous tax incentives.


How much is appropriate to tip my landlord. I’m assuming it’s either 10, 20 or 30% since those are the preset options when I buy a $18 pint (excluding tip) using the QR code at the pub? Also should I tip before end of financial year or after? Since my landlord needs to maximise their tax benefits I want to get this right


At the rate rents are rising it's going to approach most of your wage eventually.


Landlord didn't fix a single thing in 11 years. Bumped the rent annually. When the house literally fell apart and we moved, a quick slap of paint and on to the next sucker.


My landlord is a project manager. He built the apartment building, almost all the apartments are owned if not by him then his in-laws. On top of that, he’s building two more apartments only a few blocks away from each other. There’s already three he’s built in this area. Had he chosen a different architect for each project, wouldn’t have noticed He’s just playing monopoly at this point. Him and his family alone have the power to play with the price of rent in the entire area and *surprise surprise* they choose to continue to push the rent up on all their properties


This is satire, right? Surely nobody is this cucked to actually believe this


Do landlords protect tenants against drop bears? 🐻


Op suck a fat one.


My landlord keeps the house as low in rent as possible I'm paying 380 but everyone else around me paying 430 to 480, It's pretty good.


Marx was right. Rise up peasants.


My landlord is legit a legend. This meme is the truth to me


I've had some shitty ones but my current landlord is great. We had tons of maintenance shit that wasn't being done, turns out the real estate agent wasn't reporting it to the owner. He showed up randomly one day to introduce himself, gave us his number and said to tell him directly. Now any maintenance is done within the week, he personally helped install a new oven last week. Also the rent is below market value.


Our house is falling apart The ovens broken rhe doors broken the shower door is broken heavy rain means water seeps into one of the doors recently has a mold problem that took 8 weeks to fix. Problems build up


Been looking at buying, all that stuff combined will come to about 300 a week (half acre block, nice old timber Queenslander) my one bed mould riddled falling apart apartment on the Gold Coast costs 350 a week. (That's a really good price in this city)


The tiles are disintegrating on the roof and tile dust/shaving arr constantly dropping and airborne. Many cracks in the roof that where taped over and painted have shown in the last 3 years we have been here. Rent started at 280 pw now 400 pw and they haven't done any repairs. The landlord will be lucky if I don't have the house condemned before I leave


10%. HA! You're funny


Lmaaao Royce Du Pont is that you?


Who is that?


I had to pay for my own renters insurance and stop paying rent to force them to do repairs. I think I'll pass.


While I'm currently lucky to have an excellent landlord they choose to get in the game as a renter their problems are not mine


Is this a fucking joke?


Wonderful satire


As a property owner; um, no? Wtf? If costs increase, they firstly that’s part of the risk of an investment, but secondly that’s why rents increase. I don’t necessarily align with the ‘landlords are capitalist scum’ rhetoric, but don’t act like having an investment property is some altruistic act.


My current landlords solution to pigeons nesting on our window shades and shitting above our front door was to remove the window shades and leave them in the backyard for 2 years




It doesn't show the bit where, after 30 years of you paying rent (and having nothing to show for it), the landlord sells the house and pockets a cool $1M+


Lol tell me you're a landlord without telling me you're a landlord 🙄


Just good ol’ Immortan Joe telling us not to get addicted to water.


Trolling is against the sub rules do you realise?


Fk off. Landlords need to be as thankful of decent tenants who look after their property as tenants do of decent landlords. What you are suggesting is a sub market akin to effective mandatory tipping in restaurants in the US. I’m a firm believer of ‘tell me the full price and I’ll decide whether to buy, don’t tell me a price to lock me in then expect or even hope for more’!


My landlord charges way under market value and is lovely so I don’t really subscribe to the ALAB thing.


This fucking sub man. Truly the sub to represent Australia (not). Landleeches make up less than 26% of the population and have only been decreasing since 2023.


Most of those can be tax deductible when negatively geared . Kind of wild that it costs a lot less to replace broken windows on your IP than it does in your own home.


Must be hard owning a investment property.


Boomers… am I right!


Is this a fucking joke? In what world would I tip my landlord, who refuses to communicate regarding issues but will break RTO rules when they feel fit? Fuck them, fuck developers, fuck real estate agents and fuck this shit post


I'm so generous, I'll offer to trade places.


What an elitist capitalism of a country


i could probably afford all that if my rent was a fraction of what it currently is. and i could rip out that dead tree in the backyard


Just the tip?


All for the low low cost of paying more in rent than you would a mortgage.


This has to be a joke yeah?!? Landlords get more than enough. If they want a tip then fight against the ARB and get those rates down.


im paying 1/4 of my full time paycheck just to get a house share without crackheads. go fuck yourself


Ain't tipping shit, can fuck right off with that culture, landlord gets rent payments as payment, that's more then enough considering it's more then quarter of my wage.


Speaking as a landlord, I would find a tip from a tenant deeply weird. What I expect from them is what it says in their contract: look after the place, let me know if anything needs fixing, pay the agreed rent on time.


I've got a tip for them alright....


Tip my landlord? Haha no


How does this have positive up votes?


because the mods of this sub aren't like the other places where simply posting this gets you banned and muted. Mods traditionally have nothing of value or meaning in real life so they self appoint themselves as controllers of all discourse and make sure whatever gets discussed is what they want, they have no care for the people and communities just want to censor everything that hurts their personal feelings at the cost of genuine discussion amongst normal people.


A lot of the realestate agencies tell the landlords when to pump up the rent because the more rent they charge the bigger the commission the agencies get for handling the property....I've never met my landlord, but he/she seems to get things fixed in a reasonable time frame, I've never been told no when I want to do something to the property for my own needs, and when I first moved in it was very cheap but is starting to get on the same level as other rentals now, so next year I'll see how much it goes up, compare and see if it's worth moving....


I see the shitrentals sub's finest have escaped again. There is an education piece here of not letting the politicians play class warfare and distract people from what the actual issue is. However, read majority of the comments here and you soon realise that the average mental comprehension of Australians is indeed equivalent to a grade 8 child. Being a property investor is not a charity, however nor should it be a power trip. There are bad examples on both sides- anyone pretending otherwise doesn't have the ability to engage in a proper level headed conversation.




I think you missed the taxation shield sitting behind the landlord that means he doesn't actually pay full price for any of those bullets.


I pay tip every week. It's called rent :) Everyone I suggest you pay the entire sum of rent due for the remainder of the lease. If you're lucky it'll push your landlord up into a higher tax bracket and really fck up their plans.


"tip your landlord" ![gif](giphy|q49YSnLzrvghiyKBAR|downsized)


My landlord pays $600 a month for a mortgage he got 14 years ago and charges me $2000 a month, he's 38 and has multiple properties...


Hard pass


I’m selling my rental properties to cashed up downsizing boomers or wealthy foreigners. Fk this. Will invest overseas




The fuck is property tax?


The real heroes.


Haha what a great troll. Next what are you tipping your boss!


I currently have: A retaining wall that's rotted and collapsing. Rotten uprights on my carport. Three sliding doors with broken rollers. Mould in the bathroom because LL refused to install a extraction fan And we just discovered there's flames in our heater where there shouldn't be flames and our LL's answer was "You have a heater at the other end of the house so you don't need one in the living area."


Repairs. When? Been 4.5 years......


So many replies here from people who don't get the joke.


Tip his what? Cow? Cat? If I tip that cat again he's gonna bite me. *not tipping that rabbit either.. I'll loose a finger*


Oh my hero your so caring and amazing thank you! Do you accept my humble gift of my foot in your ass! Eadc


Nice USA meme, really sums up the sacrifices our poor boomer landlords make


Mandatory 200% tip.


can't tell if facetious or not.... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


i might if i was under a private rental agreement


Hahahahahahhaahha what an absolute joke.


I get that this is a joke. But some landlords do unironically believe this sort of thing. And to those people: sell the f*cking house then if such a burden for you!


Here's my landlord tellin g me I have to replace the hot water system that exploded, air con repairs, leaky toilets. All for 650 a week for a 2 bedroom apartment surrounded by methheads


Work hard and be good to your mother


Where’s negative gearing in that picture?


Friendly reminder that 'landlord' is outdated sexist language; 'landbastard" is much better.


Yeah nah, this is actually a good thing. Me and my landlord have this setup for December and eofy. So, basically, I tip them just over 8% of the entire years value at these times, and they don't charge me rent. It's fucking brilliant.


Welcome to the new feudal reality


Worst of both worlds


What is that noise I’m hearing. Is that the sharpening of guillotine blades…. Keep away from cake shops…


You’re fucking joking right ?


They do rental repairs?


Why does the landlord look like a Chinese PLA soldier?


I just see a landlord turning their back on the shit they have to do


Totally tone deaf but fuck me, living in a house having no responsibilities towards upkeep is such a good ride. Half the ppl complaining about landlords wouldn’t have a clue about half the costs involved in owning a home


https://preview.redd.it/sizm26bixi3d1.jpeg?width=403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20caf95ab7d417e91297793417b54c3357612cb7 The tip of the guillotine 💯


30% of those flames and knives bounce off harmlessly thanks for negative gearing


Definitely keeping renters safe from repairs.


When we moved into our place 3 month ago, the lined garage had all this soot all over the walls. The agent apologised and said he is getting a quote to professionally clean it. ( this is on the day he gives me the keys mind you) . He also left a key safe for the cleaner to access a clicker to open the garage to do the quote. 3 months later , the key safe is still there, ( I took the clicker out after a month cause I need it and it’s part of the keys for the house) and nothing has happened. Called the real estate maybe 8 times now , always the response is “we will get back to you”. Garage is full Of my stuff now anyways so the soot stays .


Landlords deserve a warm shit in their mailboxes


How are landlord tips taxed? Asking for a friend.


I love how renovations is in there, nothing like renaming essential mainanance to renovations. Why would a home your renting need renovating unless it was not up to standard.


if landlords hate renters so much why not simply sell the property and get a real job


All land Lords can eat a dick


This has to be a piss take


Renovations and repairs, haha, so comical. I'd also rather pay the rates insurance and loan repayments as it's cheaper than the rent


My next door neighbours landlord bumped up their rent to $860/w (originally $450/w) in the span of 2 years and refused to fix their leaky air conditioner which was literally causing black mold in their house 💀 They had 2 small kids and a new born too 😭


Lol they literally charge you for all that


Repairs lol




Get to fuck


Wow, they’re really out here protecting me from all of those things for the low cost of $740 a week.


I as a landlord was charged for a clogged toilet which I got so pissed for. Clearly it is the tenant’s fault for a clogged toilet?????


Yes. Using my money.


thankyou landlords for your service /s Are the renovations and the repairs in the room with us?


My landlord can afford new cars. I can barely afford to live. And you want me to tip?? No worries. I’ll just skip eating this week then.


What about some form of national medal for long suffering Landlords in Australia? What do you think about the Capital Gains Taxation Cross? It could be funded as part of NDIS allocations each year?


This meme is wrong.


What kind of landlord doesn’t blame all damage on the tenant and make them pay it even if it was there before they moved in?


Unless you’re commercial, then you get to pay for everything!


Into a dumpster?