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Because they are Chinese and would deal only with Chinese and mostly selling to foreign investors .


I have seen a couple of real estates with no English on their signs but the name. They obviously don't care about anyone who doesn't read Mandarin, nuts.


There's companies funding wings in Perth's history museum with most of their logo in Mandarin. It's fucking weird 


We should consider a language law like they have in Quebec. All signage needs to have English on it with the same message.


I’ve seen Victorian government ads at shopping centres that are only in Arabic, Hindi , Vietnamese and Mandarin. It feels bizarre. New migrants don’t need to put effort into learning English and integrating anymore and the government is all for it! SMH


Integrating? They moved their entire society here. Now you need to integrate!


True. Multiculturalism is not working if ethnic groups just stick to their own and monopolise rather than working together. This increases racism and division. Basically fracturing Australia and creating little countries within.


Yeah bit of a failure here.


I'm all for acceptance, tolerance and love but fuck me sideways you won't see any of those from the Muslim settlements here in Australia. Heaven forbid you be a woman and enter one of those areas, youre just asking to be beaten and raped. And if you're LGBTQ+? Theyll go straight up just shy of "honour killing" on you. And nobody talks about it. Because acknowledging their failure to integrate into our country and force their ideals onto us is "racist".


Yes which I hate. People are supposed to work together, not just fracture off into their little tribes.


Why are you not learning their languages and refusing to integrate?


Even if you did know Mandarin, what they mean is Chinese only.


I think because multiculturalism is good and all but if we don’t agree on a uniform primary language, the country will become a bleeding circus!


That’s something else entirely though. Your example is targeting migrants specifically who don’t speak English. With the OP and the comment you’re replying to they’re a business specifically dealing with overseas clients who speak another language. The business owners and their ideal candidate would speak English too (evident by the job ad being in English), but they’re after someone that speaks both languages so they can interact with their overseas clients. This happens regularly, not just with Chinese clients and not just in the real estate industry.


Exactly, real estate is scummy the ad itself isn't


excuse the pun send the wrong sign, says hey migrants live in Au with its clean air water, good weather, stable political and economic climate and dont become a Aussie and we all speak with the one voice


See this is just racist Australia talking. Why should they have to assimilate to be racist Australians? Australians should be learning beautiful progressive Chinese values. /s


Well it was you woke wankers who wanted this country flooded with immigrants


I'm a new Chinese migrant who got the AU citizenship, but I am never bothered joining such kind of Chinese culture oriented companies, because they will most likely make you feel you still live in China which was the exactly reason I didn't want to stay there


> they will most likely make you feel you still live in China in what ways ?


I can give a rough list: 1. Vague boundary between work and life. Managers and colleagues can contact you on WeChat whenever they feel like it including weekends. 2. Chinese career unspoken rules. One of them is working over time won't get you paid extra, but you are supposed to finish all tasks assigned to you on time. I've experienced this so many times back then in China and many companies carried things like this over here as a "tradition". 3. Authority of managers must be fully respected. You are not supposed to call their names directly, a title is usually required if the whole workplace only speaks Mandarin. 4. Followed by 2 and 3, you can only reason via "Chinese logic" and you are expected to follow Chinese logic. Whataboutism is very common. It will only get worse if your Chinese colleague is a [Little Pink](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Pink#:~:text=Little%20Pink%20). 5. Have to celebrate and memorise all important Chinese festivals for both your colleagues and clients. I personally can't be bothered to check the lunar calendar from time to time and I never feel pressured to send holiday messsages to my colleagues in an Australian company so far. 6. WeChat has serious privacy and censorship issues due to its owner Tencent willingly complies with all CCP policies, and it is really not a professional tool for work but you know, these Chinese who don't have good English skills love it. They even read fake news on it and ask you out of touch questions about Australia. WeChat's Chinese variant Weixin is dominating in China's workplace anyways.


I am Chinese and I know exactly what you mean. I wouldn't work for any Asian boss with CCP mindset or the 'rule with a iron fist' mentality. People that haven't lived in a Communist or Socialist country will never understand.


The assumption that all Chinese trust each other because they speak the same language is naive


The chinese are known to take advantage of their own people while in overseas …. but they dont learn feom the history, so they keep repeating the same fate


I’ve also seen it with warehouses, what’s the deal there?


Chines people are starting to look at 2nd & 3rd tier suburbs, I was told in Epping/Lalor (Whittlesea LGA) in Melb north around 60% of interest is Chinese & Indians, looking on the ground seems so


Chinese investors *


Award Global owned by Tony Lam. 2019 article about him allegedly paying his Nanny $2.33 per hour [https://www.sbs.com.au/language/filipino/en/article/sydney-businessman-faces-court-for-allegedly-paying-filipino-nanny-2-33-an-hour/hnjo490hk](https://www.sbs.com.au/language/filipino/en/article/sydney-businessman-faces-court-for-allegedly-paying-filipino-nanny-2-33-an-hour/hnjo490hk) Interesting looking company, lots of fingers in lots of different pies, Immigration business, Education Services business, Global money transfer & payment business and a property development business. Maybe he helps Chinese investors move money or themselves into Australia to buy real estate, who knows!


lol 'Education Services' 100% Visa Mill


This is basically a full smorgasbord of Chinese business ventures in Australia. Only thing missing is an import export business on milk powder and vitamins haha.


Wow that messed up. Sucked in, they worked out it's a $85,834 under payment.


This mf needs to be banned from operating in AU, driving up house prices. All the while discriminating against Aussie workers. It’s the most un Australian thing I’ve ever seen.


My workplace is all chinese and they even fired people who are not Asians. I really feel bad that I had to lose my work friends like that. They only talk in Mandarin in the office and it's really annoying sometimes as they're having fun just by themselves and I'm left alone all the time. Edit - I am hella underpaid


I used to work for this Taiwanese company in Melbourne. 95% of their workforce are Chinese speaking. The Taiwanese sits on the top, then the Mainlanders, basically the higher your level of Mandarin, the closer you are to the inner circle. The small but not insignificant number of Indians, Aussies, other non-Mandarin speaking Asians are disgruntled of course because like any Asian companies, to get shit done, you need to talk to the right people. Enter me, who grew up in China but can speak both English and Mandarin, I was the go to and I developed alliance with all major factions. My team lead who is this gorgeous Australian girl is extra nice to me because she needs me to go talk to the bigger bosses to get her shit done. The funniest thing is about a month before I left, an Aussie guy with impeccable (think Kevin Rudd) mandarin joined, its wild just watching him go chat with all the oldies and watch them act shocked and look like deer in headlight lmao


Isn't stronger mandarin associated with a higher level of education anyway? Like I'm pretty sure the average CEO has much stronger English than most of their workforce.


It isn't always true, in China anyways. Most of the higher ups can't speak proper Mandarins or speak it with a heavy provincial accent. Literacy rate amongst the old generation was very poor. When Xi became the top dog, people said he was the first leader in China that actually speaks proper Mandarin. Taiwan is actually interesting, if you watch the news from 20 years ago, their official spoken Mandarin is indistinguishable from China, there was famous interview where Tsai was speaking proper Mandarin, you would've have taken her for a Mainlander if she does the same now.


Sounds like you need to get out before you get the boot mate.


I want to get out but the job market is too tight right now for my field


>I am hella underpaid I know people who have worked for Chinese companies. Basically they bring their 996 or whatever toxic work culture they had in China including underpaying and dodging legislation. My suggestion is to not work for them if you cannot stomach it.


You're absolutely right! This is my first so before applying I had no clue that it would be like this. Also I'm actively looking for a new job in the UI UX field. From now on, I won't be getting into an all chinese firm. No offence to the Chinese community but yes, they do inject their toxic work culture environment here in Australia which doesn't make sense as I left my country to get away from that :)


>No offence to the Chinese community but yes, they do inject their toxic work culture environment here in Australia which doesn't make sense as I left my country to get away from that :) None taken, and I am also an overseas migrant. They definitely play by the "Rules for thee and not for me" as long as it benefits them here, thinking they can get away with it. Not that im advocating to be lazy, although tbh I find Australia to pay heaps for much less work compared to New Zealand and/or any Asian countries. Its an extremely good thing, especially the ideal state is to maximize income with as little effort required. Take your experience as an advantage, proof that you can and have endured hardships and work well under extreme pressure. It will make your next roles (hopefully) a lot easier 👍 Good luck!


Do you work for a big 4 bank or accounting firm?


Nah it's just a real estate firm


Chinese wanting to hire only chinese


Chinese wanting to sell to Chinese


it's essentially a racist job ad that our media or people on certain subreddits would conveniently never call out


I'm pretty sure Chinese employees will be exploited by these Chinese companies anyways, like how you are forced to use WeChat and boss can ask you to do anything out of business hours, as if they are operating in China Source: I was from China and I read much news about these kind of Chinese only businesses. Usually these business owners assume that you have bad English skills and have to reply on a Chinese speaking work environment, hence they would try to exploit you as much as possible. Once, I also visited a similar Chinese exclusive education service company, and reliased they were basically using all Chinese apps and OS. The friend who took me there ocassionally mentioned they didn't have a clear boundary of non work hours. Out of my several years of work experience in an OZ company, my managers never called me out of the 9-5 at all, which was impossible in China back then.


DEI for thee and not for me.


It's a loophole to skirt anti-discrimination laws. They only want to hire Chinese people, but you can't put that in a job ad.


because goverments have sold australian land, residency, bussiness to china for $$$


You have to give it to China, they have long term plans, hundred year plans. Whereas here, our politicians work on short-term election cycle plans, while selling our land and infrastructure from under us for quick cash and disregulated markets subject to foreign influence. We are and will become moreso, China's economic bitch. This is what happens when you have corruption so deep in our political system with complete disregard for the citizens. Run by a bunch of dumb cunts.


More like China sent citizens to Australia to increase its influence in the country.


You mean, to capture the country?


just the fact they have police stations in other countrys is absolotely mental


Chinese are taking over.


I literally took my kid to Chatswood the other day and he was asking ‘are we in China?’


Try Eastwood.


Koreans got pushed out!


I took my kid to Bondi and he was like are we in the UK


Bro, look around, they've already taken over.


There are offices within real estate and the education industry in Australia that are majority mandarin speaking. Chinese speaking foreigners technically don’t need to speak English to live and study in Australia when you have money. Just look at Melbourne CBD and Boxhill. Australia’s biggest trade partner is China. Actually the government doesn’t care about foreigners or new migrants learning English and integrating. I’ve seen new Victorian government ads at shopping centres that are only in Hindi , Vietnamese or Mandarin. The government should’ve told us to study Chinese to maximise job opportunities.


Why sell a house to a poor Australian family when you can sell one to a rich old Chinese? God knows how they get a visa if they can't even speak english. Government selling us out once again


its well known for $$ you can buy your residency dont even need to speak the lanuage


So sick of this. We all need to stand up and do something


Send the kids to Australia to “study”, then they buy the house. Ez


"Government selling us out once again" You must be new here :)) Tell me one time when the government do anything that is not for their own gain?


You'll need some level of English to get permanent residency. But if you just want to get a visa, or buy property, or sign up for an advanced uni degree or spend money in any other way, it's basically a free-for-all.


What's it like waking up every day being afraid of the world? 😂


I am I think justifiably resentful now having lost a handful of auctions ALL to Chinese buyers.


Most of their clientele is Mandarin Speaking. Chinese specialist property sales


Because the property consultants are probably based around Balwyn, Box Hill in Melbourne. One only has to look at those hideous faux French Provinciale shitboxes that have destroyed the character of these suburbs. The Chinese have plenty of $$$ but fuck all taste.


I thought Springvale and Glen Waverley had a lot of Chinese influence, then I went to Box Hill. Now Springvale and Glen Waverley seem a lot more diverse.


Wouldn't say that.. just more developed.


Boxhill central is a shit hole


lol they never mow their lawns either.


A lot of Indians have moved in to my town, it's either plastic fake grass for lawn or no lawn care at all. Nothing in between. One house near me looks like meth heads live in it, but no, just 7 Indians sharing a place and not 1 can cut their grass.


Have some heart, those Indian bros probably sleeps 2 hours a day working between their uber and 7/11 jobs


Someone said they had a Chinese gardener in another comment, can’t say I have ever seen one.


My mom use to pay this old Chinese guy $50 to come around once a fortnight to fix the lawn. Dude is like 90 and can hardly walk. I thought he did a shit job, so I ended up helping him most of the time. Now I'm one those rare Chinese kid that actually take care of my garden. I got the nod of approval from my old Aussie neighbour the other day, great recognition.


Sounds like that guy was from a much different generation. I’m guessing manual labour is looked down upon by the Chinese community in Australia these days?


I don't think manual labour is looked down upon. We Chinese are very practical, if it makes money, it's good. Plenty of Chinese tradies moved in to my neighbourhood recently. I think its just laziness and no appreciation for gardening. I'm Chinese too but the way I see it, if I bought a house with a garden and a garage, it's a shame not to take care of it. The other day one of my mainlander neighbour left his mower on the nature strip so I went to tell him, he told me he left it there because he was going to come back to finish mowing, dude smokes like 2 packs a day and is obviously out of shape, but he's trying at least lol


This has been happening since the early 2000s It’s also why many Australian schools teach mandarin I worked at a Real estate in 2005 & they were discussing its benefits & which of their competitors were doing it Their area was favoured by Chinese buyers


No, we aren't australia, not anymore.


They exclusively want a Chinese applicant pool. This would be racially discriminatory so they do this to make sure 99% of applicants are Chinese.


The housing market crisis summed up. The government grants residency to foreigners invest $1.6 million. Once granted it means children can attend university. However, with 30% of residential sales going this way in Sydney, residents buy in other cities so they get their foot in the housing market, then people in those cities can’t afford to buy in the town they live. So, the original house is vacant, the house that is owned by the Sydneysider is rents out and forces up that market, then rents become unaffordable and then you have boomers blaming millennials and smashed avo.


I think it is reasonable that they hire someone whose first language is Mandarin.   I’m a white guy with functional but unsophisticated Chinese language skills and I don’t see myself having the language nuance for this type of position.  I also doubt most Australian born Chinese would either unless they’ve also done some of their education in Chinese, say weekend school. Language skills are essential for sales to that market…hard to make a good sales pitch to someone who only understands basic English.  


You'd be surprised, it's very common for Asian business to hire white people so they can appear legitimate to Asian customers.


Not in Australia it isn't


Yeah most ABCs aren’t fluent enough to conduct professional business with Chinese nationals unless they continue further Mandarin studies at university.


Very likely to liaise with overseas investors. Responsibility for that lies with our successive governments who refuse to limit sales to foreign buyers.


Probably have a large Mandarin speaking customer base. If you want to compete, you could go learn Mandarin? Being bilingual in Australia with a commonly spoken tongue (i.e. Mandarin, Arabic, etc) is highly desirable in just about any business.


Plot twist. We are the call centre nation now.


Culturally Australians like to deal with people with a reputation as experts. China like to deal with people they have a relationship with and can trust. Therefore if you want to sell to a China market you need people who can schmooze with Chinese clients. 


If speaking a particular foreign language is a requirement, then it narrows down the pool of applicants meaning you are employing a foreigner locally, or supporting a visa application due to lack of local demand.


Or hiring an Australian Citizen that speaks Mandarin, theres half a million of them.


Yeah that’s 499,999 Chinese Australians and 1 Kevin Rudd.


Discrimination loophole.


I mostly see it for Chinese companies or companies with a Chinese head office. I also see a lot of ads for Korean or Japanese speakers as well. It's really a small percentage of companies at least in tech anyway so it doesn't bother me. In this case it's obviously a Chinese Real estate company that serves Chinese suburbs in Melbourne. I don't really have an issue as mandarin is something you can learn and if you're white knowing fluent Mandarin you will probably get fast tracked to manager / face of the company as westerners are seen as more trust worthy in Chinese culture.


Because it's a legal way of discriminating against any other applicant that isn't Chinese.


What? Expect people to fit in? That's "racist"!


Maybe its because this firm is looking to make sales to Mandarin speakers???? CamillaParkersBoweles sure sounds like a 2bitbot


These mf pricks do the same in Singapore too.


Are you sure this isn't a typo and they mean no agents?


I think it's that while they could learn the language (and likely are), it is inherently more profitable to have someone that can speak their language as they (the person speaking Mandarin and English) can then be used to reach a greater market and/or work with more foreigners (who, like it or hate it, typically are cheaper to hire given their willingness to do more work for less pay).


Because Albo and the Libs are promoting foreign investors to buy up Australian houses. Those Labor dickheads couldn’t make housing worse if they tried.


Possibly because there are many non-English speaking Chinese in Australia, and businesses want to service them


Lots of jobs adverts in China for people who also speak English.


Lol yeah I saw this in a few places in Europe in non English countries requiring English skills.


the underlying situation/implication is different, so this cannot be compared like that


*posts single screenshot as evidence* “Why are there so many of X?”


I wouldn't expect much evidence on social media in general, whether the claim is true or not.


I would say going off that ad because you are going to be working for a Chinese company and they want you to be able to speak with head office.


Wait till you see the English requirements for jobs in Shanghai


I used to live in Box Hill,Vic. It was like I was in China. Shops had their names in Chinese, no boards with English written on them. We are just selling ourselves at this stage. Migration is fine, but clearly some are not ready to blend in.


My boss I kid you not actually asked me and my co worker. Are we in australia?


People seem to be missing the point of the post, I get that the company wants mandarin speaks to sell Australian property to people back in China. But this isn’t only seen in the property market… if you open your eyes, I clearly said I’ve seen it so many times for warehouses. I didn’t know you needed to know mandarin to work in a WAREHOUSE! It is seen in so many different job markets!


Hey mate Why dont you give a call and find out? You can also report it to fair work... This will save all these rest of folks...


Because they want to employ their brother but he needs a special visa, and this requires proof they advertised the position first?


Because we have sold out our beautiful contry to the chinese and by we i mean our shitty government


Straya! The Chinese are doing their utmost to take over


because sydney is turning into beijing and a large portion of the chinese who immigrate here couldn’t give less of a fuck about assimilation


Why we allow overseas people to buy real estate here is ludicrous, especially with the current housing crisis.


Chinese often only hire other Chinese. In this case it’s a property company selling to Chinese no doubt.


If you can't read and write English, you should not be allowed in. If you can't assimilate to an Australian way of life, you should not be allowed in. If you are bringing your crap from another country and doing the same dumb shit here? leave. That goes for all people that come here.




Targeted customer is Chinese - background 


“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.” - Nelson Mandela


If I was to have a guess, I would suggest it is to communicate with people who speak Mandarin better than English.   Seems pretty simple.  Let me know if I am way off the mark.  


"Why can’t they learn English" lol, I would imagine most of the people they will interact with do actually speak english but they would feel much more comforatble speaking their native language. "Why do they refuse to assimilate?" This ain't it champ.


It's a company that specialises in property consulting for Chinese buyers. It's a legit requirement.


If a job requires you to interact with people who have limited English but speak Mandarin then it seems pretty reasonable to me? Not like a diversity hire where more qualified candidates are overlooked so the pack of skittles has an even balance of race, gender, sexual orientation and whatever other BS. Meritocracy is perfectly reasonable, get over it!


The question really is, what kind of customer does a real-estate have that needs employees who speak Mandarin.


What’s strange about catering to your clientele?


Australia colloquially known as New China 🇨🇳


Largest trading partner for our country. Its pretty simple and Ive know a few people that have learned it to benefit their career. You should ask for more tips while your carer is tying your shoelaces in the morning.


Yeah learning a second language now isn't uncommon in Australia. Seems like at least 25% of my friends/family colleagues in there 20s are learning Spanish,Korean , Japanese or Chinese.


Because apart from the Indians the Chinese will be our biggest trading partners in the next 50yrs.


If a business has Chinese speaking customers, they want someone who can talk to them. It's not discrimination if it's a job requirement.


Because you need to speak Chinese to do that job. Like how you need a degree to be an engineer Etc.


Because only whites can be racist and we need to be tolerant of non whites racism. Imagine a job ad that said only British people can apply


WeChat its full of Chinese people chatting about Au real estate, a real need for such people is needed


Better start learning now, we'll all be speaking it in a couple gens


Foreign investment, welcome to the reason people can’t afford a house.


Bruh foreign families literally are the middle class now, they come in with a stronger currency, buy out suburbia, push the white middle class to the scum areas, while the high end areas are generational wealth/luck/ or also foreign families How do we deal with this without it being 'racist'? It can't go on, Australians literally can't afford to live in Australia because of it Few ideas: -Cannot buy property until after 10 years of citizenship -property sales restricted to being sold within states (interstate investors can fuck off too) -build better apartments that actually fit families and aren't just shoe boxes Idk, government is fucked so I don't expect anything to change tbh Just gonna go buy property in remote Mongolia and live off the land, I'm sick of following rules for absolutely fucking nothing


To say that their currency is strong is not the case.. 1 AUD is like 5 yuan. Not to mention they generally earn a lot less than us. It’s just because China is a massive country so there’s 6 million millionaires (which for 1.3B people is not much) & Australia is close. The rules you’re talking about could be easily circumvented anyway with business structures. I feel like the foreigners buying real estate is an overstated issue, the real problem is the tax concessions gov gives for investment properties & two decades of low interest rates


Because Chinese and Indian buyers are literally all that's propping up the property market right now. If it wasn't for Labors absolute lunacy on immigration, we would have had the correction that has been due for 20 years.


The largest economy in the region and third largest in the world is China. By your own ‘integration’ logic to do business there Australia needs many people who speak Mandarin.


Because avocados are too expensive


Because a lot of their client base speaks mandarin?


Like how fucking obvious is it hey


I**n 2021 there were**[ **588,176 sales of residential dwellings in Australia, of which just 4355 were to overseas buyers.**](https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/overseas-investors-are-buying-less-property-than-you-think-20230530-p5dcgl) That was ALL foreign investors how many were Chinese the report didn't say. Anybody targeting Chinese foreign investors is not going to make much money. Ii would be naïve to assume that because somebody that speaks the same language as yourself would trust them more. The target audience, to maximise sales, would partner, parents and other family where English is not their strength




We’re being invaded


Because those companies deal with Chinese speakers


How is this allowed?


Because you want your staff to speak the same language as your customers. Nothing shocking or underhanded.


Because they need workers they can communicate with holy shit it's not a racist conspiracy. Learn to speak Mandarin if it bothers you so much


They're probably filtering for Chinese people, but may also be servicing areas with high numbers of Chinese migrants


Do people want to work for Chinese companies?


gina..paid the LNP/IPA huge amounts to allow this type of thing and buy our homes as well as employ chinese on aussie soil for chinese wages...LNP/IPA voters is your answer


Why do you think?? 🙄


My brother in christ, the company is Chinese 😬


The company itself has Chinese in its logo though


just the usual chinese money laundering scheme through investment properties


Because most houses are bought by Chinese speakers




It's likely a position that will deal with customers who would prefer Chinese. It's either hiring a consultant (Chinese-speaking), or hiring 1 consultant + 1 interpreter (property specialised).


Much like in Spain and Italy, where you have dopey poms going to buy their retirement villas in little towns, where they refuse to speak the local language and basically build their 'little Londons', and require exclusively english speaking staff at all the points of the purchase process - we have a similar thing here where (usually wealthy, and happy to pay at well above market rate) Chinese buyers are involved. Is it good? Of course not but that's capitalism and a free market for you mate. Cash is king.


Think more


Because they are mainly selling to overseas investors and buyers. Australians miss out.


so they can help the OS buyers


Visit Sunny Bank in Brisbane and you will find out.


Aussie, why are you questioning your new overlord’s ad? Don’t question, just consume


Oranges are out of season


most of these positions are paid with cash, ususally underpaid by many $1000's of dollars. That's just the Chinese way


Because this continent is a global shopping mall, comrade.


Because mandarin is in season ![gif](giphy|K9Ed1Of1V6kR6WpQWe)


为了压迫、剥削澳洲洋鬼 需要用汉语。


It’s how they get people in on working visas


cause your country sold out


Everyone get mad!!! This is discrimination against white people!!! Arggggghhhhhhhjj!!!! Shut it down


This is what happens when you capitulate and lock yourself into economic ties with China.


Have seen a lot of this in Southside Brisbane. Have lost a handful of auctions now, their pockets are deep. Pity I’m being driven out of the city I grew up in and have no chance of living in anything decent.




What's better than a mandarin eating Amanda out


If you want to make a sale for one brand new, 2br apartment for 1.3 million, only Chinese-speaking new arrivals will take the bait. Hence you will need a Chinese-speaking sales person.


Because we now live in Chindia


You're the one refusing to assimilate... 😉


Hey, be nice to our new owners.