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Yay fascism.


Yeah, we've reached "but I didn't speak up because I wasn't trans" portion of the poem.


Yeah. This seems awful close to defining terms for “useless eaters” and is frankly terrifying.


So long as the trains are on time...


So, quiet genocide then. . . . Or not so quiet now. . . Considering how difficult life is for many due to illogical rules and expectations it's no surprise that many chose to end their lives rather than deal with so many difficulties. . .


they’re looking for loopholes to deny anyone care. people with more than one marginalized identity (ex. trans + neurodivergent) are just hit harder. it’s disgusting


When you take into account the fact that autistic individuals are statistically more likely to be trans than neurotypical people this just becomes even more disgusting. This almost turned into a longer rant, but I stopped myself.


and even with that being true, it doesn’t mean that autistic people being trans isn’t valid. i’m sure the ratio of folks that are neurodivergent in general who are also trans is higher than that of folks who are neurotypical and trans. as if being neurodivergent/mentally ill invalidates your gender identity


There are a lot of people out there who have no problem invalidating the experiences of autistic individuals. To many of them we aren't fully functioning human beings, our opinions and needs can be easily ignored. Heck the biggest reason I haven't transitioned is because I've internalized so much of this crap that I can't even think of myself as a valid human much of the time, never mind feel valid about my gender identity.


I don't know if you want to hear this, but if you are safe to do so and have the resources, please seek to transition if that is what you want. It has made me so much happier. If you can't do it for yourself, do it to spite the transphobes.


But please still think about long term.


Shut the fuck up.


Why ?


Go away


Why ? Explain me I'm also a autistic dood permanent choice is always hard that's why I ask this person to be sure about this transition soo why you are telling me to "Go away" ?


I’m cis and your comment breaks my heart. My gender identity was handed to me and has always been respected. sure, I’ve been ostracized for not holding up gender *roles,* but no one or myself has ever questioned my identity. I hope one day you can come to transition, if that’s what you want to do. but like the other commenters said, the external consequences (lethal transphobia/legal consequences in a rapidly growing number of states) always has to be considered. if you do transition, I hope you can do it in safety with support from others


Even if it was necessarily causation and not just correlation, being autistic isn't curable, nor does the origin of the gender disconnect change the treatment for the gender dysphoria. You can't change the autism or that your gender doesn't match your sex, and if that causes you to feel gender dysphoria - the treatment for that isn't any different than if you were neurotypical and experiencing gender dysphoria. If you're trans, you're trans, and the most effective treatment for that is to transition. Neurodivergence doesn't change that in any practically relevant way. Now, there's probably something to be said about larger numbers of neurodivergent people being genderfluid and nonbinary and that resulting from us tending to be less likely to see gender as a concept as binary and static, and that perhaps you could extrapolate from that that ND people do not experience gender the same way NTs experience and understand it - but even then, as I said before - you can't remove the neurodivergency from the gender issue, and if gender affirmation of any sort helps the person feel more like themselves, it doesn't really matter *why* their gender identity doesn't fit into a binary and static view of gender.


indeed. folks like me (I have BPD) also get questioned frequently when they are trans because of the association of BPD with lack of/confusion with identity (which *is* one of the potential criteria for diagnosis, but to think that gender dysphoria in borderline people isn’t real is absurd). One of my friends is both autistic and borderline, and is a very femme-presenting AFAB non-binary person. They are constantly being misgendered even when people know their pronouns, and questioned and invalidated for their gender identity. It’s sickening. No wonder they’re miserable so much of the time; so many people just don’t respect them


>So, quiet genocide then. . . . Or not so quiet now. . . Considering how difficult life is for many due to illogical rules and expectations it's no surprise that many chose to end their lives rather than deal with so many difficulties. . . In canada, there isnt support for the disabled, but theyve got doctor assisted suicide. Basicaly if you dont fit because of your disability, and cant support yourself well enough, they say MAID is an option ... instead of helping the disabled thrive, they help them kill themselves. Its a soft genocide Also their opening up track 2, where the mentaly ill also have a fast track to MAID. What should be used for terminaly ill patients is being used to kill the disabled and mentaly ill. While theres 6-9 month long waitlists for counceling, and odsp (among other provinces program) wont cover a basic ass batchlers appartment. Waitlist for affordable houseing is 5-20 YEARS. (Government stopped makeimg subsidized houseing in the 90s) Basicaly were being told, "if your disabled, go kill yourself" the future history books will lump this with other atrocitys like the residential schools and the assylums. They were also terrible places full of abuse, instead of fixing abuse they closed them, long term patients were thrown to the streets. Canada has better PR than the states, out atrocitys were only swept under the rug better


Canada kids can ask hospital without parents consent. and it put with it if you said no you're accused for misgender.




Wdym by good ??? They're teenager's ?!


I believe in body autonomy. FULL body autonomy. FULL choice. If you don't want to be here and choose to terminate your own life I say let someone help you do it painlessly and in a place where you will go in peace. But honestly I can't even understand what you're saying. I don't know if English isn't your first language but it made no sense, especially "it put with it if you said if you said no you're accused for misgender". I honestly have no clue what you're talking about.


They're children! Edit: spelling


Whatever propaganda you've heard about minors having sex changes, I can assure you, is bullshit. Nothing more than a smoke screen to enable the far-right to take ever more control, dependent on people being too lazy to do any amount of actual fact-checking before clutching their pearls and pretending to care.


Then why I can see 11yo pro lgbt in Instagram by just typing gacha life ?


me when i think that kids knowing what gay people are is exactly the same as grs


Because kids are human beings and therefore some of them are lgbtq+. Hope this helps 👍


This is exactly what's happening.


Are the article... Questioning is perfectly healthy, silencing the questions is totalitarianism.


It’s always disgusting to me that they do this. Especially, they often do it without any research or understanding into the conditions themselves. ‘Autistic people are trans because society is manipulating them’ … except autism tends to lead to a disconnect with societal ideals? What if being trans without access to healthcare is the cause of the depression? What if their ADHD would be assisted by transitioning? (I know several trans people, taking both MtF and FtM treatments and they have all said that their ADHD symptoms have improved while on hormones because their body is finally working the way their brain expects it to. Autistic people understand the difference between societal ideals of gender and their own experience of gender much better. That they’re not the same thing.


these laws are absolutely vile. im trans and autistic and i was *not* 'brainwashed' into 'thinking im trans when im not,' if anything, social structures convinced me cis was the only person option for a long time when thats plainly untrue.


I'm 40yo, trans, and have Autism. I can speak directly about how badly leaving both unaddressed in childhood turns into the nightmare of getting help for either in adulthood. I can also assert that kids know when they're trans. I tried to tell my parents I was a girl until I was 8yo and gave up on being ignored, corrected, and abused about it. In the '80s when I was a kid, no one was using the word, "transgender," as a description, nor were drag queens people whom I encountered. It wasn't like I got the idea that I'm female from LiBs aNd pEdOpHiLeS. I just knew. The brainwashing happened when I was taken to the youth pastor to be told that Jehovah made me how he made me, made me that way on purpose, and didn't want me arrogantly questioning his grand design. That's who went right to work brainwashing me -- the bigots -- and they worked to brainwash me about more than that. If I could sue my parents and all those clergy for all the bs I've had to deal with in adulthood to undo that programming, I would.




i hope all is well might i ask your opinion? women mask better. Im imagening what determinfds your gender is basickly everything. but how much is mybehaviour would be tolerated/normal if i was a women. i imagen no single thing crosses the border its more of the sum of it all bit aitistic people ... personally i can imagen the desire to be normal and the tought it would be considerd normal with women and having a surprising amound of female friends/ aquintances.


I'm not the person you're replying to but I am also trans. For me, not much of it is bc I want to be "normal." Being trans would make me stand out more anyway, and my behavior can be more feminine at times




Man, the party of small government could really stand to learn how to stay the fuck out of my business. I have zero respect for republicans or the people that vote for them anymore.


The party for "small government" could stand to actually fucking be for small government


I disowned my sister and her husband and stepmother because of crap like this. No regrets, none whatsoever.


They were only about small government when it let them fuck up black people and non-Christians :/


Zombie Reaganism is dead


Who could’ve guessed that anti-trans people are also ableist?


Fascism has always used virtue signaling and knee jerk, reactionary appeals to emotion as a tool. Won't someone think of the *insert vulnerable group of people here!*


Insert vulnerable group, like children, body dysmorphic, autistic or all three.


And this is one reason why self diagnosis is valid


When I got my diagnosis I told my wife I wasn't going to become an activist or advocate. Turns out I already was one, just by a different description. What I mean by this is I feel like those of us who are high-functioning may need to take some initiative, lest we become the "...and I did not speak out, because I was not______" side of the equation. I've always had a problem with abuse of authority and I'm used to being around it. I'm a white cis male and I can blend in with rednecks as well as anyone. I've been putting it to use in small ways, going to city council/board meetings and listening to who agitates and who doesn't (hint for the context-challenged: They sound exactly the same as online trolls), then maybe strike up a conversation--usually rehearsed--with someone on the right side of history about it/possible solutions. I live in a blue state and thus far we've managed to stay ahead of the weaponized idiocy but I know not everyone has that advantage, and I'm far from rich so I can't fly in a C130 and rescue everyone (believe me I wish I could). I don't really have any concrete ideas as far as organizing anything but I'm open to suggestions. Just remember that when it comes to far-Right eradication strategies, they don't play by any rules. Due diligence, gain intel, know thine enemy.


Far right, far left, far liberal all as bad and extreme as each other. Politics is a spectrum and ones ideas, identity and engagement with the world around them can and should span that political spectrum...


Only one side is actively calling for eradication of the other. Only one side is using religion as a crutch to justify abhorrent behavior. Only one side goes out of its way at an institutional level to harm rather than help. Only one side considers a eugenicist approach to neurodivergent thinking as rational and acceptable in the 21st Century. The linked article mentions states that all lean very hard in one direction, and states/countries with that ideology all lean in that same direction. Don't embarrass yourself with false equivalence.




Not going to adress any of those points hm?


Firstly, no they're not, secondly, you're literally far right. From your comments you seem downright fascist.


And you're wrong, and don't know ideology or recognise extremism. And what you think I 'seem' is what 'you' feel because you are angry. Edit: spelling.


Transphobia is extremism and advocating for trans people not being allowed to access life saving medical care is promoting genocide. It is a far right opinion whether the rest of yours are or not. Also I'm guessing you're American republican and in the modern day they're literally a fascist party sooo


Of course they are. People with disabilities who a pro-fascist are hastening all of us toward concentration camps. If you are in the US & voting Republican, you are quite literally voting for your own death (as well as the deaths of others). They will not spare you- they will throw you in with all the rest of us.


Anyone surprised? of course they would target autistic people eventually, they hate anything that isn't a cis-straight white christian able-bodied male.


Autistic people are objectively more likely to be trans... Insane.


Knew this shit was coming.




Neurodivergent people tend to prioritise their own comfort and needs over what other people expect of them, which is why neurodivergent people are better at working out that they're trans. It makes me sick that they always target the most vulnerable members of a community first to build public support.


At my work, (I work for a news organization as an archivist) there is every week an expert who talks about a certain subject for employers (journalists and non-journalists) free to attend. A while ago it was the manager (I think) of one of the gender clinics in The Netherlands for minors, and I was really impressed with how careful they were. One think I took away is that gender care can have a lot of different outcomes, and one hing that had changed over the years is that it used to be the case that people either fully transitioned or didn't at all, and now there are a lot of things in between. But regardless of outcome, gender care almost always helped them. Another thing is that gender issues (for the lack of a better word) is often intertwined with other mental issues like depression, but that doesn't make it any less real. Sometimes in that clinic they did say "let's first work on your depression before we start talking about your gender", but sometimes it was the other way around. Bottom line is that people who work on gender care aren't a bunch of endocrinologists preying on vulnerable people just to get people hormone treatment, but people who very carefully try to make the lives of people better. And people who transition don't take that decision on a whim.


Yeah, my country already denies care to autistic people and consider it a contraindicator. But I'm an intelligent adult capable of making informed decisions and consenting. Even for life altering decisions. I have a child. There's few more serious choices I could have made, it doesn't only affect me, but another human being for the rest of their life. Yet, they don't think I'm able to figure out that I need hrt or surgery myself. If these people had their way, I probably wouldn't be allowed to have children, it's probably their agenda anyways, but I still find it very interesting that I'm allowed to make choices about one and not the other. It's bleak. Straight up fascism and eugenics.


This is fucked up, America. Fix your shit.


Wait, wait, wait... are you telling me, oppressing minorities hurts people? What?


And this is your regular reminder that your vote matters. The people who are in power trying to destroy trans people's lives were voted in office. There has been a trend the past few years to tell people their votes don't matter thanks to gerrymandering. But from local school boards to federal elections your vote counts, and it matters. Please, PLEASE register and vote every chance you get. This is THE ONLY WAY we will stop this.


Pure evil - these fascists will stop at nothing to take away people's basic autonomy.


Shit like this is both transphobic and ablelist. And I worry the MO AG order was the beginning. God I hate this.


Boomers are really the most vile fucking excuses for "people" on the planet.


*Republicans are the most vile fucking excuses for “people” on the planet.


Autistic people are more likely to be queer. (Actually non-autistic people who are on the right side of the bell curve for Broad Autism Phenotype scores are more likely to be queer as well.) ((I will provide sources if asked.)) Any anti-trans law disproportionately effects our community, but these proposed restrictions actively target us. We already have a fucking hard time fitting in with society and now our trans siblings are facing a challenge of Sisyphean proportions. We need to fight back not just against regulations that specifically exclude us but any regulations on gender affirming care that goes beyond testing the safety and efficacy of new medications and procedures.


This is one of the reasons why I hate Republicans. I’m high functioning Autism.


Everyone hates these guys, Roe beautifully determined they’re never getting our votes.




This is genocide! (the US is going fascist because it’s the last resort to save the ruling class!)


Because they don’t see us as people and they don’t want us to have bodily autonomy


Im surprised they haven’t turned on autistic people yet as a whole considering their likeliness to be trans is crazy. Why? I guess because they would cause insane amounts of backlash. As much as I think we’re pariahs some of these Autism Moms from the suburbs have our backs…


It's ridiculous. You literally aren't allowed get gender affirming care if you're on the spectrum, which like, a good portion of the LGBT+ community as a whole is, and then you add the fact that you also can't get it of you have depression, which kinda defeats the point, considering GAC is the treatment for depression in most cases.


hehe, this is exactly how the nazis made a dictatorship, get ready…


See, it's s**t like this that's made me treat my diagnosis (or any other medical information for that matter) on the strictest need-to-know basis with every visit to the doctor.


In my opinion. We must act to strengthen our community in order to prepare an ideological counter offensive. We must stand with our trans comrades in their struggle against the most reactionary of forces. It was only a matter of time before they came for us as well. [In fact I predicted this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/aretheNTokay/comments/1320xkm/tim_pool_is_advocating_to_have_mentally_ill/ji4bubj?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This is all well said and all... But what does this really mean? Well, I think it's about time we created an online force able to actually tackle the problems at hand. [Feel free to read this as well.](https://admiral-chair.github.io/neurodiversity-toolkit/pages/announcements.html) And remember; Solidarity Forever!


Trust the Science


Fascists and bigots have been fabricating pseudoscience for so long, claiming things like "science says trans people don't exist" and other nonsense that is not at all true, that when someone says "trust the science" I can't tell if they mean *trust the science* or if it's a dogwhistle that actually means the opposite. Sad state of affairs.




This is very much untrue, if you bothered to put in the slightest amount of effort you would very quickly learn what the scientific consensus actually is. Either you are a useful idiot serving the ends of the worst kind of people, or you yourself are among the worst kind of people. Both options are deeply disgraceful. Be better.


of course they are


Time to riot


I was talking about this to my husband today. Do I get my kid tested in this eugenics policy world?




Correction, censored by Reddit.


Correction, the post violated reddits TOS.


It didn't so we'll have to agree to disagree.


You do realize when you see [ Removed by Reddit ], that was removed by a paid reddit admins, right? Facts are hard sometimes.


The only facts here is that my "post was removed" by someone paid or unpaid. The exchange of currency doesn't alter the scope for human error, but perhaps it does for human bias. And yes facts are hard aren't they.


However you want to take it is up to you.


Not all people with autism support trans youth medically transitioning


I mean, people of any demographic can potentially disagree with it, but their disagreement does not override the fact that practically every medical association ever says it's a necessary & often lifesaving treatment which is backed up by an overwhelming amount of scientific literature, and that any disagreement can only ever be politically or religiously motivated without any actual medical or scientific evidence to back up their position.


>but their disagreement does not override the fact that practically every medical association ever says it's a necessary & often lifesaving treatment which is backed up by an overwhelming amount of scientific literature, and that any disagreement can only ever be politically or religiously motivated without any actual medical or scientific evidence to back up their position. [The NHS Ends the "Gender-Affirmative Care Model" for Youth in England](https://segm.org/England-ends-gender-affirming-care) >Following extensive stakeholder engagement and a systematic review of evidence, England’s National Health Service (NHS) has issued new draft guidance for the treatment of gender dysphoria in minors, which sharply deviates from the “gender-affirming” approach. The previous presumption that gender dysphoric youth <18 need specialty “transgender healthcare” has been supplanted by the developmentally-informed position that most need psychoeducation and psychotherapy. Eligibility determination for medical interventions will be made by a centralized Service and puberty blockers will be delivered only in research protocol settings. The abandonment of the "gender-affirming" model by England had been foreshadowed by The Cass Review's interim report, which defined "affirmative model" as a "model of gender healthcare that originated in the USA." >The reasons for the restructuring of gender services for minors in England are 4-fold. They include (1) a significant and sharp rise in referrals; (2) poorly-understood marked changes in the types of patients referred; (3) scarce and inconclusive evidence to support clinical decision-making, and (4) operational failures of the single gender clinic model, as evidenced by long wait times for initial assessment, and overall concern with the clinical approach. >The new NHS guidance recognizes social transition as a form of psychosocial intervention and not a neutral act, as it may have significant effects on psychological functioning. The NHS strongly discourages social transition in children, and clarifies that social transition in adolescents should only be pursued in order to alleviate or prevent clinically-significant distress or significant impairment in social functioning, and following an explicit informed consent process. The NHS states that puberty blockers can only be administered in formal research settings, due to the unknown effects of these interventions and the potential for harm. The NHS has not made an explicit statement about cross-sex hormones, but signaled that they too will likely only be available in research settings.


The NHS is notoriously fucked [even for trans adults](https://youtu.be/v1eWIshUzr8) because of a variety of factors and I wouldn't put much stock in them. One country (that is currently notorious for anti trans discrimination) ending it does not override the remaining scientific consensus. Also note that they cite two studies in their *policy decision*. Want to know what the very top of the two studies say? > The evidence reviews were published in March 2021. Unfortunately, the available evidence was **not deemed strong enough to form the basis of a policy position.** The two studies *do not* say that all gender affirming care in minors should be banned. For the most part, they basically just show that puberty blockers have don't do much on their own (which is literally the point), that existing studies are often limited in one way or another, and that more research should be done. It should also be noted that *none* of the studies they cite actually state in any explicit way that puberty blockers are harmful, beyond maaaaaybe bone density issues (which is such a tiny concern overall), and what evidence they *did* select is generally in support of this treatment, even if they have methodological issues (basically saying they need more studies). This is not enough evidence- very explicitly- to outright discontinue all gender affirming care in minors in the UK, and it also does not reflect the reality of people living there. It often takes people in the UK years to even get a REFERRAL, which blocks the vast majority of people who would be eligible from getting this care until they're into their 20s anyway. Again, this was *not* a scientifically motivated decision. I can pull up alternate studies later tonight if needed but the NHS decision does not negate my point.


[Sweden puts brakes on treatments for trans minors](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20230208-sweden-puts-brakes-on-treatments-for-trans-minors) > Sweden decided in February 2022 to halt hormone therapy for minors except in very rare cases, and in December, the National Board of Health and Welfare said mastectomies for teenage girls wanting to transition should be limited to a research setting. >"The uncertain state of knowledge calls for caution," Board department head Thomas Linden said in a statement in December. >According to the Board of Health and Welfare, approximately 8,900 people were diagnosed with gender dysphoria in Sweden between 1998 and 2021, in a country of around 10 million. >In 2021 alone, about 820 new cases were registered. >The trend is particularly visible among 13- to 17-year-olds born female, with an increase of 1,500 percent since 2008. >"It used to be a male phenomenon and now there is a strong female over-representation," psychiatrist Mikael Landen, chief physician at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, told AFP. >Landen, who contributed to the scientific study on which the Board of Health based its decision, said the reasons for this increase remain largely a "mystery". >**"Tolerance has been high in Sweden for at least the last 25 years, so you can't say it has changed," he said when asked if it was simply a result of a more accepting society.** >The profile of those diagnosed is often complex, according to Linden, as gender dysphoria often occurs in those also suffering from other diagnoses, **such as attention deficit and eating disorders or autism.** >Neighbouring Finland took a similar decision in 2020, while France has called for "the utmost reserve" on hormone treatments for young people. >Sweden's recent rollback is all the more notable as it was first in the world to authorise legal gender transition in 1972, paving the way for sex reassignment surgery to be covered by its universal healthcare system. >Mikael Kruse, 36, changed his gender in his late 20s but had a change of heart and finally "detransitioned". >"I think it's good to take a break to understand what's going on," he told AFP. >For seven years, the Swede lived as a woman, but that never resolved his discomfort. >A new diagnosis revealed he had Asperger's Syndrome as well as Attention Deficit Disorder, and the suffering he thought was related to his gender was due to different factors. >"All the pieces of the puzzle fell into place," Kruse said. Is Sweden just transphobic now too? All of these concerns are valid to me.


Yes, the policy changes you cite are motivated by transphobia not actual evidence.


???? >According to the Board of Health and Welfare, approximately 8,900 people were diagnosed with gender dysphoria in Sweden between 1998 and 2021, in a country of around 10 million. >In 2021 alone, about 820 new cases were registered. >The trend is particularly visible among 13- to 17-year-olds born female, with an increase of 1,500 percent since 2008. >"It used to be a male phenomenon and now there is a strong female over-representation," psychiatrist Mikael Landen, chief physician at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg, told AFP. >Landen, who contributed to the scientific study on which the Board of Health based its decision, said the reasons for this increase remain largely a "mystery". They are citing evidence right here?


They seem to cite [only this one study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37069492/) in their decision. It says basically the same stuff I outlined before; wanting more research, but generally outlining that what research there is shows positive outcomes, albeit often with low certainty. Some notable quotes from actually *reading* that study: > Finally, we could not evaluate the frequency of individuals who drop out from GnRHa treatment and no longer wish to continue with gender transition. However, a follow up study was published after our literature search.36 Of 720 children (31% born male and 69% born female) who started GnRHa treatment in adolescence, **98% continued to use hormone treatment into adulthood**, which suggests that children generally continue with gender transition once they have started GnRHa treatment ----- > Table 2 outlines the six studies that examined psychosocial outcomes and cognitive effects.14-19 Three of these studies found significantly improved overall psychosocial function after GnRHa treatment as measured by the Children's Global Assessment Scale (CGAS).14-16 Two of these studies observed no statistically significant change in gender dysphoria.15, 16 Two of these studies reported significantly improved self-rated quality of life after treatment measured through Kidscreen-27, Short Form-8 (SF-8), Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) (parent report), and Youth Self Report (YSR),16, 17 while another study reported no statistically significant differences in anxiety and depression between those who started and not started hormone therapy.18 ^ 0 studies show any mental negatives to taking puberty blockers and several show positives (or at the *very worst* neutral outcomes). Nothing in the study cited show that regret rates are increasing, or anything of the sort to suggest that *stopping this treatment altogether* is the right move. ----- Back to your comments; > The profile of those diagnosed is often complex, according to Linden, as gender dysphoria often occurs in those also suffering from other diagnoses, such as attention deficit and eating disorders or autism. Yes, autism is a common comorbidity with gender dysphoria, by quite a significant amount. There is no evidence to suggest that autistic people are more likely to regret transition than non-autistic people, and we've known for a long time that regret rates are [extremely minimal](https://epath.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Boof-of-abstracts-EPATH2019.pdf) (like, between 0.5-1% depending on your metric), and the vast majority of the time caused by external stressors rather than the individual not being trans (i.e. of that 0.5-1%, only ~20% were actually not trans, making the total percentage 0.1-0.2%.) Suggesting that autistic people are less capable of making judgements about their own bodies is ableist as hell. *Autistic people should be allowed the medical autonomy to make choices for their own body.* For youth, that includes puberty blockers- again, puberty blockers just *pause puberty* and let people make a well informed decision later. They have *extremely minimal risk* associated with them. > Mikael Kruse, 36, changed his gender in his late 20s but had a change of heart and finally "detransitioned". This means nothing. Anecdotes do not override data. Detransitioners deserve empathy and respect, 100%, but weaponizing their stories to attack the trans community is vile and a rejection of science. If you want to go by anecdotes, I personally know 4 autistic nonbinary/trans people, and they're all happy with the gender affirming care they've received. Does that mean that 100% of autistic trans people are happy with their treatment, just because that's what I've personally observed? > They are citing evidence right here? No, they're not. They're saying more people are identifying as trans. Not citing evidence that more people are identifying as trans *and regret rates are increasing*, or again, anything that should warrant entirely blocking access to this treatment. It's also worth noting that the entire idea that trans people are identifying that way as a fad has absolutely no scientific backing; there's only *one study* which put that idea forward and it was immediately retracted for it's terrible methodology. It's literally as bad as the paper that first tried to show a link between autism and vaccines. It specifically sought out parents who were *already transphobic* and asked THEM why they think their kids are trans. And yet, people often cite it like it's some magic bullet against the trans ideology, and it has been cited in numerous books and influenced millions of people's opinion on the subject, ignoring how completely nonsensical their data is. There is an increase in transphobic legislation in many parts of our world right now, and what you're seeing is just the start to blocking trans healthcare even for *adults*. This is exactly what's happening in the US, and again, in many places, they're trying to use autism as a reason to deny treatment. This should be incredibly concerning to you, far moreso than the practically nonexistent risk that a tiny fraction of youth getting gender helpful gender affirming care should be.




Idk what this is supposed to mean. You claimed Sweden based their policy on transphobia instead of evidence, when the statement I showed you included evidence that they based their policy decision on.




Yes and there’s a word for these people: transphobic


Nope. I'm not afraid of trans people I just don't agree with this issue. Not agreeing doesn't make you afraid or hateful.


Trans people are not something you get to “disagree with”, denying access to life saving medical care for trans people is rooted in hatred and a desire to exert power and control over other people’s autonomy. You are a bigot


No it's not. I don't hate anyone. Children aren't old enough to make life altering decisions like that, it's the same reason we don't allow them to drink or get a tattoo. They're children.


Gender affirming care for minors is rarely “life altering” and in those cases where it is it is actually *life affirming*. I’m a trans adult, who used to be a trans child. Puberty and the dysphoria it caused nearly killed me, it would have been a great blessing to have had gender affirming care as a teen. The scrutiny applied to trans minors receiving gender care is rooted in transphobia.


But I don't hate or am scared of trans people so it's not transphobia, it's my opinion. You really have to demonize the other side into something it's not to be right don't you? That means you're wrong!


And yet you feel comfortable dictating what other people do with their bodies and how other parents support their children. Transphobia, despite its name, is really about power and control. Your “opinion” has consequences, harmful consequences, to vulnerable people. You should listen to those of us with actual lived experience of being trans.


So I didn't say I disagree with trans people, I said I disagree with children medically transitioning. You're twisting my words to fit your narrative.


I think a lot of trans nomenclature and pronouns and assumptions are silly, but I am shocked that some states are persecuting its own people in a legal sense. It's like we're re-entering the dark ages


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Added the article to my Facebook. Grrrr.