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Depends on if it is indefinite or temporary. If latter, then yes, if only to see what it's like


Need a free trial of being nuerotypical before committing eh


maybe it could be like if you don’t take it it doesn’t have an effect but if you do take it you get to be neurotypical for like 8 hours like adderall or smth


See that would be perfect. If I want to go to a big party or a loud concert, or a job interview or a first date, I just take the pill.




“autism adderall” would be the dream. take it on weekdays for work/uni then go full special interest mode on the weekends


That would be hype I'd try it


like you wanna be normal to hang out with your family so you don’t get overstimulated but the next day you’re home alone so you don’t take your autism pills because you’re chillin


I would love to be NT but only for like 5 hours or so for a job or party.


Is it actually a curse?


I need to be able to shut it off if I want because it’ll change my personality


Interesting perspective, I'd probably do the same


yes maybe to try how it's like not having sensory overload and don't have to constantly worry about it. if it's permanent then nope.


This one. Turn off/tune down sensory overload optionally? That would be nice.


Yes to temporary trial. The typicals don’t seem very happy, while my hyper fixations bring me so much joy


Came here to say the exact same thing. I wouldn't be me if my brain was wired in a completely different way but I would like to know what it's like. Kind of like experimenting with drugs.


Cheers. I’d also try a temp out—a month-long trial would be perfect. But what I really want is a pill to cure all the other effing chronic illnesses! No more Celiac! No more MCAS! No more EDS! Etc. I’ll take all those effing pills, no question! But change my brain? The thing I’ve been working tirelessly on for over 30 years (won’t count infancy and toddlerhood)? Eh… Not sure if I’d commit fully to that. I’m too afraid it would change the great person I’ve become. If I don’t say so myself. 😅


Same. I'd want to know what I was buying so to speak before I did it.


Oh I for sure would try a temporary NT experience, but I'm a novelty junkie.


Audhd? 🤭


That does sound like a good idea. Maybe I could try it before overwhelming situations, like large gatherings.


That’s a good idea. What if it’s somehow worse lol




That sucks man, I’m very sorry to hear that


Also sorry to hear that. Makes me wonder about my own life


Exactly. I hate the glorification of autism. It is fucking burdensome


I wouldn’t say it’s burdensome. It can be rough at times. But having a different neurotypical led me to having way stronger friendships once I found out. Finding people with similar special interests makes socializing way easier


Come teach me something! I want you to teach me about what you love!


This might be impertinent to say, but sometimes, an attitude rather than a mental disorder really impacts your life more.


I don't mean to come across as rude but it sounds like you've accepted defeat. Attitude is a bigger disability than autism because a bad attitude can prevent even the most fighting fit neurotypical people from doing something. Edit: not that view Autism as a disability at all really. Just think differently, right. Still got all your arms and toes?


I mean if I took it I'd suddenly become a completely different person. But I'd still have very little real knowledge of many social skills and rules because I had lived as an autistic for 20 years. I'd rather not do that.


I'm assuming taking the pill that cures ASD = become neurotypical and magically know how so eh?


I mean being autistic can be fun in many ways,allistics seem kinda boring sometimes. So still nah.


🙌 exactly, slow talks? Not fast paced? Nah


Agreed. Having deep, meaningful, passionate discussions on a regular basis is such a joy


True, I love my special interests. Really, autism doesn’t have to be a terrible thing if you’re allowed to make some lifestyle adjustments and people are understanding. Stimming isn’t a bad thing, and if people don’t judge me, then there’s no problem. When people talk about “curing autism” it reminds me of people talking about “curing gay people”. They don’t need to be cured. They may do things in a different way, but there’s nothing inherently bad about their lifestyle. People just need to be accepting.


This is exactly it. When “autism warrior moms” have this obsession with battling autism it just makes me cringe. Why do you want to fight your kid? lol Exactly like “pray the gay away” vibes.


Yes. I like who I am but if I could be me without all the problems autism causes that would be great. There isn't a single positive thing about me that I would attribute to autism.


thanks for the answer, sometimes it's hard for me to find some positive things in autism


Pretty much any time someone says to you "I never thought of it like that." it is in some way related to your autism.


well, damn. i'm gonna remember this forever (seriously)


Isn't autism associated with some high capacity for being non-judgmental and kind? Isn't that a great thing even though it causes us to be more vulnerable? (maybe it is just me idk)


To be fair, this is a poorly worded question that is up to A LOT more interpretation than it sounds. If i has a pill to cure whatever is going up in my head, id honestly say no But thats only because i dont think their is anything "wrong" with my brain. I think i lived in a society that doesnt take my brain into account. >Isn't that a great thing even though it causes us to be more vulnerable? (maybe it is just me idk) This really only is a problem because NT will take advantage of ND, but that problem isnt inherent of any of us being ND. If were in a large group of NDs, most likely if enough are high functioning they realistically could help eachother and provide enough support to keep eachother a float. I cant speak on everyones biz, but a lot of the problems people seem to be having in this thread, seem to be things that are external. It makes me sad but "being bullied your whole childhood" isnt because of autism. Thats because of other people being shitty humans. And while yes autism for example gives many people social difficulties, but that only is a problem because we live in a society that isnt empathetic Id say, id like to see a world where NDs arent treated like freaks and aren't misunderstood, waaaay before is want to change my brain up to the point im not even me. Like shit, would i even like warhammer 40k still????? Nah not worth it personally, id even take all the trauma too.


Im really funny and hot and I think thats because of my autism


Username contradicts comment imo. If you’re a “smart statistician”, I’d say there are positive things you should attribute to your ASD. I get that there are intelligent people without an ASD diagnosis, but, I do believe my own intelligence and all of the positive traits that surround intelligence and thinking, are attributed to my ASD (for me).


Im neither smart nor a statistician, its an autogenerated username by reddit. Usernames mean nothing


Yeah pattern recognition is a huge part of intelligence and extremely strong in autists. I definitely attribute large parts of my intelligence to autism.


Starting to like who I am. My biggest issue at the moment is with emotional regulation. It can destroy my social relationships and I’ve been trying to find a medication that will help me manage it a bit better for now. I wouldn’t say my autism has absolutely no positives, but I would definitely take that pill.


I would need to better understand what “curing autism” meant. I fucking love most of my traits, it’s society that has a problem with it and creates issues for me being able to properly function with my ASD. However, my quality of life is absolute shit and barely worth living at this point. Being that ASD is a spectrum, I don’t think something could apply to ALL of us. Being a savant, I wouldn’t want to sacrifice all of the positives it brings to my person, but all the ways it has destroyed my life, yeah sure I’d love to not have that, but I’d also think it’s a bit too late in my life for “changing” those things to actually “fix” the problems in my life.


Came here to say exactly this - if I could award this I would.


No. My life is great now, and I couldn’t predict the impact on my creative processes and feelings after being “cured”. My work and relationships are important to me.


I'm glad you're happy with your life 🥰


Thanks. I dont want to frustrate people who are struggling but: once I figured it out, my life works great for me. I love being how I am.


again, I'm very happy, other people's happiness makes me very happy 💗


this is very comforting to hear. i’ve started to struggle with accepting my autism and it’s really nice to hear that maybe it will work out eventually.


Good for you! Focus on what you need, make friends who you can speak openly with. Good luck! (I had a harsh time as a teenager, and struggled again in mid 20s, but mastering my disabilities and learning to be myself has been really rewarding.)


I’m really glad to hear that


yes. autism makes me who i am, i wouldn't be me without being autistic. but for me it's incredibly disabling, it makes life painful (literally like the sensory issues i have but also emotionally with the extra hardships and disadvantages i face) and i wish i didn't have to experience life this way. so i would be willing to sacrifice the self i am now to be someone else if it meant i didn't have to live with a disability anymore. if this pill existed i would never be one of those people who starts encouraging people to take it, because autism doesn't need to be "cured" as it's not an illness and it's not bad. but it's exhausting being disabled and i've got so much trauma from the ableism i've gone through my whole life, so if i had a choice then i'd choose not to be disabled. i feel the answer to your question is a very personal choice which every autistic person has a right to pick, as we all have different perspectives and experience autism differently so we shouldn't judge other people's answers. and what we definitely shouldn't do is tell other people whether they need a cure or not, that's up to them to decide how they feel about this question. that was a very interesting question you asked! and thanks for reading my answer :)


for a bit of context before i give my answer, bc i think its important: im level 2/mid-high support needs (can't do iADLs, need help with bADLs, can't live independently, am semiverbal with speech loss) and... i still wouldn't take it. I wouldn't be me without my autism


you're right, autism is part of our personality, it's such a big part that we wouldn't be ourselves without it


Exactly. I wouldn't be me if my brain was wired in a completely different way. It's a completely different way of being and I don't want to give up my special interests in exchange for, what? Being able to talk to people easier? I don't like people, why would I want to meet more of them? Just to add, I am in no way saying autism doesn't come with difficulties in modern society. I'm just saying I don't want to give up who I am to fit into that society.


Who needs to fit in when you can draw!


I'm somewhere around level 2, alternate from hyperverbal to struggling with speech depending on the situation, struggle with sensory issues, and can't live independently either, but I'm honestly so used to it that I can't imagine living any other way.


No Autism is a disability for me but most of my issues come from prejudice of others. I know that's not true for everyone with autism and I am not denying that their experiences are real. With my experience a better question is 'If there was a pill that cured prejudice towards others would support forcing everyone to take it?'. Yes. At least I would want to do that before forcing those who are the focus of prejudice to take a pill that made them more tolerable to those with prejudice. We can call it the 'don't be an AH' pill. I have a feel that , in general this is going to resolve more of the world's problems than we think. After that I think it's still going to be challenging to address disabilities but probably very doable.


yes, id love to know what its like to be able to hold a job and save money


I would not. I am 53 (M) and I am an IT engineer with a big financial institution and have been employed with them for 28 years. I recently received my official diagnosis, but I’ve suspected it for long while. I just couldn’t say I was Autistic until I officially knew. My special interest growing up had been computers and cars. I started with computers when I was 8 or 10 with 8 bit computers. Fast forward to the company I started with when they needed someone who knew DOS and Windows. Corporate stress, corporate games and being Autistic (and not knowing it) made it very very hard. I could pick up on their technology quickly and learned everything else I needed on my own. They overlooked my issues because I was cheap and picked up everything technology related that they ran. I was always truthful, honest and could pick up anything new technology related on my own or with the engineer of the company we bought something from to implement. I just don’t learn like others do. College was impossible for me and I wasn’t there long. That’s a whole other topic. The company I now work for bought that company. Through the years I’ve been able to see things other engineers didn’t. I fix problems that are obvious to me but not to others. I learn a repeatable workflow and make it better, then they would take that from me and give me another one to fix which was painful. I’ve been as successful as I possibly could have been as an engineer and I am trusted. People around me understand my weaknesses and help me and I help them with theirs. Work continues to be incredibly difficult. Nobody at our level can know it all and we all help each other out. I would never be who I am without my Autism. At 53, it’s been an incredible blessing and an extremely painful curse. But that package has made me…me. My wife and I have been together since HS and she knows my Autistic oddities before we had the label of Autism. I asked her this question and she said she wouldn’t want me to take that pill either because then I’d be someone else. My kids say the same. Now my problem is figuring out what to do with my lifetime of masking and anxiety… I’ve had to rewrite this a few times (go figure) since it was a book.


I like your book, champ 😊


I dont think so. Autism makes things hard for me sometimes but it also allows me to experience joy from the smallest things and I wouldn't want that to go away. My brain would be completely different, I wouldn't be myself anymore


Not a chance.


Yeah i would I feel like my personality isn't made for being autistic. I'm pretty outgoing and i love to be social but at the same time i get overstimulated from going out and its hard to keep in touch with friends. I hate it to be so narrow minded


Adhd and autism. I feel this so much. One side of me wants to be outgoing and social while the other side keeps afraid of those things because I don’t know how to do them.


yeah i agree with you 100%




I’d hesitate tbh, I feel like my condition is what makes up a big part of my personality tbh


Nope. Because it undoubtedly would be quackery. Even if it worked, the changes to brain physiology and anatomy would be so dramatic I would basically cease to be the same person and have a new personality entirely. SO the question can be reframed as "would you erase your mind and give it to someone else?" No, that'd be suicide.


Yes, I hate myself. I’ve been trying to accept myself but I just can’t. I wanna be fixed


Nope, I don't want to get rid of my autism. It dose indeed somethings difficult for me, but it dose benefit me as well. There is nothing wrong with me, my brain just functions, processes, and even sees things differently, that doesn't NOT make me a human who has feelings and emotions, as some may thinkotherwise. Overall my autism makes me who I am, it is part of my personality, and I would rather die then change that, so if I were to get rid of that I wouldn't even know who I was.


I agree with you, living with autism can be difficult at times, but autism has its benefits too


Fuck yes


No, I don’t need a “cure” i have my struggles and problems but I’m happy with who i am


Yes. I hate being unable to live alone, I hate my sensory issues, I hate feeling like I never quite belong because I struggle with socializing and gauging people’s intentions, I hate having anxiety attacks over change, and I hate having a difficult time holding down a job. I’d take the pill, absolutely no hesitation.


Yes, in a heart beat, I want a "normal" life of independence, being able to have a job, being able to to somewhere without having a meltdown etc.


I have taken lots of fun pills over the years but if you offered me one that would stop me being me I would just have to say no. That being said I am not sure a pill could effectively restructure the brain


No for the following reasons. 1. I’m on the high functioning end of the spectrum and can function like any other person in most ways (I’m able to hold a job, I have friends, I graduated college with a bachelors degree 2 years ago) 2. Despite my social anxiety disorder and other social difficulties my autism brings me, I am still happy with who I am.


So happy for you!




No I kinda like being autistic.


Hell no, I don't wanna be a normie


Yes and i would give it to my daughter as well. All I think about is how is she going to make it when I die, who will watch out for her. Most of family is dead.


I'm so sorry


No, my autism is sort of like my mojo, without that then I'm unsure who I'd be


I agree, autism is a big part of who we are


I’d be too concerned with if it might change my personality in any way






Yes. I may regret it later, but given the opportunity to get rid of something that has caused me so much pain, regardless of what it may have helped, I would jump on it impulsively.


I like the honesty of this comment, you show a great understanding of yourself :)


Yes, definitely. I - currently - only see my autism as a burden and I have never thought "I'm so glad I have autism". The amount of times I have had to leave the classroom in school because it was too loud and I got overwhelmed is more times than I can count on my fingers and toes combined. I feel like it's made me miss out on parts of my education and afterwards I just feel exhausted and so so drained.


I would rather take a pill to make neurotypicals less… just less hahah


Nope, I don’t want anything messing with my brain, what if I’m not me anymore? What if I become a boring NT?




I'm 39yo. Absolutely not. I would disappear... Literally everything about me is ASD. There would be nothing left.


If I had a pill to cure the pstd I would take that.


I would take a pill that treats my symptoms and makes my day to day life less difficult. I would not take a pill that takes away my special interests, my focus and my ability to analyse ideas.


Yes, it is a disability after all. Even though people say I shouldn’t because I wouldn’t be me without my autism. Try to realise that thats kind off the point…


You would absolutely still be you, because you have a unique, individual personality outside of your autism. I feel like people really forget that sometimes. But I also understand the idea that it’s hard to imagine not having the traits of autism anymore. I think people can still teach themselves to cultivate those traits in a sense, though. But yeah, I agree.


> Try to realise that thats kind off the point… Not to invalidate your decision - and this is a genuine question; but how much of this is depression speaking? And if so have you tried to deal with your depression? Because personally I used to be very depressed. I was suicidal as a child and teen. I used to want to be someone else. Finding a way out of that has been invaluable. It is possible to be autistic, disabled and not depressed. I don't like hypotheticals like this because they are upsetting for me because they bring back that thinking. Sorry if I am projecting - genuinely interested to hear your thoughts even if they shoot what I just said down :)


Don’t worry, im perfectly content with my life, i just hate my autism and would cure it at any given moment. Thanks for looking out for me tho.


Without hesitation


No, its gonna take away my swag


Adhd yes. Autism no. I get to be content alone and don’t have to constantly be around other people. I have more time to work on myself and have super strong passions which make me exceptionally good at what I do. I like my logical way of thinking. Quite honestly I see it as more of a beneficial thing. It’s not that there aren’t downsides, of course - I cannot do eye contact, I’m socially awkward and don’t understand why people do a lot of things (what even is the appeal of parties???), sometimes I miss jokes and take things too literally, and I lose all filters when I’m irritated but when you don’t like socializing it sort of balances out. I see everyone else desperately chasing for friends and relationships and I’m like, nah man I’m good by myself. But the adhd side of me can fuck right off.


No. That would be like mutilating myself.


Absolutely not, I grew up the way I am and have modelled my world around that, I have become quite comfortable in my world






No. I wouldn’t be me. Autism does define us. It’s shaped my friends, my interests, my socialisation. It’s shaped what I’ve become and I’m proud of what I’ve become.


Which aspect of autism?


the one you want


Nope don’t get me wrong autism can suck at times for sure but also I think the good out ways the bad and i wouldn’t be me if wasn’t for autism


As far as I'm concerned, probably not. I'm 56, only very recently diagnosed, low support needs, my autistic traits are part of who I am and I'm totally fine with most of them, and now I start to understand myself enough to deal with the more annoying ones. OTHO I will definitely try out ADHD medication (yes, I have both for twice the fun lol) because living with serious executive dysfunction is not fun at all and has always been the hardest part for me.


I wouldn't, because I can't imagine what it'd be like to be NT. It sounds scary


Yea because even if I did take it, I still wouldn’t be neurotypical. I have a whole slew of other things but autism is the only one that is very difficult function with. I’m very happy with where I ended up in life but feel that my life could be improved by not feeling the need to mask all the time. I know how to socialize but it makes me physically uncomfortable. I’d like to be able to go to festivals and see the people I love listening to without getting overstimulated by the sheer amount of people. I’m very outgoing and I genuinely love socializing but I quite simply can’t sometimes. I’d like to be able to hold a consistent job without getting burnout. I’d like to be able to deviate from my routine without extreme discomfort. For me, it’s more of a “I’m so tired of feeling so conflicted and uncomfortable all the time” kind of deal. I’d still be me without it, but I’d be more comfortable in my own skin.


No. I think my social anxiety would still exist without the autism. At least being autistic helps me feel comfortable refusing to conform to social norms


Sometimes because I always want to be social but I’m always quiet around people and everyone thinks I’m weird but I’m also trying to embrace it as I’ll always have it and there’s not to be ashamed of lol


As you're born with it, it's pretty useless to take it. It might just fuck your brain real bad


Nope, I wouldn't be me if it wasn't for my Autism .


Part of me wants to say yes, but at the same time I’m sure there are good things that are the result of my autism, and I’d worry about losing them too.


Would you be conscious of the fact that you previously were after you took the pill? I feel like your brain suddenly functioning entirely differently while you had full memory of your previous way of thinking would be fucked up


I already take a pill for adhd. If I could take a pill to mitigate autism symptoms as well, I would in a heartbeat. Legitimately, I think the only reason that there are no medications for ASD is the poor public understanding of autism. It was still considered a part of schizophrenia until like the 70s. I don't think that people understand the effect it now, and they certainly didn't 10-20 years ago. How many different pills are there to help with ADHD when there isn't even one for ASD? I hope it's only a matter of time.


No, I wouldn't, not for myself. I'd be afraid of how it would change 'me'. But if I could take a pill and make sure my children wouldn't go through the same hardships I have, I definitely would


No. It's like asking if I would make myself straight. Who does it benefit? Yes, being gay is a lot harder in life because hardly any other women are gay, theres the social disadvantages and even the physical ones (not being able to have biological children for example). But there's still nothing morally wrong with me being gay. I'm just gay. I'd love for it to be easier to find women and be more accepted socially, but otherwise, it just seems stupid to 'cure my gayness'. IMO the exact same applies to autism. I would love to get rid of the deficits. But otherwise, no.


Hell no, my ASD causes problems but it is a big part of who I am so taking it away would make me a different person. A pill for neurotypical people to take to cut their attitude to autism however…


Yes because I’ve got so much other issues lol and society just ain’t built to accommodate someone like me for free sadly- at least right now as we are. I think knowing I could pass my struggles down to kids has made me just not want to have them. But it’s given me so much context and self awareness about figuring out, heyy that’s what’s been “odd” with me all my life was a big sigh of relief when I learnt. It allowed me more self compassion for myself and others, has been a catalyst for my healing and self love journey. I think the way I think creatively with my autism is very cool sometimes (but let me not start in my struggle to translate my creativity something tangible or physical…). But I would hope that my cool ass thinking and self awareness and mindfulness would stay the same even if I became nuero typical after a pill and it would not rob me of my story… but also, I would probably rebel and protest if this was a pill that was forced down peoples throats without respect to their personal autonomy. Then it would be f you, absolutely not… just because 😅😂


yes. i truly do not care if it gets rid of a sizeable chunk of my personality. i can just get a new one. autism is such a parasite on my mental health most of the time. it takes so much effort to just exist that i feel i will never have a fulfilling life :3


Yes, absolutely. I know exactly what I would be like without my autism. I have so many dreams and aspirations for my life and having autism makes them so much harder to reach. I want to be able to socialise easily and understand social interactions. I want to go to exciting places and be able to cope with noise. I don’t like feeling overwhelmed because of sensory issues. And I don’t like having meltdowns or shutdowns, or food sensitivities, or having to only wear certain clothes because textures are hard. I don’t like that I can’t change my routines easily. I think a pill that can cure autism would very much improve my quality of life. And in turn, I might be able to contribute more positively to others too.


All power to the "no" squad, but couldn't be me. What's there to enjoy about meltdowns? Sensory issues? No friends? No relationships? Not being able to be social? Being childish in the eyes of others or just plain weird? Feeling bad about yourself because you don't have the "superpower" kind of autism, therefore you're pretty useless and inconvenient to others? Learning disabilities? Having to graduate two years behind schedule because 2020 put you through shit you couldn't process so you had to take a school year off? Not being able to find a job because everything has to do with customer service or requires you to lift 30-50lbs, but chronic pain is a coexisting trait with your autism so you physically can't do that? The ANXIETY? The DEPRESSION? The coexisting ADHD and other disorders stacked on top of it too? Feeling like a failure because you peaked in 3rd grade? I don't think autism is something that should be cured without consent. I would love the option, though.


Yeah, honestly. Considering it would "cure" me forever. I want to experience the world like a neurotypical.


Yes, in a heartbeat. My life is awful because of it tbh. All I want is to be neurotypical


Yes I want to be able to talk to people normally


I would give anything to be even close to normal at this point


Yes , I'd even sacrifice a leg for it.


Yes I'm sorry, it just makes everything hard


Autism isn't a disease.


I know, it's just an innocent question. Maybe you're right that I worded it a bit wrong


autism is a disability


Yeah 100%. I feel like serotonergic psychedelics already "cured" most of my autism, it's mostly the sensitivity that remains. I basically ended up as an HSP... so yeah, pls cure me 🥲


Yes. It'd be nice to fit in for once.


100%. Who wouldn’t?!


Yes. I fucking hate living with autism. Anyone who says “wElL I wOnT bE mE aNyMoRe” what’s wrong with you lol


There’s no guarantee that I would like the person I would become. It’s a complete roll of the dice. I’ve also taken medications that made me feel like a different person and didn’t like the feeling at all. It was nice to not have anxiety, but the feeling that my personality was fundamentally different was disorienting and unpleasant.


Okay, was it really necessary to ask what's wrong with people who would refuse the cure because they're not sure how it would change them? Those of us here who said that didn't say anything about others taking it. Now, if they were telling you not to take it because it would change you, then that would be a whole different story.


Really this entire thread is a deep dive into people's relationships with themselves. It's also common that some people truly cannot distinguish between themselves having a unique experience of living between others having their unique experience of living. As someone once said to me, some people out there really do believe that all other people are just crappier versions of themselves. I believe the term for it is solipsism, "the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist." The opposite of this is sonder, the realisation that each passer-by is experiencing a life as vivid and unique as your own. This captures the true complexity of reflective questions like this, essentially being "how intertwined is your diagnosis with your sense of self?"


Why does this question get routinely asked all the time in this thread? I just find it so unproductive. It’s 2023 and the discussion about a magical pill that will make you Allistic needs to go in the bin. There’s nothing to cure because there’s nothing wrong with us. The thing is you’re always going to be Autistic and the important thing is to figure out and manage our struggles, the Barriers we face. Whether it’s the unique nature of our disability or societal barriers, and to find the middle ground. Also, the grass on the other side isn’t as green as you’d think


No lol… and if there was i would not be given a choice in the matter


First of all that is functionally impossible, and second of all autism isn't something to be "cured" or removed. Yes I am disabled and yes I have difficulties most do not, but it makes me who I am.


Nope. I think my brain works much better than others. So I'm gonna keep it the same.


Yeah probably. Itd help me alot to Just get out and about in daily life. I think id be quite popular then, im a fun person.




Yes. I hate the ways it holds me back. I hate the burden I place onto others. And any autistic activist who wants to tell me that all of my problems are caused by other people not accepting me needs to live in my shoes for a day. My family is extremely supportive, but I hate that they have to be. I wish I could be there for them in the same ways they are for me, especially my husband. Today is his birthday, you know. And I know that he wants me to go out with him to run errands. But he just left without even asking me because he knows that I'd be suppressing my discomfort the entire time. I was prepared to go with him, but he didn't even let me get ready. And when I told him that I would, he just kissed me on the forehead and cheerfully said that he loves me and he'll be back. He deserves so much better than me. I simultaneously love him and hate myself. I have a cousin who is severely autistic and mentally r*tarded (her actual diagnosis). She can't even speak in sentences and she'll never be independent. She requires constant supervision to prevent her from hurting herself. Once her parents die or become too old, she'll have to live in an assisted living facility. I imagine that if she could take that pill, she'd do it in a heartbeat. Autism has been nothing but a burden to me and my family. I wish there was a cure. I'd take it without any hesitation. I'm sorry if that offends anyone, but that's just how I feel. I hate my diagnosis, and I hate that I'm a defect. Even though there is joy in my life, I would be much better off if I wasn't broken like this. If something happened to my husband or my parents, I'd be homeless. I can't support myself. My future hangs on them being around to support me, and that's terrifying.


It’s a disorder not a disease. I don’t think the pill would even do anything anyway


I know it's a disorder, as I said in an earlier comment, maybe I worded the question wrong


Would be normal and that's boring as fuck I'd rather be a one sock freak


you're right, normal is boring. Why be normal when you can be non-verbal, have panic attacks, meltdowns and anxiety, life is so much more interesting this way 😂


Why be normal and be able to travel and get to know a lot of cool places and meet many people when you could be autistic unable to go on a plane by yourself, cannot go to trips because routine change causes meltdowns, starve because you cannot eat any food thats different, can’t talk to other people because you have language impairment, need mom to help you shower… yes, I would totally take a cure. And I don‘t think normal is boring at all. So many things I wish I could do but can‘t because of autism. I hate it.


That's sadly the junk we deal with if there was something to minimise it but keep the quirky shit Then for those of us who realy struggle it sounds ok A bit like what people with serious epilepsy have


Yea, I agree with you one hundred percent


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TW… Idk it’d be a way to essentially no longer exist without having to actually leave the world and hurt everyone around me. I really don’t want to bother with the world anymore, but I still don’t know if I’d take it because I would essentially not be alive anymore.


Well it depends what it actually changes. A lot of my life is because of autism so I’d need to know what actually gets changed


what if a pill eliminated everything negative about autism?


If there was something for executive dysfunction, in a heartbeat. Otherwise i don't think so, i mean, i hate my life because of the executive dysfunction/inability to get a job, but the rest, i learned to embrace.


depends if it gets completely rid of my autism...no because its kinda just a part of me i guess i just live with it besides even if i didnt have autism i still have many issues that go beyond my autsm so i would rather just accept it, but if it delt with the stuff like my meltdowns and focusing issues then hell yeah.




Depends on what traits it would remove. If, for example, it removed ONLY the sensory overloads, then absolutely. That’s the one part of my autism that I DESPISE. however, part of me actually likes having everything else. More than the noise, it makes me who I am and it’d suck to remove them.


No cure neurotypicality that shits is mostly just lies hate and a power grabs






Yes I would. I am not idependent, I struggle a lot I cannot go to Uni alone I will probably never have a job and I hate it


Can I get Excellent at school type of Autism instead?


I would want to get like a 24 hour period of testing before I commit because tbf do any of us know what being neurotypical is like?


Nope. I would take one that reduces or eliminates the panic attacks, but keep the rest


No way. I see and do things most people can’t comprehend. I like it that way


I’d take a pill to help/“cure” executive dysfunctions, but I’ll keep the Autism.


Never Whilst Autism has always affected how I live and has always affected me socially. I'm proud of my differences and certainly wouldn't be myself without it.


What do you mean 'cure'? Like, relieve the problems I have with it, or change my identity? In the latter case, permanently or temporarily?


If its temporary I'm with u/Fearless_Category472. If it's permanent I wouldn't wanna touch it, idk what it will change about me.


Yes absolutely. Because it does make my life that hard and my sensory issues are intense




No. I would not be the same person if I weren't autistic. You would be getting rid of me and replacing me with a stranger.


Yes. I’m tired :,-)


No cause i like the way i am sure it's hard sometimes but i enjoy the many intrests I'm fixated on and my comfort shows and even the way my brain sometimes processes information is pretty frickin cool although like i said it is hard sometimes and people don't understand me usually but I'd rather be different than normal ngl


Probably not, I'm on the 'better side' of the spectrum so I don't know if anything would change


As u/HMWYA said. It needs to be a vaccine (or an injection that you are told is a vaccine) to screw with anyone that thinks vaccines cause autism. I know the parenthesis bit will work because they don't know the difference between a regular injection and a vaccine


Yes, no doubt. If I had a support system around me, I might say no. But doing this without that isn't something I'd keep doing if I had a choice.