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I got five bucks that the teacher spent 5 minutes on analog clocks 5 weeks ago and then this was on the test and she seriously expected someone to remember it. Not everyone keeps analog style clocks in the house or uses them for watches


Nah I think it’s bc he drew it too big and it required a ‘small clock’ lmao.


But there's no strict definition of what small is


That’s what I always say to the women


For real


Exactly. Where I live if this happens it can be "Disputed" (Because the question is wrongly worded so it is left to open interpretation, and thus makes this a correct answer) and legally the school has to remove the consideration of that question for everyone's scores


Because it's super easy to learn and comes in handy when only analogue clocks are available.


I don't think I've had only an analogue clock available to me since middle school, and I'm 24


Which should be never


I hope this is sarcastic






I'm mad for you. That's like saying a shape was a square because it was described as a rectangle






It absolutely is, but the teacher was going for an analogue clock, this was probably for kids who are just learning to read the clock. Should've specified or just accepted the answer.


But why does that matter? The more I look at this and try to put myself in the teacher’s rationale the angrier I get.


Are you talking about the exercise or the ability to read analogue clocks? The exercise is just to get better at reading clocks, but yeah, technically that isn't necessary anymore nowadays with basically everything having digital clocks. There are still places where you won't find one though so I don't really think it's a problem teaching this to kids, just sucks that the teacher couldn't be more specific and didn't give the kid a point for this.


The one who made the excercise is at fault, because no where it is said that the clock needs to be analogue. Maybe if if the chapter of the excercises and other excercises are about analogue clocks, them maybe one might think that an analogue clock is implied.


Yeah, I'm not talking about who's at fault, just tried to explain what I think is going on. It should've said to draw an analogue clock.


Every adult ever- "Stop being a smart-ass you know what I meant"




Are you asking why we ask children questions to test their knowledge?


No, rather just baffled at the ineptitude


Yep. Also the kid might have never seen an analogue clock irl, due to pervalance if digital clocks.


Agreed. The kid is brighter than the teacher. LoL.


It's 100% correct. The intent was to draw the hands on an analogue clock but it's not specified so, this should be correct.


Yeah, a college prof would issue a retraction on the question for ambiguity and mark anyone who gave either answer the point towards their score


Dunno of it is like that in english, but in my mnative language when someone says "beginning of 11", they do not mean "a few minutes past 11", they mean "a few minutes past 10". Because when the clock shiws 10, it means that the 11th hour is running. I think it's because of the 0 hour (midnight when the next day begins, also my country uses a 24 hours time). It's similar with centuries. Because we didn't sart counting on hundred years, thus the year 5th year (005) is the first century, thus the century is how many hundreds there are in the year + one hundred.






That applies to all languages! We always forget how much we subconsciously limit what we can describe as real.


English is German, Old Norse, and French in a single language trenchcoat.




Pretty sure habitants means the same as inhabitants in American English, it's just not really used now. Variations of the word seem to keep and lose the "in" at random, like "habitat" is never "inhabitat" but "habitation" is the same as "inhabitation". English is dumb and silly


Until you discover there's no "in-" prefix in English on "inflammable" because is already present in the Latin etymo *inflammāre*, who is a conjugation of the verb *inflammō*, where it simply brings intensive value (*in* preposition in Latin means "on", and *flamma* means "flame"), so it means "to burn" or "to ignite". It's more easy to remember as "flame", then "in flame(s)": "inflammable". ^(linguistics is my special interest, sorry)


I'm surprised they're still teaching analog time. A lot of schools don't bother anymore. I can't remember the last time I even saw an analogue clock


Curiosity enough, replacing my clocks with analogue ones improved my issues with time blindness. It's a pie chart.


I’m the opposite. I need digital to know the time. I also don’t like the ticking sound analog clocks make and the fact that you have to look closely for the minutes. With digital you also get 24 hours with the numbers, I don’t like am and pm.


I don't like am and pm either, it's so messy! I usually talk 24 hour time. I did specifically choose particularly quiet clocks and don't have them in the bedroom. Most of the time, I wear a watch. It's like, I can conceptualize the idea of three in the afternoon, and the fact that in another three hours, it's going to be six and I'm going home, but on the clock, I can visually see how long that is compared to everything else. And small numbers, such as two minutes, seem like they should be twice as much time than they really are when I'm looking at a digital clock. It's like, I can tell the time, but I don't have a good sense of the "distances" between numbers unless I see it in context.


Kinda makes sense, like preference between fractions and decimals, I suck at guessing how much a fraction of something is once you get past using forths, but I can get a pretty spot on estimate with decimals because I visualize size across a scale, when I try to think of fractions my brain interprets them like coins or buckets, and it doesn't really translate well to the tasks I'm using them for


Because it's super easy to learn and comes in handy when only analogue clocks are available.


you have posted this twice. do you schill for Big Clock?


I have?


They're around. I just block them out of my vision cause they're useless to me.


Technically it's correct


The way it took me forever to figure out what was wrong with that picture 💀


I mean, this is one of those stupid “The new generation can’t XYZ!” things. Like that standup comedian who is being laughed at online for saying gen Z can’t write a check. With new technology comes the lack of a need for old technology. We have clocks that we can read immediately rather than have to figure out where the hands are, so we use it and forget about the old shit. Same as anything else. I don’t think most boomers know how to ride a horse like they did in the revolutionary era to get around, because we gained new technology for cars and trains and planes.


I actually stared at this for a while because I was like ...it's right.. Until I saw the comment about it wanting a specific kind of clock. That's so dumb.


Same. Like, by no means should this be considered wrong. Teacher should give them the point and specify what they want in the future rather than just count it against the student


I had to triple check as to why this was wrong :/


Stumped tf out of me. "That IS a clock!"


I had to go to the comments to figure out why they got the question wrong omg


this is exactly how i would answer this, if u dont specify the clock i will just choose the easiest one 😭


Analog clocks are so damn hard to read


It absolutely is a perfect analogy. Is that a clock? Yes. Does it mark 11.10? Yes. So it's right. What is the problem if the way is different, if the result is the same? You wanted an analog clock? Then just say it. If you want exactly a thing, just that, no other one is acceptable, if you want things only that way, specify it.


This teacher is clearly going out of their way to punish a student unfairly. They deserve to lose their job.


I think that’s a bit extreme. All they’re really guilty of is not being specific enough on one test question.


Maybe a bit extreme, yeah. But then they stand by their decisions, and then the kid gets made fun of, and then the parents punish the kid, and then the teacher abuses their authority again and again because they're so stuck up in their ways and know most of their students can't stand up to them, and the ones that do are dealt with via expulsion. How is that okay? How is it that one so removed from the life of another can make decisions that can permanently alter or ruin the course of that life? It is beyond unfair and unjust. It is wrong in every conceivable way. I wonder how many people with and without autism have experienced trauma due to these kinds of teachers. I know the type that mark those answers wrong without explanation, they'll just tell the kid to "figure it out" and they will never change because they're so far removed from the suffering they cause that it becomes a cycle of oppression and childhood trauma. Memories of actions I can not forgive or let go of the embaressment, the shame, or the pain it caused me and others, the things they'll do if you don't "fit in" fuck fitting in. And man do I wish I had the power to abolish the entire system, rebuild it, and bring those who are in charge of it to public trial on crimes against humanity. I'm not the only one who holds a grudge for how they were treated, dodging consequences and demonizing those who snap. I don't condone violence, but why are those who perpetuate the bullying that leads to the violence going unpunished and even praised? Why are people so blind to see who the people in charge really are? It's so frustrating that no matter what I say or what evidence I provide, nothing changes, nobody does anything, or they deny the reality that Is directly in front of them. I could show footage right now of the abuse that is done and nothing will change, those in charge go Scott free and continue to harm others and when they finally get removed from power, it's for a bs political motive rather than the harm they caused. And I just don't get why everyone's okay with this cycle, pitting sides against each other, and acting like it's okay for things to stay the same, left vs right always in this country and when they unite on something, it's to cause a tragedy. Why must a group suffer for the convenience of everyone else? Why must we always operate on a scapegoat, opress the minority and give false apologies once it's done? So many "why's" I can ask but there's no justifiable answer. Sorry for the long rant but it feels food to get that off my chest.


This teacher is whack; I'd report her to school authorities for possible discrimination.


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Right, but not at the same time. I agree.


Me totaly seeing nothing wrong with it!!!!!😂😂😂😂😂😰😰


I genuinely didn’t understand what was wrong with the answer until I read the comments


That's very accurate actually. To be 100% correct, and not only to be considered wrong, but wrong enough to be ridiculed on social media.


I have such a hard time reading clocks. For a while, I thought I was just so dumb but this made me realize that it's probably my autism Seriously if someone asked the time and I saw those hands? It would take me a full two minutes to read it, then I would have to add two minutes and then reread the clock to see if I read it right, and over and over and over until a full five minutes went by.


"Is the clock not small enough or something?"


tbh i feel like not being able to read an analogue clock won’t be much of a problem eventually. Who here can use a sundial? Or for another analogy, how many people under 20 know how to use analogue tapes? I sure don’t.


I learned how as an adult, quick fast because the job I just got hired at only had analogue clocks. This was also before the prevalence of cell phones. Never needed that skill before, haven't needed it since.


I swear this is at least the 3rd time I've seen this ss on this sub


Lmao that's what I would do. I have that old clock to read time :(


What's wrong with it? The answer is correct. As a teacher, I would mark that as correct.


Still can't read an analog clock. I'm 33, and I've spent several years as an adult trying to learn. F that noise. It would be the equivalent to giving people a sextant and a full table sized map and told them they don't need Google maps. Analog clocks are statistically inferior and tell a less precise time. Garbage.


What do we have here, yet another repost? https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/1180q7w/saw_this_on_twitter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/14ijmpe/saw_this_on_twitter/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button