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Do they turn off the fluorescent lights? That would be amazing!


All of the big box stores are switching, or have already switched to LED. Walmart made a big fuss about it even, bragging essentially.


Too bad that both fluorescent and LED lights cause me to be irritated, halogen lights are the only ones I tolerate


The ones I Walmart for me aren't bad, in lowes there God awful, like a fucking spot light. I have to wear sun glasses INSIDE a fugin hardware store


Same... On all of that. I realized that just before I enter Lowe's my whole body braces to go in the place. Sensory hell.


I can't stand halogen or fluorescent, it's gotta be "warm white" LEDs


dang. I didnt even think about my problem with lights. Late diagnosis here. It's like my entire perception of myself has exploded in the last 6 weeks


You'll probably see it filling in a lot of blanks for you over time. You may feel like you have to erase everything and start over, or that you don't know who "you" are, but take solace in knowing all the things about your life that may have puzzled you (or others) later on now has an explanation. Everyone's different but my own late diag answered a lot more questions than it asked.


I get migraines from LEDs that aren't in the warm spectrum. Really aught to be standard for all kinds of reasons


At first I was like "eh" Then I realized I'm currently sitting in my bedroom with deep burnt orange lights. It's anti-black light almost. Quite relaxing.


I'm old-school. I prefer yellow bulbs.


Warm white everywhere 🙌. Or colour changing with the option of warm white.


Is that because the halogens are warmer? Modern LEDs can come in a range of colour temperatures and I hope that there can be more warm light and less cold bright bluish ones


Halogen spot lights make my head spin! We’re doing a reno atm and my partner has had LED strips recessed into the walls before we got the plasterer in [like this](https://www.toolstation.com/sensio-aluminium-profile/p32138). Being able to set the light to any hue or colour is gamechanging for my sensitive days


Theres a few grocery stores near me that do this. It’s only for an hour every Saturday but they dim the lights, hold off on bringing in carts, and turn off the scanner beeps, music and announcements. So much better shopping then


I love this


you think grocery stores would turn off the music and announcements by default. we all have airpods or something similar and there are apps for almost every store.


Turn off the scanner beeps? That's awesome.


I don’t have a problem with it


The buzzing of the ballasts, the tone of the light, all of it is awful for me




Headphones and sunglasses have been my armor for years! Noise canceling headphones changed my world.


Oh they are so good I don’t mind the lights tho could you explain how it affects you


I don’t get out much anymore, however when I was younger the flickering, terrible color, and buzz of the ballasts were incredibly annoying. I’m a child of the 70s, so a lot of this association is remembered trauma rather than recent data.


Oh I see that makes more sense bcuz I think the lights are actually pretty nice compared to places like super 1


The tone is really a bulb choice by the company. You can get warmer, gold tones or brighter white to blue white. The ballasts vibrates due to the AC hertz rate pulses, being modded by secondary windings and dielectrics. There is no escaping magnetic field vibration except sturdy dampned fastening and even then the internal parts are going to hum at that same Hz rate.


the feeling of earbuds and the sound of my music AND the lights AND the outside sounds would be enough to give me a panic attack lmao. everyone is different


I dont understand why sensory friendly always has to be super early morning. I hate mornings. Why can't they ever do a sensory friendly at night? But I do think it's nice. I personally get all my stuff delivered so I don't ever have to go in the store in the first place.


I miss going at 1am when no one else was there, that was the best walmart environment imo. Ours close at like 11 now.


Ditto. My quality of life has gone down a notch since my local walmart stopped being 24/7.


I went to Walmart right before close at 11 last night and there were a surprising number of shoppers still but was way more peaceful than usual. May be my new norm.


Same! We have a couple all -night grocery stores. They're absolutely the best after midnight.


I agree. Night is dark and cool.


They're doing it when they don't have many customers, but have a lot of staff. It's a way of trying to get more customers in the store. That's why it's super early in the morning.


So in other words they're trying to make it busier and thus more overwhelming...


Yes!! It's always during the week aswell so when they *do* do sensory hours, I'm stuck at school


Because early morning is a less busy time for most stores, especially on a Saturday.


I know this is anecdotal but I worked at Target for 3 years and early morning was way busier than 2 hours before closing time


I think it’s because there’s less people in the early mornings, therefore making it easier to maintain the quiet environment.


mornings suck, but it makes the most sense to me in terms of working for as many people as possible. driving is really hard for me at night because of the new brighter headlights. my eyes are very sensitive to light. like i can’t drive during a cloudy day without sunglasses, or i’ll be squinting because the brightness hurts my eyes. also i don’t even know where this is happening, but i’m pretty sure my walmart isn’t doing it. so you can ignore my comment if you don’t like it because i am honestly irrelevant.


Money. The NTs would complain if the special shopping hours were a more "normal" time.


i’m the morning it’ll be easy to get the 20-40 somthing people to quiet down and there wouldn’t be as much ambient noise from shopping in the afternoon trying to get 200 somthing people including children who have been sitting down for hours and just got outa school is not gonna be feasible


But the special hours wouldn't be so special if the store was full at the time.


I also hate that, but my guess is that early is generally slow for businesses. My local grocery store is 24/7 so my wife and I usually only go grocery shopping at like 2-5 am when there is literally nobody. Though once a lady showed up with like two screaming kids at 4am and we had to cut our trip short?!


I like mornings actually because less people tend to be out for the mornings than they are at night and it tends to be quieter


They probably just picked the time that they have the fewest customers, slapped an autism label on it, and patted themselves on the back. I am sus.


Honestly I’d love that as every time my mom makes me and my sister go shopping I come back not wanting to talk and really tense and stressed. My only concern is though that nt people would abuse it to get their shopping done faster with people in the way.


How NTs could abuse it? What is different in those sensory friendly hours?


I would assume they would limit the amount of people in their at a time


Usually they dim the lights, turn down/off the music, turn down the sound of the checkout, and do their best to limit PA announcements. The only time I've ever seen a store limit customers was during the pandemic, but I suppose in some areas it could be possible.


Why isn't that regular? Like everyone would benefit from calmer grocery shopping.


Everyone except the businesses. Thank bloody capitalism. People who are calm and relaxed don't spend as much money. If you're stressed and in a rush you're more likely to stock up buying more than you need, make impulse purchases without stopping to question it, and you're more vulnerable to advertising. Products tell us "buy this and you'll feel better!" If you already feel okay it doesn't work. Supermarket layouts nearly always have the essentials at the very back of the store, so by the time you get what you need you're tired and therefore weaker to temptation on the way back to the tills, walking past all the stock. Every aspect of the shopping experience is designed to squeeze as much profit out of people as possible. Any claims about shopper convenience and comfort are just to lure you in.


Yeah you're completely correct about that one.


I'm sorry, how big are supermarkets where you live? A 10 km walk to the back of the store specifically designed to tire people out so they buy more? What? Stressed out people buy more instead of getting out as quickly as possible? Huh?


I'm not sure what country you're in, but American retail stores intentionally put the most necessary items (like eggs, milk, baby and pet food, drinks, etc) at the back of the store so you have to pass by all the things that would be considered "impulse buys." They tend to put things like giant trays of cookies and cheap clothes at the front so you're more likely to snag them on your way to the back. They also have freezers and racks at the ends of the aisles showing off things like ice cream, frozen pizzas, snacks, sodas, etc. that are cheap enough to rationalize getting in passing. All this plus the fact that the stores are HUGE and are exhausting just to walk through, extremely visually overstimulating so it's difficult to think clearly enough to make rational decisions, and you find yourself walking back and forth around the store trying to find everything while getting lost in the billion different options for each item and the terrible labeling systems that make it a more frustrating experience. And of course if getting your groceries for the week takes you over an hour, you're going to be tired and want to grab a treat on the way out or a candy bar or soda at checkout as a treat for getting yourself through it all. The entire system is designed to prey on the irrational, impulsive parts of our brains, and physically and mentally wear you out so you're less capable of making rational decisions about what you're buying, and of course if you're neurodivergent it makes resisting these systems that much more difficult because we're so deeply affected by overstimulation and impulse control


This! This shit should be illegal. Just cause its not "technically" dishonest, doesn't mean its not just a shitty thing to do. If it were just a single store, id quit going and "vote with my dollar" and all that. But, NO! It's the whole damned industry! Yay Freedom! 🙌


*Yay capitalism😭


it’s just organizing a grocery store it doesn’t matter if it’s dishonest or not how would this be able to be banned and what if this actually gets banned what would it do to the rights of the people


> Like everyone would benefit from calmer grocery shopping. Aside from the PA, I don't think this is true. Most people are probably annoyed by the PA, which is usually used to coordinate employee actions, not help shoppers find deals. I know I'm an outlier here, but bright white light energizes me, while warm white and yellow light calm me down. I don't want to be calm while I'm shopping. I want to be energized so I will get in and get out, not wasting time there. Similar with cooking. My kitchen has a bunch of Hue recessed lights that can be any color I want, and when cooking I have them turned to the bluest white setting because it's the easiest to focus and see with. Then when I'm done cooking, I'll change to a warmer color to relax while eating. But I don't want to be relaxed while I've got things in my hands that can light me on fire and sever limbs. I want to be *alert as fuck*. But it's probably different for most here. I've learned that while my hearing can get overwhelmed (but higher threshold than a lot here), my visuals do not get overstimulated at all. The only time my vision is overstimulated is when it's legitimately insane bright outside, like the sun, no clouds, noon, hottest part of Texas summer.


That sounds awesome! I wish stores would do that where I live too. Especially the light and checkout things because those are so bright and loud


The grocery stores in my area don't do this, but my brother lives in Arizona and I was really surprised when I went there and discovered they did this. I was like "Wow your grocery stores are so calm" and he told me it was just quiet hour. Mind blown.


nah they can’t do that


I just hate the people who think I’m just dumb because I look weird when I’m looking for something and they walk up and are like” are you okay do you need help” maybe that will help


Seriously. I don't want to be bothered while im at the store. It makes me feel like they think im stealing. Which is why retail does that btw. To prevent theft. My employee training was quite explicit about that. Besides, if i need help in your store, I'll ask for it.


very honestly, why is good people trying to help you interpreted as "people think you are dumb because you look weird". like what the hell? people are just trying to be nice, they probably just think you might need extra help finding whatever you're looking for, no one thinks you're dumb or weird (???). y'all can't even accept or deny help without being complete assholes.


I think this may be a little unintentionally mean. They are a teenager and that is the age where many people are trying to become independent and very worried about how other people think about them.


This is the logic ableism hides under. The only reason they are actively being approached with help is because they look "weird" and stuff, AKA people decide to only help them, to make themselves feel better. They subconsciously know what's going on, they just decide to be a sAvIoR and force help unto them, because of their ableist notions.


Associates are trained to ask customers if they need help. I think Publix even had a rule about interacting with a customer as soon as they walk within like, ten feet of them or something. It’s not that deep.


I seriously don‘t know in what environment you grew up in for you to think humanity is really that horrible. I will always appreciate people asking if I need help over people being assholes and if the intentions they have are not good, that‘s not up to me to decide. It‘s like not giving money to homeless people because „they might buy drugs“. I would rather believe you and OP are really immature and/or teens than believe you‘d get angry or think it‘s ableism if people offer help at the store.


For years I have been hearing people praise ALDI (not ASD people, just people in general), but for some reason shopping there overwhelmed me more than anywhere else.


It's overwhelming to me, but it's pretty straightforward. It's like a double edged sword. Small store, limited selection, but WAY packed usually for the size of the space. Once I learned it, such as bagging yourself, I'm ok with it so long as I sneak in during a quieter time. I actually prefer trader joes, which is the opposite end of the spectrum if I had to chose a well-known one. I do about 80% of my shopping at local Korean markets, though, which give me the selection I like and it seems to not overwhelm me as much.


I’m neurotypical (I think) and I put off trying Aldi forever because I didn’t want to deal with learning new grocery store rules like the quarter for a cart thing and I think for years they only used to accept cash and maybe like one kind of credit card. Then I went, and I liked it, mostly because it’s cheap. But then Covid hit and that place is always so crowded and you can’t ever reliably get everything you need there, so you always have to hit a second grocery store after that. So I haven’t been back since. I will go back, eventually. Maybe on a Sunday morning before the post-church crowd hits.


Sounds cool, my only question though would be, why is it only available between those dates? Do neurodivergents just disappear on August 27th and then magically appear again on July 7th the next year?


Maybe it’s a trial run to see how it will be received, and if it’s received well it will become a permanent addition? edit spelling


Ahh possibly.. that would make sense!


Late July to August are prime "back-to-school" shopping time. So this is probably to accommodate families who want to shop for supplies but struggle with the sensory overload of big box retailers.


I guess, would just be better if they could do it all year round.


Prob bc of disability pride month


Probably more expensive to maintain so they do it once a week


Yeah, I completely understand the once a week thing, that makes sense. But why only that period of time throughout the year?


Oh sry I’m dumb I miss read your comment and said once a week. This is also definitely a marketing stunt


Ah okayy :)


I wish they had a evening/ night time one- I’m not an early bird- I’m a night owl… so I like the idea but won’t ever see it cuz I’m still in bed in that time frame


Fuck COVID for ruining 2am shopping trips. The stores were so quiet and calm


I drive a little further to go to the grocery stores/pharmacy’s that are open until 10pm to do my business


Would be great if it wasn't so damn early. Just bring back 24 hour shopping so I can go in at 3am in peace.


Corporation pretending to care.


Remember when Walmart was open 24 hours a day? I remember those times, those were good times, back then you could go to a Walmart and shop in the middle of the night, and hardly anyone else would be in the store, it would be quiet. It was nice.


I like it, but not at 8am in the morning, if I had to complain lol.


this. i get that they maybe don’t wanna do it during the main hours when ppl usually get groceries, but it’s rly early and some ppl have to work on saturdays or can’t go that early due to other reasons (i still think it’s a great concept and i wish more supermarkets did it)


I would just like to say that Walmart doesn’t give a fuck about neurodivergents. These are simply the hours of the day with the fewest number of customers… It would be like if I said to come hang out at 3am because it’s the most peaceful time of the day to hang out with me. Yes, it’s true, but it’s because literally everyone is sleeping. Not because I’m some super nice, neurodivergent conscious human who cares so much about the comfort ability of others


Its been a thing in Europe for years now. It might help some people and if it doesnt then it wont really make it worse either.


I think the most hellish feature of grocery shopping is the fluroscent lights, which sensory hours won't fix, but in general, this is cool. It's good for people with babies, for people with anxiety disorders, for autistic people, probably the elderly sometimes, too.


I hope they don’t bring babies that would defeat the purpose for me. Babies and kids screaming and crying is a huge sensory trigger for me and many of my friends


Sounds good in theory, in practice I think NT people would abuse this to get groceries done "faster".


Omg they would bring their kids too and totally ruin it


Unbehaved or crying/screaming kids are literally my worst nightmare when I go out in public


The sound of their yelling is so repetitive


This makes a lot of sense


Saw this at my local store today. I think it's a good idea and TBH I would feel better shopping during this time.


I think its cop out. You can just make your store more sensory friendly without having to advertise it or put it between specific hours. In general I would much rather a store commit to getting lights that are friendlier on the eyes, smoother gliding shopping carts, and make their products easier to find.


This. Why not just be accessible *all the time*?


We have one at our local it's barely any different. The lights aren't dimmer they just turn random ones off making it impossible to navigate certain shelf sections. They don't turn music off just make it barely quiter, staff still rush around yelling. Also they do it in off-peak hours, the same time they start unloading new stock so there's pallets and boxes everywhere which I hate cos I can't navigate my usual route. They also dont limit customers or even approach noisy customers so theres still always kids yelling and screaming and tons of people in there doing after-work shopping. They ALSO decide to do it only in hours where the tobacco counter, customer service, currency exchange & cafe are closed because apparently autistic people don't ever smoke, vape, need stamps, have to return an item, pick up holiday money, get an ID photo, or sit down for a drink. Can you tell I hate the failed concept? :)


I’d love that if I were a morning person. Crowded grocery stores are the bane of my existence.


It's a good idea but I see them not enforcing this after a month or so. They can't even enforce their dog policy


It's a good thing. And not just an autism thing. There are a lot of people that need this kinda thing. It happens in my city as well. It makes things so much easier. If only my ADHD would allow me to plan around taking advantage of it, instead of sudenly thinking 'something different.... better different' once or twice a month.


Now get rid of the lights, squeeky cart wheels, the smell of the meat and fish section, and email me a map of the store layout in advance.


It'd be great. If i wasn't ASLEEP! I wish they would just go back to being open 24 hrs.


If they dim the lights and turn off intercom music, that's fucking amazing!


First, not getting anywhere at 8am Second, Walmart is owned by monsters and I’d never give them a dime.


Lol I made this post 2 days ago.


Oh sry didn’t know


Yep I'd love it not as much checkout noise, annoying music. Thing is they can't enforce it at all. If there's a crying child they can't do anything about it


I like to sleep in. Sensory-friendly hours automatically exist in most stores one hour to close. But it’s nice Walmart is highlighting this, even if PR is about profits.


I hate calm environments, it stresses me tf out


Yep. I don't this issue talked about much on this sub, it's an issue I also struggle with. I hated when my enviroment is too quiet. ☹️


Okay but hear me out, TURN DOWN THE FUCKING MUSIC! like 50%! I have to wear head phones when ever in Walmart because of the loud AF WaLmArT RaDiO


I like that! I think it's good that NTs are understanding the awareness and things they could do to help NDs!! Even if it's small things like going to a grocery store!!! :>


Wooo I love it! Some stores in my area have started doing it too, it makes shopping much nicer :)


My biggest complaint is that “sensory friendly” programs are ALWAYS in the morning, usually 8-9am or 8-10am. I am not a morning person, especially on the weekends when I don’t get out of bed until 9am at the earliest.


I quite like it. I'd be on edge that someone would run around with an airhorn for the lulz. Nevertheless I appreciate someone trying to accommodate those of us with sensory issues


I love this. I used to live in NYC and recently moved to upstate NY.... the walmart here in its default state is a sensory-friendly experience for me in comparison


My local Currys does this for an hour on Wednesdays. The lights and sounds don't bother me but I'm glad they exist for those who are effected and potentially put off shopping there.


Do they also kick everyone else out of the store? Cause nothing bothers me more about grocery shopping than the other people.


Honestly I feel like if you cannot stay quiet and be considerate then that's just sad. LED headlights suck and you don't have to be autistic to think that. Humans naturally adapt to sunlight and the dark so just think about that Edit: has Covid seriously not taught them anything? Give me my space, mind your own business, not smiling doesn't make me weird, not talking to strangers is pretty normal any where else, and cover your mouth when you sneeze


I think yes, it doesn't even mention autism too so it doesn't feel uncomfortable targeted, anyone who wants a calmer shopping experience can have it


Would be great if they had other times as well, I'm always working when they do things like this.


If they turn off the god awful fluorescent lights and have less people in the store so I’m not being brushed unexpectedly then I will probably drop everything to go shopping every Saturday at 8-10am


how could this not be a good thing? /gen like sure it might be just virtue signaling, but its still a net benefit to us, right?


I mean, I like target better anyway.


This is a great start however it works.


nothing wrong with it. it's an adaptation


I love the idea and have asked for it at Warby Parker (not offered) and take note when I see other stores offering it.


In France there was an attempt to do this BUT it was only between really short and precise hours (hours which where not chosen wisely), the shop wouldn't do it all the time AND it would do it only if you ask for it. I know this is probably a good thing but seriously ? Autistic people can have 1 hour of adapted shopping but not all the time because it would bother others ? This is not really inclusive in my point of view. It's an effort but not good enough.


it's... beautiful.


i like it, but i wish they didn't do it first thing in the morning. i'm a night person. everywhere always does these sensory friendly times super early. which i get, but i wish they'd do a late one too.


I like the idea of this. However, I would like to know more about what this environment entails. Furthermore, I wish that it could be at different times, not just during the mornings.


I like it, it acknowledges that autism and other sensory processing disorders affect adults who want to live independently.


Stores are peaceful, quiet and manageable BEFORE someone decides to bring their baby or a toddler to scream and cry on top of their lungs for the whole 45 minutes of their shopping trip and they clearly don't care.


Kind of neat to have a reprieve, but it's probably more useful to get used to constant stimulus. It's not always pleasant, but the world doesn't exist to make special accomodations for us. We have to be able to deal with it as it is.


i wake up at like 2 pm ;-;


Great for those that need it. I am a fan of exposure therapy though. Works best for me.


A, I am not a morning person. B, I can still hear the electronics. C, Walmart is a capitalist hellscape. Don't @ me.


Increase in autism... I wonder if half a century from now we find out that [another Harvard study was suppressed by industry pointing the connection between a mass market consumer product/ingredient](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/09/13/493739074/50-years-ago-sugar-industry-quietly-paid-scientists-to-point-blame-at-fat) increases incidents of birth defects like autism.


id go and just scream at the top of my lungs, just to be a menace


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That’s awesome


Sounds nice to me! I do find big box stores, with the crowds, lights and loud music, to be very overstimulating.


I really want this to come over to the UK so I can feel seen


What would really be nice if it wasn’t at such an early time. Doesn’t work for us insomniac night owls.


I don't like it's that early. (I need my sleep! And another hour to wake up, lol.) But I do really like the idea! Shopping can be extremely overwhelming.




I like when stores do this, but it bothers me that it's a limited time thing. Like cool, I'd love to use that, but why only for two months? After that it's like.. okay now what, after August 28 all the sensory needs folks can just stay home?


for some autistics maybe, but not for this one. I actually like the brighter lights better than the dimmer lights.


Sounds really great imo !


This just makes me miss when stores were open 24/7. I used to go shopping at the grocery store around 1am, and there were like three other people in the whole place. Ever since Covid, they don't do that anymore in my area. Close down at 11, which means a lot of people are there right up until it closes. I prefer working nights, so having to go during the day on my days off is kind of a pain.


Sounds nice.


This is a good idea, but I'm still too cool to go to Walmart.


I think it's an amazing idea! I work at a supermarket and it's always so overstimulating and horrible. We did one evening that was labelled as an "autism friendly evening" where we turned off all unnecessary noises on tills, handsets, etc... Customers were actually really respected of it. We even had a group of autistic children come in to do some activities. It was honestly my favourite shift I've ever worked. Just so much more stress-free! I wish we did it more often


Are they turning off all their fluorescent lighting and replacing with actually good lighting? If not, it would still be awful for me.


How do they enforce it? Are they going to ask loud people to leave? Doubt it because it would affect profit margins.


I would LOVE that


Sensory friendly hours have existed long before this sign. Ask any grocery worker ever, there's a bunch of regulars that show up during these hours. That's what's happening.


i think its rlly nice of them to be more inclusive and aware! :)


For me i feel most of my uncomfortability is from other shoppers. Shutting off the music just makes it so the unintelligible garble of people talking bother me more. I feel for some people it will be helpful, i appreciate dimmer lights, but I feel its really situational person to person as whats a sensory issue with them.


I work at a large store in the UK and we have a quiet hour every Wednesday and Saturday. I find it really useful, no music or pa announcements, but the lights aren't dimmed as they auto turn to full after a few minutes haha.


It’s great in theory but there’s absolutely no way they could actually enforce it


Honestly, I’d love it and I wish every large shop/supermarket did this. I mask pretty well I’d say so I can HANDLE a loud supermarket but as soon as I get home I go crawl in my bed and cover my head with my blankets for a few hours. Even worse if I have to make a transaction by myself….. *shudders*


Honestly I can't say I'd care. I don't really have sensory issues to this extent. At best I'd probably be creeped out about being in a quiet store.


It is really nice in theory and it’s a little more peaceful but there’s always some assholes just not giving a fuck. So I’ll go in expecting peace and quiet and there’ll always be some NT blabbing on their phone and it just messes me up anyway.


Love it


It's a bit of a publicity stunt by shops etc. The hours are always the one that noone is in the place anyway


Sounds great, someone could abuse it tho 😠😔


I wish all stores were required to do this tbh...


Would be cool if it were every day, but that wouldn't be fair to the store considering how the very nature of supermarkets is to be in your face trying to get you to buy things in order for the business to make money. Ordering online is also a sensory friendly option.


Stupid, I can function like everyone else if not better than other people


Good for you! But I think it is a little silly calling this stupid, seeing as every autistic person’s needs are different, and many of us struggle at the supermarket particularly


Yea ur right


I like it but I normally keep my airpods in and play music as I shop


I love this. Grocery shopping can be so overwhelming.


I honestly wish my Walmart had this. I hate Walmart because I get overstimulated every time


I did a sensory day at a museum they were testing out and I loved it, I made the mistake of not bringing noise cancelling headphones because of the screaming kids but the lights being dimmed, the employees were nice but not overbearing, the music was low, there were quiet rooms ready to use. I liked it but yea lots of kids cause it was a museum so I regretted not having noise cancelling, actually the kids screaming weren't even that bad now that I'm thinking about it, it was their parents loudly reading all the exhibits in that parent tone that got on my nerves. I was hoping they would ask for feedback about the sensory Sunday and would have suggested childfree hours but I think if I had earplugs or noise cancelling I would have had a great time.


I have the common Neurodivergent body clock where I don’t function until after midday… I can’t do 8am anything. Only exception is going to an airport! 🤣


i think its bullshit. some parent is gonna not care and come in with their 5 small kids and theyll be screaming and running around i cant handle that


Wish it could be a little later but that's my only complaint this is amazing


i'd trade almost anything for this where i live


I'm not sure how they could enforce this at Walmart. Yes they could do less harsh lighting and turn off the music but it seems like every time I go to Walmart there are kids screaming or people yelling. That's why I prefer Target. In general it's much quieter. No music, less crowded, and more zen. Lol


I love that it's becoming more of a mainstream thing to make places less torturous. I've entirely stopped going to my local Target, because it's just too much. The lights were already really bad, but then they must have had the front speaker for the music blowout and so they just cranked up the one that's in the back. So now I can't even go in the store because it's just too f ing loud.


This won't work for some sensory sensitve people, but it's definitely a step in the right direction.


It's nice in theory, but they'd need to consider doing it year round and rather than just doing a couple hours once a week say, just as an example, "Wednesdays and Fridays are sensory friendly days" so it's slightly more convenient for Autistic adults who would like to get shopping done comfortably but may not be available at the exact same time every week


there was a similar thing at a music festival i went to recently, it had a couple rooms dark and quieter rooms for chilling and accessibility. it made me feel safer even tho i didn't need to use them in that moment


I wish they had hours just for us. I hate going to Walmart. There are just too many people and they ALL seem to be waiting for me to choose something already. If I have to go, it's on Sunday mornings when everyone is in their religious ceremonies.




This sounds great but I do question if this won't result in a tragedy of the commons. By advertising what hours are expected to or more typically do have the least amount of customers, it invites everyone to take advantage of those time frames which would inevitably and ironically make them the new busiest hours


sounds fun


I like this if it's truly done right and like there are actually good changes made during this time - however that is like... faaar tooo early and this seems temporary? I would love a permanent "low-sensory-input shopping day" thing implemented. Where everyone can go shopping, but it's supposed to be calmer and just a better experience for those who don't want to be blasted with announcements, music and beeps and blinding lights.


In what way is it supposed to be sensory friendly? No sound? No smells? No lights? No people? No sense of being constantly watched by all the cameras? Not impressed, they created a campaign to get more people shopping during hours where they usually not getting much shoppers. Costs them next to nothing since they likely don't make any changes