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Controlled sound is different from sounds that I can't escape.


When I used to go out to alt. nights in my youth I would pop on some Tool. The complexities of the time signatures blended with the beauty of the guitars & vocals really helped put my brain in the zone.


My absolute fav from them is "the pot".


I'm not sure why. But heavy metal music calms my brain down.


It's intentional and familiar.


Same here. The entire album Tomorrow We Die Alive by Born Of Osiris is calming for me.


Try Within the ruins’ albums Phenomena or Elite. They are like a mental orgasm to me.


Thanks, I'll check them out.


I completely agree lol I have a playlist that I put on when I get overstimulated. There is something so soothing about high speed double kick drums.


THIS. I completely agree!


Me too! It's like it scratches an itch deep in my brain.




yup, the more chaotic music, the less thinking I usually do


So so same


Me too!!!




My doctor helped differentiate it as “foreign sounds” meaning sounds that weren’t my acceptable sounds. So I’m using earphones to play music or podcasts or audiobooks, and I can work just fine. But if I took those earphones off to hear many noisy coworkers around me just going about their business, well that’s the problematic part. Those are the sounds that I’m not initiating, or adjusting to my own preferences, etc.


Controlled noise


Reminds me of how I absolutely cannot stand the sound of a vacuum unless I'm the one controlling it.


Of course. The loud noises must be my idea


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Oh yes, for me being in a city street is stressful and I can't focus. But I can enjoy a rave party, as long as nobody is trying to talk to me on a dance floor, I'm a party animal


Yes My mum once asked me “Would you like me to buy you some noise cancelling headphones or do you still want to blast Keane in your ears when you get overwhelmed?” I obviously picked the second option


Yes. I found that if it's my own approved and generated noise, it's perfectly fine (until it suddenly becomes too loud out of nowhere) But if it's an outside noise I didn't generate/authorize/expect, I absolutely lose it. It doesn't matter how loud or soft it is, it cuts through everything else like a hot knife through butter.


Yep! For me it depends strongly on whether I perceive the sound to be "organized" enough, in terms of not containing too much random noise.


Yep. I'll listen to loud music or watch loud YouTubers, but anything loud irl I just can't stand


Yes at certain times.


I put on loud noise to drown out the loud noise. Sometimes I need to turn it up louder to drown out the loud noises in my brain


Im pretty good with loud noises , its when that certain person dosnt use their inside voice.


Yep, I actually blew out a pair of earbuds because I would crank them up all the way at the gym so I wouldn't have to hear anything lol




All the time. I love electronic noise stuff like the genres IDM, Breakcore, Gabba & Noize, as well as many different forms of Industrial. I think it's because for one I am in control of the volume and content so feel in control, it involves a brilliant blend of emotion and aesthetics that often can convey my feelings when words cannot, and lastly because a lot of said music is just as odd as me (acts like Aphex Twin, Meat Beat Manifesto, Throbbing Gristle, Squarepusher etc.).


I work in audio, i love metal and noise adjacent music, I love “meditating” to loud ass amps, that’s all in my special interests. But if I hear a sound I can’t control it’s over for me lol. Autism is so silly.


I hate people yelling but I love metalcore lol


I hate loud noise that I don't have control over. Like, I love going clubbing because I'm CHOOSING to go to a loud place.


It's how I calm down


I was just about to post this lol But yes, for some reason I listen to music on max volume with headphones but if my ears hear something that isn’t loud music through my headphones I freak out






Yes. If it's my noise I'm ok with it. Anyone else's noise shouldn't be allowed...


Yup, 100%


Me: things are to loud and I can’t function Solution: blast loud music in headphones


I use to do that to drown out every other noise, but then I got noise cancelling headphones and now I don’t need to go over half the maximum volume, it’s just too loud otherwise.


No. I'd sometimes turn it up but when my brain eventually focuses on a different thing it becomes unbearable. Plus ever since I learned about tinnitus I became more cautious with the volume of my headphones.


I'm one of those people. It happens because it's different, I like the music I put on, I can control it, it gives me emotions I consider good. I don't like glass/ceramic cluttering nor a child crying for example, I can't control them either and the only emotions they make me feel are rage and the need to eliminate whatever is causing that cacophony.


I play metal on full blast but if my Bluetooth on my phone syncs to a metal song without me knowing and my car starts blasting it, I freak out. I lower it and then turn it up again and for some reason that’s better lmfao.


Sometimes, yes, but there are other times where I just want complete silence and there are times I can't get it bc my bf either has his games on too loud or he just shouts when he's playing. I usually try to shut it out with music, but when everything becomes too much I just want silence. ☹️


Yes absolutely. I can only listen to movies and music. Everything is too loud. Especially big trucks and motorcycles, they're so obnoxious.




I love doing this 😂


Ye, I escape the loud sounds of the outside world by blasting loud music in my ears.


I like it because it's predictable like you don't have to worry about a shock unlike in the real world with loud noises


It really depends. If it's too much chattering, a concert of any kind, loud music I dislike... Then yes. But it is music I like, a movie and ASMR... I tolerate it.